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Skimming and scanning

Breastfeeding mums healthier in old age

2. In about 2 minutes, try to skim this 243-word text to get the main idea.

Women who breastfeed could lower their risk of having a heart attack and stroke when they
get older. They may also reduce their chances of getting diabetes and of having high blood pressure.
This is the claim of a new study from the University of Pittsburgh in America. Researchers surveyed
nearly 140,000 middle-aged mothers. They asked the women, all in their 50s, about their
breastfeeding history. They found that mothers who had breastfed for more than a year were up to
20 per cent less likely to suffer from heart attacks and strokes. The team also found that
breastfeeding for just a month benefited a mother’s long-term health. Breast milk also protects the
baby against obesity, diabetes, asthma and increases a baby’s immunity and intelligence.

Researcher Dr Eleanor Schwarz said: “Heart disease is the leading cause of death for women,
so it is vitally important for us to know what we can do to protect ourselves.” She explained her
study could encourage more mothers to breastfeed, and so keep mother and child healthier. “We've
known for years that breastfeeding is important for babies' health. Now we know that it is important
for mothers' health as well,” she said. Dr Schwartz noted that breastfeeding helped a woman’s body
to recover after giving birth. She said: "Breastfeeding is an important part of the way women's
bodies recover from pregnancy. When this process is interrupted, women are more likely to have a
number of health problems."

3. Read the True/False questions below and scan the text gain find the answers.

a. A report said older mothers have fewer heart attacks and strokes.


b. A team of researchers interviewed 140,000 women over fifty years old.

c. Mothers who breastfeed for a year can cut their risk of a heart attack.


d. Babies who are breastfed are generally more intelligent.

e. Heart disease is the biggest killer of women.


f. A researcher said people knew for years breastfeeding helps mothers.


g. Breastfeeding helps a mother’s body recover from pregnancy.


h. Mothers will have no health problems if they do not breastfeed.


Naila on the Wards


1 Read the text and answer the questions.

Do you remember Naila Maghfirah? She and her friend Jasmine are both nurses. They
work at King Fahd’s Hospital, a large teaching hospital in Jeddah. Jasmine did her
training at King Fahd’s and last year she passed her State Finals and qualified. She is an
S.R.N. she is now working as a staff nurse in a men’s medical ward.

Naila is a student nurse and is still training. Last month she worked in one of the
hospital’s surgical wards. She learned to set trolleys for sterile procedures such as
surgical dressings, intravenous infusion and catheterisation. She carried out certain
procedures herself and assisted doctors with others. She often had to go to the central
sterile supply department to fetch sterile dressing packs. Sometimes she took patients
to the x-ray department or to the occupational therapy unit.

This month Naila is working in the same ward as Jasmine. She is learning to nurse
patients suffering from diseases such as cardiac infraction, cerebral haemorrhage,
cerebral thrombosis and pneumonia. At the moment, she is helping a staff nurse to give
injections. The staff nurse is explaining to her the doses, action and side effects of the
drugs they are administering.

The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties. Some are
doing bed-baths, one is helping a patient to get out of bed, and another is taking
T.P.R.s. A doctor is doing a ward round and a physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia-
patient to do deep-breathing exercises.

1 What sort of hospital is King Fahd’s? 9 Where is Naila working this month?
2 Where did Jasmine do her training? 10 Which patients is Naila learning to
3 When did Jasmine pass her State Finals? nurse?
4 Which ward is Jasmine working in now? 11 What is the staff nurse explaining to
5 Where did Naila work last month? her?
6 Which sterile procedures did she learn to 12 What are the other nurses in the ward
set trolleys for? doing?
7 Where did she go to fetch sterile dressing 13 What is the doctor doing?
packs? 14 What is one nurse talking?
8 Where did she sometimes take patients? 15 What is the physiotherapist doing?


1. A large teaching hospital in Jeddah

2. At King Fahd’s hospital
3. Last year she passed her State Finals and qualified
4. She is now working as a staff nurse in a men’s medical ward.
5. Last month she worked in one of the hospital’s surgical wards.
6. Surgical dressings, intravenous infusion and catheterisation.
7. She often had to go to the central sterile supply department to fetch sterile dressing
8. Sometimes she took patients to the x-ray department or to the occupational therapy unit.
9. Working in the same ward as Jasmine, as a staff nurse in a men’s medical ward.
10. She is learning to nurse patients suffering from diseases such as cardiac infraction,
cerebral haemorrhage, cerebral thrombosis and pneumonia
11. The staff nurse is explaining to her the doses, action and side effects of the drugs they
are administering.
12. The other nurses in the ward are carrying out various nursing duties. Some are doing
bed-baths, one is helping a patient to get out of bed, and another is taking T.P.R.s.
13. A doctor is doing a ward round
14. -------------
15. A physiotherapist is helping a pneumonia-patient to do deep-breathing exercises.

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