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Statistical Methods Employed

All measurements were completed using a five-point Likert scale, ranging from
strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). The mean score for each of the five
determinants (Information Quality, Information Credibility, Information Needs, Attitude
Toward Information, Information Usefulness and Adoption) was determined. The use of
mean scores was deemed suitable in this study because the sample size was sufficient
and no outliers were present. Furthermore, mean value is the most commonly utilized
metric of central tendency when examining statistical relationships.
Moreover, because the study's aim is to create a clear picture of the data, the
researchers employed descriptive statistics. This includes both numerical and graphical
tools that enable researchers to summarize a set of data and extract critical information,
such as significant patterns. Measures of frequency (count, percent, frequency),
measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), and measures of dispersion
(range, standard deviations) are all included in this research. Each descriptive statistic
condenses large amounts of data into a simple summary in order to make the data
more complete. With that, the researchers are simply stating what is or what the data
The consistency of a concept's measure is defined as reliability. Stability, internal
reliability, and inter-observer consistency are three fundamental characteristics that help
to determine if a measurement is reliable or not. The researchers decided to use only
internal reliability in this study since it contains several components with numerous
measures. The indicators are also consistent and interconnected. Cronbach's alpha is a
popular measure for assessing internal dependability. Researchers consider a
Cronbach's alpha score greater than 0.70 to be ideal. More specifically, a value of 0.90
is considered excellent reliability, 0.70-0.90 is considered high reliability, 0.50-0.70 is
considered moderate reliability, and less than 0.50 is considered low reliability.
Cronbach's alpha values are provided for all seven variables in this study.
Lastly, for the hypothesis testing, the impacts of eWOM on the Home Buddies
Facebook Group were evaluated using the six determinants of eWOM information that
influence consumers' purchase intentions: Information Quality, Information Credibility,
Information Needs, Attitude Toward Information, and Information Usefulness and
Adoption.  The hypothesis was tested using multiple linear regression analysis. Multiple
regression analysis can be used to evaluate the relative effects of independent factors
on the dependent variable. It is mathematically demonstrated as follows:

y = b0 + b1 X1 + b2 X2 + ... + bn Xn
y = the estimated value of the dependent variable b0 = the regression constant or
b1, b2, bn = partial regression coefficients
X1, X2, Xn = independent variables

The data for the first part of this study was gathered through a survey of
100 members of the Home Buddies Facebook group. For the second step, the data
collected was then analyzed, and a comparison was made using multiple regression
analysis. In this subsection, the following data are presented: demographic profile,
descriptive statistics, reliability assessment, hypothesis testing, and multiple regression

Demographic Profile

(Pat and Chesca)

Descriptive Statistics
The descriptive statistics of survey measurements used for electronic word-of-
mouth information found in Home Buddies Facebook Group are presented in this
subsection. All measurements were executed using a five-point Likert scale, ranging
from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5). For proper reference, the following are
the survey measures that the proponents used:

Survey Measures
Variable Measure Survey Statements
Information Quality IQ1 I think they have sufficient reasons supporting the opinions.
IQ2 I think they are clear and understandable.
IQ3 In general, I think it is suitable for users like me.
Information Credibility IC1 I think they are convincing.
IC2 I think they are credible and worth trying as well.
IC3 I think they are relatable.
Needs Of Information NOI1 I like to apply the discussion when I consider new products.
NOI2 I usually refer to the discussion to choose the best alternative for me.
NOI3 I frequently gather information from the discussion before making a
Attitude Towards ATI1 They make shopping feel more entertaining.
Information ATI2 They are helpful for my decision making when I buy a product.
ATI3 They make me confident in purchasing a product.
Information Usefulness IUA1 They contribute to my knowledge about product features and
and Adoption definitions.
IUA2 They make me want to shop at certain stores, may be physical or
IUA3 They make products seem unique/different than products I have seen
from other groups.
Purchase Intention PI1 It is very likely that I will buy the product.
PI2 I will purchase the product next time I need it.
PI3 I will definitely try the product.
PI4 I will recommend and share the products to my

Table ____: Survey Measures

Furthermore, presented below is the Percentage Distribution Table of all survey

measures pertaining to the general customer feelings and insights on Home Buddies
Facebook Group with regards to its electronic word-of-mouth information:
Percentage Distribution of Survey Measures
Variable Measures Strongly Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly
Disagree (1) (2) (3) (4) Agree (5)
Information IQ1 0% 0% 9% 58% 33%
Quality IQ2 0% 0% 6% 49% 45%
IQ3 0% 1% 6% 56% 37%
Information IC1 0% 2% 8% 46% 44%
Credibility IC2 1% 0% 12% 49% 38%
IC3 1% 2% 8% 45% 44%
Needs Of NOI1 1% 1% 8% 48% 42%
Information NOI2 0% 1% 9% 49% 41%
NOI3 0% 1% 10% 45% 44%
Attitude ATI1 0% 0% 9% 46% 45%
Towards ATI2 1% 2% 11% 37% 49%
Information ATI3 0% 0% 11% 49% 40%
Information IUA1 0% 1% 6% 41% 52%
Usefulness and IUA2 1% 3% 11% 40% 45%
Adoption IUA3 0% 3% 10% 46% 41%
Purchase PI1 1% 1% 24% 44% 30%
Intention PI2 1% 2% 8% 46% 43%
PI3 2% 5% 19% 45% 29%
PI4 0% 1% 8% 52% 39%

Table ____: Percentage Distribution Table

The mean score for all five variables is as follows: information quality is 4.28,
information credibility is 4.21, needs of information is 4.27, attitude towards information
is 4.43, information usefulness and adoption is 4.39, and purchase intention is 4.05. The
means and standard deviations for all measures are listed below:

Descriptive Statistics of Survey Measurements

Variable Measures Mean Standard Deviation
Information Quality IQ1 4.15 0.57
IQ2 4.33 0.60
IQ3 4.35 0.63
Information Credibility IC1 4.26 0.72
IC2 4.15 0.73
IC3 4.23 0.79
Needs Of Information NOI1 4.24 0.75
NOI2 4.27 0.65
NOI3 4.30 0.68
Attitude Towards AT1 4.33 0.63
Information AT2 4.27 0.82
AT3 4.26 0.65
Information Usefulness and IUA1 4.42 0.63
Adoption IUA2 4.16 0.85
IUA3 4.16 0.75
Purchase Intention PI1 3.89 0.79
PI2 4.22 0.79
PI3 3.86 0.94
PI4 4.23 0.65

Table ___: Descriptive Statistics of Survey Measurements

Reliability Assessment
Hypotheses Testing
Multiple Regression Analysis

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