Beginner Modulo 2

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Student’s Manual


Module 2
National English for Work Program
El Salvador
Gerencia Técnica
Edificio INSAFORP, final Calle Siemens,
Parque Industrial Santa Elena
Antiguo Cuscatlán
La Libertad
National English for Work Program Series
Student’s Manual El Salvador, Centro América
Beginner Level PBX: 25227300
Module 2 Página web:


To the learner:

Welcome to module two of the beginner level. This set of worksheets will accompany you throughout 56
hours of instruction. From day 1 you will acquire the competencies that are necessary to communicate
successfully in your workplace. All activities are oriented to develop listening comprehension, speaking,
reading, writing, pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary skills.

You will also see some suggested websites for extended practice on your own in your free time.

Congratulations for being a participant of this course and for giving your best to become competent in the
English language!

Map of the book 6

UNIT 1 Work-related events 9

UNIT 2 Ongoing activities at the work place 19

UNIT 3 Scheduled events at the workplace 29

UNIT 4 Tech support 39

Map of the book


Work-related events Describe regular activities in the workplace Monday activities, e.g. check
Describe every day situations my email, type a letter, write a
Identify requests for specific personal finance report, attend a meeting, etc.
information Time expressions for regular
talk about financial information and work perks activities, e.g. every week,
Scan specific information fields in an informative every year, monthly, daily, etc.
document Expressions to ask about
money,e.g. How much do they

Ongoing activities at Express how frequently I do an activity in the work Expressions to state urgency,
the work place place e.g. It’s very important, I really
Provide instructions for actions or activities in need, etc.
simple commands Months of the year
Express obligations or needs at the workplace Ordinal numbers
Organize activities by date of event

Scheduled events at Describe future events Scheduled events at the work

the workplace Describe ongoing activities at the workplace place, e.g. sending emails,
Ask for and provide specific information about signing payrolls, organizing
future events at the work place meetings, etc
Describe temporary situations at the work place

Tech support Make a phone call to report a problem Ways to report problems,
Fill out a complaint form e.g. : I would like to
Make polite requests report a problem, I
have trouble with,etc.
Common issues to report, e.g.
it does not seem to work, it
makes a strange noise, it does
not turn on.

Map of the book


Simple present A woman giving uselful A welcoming letter for A short paragraph
email expressions a new employee about the events and
Someone’s routine activities you and one
description. coworker do in your

Frequency adverbs A conversation about An employee’s A short paragraph

Commands checking emails information about a job description
Have to and need to A gentleman discusses An employee’s activities
about frequency adverbs at work
A microclass about
feequency adverbs
A conversation between
two people giving
Present continuous, Aconversation between A mini article about A short paragraph
Present continuous vs. two girls and their future activities to keep about the temporary
Simple present. plans. employees happy events at your work
Present continuous Wh- Two men having a place
questions conversation using present
Present continuous for continuos.
temporary situations A conversation between
two women discussing
their scheduled events.

Would like to A sample tech support call A short reading about A complaint form
Could/ Can A man talk about his printer qualities
experience as tech support
A man talk about common
printing problems
A man talk about fixing
paper pick up issues.
A would like microclass
A boy and girl making

Unit 1 Work-related events
I will be able to... Let’s star t
describe regular activities in the workplace. 1 What are the 3 first things you do on
Mondays? How many times a day do you
check your email?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Sofía: What do you do every Monday morning?

Mario: I check my email, and I call clients for

the rest of the morning. What about you?
Sofía: I have to read a weekly report and
attend a meeting. I also have to
organize meetings every two Mondays.
How often do you check your email? Do
you check it everyday?
Mario: Yes! I do actually! I check it once or twice
a day.

Sofía: Great! It is very important!

3 Pair work Discuss the answers to the questions below.

1. What activities do Mario and Sofía do on Mondays?

2. Do you consider that it is important to check your email
everyday? Why?

Listen to a woman give useful email expressions.

Unit 1 Work-related events
4 Add two activities you do on a regular Monday.

On Mondays I...
1. Check my email 2. Type a letter 3.Write a report 4. Attend a 5. Call clients
6. Read a report 7. Visit clients 8. Organize

1 A. Complete the sentences below with one activities from the box.
5 B. Compare your answers with a partner.

1. I call clients everyday. I use the company’s phone.

2. Our secretary ____________________. Then, she sends them via email.

3. I_______________________ twice a day. I use my laptop computer.

4. I have to ________________________ every Monday at 8:00.

5. Celia ______________________. The meetings take place in the auditorium.

6. ___________________________________________________________________________.

C. Select five activities from the box in Ex. 2 . Write one question per each. Interview one classmate
per questions and write the answers.

1 Your turn
Write what you do on a regular workday.
Check with your classmates to see how many
of them are similar.

7 Share
Work in groups and tell your classmates
what you do on a regular day at work.


Now I can describe regular activities in the workplace...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 1 Work-related events
I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t
talk about routines and every day situations. What activities do secretaries do in your

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Sonia: What does Dominique do?

Matt Well, she is a secretary.

Sonia: Oh, I see. What does she do everyday,


Matt: Oh! I see your point! Well, she types

reports and sends emails everyday. She is
a hardworking woman!
Sonia: Absolutely! Does she arrive early?

Matt: Yeah... She is the first person to arrive in

the office!

1 Figure it out
Select the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences.

1. She type / types reports.

2. Do / Does she arrive late?

3. Does she arrive / arrives early?

Listen to someone’s routine description.

Unit 1 Work-related events

Simple present for third person Simple present for third person
singular plural
He They
Checks Check
Dominique Goes My coworkers Go
Likes Like
it The employees

Simple present Yes/No questions for third person singular and plural.

Does He
Check reports?

Do We/you/they Check reports?

How to use simple present

• Daily activities (routines)
• Scheduled events (timetables)

4 Complete the paragraph with the words in the box. Make sure to write them in the correct form.


From Monday to Friday, Dominique_________________ at 5:00

A.M. She____________________to work and when she gets there,
she________________her email and__________________all the clients
in her daily list. Lisa and Claudia________________with Dominique.
They____________to_____________lunch together. At 4:00 P.M.,
Dominique________________ home.

Unit 1 Work-related events

Time expressions for regular activities:

Every day/week/ month/ year


How to use time expressions

• Daily activities (routines)
• Scheduled events. (timetables)

1 Your turn
A. Write five questions you can ask a classmate about a regular day at his/her job.
B. Use the questions to interview a classmate about his/her daily activities and the time for each.

Time What does he/she does

1 Share
Share the answers you have with 3 classmates or with the whole class.


Now I can describe regular situations at the workplace...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 1 Work-related events

I will be able to... 1

1 Let’s star t
request specific personal finance information. How often do you have vacations at your job?
Scan specific information fields in an informative When do you take them?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Ruth: Hey Josh, I have a question for you. Do Imagen de calendario con la palabra “vacations”
you have paid vacations at your job?
Josh: Yes I do Ruth. How about you?.

Ruth: Me too. I have paid vacations. How many

days do you have in your vacations?

Josh: Twenty days to be exact. How many Unit 1

bonuses do you have per year, Ruth? Expressions to ask about money

Ruth: I have four bonuses. What about you? How much do they pay?
And how much do you receive?
How much do they charge?
Josh: I have just two. But each bonus is for How much is it?
more than $600!
How much do you earn every month / monthly ?

31 Figure it out

Circle the word that best completes the questions.

1. How much/many do they pay? 2. How much/many days do you have in your vacations?

4 Your turn

Use one of the questions above to complete the mini conversations:

1. A:____________________________________. B: It is $10.50

2. A: ____________________________________. B: I make $545 monthly

3. A: ____________________________________. B: They take $23 per item.

4. A: ____________________________________. B: The company pays $690 with bonuses.

Unit 1 Work-related events
1 Reading
Read the welcoming letter to Dominique’s new job and answer the questions below.


For a better future

Dear employee:

Welcome to TRAVERS INC.

Congratulations, you are now part of the Travers family!

Here’s some information about your new job.

Please read it carefully.

Name: Glenda Dominique Sánchez

Job title: Junior Sales Manager 1 Your Turn

6 Read the sentences.
Key job duties: Say if they are True or False

• Have a meeting with your manager every week

• Get in contact with customers 1. Dominique speaks to clients in her
• Answer clients questions about our products new job._____
• Take orders on the telephone
2. Her salary is $ 100.00 per week.
• Call potential clients
Vacations: 2 weeks per year + public holidays 3. Dominique gets a yearly vacation.
Salary: $440,00 per month + bonus
4. She has to work on holidays.
Good luck, Mark Travers CFO. _____


Now I can identify requests for specific finance information and scan it in an informative document...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 1 Work-related events

I will be able to... 1

1 Let’s star t
talk about financial information and work perks. How many days a week do you work?
How much time do you have to complete
your tasks at work?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Ben: Jeff! How are you doing? I want to ask

you, how many days a week do you
Jeff: Hey Ben. Well, I work five days a week.
And you?
Ben: That’s great! I work four week days ,and
sometimes on Saturdays.
Jeff: Really? On Saturdays? Do you work extra
hours? And how much money do they
pay for each extra hour?

Ben: Yes! I work extra hours when there is

too much work to do. Each extra hour is
around $10.
Jeff: I see. Well, sometimes there is not much
time, right?
Mario: Absolutely!

1 Figure it out
Circle the word that best completes the questions.
1. How much/many hours a day do you work? 2. How much/many do they pay per hour?

How to use: how many and how much...

How many How much

How many: for countable nouns.(hours, days, How much: for uncountable nouns. (money,
weeks, years, etc) time, etc.)
1. How many days a week do you rest? 1. How much money do they pay per extra
2. How many hours a day do you work? hour?
2. How much time do we have?

Unit 1 Work-related events

Instructions: Read the sentences and fill in the blanks with many or much.

1. ___________________ money is in a bank?

2. ___________________paper does a printer need?
3. ___________________ hours a day does he work?
4. ___________________information is on the internet?
5. ___________________ days a week do you rest?
6. ___________________ employees does your company have?

1 Writing
Write a 6 line paragraph about the events and activities you and one coworker do in your








Now I can talk about financial information and work perks...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 1 Work-related events

1 Grammar extra practice:

Simple present for third person singular and plural. (Negative statements)

How to use simple present negative statements

A. She does not work on weekends. B. They do not have much time.

Subject + auxiliary do/does+ not+ verb+ complement.

1. Maria does not work at HPBC.

2. Marcos does not stay late at work.
3. Juan and Pedro do not write reports.
4. We do not send letters.

1 Your turn
Write six negative sentences about you and a colleague.







1 Share
3 Walk around the classroom and share the sentences you have with two classmates.

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

1 Let’s star t
I will be able to... 1
say how frequently I do an activity in the work place. How often do you check your email at
How often do you attend meetings?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

John: How often do you check your email?

Ann: Every two hours. And you?

John Well, I try to check it as often as I can.

And how often do you call your clients?
Ann:I often call them once a week on
Monday, but I usually call them on
Friday to check their order. Do you call
John: Yes! I always call them first thing in the
morning. I believe it is important to have
contact with them all the time.
Ann: You are right!

1 Pair work
3 Discuss the answers to the questions below.

1. How often does Ann check her email?


2. Why is it important to check the email everyday?


Listen to two people talk about how often they check their emails.
Listen to a woman talk about checking the email.

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the work place
How to use frequency adverbs

Use frequency adverbs to say how frequently an activity happens

Frequency Adverb Example

100% Always I always get up at 5:00 0’clock.
90% Usually He usually drives to work.
80% Normally She normally checks her email.
70% Often I often have breakfast at work.
50% Sometimes She sometimes uses the microwave.
30% Occasionally I occasionally work over time.
10% Seldom We seldom take calls at work.

5% Hardly ever/rarely He rarely has conferences.

0% Never I never get late to work.

1 Your turn
A. Complete a list of your activities you do in a regular week.
B. Then, write the activities next to the word that best describes how often you do those activities.

I... Activities




Hardly ever


5 Share
Share the activities you have with three

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the work place

1 Group work
Add more questions on your own. Then, interview three different classmates.

How often...

How often do you... Name: Name: Name:

1. Have meetings?






1 Share
Tell the rest of the class about the activities
that are frequent for your classmates too.

Listen to a gentleman discuss about frequency adverbs
Watch a microclass about frequency adverbs


Now I can say how frequently I do an activity at the workplace...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

I will be able to... 11 Let’s star t

provide instructions for actions or activities in simple How often do you write memos?
commands. Do you often give instructions to other
2 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Marcia: Please send this package.

Luke: Yes, Ma’am. Do you need anything else?

Marcia: Actually, yes. Please write a memo about

the new date for the general meeting.
Luke: Right away! Give me one of those memo
stickers please.

Marcia: Sure! Here you go! Oh! And Luke? Please

supervise the new interns.

Luke: Absolutely!

1 1 Commands
3 Figure it out 4
Commands are direct instructions or orders
Complete the following commands. to do something.

Use the conversation above as reference.

Use please + the command
1. _____________ a memo about the new date. to sound more polite, e.g.
2._____________ me one of those stickers. Please place an order for more boxes.

3.____________ the new interns. Call the supervisor, please.

Listen to a conversation between two people giving commands
Extended explanation about the use of imperatives to give instructions and commands

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

How to use: commands to order or tell someone to do something


Please... write a check

send a memo

check the report

supervise the employees

go to a meeting

1 Pair work
5 Brainstorm 6 things your classmate’s boss needs him/her to do tomorrow.

What do you think your classmate’s boss wants him/her to do tomorrow?

1. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
2. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
3. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
4. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
5. ....................................................................................................................................................................................
6. ....................................................................................................................................................................................

6 Share
Share the commands you have with
your classmate and check the ones that are


Now I can provide instructions for actions or activities in simple commands...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

state the frequency of activities I do in my work. What are three things you do everyday in
use expressions to state urgency or commands. your workplace?
What is something you never do in your
work place?
2 Reading
Read about Mr. Wilson. Check the correct sentences
and correct the wrong ones.

Hello my name is John Wilson. I work in an office. I’m a Human Resources manager.

Every day I check e-mails for the company. I always answer the phone and talk to

potential employees. Generally, I attend meetings in the morning and not so often in

the afternoon. In my company, we always have events. We have to attend a conference

on July 21st, and then we have to attend a meeting about the conference on July

22nd. I am always busy!

1. _____ His name is John Wilkins. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____He writes reports every day.___________________________________________________________

3. _____He never answers the phone and talk to customers.___________________________________

4. _____ He often attends meetings in the morning.___________________________________________

5. _____ He never attends meetings in the afternoon._________________________________________

6. _____ He usually has events in his company._________________________________________________

7. _____ He has to go to a conference on July 22nd .__________________________________________

1 Writing
Based on the reading in part 1, write a similar
paragraph about what you do at your job.

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace
1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Mark: I really need that memo, Bree.

Expressions to state urgency:
Bree: Just a moment, please.
1. It’s very important
Mark: I need to speak to Mr. Wilson, please. It’s
very important. 2. I really need…
Bree: Right away!

1 Reading
Pair work. Read the email and organize the activities Guadalupe needs to do by importance.

Subject: Very important! Tasks for this month

Dear Guadalupe:

These are some of the tasks for this month:

I really need you to contact the first three potential customers in the list from Mr. Sánchez (you have
three days to do it, 3 hours each day). Call the new clients from the last three weeks and give them the
catalogue information for June (You have 2 days to do it 1, hour each day). It’s very important to send the
two latest sales reports on May 26th and the write a new welcome letter for the new customers (you have
one day to do it, 4 hours). Finally, visit the two stores in Santa Tecla (You have two days to do it, 2 hours
each day). Organize your week.

Thank you. Best regards.

Daniel Ruiz






Now I can state the frequency and urgency of activities I do in my work...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

express obligations or needs at the workplace. What are some of your obligations at your

2 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

John: Ann, is there something you need to do

Ann: Yes! Actually I need to call some clients.
And you?
John Well, I have to reschedule two meetings
for tomorrow. They were canceled today.
Ann: Oh! That’s too bad!

John: Yes! I have to provide important

information to some customers.
Ann: That sounds interesting!

1 Pair work
Get in pairs and discuss.
How do Ann and John express their obligations?

How to use: have to / need to:

Verbs to express obligations or needs:

Verbs: Activities

Have to prepare a document for my boss.

Need to

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

1 Your turn
Write about something you have to or need to do these days.

When? What time? Where?

1 Pair work
Write activities you have to do or need to do in your job.
Then, interview two classmates and write the activities they have to do or need to do.

Your list: Your classmate’s list:

1 Share
6 Share the activities you have with four
classmates or the whole class.


Now I can express obligations or needs at the workplace...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 2 Ongoing activities at the workplace

I will be able to... 1

1 Let’s star t
use ordinal numbers and organize activities by date Do you mark you events in your calendar?
of event. Do you attend your events?
2 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Susan: Adelle, please check my agenda; when is 1

the meeting with the consultant?
Adele: On Monday, November 22nd.
Susan What about the conference with the
Mexican representatives?
Adele: It’s on Friday the 26th.
Pair work
1. When is Susan’s meeting?
2. Do you think Susan has a busy agenda? Why?

1 Look at both the tables and the calendars.

Listen to your teacher and point at the numbers and months he/she calls out.

Months of the year.

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

1 Your turn ________________

5 Write the name of one the months in the
calendar. Think of three events and write 2017
the dates for them. S M T W TH F S
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Share
6 Then, share them with two classmates or 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
with the whole class. E.g.: An English class. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
On Tuesday, August, 9th. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
28 29 30 31

Now I can use ordinal numbers and organize activities by date of event...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the work place

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

1 Who schedules the events at your work
describe future work events. place? What are some events that are taking
place the next week?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Peter: Hello, Henry. I have a question. Who is

representing the company in the yearly
Henry: Hey Peter. Well, Maria is. But Julie is
attending the conference this year too,
Peter I see. But if Julie is attending, who is
delivering the presentations for the CEO
next week?
Henry: Guess what? I am! I am presenting with
Hector, the new accountant.

Peter: Sounds great! So I am informing the

committee about it!

1 Figure it out
Complete the following sentences.
Use the conversation above to help you.

1. He is present____ with the new employee.

2. I _____ informing the committee about


Listen to a conversation between two girls and their future plans.
Listen to two men having a conversation using present continuous.

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

How to use: present continuous for future events

We use present continuous to talk about arrangements for events at a time later than now.
Structure: Subject + verb Be + main verb (gerund) + complement.
1. I am meeting the interns tomorrow. This action will take place in the future. (tomorrow)

A. What time is Maria interviewing the B. She’s interviewing them at 5:00 PM

A. I am writing the report next week. B. Nice! and I am sending it as soon as you finish.

4 Unscramble the following words to create sentences.

1. is/ José / tomorrow / receiving / the new workers.

José is receiving the new workers tomorrow.
2. The next week / Mark / sending / the letters/ is.
3. working/ Jane/ tonight / is / on the reports.
4. signing/ is / Walter / today / the checks.
5. organizing/ Marina / the presentation/ is / in the afternoon.
6. Guillermo/ the bank / going to / tomorrow / is.
1 Your turn
Pair work
Role play a conversation about the scheduled
events at your work place.

1 Share
Record your conversation and share it with
your facilitator.


Now I can describe future work events...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

Who is the first person to arrive at your
describe ongoing activities accurately and regular
workplace? What is the first thing you do
activities at the workplace. when you get to your workplace?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Ryan: Good afternoon, Raul. What are you

doing right now?
Raul: Good afternoon, Ryan. Well I am
planning a video conference.
Ryan: Oh! The conference with the new team
in San Salvador? What is our team doing
right now?
Raul: Yes, it is! They are getting ready for the
conference in the meeting room.

Ryan: I see. What time do you usually get to

your work place . What’s the first thing
you do?
Raul: I usually arrive at 6.30 AM. And the first
thing I do is to check my email. And you?
Ryan: Well, I arrive at 7:00 or 7.30, it depends
on traffic. My first activity is to pick up the

1 Pair work
Get in pairs and discuss the following
1. Who gets earlier at the work place?
2. What is the topic Raul and his team are
discussing in the conference?

Short conversation and quiz about a woman asking what people are doing right now.

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

How to use simple present vs. present continuous

We use simple present for general information, We use present continuous for ongoing actions at
routine activities. the time of speaking.
1. I check my email every morning. 1. I am planning a video conference.

2. He writes reports about meeting. 2. They are getting the documents ready.

3. She audits inventories. 3. She is editing the information.

4. They arrange meetings. 4. The secretary is making a phone call.

4 Your turn
A. Complete the sentences in present continuous.

1. Thomas (print out) is printing the contract.

2. Sheril (meet)_________________with the boss right know.

3. He (take care)____________________________of everything.

4. I (pay)_____________________attention to the instructions.

5. She (prepare)_______________________________the briefing.

6. They (send) _________________________ the product to the warehouse.

B. Write in the boxes the activities you usually do on a Monday morning.

1 Share
5 Share the answers you have with three classmates.


Now I can use phrases about scheduled events at the work place...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

What events are taking place at you work
describe scheduled events at the workplace.
place these days?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Rose: Hello Mary! What are some activities you

are doing this week?
Mary: Hi Rose. Well, there are many things I
am doing this week. For example, I am
signing some payrolls on Tuesday and
sending emails on Wednesday. And you?
Rose: That’s ok. I am talking to colleagues and
checking reports.
Mary: And who is analyzing the advances in
the company?
Rose: Peter is!

1 Pair work
1. What are some activities Mary is doing this week?
2. Are you doing some of the activities described above? Which ones?

1 Your turn
Fill in the blanks with the events you have at your work place.

1. Signing payrolls 2. Sending emails 3. Analyzing the advances

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

1 Share
Share the events you have with three classmates.

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

1 Reading
Read this article about activities to keep employees happy. Discuss if the sentences below are
true or false, and correct the false ones.

1. Organize yoga classes of coffees each time someone in your team has a
If you work in an office and your employees birthday.
are sitting at computers every day, don’t
underestimate the impact yoga could have on their 3. Paintball

attitude and outlook. Yoga can help alleviate stress, Give your employees an opportunity to let off

calm the mind, release tension, improve brain some steam by organizing a day of paintball.

function and lift mood. What boss wouldn’t want Simply getting out of the office can work wonders

those outcomes? for staff morale. Watch out though – as the boss,
you’re going to be a prime target.

2. Celebrate birthdays
4. Guess who?
You don’t just have to rely on business games
Ask everyone to bring a childhood photo of
to boost morale. Simply acknowledging special
themselves and put them all up on a board and
occasions can have a big impact. It shows your
then get everyone to put their best guesses
team that you care about them as people, not just
forward on each one. It’s a bit of easy, light-
as employees. Get everyone to sign a card, have
hearted fun that will definitely help lift spirits, while
cake once a month, or simply buy them a round
offering plenty of humor along the way.

1. Yoga has an important effect on employees. True False

2. Yoga releases tension, but it doesn’t calm the mind. True False

3. Based on the reading, special occasions are not important. True False

4. Workers can play paintball inside the office. True False

5. Childhood photos can offend employees. True False


Now I can describe ongoing activities in the present and scheduled events in the future...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

Ask for and provide specific information about future What events are taking place at you work
events at the workplace. place these days? Where are these events
taking place? Who is organizing them?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Rita: Luis? Good afternoon, this is Rita , the

new secretary. I just want to confirm some
Luis: Hey Rita! Sure! Tell me!

Rita: I want to know, who are attending the

annual conference this year? And where
is it taking place?
Luis: Well, the IT staff is attending! And the
conference is taking place in the great
room. Rita, by the way, when are the
materials arriving? Do you know?

Rita: Got it! Yes! They are arriving on Friday


1 Figure it out
Complete the questions.
Use the conversation above to help yourself.
1. ____________ are the materials arriving?
2. ____________ is attending the conference?
3_____________ is the meeting taking place?

Listen to a conversation between two women discussing their scheduled events.

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

How to use present continuous wh-questions

Wh-questions ask for specific information

Structure: Wh-word + be + subject + verb-ing + complement + ?

What - When - Where - Why - Which - Who - How

1. A) Why is he meeting the new people today? B) Because....
2. A) When is the new offiice launching? B) It is launching on...
3. A) Where is your boss having the annual meeting. B) In...

4 Fill the blanks using the words in parentheses.

1. What company are you working (you work) for?

2. How _______________________________ (he divide) the groups?
3. When _______________________________(she hand) the checks?
4. Which factory _______________________________ (your boss visit) this month?
5. Why ________________________________ (the new secretary work) the next Saturday?

1 A. Think of some future events of your classmates.

5 B. Write 5 questions to ask your classmates about those events.
C. Take notes of their answers.
Questions: Your classmates’ answers






1 Your Turn
6 Role-play a conversation between a manager and an assistant discussing details of the scheduled
events for next week.


Now I can ask for and provide specific information about future events at the workplace.

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace
I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t
use present continuous for temporary situations at What are temporary activities you are doing
at your workplace these days? What about
the work place.
your coworkers?
1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Ever: Hi Beth! Long time no see. How are you?

Beth: Hello Ever! What are you doing these
Ever: I am ok. Well, I am working on a new
project, and also I am taking an English
course these days. How about you?
Beth: That sounds great! What a coincidence! I
am also taking an English course. English
is essential at the workplace these days.
Ever: I know! A colleague who completed the
course is taking a training in England
these days.
Beth: You are right! I am studying on my own,
you know. I am reading novels to have
better results.
Ever: Great! Well, I am doing listening
exercises. They help a lot!

3 Pair work
Get in pairs and discuss the following questions:
1. What are some of the things Ever and Beth are doing
these days?
2. What things do you have in common with the
people in the conversation?

Unit 3 Scheduled events at the workplace

How to use present continuous for temporary situations

Use the present continuous for temporary situations. The expressions “these days“ and “at the moment“
are often used to emphasize the “temporary” aspect of the activity.

1) I am reading a new book these days. (This is a temporary activity because the person will finish
reading the book.)
2) Wendy is having a meeting at this moment. (The meeting will finish sooner or later)

3) We are taking an English course. (The course will end)

1 Your turn
Role play a chit-chat conversation about
the temporary activities you and two other
colleagues are doing these days.

1 Share
5 Share the role play with the class.

1 Writing
6 Write a 6 line paragraph about temporary
events at your work place.








Now I can describe temporary situations at the workplace...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Tech Support
I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t
make a phone call to report a problem. Do you ever call tech support? When do
you do it?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Peter: Good morning, this is Peter from Tech

Support. How can I help you?

Robert: Hi, Peter. This is Robert. I am calling

from the Human Resources Department.
I’d like to report a problem with my
Peter: What is it,Robert?

Robert: It doesn’t seem to work.

John: I see. Let me ask you some questions...

1 Pair work
Get in pairs and discuss.
1. What is the issue with Robert’s computer? 2. How does he report the problem?

1 A. Check which problems are the most common reasons to call tech support.
B. Talk to two colleagues, and compare your tables.

c new software c paper stuck in printer

c no internet access c USB ports out of order

c a virus c funny noise in the CPU

c deleted files c frozen screen

Listen to a tech support call between a man and a woman.
Listen to a man talk about machine problems

Unit 4 Tech Support

Ways to report a problem Common issues to report

I would like to report a problem. It does not seem to work.

I would like to report an issue. It makes a strange/funny noise

I have trouble with…. It does not turn on.

1 Pair work
5 1. What are the common issues you have in your work place?
Write down the most common problems you have with the equipment in your office.
Write the problems you and your classmate have in common in the middle section.

6 Your turn
Reporting a problem to tech support (over the phone)

1. Work with a classmate. Write three problems for each

piece of equipment.
2. Add the name of a piece of equipment in your
workplace using the diagram in page 41.
3. Practice reporting one of those problems to a
4. Change partners and practice again.

Unit 4 Tech Support

Item Possible problems

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

1. 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

2. 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

1. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. 2. ________________________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________________________

I have trouble I see. Let’s

with my wi-fi check the
connection. router first...

Listen to a sample tech support call
Listen to a man talk about his experience as tech support representative


Now I can make a phone call to report a problem...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Tech Support
I will be able to... 1
1 Let’s star t
What is the most common problem with
report a problem using formal language.
printers? How often do you use them?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Mike: Mike Hernandez, IT department.

Maria: Hello Mike. This is Maria Ochoa from
accounting. I would like to report a
problem with my printer.
Mike: What is the problem, Ms. Ochoa?
Maria: It doesn’t seem to be working and it’s
making a strange noise.

Mike: Is there a message in the control panel?

Maria: Yes, it says “service”. Also, there is a red

light on the error button. I would like you
to come soon to check it.
Mario: I see, I’ll be there right away.

1 Figure it out

Complete the sentences below.

Use the conversation to help yourself.
1. I________ like to report this issue.
2. I would _________ fix this!

Listen to a man talk about common printing problems
Listen to a man talk about fixing paper pick up issues
Video on how to pronounce would, could, should

Unit 4 Tech Support
How to use would like to....

Use would like to to say what you want, especially when making offers and requests.

Singular: Plural:
She would like to send the reports today. They would like to speak to a supervisor.
He’d like to meet the new employees tonight. We’d like to ship this container tomorrow.

1 Your turn
4 Imagine a piece of equipment at your workplace is broken.
Write from 4-5 requests about it.





1 Share
Share the ideas you have in small groups or
with the whole class.

Expand your understanding of would like to by listening to this microclass
Listen to a man talk about his experience as tech support representative


Now I can use polite language to report a problem ...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Tech Support

1 Reading
Read about printer qualities and answer the questions below.

• Color: Color is important for users who need to print pages for presentations or maps and
other pages where color is part of the information. Color printers can also be set to print only in
black-and-white. Color printers are more expensive to operate since they use two ink cartridges
(one color and one black ink) that need to be replaced after a certain number of pages. Users
who don’t have a specific need for color and who print a lot of pages will find a black-and-white
printer cheaper to operate.

• Resolution: Printer resolution (the sharpness of text and images on paper) is usually measured
in dots per inch (dpi). Most inexpensive printers provide sufficient resolution for most purposes
at 600 dpi.

• Speed: If you do much printing, the speed of the printer becomes important. Inexpensive
printers print only about 3 to 6 sheets per minute. Color printing is slower. More expensive
printers are much faster.

• Memory: Most printers come with a small amount of memory (for example, one megabyte) that
can be expanded by the user. Having more than the minimum amount of memory is helpful and
faster when printing out pages with large images or tables with lines around them (which the
printer treats as a large image).

1. Why is color important for some users?

2. What does “dpi“ stand for?

3. Why are color printers more expensive?

4. What is something important for someone who prints a lot?

5. What is the amount of memory that most printers come with?

Unit 4 Tech Support
I will be able to... 1
1 Let’s star t

fill out a complaint form. Do you ever complain about the broken
items at your work place? Do you ever fill complaint
1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Mike: Thank you for calling the IT department.

Maria: Hello, my name is Maria Ochoa and I
need to file a complaint about my work
terminal (computer)
Mike: I’m sorry to hear that. Please describe the
Maria: It was very slow yesterday, and it didn’t
turn on today.
Mike: Let me send someone with a complaint
form. We can send a new computer in no
Maria: Thank you.
Mario: You are welcome!

1 Pair work
Get in pairs and discuss the following questions.
1. What expression does Mike use to show a solution in progress?
2. What seems to be the problem with the computer?

1 Group work
It doesn’t
Get in trios. turn on
Write down two more reasons to
file a complaint. Printer
Write the name of another piece
of equipment at the center of
the second diagram and possible
complaints about it.

Unit 4 Tech Support

1 Your turn
5 Fill in the following complaint form:


NAME OF COMPLAINANT_______________________________________ DATE________________________

HOME PHONE NUMBER__________________WORK PHONE NUMBER________________ FAX NUMBER_____________

STREET ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________ CITY______________________

E-MAIL ADDRESS_______________________________

Identify the EQUIPMENT in question and the problem
____________________________________________________________ DATE___________________________

1 Share
6 A. Exchange forms with a classmate.
B. Role play a conversation using the information from the forms.


Now I can fill out a complaint form...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help

Unit 4 Tech Support

I will be able to... 1 Let’s star t

Do you ever make requests? If so, what
make polite requests.
kind of requests do you make?

1 Listen to your teacher read the conversation. Then, practice with a partner.

Max: Hello, this is Max from Tech Support. How

can I help you?
Joe: Hi Max. My name is Joe. I work for Peeps.
com? We received the new printer, and I
need help setting it up. Could you help
me, please?
Max: No problem, Joe. Could you tell me the
Joe: Let me check... Can you hold on a
second, please?.... Uh... It’s an Ultipage
Max: Ok, first, make sure that the power cord is
plugged in.
Joe: Alright, it is. Could you tell me what I
need to do next, please?
Max: Second, check that the installation CD
is in the tray. And third, once the menu
appears on the screen, click on complete

3 Figure it out
Fill in the blanks. Use the conversation above to help yourself.
1. ____________ you tell me what the model is?
2. ____________ you describe the problem, please?

Listen to a microclass about modals could and can.

Listen to a conversation between a boy and a girl making requests.

Unit 4 Tech Support
How to use could for polite and formal requests
The modal verb could is used for polite and formal requests.

Structure: Could + Subject + Verb (base form) + Complement + ?

1) Could you write these reports, please?
2) Could you deliver these letters today, please?

How to use can for informal requests

Can is used to ask informal requests.

Structure: Can+ Subject + Verb (base form) + Complement + ?

1) Can you write these reports, please?
2) Can you help deliver these letters today, please?

1 Write 5 requests that your boss could ask you next week.

1. ________________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________________




1 Your turn 1 Share

5 Role play a meeting with your supervisor. 6
Record your conversation and share it with
He/She is reviewing the activities planned your facilitator.
for this week.


Now I can use could and can for requests...

c Independently c With occasional help c Only with help


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