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EU Digital

COVID Certificate

Certifikát EU

Surname(s) and forename(s)

Příjmení a jméno
Date of birth
Datum narození

Unique certificate identifier

Unikátní identifikátor certifikátu

Vaccination certificate
Certifikát o provedené vakcinaci
Disease or agent targeted (Cílená nemoc nebo agens)
COVID-19 (SNOMED CT 840539006)
Vaccine/prophylaxis (Vakcína/Profylaxe)
Antigenní vakcína proti onemocnění COVID-19
CZECH REPUBLIC Vaccine product containing only Severe acute
respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antigen (medicinal
product)(SNOMED CT 1119305005)
Vaccine medicinal product (Vakcína)
COVID-19 Vaccine Janssen
Vaccine marketing authorisation
holder or manufacturer
(Výrobce nebo držitel rozhodnutí o registraci vakcíny)
Janssen-Cilag International
This certificate is not a travel document. The scientific evidence Number in a series of vaccinations/doses and
on COVID-19 vaccination, testing and recovery continues to the overall number of doses in the series
evolve, also in view of new variants of concern of the virus. (Pořadové číslo dávky/počet dávek)
Before traveling, please check the applicable public health 1/1
measures and related restrictions applied at the point of
Date of vaccination (Datum vakcinace)
destination. 2021-11-09
Relevant information can be found here: Member State of vaccination (Členský stát) CZ
Certificate issuer (Vydavatel certifikátu)
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic / Ministerstvo
zdravotnictví České republiky

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