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10, 2013




T1 Mapping for the Diagnosis of

Acute Myocarditis Using CMR
Comparison to T2-Weighted and Late Gadolinium Enhanced Imaging

Vanessa M. Ferreira, MD, DPHIL,* Stefan K. Piechnik, PHD, MSCEE,*

Erica Dall’Armellina, MD, DPHIL,* Theodoros D. Karamitsos, MD, PHD,*
Jane M. Francis, DCR(R), DNM,* Ntobeko Ntusi, MB, CHB,* Cameron Holloway, DPHIL,*
Robin P. Choudhury, DM,* Attila Kardos, MD, PHD,y Matthew D. Robson, PHD,*
Matthias G. Friedrich, MD,zx Stefan Neubauer, MD*
Oxford and Milton Keynes, United Kingdom; and Calgary, Alberta, and Montréal, Quebec, Canada

OBJECTIVES This study sought to test the diagnostic performance of native T1 mapping in acute
myocarditis compared with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) techniques such as dark-blood T2-
weighted (T2W)-CMR, bright-blood T2W-CMR, and late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) imaging.

BAC KG R O U N D The diagnosis of acute myocarditis on CMR often requires multiple techniques,
including T2W, early gadolinium enhancement, and LGE imaging. Novel techniques such as T1 mapping
and bright-blood T2W-CMR are also sensitive to changes in free water content. We hypothesized that
these techniques can serve as new and potentially superior diagnostic criteria for myocarditis.

M E T H O D S We investigated 50 patients with suspected acute myocarditis (age 42  16 years; 22%

women) and 45 controls (age 42  14 years; 22% women). CMR at 1.5-T (median 3 days from presenta-
tion) included: 1) dark-blood T2W-CMR (short-tau inversion recovery); 2) bright-blood T2W-CMR (acqui-
sition for cardiac unified T2 edema); 3) native T1 mapping (shortened modified look-locker inversion
recovery); and 4) LGE. Image analysis included: 1) global T2 signal intensity ratio of myocardium
compared with skeletal muscle; 2) myocardial T1 relaxation times; and 3) areas of LGE.

R E S U LT S Compared with controls, patients had significantly higher global T2 signal intensity ratios by
dark-blood T2W-CMR (1.73  0.27 vs. 1.56  0.15, p < 0.01), bright-blood T2W-CMR (2.02  0.33 vs. 1.84
 0.17, p < 0.01), and mean myocardial T1 (1,010  65 ms vs. 941  18 ms, p < 0.01). Receiver-operating
characteristic analysis showed clear differences in diagnostic performance. The areas under the curve for
each method were: T1 mapping (0.95), LGE (0.96), dark-blood T2 (0.78), and bright-blood T2 (0.76). A T1
cutoff of 990 ms had a sensitivity, specificity, and diagnostic accuracy of 90%, 91%, and 91%, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS Native T1 mapping as a novel criterion for the detection of acute myocarditis
showed excellent and superior diagnostic performance compared with T2W-CMR. It also has a higher
sensitivity compared with T2W and LGE techniques, which may be especially useful in detecting
subtle focal disease and when gadolinium contrast imaging is not feasible. (J Am Coll Cardiol Img
2013;6:1048–58) ª 2013 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

From the *Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom;
yDepartment of Cardiology, Milton Keynes NHS Hospital Foundation Trust, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom; zStephenson
Cardiovascular MR Centre, Libin Cardiovascular Institute of Alberta, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; and the xDepartment of
Cardiology, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Quebec, Canada. This study is funded by the Oxford National Institute for
Health Research Biomedical Research Centre Programme. Dr. Ferreira is funded by the Alberta Innovates Health Solutions
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013 Ferreira et al. 1049
OCTOBER 2013:1048–58 ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis

cute myocarditis is common, accounting for blood T2W-CMR in acute myocarditis compared
up to 75% of patients presenting with chest with dark-blood T2W-CMR and LGE imaging.
pain, raised troponin, but nonobstructive
coronary arteries (1–4); 12% of young adults METHODS
presenting with sudden death (5); and 9% of patients
who develop dilated cardiomyopathy (6). It is chal- Study population. This was a prospective study
lenging to diagnose, often requiring a combination of enrolling consecutive patients (n ¼ 50) with sus-
clinical assessment and diagnostic tests. Cardiac pected myocarditis (7,13) from 2 hospitals (1 tertiary
magnetic resonance (CMR) is the imaging tool of care centerdThe John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford,
choice because of its ability for multiparametric tissue United Kingdomdand 1 medium-sized district
characterization, as established in recent consensus general hospitaldMilton Keynes Hospital, Milton
guidelines (7). Keynes, United Kingdom). Patients underwent
CMR scanning at the John Radcliffe Hospital be-
See page 1059 tween January 2010 and March 2012. All patients
had: 1) acute chest pain; 2) elevation in cardiac
troponin I level (>0.04 mg/l); and 3) history of recent
Currently, 3 CMR methods are available to assess systemic viral disease or absence of significant
different pathophysiological processes in acute (>50%) obstructive coronary artery disease
myocarditis: dark-blood T2-weighted (T2W) imag- on coronary angiography or absence of risk
ing for edema, T1-weighted imaging pre- and post- factors for coronary artery disease or age
contrast for hyperemia, and late gadolinium <35 years. Exclusion criteria included AUC = area under the curve

enhancement (LGE) to detect patterns of myocyte contraindications to CMR, previous CMR = cardiac magnetic
necrosis (7). Although CMR is a powerful tool, there myocardial infarction, previous myocarditis,
are some recognized limitations related to technical or any chronic cardiac conditions. Patients EGE = early gadolinium
factors, image analysis, and the mechanism of each who demonstrated myocardial infarction as
EMB = endomyocardial biopsy
method to detect myocarditis (7,8). Using a com- evidenced by an ischemic pattern of LGE
LGE = late gadolinium
bined CMR approach with at least 2 of these 3 criteria (i.e., an isolated area involving the sub-
can improve diagnostic accuracy (7). endocardium) or an obvious alternative
PPV = positive predictive value
Novel CMR techniques are constantly being diagnosis on CMR (such as Takotsubo or
ROC = receiver-operating
developed, some of which may be suitable for the hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) were also characteristic
evaluation of myocarditis. For instance, bright- excluded. Healthy volunteers (n ¼ 45) with
ShMOLLI = shortened modified
blood T2W has been shown to be superior to no cardiac history or known cardiac risk look-locker inversion recovery
dark-blood T2W imaging for detecting the area at factors, not on cardiovascular medications, SI = signal intensity
risk in acute myocardial infarction (8–10). Quanti- and with a normal electrocardiogram un- STIR = short-tau inversion
tative techniques such as T1 mapping allow direct derwent CMR as controls. All subjects gave recovery
tissue characterization and have been shown to be written informed consent, and ethical T2W = T -weighted 2

superior to T2W techniques in detecting acute approval was granted for all study
edema (11) and area at risk in acute myocardial procedures.
infarction (12). These methods are promising but Cardiac magnetic resonance. CMR studies were
have not been systematically assessed in acute performed within 14 days of symptoms using a single
myocarditis. 1.5-T magnetic resonance system (Avanto, Siemens
In this prospective study, we performed multi- Healthcare, Erlangen, Germany). CMR included
parametric tissue characterization in patients with cine, T2W, T1 mapping, and LGE imaging, with
suspected acute myocarditis (7) using novel and matching short-axis images. T1 mapping was per-
conventional CMR techniques. We aimed to test the formed using the shortened modified look-locker
diagnostic performance of T1 mapping and bright- inversion recovery (ShMOLLI) sequence (14);

Clinical Fellowship and the University of Oxford Clarendon Fund Scholarship. Dr. Choudhury is a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellow
in Clinical Science. Drs. Choudhury and Neubauer acknowledge support from the British Heart Foundation Centre of Research Excellence,
Oxford. Drs. Piechnik and Robson have patent authorship rights for U.S. patent pending 61/387,591. SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR
Dr. Friedrich is a board member, advisor, and shareholder of Circle Cardiovascular Imaging Inc. All other authors have reported that they
have no relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose. Drs. Ferreira and Piechnik are joint first authors of this work. Drs.
Neubauer and Friedrich are joint senior authors of this work.
Manuscript received March 6, 2013; accepted March 29, 2013.
1050 Ferreira et al. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013

ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis OCTOBER 2013:1048–58

dark-blood and bright-blood T2W-CMR were interindividual and group comparisons to control for
performed with the short-tau inversion recovery clustering of segments within each subject. Receiver-
(STIR) (7,15) and the acquisition for cardiac unified operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was per-
T2 edema (9) sequences, respectively. All were ac- formed to compare the diagnostic performance of the
quired before administration of contrast agents. LGE CMR methods in detecting myocardial changes in
imaging was acquired using a T1-weighted phase- patients compared with controls. Significance of the
sensitive inversion recovery sequence (16) 8 to 10 ROC analyses was assessed using the method of
min after intravenous administration of contrast Delong et al. (17) (MedCalc, version,
agent (gadodiamide [Omniscan], GE Healthcare, MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium). The
Chalfont St. Giles, United Kingdom) (total 0.13 McNemar test and Cochran’s Q test were used for
mmol/kg body weight at 6 ml/s). A 32-channel comparing combinations of CMR tissue character-
phased-array chest coil was used for all data acquisi- ization methods in the diagnosis of acute myocarditis.
tion, except for STIR imaging for which the body All statistical tests were 2-tailed, with p values <0.05
coil was used. Acquisition parameters are provided considered statistically significant. To determine the
in the Online Appendix. presence of significant differences in subject groups
Image analysis. Matching short-axis slices were when using multiple CMR methodologies, analysis
compared across cine, dark-blood T2W-CMR, of variance was performed with Bonferroni-corrected
bright-blood T2W-CMR, T1 mapping, and LGE post hoc comparisons for parametric data; for
imaging. Analysis of left ventricular ejection fraction nonparametric data, the Kruskal-Wallis 1-way anal-
was performed using Argus software (Siemens ysis of variance was performed with post hoc pairwise
Healthcare). Short-axis images from all methods comparisons using the Mann-Whitney U test. The
were manually contoured using in-house software p value for significance was adjusted from p < 0.05 to
MC-ROI (programmed by S.K.P. in Interactive p < 0.01 for multiple comparisons within groups
Data Language, version 6.1, Exelis Visual Informa- where appropriate.
tion Solutions, Boulder, Colorado) to outline the
endocardium and epicardium, and then divided into RESULTS
6 segments per slice using the anterior right ventric-
ular–left ventricular insertion point as reference and Detection of myocardial changes by CMR in acute
for comparing segments among sequences. Analysis myocarditis. Table 1 provides the study patient
of wall motion, T2W images, LGE images, and T1 characteristics. Controls were sex-matched and of
mapping was performed as previously published similar age distribution (22% women; age 42  14
(7,11), with additional details provided in the Online years). CMR findings are shown in Figure 1 and
Appendix. For all quantitative analysis of T2W, summarized in Table 2. Patients had significantly
LGE, and T1 map images, only regions of myocar- lower mean left ventricular ejection fractions
dium with a contiguous area of $40 mm2 above the compared with controls (ejection fraction 63  12%
specified thresholds were considered relevant. This vs. 72  6%; p < 0.01). Patients had significantly
corresponds to 10 adjacent pixels for the STIR higher T2 signal intensity (SI) ratios, as measured by
method, in accordance with currently proposed rec- both dark-blood T2W and bright-blood T2W
ommendations (7), to reduce the detection of noise as imaging, as well as significantly higher mean
positive findings. To determine the sensitivity and myocardial T1 values and LGE SI ratios compared
specificity for each threshold, average involvement of with controls. The pattern of LGE was predomi-
at least 5% of at least 1 myocardial segment per subject nantly subepicardial (95.6%) and midwall (84.4%),
above the specified threshold was considered a posi- localized most frequently to the lateral wall (97.9%)
tive finding by each method. and inferior wall (95.6%), as compared with
Statistical analysis. Normality of data was tested us- the septum (60.0%) and anterior wall (35.6%). None
ing the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Normally of the 50 patients demonstrated an isolated
distributed data are presented as mean  SD; ischemic (subendocardial) pattern of LGE to suggest
nonparametric data are presented as medians with myocardial infarction as the etiology of the presen-
interquartile ranges. Unpaired samples between tation. Five of 50 patients (10%) had a subend-
groups were assessed by the unpaired 2-tailed Student ocardial LGE pattern in conjunction with other
t test, or the Mann-Whitney U test for nonparametric patterns typical for myocarditis.
data. Correlation was assessed using the Pearson r and Relationship between myocardial T1 and other measures
Spearman rho coefficient as appropriate. Segmental of acute myocardial injury. Within the patient group,
data were averaged on a per-subject basis before any average myocardial T1 values correlated well with
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013 Ferreira et al. 1051
OCTOBER 2013:1048–58 ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of the Patient Cohort

Diagnostic performance of CMR methods in the
(n [ 50) detection of acute myocarditis. To maximize the
Age, yrs 42  16
accuracy of the threshold values to detect acute
myocarditis using these methods, each segment was
Female 11 (22)
strictly assessed for image quality before inclusion
Risk factors
into the final ROC analysis, and only segments with
Hypertension 11 (22)
no or minimal artifacts were included, as previously
Diabetes 3 (6) published (11). On cine imaging, 3.5% of segments
Hyperlipidemia 7 (14) corresponding to the left ventricular outflow tract
Smoking 16 (32) were rejected; on dark-blood STIR imaging, 8.6%
Family history of premature CAD 5 (10) were rejected because of artifacts, signal dropout, or
Presenting characteristics breathing motion; and on bright-blood acquisition
Recent viral illness 41 (82)
for cardiac unified T2 edema imaging, 3.7% of seg-
ments were rejected because of off-resonance or pa-
Recent inflammatory illness 5 (10)
tient movement artifacts. T1 maps were assessed for
Troponin I, mg/l 5.15 [1.22 to 14.20]
quality in 3 ways: examination of the T1 maps, the
C-reactive protein, mg/l 21 [4 to 89]
raw T1 images, and R2 maps; 11.2% of the segments
Coronary angiography were excluded because of off-resonance artifacts, poor
Nonobstructive coronaries on angiography 36 (72) T1 fit on the R2 maps, patient movement, or a low
Coronary angiogram not performed 14 (28) signal-to-noise ratio (11). On LGE imaging, 2%
Young age, <35 yrs 10 were rejected because of artifacts caused by patient
No risk factors for CAD, age >35 yrs 2 movement or poor image quality. No subject was
Recent viral/inflammatory illness, 2
excluded from the final analysis owing to image
age >35 yrs quality.
Time from symptoms to CMR, days 3 [1 to 6] Both T1 mapping and LGE imaging demon-
Values are n, n (%), or median [interquartile range].
strated excellent and equivalent diagnostic perfor-
CAD ¼ coronary artery disease; CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance. mance, with areas under the curve (AUC) of 0.96
and 0.95, respectively (p ¼ ns). T1 mapping
significantly outperformed dark-blood T2W (AUC:
left ventricular ejection fraction (r ¼ 0.57; 0.78) and bright-blood T2W imaging (AUC: 0.76;
p < 0.0001) and better than measures of global both p < 0.001). To check for bias against any of
myocardial edema by dark-blood T2W (r ¼ 0.34; the methods, ROC analysis was repeated using all
p < 0.02) or bright-blood T2W imaging (r ¼ 0.44; data including segments affected by artifacts. All of
p < 0.003). Mean myocardial T1 showed moderate the aforementioned relative relationships were pre-
correlations with relative T2 SI changes by dark- served, with no significant change in the AUC for
blood T2W, bright-blood T2W, and LGE imag- each method (all AUC: #0.02).
ing (r ¼ 0.51, 0.44, and 0.49, respectively; all The diagnostic performance of each CMR tissue
p < 0.003). There were significant correlations be- characterization method and their combinations are
tween troponin I levels with focal areas of myocardial summarized in Table 3. T1 mapping, using a cutoff
injury as measured by T1 >990 ms (r ¼ 0.54; of T1 $990 ms as established in our previous study
p < 0.0001), LGE (r ¼ 0.43; p < 0.002), dark-blood for detecting acute edema (11), demonstrated very
T2W (r ¼ 0.62; p < 0.0001), and bright-blood good performance, with a sensitivity, specificity,
T2W imaging (r ¼ 0.37; p ¼ 0.01). T1 values were diagnostic accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV),
significantly higher in patient myocardial tissue and negative predictive value of w90% across the
characterized by an increased dark-blood T2 SI ratio board. The T2W methods showed good diagnostic
(1,055  63 ms), increased bright-blood T2 SI ratio performance within ranges published in the litera-
(1,032  70 ms), and LGE (1,045  66 ms), ture (7), whereas LGE had a high specificity (97%)
compared with myocardial tissue of controls (941  and PPV (97%) with a lower sensitivity (74%)
18 ms; all p < 0.01). For “CMR-negative” myocar- compared with T1 mapping.
dial tissue in patients, that is, those without LGE The combination approach represents a tradeoff
and no significantly increased T2 SI ratios on both between sensitivity and specificity. Combining the
dark-blood and bright-blood T2W imaging, T1 T2W methods with LGE significantly improved
values were also significantly higher compared with specificity and PPV, with some loss in sensitivity,
controls (978  45 ms vs. 940  28 ms; p < 0.001). thus LGE aided T2W imaging in arriving at a
1052 Ferreira et al. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013

ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis OCTOBER 2013:1048–58

Figure 1. Acute Myocarditis

(A) Dark-blood T2-weighted (T2W) imaging demonstrating increased signal intensity in the mid lateral wall (arrows). (B) Bright-blood T2W
imaging demonstrating increased signal intensity in the mid lateral wall (arrows). (C) Shortened modified look-locker inversion recovery
(ShMOLLI) T1 map demonstrating increased T1 values (1,100 to 1,200 ms) in the lateral wall (arrows). (D) Late gadolinium enhancement (LGE)
imaging demonstrating mid-wall enhancement in the lateral wall (arrows).

positive diagnosis of myocarditis. On the other showed a better diagnostic performance than the
hand, compared with T1 mapping alone, combining T2W methods, either alone or in combination with
T1 mapping with LGE only improved specificity LGE.
slightly (from 91% to 97%), but at the expense of
lower sensitivity (dropping from 90% to 70%), and
this combination was not better than LGE alone DISCUSSION
(not surprising, given the 2 methods had a very
similar ROC curve, as shown in Fig. 2). However, In this work, we have demonstrated for the first
the overall diagnostic performance of the T1 þ time to our knowledge that quantitative CMR by
LGE combination fared better than any of the T1 mapping had an excellent diagnostic perfor-
T2W þ LGE combinations. In fact, T1 mapping mance in detecting changes in acute myocarditis.
Further, T1 mapping outperformed both dark-
blood and bright-blood T2W techniques, either
Table 2. CMR Findings in Patients With Acute Myocarditis Compared With Controls
alone or in combination with LGE, in the diagnosis
of acute myocarditis, with superior sensitivity and
CMR Measures Controls Patients excellent specificity and diagnostic accuracy.
Ejection fraction, % 72  6 63  12* The CMR methods tested in this study all have
Dark-blood T2 SI ratio 1.56  0.15 1.73  0.27*
advantages and limitations. From the technical
Bright-blood T2 SI ratio 1.84  0.17 2.02  0.33*
standpoint, factors that lead to the failure of a
method to diagnose acute myocarditis may be cate-
Myocardial T1, ms 941  18 1,010  65*
gorized into: 1) compromised image quality during
LGE, % myocardium 0% [0% to 2%] 11% [5% to 21%]*
acquisition (patient movement, poor breath-holding,
Values are mean  SD or median [interquartile range]. Dark-blood T2 SI ratio and bright-blood T2 SI ratio ¼ tachyarrhythmia); 2) suboptimal post-processing
SImyocardium/SIskeletal muscle; LGE (%) ¼ median volume fraction of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) per
subject. *p < 0.01. techniques; and 3) noise and the selection of
CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance; SI ¼ signal intensity.
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013 Ferreira et al. 1053
OCTOBER 2013:1048–58 ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis

Table 3. Diagnostic Performance of CMR Tissue Characterization Methods in the Detection of Suspected Acute Myocarditis

Sensitivity Specificity Accuracy PPV NPV

T1 mapping* 90 91 91 92 89
Dark-blood T2y 52 84 67 79 61
Bright-blood T2z 67 55 64 78 42
LGEx 74 97 83 97 69
T1 mapping and LGEk 70 97 80 97 66
Dark-blood T2 and LGE 48 97 66 96 53
Bright-blood T2 and LGE 50 100 55 100 18

Values are %. *Myocardial injury is detected when T1 is $990 ms; yedema is diagnosed when the T2 SI ratio (T2 SImyocardium:skeletal muscle) is $2.0; zedema is diagnosed
when the T2 SI ratio (T2 SImyocardium:skeletal muscle) is $2.2 (equivalent to >2 SD of normal; see Table 2); xLGE is detected when myocardial SI is $2 SD above mean SI
of normal myocardium. kThe combination of T1 mapping and LGE was significantly better in performance than dark-blood T2 þ LGE and bright-blood T2 þ LGE (all
p < 0.005). For each technique, only contiguous areas of myocardium $40 mm2 above the stated threshold were considered relevant; involvement of $5% of
any segment on a per-subject basis was the threshold used for comparison of methods.
NPV ¼ negative predictive value; PPV ¼ positive predictive value; T2W ¼ T2-weighted; other abbreviations as in Table 2.

Dark-blood T2W imaging. Dark-blood T2W-CMR T1 mapping is consistent with skeletal muscle
is widely used for clinical edema imaging. In addi- inflammation demonstrated in patients presenting
tion to following recommended parameters (7), with acute myocarditis using pre-and post-contrast
optimal image quality relies on a regular heart rhythm T1-weighted imaging (18). Thus, in some of our
with a ventricular rate within a relatively normal patients, conventional T2W imaging was unable to
range, appropriate selection of the repetition time diagnose edema in myocarditis even when using
tailored to the patient’s heart rate, and the ability of skeletal muscle as a reference, with the remainder of
the patient to breath-hold. Excessive tachycardia and the patients potentially affected by the same mecha-
irregular rhythms, such as atrial fibrillation, and poor nism, only to a lesser degree, as supported by the
breath-holding render dark-blood T2W images
nondiagnostic most of the time. Dark-blood T2W
images are known for signal dropout, especially in the
basal inferolateral wall, where myocarditis typically
manifests. When myocarditis is global, the use of
“normal remote” myocardium as a reference, which
may not be available, leads to significant underesti-
mation of the extent of myocardial injury (Fig. 3).
The use of skeletal muscle circumvents this problem
unless skeletal muscle is also inflamed, which occurs
in some cases of myocarditis (18) and also in this work
(Fig. 4). This is supported by the findings that pa-
tients with myocarditis demonstrated significantly
higher T1 values in skeletal muscle and with greater
variability (822  55 ms) compared with controls
(803  32 ms; p ¼ 0.04). In this cohort of 50 patients,
there were 3 cases in which the dark-blood T2 edema
ratio relative to skeletal muscle was <2.0 (1.78 
0.11) despite reasonable image quality, but the
average myocardial T1 was significantly increased
(1,158  11 ms) (Fig. 4). This can be explained by
skeletal muscle inflammation, supported by signifi-
Figure 2. Diagnostic Performance of T1 Mapping Compared With T2W and
cantly increased T1 values in the skeletal muscle LGE Imaging in the Detection of Acute Myocarditis
regions in these 3 patients (941  104 ms, more than
T1 mapping is similar to LGE and both significantly outperformed T2W imaging. AUC ¼ area
4 SD above the values of the normal cohort). The under the curve; CMR ¼ cardiac magnetic resonance; other abbreviations as in Figure 1.
finding of increased T1 values in skeletal muscle on
1054 Ferreira et al. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013

ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis OCTOBER 2013:1048–58

overall increase in T1 values in patient skeletal mus- mapping sequence to be the only one required to
cle. All of these factors contribute to the under- assess for all the criteria of acute myocarditis
performance of dark-blood T2W imaging in the (edema, hyperemia, and necrosis/scarring), serving
detection of edema in a systemic disease such as acute as the major component of a CMR myocarditis
myocarditis. protocol; this is worth exploring in future studies.
Bright-blood T2W imaging. Newer bright-blood T1 mapping. T1 mapping using ShMOLLI cir-
T2W imaging offers some practical advantages: cumvents most of the issues suffered by conven-
breath-holds are shorter (typically under 10 s), and tional T2W and LGE imaging. It provides a direct,
the method is more forgiving in cases of tachyar- quantitative means for myocardial characterization
rhythmias or patient movement. Better signal- and without the need for contrast agents or reference
contrast-to-noise ratios seemed to improve visuali- regions of interest to detect changes within the
zation of focal signal changes, especially in large myocardium. It has short breath-holds, is heart
acute lesions such as ST-segment elevation my- rate independent, and is robust to even tachyar-
ocardial infarction (10); however, the detection of rhythmias, making it highly suitable for scanning
small, focal patchy edema in acute myocarditis acutely ill patients. These advantages confer on
was more challenging. When normal unaffected ShMOLLI T1 mapping its superior diagnostic
myocardium could be reliably identified, bright- performance compared with the T2W and LGE
blood T2W imaging tended to display these methods tested.
changes well. Visual detection of global edema, on There may be a number of mechanisms that pro-
the other hand, was less obvious to the eye on long myocardial T1 in acute myocarditis. Earlier
bright-blood T2W images, and the use of skeletal work had shown that myocardial T1 increased in
muscle as the reference region of interest can often ischemic myocardium in canine models, which
be limited by artifacts and noise over the region of largely, but not entirely, reflected the increase in water
the muscle, in addition to the same issue sur- content (20). It was postulated that T1 prolongation
rounding skeletal muscle inflammation as with may be due to changes in both total water content as
dark-blood T2W imaging discussed earlier in the well as the relative amounts of water in intracellular
text (11). As previously demonstrated, for cases and extracellular space (20); in addition, it was also
of global edema, dark-blood T2W imaging had a hypothesized that changes in sodium and potassium
superior diagnostic performance over bright-blood distribution may affect the motional freedom of
T2W imaging (11,19). protons, contributing to prolongation of T1 values in
LGE imaging. LGE imaging has an excellent ischemic tissue. More recently, it has also been
contrast-to-noise ratio, making it one of the most demonstrated that T1 is significantly increased in
robust CMR methods for visualizing myocardial acute myocardial edema in animal (21) and human
lesions, including small focal disease. Acute (11) studies. Cellular edema, increased extracellular
myocarditis can sometimes demonstrate little LGE space and water, inflammation, and myocyte necrosis
and/or predominantly global edema, which tends to are common features of acute myocarditis (7,22), and
be inconspicuous on LGE imaging, such as in the all of these pathophysiological processes may prolong
cases shown in Figure 3, hence the improved T1 values in the early stage.
diagnostic yield by combining any 2 of 3 CMR T1 mapping had an excellent diagnostic perfor-
methods for diagnosing the disease (7). It is also mance, with an w90% overall sensitivity, specificity,
conceivable that sometimes the lesions are so small, and diagnostic accuracy for detecting changes in
they are beyond the resolution of even LGE myocarditis using a T1 cutoff of 990 ms. The selec-
contrast imaging. As shown in Table 3, combining tion of diagnostic thresholds depends on the amount
LGE with T1 mapping did not significantly of noise in the technique and represents an exchange
improve the diagnostic performance of LGE alone, between sensitivity and specificity. Historically, 2 SD
but worsened the overall diagnostic performance of above the normal mean is accepted as a cutoff for
T1 mapping alone; this may be related to the fact identifying abnormally high values. This was used,
that T1 mapping is able to detect changes caused by for example, in the original validation of dark-blood
both edema and myocyte necrosis, and thus can T2W imaging in detecting acute myocarditis (13)
serve to function as a “LGE þ T2W” combination, and is commonly used in LGE imaging to identify
only with much better sensitivity, diagnostic accu- fibrosis in ischemic and nonischemic heart disease
racy, and negative predictive value than any of the (12,13,23). However, as shown in Table 3, the
LGE þ T2W combination set out in Table 3. From threshold of 2 SD above the normal mean SI for
a practical point of view, it may be possible for a T1 dark-blood T2W imaging is actually a relatively high
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013 Ferreira et al. 1055
OCTOBER 2013:1048–58 ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis

Figure 3. Three Cases of Acute Myocarditis With Global Edema but Only Mild LGE

CMR methods based on reference regions of interest (ROIs) significantly underestimate the areas of myocardial injury. Red indicates areas of
myocardium (myo) with values above the standard threshold for each CMR method. Green contour marks the positioning of myocardial reference
ROI. Myocardial contours are outlined in yellow. Skeletal muscle ROI not shown. TnI ¼ troponin I (mg/l); other abbreviations as in Figures 1 and 2.

threshold with good specificity but low sensitivity, >2.7 SD above normal T1 values. This is directly due
meaning that low-grade disease would easily be to the fact that normal myocardial T1 values have a
missed. Interestingly, for T1 mapping, although the tight normal range with small variability in the
threshold of T1 $ 990 ms is a sensitive threshold, it normal population (24), contributing to its good
simultaneously represents an even more stringent diagnostic performance.

Figure 4. A Case of Acute Severe Myocarditis Demonstrating the Effect of Skeletal Muscle Inflammation on Dark-Blood T2W-CMR
Using Skeletal Muscle as a Reference Region to Detect Global Edema in the Myocardium

This patient had an initial ejection fraction of 37%, elevated C-reactive protein level of 94.6 mg/l (normal 0 to 8 mg/l), and a white blood cell
count 17.9  109/l, with recurrent ventricular tachycardia in hospital. (A) Dark-blood T2W imaging showed a visible increase in myocardial T2
SI. Inset: computer-aided analysis of the T2W image using skeletal muscle as a reference (red contour) failed to adequately detect a significant
increase in T2 SI ratio $2.0 relative to skeletal muscle within the myocardium (green contour). (B) T1 map of the corresponding slice in the
same patient. Purple contour (top right) outlines skeletal muscle (T1 ¼ 1,068  83 ms, arrow) corresponding to that on the T2W image; an
adjacent region of skeletal muscle (blue contour) also showed high T1 values (1,051  84 ms, arrow). Inset: computer-aided analysis of the T1
map, demonstrating global increase in the myocardial T1 value (1,221  157 ms). Abbreviations as in Figure 1.
1056 Ferreira et al. JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013

ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis OCTOBER 2013:1048–58

Combination approach. In agreement with pub- conventional sequences, we selected dark-blood

lished literature (7), a combination approach can T2W and LGE imaging because EGE is more
improve specificity to detect disease. On the basis of time consuming and its image quality often affected
the results of this study, T1 mapping has a superior by the irregular breathing patterns or arrhythmias
overall diagnostic performance over the T2W (7) commonly encountered in acutely ill patients.
techniques in the detection of acute myocarditis, Because the goal of the study was to validate novel
either alone or in combination with LGE; one may CMR techniques in a cohort defined by clinical
argue that T1 mapping may be performed in place of features, none of the Lake Louise imaging criteria
T2W imaging in select cases, although this were used as inclusion criteria when enrolling sub-
approach should be tested in larger studies, perhaps jects. T2 mapping is another quantitative CMR
comparing all currently available techniques in the technique that has been shown to be useful in the
assessment of acute myocarditis. Although the diagnosis of acute myocarditis (30) but was not
combination of T1 þ LGE was not significantly studied in this work. Future and larger studies may
better than LGE alone, on a practical level, the directly compare all available CMR methods, such
main benefit of performing both T1 mapping and as dark-blood T2, bright-blood T2, T2 mapping, T1
LGE (rather than just LGE) would be to take mapping, EGE, LGE, post-contrast T1, and
advantage of the superior sensitivity of T1 mapping extracellular volume fraction mapping in order to
(90%) compared with LGE (and T2W imaging). test method performance against each other and to
This may be especially useful when LGE is non- fully assess the utility of novel techniques in routine
revealing, when the predominant process is edema, clinical settings.
and in detecting subtle, small focal disease. It may Because the accuracy of myocardial T1 measure-
also be helpful if LGE imaging were not achieved ment remains to be established, no currently available
for reasons commonly encountered in the early T1 mapping method can claim to accurately measure
clinical setting (such as when the patient does not T1. For T1 mapping methods based on inversion
tolerate the full protocol, has contraindications to recovery pulses, there may be systematic errors in T1
gadolinium, or lacks intravenous access). measurements related to inversion pulse efficiency
Study limitations. This study was performed using and other factors (31), and thus, T1 thresholds
clinical validation for suspected myocarditis rather established may be platform specific. Currently,
than endomyocardial biopsy (EMB) as a reference ShMOLLI appears to be an attractive method for T1
standard, and as such, lacks direct histopathological mapping because its known 4% underestimation of
confirmation of the diagnosis. However, in view of T1 remains consistent over a wide range of native
the well-documented low sensitivity of EMB for tissue T1 (13); it also has a stable, narrow range of
ruling out myocarditis (25–28) to serve as a reliable normal myocardial T1 values (24), making it highly
gold standard and the fact that EMB is not routine suitable for detecting disease states (11,12,32–34).
clinical practice in both hospitals, we had chosen to Increase in native myocardial T1 values is
validate the CMR methods using an internationally nonspecific and is seen in a number of myocardial
accepted standard (7), as performed in multiple diseases other than acute myocardial injury, including
previous CMR validation studies (7,13,18,29). cardiac amyloidosis (32), hypertrophic and dilated
Although none of our patients underwent EMB, the cardiomyopathy (34), diffuse fibrosis (33), and
majority of the patients (92%) had a preceding sys- chronic infarct scars (12,35), and thus, as with all
temic viral or inflammatory illness, which, together other diagnostic tools, must be interpreted within the
with their CMR findings, would be consistent with a clinical context. The exact mechanism(s) leading to
diagnosis of myocarditis; a few patients (n ¼ 4) did prolonged T1 values in different cardiac diseases
not have a clear infectious or inflammatory precipi- remain to be established.
tant, but none of the 50 patients in the patient
cohort had an isolated ischemic pattern of LGE
suggestive of myocardial infarction as the presenting CONCLUSIONS
diagnosis. Other obvious diagnoses, such as dilated
cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or T1 mapping and bright-blood T2W-CMR are
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, were not included in novel methods sensitive to the detection of acute
this study, as outlined in the Methods section. myocarditis. T1 mapping showed excellent and su-
Early gadolinium enhancement (EGE) was not perior diagnostic performance compared with
performed for practical reasons because our protocol T2W-CMR, with a high sensitivity compared with
was already extensive. Therefore, of 3 available T2W and LGE techniques, which may be especially
JACC: CARDIOVASCULAR IMAGING, VOL. 6, NO. 10, 2013 Ferreira et al. 1057
OCTOBER 2013:1048–58 ShMOLLI T1 Mapping Detects Myocarditis

useful in detecting subtle focal disease and in cases and Professors Adrian Banning and Keith
where gadolinium contrast imaging is not feasible. Channon.

Reprint requests and correspondence: Dr. Stefan
The authors acknowledge contributions from the Neubauer, Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,
interventional cardiology team at the John Radcliffe University of Oxford, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Hospital, including Drs. Nicholas Alp, Colin For- OX3 9DU, United Kingdom. E-mail: stefan.neubauer@
far, Rajesh Kharbanda, and Bernard Prendergast,


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