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Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

Subject – SEED (IMP Questions) Diploma (Mech) Semester - 5

 A – Introduction to Self-Employment:
1. Write full form of NAREGA(S-2017, 2 marks)

 B – Concept and characteristics of self-employment:

2. Define Self-employment. (W-2018, 2 marks) (W-2017, 2 marks) (S-2018, 2 marks)

3. Write at least six main characteristics of self-employment. (S-2018, 3 marks)

 C – Need for Self-Employment in Indian Job Market:

4. Critically discuss the need for self-employment in Indian job market. (W-2018, 3 marks) OR Explain
in brief the need of self-employment. (W-2017, 3 marks)

 D – Areas of Self-Employment in Mechanical Engineering field:

 E – Broader Areas of Identification of Self-Employment in Mechanical

5. List Six Broader area of identification of self-employment in Mechanical engineering. (S-2018, 3 marks)

 F – Evaluation of Self-Employment as in Economic Activity:

6. List four advantages of self-employment. (S-2019, 2 marks) OR State the advantages of self-
employment. (S-2018, 3 marks)
7. State advantages and limitations of Self-employment. (W-2018, 3 marks) OR State few advantages
and disadvantages of self-employment(W-2017, 3 marks)


 A – Introduction to Creativity:
1. Define Innovativeness and Creativity. (Innovativeness is in Topic D) (W-2018, 2 marks)

2. State the concept of creativity. (S-2019, 2 marks)

3. State characteristics of Creativity. (W-2019, 3 marks)

 B – Examples related to applications of creativity and innovativeness in

Mechanical Engineering:
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

4. How creativity is used in mechanical engineering. (W-2018, 4 marks)

 C – Ways to develop creativity:

 D – Concept of Innovativeness:
5. Define Innovativeness. (W-2019, 2 marks) OR Define innovativeness (W-2017, 2 marks) OR Define ”
INNOVATIVENESS”. (S-2018, 2 marks)

 E – Ways to develop Innovativeness:

6. What is innovativeness and explain ways to develop it. (S-2017, 4 marks)
7. Describe ways to develop Innovativeness. (W-2019, 3 marks)

 A – Introduction to entrepreneurship development:
1. Explain entrepreneurship development in brief. (S-2019, 4 marks)

 B – Concept and characteristics of entrepreneurship development:

2. State meaning of Entrepreneur. (W-2019, 2 marks) OR Define the term “Entrepreneur”. (S-2019, 2

3. Define the term ‘Entrepreneurship’ and give its characteristics. (S-2018, 4 marks)

4. State the difference between entrepreneur and technocrat. (W-2017, 3 marks)

 C – Need for entrepreneurship development:

5. Explain need for Entrepreneurship Development. (W-2019, 3 marks)
6. Give definitions of entrepreneurship and benefits of it. (S-2017, 4 marks)

 D – Scope in local and global market:

 E – Qualities of an entrepreneur:
7. State qualities of Entrepreneur. (W-2019, 3 marks) OR Write short note on “Qualities of entrepreneur”.
(W-2018, 4 marks) OR State the qualities of an entrepreneur. (W-2017, 4 marks) OR Write in brief
qualities of an entrepreneur. (S-2019, 3 marks) OR Write short note on “Qualities of entrepreneur”. (S-
2017, 3 marks)

 F – Specific qualities of a diploma holder as self-employer:

8. List special qualities of diploma holder as a self-employer. (S-2018, 4 marks)

9. State the reasons for conflicts. (W-2017, 2 marks) (S-2019, 2 marks)

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10. State the methods of conflict resolution(W-2017, 3 marks)

11. Explain Work Ethics. (W-2019, 4 marks)

12. Classify the ethics and explain any two types of ethics(W-2017, 4 marks)
13. Explain work ethics. (S-2019, 3 marks)

CH 4 – Concept of Productivity, Quality, Cost Consciousness, Customer

Satisfaction and their importance:
 A – Introduction

 B – Productivity and its importance

1. Explain Productivity. (W-2019, 4 marks)
2. Productivity is the ratio of output to ___________. (S-2017, 2 marks)
3. Explain concept of productivity with any two examples. (S-2017, 4 marks)
4. Define productivity and explain its importance. (W-2017, 3 marks)
5. Explain the term production and productivity. (S-2019, 2 marks)
6. What is productivity? Discuss factors affecting productivity. (W-2018, 3 marks) (S-2017, 3 marks)
7. State at least four factors affecting productivity. (S-2018, 2 marks)

 C – Quality and its importance

8. What is Quality? Why it is important for any business enterprise? (S-2017, 3 marks)

 D – Cost Consciousness and its importance

 E – Customer Satisfaction and its importance

9. Define customer satisfaction. Explain its importance in business success. (W-2018, 3 marks)
10. Explain the importance of customer satisfaction(W-2017, 4 marks)
11. Define the customer satisfaction. (S-2019, 2 marks)
12. How customer satisfaction is important in any business enterprise-discuss it. (S-2017, 3 marks)

 A – Introduction
1. Enlist types of Enterprises. (W-2018, 2 marks)
2. State the various types of enterprises. (W-2017, 2 marks)
3. Explain any two types of enterprise(W-2017, 3 marks)
4. Write different types of the Enterprise. (S-2018, 2 marks)
5. Classify the forms of business organization. (S-2019, 2 marks)

 B – Sole Proprietorship
6. Define (i) Sole proprietorship (ii) Partnership (See C) (iii) Company (S-2018, 3 marks)
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 C – Partnership Firm
7. Explain Partnership Firm. (W-2019, 3 marks)

 D – Joint Stock Company

8. Explain joint stock Company in detail. (W-2018, 4 marks)
9. Explain in brief joint stock company (W-2017, 4 marks)

 E – Co-operative Societies
10. Define “Co-operative society”. (S-2018, 2 marks)
11. Write short note on co-operative society (S-2017, 4 marks)

 F – Comparative Analysis of different forms of business enterprises

 G – Choice of the suitable form of business enterprise

12. Explain factors affecting the selection of form of the enterprise. (S-2018, 4 marks)

 A – Introduction

 B – Definition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)

1. Define Micro, Small and Medium enterprises. (S-2019, 2 marks)
2. Define Micro, Small and Medium industries. (S-2018, 2 marks)
3. Give definition of micro, small and medium enterprise. (S-2017, 4 marks)

4. Explain MSME. (W-2019, 4 marks)

5. Explain about Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. (W-2018, 4 marks)

6. “MSMEs are the backbone of economic development. Discuss the statement. (W-2019, 3 marks)
7. Explain in brief Importance of MSMEs in India. (S-2018, 4 marks)

 C – Registration process of enterprise with Government agencies

8. State registration process for new Enterprise. (W-2019, 4 marks)
9. Write the registration process of MSME. (W-2017, 4 marks)

10. Explain advantages of registration under MSME. (W-2018, 4 marks)

 D – Name, type and role of State and National level support agencies for:
11. Name the four institute which help MSME units. (W-2017, 2 marks)
12. List any four financial support agencies. (W-2019, 2 marks)
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

13. Write full form of MSME and EDI. (W-2018, 2 marks)

Ans. MSME - Micro, Small and Medium enterprises
EDI - Entrepreneurial Development Institute
14. Write the full form of (i) MSME (ii) VAT (iii) GITCO (iv) NSIC (W-2017, 2 marks)
Ans. MSME – Micro, Small and Medium enterprises
VAT – Value Added Tax
GITCO – Gujarat Industrial and Technical Consultancy Organization
NSIC – National Small Industries Corporation
15. Write the full form of (1) DIC (2) IDBI (3) GSFC (4) GIDC(S-2019, 2 marks)
Ans. DIC – District Industries Centre
IDBI – Industrial Development Bank of India
GSFC – Gujarat State Financial Corporation
GIDC – Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation
16. Write full form of DIC and EDI. (W-2019, 2 marks)
Ans. DIC – District Industries Centre
EDI – Entrepreneurial Development Institute
17. Give Full name of (i) GIIC (ii) GSFC(S-2018, 2 marks)
18. Write full form of MSME (S-2017, 2 marks)
19. Write full form of DIC (S-2017, 2 marks)
20. Write full form of EDI (S-2017, 2 marks)

21. State the functions of District Industrial Centre (DIC). (W-2018, 4 marks)
22. State the function of DIC. (S-2019, 4 marks)

23. Write two functions of NSIC (W-2017, 2 marks)

24. State the functions of GIDC. (W-2019, 4 marks)

 E – Current State and National level promotional schemes for establishment

of new enterprise

CH 7 – Project Set-up Planning-Product, Process and Capacity Planning

 A – Introduction to product selection
1. Define product. Briefly explain classification of product. (S-2019, 3 marks)
2. State various types of Product. (W-2019, 2 marks)

 B – Concept of product selection

 C – Importance of product selection

 D – Impact of completion or substitute of a product on the product selection

3. Explain the effect of competition and substitute products on the product selection. (S-2017, 3 marks)

4. Differentiate between monopoly and competition. (W-2018, 3 marks)

5. Differentiate between monopoly and competition. (S-2019, 3 marks)
6. Differentiate between Monopoly and Competition. (S-2018, 2 marks)
7. Explain (a) monopoly (b) competition. (S-2017, 3 marks)
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

 E – Product development stages

8. List Product Development Stages. (W-2019, 2 marks)
9. Explain product development stages. (W-2018, 3 marks)
10. Briefly explain various product development stages. (S-2019, 4 marks)
11. List stages of product development and explain in brief. (S-2018, 4 marks)

 F – Introduction to process selection

 G – Concept and Importance of Process Selection

12. Explain the concept of process selection. (W-2017, 4 marks)

 H – Factors affecting process selection

13. Explain factors affecting process selection. (W-2018, 3 marks)
14. Briefly explain the factors affecting process selection. (S-2019, 3 marks)
15. State at least four factors affecting the process selection. (S-2018, 2 marks)

 I – Technology Life Cycle

16. Explain in brief technology life cycle(W-2017, 4 marks)
17. Write a short note on Technology Life Cycle. (S-2019, 4 marks)
18. Write short note on Technology life cycle. (S-2018, 4 marks)
19. Explain “Technology lifecycle”. (S-2017, 3 marks)

 J – Producibility – Concept and Importance

20. Explain the importance producibility. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 K – Flexibility in process
21. Explain flexibility for process. (W-2019, 3 marks)

 L – Introduction to Capacity planning

 M – Concept of Capacity and Capacity planning

22. Explain Capacity Planning. (W-2019, 3 marks)
23. Explain capacity planning in detail. (W-2018, 3 marks)

24. Define the installed capacity. (S-2019, 2 marks)

25. Define Nominal Capacity. (W-2019, 2 marks)

 N – Importance of Capacity planning

26. Explain in brief importance of capacity planning. (S-2018, 3 marks)
27. Explain the importance of capacity planning. (S-2017, 3 marks)
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28. What is capacity planning? Explain its importance(W-2017, 3 marks)

 O – Basic Methods to assess / estimate capacity

 Method of demand forecasting

29. Enlist methods of demand forecasting and explain any one. (W-2018, 4 marks)

CH 8 – Selection of Location and Layout

 A – Introduction

 B – Concept and Importance of location

 C – Steps in Facility location

1. Describe steps involved in selection of location. (S-2017, 4 marks)

 D – Factors affecting the selection of a location

2. Explain factor affecting selection of Plant Location and Plant Layout. (W-2019, 7 marks)
3. State the factors affecting the selection of plant location(W-2017, 3 marks)
4. Briefly explain the factors affecting the selection of plant location. (S-2019, 4 marks)
5. Explain factors affecting selection of location of enterprise. (W-2018, 4 marks)
6. Explain in brief factors affecting selection of location(S-2018, 3 marks)

 Recent Trends in the location of industries

 E – Introduction to Plant Layout

 F – Definition and importance of Plant Layout

 G – Objectives of Plant layout

 H – Types of plant layout

7. Explain concept of layout and explain about its types. (S-2017, 4 marks)
8. Explain Fixed Layout. (W-2019, 4 marks)
9. Write different types of the Plant layout. (W-2018, 2 marks)
10. Draw the diagram of process type layout (W-2017, 2 marks)
11. Explain process layout with line diagram. (S-2019, 4 marks)
12. Explain with neat sketch Process layout. (S-2018, 3 marks)
13. Explain with neat sketch Product layout. (S-2018, 3 marks)

 I – Factors affecting the plant layout

14. Explain factors affecting selection of plant layout. (S-2018, 4 marks)
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

CH 9 – Project Proposal Planning

 A – Introduction

 B – 7 M Resources
1. List any four 7M Resources. (W-2019, 2 marks)
2. Explain 7M Resources in detail. (W-2018, 7 marks)
3. Explain 7M resources in brief (W-2017, 4 marks)
4. Briefly explain 7 M resources. (S-2019, 4 marks)
5. List and explain 7 ‘M resources required for business. (S-2018, 7 marks)
6. List 7Ms of resources. (S-2017, 2 marks)

 C – Marketing – Definition, Need for Enterprise and 4P’s of marketing

7. Define the term Marketing and state its importance. (S-2018, 4 marks)
8. Give definition and importance of marketing. (S-2017, 3 marks)

9. Explain 4P’s of Marketing. (W-2019, 4 marks)

10. Explain importance of 4P’s of Marketing. (W-2018, 4 marks)
11. Write 4P’s of marketing (W-2017, 2 marks)
12. Briefly explain the 4P’s concept of marketing. (S-2019, 4 marks)
13. Explain in brief 4P’S concept of marketing(S-2018, 3 marks)

 D – Market survey – Concept, Need and Methods

14. Explain concept and need of market survey. (W-2018, 4 marks)

15. Describe any one method of Market Survey. (W-2019, 3 marks)

16. State the methods of market survey and explain in brief. (W-2017, 3 marks)
17. Explain the methods of market survey. (S-2019, 4 marks)
18. List various methods of market survey. (S-2018, 3 marks)

 E – Introduction to financial management

 F – Terminology used in financial management

19. List terminology used in Financial Management. (W-2019, 4 marks)

20. State the difference between primary market and secondary market. (S-2019, 3 marks)

21. Give the examples of fixed assets (W-2017, 2 marks)

22. Explain the difference between fixed cost and variable cost(W-2017, 4 marks)

23. What is Break Even Point? (W-2018, 2 marks)

24. Discuss the break even analysis. (W-2017, 4 marks)
25. Write short note on Break Even Analysis. (S-2018, 4 marks)
26. What Break-even-point indicates_______( profit, loss , no profit no loss) (S-2017, 2 marks)
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

27. Why break-even point is important for any business enterprise? (S-2017, 7 marks)

28. Write meaning of ROI. (W-2018, 2 marks), (S-2017, 2 marks)

29. Explain the term Liquidity. (W-2018, 2 marks)

 G – Concepts of financial statements

30. List any two types of Financial Statement. (W-2019, 2 marks)

CH 10 – Project Report Preparation for Mechanical Feature Based

 A – Introduction to project planning

 B – Meaning of project planning

1. State the meaning of the project planning. (W-2018, 2 marks)
2. Enumerate the details included in project plan. (W-2018, 3 marks)
3. Define project planning and explain its importance. (S-2019, 3 marks)
4. List stages of the project planning. (S-2018, 2 marks)
5. Explain stages of project planning for a business enterprise. (S-2017, 4 marks)

 C – Project Report
6. Briefly explain the project report and its importance. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 D – Feasibility Study
7. Explain Feasibility Study. (W-2019, 3 marks)
8. Explain in brief feasibility study(W-2017, 3 marks)
9. Write short notes on the feasibility report. (S-2019, 3 marks)
10. Write short note on feasibility study of any project. (S-2018, 3 marks)
11. What is feasibility study for setting up a business enterprise-Explain it. (S-2017, 3 marks)

 E – Project Plan Details

12. List the details included in the project report(W-2017, 3 marks)
13. Prepare the list of details included in the project report. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 F – Project Cost Estimation

 G – Cost, Volume, Profit (CVP) Analysis

14. Explain Cost, Volume, Profit (CVP) analysis. (W-2018, 4 marks)
15. Explain CVP analysis. (S-2019, 4 marks)
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

 H – Preliminary Project Report (PPP)

16. Write full form of PPP (S-2017, 2 marks)

 I – Detailed Project Report

17. Explain PPR and DPR. (W-2019, 4 marks)

18. Briefly state details included in Detailed Project Report. (W-2018, 3 marks)
19. What is fixed capital and working capital? Explain giving example its importance(W-2017, 7 marks)

 J – Specimen of the Detailed Project Report (DPR) of a mechanical

Engineering Product – Domestic Electric Pump
20. Prepare project report for any mechanical product. (S-2017, 4 marks)

CH 11 – Enterprise Risk Management, Decision making and SWOT

 A – Introduction to Enterprise Risk
1. Define Enterprise Risk. (W-2018, 2 marks)

 B – Uncertainty and Certainty of Project Elements

2. What is risk? Explain how it affects any business enterprise. (W-2018, 3 marks)
3. What is risk? Explain how it affects any business enterprise. (S-2017, 4 marks)

 C – Decision making under Risk

4. Explain decision making under Risk. (W-2019, 4 marks)

 D – Methods of Risk Management

5. Explain Risk Management. (W-2019, 3 marks)

6. State the method of risk management(W-2017, 3 marks)

7. Briefly explain the methods of risk management. (S-2019, 3 marks)
8. List different methods of Risk management(S-2018, 4 marks)
9. Explain any two quantitative methods of managing risk. (S-2017, 4 marks)

10. List external sources of the risks in the enterprise. (S-2018, 3 marks)
11. State any four sources of Risk. (W-2019, 2 marks)

 E – Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis

12. Explain SWOT analysis. (W-2019, 4 marks)
Jiteshsir’s Om Namah Shivay

13. Explain “SWOT” analysis in detail. (W-2018, 4 marks)

14. Write in brief about SWOT analysis(W-2017, 4 marks)
15. What is SWOT analysis? Explain in detail. (S-2019, 7 marks)
16. Explain SWOT analysis. (S-2018, 4 marks)
17. What is the meaning of SWOT? (S-2017, 2 marks)
18. Discuss about “Opportunities” and “threats“ for an entrepreneur in present times (S-2017, 4 marks)

CH 12 – Case Studies
 A – Introduction to Case Studies

 B – Important Features of Case Studies

1. State important features of Case Studies. (W-2019, 4 marks)
2. State the important features of case study. (S-2019, 4 marks)
3. Show important features of “case study”. (S-2017, 3 marks)

 C – Advantages of Case Studies

4. List advantages of Case Studies. (W-2019, 3 marks)
5. State the advantages of case studies. (W-2017, 4 marks)
6. State the advantages of case study. (S-2019, 4 marks)
7. Write advantages of case studies. (S-2018, 4 marks)
8. Explain the importance of case studies in the management of an enterprise. (W-2018, 3 marks)

 D – Limitations of Case Studies

 E – Analysis of Success and Failure criteria

9. Discuss analysis of success and failure criteria for any business enterprise. (S-2017, 3 marks)

 F – Improvement in business enterprise based on case studies

 E – Specimen case studies

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