I.E IMP Questions

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Subject – Industrial Engineering (IMP Questions) Diploma (Mech) Semester - 5


 1.1 Industrial Engineering:

1. Name three persons with his/her key contribution in the field of industrial engineering. (S-2017, 3
Ans. The name of persons with his/her key contribution in the field of industrial engineering are:
1) Frederick W. Taylor
2) Adam Smith
3) Charles W. Babbage

2. Define industrial engineering and production system (Topic 1.5 in book)? (W-2019, 2 marks)

3. Define Industrial Engineering. State at least Six Techniques of Industrial Engineering. (W-2018, 3
4. State various techniques of Industrial engineering. (W-2017, 2 marks)
5. Define and state various techniques used in industrial engineering. (S-2018, 3 marks)
6. State various techniques of Industrial engineering. (W-2017, 2 marks)
7. Define Industrial Engineering. State at least Five Objectives of Industrial Engineering. (W-2018, 3

 1.2 Need, Scope & Importance of Industrial Engineering:

8. Why skill and knowledge are needed in industrial engineering? (W-2019, 3 marks)

 1.3 Methodology of Industrial Engineering:

9. State any four activities of industrial engineering. (S-2019, 2 marks)

 1.4 Role of Industrial Engineering in Industry:

10. What is the role of industrial engineer in an industry? (S-2017, 2 marks)
Ans. 1) Advisor/Consultant – available to others for interpretation of data, review etc
2) Advocate/Activist – promote actively a process or approach
3) Analyst – separate a whole parts and examine them to explore for insight and characteristics.
4) Boundary spanner – bridge the information gap between industrial engineering and user
5) Motivator – provide stimulus and skill availability to a group or individual
6) Decision maker – select a preference from among many alternatives for topic of concern
7) Designer/planner – produce the solution specifications
8) Expert – provide a high level of knowledge, skill and experience on a specific topic
9) Coordinator and Integrator
10) Innovator/Inventor – seek to produce a creative or advanced technology solution
11) Measure – obtain data and facts about existing conditions.
12) Project Manager – operate, supervise and evaluate projects.
13) Trainer/educator – in the skills and knowledge of industrial engineering.
14) Data gatherer
15) Negotiator.
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 1.5 Productivity, Concept of Productivity and methods of increasing

11. How industrial engineering helps to increase the productivity? Justify your answer. (S-2019, 3
12. Define and explain in brief productivity. (W-2017, 2 marks)
13. Briefly state how productivity can be increased? (S-2017, 3 marks)
14. Define productivity and explain methods to improve it. (S-2018, 3 marks)
15. State four factors to increase productivity. (W-2019, 2 marks)
16. Draw input-output model of productivity. (S-2019, 2 marks)
17. Define the term Productivity. Describe briefly various methods to improve Productivity. (W-2018, 3

18. State relationship between industrial engg. And prosperity. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 2.1 Work Study
1. State various recording techniques used in Work Study. (W-2018, 3 marks)

2. Write procedure of work study. (W-2017, 2 marks)

3. Explain critical examination. (S-2017, 3 marks) (Find this answer in topic 2.1.2 – procedure of work

 2.2 Work study and human factor

 2.3 Classification of techniques of work study

 2.4 Method study

4. Explain in brief about basic procedure of method study. (S-2017, 4 marks)
5. Name any four charts used in method study. (S-2018, 2 marks)
6. Define Method Study. Describe its procedure step by step. (W-2018, 3 marks)
7. State the objectives of method study. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 2.5 Process Charts and diagrams

8. Draw any four standard symbols used on process charts. (S-2017, 2 marks)
9. Explain process chart symbols with name, action and example. (S-2019, 3 marks)

10. In which chart only two activities are plotted. (W-2017, 2 marks)
11. Sketch the signs of Repeat Activity and Alternative Processes. (W-2018, 2 marks) (Topic – 2.5.3 –
Outline process chart)

12. Prepare operation process chart for activity “manufacturing electric motor”. (W-2019, 4 marks)
13. Prepare Man type flow process chart for “polishing the specimen for metallographic study”. (W-
2017, 4 marks)
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14. Prepare material type flow process chart for activity “Stripping, cleaning and degreasing prior to
inspection”. (S-2019, 4 marks)

15. Differentiate: OPC v/s FPC. (W-2018, 3 marks)

16. Why should we suggest proposed method after recording present method? (S-2017, 3 marks)

17. List and draw standard symbols used in F.P.C. (S-2018, 3 marks)
18. Describe the symbols used in FPC with examples of each. (W-2018, 3 marks)
19. Explain all symbols used in flow process chart? (W-2019, 3 marks)

20. Explain Multiple activity chart giving example. (W-2017, 4 marks)

21. Write short note on man & machine chart. (S-2017, 4 marks)
22. Explain man and machine chart with an example. (S-2018, 3 marks)
23. State two uses of man-machine chart and write colours/symbols used in this chart. (S-2019, 4

24. Plot man-machine chart using following data: (W-2019, 4 marks)

1. removes finished casting and cleans with compressed air: 0.4 minutes
2. place file on surface plate: 0.2 minutes
3. breaks sharp edges with file and cleans with compressed air: 1.5 minutes
4. placed cleaned casting in box: 0.4 minutes
5. cleans machine with compressed air: 1.0 minutes
6. locate casting in fixture and start machine on auto mode: 0.6 minutes
7. machining is completed: 2.2 minutes 8. unload finished casting and cleaning: 1.0 minutes

25. Write a note on String Diagram with neat sketch and state its uses. (W-2018, 3 marks)
26. In which condition string diagram is preferred? (W-2019, 2 marks)
27. In which condition string diagram is preferred than flow diagram? (S-2019, 2 marks)

28. Sketch the Symbols used in Two Handed Process Chart with name. (W-2018, 2 marks)

 2.6 Questioning techniques

 2.7 Develop new method

 2.8 Motion economy and its importance

29. State the principles of motion economy. (S-2017, 3 marks)

30. List various points to be kept in mind while designing workplace. (S-2017, 4 marks) (Topic 2.8.2 –
Arrangement of work place in the book)

 2.9 Micromotion study

31. Draw the Therblig symbol for “ Grasp” , “Hold” , “Use”, “Assemble”, “Transport load” and “Release
load” (W-2017, 3 marks)
32. Draw any four symbols of therblig. (S-2017, 2 marks)
33. Draw the therblig symbols for search, assemble, find and inspect. (S-2018, 2 marks)
34. Write short note on therbligs. (W-2019, 3 marks)
35. Write symbol and colour for therbligs FIND and USE. (S-2019, 2 marks)
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36. State any four Therbligs with symbol, Abbreviation, Color code of each. (W-2018, 2 marks)

37. Explain in brief SIMO chart. (W-2017, 4 marks)

38. Write short note on SIMO chart. (S-2017, 4 marks)
39. Write and explain the method of plotting SIMO chart? (W-2019, 3 marks)
40. Write short note on SIMO chart. (S-2019, 3 marks)

41. Write short note on cycle chart. (W-2018, 4 marks)

 2.10 Work Measurement

42. State objectives of work measurement. (S-2019, 3 marks)

43. Explain different types of stop watches used in time study? (W-2019, 4 marks)

44. Illustrate rules for breaking work into work elements. (W-2017, 3 marks)
45. Define “Work Element”. Describe briefly various types of Work. Elements. (W-2018, 3 marks)

46. Compare cumulative and fly back timing. (W-2017, 3 marks)

47. Write two differences between cumulative timing and fly-back timing methods? (W-2019, 2 marks)
(S-2019, 2 marks)
48. Differentiate between the methods of measuring time in Time Study. (W-2018, 4 marks) (Ans.
Comparison of cumulative and fly back timing, page no. 70 {page no. may vary as per latest or old

 2.11 Concept of Rating

49. Define performance rating. (W-2017, 2 marks)
50. What do we mean by rating? (S-2017, 3 marks)
51. Define work cycle and performance rating. (W-2019, 2 marks)
52. Define performance rating, qualified worker and observed time. (S-2019, 2 marks)

53. Outline stepwise procedure to calculate standard time of a given job. (S-2017, 3 marks)
54. What is standard time explain its importance. (S-2019, 4 marks)

55. List various allowances applied for standard time calculation with its normal range of values. (S-
2017, 3 marks)
56. State and briefly describe various types of allowances used in Time Study. (W-2018, 4 marks)
57. Define relaxation allowance and fatigue allowance? (W-2019, 2 marks)
58. List various allowances in time study and explain any one in brief. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 Sums on Rating and Standard Time (IMP)

59. The standard time per piece is 1.5 min. the output of factory is 300 per shift of 8 hours. Find the
productivity (per shift of 8 hours). (W-2017, 2 marks)
60. Calculate standard time from following data for one cycle. Loading time = 2 min, machining time= 6
min, unloading time= 1 min, inspection time= 2 min. overall rating of cycle =95 %, overall
allowances=12% of basic time. Also find production per hour. (W-2017, 4 marks)
61. The average observed elemental time: 12 min., average observed rating: 90%, total allowances:
10%. Find standard time. (S-2017, 2 marks)
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62. The observation time is 20 min, rating factor is1, contingency allowances are 5%, Find the standard
time. (S-2018, 2 marks)
63. In machine shop of diploma institute, the following times are noted for turning operation. If the
performance of turner has been rated at 120% and allowances stipulated 15%, calculate standard
time. (W-2019, 4 marks)

64. Production rate needs to be 12 units an hour. The allowances assigned are 25%. If rating given is
80% for the activity. Find the time recorded for the operator by rater. (W-2018, 2 marks)
65. In making a time study of a laboratory technician performance an analysis of processed food in
canning factory, the following times were noted for a particular operation. If the performance of a
technician has been rated at 120% and allowances stipulated 13%, calculate average observed
time. (S-2019, 4 marks)

 2.12 Concept of work sampling

66. Briefly explain principle of work sampling. (W-2017, 2 marks)
67. Write short note on work sampling. (S-2017, 3 marks)
68. Write a short note on Work Sampling. (W-2018, 3 marks)

69. Calculate standard time from following data as per work sampling. (i) Output per shift (of 8 hours)
=200 pieces (ii) production time (as per work sampling) = 80%, Rating 110 %, overall allowance = 20
% (W-2017, 4 marks)
70. Find the number of observations required for 95% confidence level, 5% accuracy and activity under
consideration reaming idle for 25%. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 2.13 Other methods of work measurement

71. Explain synthesis in brief. (S-2019, 4 marks)
72. Explain synthesis method of work measurement. (W-2019, 3 marks)

 2.14 Analytical Estimating

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CH 3 – Quality Assurance:

 3.1 Quality and Quality Assurance

1. Define Quality Control (QC) and Quality Assurance (QA) (S-2017, 2 marks)
2. Write difference between quality control and inspection. (W-2019, 3 marks)
3. Write quality assurance tools and state their importance. (S-2019, 4 marks)

 3.2 Statistical Quality Control

4. List various Statistical Quality Control (SQC) tools. (S-2017, 4 marks)
5. Define SQC. State any three SQC tools. (W-2018, 2 marks)
6. List the tools of SQC and explain any one in brief. (S-2019, 4 marks) (S-2018, 4 marks)
7. Write importance and uses of statistical quality control? (W-2019, 4 marks) (S-2019, 3 marks)

 3.3 Fundamental of Statistics

8. Name the types of Distribution curves and draw diagram of any one. (S-2018, 2 marks)
9. State the types of distribution curves. (W-2018, 2 marks)

10. Draw frequency chart using following statistical data. (W-2019, 4 marks)

11. Draw frequency polygon using following data. (S-2019, 4 marks)

12. Calculate mean, mode, median and spread for observations 7, 8, 4, 3, 6, 9, 4, 5. (S-2017, 4 marks)
13. The observations are 4,8,2,3,4,9,8,6. find mean .mode and median. (S-2018, 2 marks)
14. Find “ median” for the following observations 6,13,11,9,10,5,3,1,7 (W-2017, 2 marks)
15. Find median and mode for readings: 35,39,33,36,34,35,37,36. (W-2018, 2 marks)
16. Find the median of observations 4,6,9,4,2,8 and 10. (S-2019, 2 marks)
17. Find the mode of observations 12,12,14,10,11,12,13,11,12,11,14 and 11. (W-2019, 2 marks)
18. Find the standard deviation of the following observations. 5,8,9,13,14,3,5,15 (W-2017, 3 marks)

19. Calculate Median and Standard Deviation for given frequency distribution. (W-2018, 4 marks)

20. Find mean and standard deviation from given data in table. (S-2018, 4 marks)
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 3.4 Normal Distribution Curve

21. Draw and explain Normal distribution curve. (W-2017, 3 marks)
22. Draw neat sketch of normal distribution curve. (S-2017, 2 marks)

23. The 10,000 students have appeared in 5th sem diploma in mechanical engineering examination
conducted by gtu in summer 2018. Average percentage received by students in said examination is
62% and standard deviation is 4. Find 1. Number of students who got percentage between 60% and
76%, 2. Number of students who got percentage more than 76%. (S-2019, 3 marks)
24. In mass production of a part is found to have a mean diameter of 24.98 mm with a standard
deviation of 0.12 mm. Assuming a normal distribution, find out percentage of pieces you would
expect to lie outside the drawing limits or specified limits 25.00 ±0.20 mm. (take A= 0.0668 for Z-
value = -1.5 and A=0.9664 for Z-value = +1.83) (W-2019, 3 marks)
25. Token coins are expected to have average weight of 19.5 gm and Standard deviation be 0.5 gm.
Calculate the number of token coins having weight between 19.0gm and 20.5 gm in a lot of 500.
For z=1, A= 0.3413; z=2 A=0.4772 ; z=3 A=0.4987. (W-2019, 4 marks)

 3.5 Concept of Probability

 3.6 Introduction to Binomial Distribution and Poissons Distribution

 3.7 Concept of Reliability

26. What is reliability? (S-2018, 2 marks)
27. Define the term Reliability. Enlist factors affecting and improving reliability. (W-2018, 4 marks)
28. State the factors which are affecting on reliability. (W-2019, 2 marks) (S-2019, 2 marks)
29. List various factors affecting reliability. (S-2017, 3 marks)
30. Differentiate between Reliability and Quality control. (W-2017, 3 marks)

CH 4 – Statistical Quality Control

 4.1 Concept of Process Variation
1. Explain Random variations and assignable cause variations. (W-2017, 3 marks)

2. Differentiate between variable and attribute quality. (W-2017, 3 marks)

3. Define terms (1) Variable quality parameter (2) Attribute quality parameter. (S-2017, 2 marks)

 4.2 Types of Qualities and quality control charts

4. Find out control chart limits for X-bar and R-chart, calculate std. deviation & process capability. (S-
2018, 7 marks)

5. During production of carbon steel pins on lathe machine, 11 samples each 4 pins were randomly
taken and inspection was carried out. Using following inspection data, construct X ̅ – R chart and
establish control limits. (Take A2 = 0.729, D4 = 2.282, D3 = 0.0 and d2 = 2.058) (W-2019, 4 marks)
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6. Find control limit for X and R chart from the following data. Also find process capability. ∑
X=357.50, ∑R= 9.90, No of sub group =20, A2=0.18, D3=0.41, D4=1.59 and d2=3.735 (W-2017, 4
7. A machine produce plug to a nominal diameter of 0.5000 ± 0.030 mm using following data, plot 𝑥̅ –
R chart and write your conclusion. (Take A2 = 0.58,D4 = 2.11 and D3 = 0.0) (S-2019, 4 marks)

8. Inspection data of a product is as under. (S-2017, 7 marks)

Take A2=1.02, d2=1.69, D3=0, D4=2.57 (for sample size of 3 items). Draw X bar - R chart and

9. Draw the pattern of “extreme variation” and “eratic fluctuation”. (W-2017, 2 marks)
10. Draw the pattern of trends and Stratification. (S-2018, 2 marks)

 4.3 Control Chart for attribute quality

11. After inspection of 10 samples each of 120 items; 3, 8, 4, 5, 11, 2, 6, 7, 1, 9 pieces found defective.
Calculate control limits for appropriate chart. (S-2017, 4 marks) (This is sum of p chart)
12. Draw np chart from data given below and write conclusion. (W-2017, 4 marks)

13. Following data refers to quality characteristic of a part of mechanical clutch. Calculate control limit
and plot suitable chart. (S-2019, 4 markss)

14. For the following data draw appropriate chart make conclusion. (S-2018, 4 marks)
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15. Calculate Control limits for following observations. (S-2017, 4 marks)

 4.4 Concept of process capability and specification limits

16. Explain “process capability” (W-2017, 3 marks)
17. Write meaning and definition of process capability. (W-2019, 4 marks)
18. Explain concept of process capability. (S-2019, 4 marks)

19. Calculate control limits and process capability for given data: (W-2018, 4 marks)

20. Explain following possibilities of incidences of happening control limits and specification limits.
1. When control limits are more than specification limits.
2. When control limits are same as specification limits.
3. When control limits are smaller than specification limits. (W-2019, 4 marks)

 4.5 Acceptance Sampling

21. State advantages and disadvantages of acceptance sampling. (S-2018, 3 marks)

 4.6 Quality control of incoming Raw Material & components

 4.7 Concept of Random Sampling

 4.8 Sampling Plan

22. Explain single and double sampling plan with an example. (S-2019, 3 marks)
23. A lot containing 800 tubes each one is submitted to inspect outside diameter. A single sampling
plan with inspection level IV and AQL of 2.5% is for the purpose of inspection. Design the plan.
(take sample size, acceptance number and rejection number are 80, 5 and 6 respectively). (W-2019,
3 marks)
24. Draw the double sampling plan from the following data. lot size=2400, n1=80, a1=5, r1=9, n2=80,
a2=12, r2=13(W-2017, 3 marks)
25. Draw the sampling plan for N=500, n1=32, n2=32, a1=2, a2=6, r1=5, r2=7(S-2017, 4 marks)
26. The specifications for a double sampling plan are as follows. (S-2019, 3 marks)

If 8 defectives items were found in 1st sample, in which condition a whole lot will be accepted?
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27. For a lot of 3000 pistons, double sampling plan is to be applied as per following details. Prepare the
sampling plan. (W-2018, 4 marks)

28. Define AQL and LTPD related to operation characteristic curve. (S-2019, 2 marks)
29. What is producer’s risk? (W-2017, 2 marks)
30. With neat sketch briefly describe various parts of real operating characteristic curve. (W-2018, 4
31. Define producer’s risk and consumer’s risk related to operation characteristic curve? (W-2019, 2
32. Draw and explain ideal and real O.C curve. (W-2017, 7 marks)
33. What is consumer’s risk? (S-2018, 2 marks)

CH 5 – Plant Layout and Material Handling Equipment

 5.1 Plant Layout
1. State the objectives of plant layout. (W-2017, 3 marks)
2. List various types of plant layouts. (S-2017, 2 marks)
3. Differentiate process layout and product layout w.r.t. plant layout. (S-2018, 3 marks)
4. Differentiate between product and process layout. (W-2017, 3 marks)
5. Define the term Plant Layout. Enlist the Principles and characteristics of a good plant layout. (W-
2018, 4 marks)
6. Define the term Plant Layout. State the types of Plant Layout. Discuss briefly any one with neat
7. Write objectives of good plant layout. (W-2019, 3 marks)
8. Define the term Plant Layout. State the types of Plant Layout. Discuss briefly any one with neat
sketch, advantages as well as limitations. (W-2018, 4 marks)
9. Define plant layout and draw process type lay out. (W-2019, 3 marks) (S-2019, 3 marks)
10. Explain relation between plant layout and material handling. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 5.2 Material Handling

11. Classify Material handling equipment. (W-2017, 4 marks)
12. Classify material handling equipment. (S-2017, 4 marks)
13. State at least two application of 1) Fork lift 2) Overhead crane 3) Belt conveyors 4) Winch (W-2017,
4 marks)
14. How material handling system is important in industry? (S-2017, 4 marks)
15. Write any four name of material handling equipment. (S-2018, 2 marks)
16. State at least one material handling system of each class. (W-2018, 2 marks)
17. Define material handling and explain roller type conveyor in short with neat sketch. (W-2019, 3
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CH 6 – Modern Trend in Industrial Engineering

 6.1 Introduction
19. Briefly explain role of ISO. (S-2017, 4 marks)

20. Explain the importance of ISO 9000. (S-2018, 3 marks)

21. Write short note on ISO 9000. (W-2019, 3 marks)

22. Write short note on ISO-9001 series. (W-2017, 4 marks)

23. Write a short note on ISO 9001. (W-2018, 4 marks)

 6.2 Six Sigma

24. Explain six sigma concept. (S-2019, 3 marks)

 6.3 Total Quality Management (TQM)

25. Explain in brief Total Quality Management (TQM) (S-2017, 2 marks)
26. Write short note on Total Quality Management. (S-2019, 3 marks)
27. Explain in brief TQM. (S-2018, 3 marks)
28. Enlist pillars of TQM. (W-2018, 2 marks)

 6.4 Kaizen
29. Explain concept of “kaizen” and its application. (W-2017, 4 marks)
30. What is mean by kaizen? (S-2018, 2 marks)
31. Define Kaizen and Re engineering. (W-2018, 2 marks)
32. What do you mean by KAIZEN? (S-2019, 2 marks)

 6.5 Re-engineering
33. Write a short note on Re-Engineering. (S-2018, 4 marks)

 6.6 Zero Defect (ZD)

 6.7 Just In Time (JIT)

34. Write four objectives of just in time? (W-2019, 2 marks)
35. State the concept of JIT. Enlist factors affecting implementation of JIT. (W-2018, 3 marks)

 6.8 Ergonomics
36. Explain ergonomics. (S-2017, 3 marks)
37. State the concept of Ergonomics. State its objectives and applications. (W-2018, 3 marks)
38. State objectives and applications of ergonomics? (W-2019, 4 marks)
39. What is ergonomics? Write its objectives. (S-2019, 4 marks)

40. Explain in brief “Normal and maximum work area”. (W-2017, 4 marks)
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41. Draw neat sketch showing normal & maximum work areas. (S-2017, 3 marks)
42. Explain normal and maximum working area. (W-2019, 4 marks) (S-2019, 4 marks)

43. Write environmental requirements of work area. (W-2019, 4 marks) (S-2019, 4 marks)

Out of the book topics:

1. List four types of key information available from a process plan. (S-2017, 2 marks)
Ans. Information available from process planning
1. Sequence of operation.
2. Tools and equipments required for performing process.
3. Place at which process is being done.
4. Information about Inspection and stages of inspection.
5. Time of operation.
6. Whether the process is present or proposed.
7. Actual time for each operation.
8. Quantity of work to be done.
9. Jigs and fixtures required.

2. Classify the wage plan, explain any one. (S-2018, 4 marks)

Ans. Wage payment plans can be classified into two groups:
1) Non-incentive plans – Time or Day rate system
2) Incentive wage plans – Piece rate and other schemes.

Wage Incentive plan

- Almost all commonly employed wage incentive schemes guarantee a minimum (basic) wage plus
incentive based upon operator’s performance, if it exceeds a plant-wide standard.
- Normally the wage incentive plans should depend on the standards set by work measurement.
- The wage rate may be the result of mutual agreement between employer and employee on
formal/informal evaluation of the employee.
- The incentive scheme should be profitable to both workers and management.
- It should help increasing production and thereby lower the related cost.
- It should reward worker in proportion to their output.

3. State information required for prepare process planning and information available from process
planning? (W-2019, 7 marks)
Ans. Information required to prepare process planning
1. Quantity of work to be done along with product specifications.
2. Quality of work to be completed.
3. Availability of equipments, tools and personals.
4. Sequence in which operations will be performed on the raw material.
5. Names of equipemnts on which the operations will be performed.
6. Standard time for each operation.
7. When the operations will be performed?
8. Name of person who will perform the required task.
Information available from process planning
1. Sequence of operation.
2. Tools and equipments required for performing process.
3. Place at which process is being done.
4. Information about Inspection and stages of inspection.
5. Time of operation.
6. Whether the process is present or proposed.
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7. Actual time for each operation.

8. Quantity of work to be done.
9. Jigs and fixtures required.

4. Prepare process planning for component shown in figure-1. (S-2019, 7 marks)

5. Explain job enrichment, job satisfaction and job analysis. Job enrichment, job satisfaction and job
analysis. (S-2019, 4 marks)
6. Explain in brief principles of statistical tolerencing. (S-2019, 4 marks)

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