Css Practical 9

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Subject: Client Side Scripting Subject Code: 22519

Semester: 5th Course: Computer Engineering
Laboratory No: L001B Name of Subject Teacher:
Name of Student: Roll Id:

Experiment No: 9
Title of Experiment Develop a webpage using intrinsic java function.

Theory: -

. Java Script has a special set of function called intrinsic function that mimic actions of the
submit button and reset button of a form.

. An intrinsic function is often used to replay the submit button and the reset button with
your own graphical images, which are displayed on a form in place of these buttons.

. In following example, we have used two <img> tags to simulate the functionality of submit
and reset.

. First <img> element displays submit.jpg and other displays reset.jpg. Each of these traps
the onclick events and call the appropriate intrinsic function. This has the same effect as
interesting the submit and reset button on the form and then clicking them.

Program: -



<form name="myform" actoin="" mathod="post">


FirstName:<input type="text" name="Fname"/>



LastName:<input type="text" name="Lname"/>


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<img src="images.jpg" onclick="javascript:document.form.myform.submit()"/>

<img src="reset.jpg" onclick="javascript:document.form.myform.reset()"/>






Grade and C (35M) P (15M) Total ( 50 M) Dated Sign

Signature of

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