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What do we mean by social movement?

✎It’s an organized group of individuals who strive to make a particular change in society, and for
this, they share a common goal. Social movements emerge from social injustice, oppression or
discrimination that ocurrs in politics, economics or culture.

✎Every social movement has a leader, a person who leads and guides the community since
organization is key to succeed in these situations. He or she is the representation, the main
speaker. This leader must be brave, knowledgeable, charismatic, caring, empathetic, well-spoken
and organized, determined, respectful, strategic, motivating. He or she needs to have coordination
and join people.

✎In S.M, people voice their opinions to show their discontent with the current social conditions.
For instance, people express their dissatisfaction through marches, boycotts or activism in social
medias to spread as well as share information in order to raise consciousness among the citizens.
Most of the time, groups that are part of social movements aim to be heard and considered by
authorities since thse people have the powers, they manage the laws that rule a country)

✎People may use violence or non-violence strategies.

✎Finally, the more people a social movement has, the stronger it becomes.

Stages of a social movement:


✎There is little organization.

✎Known as widespread discontent (bc of negative conditions).

✎Participants may be unhappy with some policy or some social condition, but they have not
taken any action.

✎Likely individual action rather than collective action.


✎The “popular stage” is characterized by a more clearly defined sense of discontent. It is no

longer just a general sense of unease, but now a sense of what the unease is about and who or
what is responsible.

✎Discontent is no longer uncoordinated and individual; it tends to become focalized and


✎This is the stage when individuals participating in the mass behavior of the preceding stage
become aware of each other. The movement becomes more than just random upset individuals;
at this point they are now organized and strategic in their outlook.

✎At this point leadership emerges and strategies for success are worked out.
✎At this stage mass demonstrations may occur in order to display the social movement’s power
and to make clear demands.


✎Characterized by higher levels of organization and coalition-based strategies.

✎Social movements have had some success in that they have raised more awareness.

✎SMOs will come to rely on staff persons with specialized knowledge that can run the day-to-day
operations of the organization and carry out movement goals.

✎Social movements in this stage can no longer just rely on mass rallies or inspirational leaders to
progress towards their goals and build constituencies; they must rely on trained staff to carry out
the functions of organizations.

✎Many social movements fail to bureaucratize because it is difficult for members to sustain the
emotional excitement necessary and because continued mobilization becomes too demanding for

4.DECLINE (4ways):


✎Occurs when authorities, or agents acting on behalf of the authorities, use measures
(sometimes violent) to control or destroy a social movement.

✎Governments may tell people that “X” social movement is dangerous for the public/country.

✎This type of repression makes it exceedingly difficult for social movements to carry out their
activities and recruit new members.


✎Movements can also decline, if their organizations are highly dependent on centralized
authority or on charismatic leadership.

✎Co-optation occurs when movement leaders come to associate with authorities or movement
targets more than with the social movement constituents.

✎For example, a leader could be asked to work for the organization that is the target of a
movement with offers of being able to change things from the inside.


✎Some S.MO decline because they are successful. Smaller, localized movements with very
specific goals often have a better chance at outright success.

✎Example: The women’s suffrage movement was a national organization that achieved its goals
and thus declined.

✎ The organization was not able to handle the rapid expansion that occurred because of their
success and due to organizational strain, it collapsed into different factions. Failure of social
movements due to organizational or strategic failings is common for many organizations.

+Others have noted that a fifth reason for decline exists; mainly, that an organization becomes
established with the mainstream. That is, their goals or ideologies are adopted by the mainstream
and there is no longer any need for a movemen


-Mahatma Gandhi: was born in India, he was a famous leader and defender of civil rights,
inspiration for King and Mandela. He came from the upper class, had good education and became
lawyer. He worked in south africa, and there he experienced racism towards indian, he was a
victim. Gandhi led the fight for Indian independence and liberty from the British Empire, he
organized non-violent campaigns, protests, boycotts. He went to jail multiple times. He was
assassinated (shot). Gandhi: indians were starving, overworked. Poverty, segregation

-Martin Luther King: was a civil rights activist, he led non-violent protests to fight for the rights of
black people. He is famous for his speeches (I have a dream) A great orator, he had studies and
was smart. He was a baptist minister (his dad was preacher). He led the Montgomery Bus Boycott
(since rosa was arrested bc she refused to give her seat…) black people stop using the public
transportation. He ended segregation of public spaces, gave laws to protect blacks from abuse and
discrimination. He was assassinated(shot).

-Nelson Mandela: President of South Africa and activist, he fought against apartheid (a system
that separated people for their skin color, segregation between blacks and whites). He spent many
years in prison(27), his father was a chief of a town, mandela got a degree in law. He followed
gandhi non-violent approach, but he did not have patience and used violence in the end (put
bombs in building, with no people, yet he was put in prison for being considered a terrorist), he
gave blacks the right to vote for elections, during his years of prison he never gave up, he was loyal
to his ideals.

What about current leaders? Look for info.

What do you think about racism?


✎ The discrimination towards asian people because of COVID-19.

✎ The situation of black lives matter (where george floyd was murdered by a police man).

✎ Nazi ideology, since hittler wanted to create the perfect race, and he hated jews among other
✎ The situation of haitians in Chile (citizens don’t want them in the country, the believe that
haitians bring delinquency, and that they steal our jobs). And finally, the case of racism of the

✎ I believe that it is such a horrible belief, because from my point of view, it is stupid to
discriminate someone just because of their skin color and race, I strongly believe that we cannot
be defined by our physical appearance, we deserve so much better than that. What truly matters
is what is inside of us, our values, our kindness. So I am obviously against any type of opression or
discrimination towards black people or any type of race, such asian people.

✎ I think that racism has always existed, because as human beings, it is complicated for us to
share with other people, since they may be different from us. However, racism definetly started to
spread around the world with slavery (more specific the atlantic slave trade, colonizers gave
weapons, money, food or any kind of valuable resource to african kings to exchange blacks and
used them as slaves), where blackpeople were sold and treated as objects. The British empire has
fault, because they along with colonization played a huge role in this matter, and also north
america, since they bought black people, so they are definitely responsible for racism as well.

Have you been part of a social movement?

✎ Yes, partially, I experienced the social outbreak that we had here in Chile 2 years ago. I went to
one of the marches to voice my opinion, I was also constantly sharing crucial and relevant
information on social medias. I truly felt the necessity to go because I am aware that the social
movement was benefitial for me, I am not from the upper class, therefore, I understand how it is
to live in bad conditions, I mean, it is not that Chile is a terrible country, however, if you do not
have enough money, you will have to use the public transportation, or go to public schools or
hospitals, which are not of good quality compared to private institutions. Thus, I knew I had to
move and do something to achieve social equality. It was my responsibility to contribute to the
cause and its goals.

✎ I believe that it is really important to participate, we are stronger if we are together, we are
bigger than the government, and I feel very proud of what we have acomplished, even though the
fight is still here, we have not stopped, we need to aim for more, Chile has the resources to be a
better country and provide a better quality of life for everyone.
Social movements in Chile seen in classes:

Regionalism v/s Santiago and Abortion.

RAPANUI HISTORY: poca importancia y abandono.


-The first human inhabitants of Rapa Nui are believed to have arrived in an organized party of

-The late period of the island’s civilization was characterized by civil wars and general destruction.
Some Outsiders started to come to Rapanui (Europeans- Peru-) (It seems these 2 had a war).
British man confirmed this once the reached the island.

-In 1888 the Chilean sailor Policarpo Toro took official possession of the island, incorporating it
into Chilean territory

-The Chilean government rented the island to the "Compañía Explotadora de la Isla de Pascua", a
company with British capital, turning it into a large sheep farm. This decision brought a series of
traumatic processes of transformation of the Rapanui population that almost extinguished it. In
1966, Rapa Nui returned to the Chilean State

-As I mentioned before, Rapanui inhabitants almost lost the use of their mother tongue. And you
may be wondering, why is the disappearance of a language a problem? Wouldn't it be better if all
of us speak Spanish? Well, first I should mention that language is inseparable from our way of
being, our thoughts, our feelings, our joys and much more. It is through our language that we
show who we are. If our language disappears, the whole socio-cultural  foundation of our
community of speakers is put at risk.

-Undoubtedly, on Easter Island, the Rapa Nui language no longer has a place in the socio-economic
development of the community. Discarded by public services and tourist activities, the Polynesian
language is being swallowed up at a dizzying speed by Spanish, with significant negative
consequences on the community’s values.

-In 1973 when Augusto Pinochet came to power, Easter Island was placed under martial law. In
that period, Tourism slowed down and private property was "restored". During his time in power,
Pinochet visited Easter Island on three occasions. The military built a number of new military
facilities and a new city hall.
-To sum up with the presentation, Rapa Nui is a place that is quite different from the traditions of
the country, according to its culture and customs. Even though the island is well-known all around
the world, not many people know the history of its early settlement. In addition, there are some
details and facts that are unknown to some people, such as the case of the flora and fauna of the
island. This has been an interesting research topic, due to the fact that most of the information
was unknown to us. Finally, we would like to highlight that Rapa Nui had been neglected for many
years, its people, culture, language, its beautiful landscapes and a wide variety of flora and fauna
which had been left out


On 11 September 1973, the military coup overthrew the elected government of President Salvador

-Around midday, La Moneda was attacked by fighter planes bombing it.

-The violation of the human rights

-Rodrigo Andres Rojas???-Victor Jara

-The Manuel Rodríguez Patriotic Front was a Chilean revolutionary and Marxist-Leninist guerrilla
organization officially founded on December 1983. On September 7th 1986, the FPMR attacked
the dictator Augusto Pinochet's car in an assassination attempt.

-New Constitution 1980.


With the separate definitions clear we can say that class discontent refers to a specific Social class
dissatisfaction with their current situation. Not because of the social class they are in, but because
of the stagnation, they suffer from the lack of opportunities given to them.

-2019 Social Outbreak in Chile: The 2019 Chilean protests, known in Chile as the Estallido Social.
are a series of massive demonstrations and severe riots that originated in Santiago and spread to
all regions of Chile. The triggering factor for these events was the increase in the fare of Santiago's
public transport system

-The protests were characterized by the absence of leaders and the incorporation.
How can we solve this?

We could say that it is possible to solve it if the state or the ruling entity of the oppressed social
class decided to help out this group with benefits or opportunities to avoid stagnation and
progress but we can all agree that is easier said than done


constitutions are higher laws that describe the basic principles of the state, the structure, and
processes of the government, as well as the fundamental rights of citizens in a powerful law that
cannot be unilaterally changed by ordinary legislative actions

-The Political Constitution of the Republic of Chile of 1980 is the fundamental law in force in Chile,
and it was planned, approved and promulgated under the military dictatorship of Augusto
Pinochet (It promotes private enterprise in all sectors of the economy—including education,
health and pensions)

Why do we need a new constitution?

 Well, there’s the simple fact that it was mostly written by a dictator. Some would even
argue that “The constitution never had democratic legitimacy,” and that factor “was
always the Achilles’ heel of the document.”

  Moreover, the constitution just didn’t work for everyday citizens. Despite the fact that
Chile has the highest per capita income and the third-most multimillionaires in Latin
America, the working and even upper-middle classes are heavily indebted.

 A good question is, Why can't the government provide us with what we need to have a
better life? Well, the reason according to what experts have mentioned, is the constitution
itself. Simply put, it’s extremely hard for any changes to happen since they would require a
supermajority in parliament to pass, which is tricky given political divisions in the body.

 This explains why Chile has seen protest movement after protest movement for about two

✎ The arts are an established part of social movement repertoire. Artistic representations are
important to internal movement dynamics and in communicating movement ideas to the wider
world. Art practices form the core of the symbolic and expressive aspects of social movements.

✎ When created within movement contexts, art reveals truth as the movement sees it. At the
same time and through the same process, artistic representations and expressions make the
movement visible to itself. Movement art is thus part of the coming-to-be of a social movement.

✎ The art created within a social movement objectifies the ideas and emotions which motivate
and guide that movement, providing a mirror for the movement to know itself. The same
processes of objectification and representation make it possible to transmit protest traditions over
time and space. Objectified and materialized, the art of social movements re-create protest
traditions and become which become ready-made resources for other movements.

✎ Art is important as it can influence the thinking of the general public, as well as leaders and
politicians. Often images speak louder than words. Art can make a message accessible and

✎ Art is a way of expressing a reality


Victor Jara: He was one of the most important people in Chile’s History during the dictatorship
ruled by Agusto Pinochet. He represented the poverty and social injustice that chilean people
were facing during that time through his songs and music. He motivated people to keep fighting
against the system, he was a symbol to voice opinions. Fue arrestado y torturado_ muere a
balazos. El dio su vida para proteger los derechos de su pueblo.

*SALVADOR ALLENDE: He tried to establish socialism in Chile in a democratic way. He aimed to

improve our economy*

Mon laferte: Es feminista y en su música y canciones ella lo transmite. También ha usado su

música en movimientos sociales como el estadillo social de Chile en 2019. Por último, no solo en
su música, pero ella también promueve la justicia a sus fans (por medio de medios sociales, etc).

Lastesis (¿)

Manu Chaos: is a french-spanish singer who is well-known for his political ideology and his open
support for different social movements.In fact, most of his songs talk about love, the difficult life in
ghettos, and immigration since his family emigrated from Spain to France during Franco's
dictatorship, being this one of the reasons why this artist dedicates his music to stand up for

✎ Chao's lyrics provoke his audience to think about the previous social topics that we mentioned,
such as immigration, in order to raise awareness. He believes in democracy and equality as he
belongs to the left wing and therefore, he often carries a social message in his music that
symbolizes this party.

✎ Manu Chao promotes diversity to his fans in order to stop discrimination. Particularly, he
describes his concerts as small temporary spaces where people of different backgrounds can come
together and spend a good time. The reason for this is because he believes that our world lacks
spaces for "collective therapy" which means that his music can make people feel represented and

 Now, we would like to show some examples of his songs:

-Clandestino: This song aims to draw the attention about immigrants injustice situation and
discrimination. Therefore, the atmosphere of the song is pretty sad.

-Bloody Bloody Border: This song shows the appalling conditions of immigrant camps established
in Arizona to cross the border.

Por el suelo: Here, he talks against the fumigations of Santa fe and the damage that it brings to the
earth and environment. 

Kendrick lamar- alright: Advocate for black movements.

Lady gaga-born this way: Gay movements.


✎A cultural movement that emerged during the 1960s-1970s in the United States.

✎It was against the american life style, its manners and norms (materialistic).

✎The name derived from “hip,” a term applied to the Beats of the 1950s (writers that promoted
used of drugs, against american values, sexual liberty). It is considered to be the precursors of

✎The movement arose in part as opposition to U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War (an attempt
to prevent the spread of communism).

✎Hippies were largely a white, middle-class group of teenagers and twentysomethings who
belonged to what demographers call the baby-boom generation.They felt alienated from middle-
class society, which they saw as dominated by materialism and repression
✎They experimented with communal or cooperative living arrangements, and they often adopted
vegetarian diet (bc to protect animals and also against industries and their processed food9

✎Hippies were also known for their unique style, favouring long hair and casual, often
unconventional, dress, sometimes in “psychedelic” colours.

✎Many males grew beards, and both men and women wore sandals and beads. Long flowing so-
called granny dresses were popular with women, and rimless granny glasses with both men and

✎They usually refused to accept normal and traditional jobs (many did not want to study). Hippies
participated in social movements (such as the one of blacks)

✎Hippies advocated nonviolence and love, a popular phrase being “Make love, not war,”.

✎They promoted openness and tolerance as alternatives to the restrictions and regimentation
they saw in middle-class society.

✎Hippies often practiced open sexual relationships and lived in various types of family groups.

✎Astrology was also popular, and the period was often referred to as the Age of Aquarius.

✎Hippies promoted the recreational use of hallucinogenic drugs, particularly marijuana and LSD,
in so-called head trips, justifying the practice as a way of expanding consciousness.

✎Both folk and rock music were an integral part of hippie culture. Singers such as Bob Dylan and
Joan Baez and groups such as the Beatles, Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane, and Rolling Stones
were among those most closely identified with the movement.

✎gatherings—part music festivals, sometimes protests, often simply excuses for celebrations of
life—were an important part of the hippie movement. The first “be-in,” called the Gathering of the
Tribes, was held in San Francisco in 1967. (also woodstock)

✎By the mid-1970s the movement had waned, and by the 1980s hippies had given way to a new
generation of young people who were intent on making careers for themselves in business.
Nonetheless, hippies continued to have an influence on the wider culture, seen, for example, in
more relaxed attitudes toward sex, in the new concern for the environment, and in a widespread
lessening of formality

How art is given in the hippie movement:

✎ Gerald Holtom created the Peace sign-used in hippies is ICONIC.

✎ Art of hippies

- Psychedelic Art: Inspired by psychedelic experiences and hallucinations known to follow the
ingestion of psychedelic drugs such as LSD.
- It means "mind manifesting” (this happened after the consumption of drugs).

- By that definition, all artistic efforts to depict the inner world of the psyche may be considered

- Psychedelic art" refers above all to the art movement of the late 1960s counterculture, featuring
highly distorted or surreal visuals, bright colors and full spectrums and animation (including
cartoons) to evoke, convey, or enhance psychedelic experiences.

- Artworks created typically featured a full spectrum of vivid colors along with cartoons and
animation in order to provoke a type of psychedelic experience when looking at the work.

- Heavily inspired by the previous movement of Art Nouveau, which protested the revolutionary
changes associated with the Industrial Revolution, the Psychedelic aesthetic adopted the concept
of rebellion within artworks created and disputed the military-industrial complex of the 1960s.

- Artworks created during this time mirrored the type of freedom that only drugs could provide.

- Psychedelic Art was described to have a visually captivating quality despite some individuals
believing the art to seemingly promote the use of illicit substances.

- The evolution of 1960s Psychedelic Art addressed concerns relating to the political and social
values that became apparent in post-war America.

- Features:
-Fantastic, metaphysical and surrealistic subject matter
-Kaleidoscopic, fractal or paisley patterns
-Bright and/or highly contrasting colors
-Extreme depth of detail or stylization of detail. Also so called Horror vacui style.
-Morphing of objects or themes and sometimes collage
-Phosphenes, spirals, concentric circles, diffraction patterns, and other entoptic motifs
-Repetition of motifs
-Innovative typography and hand-lettering, including warping and transposition of positive and
negative spaces

-Emerging in the 1960s, psychedelic art became the visual identity of the hippie movement in the
Western world.

- Amidst the civil rights movement and the Vietnam war, many young Americans questioned their
society’s political and social outlooks, raising such issues as racism, sexism, and freedom of speech.
Many sought spiritual healing through psychedelic drugs. Psychedelic art was a reflection of the
era, with concert posters, album covers, newspapers, and comic books representing the political,
social and spiritual gleanings from these altered states of consciousness.

-I should look for ARTISTS that used this style during that time.
✎ El legado que los hippies dejaron a la sociedad incluye la visualización de minorías y partes
marginadas de la sociedad, como las mujeres, los negros, los gays, los artistas… Gracias a esta
nueva manera de ver el mundo surgió toda una nueva sociedad, además de una nueva manera de
concebir los movimientos sociales, como el Feminismo, los Movimientos Estudiantiles y los
Antiglobalización o el Movimiento L.G.T.B.I. , Contra de la guerra, del racismo, promover liberación














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