Well-Control Operations in Horizontal Wells: O.L.A. Santos

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Well-Control Operations

in Horizontal Wells
O.L.A. Santos, SPE, Petrobras

Summary. This paper analyzes well control for horizontal wells. It presents a computer model for predicting the pressure behavior
in a horizontal well during gas-kick removal and analyzes the simulation results for several field conditions. The paper also analyzes
the drillpipe-pressure schedule, the kick-tolerance concept, and the swabbing effect during tripping out of the hole.

Horizontal drilling has quickly become one of the most successful concentration distribution inside the wellbore, liquid holdup, and
technologies of the oil industry. During the past 5 years, this tech- two-phase friction factor.
nology has proved to be an efficient means to improve production The gas solubility in the liquid phase and the liquid compressi-
rates and recoveries. bility are considered to be negligible. The concentric annulus ge-
The importance of this technology is also confirmed by the large ometry is assumed to be constant along the wellbore path. The
number of papers recently published on this topic. Although these displacing fluid has the same density as the drilling fluid originally
papers discuss several aspects of horizontal drilling, one topic re- in the well (driller's method). A constant temperature gradient is
mains unexplored: well-control operations. This paper investigates used.
the important aspects of well control for horizontal drilling. Fig. 2a shows the wellbore situation just after well closure. Two
The first part of this paper describes a computational procedure regions are seen: a single-phase region that contains uncontami-
to predict the pressure behavior in the annulus during a gas-kick nated mud (Region 1), and a two-phase region filled with a mix-
circulation out of the well. The second part presents another com- ture of gas and mud (Region 2). Fig. 2b shows the wellbore situation
putational procedure for establishing the drillpipe-pressure sched- for a certain moment of gas-kick displacement. Three regions now
ule to be followed by the rig personnel during the displacement of exist: (1) a single-phase region where the displacing drilling fluid
the old mud by the kill mud. The third part discusses kick toler- flows behind the gas zone under steady-state conditions (Region
ance and its applications in horizontal wells. Finally, the paper 3); (2) a two-phase region where the two-phase mixture flows un-
presents a simplified theory for the swabbing effect during trip- der unsteady-state conditions (Region 2); and (3) a single-phase
ping out of the hole and demonstrates the hazards of taking a kick region where the drilling fluid flows ahead of the gas-kick zone,
during this operation. which is accelerated by gas expansion as it moves toward the sur-
face (Region 1).
Horizontal Wells The bottomhole pressure (BHP) is a boundary condition with the
same value as the pressure of the reservoir that generated the gas
Fig. 1 shows the geometry of the example horizontal well. The well
influx. It is assumed to be constant during gas displacement. The
comprises three sections: the vertical, buildup, and horizontal sec-
initial gas concentration distribution (see Fig. 2a) is specified by
tions. The radius of curvature, r, of the 90° arc of circle is defined
the user.
by the buildup rate, Rbu:
r=5729.58IR bu · ................................... (1) Calculation Procedure. The pressure drop across Region 3 is given
The length of the buildup section, L bu , can be calculated by the
following equation: J.P3=ghydraLy+gfrieLm, ............................ (3)
Lbu = 1.5708r. . ................................... (2)
where the subscripts hydro = hydrostatic and fric=frictional. The
In Fig. 1, the true vertical depth (TVD) is the sum of the vertical power-law rheological model! was used to calculate g frie' For this
section length and the radius of curvature, and the total measured calculation, the drilling-fluid velocity is determined by dividing the
depth (MD) is the sum of the vertical, buildup, and horizontal drilling-fluid flow rate by the annulus cross-sectional area. The pres-
lengths. MD's can easily be converted to vertical depths, or vice sure drop across Region 1 is calculated by
versa, with simple trigonometric relationships.
J.p] =ghydroLy +(gfrie +gaee)L m , ..................... (4)
Mathematical Model for the Annular Space
where gaee' the acceleration gradient, is calculated by
This section describes a numerical procedure for modeling the pres-
sure behavior inside the annular space of a horizontal well during gaee = (0.00 I 6)(PL) [(vic -vlp)/J.t], .................... (5)
gas-kick removal. With this numerical procedure in a FORTRAN
computer program, it was possible to simulate many field condi- where Vic and Vip are the velocities of the two-phase mixture at the
tions where pertinent drilling variables were varied to analyze their leading boundary at the current and previous timesteps, respe«tively.
effects on pressure behavior. Later in this section, the results of vic is also used in Eq. 4 to calculate g fric' J.t is the timestep size.
the simulations are analyzed and discussed. The calculation of the pressure drop across Region 2, which is
more laborious, includes the solution of a system of three partial
Assumptions and Considerations. Previous studies have shown differential equations, an equation of state (BOS) for the gaseous
that if the gas-kick region is considered to be a plug or a single phase, and a two-phase-flow empirical correlation.
bubble, then predicted wellbore pressures will be unrealistically The continuity equation for the liquid phase is
high. More realistic results are obtained when the gas-kick region
is modeled by a two-phase zone. This study assumes that the gas- (oylot) + [o(yvL)/ox] =0 ............................. (6)
kick zone is a two-phase mixture of gas and water-based mud flow-
ing under unsteady-state conditions. This region was modeled by The continuity equation for the gaseous phase is
the Beggs-Brill correlation that accounts for important two-phase
flow characteristics, such as gas slip velocity, gas channeling, gas o[(1-y)p g] o[(I-y)vgPg]
----"-+ =0 ...................... (7)
Copyright 1991 Society of Petroleum Engineers at ox

SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991 III




a b

Fig. 1-Geometry of a horizontal well. Fig. 2-Reglons used In annulus mathematical model.

The momentum-balance equation for a two-phase mixture is For the continuity equation for the gaseous phase,
(l-Fw){[vg(l-y)pgh -[vg(l-y)pg]d +Fw{[vg(l-Y)P g]4
- [vg<l-Y)P gh} +(axI2.:it){[(I-y)p gh +[(I-Y)P g]4
-[(l-y)pgh - [(I-Y)P gh} =0 .................. (12)
For the momentum-balance equation for the two-phase mixture,
(0.OOI6/2ax){[vl(1-y)p gh + [vl(l-Y)P g]4
gfrie is calculated with the Beggs-Brill2 correlation for two-phase -[vl(1-y)p gh -[vl(l-y)pgh +(vL 2YPLh
flow. For this calculation, the drilling-fluid viscosity is assumed +(vL 2YPL )4 -(vL 2yPL ) 1 -(VL 2YPL h}
to be the mud plastic viscosity. The hydrostatic gradient is given by
+ (0.001 6/2.:it){[Vg (1-y)p gh +[vg (1-Y)Pg]4
ghydro =0.052[YPL +(I-y)P g] cos a . .................. (9)
-[vg(l-Y)Pgh -[vg (1-y)p gh + (vLYPLh + (vLYPL)4
The EOS for the gaseous phase is
-(VLYPLh -(VLYPLh} + [(P3 -P4)/ax]
Pg =0.361'YgpiTZ. ................................ (10) +0.25(gl +g2+g3+g4)fric
The liquid holdup, y, can be determined with the Beggs-Brill cor- +0.25(gl +g2 +g3 +g4)hydro=0, ................ (13)
relation. In this empirical correlation, Y is a function of the well-
bore drift angle, the fluid velocity, the conduit geometry, and such where F w = time weighting factor for the continuity equations. For
properties as density, viscosity, and surface tension. fully implicit approximations, F w = 1.0. For centered-in-time ap-
This system of equations constitutes a nonlinear system with five proximations, F w =0.5. The fully implicit formulation (Fw = 1.0)
dependent unknowns: pressure, gas and liquid velocities, gas den- was used in this paper because it yielded more stable solutions. For
sity, and liquid holdup. With solution of this system, all five de- the momentum-balance equation, centered-in-time and centered-in-
pendent variables are known as functions of time and position along distance approximations were used. ax is the cell length (user spec-
the wellbore; however, solution of this set of equations is not sim- ified). All cells have the same length, except for the deepest cell,
ple. Analytical solutions are not available, and numerical solutions which is shorter (as will be shown later) . .:it is the timestep size.
require iterative processes. Because of the nonlinear nature of the flow equations, solution
~arti~ differential equations can be solved numerically by the
of the. system requires use of an iterative process. The following
firute-<iIfferences method, which consists. of dividing the two-phase stepWIse procedure can be used to solve the system.
region into cells and solving the finite-difference approximations 1. Estimate the pressure at Point 4, P4'
for the flow equations at their boundaries. This numerical proce- 2. Use P4 to calculate gas density, Pg4 (Eq. 10).
dure has been used by several investigators 3- 5 for vertical wells. 3. Estimate liquid holdup at Point 4, Y4'
This method was modified here for use on horizontal wells. 4. Calculate the liquid and gas velocities with Eqs. 11 and 12,
Fig. 3 illustrates the finite-differences scheine for a single cell respectively.
of the annulus. Point 1 represents the flow properties (gas and liq- . 5 .. With the gas and liquid properties, gas and liquid velocities,
uid v~locities, liquid holdup, pressure, and gas density) at the previ- liqUId holdup from Step 3, and wellbore drift angle, use the Beggs-
ous tunestep at the upstream boundary. Point 2 refers to the flow Brill correlation to calculate Y4' Compare this value and the esti-
mated value from Step 3. If they are sufficiently close, go to Step
pr~perties at the previous timestep at the downstream boundary.
6. If not, re-estimate Y4 and repeat the process from Step 3 until
Pomt 3 represents the flow properties at the current or new timestep
convergence on liquid holdup is reached.
at the upstream boundary. The flow properties are known at Points
6. Calculate P4 with Eq. 13. Compare this value and the esti-
1,2, and 3. The finite-difference approximations are used to com-
mated value from Step 1. If they are sufficiently close, stop the
pute the flow properties at Point 4. The following finite-difference
process. If not, re-estimate pressure and repeat the process from
approximations were used for the flow equations in this paper.
Step 1 until convergence on pressure is reached.
For the continuity equation for the liquid phase,
The procedure is repeated for the adjacent downstream cell (the
(l-Fw)[(vLY)z -(vLy)d+Fw[(vLY)4 -(vLYh] calculated flow properties at Point 4 of the previous cell are re-
placed with the flow properties at Point 3). The calculations pro-
+(axl2.:it)(Y3 +Y4 -Yl -Y2 =0 ................... (11) ceed until the flow properties at all cell boundaries are determined.

112 SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991

------t> ~

...J 0

...J ...J
Z .!. W
ii: REGION 1
x ii: I- W x
<l (f) I- W
(f) (f) :::!: <l
::> en =>
:2: ...J i=
::> ...J r= ::>
z -.J
...J I-
z ...J
~ 0 !;i <t SHOE
I------ - 8 0 - I---



Fig. 3-Flnlte-dlfference scheme for annulus cell. Fig. 4-Sltuatlon of flow regions at certain displacement time.

The total pressure drop across Region 2, /lp2' is the difference be- 5. Find the choke pressure by subtracting the sum of the pres-
tween the pressures at the trailing and leading boundaries of the sure losses from the BHP.
two-phase region. At this point, two important aspects should be noted: (1) the length
of Region 2 increases as it moves toward the surface because the
Global Calculation Procedure. A global calculation procedure was leading edge moves faster than the trailing edge; consequently, the
developed to determine the pressure behavior at any point of the number of cells also increases in that region; and (2) because the
annulus as a function of time. Fig. 4 shows that for a given time, trailing edge of the two-phase region does not coincide with a cell
this procedure basically computes the pressure losses (as described boundary (see Fig. 4), the length of the deepest cell is shorter than
earlier) up to the point of interest and subtracts them from the BHP. those of the others.
A timestep is taken, and the pressure calculations are repeated for
this new time. The calculations proceed until the gas kick is circu- Simulation Results. This numerical procedure was used in a FOR-
lated out from the wellbore. Thus, a pressure curve at the point TRAN computer program to simulate the pressure behavior inside
of interest is generated as a function of time. These points of in- a horizontal well during gas-kick removal. The simulations have
terest normally are the surface (choke) and the casing shoe. been useful in determining the main differences between well-control
The following stepwise procedure can be used to calculate the operations for horizontal and vertical wells and in studying the ef-
choke pressure behavior. fects of drilling variables on pressure behavior.
1. Calculate the timestep size by dividing the cell length by the Fig. 5 compares the choke pressures of a typical horizontal well
gas velocity, vg 4, at the leading edge of the two-phase region. Find (its characteristics are listed in Table 1) with those of two vertical
the leading-edge position of the two-phase region. Determine the wells. One vertical well has the same TVD as the horizontal well
current time by adding the timestep size to the previous time. (i.e., 3,246 ft) and a shut-in casing pressure (SICP) of 330 psi.
2. Determine the trailing-edge position ofthe two-phase region. The other vertical well has the same total MD as the horizontal
Multiply the drilling-fluid velocity in Region 3 by the timestep size one (i.e., 5,400 ft) and an SICP of 320 psi. The other well charac-
to fmd the trailing-edge advance in this timestep. Subtract this value teristics are similar to those listed in Table 1.
from the trailing-edge position for the old time to find its new po- Note that for horizontal wells, the shut-in drillpipe pressure
sition. With this position and mud velocity, calculate the pressure (SIDPP) is equal to the SICP, if the gas remains in the horizontal
drop across Region 3 with Eq. 3. section during the pressure readings. For the horizontal well situa-
3. Find the pressure drop across Region 2 with the calculation tion, both shut-in pressures were 200 psi. For the two vertical wells,
procedure just presented for that region. the SICP's were 330 and 320 psi and the SIDPP's were both 200
4. Determine the mud velocity in Region I, which is equal to psi. Note also in Fig. 5 that for the horizontal well, the choke pres-
the mixture velocity, vM4' at the leading edge of Region 2. sure remained almost constant at a value close to SICP for a period
longer than those for vertical wells.
VM4 =vW4 +v g4(I-Y4)' .......................... (14)
Fig. 6 shows the pressure curves at the casing shoe (at 2,100
Use Eq. 4 to find the pressure drop across Region 1. ft) for three wells. Note that the horizontal well yielded the lowest

800.-------------------.------------------. 1400.------------------,------------------~
.........., HORIZONTAL

~600+---------------~~~----------------~ W1300~~~--------~--~------------------~
w :J
rY V1
:J V1
W400+-----~~~~~----~--~~----------~ Q.1200+---~c.~--------_1~----------------~
rY w
Q. o
w :r:
3200t-mm~__=-----------~RR~~~r-~~~~ ~1100+-------~~~~~~~~~~~~------~

40 80 40 80

Fig. 5-Choke pressure for typical horizontal well and two ver- Fig. 6-Caslng-shoe pressure for typical horizontal well and
tical wells. two vertical wells.

SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991 113


TVD, ft 3,246
Total MD, ft 5,400
Casing-shoe depth, ft 2,100
Horizontal-section length, ft 1,500 W400T--------.r--H~~--~._~----------~
Buildup rate, degrees/100 ft 5 ::>
Wellbore diameter, in. 8.5 (f)

Drillstring 00, in. w

5 0::
Mud density, Ibm/gal 9
Flow behavior index 0.9 w
6200;.. .~~~~-r--------~_i~~~----__l
Consistency index, Ibf-sec n /ft2 0.0003 I
Plastic viscosity, cp 15 u
Surface tension, dynes/cm 70 '*""'" HOR. LENGTH = 1500 FT.
Gas density, Ibm/gal 0.7 ~ HOR LENGTH = 2700 FT

Mud flow rate (for kick dispersion), gal/min 150

SIDPP,psi 200 0+0~~~~~nT4HO~~~~~~8~0~~~~~~,2C
Pit gain, bbl 15.5
Initial gas fraction, % 75
Cell length, ft 150 Fig. 7-Effect of horizontal-section length on choke pressure.

casing-shoe pressure. For the simulated conditions, it can be con- Another variable that affected choke-pressure behavior was the
cluded that for the underground fracturing at casing-shoe standpoint, mud density at the time of gas influx. Fig. 12 compares two wells
horizontal-well conditions are the least severe. with different mud densities. For both wells, the formation pres-
Figs. 7 through 12 show the effects of different drilling varia- sure was 1,900 psi. In one situation, the mud density was 10 Ibm/gal
bles on the pressure behavior. Fig. 7 shows the effect of horizontal- and the pressure differential (formation -wellbore) was 380 psi.
section length on the choke pressure. It compares a typical well, In the other case, the mud density was 9 Ibm/gal and the pressure
which has a horizontal section of 1,500 ft, with a well with a 2, 700-ft differential was 210 psi. As can be seen, larger pressure differen-
horizontal section. All other characteristics are identical on both tials at the time of the gas kick result in higher choke pressures.
wells. The horizontal-section length has little effect on the choke-
pressure behavior. Mathematical Model for the Drlll.tring
Fig. 8 shows the effect of buildup rate on choke pressure. Two
This section presents a simpler mathematical model for calculat-
wells, one with a buildup rate of Is o /100ft and casing shoe at 2,864
ing the drillpipe-pressure schedule while kill mud is pumped to the
ft and another with a buildup rate of 30.5° /100 ft and casing shoe
at 3,054 ft, were compared with a typical well. According to the
Fig. 13 is a schematic of the drillstring conditions for a certain
simulations, buildup rate has little effect on the pressure behavior
pumping time. It is useful in the derivation of a mathematical ex-
inside the wellbore.
pression for the drillpipe pressure, Pdp' as a function of pumping
Fig. 9 shows the choke pressure behavior for a well with an an-
nulus cross-sectional area smaller than that of the typical well. The
wellbore diameter was 4.887 in. and the drillstring 00 was 2.875
Pdp =Pbh -Pbit - ghydro,aLvo +gfric,aLmo -ghydro,tLVk
in. As expected, the smaller geometry yielded a lower displace-
ment time and a higher choke pressure. Thus, washouts increase +gfric,kLmk' .................................. (15)
displacement time and decrease choke pressure.
Fig. 10 shows the choke-pressure response to different displace- where the subscripts 0 and k refer to the old and kill muds, respec-
ment flow rates. Higher flow rates increase the choke pressure and tively. P bh is the BHP, which is constant and equal to the pressure
decrease the displacement time. Both effects are moderate. of the formation that generated the kick. Pbit is calculated with the
Fig. 11 shows the effect of the kick size on the choke pressure. following expression 1 :
As expected, bigger kicks cause higher choke pressures. The kick
size showed a major effect on the choke-pressure magnitude. Pbit=( PLq 2/IO,859A2) . ........................... (16)

600.---------,-------_.---------,--------, 800,--------,,--------.--------,---------.


~500+_--------r_--~~HIT~------~------~ ......... WELL ORE OF 4.887 I
Vi (f)
CL ~600+---~~r-r--------+--------~------~

w400+_--------r_~~--_+~~~--~------~ w
0:: 0::
::> ::>
(f) (f)
~300~------~~~----_+----~~~------~ ~400T---~---Tr---~---+----~--~------~
W w
6200~~~jF~r-------_t--------~~~. .~ ~
u ~200ts~mm~~R_------_t--------_r--~~__1

20 40 60 80 20 40 60 80

Fig. 8-Effect of buildup rate on choke pressure. Fig. 9-Effect of wellbore geometry on choke pressure.

114 SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991

6oo.---------.--------.---------,--------, 700
,........, MUD FLOW RATE = 150 GPM
~5004-------~~----~~~~M~U~D~F~L~OW~R~~~E~=~19~0~G~P~M~~ 600

Vi Vi
~ (L
w4004_----~~~~~--_4--------~--------~ w
a::: ~
(!) ~ 400
~ ~
(L (L 300

§! 200

O~~~~~~~~~~~mm~~~~~~~ 0
o 40 80 120 160 0 20 40 60 80

Fig. 10-Effect of mud flow rate on choke pressure. Fig. 11-Effect of kick size on choke pressure.

The position of the interface between muds can easily be found where Pfrac = fracture equivalent density. For a horizontal well, the
by mUltiplying the mud velocity inside the drillpipe by the pump- gas-kick vertical length is practically zero if the gas kick remains
ing time. in the horizontal section of the wellbore. Consequently, the sec-
This method was also used in a computer program. Fig. 14 shows ond term of the right side of Eq. 17 vanishes. Thus, the kick-
the computer simulation results for the horizontal well described tolerance equation yields greater values for horizontal wells than
in Table 2. The figure shows pumping pressure as a function of for vertical wells. This implies that horizontal wells have a greater
pumping time (drillpipe-pressure schedule), and compares this ability (tolerance) to take a kick safely without fracturing the weakest
horizontal well with a vertical well with the same MD (6,300 ft). formation at the moment of the well closure.
It is easy to recognize that well-c;ontrol operations are harder to
implement on horizontal wells. For vertical wells, the calculations Swabbing. Tripping out of the hole is more critical in horizontal
are very simple because the drillpipe-pressure schedule is a straight wells than in vertical wells because the pore or formation pressure
line. For horizontal wells, however, the drillpipe-pressure sched- does not change over the length of the horizontal section. During
ule is a computer-generated curve because hand calculations are tripping out of the hole, however, the pressure drop caused by swab-
lengthy and tedious. Note that the drillpipe curve for a horizontal
bing is a function of the measured length of the drillstring.
well has a minimum value before the kill mud reaches the drill bit.
To demonstrate numerically the effect of swabbing on a horizontal
well, a steady-state approximation for the pressure drop caused by
Other Considerations
the swabbing action was used.
This section presents two important aspects of well control in
horizontal wells.

Kick Tolerance. Kick tolerance for a gas-kick containment after

the well closure is the difference between the maximum allowable
formation pressure (in terms of equivalent density) against which where vout =drillpipe withdrawal velocity. This equation was used
the well could be closed without fracturing the weakest formation for the conditions listed in Table 3. Table 4 and Fig. 15 show the
and the mud density in use. The mathematical expression for the calculation results for the BHP as a function of horizontal section
kick tolerance for containment in a vertical well is length. Fig. 15 also shows the pore pressure at TVD. It can be seen
in Fig. 15 that for wells with horizontal-section lengths greater than
about 2,100 ft, the formation would produce when pulling of the
drillstring from the bottom of the hole begins.

..........., MUD DENSITY = 10 LB/GAL

~500+---------~~--F--+--~---4~------~ MEASURED LENGTH
~ ...J
(L400~~~~~t_~F---~------~_r--~~~ LENGTH
w ~
20 40 60 80

Fig. 12-Effect of pressure differential on choke pressure. Fig. 13-Schematlc of drlllstring model.

SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991 115

900 1940-:r-----,-----y-----,------,


--... VERTICALWELL 1920~

1900 .i-----l---=::"."."-----··+--~F=O=fS±~A"""TI""O.,.,N---I
~ 700
/'-.. I Vi
~ -......-. PREc SURE

~ ~ I
w W ""'-
IX CS 18BO~---_+----t__.::::,.,.,,~--I-----I
<..? 600
z .".
g: 1860.i------I-----+-----I-....:::,."<:~:----I
::;; i
CL 500 1840.}.-----+----+-----I-----I
o 10 20
, 1000 2000 3000 4000

Fig. 14-Slmulatlon results for drlllstring model. Fig. 15-Swabblng effect on BHP In a horizontal well.

Conclusions Nomenclature
1. For horizontal wells, SIDPP and SICP are roughly equal. Fur- A = bit jet area, in. 2 [cm 2]
thermore, it was found that the choke pressure in horizontal wells d = diameter, in. [cm]
remains constant and at a value close to SICP for a longer period Ds = casing-shoe depth, ft [m]
than it does in vertical wells during kick circulation. Also, the simu- D Vt = TVD, ft [m]
lations showed that pressures at casing shoe in horizontal wells are F w = weighting factor
lower than those in vertical wells. g = pressure gradient, psi/ft [kPalm]
2. The length of the horizontal section and the buildup rate have K = kick tolerance, lbm/gal [kg/m3]
minor effects on the pressure behavior inside horizontal wells. The Lbu = buildup length, ft [m]
wellbore geometry and the mud flow rate have moderate effects, Lds = drillstring length, ft [m]
and the kick size and the pressure differential have major effects. Lm = measured length, ft [m]
3. Well-control operations are harder to implement for horizon- Lv = vertical length, ft [m]
tal wells because of the complicated shape of the drillpipe pressure p = pressure, psi [kPa]
as a function of time. For vertical wells, this function is a straight !:.p = pressure drop, psi [kPa]
line. q = mud flow rate, gal/min [m 3 /min]
4. Horizontal wells have a greater tolerance than vertical wells
r = radius of curvature, ft [m]
to take a-kick without fracturing the weakest formation at the mo-
Rbu = buildup rate, degreesllOO ft [rad/m]
ment of well closure.
f = time, seconds
5. Tripping out of the hole is more critical in horizontal wells
flf = timestep size, seconds
than in vertical wells.
T = temperature, OF [0C]
v = velocity, ft/sec [m/s]
TABLE 2-TYPICAL HORIZONTAL WELL x = position, ft [m]
y = liquid holdup
Y = yield point, Ibf/l00 ft2
TVD,ft 3,146
Z = compressibility factor, dimensionless
Total MD, ft 6,300
Horizontal-section length, ft 2,500 a = drift angle, degr~s
Buildup rate, degrees/100 ft 5 'Y g = gas specific gravity
Drillstring ID, in. 3.826 po = plastic viscosity, cp [Pa' s]
Mud density, Ibm/gal 10 p = density, lbm/gal [kg/m3]
Flow behavior index 0.9
Consistency index, Ibf-sec n /ft2 0.0002
Mud flow rate, gal/min 200 Subscripts
Area of bit nozzles, in.2 0.2784 bh = bottomhole
SIDPP, psi 300 c = current
dp = drillpipe



Drillstring OD, in. 5 Horizontal

Well bore diameter, in. 8.5 Section MD Ap BHP
Withdrawal velocity, ftlsec 2
Plastic viscosity, cp 40
(ft) ~ (psi) (psi)
Yield point, Ibf/100 ft2 0 5,000 104.1 1,929.8
Vertical-section length, ft 3,200 1,000 6,000 124.9 1,909.0
Buildup-section length, ft 1,800 2,000 7,000 145.7 1,888.2
TVD,ft 4,346 3,000 8.000 166.6 1,867.3
Mud density, Ibm/gal 9.0 4,000 9,000 187.4 1,846.5
Formation equivalent density, Ibm/gal 8.35

116 SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991

g= gas Author
k= kill
kc = kiek Otto Lulz A. Sant08 Is head of
1= leading Petrobr8s Training Center's drilling see-
L= liquid tlon In Brazil. He holds a BS degree In
M= mixture civil engineering from Bahia Federal U.,
and an MS degree from the Colorado
0= old
School of Mines and a PhD degree from
p= pressure Louisiana State U., both In petroleum en-
w= wellbore gineering.

I thank Petr6leo Brasileiro S.A.-Petrobnis for permission to pub-
lish this paper.

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3. Nickens, H.Y.: "A Dynamic Computer Model of a Kicking Well," in. x 2.54* E+OO em
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m. em 2
SPEDE (June 1987) 159-73; Trans., AIME, 283. 6.4516* E+OO
4. Starrett, M.P., Hill, A.D., and Sepehmoori, K.: "A Shallow-Gas-Kick lbf x 4.448222 E+OO N
Simulator Including Diverter Performance," SPEDE (March 1990) Ibm/gal x 1.198264 E+02 kg/m3
79-85. psi x 6.894757 E+OO kPa
5. Santos, O.L.: "A Dynamic Model of Diverter Operations for Handling
Shallow Gas Hazard in Oil and Gas Exploratory Drilling, " PhD disser-
tation, Louisiana State U., Baton Rouge (1989). 'Conversion factor is exact. SPEDE
Original SPE manuscript received for review Oct. t4, 1990. Paper accepted for publica·
51 Metric Conversion Factors tion AprilS, 1991. Revised manuscript received March 25,1991. Paper (SPE 21105) first
presented at the 1990 SPE Latin American Petroleum Engineering Conference held In Rio
bbl x 1.589873 E-Ol de Janeiro, Oct. 14-19.

SPE Drilling Engineering, June 1991 117

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