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Read the following BEFORE you enroll in a virtual class.

On May 1, 2021, WellSharp Live launched a new proctoring service (ProctorU) for virtual
assessments. As with any newly launched program or product, there are some bugs to be worked

Requirements for the testing environment:

• Trainees must test in a quiet location. The testing location should not allow for other
individuals to be entering and exiting the room. Please have trainees that are testing make
others aware they can not be interrupted by others entering the room, holding conversations
with the trainee or in the background, etc.

Behaviors that will flag an assessment to be paused by the proctor:

• Talking aloud: Unless you have an accommodation, talking or whispering aloud during the exam
is not permitted.
• Being out of camera view: Your face, chin to forehead, always need to be in the camera frame.
• Anyone entering your testing area: You may not have anyone else in your testing location with
• Anyone talking to you while you are in your testing area: Additional noises, including other
people talking to you or in the background, while you are in your exam are not allowed.
• Looking off-screen: If you are not allowed any materials, your eyes should stay on the screen at
all times while testing.
• Utilizing materials that are not allowed: You are only allowed the permitted materials allowed
by your instructor and IADC.
• Taking pictures or screenshots of the exam: Taking pictures during in your exam, including
screenshots, is not permitted. If you are on a Mac computer and have a live human proctored
launch, your proctor will turn off the ability to use your keyboard screenshot hotkeys.
• Copying and pasting any elements of the exam: In most cases, our system will not allow you to
copy and paste any content from your exam. Regardless of whether you can or cannot perform
this function, our system will capture all events of copy and paste that occur.

NOTE: Flagged issues are subject to the cancellation of the trainee certificate and can
lead to disciplinary action for the instructor and training provider.

Requirement for System Testing:

• Each trainee receives an email with a link to test their equipment. It is essential that trainees
are reminded to test equipment at the start of the course. This allows time for technical support
to troubleshoot any issues. Failure to test equipment in advance of the assessment day, may
result in delays in launching the assessment session.
• When reporting rosters to our KREW support team, please include the link to Zoom, WebEx,
Teams, or any other system used for course delivery. This allows for expedited troubleshooting
in the event an issue arises.

Materials Allowed for Testing:

• Four Function or Scientific Calculator (Handheld or Computer’s Calculator)
• Printed Formula Sheet Provided by your Instructor
• Printed Definition Workbook
• Printed Acronym Workbook
• Blank Scratch Paper
• Blank Notepad
Requirements for band width and internet capability:

NOTE: If a trainee’s computer freezes or has unstable internet connectivity, it will not be
able to support the bandwidth requirements for taking the online assessments. Trainees
should choose an assessment location with steady stable connection.

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