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FORMĂ Afirmativ: Subiect + Verb-ed  verbe regulate

Subiect + forma a II-a  verbe neregulate
Negativ: Subiect + didn’t + Verb
Interogativ: Did + Subiect +Verb…?

We use the past simple:

1. for actions which happened at a definite or stated time in the past; that is, we
know when they happened
They graduated four years ago.
Ei au absolvit acum 4 ani..

2. for actions which happened immediately one after the other in the past
They cooked the meal first, then they ate with their friends.
Mai întâi ei au gătit cina, apoi au mâncat cu prietenii lor.

3. to talk about people who are no longer alive

Princess Diana visited a lot of schools.
Prinţesa Diana a vizitat multe şcoli.

4. for actions which happened repeatedly in the past but don’t happen any more
He often played football with his dad when he was five.
El adeseori juca fotbal cu tatăl său când avea 5 ani.

Time expressions

ago – 2 days ago = acum 2 zile
last – last week = săptămâna trecută
in 2000
on Sunday

FORMĂ Afirmativ: Subiect + was/were + Vb-ing

Negativ: Subiect + wasn’t/weren’t + Verb-ing
Interogativ: Was/Were + Subiect +Verb-ing…?

We use the past continuous:

1. for an action which was in progress at a stated time in the past. We do not know
when the action started or finished.
At three o’clock yesterday afternoon Mike and his son were washing the dog.
Ieri dupa amiaza la ora 3, Mike si fiul sau spalau cainele.

2. for a past action which was in progress when another past action interrupted it.
We use the past continuous for the action in progress and the past simple for the
action which interrupted it.
He was reading a newspaper when his wife came.
El citea un ziar cand sotia lui a venit.

3. for two or more actions which were happening at the same time in the past
(simultaneous actions).
Mother was cooking while father was sleeping
Mama gatea in timp ce tata dormea.

4. to give the background information in a story.

The sun was shining and the birds were singing. Tom was driving his old truck
through the forest.
Soarele stralucea si pasarile cantau. Tom conducea vechiul lui camion prin

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