Module 7 The Future of The Philippine Literature

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The Future

Philippine Literature

Prepared by:
Niña G. Dela Torre
Crislyn C. Fuertes
Looking beyond: The Future of Philippine Literature

Philippine literature is constantly evolving, which means that there are

more outputs in which you as a student will enjoy in the near future. One of
these is the comic book industry, which is a good way for you to read and
be informed in a creative and enjoyable manner.
The comics or komiks, as it is known in the Philippines, is one of the
most beloved forms of published work.
Some of the most famous ones are Mang Ambo of Larry Alcara,
Pugad Baboy by Pol Medina, and News Hardcore by Manix Abrera.
Carlo Vergara’s Ang Kagilas-gilas na Pakikipagsapalaran ni
Zsazsa Zaturnnah has won the National Book Award in 2003, despite
being self-published in 2002.

Here are 3 of the latest genres emerging in Philippine literature and

examples of their literary works. 
• Speculative fiction- This is an umbrella term in the country's literature that
includes all genres of horror, fantasy, science fiction, magical realism, and
other nonrealist genres.
 Dean Francis Alfar is the co-editor and publisher of the yearly
Philippine Speculative Fiction anthology. His novels and short stories
have won him several national awards--including a total of 10 Don
Carlos Palanca Awards. His publications have been global, with his
own short stories being published in other international journals. 
Six from Downtown
By: Dean Francis Alfar
Big Idea
Imagination is the key to speculative fiction just as it is the key to many
tasks in life. With imagination, you may come up with the best solution to a
difficult situation. Sometimes, imagination will also help you go through the
most difficult of situations.

• Avant-garde poetry - These are poems that push the boundaries of what
is expected as the norm. In that sense, these kinds of poems experiment
with form, phrasing, idea, imagery, and the like. 
 Conchitina Cruz is a Filipina poet who teaches creative and writing
and comparative literature at the University of the Philippines-Diliman.
She graduated magna cum laude from the Creative Writing Program,
and a valedictorian from the College of Arts and Letters in 1998. She
has received a Fulbright grant for her Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in
Creative Writing in the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and is
currently talking up her PhD in the State University of New York
(SUNY), Albany. She has published several poetry books such as
Dark Hours and Elsewhere Held and Lingered.
Permit us to refresh your memory 
By: Conchitina Cruz

• Contemporary essay - The contemporary essay nowadays is unrestricted

and explores diverse topics such as dysfunctional families. LGBT issues,
terrorism, religion and or faith.
 Shakira Sison won the First Prize Don Carlos Palanca Award for the
English Essay last 2013 for "The Kraukauer Table." She was a
veterinarian before she relocated to New York in 2002, where she
now currently works in the finace industry.
Can We Get Rid of "Filipino Time"? 
By Shakira Sison

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