Triumph Tiger Cub

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WORKSHOP INSTRUCTION MANUAL No8 FOR THE Tiger Cub Models T1s Tz0 T20C T20S Ret: 906/64 Publshed August 1964 - " aeocce. Treen cus (720) dec. TIGeR CUR (7208/3) INTRODUCTION The Triumph “Tiger Cub hat been so desgned thatthe average owner or meckanie will have no dificult intervcing ie fall ure Is made of ths book. The book writen on a purely practical ‘ls and no attempe hasbeen made to neroduce the heart sid To the uninitiated we advise that major repsrs sch a engine and {esrbox unit and telescope fork overhale are entrusted to a ‘Triumph Dealer who will have the necesary felts to ear oUt thie tp of work Exch section of the book is headed by » general description. ti then felowed bya complete acount af he camanting, examination ofthe parts andthe reassembly procedure of the unt concarne ‘We have endeavoured todo th nthe most simple form to obvi any difelties onthe pars ofthe operator, who may Bes neweomer { motorecling oF not conversant with repur procedure, Each chapter deals witha specie operation (ve, Damantlng the Engine) imbleh is then broken down into paragraphs and sub-paragraph The sequence in which they are broken down i the correct di smanting or assembly procedure, In order not to conse the operator. subasiemble (. cinder head or fywhee! seb) are dent witha separate unt. “The book is well lustrated with “exploded” and assembled sls rations of the main units which wil give the operator compre hensive view ofthe internal parts before commencing an operation, and aso great asia curing stem, Remember chat if essntal adjustments are neglected and only ‘sua attention pad to the lubrication and periodical malneenanea, the reliability wil be aected and In time th servicing costs may be very beh Wf addon information is required, first consult the Distbutor (or Dealer wo wil avays be plested co ait. Should any aifcly then arse write eo the Trumph Service Department ting the model type and engine number. These are samped onthe If hand cylinder base fange or Trane engine lug ss shown i the example briow. 661 04a SERVICE ARRANGEMENTS In all communications the full engine nurnber complete with all prefix letters and figures should be stated. This number will be found on the LiH. side of the crankease just below the elinder Mange or on the front engine fixing lug ‘CORRESPONDENCE ‘Technical Advice, Guarantee Claims and Repairs Communications dealing with any of there subjects should be ‘srenad to the SERVICE MANAGER. Replacement Parts. ‘Orders for replacement parts should be adérened co the SPARES MANAGER. ‘ORDERS We do nos supply pares direct co private owners, but we have 2 Comprehensive network of stocks A lit of these stockists 1 Included in the current Spare Lists ori avalable from the tory TECHNICAL ADVICE ‘Owners will appreciate how very iui sto diagnote trouble by correspondence ane ths made impouble in many eases because the informacion sane to us eso seanty. Every parable pot which tray hive tome besrng onthe matter should be sated ro that we Cn gend 3 wrfl and dead reply REPAIRS. Before a motorcycle i sent to our Works an appointment must be trade, This can be done y leter oF telephone. When an owner Wishes to return ie machine for guarantee repair, he should frst {Comte is Dealer at we do not normally acept machines our Repair Shop wnt the Desler hat Inspected ther. Frequently the Dante can overcame the eruble without the dln ané expense of tending the machine ¢o the Works. This avoids the machine being fue of ure for some days when it could Be on the rons. Whore ii ieegerents farts sucha cline, petro inks, ee are forwarded fr rear {hey shout bo pected tcrely vom oo utd mage eae, The owners ume nd addres shoud be eclned topper wiht inarocton Inthe eusof compete motoryte,aselstocky ay unerinaneandarestthoudsiaysbenaaceduesainenee ‘Mchas tol, Inftor, handlebar mifors and ether prt nea PROPRIETARY FITTINGS Anailry equipment which is feted to our motoreyles sf the highest quality and is guaranteed by the manutecurers and sot by cursive. Any Fepairs or clans should be sent eo the ected maker, oF one of ther acereted agents who wil always give Surry vary posible asistance, The folowing ae the addrsss ofthe corer Sparking Pugs al Lid ‘Champion Sprking Pugs Co Hoidford Road, Feltham Ces tete Wit, Mileto Birmingham 6 KG. Sparking Pos Led, ZenihCarbureterCo.ted, $0, Ongue tame, Honeypoe Lane, Cricklewood, Seanmore, London, NW2, Midaleoe, Lodge Plage Led, Chane Se Pacers Roa, Rerold Chains Led, Rugby Wythenshawe, Warwickhire, Mateherta, Speedometers Electrieal Equipment Joseph Luca Ue, ‘Ge Hampton Seeet, Birmingham, 18 ‘Smith's Motor Accessories Ld 50, Oxgee Lane, Cricklewood. London, NW, Electrie Horn Suspension Unite ‘Clear Hooters Le Giring sd Leicester Ros, Kings Road, Bedworth, Nuneaton, Tyuley, Warwickshire, Birmingham, 1, 651 9 4a TECHNICAL DATA Se Page 12614 or tar moda = orga! _ EERE, ina, vein E ‘Get tappet clearance t 0.015" (0.300 mm) whe timing vtvs) 7 soeaees 035 19040 mim) eomey aus ot a GRE Primary ron) Seana) ccarnerres eocope fort (chi) Typeted Oaneter Weert Fo 87 opie Ln og Tate tines 3 (95) mses 22159) ‘Rewer “$ 09 este 409 pooice 08) Inara bganigsy* wosreny Inne. 293.7) intems fa8 Ine. 7 (985) alma 35 (a8) iene "S (29) ‘ta 22 (3) 651 4a ie CONTROLS SPEEDOMETER IGNITION swaTcH The position and applation of the contra i expaned by atuming gir swore that the rider Is siting on the machine FRONT BRAKE 6t aa HANDLEBAR ‘Clutch Lever. On the lee side of the handlebar, ‘The clutch lever should not be operated whan che machin It In motion except change gear and when bringing the machine to 3 ball. pippeR Ste Front Brake Lever. On the right side ofthe handlebar. Always apply gente presure to the lover and ur In comuncion with the rear bake ebtion PETROL FILLER THROTTLE ‘Throttle Control. This ewisterip operated by the righthand : Twit the grip towards you to open and away from you to clove LEFT- RIGHT- Horn Button. Fite inthe lef side of the handlebar. Push to operate HAND HAND. Head Lamp Dipper Switch. Clipped to the right handlabar Depress or rate swith lover to operte, NACELLE PANEL Speedometer. Regiers speed and cota mileage lL, FILLER, Lighting Switch. Turn the lever to operate, Switch poiont -— FOOTREST ‘OFF ALL LIGHTS OFF L TAIL AND PARKING LIGHTS ON H TAIL AND HEADLIGHT ON FoorRest Ignition Switch, Operated bya ky. Switch potions — CENTRAL IGNITION OFF KickSTARTER "Gt IGNITION NORMAL “EMG IGNITION EMERGENCY Gear Indicator. The indicator ix positioned centaly and shows the gear selected by the rider when the gear change pedal Ie epeened or raved Storeng FOOT CONTROLS Foot Brake. & fat pedal infront ofthe lef fastest. Depres to ‘operate. The fist applction should be made gently and then the pressure increaed ws the road speed decries Gearchange. A small fot lever in front ofthe right loots. “The lever fr moved DOWN to select a low gear and UP eo select ‘higher gear” The geo selected is shown by he inlet on the racele. Kickstarter. This pedal being the right footret. (See below for tating the engine) For 20S and T20T Lighting and Ignition System see Page 118 TAKING OVER THE MACHINE ‘After eaking delivery of the machine and before taking It on the oad, earful cheek thatthe ol tank, primary chuineae and gearbox ‘levels are correc (page 18). Theyre should be checked with 1 pressure gauge and if nacestary adjusted In accordance with the Instruction on page 98. Replenish he petrol tank with 8O.ocane uel tnd the machine tt ready for sarin [though each machine Is thoroughly checked before leaving the Works fr the acuity of ll mute and bolts, fe advible afer the fret 10 miles o re-check and again 3¢ 500 miler. Th ea necenary precaution due co the bedcng down of the engine and motoreycle pre, STARTING THE ENGINE (COLD) 1 Select the neutral gear ponion "N". Indication i by the gear dicator on the nacelle 2. Lite he clutch lever and depress the kickstarter two or three tlmes to separate the clutch pats 3, Turnon he petrol by moving the petrol tp fever int the verte potion. There tn tckler on the 17 mm. Zenith earburetter but the petrol level can be rand by leaning the machine tothe lt for ‘ew seconds, Press down the bras starter plunger € te lini of ies rwvel. unning-in 4 Fie the ignition key tothe nacelle witch and eum clockwise to postion “IGN, thie Being the normal IGNITION poston, 5. Depress the kcksarar when th gine shou fire immediately 6 due toa fat baer ther i nsucene spark to stare the fngine, turn the ignition hay antelockwize to postion "EMG" hich isthe EMERGENCY stare postion 7. -Agtn depress the klkstarter when he engine wil Fire 8. Once the engine is running, the ignition key must be retuned to postion "IGN" (GNITION), The engine should nae be run in the "EMERGENCY" pasion longer tan Is abrlutely necessary Unless the negative leas to the Batery In earthed fo the frame (06 page 10. 9, Whan the engine has Been running about 30 seconds, open the thule once to full extent to return the starter plunger ttt normal psition. Life the baklte knob onthe 18 mm. crroureter PARKING ‘Always remone the key fom the ignition switch and turn off the petrol when parking the machine. On Tater machines there fe 3 Fock housing on the frame hese lug. Turn the whe! #0 the lf Inser the lack bosy ane curm and withraw the Key. RUNNING-IN ‘These machines. although of smal engine capac, ave a exeptons! performance and therefore the rider mut curb his natural Gee fests expablites during early Ife. Previously, motoreylse hve ben advised nt to exces certain speeds onthe varour gears But withthe modern machine ths type of runing seni useless dat the end ofthe Girt 1,000 mils very lle improvement wil fave been efected on the bearing surleat of engine and gearbox Runningin should be caved out progresivelys the main assent isto said large thotle openings. Never ae any ime wrest the cengine by overloading inthe higher gears or overdriving In the lower gers. The engine hat ample power to cope with ll con icons che gearbox is corecly used 661 9 4a Lubrication Sytem ‘The machine shouldbe runin for 1000 miles; during the fist haf cof the runingin period, donot exceed | throtle opening for more than alinited time, Occasional bursts of speed wil grsty aesst ‘the bedding down procers be sustained ean only result in dsster. [ter ths period the throttle opening can be increased gradually ‘nl he maximum power output ean be put into operavon During the early period ofthe machine's lie the owner is advised tochange the engine and gearbox olathe period ated on page 25. During running Ite advisable co lean the sparking plug once or ‘ice asthe pon riage allow more ol to pass them before they ave bedded down. Remember that if these Instructions are caried out Ineligentiy the macine wil be mechaialy quieter, weat longer and maximum power wil be aval LUBRICATION SYSTEM ENGINE Ory sump lubrication is employed. The system is operated by 2 twin plunger reciprocating oll pump driven by an eceenere spindle fon the distributor ahfe. The plunger: are of diferent dameter, the smaller Seing the pressure’ ede, the larger the zeavenge. Ab the scavenge side ha the lager cape, the erankese Is kee free fell The feed £9 the oll pump is fom s gravity all unk va a fier and oil pipe. The ol pump Ir provided with aonreture valves to prevanecrankease oodng. The scavenge pipe it leated In the base of the crankeare and cn be observed after removal of the crankeate base plug. The exces ll tere through a poze and te returned to the oll tank via the ernkee pipe, il pump and ‘external pipe 'A poe il fed to the crankete timing side plain bearing and ‘igen is runeined and, withthe excepion of the rocker since, the remainder of the engin is lubrieated by ol splash, The rocker spindle feds from the savenge side ofthe spisem._ The rocker {eed pipe is tapped into the savenge pipe atthe bottom ofthe oil tank andthe ols chen forced (eavenge pressure) though the pipe and tothe hollow rocker spindles The srpls oil the lubricates the valves, push rods and rocker bal pins and Maly rans chrough holes in the elinder Read and barrel tothe erates, Lubrcadan System Fe: ENGINE LUBRICATION DIAGRAM 661 94a Moioennce of Lubrication Sytem [Although the engine and gearbox are one unit, each have thelr feparate ollng systems. Olle fed Into the gearbox easing va the ug, and all gear, busher and bearings are lbriated by PRIMARY CHAINCASE The clutch and alternator are both designed to operate in oll and the case muse therfore alwayr contaln an adequate amount of lubrian. MAINTENANCE OF LUBRICATION SYSTEM ENGINE ‘The lubrication syste is extremely simple and gives long service srithoutstenton. Precautions sich as changing ce oll tthe right Tine shouldbe observed cleaning theo ltrs and using the recor mended lubricants. Prof of the ol system working It to remove the ol tank filer cap, chen sare the engine and observe the return fell tothe oll tank. Tht should be Interment due tothe fact that the scavenge side ofthe pump has more capa than the feed ‘The oll wil spur for afew minuter and then be fllowed by alr bubbles In the event of lubrication fule the folowing causes have Been aed to malt In agnonng the trouble — Cll Tank. The mount ofcilin the tankshould be within 1" (.8em) ofthe filer cap. Further addllon ofl wil cause exesive venting through the ol tank vent to the alr iter, due lack of airspace [Always entre tha he oll tank vent hoe is lear, otherwise the alr pressure wil buildup in he tank and revert adequate Savenging bythe ol pump reuling na oil fooded crankcase Complete Lack of Scavenge. There ate varous reasons for tht tnd the exslanations are divides ander the fliowing headings It the order in which they may arse Mainenone of Lubrication System (0) Stoppage in the External Savenge Pipe, Ths an faused bya plece of rubber detaching Ye from the raber one near ota plece of foreign mater fdged Inthe ol Block. To remedy, remove the ol ipe auenbly and blow trough witha {pre pump orf arise nai ine Aloo check the wack pope In fheoanke Wallin good order tupac the ol pump. (©) il Purp. To remove this ni for nspec'n, the outer and Inner timing covers wl av tobe removed (se Eng Osmaning page 33. Remove the two ol pump searing bol ané withdraw the asembly rom te how." Cace the two bale and peng {tom beting the pump. Duran the pump by tang cee the plunger and vnicreig the two bat plage Unde te lps we fhe srings and bal If any foreign mater gts betes the ball tnd ean, the pret eed o stsvenge a theese ay bel, at ecu be afeced_ Aer making sue tnt the pomp bear of fren mater, ata pre corenhy ad thenmaeeflowng Inspecton 661 9 da ‘Maitenance of Lbricaon Sytem (G8) Connecting Link. inspect the drive hoe fr ovlity a thir wl afece the ceroke ofthe plungers resulting in Inadequate feed tnd scavenge (62) Connecting Link Pin. This should bea tight fi nthe con racing lin ard 3 working Rein the plunger (62) Plungers. Normally the plungers wil show neplbe signe ‘of wear. vest isin evidence the engine wil have been starved of ‘ls resllng in excesive wenr and verhesting. and maybe inadequate ravenna. (bf) Pump Body. The seating of the nor-eturn ball should be bramined and here i any sigs of indentation an the sat hey should be recut with a 43" eater, Only & minimum amount of real should be removed. (05) Balls, These should be inspected before replacing and Wf any Sito ofpting isin evidence, replace with new bal (26) Ball Valve Springs. I chese are unduly fatigued chy should be dearded and replaced with new ones, (Ol Pump Assembly. When fing the all valves into the pump body ris asviable to give them 3 sharp tap onto the zatings, {sing am alumicium punch as medium. When this i one, replace the springs and serew in the bate plugs. Oil the plunges and attach the connecting pin (relp inthe bottom portion) and drive ‘od, then ssemble to the body” To check the action ofthe pump. fbmerge in land operate che plungers arlul el should be expelled from the pretture side with conslderabe ore, Sek the osliary falls to the pump body with a smear of vaseline. The bump Ie sow ready for arembly to the engine. Always ensure the Correct fing of the fine washer, Le miteing she ol hole, () Crankease Seavenge Pipe. In the unlikely event of ths ‘racking of ana lek between the pipe and the cranks, th al ‘wil not savenge from the erankcas. Trouble of thi Kind would ‘nly make itself known when the engine is hot. A simple tet is {ofc a plece of rubber tubing over the sevenge pipe, then place Changing the Oi the rubber tube in the mouth and suck, Ifthe rubber tubing celles ths proves the savenge pipe fins et. ae air ght; on the other hand fhe tube dor not alias a leshage I evdent Engine Overheating due to Lack of Oil. The following reson relisted inthe order in which thy may ais (0) Oi Tanks Check of level and top up if the oli below the ‘inlmum level. Correct level ie 14 iu. (28m) below filer esp. Remove the iter and clean. ifthe ei hea heavy depose of sludge, remove the ol tank and thoroughly cena out. (8) Stoppage inthe External Feed Pipe, Remove and clean out (Gee page 15, paragraph (0). (2 Ol Pump. Seo page 15, sarsgraph (0). NOTE.—Always use the correct grade of oil at recommended on pager 123 and 124, Cheap, inferor, or the incorrect {rade ofl mil shoreen the if ofthe engine, CHANGING THE OIL When the machine is now the oil should be changed frequentiy during the runvingn period, ‘The bert ime to-do thi safer ‘an when the ol ox, chen ay foreign matter which the ll picks up in the course oft eirulton ix expelled during the dling, Engine and Gearbox Unit. Change the oil t 250, $09 and 1000 rile during the runringsin period snd thereafter alld down on| pate 25, "Routine Maintenanee", The folowing procedure should be ado (ee pgs B49 fo removing and reg te For paves (2) Engine. Remove the sump plug, flker and lighe spring. and fran the ll nto 8 receptace, (©) Ol Tank, Pull ee ol pipes out of the rubber connections beneath the oil nk, 651 4a hanging te 1 (©) OW Tank Fileer. Unscrew from oll tank and Inspect che Inside ofthe tanks Ifnot thoroughly lean, washout with Rusia (3) Cleaning, Wath ll pars and blow outwith ar to ensure that All oil ways are clean, Reasemble the parts to the ol tank and Fepleneh with fash ll (©) Gearbox. Remove the drun and level plug attembly and allow the oi t drain. With machine ofthe stand andthe draln plog Feplaced, replenish with fresh ol unl the ol seeps out of the drain plug. when the ol evel will be correct. Replace the level pl foto 'he boy of the drain pl (Primary Chaincase. Remove the drun (Bottom) pg ané Allow the alto drain. Replace the plug and then remove the level (rot) and Tiler plugs inthe chance. Pour ol into the chainease tune i seepe from the level lug. Replace both plugs. TAPPET ADJUSTMENT Tappet adjustment is made on the rocker arms ater removing the Inspection covers (See Fig. 4). The adjurment must always be carried out when the engine is COLD, never se any time make an adjustment immecitaly ater ung the machine: Before making an adjustment, t must be aecertaind thatthe tapet Is NOT resting on the cam ramp. To do thi and make the aaj ment, proced a flows (2) Plice the machine on the central stand and then engage TOP rer (©) Sparking sts Remove from the cylinder head (0 Inspection Covers. Remove Both inlet and exhaust covers (@) Piston and Valve Positioning. To postion these parts cor- ect, urn the engine by rotating the rear wheel unt the INLET VALVE CLOSES and the plston reaches the TOP of ie stroke. The ‘ve cop dead centre can be ascertained by Just moving the rear ‘wheel In both directions and feling the top ef the piston with wie ro, (2) Making the Adjuitment. Sacken of th ajuter pla locknut, ‘hen turn the adjuster unex 010" (025 mm feeler can be inserted between the ip ofthe valve and che ajuter head, Tighten up the lockaut an recheck the clearance. When the locknut i tightened the clearance ts sometimes afte, therefore a second adjurtment may hive tbe made, The felergroge mutt alde tres between the two parts. Carryout the same procedure forthe ovher tale. Certain T205 models may be fed witha sports camshaft andthe correct clearances ar 0.02 In. (0.05 rm) inlet ad 0.004 (0.10 1) ‘exhaust. Do not vary the clearance from the standard for your Pricular model, Technial ata page 128, 661 9 da ADJUSTING THE BRAKES Adjusting the Brakes fear Brake. The brake soe adjtinent sma by easing the Fee he machine nth an and tet he ron brake fi thumb rors he ren end ofthe brake opraing roa, Tota op ‘easton the nut occ cio, Spot wed her tating the ajnee to check feeom of movemenc See the Front Brake, The brake shoe adjustment is made by turning the ating te adnment to check i juser inte brake cable wih stated inthe ep 20 the Fghe rnd telescopic fork member. Slacken the locknut and turn the jester anercockwse to bring th brake shoes into closer contact wrth the brake dru, Spin the wheel after making the adjustment To ensure tht the brake shoes are not binding. The ilusraion below shows the adjrtr and the correet lever poston, ADJUSTER NUT Be 6s 9 4a CHAIN ADJUSTMENT PRIMARY CHAIN ‘The primary chain ie on fixed centres and therefore requires no adjustment. The chain runs In fully enlored ol bath and nde these creumstancer i ot subjected to oad condition and there {ore site is greatly lngthene. REAR CHAIN ‘This chant adjusted by the ewo adjrters fed to the rear wheel spincle and fork ends. Adjustment made by first sickening of ‘the whee! spindle nuts and brake anchor bole and then curring the adjuster nuts Parieuar care should be taken when carrying out this operation nt co disturb the alignment of the whecle always fnsure an equal ruber of tune each side when making the djustmene ‘Acer making an adjustment, check the chan whip midway between the two sprockets, this should be atleast 1)" (8 em) with the machine om the centre stand, Turn the rear wheel and’ check the ‘hain at several points until she chin has ade one revolution, Ths ‘operation is necessary 1 the chain wear is sometimes not even and there ts usualy a postion in the chain which i tighter than elewher, ‘There isan automat ol fed tothe rear cain fom the crankcase breather. but its recommended that the cain ke removed for cleaning and redubriaing nthe periods shown on page 25 Successive baths of clean parafin should be uted unl the chan Is {que clean and free from gr The chain should be allowed to drain and then placed in a bath of molten graphite greste, The Chain should be slowed to remain inthe gree until fas cool (off and become sold again, af jut dipped in and vemoved, the grease may not penetrate undernesth the rales and much of te wll drain away. When the chain ix removed, srples grease ‘shouldbe wiped oft andit should be resfitea and adjusted. When facing che spring fastener on the removable lnk care should be taken co place it In the correct postion. The spring fastener It roughly the shape of 2 ah, and if is romembered thatch swims owe frat an he fastener Feds that he nore ralwaysprocendng hein Alteration ond Rep In the forward direction when the machine Is running, the fecer will ave an easy ad memory. Chain give very lage mileages \Tearafly used, but no pat of 3 motorycle shows mere qulekly the replé of neglect and abute, At chains are comparsively expensive proper maintenance wil se inthe ecaromical operation ofthe machine ALTERATION AND REPAIRS Ihe chains have been correc serviced, very fw repairs should bee necessary. Should the occasion aie to rapa, lngthe® oF shorten chain, rivet extractor and few spare pars will ever a Feguremens To SHORTEN s chain cone taining AN EVEN NUMBER OF PITCHES remove. the fark pare shown in Fig. 7 and Teplice by eranked Gouble lik and single con necting inka Fi. 8 ‘To SHORTEN chan con taining a2 ODD “NUMBER OF PITCHES, remove the ‘ark pares shown in Fig. 9 ted replace by single tone recing link and inner link Fig 10. To REPAIR 2 chain with » broken roller or inde link Femove the dark parts in Fig. 1? and replace by owo single connecting inks and fe ier lnk a Fig 12 6661 4a Coin Aeration and Reps RIVET EXTRACTOR . ‘The rivet extractor can be ued on all motorcycle chains upto pitch whether the chains are on oF of he whesl. When wing the 41. Turmserew antcockwze to permit the punch end to clear the chain rve. 2 Open the Jaws by gripping tommy bar and handle together (Gee Fig. 13). Pas Jaws over chain and rclease grip. Jaws should rest on hain roller trae of chainlink plats (ee Fig. 14) 4. Turn trew clockwize antl punch contacts with and pushes ost rivet ond through chain outer Tink plate. Unscrew punch, withdraw Sneractorandrepest complete operation sn adpene et ta thesamechsinovter lnk plate ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AFTER RUNNING-IN PERIOD ENGINE Kio, Check olan replenish i necessary 0 Drain lank (ol hot) and resil 2.400 ‘lean ol fers 2400 Tappets—Check ad aus necesry. 4900 Sparking plugs—Cisan and ache r 4000 Decrbonie £000-10,00012,00-16000, GEARBOX Check oll and replenish f rece 00 4,600 Drain i (ol hot) and ret 50006000 PRIMARY CHAINCASE Drain ol (ol hed) and reil ae 1000.00 Check cover secarty trem 100 t00 FORKS Drain ad rf $0009.00 Renew bushes aoao 32.000 (Grease headraces acco 46000 Check headrace adjustment S000 B00 REAR SUSPENSION Grease : 0004600 WHeeLs Respack with grese acc 16000 Brake cam spindle (donot over great) 2000 3.200, CHAIN (Rear) Aja 1500 2400 Labrcae (Winter) see Page 2. 419001600 Lubeieate Summer) se Page 22” 1500 2400 BRAKES Grease cable and rod mechanism too 4,600 Adjust (oormal) 1.600 661 94a tine Manenonce ‘OPERATING CABLES ‘Mil. Kilo Labrie wie 2500 4000 DISTRIBUTOR Lbricate with chino 5900 8000 ‘Adj conac pints 5000 8000 BATTERY Check electrolyee level fortnightly “TYRE PRESSURES. (Check and correc weak (see Page 99) (CARBURETTER Diamancl ad clean 15002400 ‘AIR FILTER Clean and reall element oe 200 3200 (When the machine sin use on feraremely dry conditions, the fervelg. period should be at mmore frequent Interrals) GENERAL Check cable wite for fraying, nuts a oles cables ete for secunty 1,000 1.600 SEE PAGES 123 AND 14 FOR RECOMMENDED LUBRICANTS AND PAGES 125 AND 12 FOR LUBRICANT CHART DECARBONISING DISMANTLING Before commencing this operation, fist clan the engine and gear= box unic with parain or a autale degrening agent. Secondly, cebtnn two boxes, one large enough to take the cinder barrel ‘liner head et, and the ether eed only be sll container for the mut, washers, ete. By doing this the epersor wil not have co search the four corners ofthe garage forthe vital nut complete the job. Now set out the requisite tool necenary to dismantle the engine fon clean sheet af brown paper. Finally, obain a Gaskee Set before dimantlng, Commence to dumantle In the following 1. Exhaust System. Slacken the bole in the exhaust pipe ‘liner head clip and remove the silencer to fame bee take sway the exause yee, 2. Engine to Frame Boles (Prior to Engine No. S767), Remove the tmo font bolas and slseken the rear engine to fame bot to cobain suflient clearance to detach the cylinder hea. 3. Rocker Oil Feed Pipe. Disconnect by removing the rocker Sind ruts ad easing the pipe banjo unions over the spindles, 4. Carburetter. Unierew the petrol fed pipe atthe tp, re tmove air cleaner rubber connection (where fitted) and slacken che ‘iamping bole. Wiehéraw the erbureter from the adaptor. Should the carburetor require desning, remove the screw seeing the ‘mining chamber tap. The earbureter can then be remaed leving the slide actached tothe cable. The the side sfly out ofthe way 5. Cylinder: Head. Unscrew the “Simmonds” nuts secring valve tappet covers to lind head and remove covers, Remove ‘he aparkng plug snd the fur cylinder hend holding nite an eae ‘he head away ftom the eyinder Barrel, Do nok aterpt to pie the head from the barrel by placing a screwdriver between the fn 661 94a Decerbontng as damage to the fining i simost sure wo occur. Should che feparating of there pars prove diffe, gealy tp the area round the rocker box witha hide bammer when the fine wil be broken 6. Push Rods and Cover. Withdraw the push rodeand raise the ‘inde bare to remove the cover tube, 7. Gylinder Barrel, This simply ite over the long studs but Should the operator suspect pion ring fare, eis advantageous purl to it the barrel ony and then fil he crankcae percure Ich ean cloth to aveld any Broken rng fling nto the crankcase 8. Piston. Remove a crip and press the gudgen pinout from the opposite end, che piton srembly cn now be removed from the connecting rod, Mark the lside of the platon In order to identify the front and rear when replacing REMOVING THE CARBON AND PREPARATION OF UNITS FOR RE-ASSEMBLY ‘fully detailed account willbe found on page 39, which explains the method of damanling, rectifying and reassembly of the uns RE-ASSEMBLY Piston. To astemble the peton, fest replace one crip and ensure that Ie fis wel into the gedgeon pin boss groove, chen assemble the puton rings. fis the scraper ing then the caper ring In the Inidle groove with the marking “TOP” upwards and finally che Pisin ring inthe top groove. Well othe piston rings and make sure that they revolve fely Inthe grooves. Oil the gud pln and SSsemble to the ptton eo tae Ie just protrudes through the boss ppotte tothe one already fied withthe crlp. eis now ready for aseorbly tothe connecting rod. lent the front ofthe piston tnd then pce lt over the rod and ener the gudgeon pln through ‘the small end bush and Int the piston boss unt the pn contac the ‘rlp. Flethe rmaning clips making sure of thee nthe groove Decarbnting Cylinder Barrel. Clean an¢ ol the bore and fit the base washer {2 the flange. gree to Hold In potion. Place the paten In the postion sown in Fig. 15, and sstemble the eylinder barrel to the Erankease. Fle the copper gasket tothe cyinger bare tp Farge Push Rods and Cover. Ft he sag washers to the cover tubes, {p—SILICONE RUBBER (CREAM), bowtor—AUBBER. ale the ‘lndr bara fic to enable the eng ofthe cover ube to the ernkene. Mae sre the cutaway inthe tbe fl enpged with th pgion the eankae, (Laer nadel sce overlea)- Replace the pak oar and cages the Tape wc the cen y ternng te ongine aise Fats Replacing he ender bare 6661 940 Decerbonting ssn The peg it no longer fiat a the crankcase and the push rod cover {Ube is correc ied frien the mark on the {ube is algned with the pip" on the ‘cylnder ea ig. th Posionng the Path Rode and Cover Taba Decarboning Cylinder Head Assembly. Fist correctly position the push reds in relation to the ejinder hed rocker gear. The INLET push rods the OUTER andthe EXHAUST pushrod isthe INNER, (looking a the engine om the RIGHT HAND sie). Lower the Slider head complete with famed cp onto the cylinder rel engaging the push rods to the respective rocker ball ends Fie che four sieve nuts and before finaly eghtening, check the valve action by earning the engin. Tighten down the nuts evenly Engine to Frame Bolts. Repl:e the bolts and ensure the nuts reel igheened, Rocker Feed Pipe. Fit a copper wather to eich racer spindle and then replace the fed pipe, followed bya further two copper washers and two dome nuts. Care shuld be taken not to overs Aighcen the nuts, otherwise the pipe may turn and brek at the ‘inj unions Carburetter. Replace this unit in the revere manner to the dismantling procedure and should the i leaner rubber connection Seem perihed in any way it should be replced by a new one Check! operation of shrottle contol alter sembly, the sean ‘shoul be free andthe trot valve shoul fall othe fly Closed pasion, Exhaust System. Replace the pipe and silencer and tighten the fined clip and slencer bole Rocker Covers. First cura to page 19, where adjustment of the valve tappet fly described, then adjust the sappetsLubriste the valve gear by applying oll with an ll gun or if not salable, bend a plce of tn and pour che all in. Replace the rocker covert With che new jlne washers and fly eighten down the nus Sparking Plug. Replace and stach the HIT lend, i ls aéviable {0 graphite grease the threads ofthe plug before iting ; do not covertigcen ‘The engine is now ready for staring. Aer running fora short period stop the engibe and recheck and tighten, hecesery. a engine nt, 661 40H OVERHAULING THE ENGINE AND GEARBOX UNIT Removing the Engine from the Frame Before commencing this operation the operators advised to remove the petrol tank. This operation I not ently nocestary 36 the tngine an be removed without disturbing the ank, But on the ther hand it simples the removal of control cables and prevents poulble damage to che tank Rear Panels. Remove a deseribed on Page 64. Front Chainguard, Remove the two bolt. guard to crankcase and mudguard stay. Withdraw the chainguar Exhaust System. slacken the bole in the exhaust pipe ap remove the silencer bolt and tke of che exhaust system, CConerot Cables. Disconnect all engine and gearbox cables at the handlebar. Free them from the frame cable clips, Brake Pedal and LH, Footrest, Remove the nuts securing these parts and withdraw from the spindles, it Feed and Seavenge Pipes. Pace an oll cry under the engine, Remove the lowar frome engine to frame bot and detach ‘heel pipe Junction back. To drain he oil more quickly. ‘the plpe from the ol tak Rocker Oil Feed Pipe. Remove the two rocker spindle nut, and cae the Banor of the spindles Electrleal Connections. Disconnect cables to distributor and sparking plug Engine Bolts. Remove the two ramalning engine co frame bolts, Drop the engine a the rear and raz atthe font, then remove the nie from the LH ide (ve side) ofthe machi DISMANTLING THE ENGINE AND GEARBOX UNIT Distributor. Sacken the dutribaor cmp and withdraw the unit from the ernkcae Carburetter, Remove the two securing nuts and withdraw carburetter and inslting block, LH. Ovter Cover. Remove the two domed nuts (where fted) fiom cha rar of the middle pair of saeurngserews,unserew the 7 remaining eres and pull off the cover Clutch, Engine Sprocket and Rotor. First unscrew the three ‘dutch nut and remove pressure plate, Bend back the lute locking Piste eb and undo clutch eo mainsaftloknut. Remove the engine Ialnshaelocknue and withdraw the rotor and dacance plece, Serew into the clutch eantre the extractor (Pare No. D400) and tighen the excractor bot to release the clutch from the aper mane shat ‘Remove the rozor key and then withdraw the cute, engine sprocket and chan as one unit Tap he clutch key out ofthe gearbox trance Kickstarter and Gearchange Pedal. Remove the nut fom the bckstarter cater, tun the pedal to the horzontal postion and “rive the cotter out. One good sharp blow with hammer will Susy tree ie Remave the pedal from the sha, Unrerow and remove the garchange peal srew ané withdraw the pedal from the splined shal RH. Outer Cover, Take out the sccuring tres and fe the cover sway from the Inner cover. Kickstarter Spring and Anchor Plate, Carly eave che anchor pate off the spindle. To prevent any injury, hold» plete 2 ‘vee the plite, Remove the spring from the casing RH. Inner Cover. First remove the small metal pate held by twa sero theneake out the spi pin which secures the caplae 6 tho spindle and cake out the spindle. Remove the four screws and withdraw the cover, To prevent any misalignment of the ‘isributorol pump shaft bath, replace the appropriate sew. 661 9 4aH ee | Dismantling Engine ond Georbox Gearchange Spindle and Quadrant Assembly. Remove the tring anchorage bole and withdraw the assembly fom the ese Gear Indicator Cable, Disconnect the nipple at the camplce and unscrew adjuster to remove. CCamplate. Remove from the ae Selector Forks and Spindle. Withdraw the spindle and remove the forks. Kickstarter Shaft and Low Gear. Remove both of these units from the gearbox lash Mainshaft and Layshaft Gear Cluster, Take out of the casing ea complete atrembly. Cylinder Head, Unscrew the fur sloove nuts ad lift off the head sembly Push Rods and Cover. Ete up the cylinder barral enough ¢o ‘enable removal ‘Camwheel and Camshaft Assembly. Withdraw from the timing Chest (The camel le marked for replacement purpose) Remove from the crankcase ‘Tappa ‘Timing Pinion. Slacken off the contr bolt one complet tun then screw the extractor (Par No. 0.396) into the piston itera thread. Tighten the extractor bolt ro withdraw pinion from the that caper Remove extractor and unsrew pinion Bot to remove the pinion. Cit Pump. Unscrew the swo securing bolts and remoy sembly Prparadon of Cylinder Head Distributor and Oit Pump Drive Shaft. Ifthe driven gear shows no sins of wear andthe sta fin the bush Is good the assembly ‘Should not be disturbed, To proven the bush curning Inthe casing. replace the cover screw. Iie is desirable to replace che parte dre ut the shat complete with bush from inside of he casing. Cylinder Barrel and Piston. Lif off he cylinder barrel, Remove fone lip from the piston gudgeon pin boss. Press out the gudgeon in from the opposite end to remote piston LI. Inner Cover. Remove the three scuting srews. Use wo extractors Part No. Z.129 in the top and bottom holer which are ‘headed for this purpose.” On the later mode (ct Fig. 10) unscrew he 9 bole and tap one side ofthe ease with 2 hide hammer to fee the joint which ie made with joining compound Flywheel Assembly. Turn the Frwhese until the connecting rod Inthe lowas pasion, ara withdraw the sembly rom the cg Mainshaft High Gear and Rear Drive Sprocket. Lock the sprocket to prevent ie carning and unscrew the locknut, Pest the gear nt the easing f.reletse sprocket, The Engine and Gearbox snow completly broken down into unt, and it proposed to del with there units separately In such ¢ Imanner thatthe Fer can dismantle, overaol and reauimble the major unit assemble By doing the work in tht manner the Assembly of engine and gearbox ft simplifed Inasmuch ws there It no subsasemblyto bother with whist concentrating on the correct assembly ofthe une PREPARATION CYLINDER HEAD Rockers and Spindles. Remove the rockers by knocking out the spindles from the tended end, To prevent damage tothe threat tte 1 hide hammer or sof metal tol for thir operation, Alter ‘removing the spindles, he rockers and thrust washers can be taken ut of the valve chambers. When inspecting for wear, check the ball ends and the adjster pins, The spindle and rocker bore whichis fly Labrieated normaly shows very lite wear even afer ‘considerable milege » 661 94H Prsparton of Cylinder Head nat snd Sr, Cee vty a See hed ney Se Serine oud he Removing Carbon from Cylinder Head. Remove the carbon, Inth a round fat headed teraper from the head sphere and ports. ‘Take porclar care when leaning around the valve seatngs 2 void damaging the fees Inspect the valve seas for pking or pocketing, and valve gulder for ovalty. Remember, if she valve Folder ar¢ changed the valve eeatings must be rect, The same Eppes toa valve replacement or valve which has had the sea face Aeplacing the Valve Guides, To replete wae guide we 2 seers Sein took su om the nie of the combustion “Romver when fin the row pte, stumble the reli ere crip cueremeterand di ne the sinder ex rom the ‘ELE tow end un te cp ne coma the Rong. Preparation of Cylinder Brel, "efor inspection. & thn uniform line fee frm pt marks or other surfce blomshes on valve face and valve seat inlates that the Seating is tatsictory. After completion, the. part must be ‘thoroughly washed to remove all acer ofthe grinding compound. ‘Assembling the Cylinder Head. Fist ensure that all parts are perfec clean, then cll the stem of the valve marked “IN and Insert into the Ina vaive guide. Turn the ead overs holding the valve In postion, slide the spring bottom cup over the guide, foe lowed by the Inner and outer lve pring and the top caller ‘Compress the springs with the apring compresor and semble the ‘wo eotters tothe valve sem, Relae the comprentor and fly ve the valve stam tp a sharp rap witha hammer to ensure corect featng of the cuters. Repent the operation forthe exist side. The next operation isto replace the rockers, To do ths grease the shim washer with che smaller hole and af tothe rocker end rearest the bal pin. Ineere the rocker inte the elinder head ond to replace the shim washers and spring wathers tothe opposite end, plac the tree together (eprng water In the middle) and grip the ledge with a alr of round nose pliers. Now inser the washers between the rocker end andthe valve chamber. Ol the spindle and push nom the sparking plug side, Carefully locate the uber "ealng washer onthe spine and‘eap the apna ehrough wnt che nd if fsh withthe housing.” Repeat the operation forthe other rocker. CYLINDER BARREL Removing the Carbon. Remove all eaces of carbon from the Upper wall fhe bore and then wath the jiner barrel thoroughly Check theamoune af wearin the upper parfthe barby comparing ico the measurements In the lower, Anything over 0.008" (0.127 mm) will denote resoring Ie necenary, "A rough check fan be made by checking the pst ring gap i varus sections of the einer barrel bores Normally the wear atthe botom of the bore ir very ihe Piston. First remove the scraper and compression rings. Now clean way the carbon deposit from the piston erown by carey scraping of Any light epost of burnt oll on the piston ake 'hould be removed by rubbing with a rag which hat Been dlpped 6661 0408 Preperation of Crankcas end Covers Into cleaning solvent (petro-parafin). Never n any circumstances the emery cloth, To clean the ring groover Is advantageous to the an old broken rig, by inteting the broken end Into the groove nd working I around the circmference. Clean out the drain holes In the scraper ring groove and then chorougly wash the piton, Iie propored te fenew engs they must fist be correctiy inpped in the elinder bore 15 mo Minimum ep 006 in (045 mm) 008 In. (02 mm) Msximum gap {0081 (02 mm.) 010 In. (025 mam.) ‘When making ths check the ring must be fed Into the unworn bate ofthe cylinder bore, Le the lowest pln. ‘OUI Pump. Se Lubriation Sytem, page 15. ‘CRANKCASE. In the flywheel compartment are the RH, Malahat plan beating, ‘the dtrbutor safe buth, andthe eamshafe bush. The litter two tre fry easly replsced but we do not recommend the owner to ‘Tserd the plin bearing, This lea job which should be delegated to's Teiumph Desler who wil have the necessary equipment 0 Tne ream Te in poston, aul Sting of this bush wil result in lack of cil to the big end. In che gear compartment wil be found the high gear furnal bearing, the aya bush and the m= piste Index spring. To remove the Jornal bearing, simpy pres Inco the cue The oll sal may then be pressed outwards. Where thin seas are fitted, the spring loaded side of exch mus face towards the bearing. The Index spring i removed by unscrewing the owe Securing stews, an operation which need not be undertaken If the plate shows no signs of wear. The lashae bushi removed by frst Freting out te saing washer and then the bush. Replacement is (rade inthe reverse manner but before replacing the sealing washer ‘heck the lyeaf fe Inthe Bush Note.—The removal and replacement ofall beatings I simplified by heting the crankcase £9 100°C. (approximately Boling pln) Prepareten of Fywheel Assen CRANKCASE COVERS TRH. loner. This cover house thes bute and che dutch ‘pertng arm. The bushes may be repaced by pressing the eld stint andthe sew them Toe cra am pee choape itsereed into the ean | 1 remove tara sm anivcoce (RH thread) Check oie ces and remove any LH. Outer. In he cover is housed the sarutorsator, Care ‘mur be ten Motto damage the winding. Clean and check the ‘over fee, LEH. Inner-_TheAywhel sins journal bearing is housed in {iis cover To remove warm the csng when the bearing cn be prened ove complete with al sal. The new bearing shuld Be Fepaced n he reverse manner anda ew sil ut be eed wih he spring sce ofthe ca towards the sprocket, FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLY The owner who is without workshop facile Is noe advised to sttemp the overhaul ofthe Aywheel assembly such work st this lsfar beter entrusted toa Teumph Dealer who asa fullyequpped workshop. For thote awners who hive te alii and for othert wwhoare In oulangish place, spec tool Pat No, Z10 segue together witha fizer's vce feted with ead clamp ee L oe 66 9 aa repost of Fee Asem DISMANTLING Before tempting to spl the assem aretllyserbe op line a any point across che rims ofthe flywheels, using a ters squire to ensure that the lines are at 90. This procedure alds ignmene during the reassembly. On pages 45 and 47 ar iusrated the four operations necessary £2 dismantle and assemble the fr wheels Ifa careful ote x made of these, no dielty should be ncouncered during the operation, Lefe Flywheel. Plce the toon poston atin Fig. 20 and tigheon the two f” bolts into the thrended hols ofthe Aywheel. Screw in ‘the centr bot andthe lf heel will be drawn of the crankpin Remove the tool and lft off the connecting rod Right Side Flywheel, Position the cola in Fig. 2 and this time ‘the two # bole ate secured by mute atthe rear of the Niwhea ‘Screw inthe centre bolt andthe rankpin wil be preted out EXAMINATION “The right man bearing controls the oil pressure a the big end and 1 the main bearing Jourmal Ix wora, the right Mywheel must be Feplaced. The new Fgh main bearing should be line reamed in pin. Unscrew the plugin the rim ofthe righ whee and lean out the sludge tap. Replace the plug std pean the eta into the screw lotto lock the plugin postion. Make sure tha che other plug ‘he centre ofthe wheels also secure Prcparcon of Fee! Aserby 6661 04a Preparation of Fpeel Aserly ASSEMBLING Before commencing this work, clean al parts thoroughly wih petrol for a deprening agent. Ie most ezzential that the cllways are ‘dear andthe ye! crankpln bores fee from all, The Z1t tol ted for dmanting can now be wed for assembling Righe Flywheel. The erankpin must be presed ino the fywhes fiat and grea care mutt be taken to eneure that the OIL HOLE In the CRANKPIN lines up with che OIL HOLE in che FLYWHEEL, Fic the tol a shown in Fig. 2, clamping the bls tothe outer face ‘ofthe fhe, wth the two nuts Tighten down the centre bale and the eankpin wil be presed inca the fiywheel. Test the algn- ment ofthe crankpin co fywheel by blocking one ele inthe eran ‘and applying oll ehrough a presure oll gn into the opposite hole the alignment is correct the oil wil ow through the crank nd into the mancha. Big-End Bearing. Lubricate thee pin and the connecting rod bigeend with clean engine ol. Wipe surplut ol fom that portion ‘ofthe crankpin which ie iserted into the le Fywhes Left Flywheel. Assemble the fiywhee to che erankpin and fe he tool as shown in Fig 23:0 the righe whoo, The ewo bales are threaded through the right wheel and serewed =o wheel ‘The bole must be equlytlgheaned down, Support the connecting rod in the up pon ang tighten down the cacre bole when the top acvembly wl be pressed into the lf hee! Preporoten of Flys! Aasembiy 661 9 da oc te Ripe Pipe ed sng the Rabe Fie

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