ST-Weekly Options

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Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts

January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

524 01/11/21 SLD 2 NVDA January 15, 2021 15 Jan 575/595 1/2 call ratio 0.75) ($150.00) open Risk reversal using call ratio and short naked put underneath recent support
524 01/11/21 SLD 2 NVDA January 15, 2021 15 Jan 500 put (0.62) $124.00)

523 01/11/21 SLD 2 AMZN January 15, 2021 15 Jan 2970/2870 1/ put ratio (1.07) $214.00) open put ratio for credit

522 01/11/21 BOT 2 SPX January 15, 2021 15 Jan 36545/3630/3600 put bwb (0.40) $80.00) open Put bwb for credit

521 01/11/21 SLD 4 RIOT January 15, 2021 15 Jan 15.5/15 1/2 put ratio (0.18) $72.00) open Risk reversal with long vertical and ratio
521 01/11/21 BOT 2 RIOT January 15, 2021 15 Jan 24/25 call vertical 0.35) ($70.00)

520 01/08/21 BOT 1 TSLA January 15, 2021 15 Jan 980/1000/1020 call butterfly 0.60) ($60.00) open Small size 🦋 with excellent risk reward ratio

519 01/06/21 SLD 6 SPY January 8, 2021 8 Jan 365 put (0.32) $192.00) SPY risk reversal
519 01/06/21 BOT 2 SPY January 8, 2021 8 Jan 376/379 call vertical 1.18) ($236.00)
519 01/06/21 BOT 6 SPY January 8, 2021 8 Jan 366 put 1.17) ($702.00) Bought protective puts for overnight risk on DC riots
519 01/07/21 SLD 1 SPY January 8, 2021 8 Jan 376/379 call vertical (2.02) $202.00) closed
519 01/07/21 SLD 1 SPY January 8, 2021 8 Jan 376/379 call vertical (2.02) $202.00) ($342.00) Sold verticals into strength

518 01/06/21 SLD 1 AMZN January 15, 2021 15 Jan 2960/2860 1/2 put ratio (1.31) $131.00) closed Ratio spread for credit
518 01/06/21 BOT 1 AMZN January 15, 2021 15 Jan 2960/2860 1/2 put ratio 0.15) ($15.00) $116.00) closed on same day when almost entire credit was collected

517 01/06/21 SLD 4 AAPL January 8, 2021 8 Jan 121 put (0.17) $68.00) open Risk reversal with bfly and short term naked puts
517 01/06/21 BOT 2 AAPL January 22, 2021 22 Jan 130/135/140 call butterlfy 0.85) ($170.00)
517 01/11/21 SLD 4 AAPL January 15, 2021 15 Jan 120 put (0.23) $92.00) Adding another round of put credit, this gets debit to almost zero

516 01/05/21 BOT 6 IWM January 8, 2021 8 Jan 200/203/213 call bwb 0.37) ($222.00) Directional bwb for small debit
516 01/06/21 SLD 3 IWM January 8, 2021 8 Jan 200/203/213 call bwb 0.37) ($111.00)
516 01/06/21 SLD 1 IWM January 8, 2021 8 Jan 200/203/213 call bwb 1.00) ($100.00) closed
516 01/06/21 SLD 2 IWM January 8, 2021 8 Jan 200/203/213 call bwb 1.46) ($292.00) ($725.00) All bfly's closed at losses as IWM up strongly and running over mid strikes

515 01/05/21 SLD 4 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 240/250 1/2 call ratio 0.90) ($360.00) Directional ratio targeting prior lows for debit
515 01/06/21 BOT 2 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 240/250 1/2 call ratio (0.96) $192.00) Closed half on relative weakness of stock
515 01/06/21 BOT 1 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 240/250 1/2 call ratio (0.78) $78.00) Closed another quarter on further relative weakness and time to expiry concern
515 01/07/21 SLD 1 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 240 call (0.34) $34.00) closed
515 01/07/21 BOT 1 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 220/210/190 put fly 0.83) ($83.00) ($139.00) Changed bias on stock weakness

514 01/04/21 SLD 1 AAPL January 8, 2021 8 Jan 124/121 1/2 put ratio (0.06) $6.00) closed Directional ratio against 50SMA
513 01/04/21 BOT 1 SPX January 4, 2021 4 Jan 3715/3700/3660 put bwb 0.05) ($5.00) closed BWB against bottom of gap
513 01/04/21 SLD 1 SPX January 4, 2021 4 Jan 3715/3700/3660 put bwb 3.15) ($315.00) ($320.00) Market dropped hard through support causing us to close quickly at a loss

512 12/31/20 SLD 2 NFLX January 8, 2021 8 Jan 550/575 1/3 call ratio 0.30) ($60.00) closed Directional call ratio for small debit
512 01/04/21 BOT 1 NFLX January 8, 2021 8 Jan 550/575 1/3 call ratio (0.60) $60.00) $0.00) Closed half size to clear debit risk on adverse price action

511 12/31/20 SLD 4 AMZN January 8, 2021 8 Jan 2960/2870 1/2 put ratio (0.80) $320.00) closed Ratio spread for purpose of collecting credit
511 01/06/21 BOT 2 AMZN January 8, 2021 8 Jan 2960/2870 1/2 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) $320.00) Closed half on 100% credit gain

510 12/29/20 SLD 1 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 237.5/250 1/3 call ratio 0.10) ($10.00) closed Directional 1:3 ratio for move to gap fill at $250 area
510 12/30/20 BOT 1 BABA January 8, 2021 8 Jan 237.5/250 1/3 call ratio 0.27) ($27.00) ($37.00) Judgement call to close early for tiny loss. Didn't like the spread and expiry.

509 12/28/20 BOT 4 AAPL December 31, 2020 31 Dec 136/138/140 call fly 0.27) ($108.00) Straight butterfly with mid strikes against the ATH
509 12/29/20 SLD 2 AAPL December 31, 2020 31 Dec 136/138/140 call fly (0.38) $76.00) closed half on move through midstrike
509 12/30/20 SLD 1 AAPL December 31, 2020 31 Dec 136/138/140 call fly (0.27) $27.00) closed closed a quarter on AAPL weakness to take majority of debit out of trade.
509 12/31/20 SLD 1 AAPL December 31, 2020 31 Dec 136/138/140 call fly (0.10) $10.00) $5.00)

508 12/22/20 SLD 4 AAPL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 135/138 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed Somewhat longshot, playing against prior ATH for very short duration
507 12/18/20 BOT 1 AMZN December 18, 2020 18 Dec 3195/3200/3205 call fly 0.35) ($35.00) closed Binary event trade for pin on close. Closed early break-even.
507 12/18/20 SLD 1 AMZN December 18, 2020 18 Dec 3195/3200/3205 call fly (0.35) $35.00) $0.00)

506 12/18/20 BOT 2 GOOGL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 1700/1680/1640 put bwb (0.10) $20.00) Directional put bwb
506 12/21/20 SLD 1 GOOGL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 1700/1680/1640 put bwb (0.60) $60.00) closed Closing one for gain on stock starting to rally away from target
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
506 12/23/20 SLD 1 GOGGL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 1680/1640 put vertical (0.50) $50.00) $130.00) Turns bwb into unbalanced bwb 1/3/2

505 12/17/20 BOT 2 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 650/700/800 call bwb 3.75) ($750.00) directional call bwb
505 12/17/20 BOT 8 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 510/500/470 put bwb (0.65) $520.00) put bwb's for credit to finance
505 12/17/20 SLD 2 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 650/700/800 call bwb (3.60) $720.00) reversed call side
505 12/17/20 BOT 1 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 650/670 call vertical 8.30) ($830.00) bought call vertical instead
505 12/18/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 670/690 call vertical (8.91) $891.00) turned long vertical into butterfly ahead of rebalancing volatility
505 12/22/20 SLD 8 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 510/500/470 put bwb 0.05) ($40.00) Closed off put risk after collecting 92% of premium
505 12/22/20 BOT 1 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 670/690 call vertical 0.27) ($27.00) closed Closed call vertical to turn bfly back into vertical after collecting 97% of value
505 12/23/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 24, 2020 24 Dec 650/670 call vertical (4.29) $429.00) $913.00) Closed call vertical for solid gain after encountering resistance at $650 level

504 12/16/20 SLD 4 GOOGL December 18, 2020 18 Dec1700/1680 1/2 put ratio 0.07) ($28.00) Directional put ratio on negative news for tiny debit
504 12/18/20 BOT 1 GOOGL December 18, 2020 18 Dec1700/1680 1/2 put ratio (0.25) $25.00)
504 12/18/20 BOT 1 GOOGL December 18, 2020 18 Dec1700/1680 1/2 put ratio (0.50) $50.00) closed
504 12/18/20 SLD 1 GOOGL December 18, 2020 18 Dec1700 put (1.45) $145.00) $192.00) Sold off long put, leaving units short at 1680 which went to zero

503 12/11/20 SLD 8 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 352 put (0.42) $336.00) Risk reversal - naked put with debit ratio
503 12/11/20 SLD 4 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 368/372 1/2 call ratio 0.85) ($340.00)
503 12/15/20 BOT 1 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 368/372 1/2 call ratio (0.80) $80.00)
503 12/15/20 BOT 1 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 368/372 1/2 call ratio (0.78) $78.00)
503 12/15/20 BOT 1 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 368/372 1/2 call ratio (0.74) $74.00)
503 12/16/20 BOT 1 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 368/372 1/2 call ratio (1.64) $164.00) closed Sold all units one at a time into strength
503 12/16/20 BOT 8 SPY December 16, 2020 16 Dec 352 put 0.02) ($16.00) $376.00) Closed naked puts at 95% of max gain

502 12/11/20 BOT 2 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 510/500/480 put bwb (0.61) $122.00) Risk reversal - put bwb with straight call fly
502 12/11/20 BOT 1 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 620/650/680 call fly 2.83) ($283.00)
502 12/14/20 BOT 2 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 660/650/635 put bwb (2.15) $430.00) ITM put bwb for credit targeting breakout to new ATH
502 12/16/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 660/650/635 put bwb 2.25) ($225.00)
502 12/16/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 660/650/635 put bwb 2.39) ($239.00) Closed ITM put bwb's for small loss on weakness
502 12/16/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 620/650/680 call fly (5.60) $560.00) closed Closed long bfly for small gain on relative weakness
502 12/16/20 SLD 2 TSLA December 18, 2020 18 Dec 510/500/480 put bwb 0.13) ($26.00) $339.00) Closed credit put bwb for solid gain to eliminate downside risk into expiry

501 12/11/20 BOT 1 AMZN December 18, 2020 18 Dec 2900/2870/2810 put bwb (0.67) $67.00) closed Put bwb's for credit
501 12/11/20 BOT 1 AMZN December 18, 2020 18 Dec 2900/2870/2810 put bwb (0.50) $50.00) $117.00) expired worthless and retained full credit

500 12/10/20 SLD 4 NFLX December 18, 2020 18 Dec 477.5/460 1/3 put ratio (0.30) $120.00) closed Directional and credit collection ratio at same time
499 12/10/20 SLD 6 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 49/52 1/3 call ratio 0.15) ($90.00) Directional 1:3 ratio
499 12/10/20 BOT 6 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 52/55 call vertical 0.54) ($324.00) Adjustment made in error
499 12/10/20 SLD 6 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 52/55 call vertical (0.51) $306.00) Reversal of adjustment
499 12/10/20 BOT 12 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 55 call 0.34) ($408.00) leaves 1/3/2 unbalanced bfly at $0.86 debit
499 12/14/20 BOT 6 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 52/55 call certical 1.15) ($690.00) Turns unbalanced into straight butterfly to manage upside risk
499 12/16/20 SLD 3 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 49/52/55 call fly (0.72) $216.00) closed
499 12/16/20 SLD 3 TWTR December 18, 2020 18 Dec 49/52/55 call fly (0.55) $165.00) ($825.00) Closed both long butterflies at a loss. Note: This trade was severely affected by surprise news.

498 12/08/20 BOT 1 AMZN December 11, 2020 11 Dec 3180/3200/3220 call bfly 2.18) ($218.00) Directional short term straight butterfly
498 12/10/20 SLD 1 AMZN December 11, 2020 11 Dec 3220 call (1.55) $155.00) closed Sold upper strike for credit to decrease cost, leaves 1:2 ratio
498 12/11/20 SLD 1 AMZN December 11, 2020 11 Dec 3180 call (0.65) $65.00) $2.00) Sold out long strike of ratio to refund all debits

497 12/07/20 BOT 2 AAPL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 125/137/160 1/3/2 unbal call bfly 1.70) ($340.00) Directional unbalanced bfly
497 12/11/20 SLD 4 AAPL December 18, 2020 18 Dec 113 put (0.33) $132.00)
497 12/11/20 SLD 2 AAPL December 18, 2020 18 Dec 113 put (0.27) $54.00) adding put credits here to decrease debit
497 12/17/20 SLD 1 AAPL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 125/137/160 1/3/2 unbal call bfly (3.75) $375.00) closed Closed one for over 2x cost
497 12/22/20 BOT 1 AAPL December 24, 2020 24 Dec 125/137 1/3 call ratio (6.23) $623.00) $844.00) Closed second unit for 3.5x cost

496 12/07/20 SLD 4 AMZN December 11, 2020 11 Dec 2920/2870 1/2 put ratio (0.53) $212.00) closed Credit collection trade
496 12/11/20 BOT 4 AMZN December 11, 2020 11 Dec 2870 put 0.02) ($8.00) $204.00)

495 12/04/20 SLD 4 TSLA December 11, 2020 11 Dec 520/500 1/2 put ratio (0.61) $244.00) Risk reversal using ratio spread credit to finance call vertical
495 12/04/20 BOT 1 TSLA December 11, 2020 11 Dec 610/620 call vertical 3.15) ($315.00)
495 12/10/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 11, 2020 11 Dec 610/620 call vertical (6.05) $605.00) closed Judgement call to close spread early as was trading right at short strike with 1 day to expiry
495 12/10/20 BOT 2 TSLA December 11, 2020 11 Dec 520/500 1/2 put ratio 0.05) ($10.00) $524.00) Closed half of put risk to alleviate margin
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
494 12/02/20 SLD 1 AMZN December 4, 2020 4 Dec 3350/3400 1/2 call ratio (0.95) $95.00) Directional and credit collection at same time, targeting a trend line at 3400
494 12/02/20 SLD 1 AMZN December 4, 2020 4 Dec 3350/3400 1/2 call ratio (0.75) $75.00)
494 12/02/20 SLD 2 AMZN December 4, 2020 4 Dec 3350/3400 1/2 call ratio (0.70) $140.00) closed
494 12/03/20 SLD 4 AMZN December 4, 2020 4 Dec 3350/3390 call vertical (0.31) $124.00) $434.00) This tightens up the width of the ratio & brings in more credit as there is no chance of strikes in play

493 11/30/20 SLD 6 IWM December 4, 2020 4 Dec 176/173 1/2 put ratio 0.02) ($12.00) closed Directional put vertical at low cost for chance on potential Russell pullback
492 11/30/20 BOT 4 RIOT December 18, 2020 18 Dec 7.5/8.5 call vertical 0.35) ($140.00) Directional call vertical on BitCoin $20k breakout
492 12/09/20 SLD 2 RIOT December 18, 2020 18 Dec 7.5/8.5 call vertical (0.48) $96.00) Closed half positoin on weakness for small gain
492 12/10/20 SLD 1 RIOT December 18, 2020 18 Dec 7.5/8.5 call vertical (0.55) $55.00) closed Closed another unit at small gain, leaves one unit with zero risk
492 12/15/20 SLD 1 RIOT December 18, 2020 18 Dec 7.5/8.5 call vertical (0.85) $85.00) $96.00) Closed remaining unit at 85% of maximum gain

491 11/27/20 SLD 2 CMG December 4, 2020 4 Dec 1/2 1300/1350 call ratio 0.38) ($76.00) Directional ratio targeting downtrend line in CMG
491 12/01/20 BOT 1 CMG December 4, 2020 4 Dec 1/2 1300/1350 call ratio (0.88) $88.00) closed
491 12/01/20 BOT 1 CMG December 4, 2020 4 Dec 1/2 1300/1350 call ratio (0.77) $77.00) $89.00) Judgement call to close this trade early, didn't like the risk/reward going forward

490 11/27/20 SLD 1 TSLA December 4, 2020 4 Dec 520/500 1/2 put ratio 0.05) ($5.00) closed Starting small with a directional ratio targeting $500 prior breakout support
489 11/27/20 SLD 4 NFLX December 4, 2020 4 Dec 470/460 1/2 put ratio (0.08) $32.00) closed Directional put ratio for tiny credit
488 11/27/20 BOT 1 TSLA November 27, 2020 27 Nov 590/600/610 call fly 1.75) ($175.00) closed Binary outcome, day of expiry "roulette" trade. Employed trailing stop which was hit
488 11/27/20 SLD 1 TSLA November 27, 2020 27 Nov 590/600/610 call fly (1.90) $190.00) $15.00)

487 11/25/20 SLD 1 AMZN November 27, 2020 27 Nov 3220/3260 1/2 call ratio (0.47) $47.00) Directional call ratio for short duration
487 11/25/20 SLD 1 AMZN November 27, 2020 27 Nov 3220/3260 1/2 call ratio 0.09) ($9.00) added another unit for a small debit
487 11/27/20 BOT 1 AMZN November 27, 2020 27 Nov 3220/3260 1/2 call ratio (2.73) $273.00) closed
487 11/27/20 BOT 1 AMZN November 27, 2020 27 Nov 3220/3260 1/2 call ratio (2.54) $254.00) $565.00) Closed on day of expiry at huge % gain

486 11/25/20 SLD 6 AMZN December 4, 2020 4 Dec 2930/2870 1/2 put ratio (0.46) $276.00) This is for credit collection as strikes are far away and against support
486 11/30/20 BOT 1 AMZN December 4, 2020 4 Dec 2930/2870 1/2 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed closed one unit at zero for full credit received - decreasing margin as well
485 11/20/20 SLD 6 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio 0.36) ($216.00) Directional ratio for debit
485 11/20/20 SLD 2 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio 0.35) ($70.00) adding two more units for total of eight
485 11/27/20 BOT 2 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio (0.90) $180.00) closing quarter of the position for 2.5x cost
485 12/01/20 BOT 2 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio (1.12) $224.00) closing quarter of the position for 3.2x cost
485 12/02/20 BOT 2 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio (1.20) $240.00) closing quarter of the position for 3.4x cost
485 12/03/20 BOT 1 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio (2.00) $200.00) closed closing one unit for 5.7x cost
485 12/03/20 BOT 1 TWTR December 4, 2020 4 Dec 45/48 1/2 call ratio (2.10) $210.00) $768.00) Closed final unit at 6x cost

484 11/20/20 BOT 2 ZM November 27, 2020 27 Nov 440/460/490 call bwb 1.49) ($298.00) Directional call BWB for move towards trendline
484 11/24/20 SLD 1 ZM November 27, 2020 27 Nov 490 call (0.80) $80.00)
484 11/24/20 SLD 1 ZM November 27, 2020 27 Nov 490 call (1.00) $100.00) sold off the upper strikes turning into ratio spread
484 11/25/20 BOT 1 ZM November 27, 2020 27 Nov 440/460 1/2 call ratio (2.05) $205.00) closed closed half on intraday relative weakness
484 11/27/20 BOT 1 ZM November 27, 2020 27 Nov 440/460 1/2 call ratio (15.00) $1,500.00) $1,587.00) closed second unit for monster credit of 75% of maximum value

483 11/20/20 SLD 2 NFLX November 27, 2020 27 Nov 470/460 1/2 put ratio 0.02) ($4.00) Tentative open with small size; NFLX rallied soon after so probably right call to not lay out too many
483 11/23/20 BOT 1 NFLX November 27, 2020 27 Nov 470/460 1/2 put ratio (0.75) $75.00) closed Closed one unit for solid gain
483 11/24/20 BOT 1 NFLX November 27, 2020 27 Nov 470/460 1/2 put ratio (0.50) $50.00) $121.00)

482 11/18/20 BOT 2 TSLA November 20, 2020 20 Nov 480/500/520 call blfy 3.71) ($742.00) directional short term call fly for TSLA move to $500 level on news
482 11/19/20 BOT 1 TSLA November 20, 2020 20 Nov 480/500/520 call blfy (5.92) $592.00) closed
482 11/19/20 BOT 1 TSLA November 20, 2020 20 Nov 480/500/520 call blfy (5.90) $590.00) $440.00) Solid gain in 24 hours

481 11/17/20 SLD 4 TSLA November 20, 2020 20 Nov 405/400 1/2 put ratio (0.55) $220.00) closed sld narrow spread for credit
481 11/17/20 BOT 4 TSLA November 20, 2020 20 Nov 395 put 0.55) ($220.00) $0.00) bought lower strike to turn into butterfly at zero cost/risk

480 11/16/20 SLD 1 AMZN November 20, 2020 20 Nov 2940/2870 1/2 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed Entering slowly, would like to add depending on price action
480 11/17/20 SLD 1 AMZN November 20, 2020 20 Nov 2940/2870 1/2 put ratio (0.50) $50.00) $50.00) added another unit

479 11/16/20 BOT 2 AAPL December 4, 2020 4 Dec 121/124 call vertical 1.18) ($236.00) Risk reversal with long vertical and short puts
479 11/16/20 SLD 4 AAPL November 20, 2020 20 Nov 113 put (0.20) $80.00)
479 11/20/20 SLD 4 AAPL November 27, 2020 27 Nov 110 put (0.20) $80.00)
479 11/25/20 SLD 4 AAPL December 4, 2020 4 Dec 109 put (0.30) $120.00) Rinse repeat of selling the 20 cent put 2x the amount of calls
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
479 11/25/20 BOT 4 AAPL November 27, 2020 27 Nov 110 put 0.02) ($8.00)
479 12/03/20 BOT 4 AAPL December 4, 2020 4 Dec 109 put 0.02) ($8.00) This closes off all risk and puts cost of trade at less than zero
479 12/03/20 SLD 1 AAPL December 4, 2020 4 Dec 121/124 call vertical (1.75) $175.00) closed
479 12/03/20 SLD 1 AAPL December 4, 2020 4 Dec 121/124 call vertical (2.00) $200.00) $403.00) Sold both verticals into strength

478 11/16/20 BOT 1 SPX November 16, 2020 16 Nov 3640/3650/3700 call bwb 0.05) ($5.00) closed Directional call bwb for tiny debit
477 11/12/20 SLD 4 AMZN November 13, 2020 13 Nov 2910/2870 1/ put ratio (0.53) $212.00) closed For credit. Expired worthless, retained all credit
476 11/11/20 SLD 4 NFLX November 13, 2020 13 Nov 470/460 1/2 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) directional put vertical, rinse repeat of #474
476 11/13/20 SLD 1 NFLX November 13, 2020 13 Nov 470 put (0.28) $28.00) closed Sold one unit of the four longs, remaining expired at zero
475 11/09/20 SLD 2 IWM November 13, 2020 13 Nov 167/164 1/2 put ratio (0.01) $2.00) closed directional rato spread at zero debit
474 11/06/20 SLD 4 NFLX November 13, 2020 13 Nov 477.5/460 1/2 put ratio (0.03) $12.00) Has directional and expansion potential at negative cost
474 11/09/20 BOT 2 NFLX November 13, 2020 13 Nov 477.5/460 1/2 put ratio (1.96) $392.00) Spread expanded nicely on large move lower
474 11/09/20 BOT 1 NFLX November 13, 2020 13 Nov 477.5/460 1/2 put ratio (1.50) $150.00) closed
474 11/10/20 BOT 1 NFLX November 13, 2020 13 Nov 477.5/460 1/2 put ratio (2.70) $270.00) $824.00) Closed remaining unit on potential market rally

473 11/05/20 SLD 1 FB November 6, 2020 6 Nov300/305 1/2 ratio 0.33) ($33.00) closed Small size, binary outcome probably
472 11/05/20 BOT 6 SLV November 20, 2020 20 Nov 24/25 call vertical 0.28) ($168.00) closed Directional call vertical on break of key resistance in SLV
471 11/05/20 SLD 8 SLV November 13, 2020 13 Nov22 put (0.13) $104.00) ITM Put vertical trade
471 11/05/20 SLD 8 SLV November 13, 2020 13 Nov 24.5/24 put vertical (0.35) $280.00) Sells OTM puts as well to decrease risk should SLV be sideways
471 11/09/20 BOT 4 SLV November 13, 2020 13 Nov 22 put 0.28) ($112.00)
471 11/09/20 BOT 4 SLV November 13, 2020 13 Nov 22 put 0.35) ($140.00) closed Closed short puts on bounces
471 11/13/20 BOT 8 SLV November 13, 2020 13 Nov 24.5/24 put vertical 0.51) ($408.00) ($276.00)

470 11/04/20 BOT 2 QQQ November 6, 2020 6 Nov 288/292/296 call fly 0.77) ($154.00) Risk reversal targeting trendline resistance
470 11/04/20 SLD 4 QQQ November 6, 2020 6 Nov 271 put (0.36) $144.00)
470 11/05/20 BOT 4 QQQ November 6, 2020 6 Nov 271 put 0.02) ($8.00) Closing off put risk at over 94% profit
470 11/06/20 SLD 1 QQQ November 6, 2020 6 Nov 288/292/296 call fly (1.50) $150.00) closed
470 11/06/20 SLD 1 QQQ November 6, 2020 6 Nov 288/292/296 call fly (1.54) $154.00) $286.00)

469 11/04/20 BOT 4 AMZN November 6, 2020 6 Nov 3015/3000/2960 put bwb (0.50) $200.00) closed Credit collection trade
$200.00) Retained 100% of credit received, spreads expired worthless
468 11/02/20 SLD 2 SPX November 2, 2020 2 Nov 3320/3210 put ratio (0.50) $100.00) closed Directional but receiving decent credit for win/win scenario
468 11/02/20 SLD 2 SPX November 2, 2020 2 Nov 3320/3210 put ratio (0.10) $20.00) $120.00) Added two more directional closer to end of session.

467 10/30/20 SLD 1 AAPL October 30, 2020 30 Oct 110/111/110/109 iron fly (0.80) $80.00) closed Iron butterfly, small size to illustrate concept
467 10/30/20 BOT 1 AAPL October 30, 2020 30 Oct 110/111/110/109 iron fly 1.01) ($101.00) ($21.00) Closed put side and left calls to expire.

466 10/30/20 BOT 4 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 3230/3210/3035 put bwb (0.50) $200.00) Directional bwb
466 10/30/20 SLD 2 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 3230/3210/3035 put bwb 0.25) ($50.00) Closed to control risk as market falling harder than expected early in session
466 10/30/20 SLD 1 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 3230/3210/3035 put bwb 0.40) ($40.00) closed
466 10/30/20 SLD 1 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 3230/3210/3035 put bwb (1.20) $120.00) $230.00) Good expansion of premium on last unit

465 10/28/20 BOT 1 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 3260/3210/3160 put fly 4.80) ($480.00) Risk reversal using bfly and short naked call
465 10/28/20 SLD 2 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Ocr 3415 call (2.35) $470.00)
465 10/29/20 SLD 1 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 3260/3210/3160 put fly (4.60) $460.00) Closed long bfly when apparent that market rallying hard
465 10/29/20 BOT 1 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Ocr 3415 call 1.40) ($140.00) closed
465 10/29/20 BOT 1 SPX October 30, 2020 30 Ocr 3415 call 0.85) ($85.00) $225.00) closed short calls to avoid risk into big tech earnings

464 10/28/20 SLD 4 SPX October 28, 2020 28 Oct 3235/3210 1/2 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed
$0.00) put on for zero and expired at zero
463 10/28/20 SLD 4 NFLX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 470/460 1/2 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) Ratio spread targeting support area
463 10/30/20 BOT 2 NFLX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 470/460 1/2 put ratio (0.40) $80.00)
463 10/30/20 BOT 1 NFLX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 470/460 1/2 put ratio (0.65) $65.00) closed
463 10/30/20 BOT 1 NFLX October 30, 2020 30 Oct 470/460 1/2 put ratio (0.37) $37.00) $182.00) Closed incrementally on day of expiry as spread expanded

462 10/26/20 BOT 1 SPX October 28, 2020 28 Oct 3480/3490/3540 call bwb (0.90) $90.00) closed Broken wing butterflies for credit
462 10/26/20 BOT 1 SPX October 28, 2020 28 Oct 3480/3490/3540 call bwb (0.60) $60.00) $150.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

461 10/22/20 SLD 1 SPY October 23, 2020 23 Oct 340 put (0.53) $53.00) Legging into risk reversal slowly
461 10/22/20 BOT 1 SPY November 2, 2020 2 Nov 345/350 call vertical 2.27) ($227.00)
461 10/22/20 SLD 1 SPY October 23, 2020 23 Oct 340 put (0.50) $50.00)
461 10/22/20 BOT 1 SPY November 2, 2020 2 Nov 345/350 call vertical 2.23) ($223.00)
461 10/23/20 BOT 2 SPY October 23, 2020 23 Oct 340 put 0.05) ($10.00) Closed puts at 90% profit
461 10/26/20 SLD 1 SPY November 2, 2020 2 Nov 345/350 call vertical (1.74) $174.00) closed Closed first half at breakeven of basis
461 10/26/20 SLD 1 SPY November 2, 2020 2 Nov 345/350 call vertical (1.64) $164.00) ($19.00) Closed second unit when market returned to LOD

460 10/22/20 SLD 6 NFLX October 23, 2020 23 Oct 472.5/460 1/3 put ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed Directional ratio spread at zero cost

459 10/19/20 BOT 2 SPX October 21, 2020 21 Oct 3420/3400/3365 put bwb 0.10) ($20.00) put bwbs for close to zero cost
459 10/19/20 SLD 1 SPX October 21, 2020 21 Oct 3420/3400/3365 put bwb (0.05) $5.00) Judgement call to cut down size by half at no debit
459 10/19/20 BOT 1 SPX October 21, 2020 21 Oct 3375/3365 put vertical 1.45) ($145.00) closed tightened up lower strike
459 10/21/20 SLD 1 SPX October 21, 2020 21 Oct 3400/3375 put vertical (0.55) $55.00) ($105.00)

458 10/14/20 SLD 4 SPX October 16, 2020 16 Oct 3580/3600 1/2 call ratio 0.50) ($200.00) Risk reversal at close to zero cost
458 10/14/20 BOT 4 SPX October 16, 2020 16 Oct 3440/3430/3405 put bwb (0.45) $180.00) closed Expired worthless
457 10/12/20 BOT 4 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 300/304/308 call bfly 0.57) ($228.00) closed Directional call bfly targeting ATH in QQQ
($228.00) Expired worthless, not able to adjust
456 10/12/20 SLD 4 NFLX October 16, 2020 16 Oct 585/600 1/3 call ratio (0.80) $320.00) As this is narrow and credit is large, it is not directional, it is for credit received
456 10/12/20 BOT 2 NFLX October 16, 2020 16 Oct 585/600 1/3 call ratio 0.05) ($10.00) close Closed half for almost entire credit
456 10/13/20 BOT 2 NFLX October 16, 2020 16 Oct 585/600 1/3 call ratio 0.47) ($94.00) $216.00) Closed second half for smaller credit

455 10/09/20 SLD 6 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 285/290 1/2 call ratio 0.52) ($312.00) directional call ratio at debit
455 10/09/20 SLD 4 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 274 put (0.75) $300.00) sold puts to finance turning ratio into bfly due to stimulus deal on horizon
455 10/09/20 BOT 6 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 295 call 0.47) ($282.00) these calls turn ratio into straight butterfly with no upside risk
455 10/12/20 SLD 2 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 285/290/295 call bfly (1.25) $250.00)
455 10/12/20 SLD 2 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 285/290/295 call bfly (1.25) $250.00)
455 10/12/20 SLD 2 QQQ October 16, 2020 16 Oct 285/290/295 call bfly (1.07) $214.00) closed Closed all longs incrementally as market much stronger than expected
454 10/09/20 BOT 4 AAPL October 23, 2020 23 Oct 117/120 call vertical 1.25) ($500.00) Long calls into product announcement and earnings ramp
454 10/09/20 SLD 2 AAPL October 16, 2020 16 Oct 108.75 put (0.43) $86.00)
454 10/12/20 SLD 4 AAPL October 16, 2020 16 Oct 114 put (0.30) $120.00)
454 10/16/20 BOT 4 AAPL October 16, 2020 16 Oct 114 put 0.02) ($8.00)
454 10/16/20 BOT 2 AAPL October 16, 2020 16 Oct 108.75 put 0.01) ($2.00) closed off put risk for pennies to decrease margin
454 10/19/20 SLD 3 AAPL October 23, 2020 23 Oct 117/120 call vertical (1.67) $501.00) closed
454 10/19/20 SLD 1 AAPL October 23, 2020 23 Oct 117/120 call vertical (1.50) $150.00) $347.00)

453 10/09/20 SLD 6 NFLX October 9, 2020 9 Oct 555/560 1/2 call ratio (0.01) $6.00) closed longshot but almost free, expired worthless
452 10/07/20 SLD 4 NFLX October 9, 2020 9 Oct 502.5/500 put 1/2 ratio (0.47) $188.00) put ratio for credit against call verticals
452 10/07/20 BOT 2 NFLX October 9, 2020 9 Oct 545/550 call vertical 1.02) ($204.00) closed
452 10/09/20 SLD 1 NFLX October 9, 2020 9 Oct 545/550 call vertical (1.00) $100.00) $84.00) sold one of two on early rally, second expired worthless

451 10/07/20 BOT 2 SPX October 9, 2020 9 Oct 3330/3320/3300 put bwb (0.50) $100.00) closed put bwb for credit, planned to put on calls as well but missed opportunity
450 10/05/20 BOT 2 SPX October 7, 2020 7 Oct 3330/3320/3290 put bwb (1.20) $240.00) Risk reversal using two BWB's; targeting SPX 61.80% Fib level
450 10/05/20 BOT 1 SPX October 7, 2020 7 Oct 3425/3450/3480 call bwb 2.95) ($295.00)
450 10/06/20 BOT 2 SPX October 7, 2020 7 Oct 3310/3290 put vertical 0.45) ($90.00) closed
450 10/07/20 SLD 1 SPX October 7, 2020 7 Oct 3425/3450/3480 call bwb (1.90) $190.00) $45.00)

449 10/01/20 BOT 6 SPX October 2, 2020 2 Oct 3425/340/3480 call bwb 0.00) $0.00) closed started with bwb for even money
449 10/01/20 BOT 6 SPX October 2, 2020 2 Oct 3420/3425/3440/3480 call condor (0.70) $420.00) $420.00) added condor overlay for solid credit -- all expired worthless

448 09/30/20 SLD 2 TSLA October 2, 2020 2 Oct 450/447 put vertical (2.25) $450.00) Deep ITM put verticals for 450 target
448 10/02/20 BOT 1 TSLA October 2, 2020 2 Oct 450/447 put vertical 2.60) ($260.00) closed
448 10/02/20 BOT 1 TSLA October 2, 2020 2 Oct 450/447 put vertical 3.02) ($302.00) ($112.00)

447 09/29/20 SLD 2 SPX September 30, 2020 30 Sep 3410/3430 1/2 call ratio 0.10) ($20.00) Directional ratios looking at top of balance area as target
447 09/29/20 SLD 2 SPX September 30, 2020 30 Sep 3415/3430 1/2 call ratio (0.05) $10.00)
447 09/30/20 BOT 1 SPX September 30, 2020 30 Sep 3410/3430 1/2 call ratio (0.50) $50.00) closed
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
447 09/30/20 BOT 1 SPX September 30, 2020 30 Sep 3410/3430 1/2 call ratio (0.50) $50.00) $90.00) Closed lower ratio into strength but did not get filled on limit order for higher one

446 09/25/20 SLD 4 QQQ September 30, 2020 30 Sep 274/280 1/3 call ratio 0.51) ($204.00) closed directional 1:3 on NDX for small debit, targeting MA's above us
446 09/28/20 BOT 4 QQQ September 30, 2020 30 Sep 274/280 1/3 call ratio (0.72) $288.00) $84.00) Closed early - market advanced a bit too quickly and didn't warrant risk of 3 shorts

445 09/25/20 BOT 2 NVDA October 16, 2020 16 Oct 515/530 call 6.27) ($1,254.00) Long directional call vertical
445 09/28/20 SLD 2 NVDA October 2, 2020 2 Oct 547.5 call (1.90) $380.00) short naked call sale against vertical with short duration and well above vertical strikes
445 09/29/20 SLD 2 NVDA October 9, 2020 9 Oct 575 / 2 Oct 547.5 call diagonal 0.25) ($50.00) Rolling short calls up and out
445 09/30/20 SLD 2 NVDA October 16, 2020 16 Oct 515/530 call vertical (9.65) $1,930.00) closed
445 09/30/20 BOT 2 NVDA October 9, 2020 9 Oct 575 call 5.05) ($1,010.00) ($4.00) Judgement call to close entire position at break-even / Detailed analysis in nightly email

444 09/24/20 BOT 4 SPX September 25, 2020 25 Sep 3295/3310/3370 call bwb (0.40) $160.00) bwb for credit and direction
444 09/24/20 SLD 2 SPX September 25, 2020 25 Sep 3295/3310/3370 call bwb 0.40) ($80.00) closed half to cut risk as market rallying a bit hard
444 09/25/20 SLD 1 SPX September 25, 2020 25 Sep 3295/3310/3370 call bwb (0.75) $75.00) closed sold one of remaining for solid credit
444 09/25/20 SLD 1 SPX September 25, 2020 25 Sep 3295/3310/3370 call bwb (0.40) $40.00) $195.00) sold remaining position as rally faded

443 09/22/20 SLD 4 SPX September 25, 2020 25 Sep 3410/3430 1/2 call ratio (0.10) $40.00) closed Ratio spread targeting upper end of balance
$40.00) Expired worthless, profit of credit received
442 09/22/20 SLD 3 AAPL September 25, 2020 25 Sep 102.5 put (0.28) $84.00) Directional risk reversal, smaller size than normal
442 09/22/20 BOT 1 AAPL October 2, 2020 2 Oct 115/117.5 call 0.75) ($75.00)
442 09/23/20 BOT 3 AAPL September 25, 2020 25 Sep 102.5 put 0.42) ($126.00) closed Closed short puts on bearish reversal
442 10/01/20 SLD 1 AAPL October 2, 2020 2 Oct 117.5/120 call vertical (0.63) $63.00) ($54.00) turned call vertical into butterfly to decrease cost

441 09/16/20 BOT 4 SPX September 18, 2020 18 Sep 3475/3490/3555 call bwb (0.40) $160.00) Repeating this trade again as the market in balance and the 61.80% Fib remains resistance.
441 09/16/20 BOT 2 SPX September 18, 2020 18 3470/3475/3490/3555 call condor (0.95) $190.00) closed
441 09/16/20 BOT 2 SPX September 18, 2020 18 3470/3475/3490/3555 call condor (0.75) $150.00) $500.00) Price never moved towards strikes so trade stayed as credit collection vehicle

440 09/14/20 BOT 2 SPX September 16, 2020 16 Sep 3475/3490/3555 call bwb (0.30) $60.00) Same trade as 438 with midstrikes at 61.80% Fib
440 09/14/20 BOT 6 SPX September 16, 2020 16 Sep 3475/3490/3555 call bwb (0.25) $150.00) closed
440 09/14/20 SLD 4 SPX September 16, 2020 16 Sep 3475/3490/3555 call bwb 0.35) ($140.00) $70.00) cut down risk by closing half. Didn't have chance to layer over the condor.

439 09/10/20 BOT 2 AAPL October 2, 2020 2 Oct 115/107.5 put 3.30) ($660.00) closed Directional vertical
439 09/11/20 SLD 2 AAPL October 2, 2020 2 Oct 115/107.5 put (3.55) $710.00) $50.00) closed as price action not confirming

438 09/09/20 BOT 8 SPX September 11, 2020 11 Sep 3475/3490/3555 call bwb (0.50) $400.00) Midstrikes target the 61.80% Fib retracement from high to low of move
438 09/10/20 BOT 2 SPX September 11, 2020 11 Sep 3470/3475/3490/3555 call condor (1.05) $210.00)
438 09/10/20 BOT 2 SPX September 11, 2020 11 Sep 3470/3475/3490/3555 call condor (1.00) $200.00) closed Last 3 texts overlay a condor on top of the bwb, creating an unbalanced fly w/ > profit potential
438 09/10/20 BOT 4 SPX September 11, 2020 11 Sep 3470/3475/3490/3555 call condor (0.70) $280.00) $1,090.00) All spreads expired worthless and all credits retained

437 09/08/20 SLD 2 SPX September 8, 2020 8 Sep 3315/3305 1/2 put ratio (0.70) $140.00) closed short term ratio spread with 1 hour to expiry targeting 50ma daily with short strikes
$140.00) Closed worthless, kept credit received
436 09/03/20 BOT 2 UVXY September 11, 2020 11 Sep 30/35 call vertical 1.16) ($232.00) risk reversal to see volatility higher into next week
436 09/03/20 SLD 6 UVXY September 11, 2020 11 Sep 23 put (0.38) $228.00)
436 09/09/20 SLD 6 UVXY September 25, 2020 25 Sep 19.5/ 11 Sep 23 put diagonal 0.15) ($90.00) rolling down and out as volatility failed to rally
436 09/09/20 SLD 2 UVXY September 11, 2020 11 Sep 30 call (0.30) $60.00) taking in some credit from the call vertical that has little chance of turning a profit
436 09/14/20 SLD 6 UVXY September 18, 2020 18 Sep 25 call (0.41) $246.00) taking on some call risk to finance buyback of some short puts
436 09/14/20 BOT 2 UVXY September 25, 2020 25 Sep 19.5 put 1.61) ($322.00) closing 1/3 of the short puts
436 09/14/20 SLD 2 UVXY October 16, 2020 16 Oct 17/ 25 Sep 19.5 call diagonal 0.25) ($50.00)
436 09/14/20 SLD 2 UVXY October 16, 2020 16 Oct 17/ 25 Sep 19.5 call diagonal 0.20) ($40.00)
436 09/14/20 BOT 1 UVXY October 16, 2020 16 Oct 17 put 1.53) ($153.00)
436 09/14/20 SLD 4 UVXY September 18, 2020 18 Sep 25 call (0.40) $160.00) leaves 3 short puts / 10 short calls
436 09/16/20 BOT 2 UVXY October 16, 2020 16 Oct 17 put 1.63) ($326.00) leaves us short only 1 put now
436 09/16/20 SLD 6 UVXY September 25, 2020 25 Sep 25 call (0.59) $354.00)
436 09/16/20 BOT 5 UVXY September 18, 2020 18 Sep 25 call 0.14) ($70.00) buying in half of the Sept18 calls for a small debit to lessen upside risk
436 09/17/20 BOT 3 UVXY September 25, 2020 25 Sep 23 call 0.98) ($294.00) closed
436 10/09/20 BOT 1 UVXY October 16, 2020 16 Oct 17 put 0.62) ($62.00) ($591.00) chasing tail as volatility crashed back down quickly

435 09/03/20 BOT 2 QQQ September 4, 2020 4 Sep 285/280/275 put bfly 0.65) ($130.00) Directional short term trade targeting NDX 20ma and trend channel
435 09/04/20 SLD 1 QQQ September 4, 2020 4 Sep 285/280/275 put bfly (1.50) $150.00) closed closed first unit at double cost to take risk out of trade
435 09/04/20 SLD 1 QQQ September 4, 2020 4 Sep 285/280/275 put bfly (1.25) $125.00) $145.00) managed out of second lot close to 4pm

434 09/03/20 BOT 1 UVXY October 23, 2020 23 Oct 18 call 8.70) ($870.00) closed Longer term directional trade on volatility into election cycle
434 09/04/20 SLD 1 UVXY October 23, 2020 23 Oct 18 call (8.70) $870.00) $0.00) Volatility crushed on short covering rally. Closed b/e to avoid risk
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

433 09/02/20 SLD 4 QQQ September 11, 2020 11 Sep 310/315 1/2 call ratio 0.03) ($12.00) closed channel top in QQQ at 315, potential blow off move into spread
432 09/01/20 BOT 1 NFLX September 4, 2020 4 Sep 550/570/590 call bfly 3.15) ($315.00) closed directional butterfly targeting a recent high at 570
432 09/02/20 SLD 1 NFLX September 4, 2020 4 Sep 550/570/590 call bfly (2.75) $275.00) ($40.00) Cut trade on weak price action

431 09/01/20 BOT 2 TSLA September 4, 2020 4 Sep 580/600/680 call bwb (0.65) $130.00) Call bwb's for credit on TSLA stock offering which should depress price
431 09/01/20 BOT 2 TSLA September 4, 2020 4 Sep 580/600/680 call bwb (0.45) $90.00)
431 09/02/20 SLD 2 TSLA September 4, 2020 4 Sep 580/600/680 call bwb 0.20) ($40.00) closed
431 09/02/20 SLD 2 TSLA September 4, 2020 4 Sep 580/600/680 call bwb 0.10) ($20.00) $160.00) Closed both at decent gain. Chatter of TSLA being added to S&P increases risk

430 08/28/20 SLD 6 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 18.5 put (0.20) $120.00) Long volatility risk reversal
430 08/28/20 BOT 4 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 23/24 call vertical 0.30) ($120.00)
430 09/01/20 BOT 6 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 18.5 put 0.02) ($12.00) closed off put risk for pennies, now own call vertical for 2 cents
430 09/02/20 SLD 1 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 23/24 call vertical (0.50) $50.00)
430 09/03/20 SLD 1 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 23/24 call vertical (0.75) $75.00)
430 09/03/20 SLD 1 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 23/24 call vertical (0.90) $90.00) closed
430 09/03/20 SLD 1 UVXY September 4, 2020 4 Sep 23/24 call vertical (0.95) $95.00) $298.00) sold into strength incrementally

429 08/26/20 SLD 4 AAPL September 4, 2020 4 Sep 580/600 1/2 call ratio (0.90) $360.00) pre-split size and strike
429 09/01/20 BOT 8 AAPL September 4, 2020 4 Sep 145/150 1/2 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed closed off half to decrease margin - (size went to 4x on split)
429 09/02/20 BOT 8 AAPL September 4, 2020 4 Sep 145/150 1/2 call ratio (0.06) $48.00) $408.00) closed second half at small credit

428 08/26/20 BOT 2 QQQ August 28, 2020 28 Aug 291/293/296 call bfly 0.15) ($30.00) Call bwb against NDX channel resistance
428 08/28/20 SLD 1 QQQ August 28, 2020 28 Aug 291/293/296 call bfly (0.74) $74.00) closed
428 08/28/20 SLD 1 QQQ August 28, 2020 28 Aug 291/293/296 call bfly (0.77) $77.00) $121.00) Closed second unit

427 08/25/20 SLD 6 AAPL August 28, 2020 28 Aug 540/550 1/2 ratio (0.75) $450.00) Ratio spread for credit as VXAPL overheated a bit and AAPL breaking prior day's low
427 08/27/20 BOT 3 AAPL August 28, 2020 28 Aug 540/550 1/2 ratio 0.05) ($15.00) closed closed half of position at over 90% profit to ease margin a bit
427 08/28/20 BOT 3 AAPL August 28, 2020 28 Aug 550 call 0.03) ($9.00) $426.00) turns remaining 3 lot into vertical and erases all margin

426 08/24/20 BOT 2 BABA September 4, 2020 4 Sep 280/285 call vertical 1.68) ($336.00) On breakout from range and holding early gap
426 08/24/20 SLD 4 BABA August 28, 2020 28 Aug 310 call (0.45) $180.00) closed double size of far OTM calls in closer expiry
426 08/27/20 SLD 2 BABA September 4, 2020 4 Sep 280/285 call vertical (2.50) $500.00) $344.00) Sold as NDX hit top of channel

425 08/21/20 BOT 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3290/3300/3310 call bfly 1.20) ($120.00) closed Binary outcome trade against large whole number into monthly expiry
425 08/21/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3290/3300/3310 call bfly (0.87) $87.00) ($33.00) closed to decrease loss when apparent pin would not happen

424 08/20/20 BOT 4 SPX August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3405/3420/3450 1/3/2 call fly 0.05) ($20.00) Unbalanced call fly with short duration looking for theta burn and slight updside
424 08/20/20 SLD 1 SPX August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3405/3420/3450 1/3/2 call fly (0.55) $55.00) Closed one unit on same day for 10x cost
424 08/21/20 SLD 1 SPX August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3405/3420/3450 1/3/2 call fly (0.55) $55.00)
424 08/21/20 SLD 1 SPX August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3405/3420/3450 1/3/2 call fly (0.80) $80.00) closed
424 08/21/20 SLD 1 SPX August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3405/3420/3450 1/3/2 call fly (0.60) $60.00) $230.00) Sold all incrementally as day unfolded.

423 08/14/20 BOT 2 SPX August 17, 2020 17 Aug 1/3/2 3385/3400/3415 call bfly 0.25) ($50.00) Good risk reward with mid strike still trading for multiple dollars
423 08/14/20 SLD 1 SPX August 17, 2020 17 Aug 1/3/2 3385/3400/3415 call bfly (1.00) $100.00) closed Closed one of two units to take debit/market risk off of table
423 08/17/20 ALD 1 SPX August 17, 2020 17 Aug 1/3/2 3385/3400/3415 call bfly (3.00) $300.00) $350.00) Nice expansion of spread on minor move higher into expiry

422 08/13/20 BOT 4 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 185/190 call vertical 1.68) ($672.00) Open of new GLD trade as price moved up into gap
422 08/20/20 SLD 4 GLD August 28, 2020 28 Aug 173 put (0.51) $204.00)
422 08/25/20 SLD 4 GLD September 4, 2020 4 Sep 173 put (0.43) $172.00)
422 08/26/20 SLD 2 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 190/195 call vertical (0.50) $100.00) turning half of spread into butterfly on GLD rally
422 08/28/20 SLD 2 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 190/195 call vertical (0.60) $120.00) turns second half into butterfly, resulting spread is +4/-8/+4 at 185/190/195
422 09/01/20 SLD 1 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 185/190/195 call bly (1.20) $120.00) closed closed first of four units for $1 gain as our basis is now $0.20 after all sales
422 09/10/20 SLD 1 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 185/190/195 call bly (0.40) $40.00) $84.00) closing another unit for small credit as time is working against us now

421 08/10/20 SLD 6 CAT August 14, 2020 14 Aug 147/150 1/2 call ratio 0.01) ($6.00) closed Targeting the prior $150 high after a bullish breakout
420 08/10/20 SLD 8 SLV August 21, 2020 21 Aug 30/29 put vertical (0.75) $600.00) ITM put vertical sale in SLV, same strategy as last week
420 08/11/20 SLD 4 SLV August 21, 2020 21 Aug 22 put (0.19) $76.00)
420 08/12/20 SLD 4 SLV August 21, 2020 21 Aug 20.5 put (0.18) $72.00) taking in put credit to offset difference in strike width and entry price
420 08/20/20 BOT 8 SLV August 21, 2020 21 Aug 30/29 put vertical 1.01) ($808.00) closed Closed at intrinsic plus one penny to avoid any exercise
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
419 08/05/20 SLD 2 SPX August 7, 2020 7 Aug 3395/3390 put vertical (4.80) $960.00) Deep ITM put vertical for excellent risk reward. Max loss $40, Max gain, $960
419 08/07/20 SET 2 SPX August 7, 2020 7 Aug 3395/3390 put vertical 5.00) ($1,000.00) closed Settled to cash for max loss
418 08/05/20 SLD 2 FB August 7, 2020 7 Aug 250/252.5/250/247.5 IC (2.09) $418.00) closed Neutral bet that FB stays around $250 into end of week.
418 08/06/20 BOT 2 FB August 7, 2020 7 Aug 250/252.50 call vertical 2.10) ($420.00) ($2.00) Closed call side when it was apparent that I was wrong and FB was breaking hard to new ATH

417 08/05/20 BOT 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3250/3300 call vertical 16.95) ($1,695.00) Long directional call
417 08/06/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 7, 2020 7 Aug 3300 call (2.40) $240.00) sold credit against, poor timing at low of day
417 08/06/20 BOT 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3250/3300 call vertical 18.50) ($1,850.00) bot second unit of call vertical on strength
417 08/06/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 14, 2020 14 Aug /7 Aug 3500/3300 call diagonal (1.64) $164.00) rolled up and out for small credit
417 08/11/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3300 call (16.10) $1,610.00)
417 08/11/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3300 call (15.50) $1,550.00) results in trade being 2:4 ratio at 3250/3300 at zero cost
417 08/18/20 BOT 2 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3350 call 14.00) ($2,800.00) turns ratio spreads into butterflies
417 08/18/20 SLD 2 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3350/3340 put vertical (7.09) $1,418.00)
417 08/18/20 SLD 2 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3350/3340 put vertical (7.02) $1,404.00) These ITM put verticals will get back almost all cost if they go to zero
417 08/20/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3250/3300/3350 call bfly (12.25) $1,225.00) closing one of two remaining butterflies early in session
417 08/20/20 SLD 2 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3350/3340 put vertical 8.50) ($1,700.00)
417 08/20/20 BOT 2 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3350/3340 put vertical 8.25) ($1,650.00) closed buying back short ITM puts which are not needed now at less than full loss which was imminent at time
417 08/20/20 SLD 1 AMZN August 21, 2020 21 Aug 3250/3300/3350 call bfly (21.05) $2,105.00) $21.00) Closed 2nd bfly at price that would close trade at zero loss. Not worth the risk.

416 08/05/20 SLD 6 NFLX August 14, 2020 14 Aug 545/575 1/3 call ratio (0.01) $6.00) closed Huge potential with zero cash outlay to put on
415 08/03/20 BOT 2 MSFT August 21, 2020 21 Aug 217.5/222.5 call vertical 1.90) ($380.00) starting a directional position on bullish pattern
415 08/04/20 SLD 4 MSFT August 7, 2020 7 Aug 202.5 put (0.34) $136.00) Selling credits on both sides to decrease debit
415 08/04/20 SLD 4 MSFT August 7, 2020 7 Aug 230 call (0.33) $132.00)
415 08/06/20 SLD 1 MSFT August 14, 2020 14 Aug 230 call (0.45) $45.00) selling in next series now
415 08/07/20 SLD 1 MSFT August 14, 2020 14 Aug 230 call (0.41) $41.00) this gets debit almost to zero
415 08/12/20 SLD 1 MSFT August 21, 2020 21 Aug 230 call (0.25) $25.00) closed This last sale takes cost to zero
414 07/31/20 BOT 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 187/197 call vertical 3.04) ($1,216.00) Out a bit further and wider this time
414 07/31/20 SLD 2 GLD August 14, 2020 14 Aug 200 call (0.34) $68.00)
414 08/03/20 SLD 2 GLD August 14, 2020 14 Aug 200 call (0.21) $42.00)
414 08/07/20 SLD 2 GLD August 14, 2020 14 Aug 183.2 put (0.42) $84.00) Aggresssive sale on first down day
414 08/10/20 SLD 2 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 180 put (0.30) $60.00)
414 08/11/20 SLD 2 GLD September 4, 2020 4 Sep / 14 Aug 177/183.5 put diagonal 0.38) ($76.00)
414 08/11/20 SLD 2 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep/ 21 Aug 175/180 put diagonal 0.42) ($84.00) Rolling short puts lower on huge down day in GLD
414 08/12/20 SLD 2 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep / 4 Sep 175/177 put diagonal 0.28) ($56.00) Rolled Sept 4 puts down and out to Sept11 so all are in same series/strike
414 08/12/20 BOT 4 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 177 put 3.40) ($1,360.00) Bought long put ahead of short puts for protection as GLD closed weak
414 08/13/20 SLD 4 GLD September 11, 2020 11 Sep 177 put (1.81) $724.00)
414 08/13/20 BOT 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 197 call 4.75) ($1,900.00) This turns spread into single option long at 187 strike which offers more possibilities on next rally
414 08/14/20 SLD 4 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 191 call (0.41) $164.00)
414 08/18/20 SLD 4 GLD August 28, 2020 28 Aug / 21 Aug 196.5/191 call diagonal 0.00) $0.00) Rolled up and out for zero debit
414 08/28/20 SLD 2 GLD September 4, 2020 4 Sep 192 call (0.40) $80.00) selling half size call credit against the 187 longs
414 09/01/20 SLD 2 GLD September 4, 2020 4 Sep 192 call (0.36) $72.00) adding second half against the 187 longs
414 09/08/20 SLD 2 GLD September 18, 2020 18 Sep 172 put (0.42) $84.00)
414 09/11/20 SLD 2 GLD September 18, 2020 18 Sep 190 call (0.30) $60.00)
414 09/11/20 SLD 2 GLD September 18, 2020 18 Sep 190 call (0.29) $58.00)
414 09/16/20 SLD 4 GLD September 25, 2020 25 Sep 191 call (0.39) $156.00) continuing to sell credit as possible while GLD consolidates
414 09/21/20 SLD 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 192 call (2.41) $964.00)
414 09/21/20 SLD 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 192 call (2.27) $908.00) now - 1:2 ratio 187/192
414 09/21/20 BOT 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 192 call 2.32) ($928.00) changed mind on second set of calls - went back to vertical
414 09/22/20 SLD 4 GLD September 30, 2020 30 Sep 169 put (0.21) $84.00)
414 09/22/20 SLD 2 GLD September 30, 2020 30 Sep 169 put (0.19) $38.00)
414 09/22/20 SLD 2 GLD September 30, 2020 30 Sep 185 call (0.44) $88.00)
414 09/22/20 SLD 2 GLD September 30, 2020 30 Sep 185 call (0.38) $76.00)
414 09/29/20 SLD 2 GLD October 2, 2020 2 Oct 182 call (0.31) $62.00)
414 09/29/20 SLD 2 GLD October 2, 2020 2 Oct 182 call (0.27) $54.00)
414 09/30/20 SLD 2 GLD October 9, 2020 9 Oct 170 put (0.24) $48.00)
414 10/01/20 SLD 4 GLD October 9, 2020 9 Oct 184 call (0.32) $128.00)
414 10/01/20 SLD 2 GLD October 9, 2020 9 Oct 171 put (0.21) $42.00)
414 10/02/20 BOT 4 GLD October 9, 2020 9 Oct 184 call 0.32) ($128.00) bought back calls due to news cycle at time
414 10/06/20 SLD 2 GLD October 16, 2020 16 Oct 173 put (0.36) $72.00) focusing more on put credit rather than call credit at this juncture
414 10/08/20 SLD 2 GLD October 16, 2020 16 Oct 173 put (0.30) $60.00) GLD broke downtrend so good not have any short calls at this point
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
414 10/13/20 SLD 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 192 call (0.95) $380.00)
414 10/14/20 SLD 2 GLD October 23, 2020 23 Oct 173 put (0.26) $52.00)
414 10/15/20 SLD 2 GLD October 23, 2020 23 Oct 173 put (0.29) $58.00)
414 10/16/20 SLD 2 GLD October 23, 2020 23 Oct 183.5 call (0.25) $50.00)
414 10/20/20 SLD 4 GLD October 30, 2020 30 Oct 173 put (0.34) $136.00) Continuing to sell against, at this point cost is <$2.00 per contract
414 10/20/20 SLD 2 GLD October 30, 2020 30 Oct 187 call (0.36) $72.00)
414 10/26/20 BOT 2 GLD October 30, 2020 30 Oct 187 call 0.04) ($8.00)
414 10/26/20 SLD 2 GLD November 6, 2020 6 Nov 185.5 call (0.44) $88.00)
414 10/27/20 SLD 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 172 put (0.38) $152.00)
414 10/27/20 SLD 2 GLD November 6, 2020 6 Nov 186.5 call (0.39) $78.00)
414 10/29/20 BOT 4 GLD October 30, 2020 30 Oct 173 put 0.10) ($40.00) Closed off some put risk ahead of expiry
414 11/03/20 BOT 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 172 put 0.36) ($144.00)
414 11/03/20 BOT 4 GLD November 6, 2020 6 Nov 186.5 call 0.43) ($172.00)
414 11/04/20 SLD 2 GLD November 13, 2020 13 Nov 173 put (0.50) $100.00)
414 11/04/20 SLD 2 GLD November 13, 2020 13 Nov 184 call (0.45) $90.00)
414 11/04/20 SLD 2 GLD November 13, 2020 13 Nov 173 put (0.46) $92.00)
414 11/05/20 SLD 2 GLD November 13, 2020 13 Nov 184/187.5 1/2 call ratio 0.18) ($36.00) Call ratio to push 2 units higher; now becomes 4 units short
414 11/09/20 BOT 4 GLD November 13, 2020 13 Nov 173/170 put vertical 0.50) ($200.00) Pushing shorts lower in same series on enormous surprise move lower
414 11/13/20 SLD 4 GLD November 20, 2020 20 Nov 183 call (0.27) $108.00)
414 11/19/20 SLD 2 GLD November 27, 2020 27 Nov 167.5 put (0.22) $44.00)
414 11/27/20 BOT 1 GLD November 27, 2020 27 Nov 167.50 put 0.22) ($22.00)
414 11/27/20 BOT 1 GLD November 27, 2020 27 Nov 167.50 put 0.20) ($20.00) Closed this half size put sale at breakeven on good trade management
414 11/27/20 SLD 2 GLD December 4, 2020 4 Dec 161.5 put (0.29) $58.00)
414 11/27/20 SLD 2 GLD December 4, 2020 4 Dec 160.5 put (0.23) $46.00)
414 12/02/20 SLD 2 GLD December 11, 2020 11 Dec 176.5 call (0.39) $78.00)
414 12/07/20 BOT 1 GLD December 11, 2020 11 Dec 176.5 call 0.66) ($66.00)
414 12/07/20 SLD 1 GLD December 18, 2020 18 Dec 181 / 11 Dec 176.5 call diagonal 0.19) ($19.00)
414 12/21/20 SLD 2 GLD December 31, 2020 31 Dec 171 put (0.52) $104.00) Starting the credit sales back up again after short hiatus
414 12/23/20 SLD 2 GLD December 31, 2020 31 Dec 170 put (0.26) $52.00)
414 12/29/20 SLD 2 GLD January 8, 2021 8 Jan 169 put (0.31) $62.00) open
414 12/31/20 SLD 2 GLD January 8, 2021 8 Jan 171.5 put (0.25) $50.00)
414 01/06/21 SLD 2 GLD January 15, 2021 15 Jan 175 put (0.40) $80.00)
414 01/08/21 BOT 2 GLD January 15, 2021 15 Jan 175/170 put vertical 1.63) ($326.00) rolled short puts down on adverse price action
414 01/08/21 BOT 2 GLD January 15, 2021 15 Jan 170 put 0.65) ($130.00) closed 170 put
414 01/08/21 BOT 2 GLD January 8, 2021 8 Jan 171.5 put 0.08) ($16.00)
414 01/08/21 BOT 2 GLD January 8, 2021 8 Jan 169 put 0.03) ($6.00) covered prior week's sales for pennies to avoid potential risk

413 07/29/20 SLD 8 SLV August 7, 2020 7 Aug 24.5/23.5 put vertical (0.82) $656.00) ITM put vertical sale in SLV looking for higher prices next week
413 07/30/20 SLD 8 SLV August 7, 2020 7 Aug 20 put (0.20) $160.00) If SLV is between 20 and 23.50 at expiry, this takes all risk out of trade
413 08/04/20 BOT 8 SLV August 7, 2020 7 Aug 20 put 0.02) ($16.00)
413 08/05/20 BOT 2 SLV August 7, 2020 7 Aug 24.5/23.5 put vertical 0.20) ($40.00) Closed 1/4 of position at 75% gain
413 08/06/20 BOT 6 SLV August 7, 2020 7 Aug 24.5/23.5 put vertical 0.03) ($18.00) closed Closed remaining 3/4 of position for pennies, extracting almost all premium sold
412 07/28/20 SLD 4 TSLA August 7, 2020 7 Aug 2300/2500 1/2 call ratio (0.15) $60.00) closed Long shot with no debit risk. If TSLA rallies hard, then spread has chance to expand as it's very wide.
412 08/06/20 BOT 4 TSLA August 7, 2020 7Aug 2500 call 0.01) ($4.00) $56.00) Turns ratio spread into vertical spread and clears all margin

411 07/24/20 SLD 6 AAPL July 24, 2020 24 Jul 355/350 1/2 put ratio 0.05) ($30.00) closed Directional one day trade for low cost
411 07/24/20 SLD 6 AAPL July 24, 2020 24 Jul 355 put (0.04) $24.00) ($6.00) Move didn't materialize so I sold off long puts to cover cost

410 07/17/20 SLD 6 NFLX July 24, 2020 24 Jul 1/3 540/590 call ratio (0.08) $48.00) Excellent risk reward on this 1:3 / more of a credit collection trade than a directional one
410 07/20/20 BOT 1 NFLX July 24, 2020 24 Jul 1/3 540/590 call ratio (0.50) $50.00) Harvested position for small gains as it unfolded
410 07/21/20 BOT 1 NFLX July 24, 2020 24 Jul 1/3 540/590 call ratio (0.50) $50.00)
410 07/21/20 BOT 1 NFLX July 24, 2020 24 Jul 1/3 540/590 call ratio (0.52) $52.00)
410 07/21/20 SLD 3 NFLX July 24, 2020 24 Jul 540/570 call vertical (0.51) $153.00) closed rolled up the long calls for another 50 cents, then allowed remaining position to expire
409 07/15/20 SLD 4 IWM July 17, 2020 17 Jul 149/153 1/3 call ratio 0.21) ($84.00) Small debit ratio for direction
409 07/16/20 BOT 2 IWM July 17, 2020 17 Jul 149/153 1/3 call ratio (0.21) $42.00) Closed half at break-even when expected move did not materialize
409 07/16/20 BOT 1 IWM July 17, 2020 17 Jul 149/153 1/3 call ratio (0.27) $27.00) closed Closed one more unit at tiny gain and left 4th unit to trade (expired at $0)
408 07/14/20 BOT 4 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 170/175 call vertical 1.70) ($680.00) Opening salvo in the ongoing GLD long forever saga
408 07/15/20 SLD 2 GLD July 24, 2020 24 Jul 165 put (0.26) $52.00) put side credits to decrease cost
408 07/15/20 SLD 4 GLD July 24, 2020 24 Jul 174/178 call vertical (0.20) $80.00) call side credits to decrease cost
408 07/15/20 SLD 2 GLD July 24, 2020 24 Jul 165 put (0.24) $48.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
408 07/21/20 BOT 4 GLD July 24, 2020 24 Jul 174/178 call vertical 0.50) ($200.00) When strong rally got underway, it made more sense to close short vertical at loss
408 07/23/20 SLD 2 GLD July 31, 2020 31 Jul 187.5 call (0.23) $46.00) Selling credits on call side only and layering them in slowly
408 07/24/20 SLD 1 GLD July 31, 2020 31 Jul 187.5 call (0.43) $43.00)
408 07/28/20 SLD 1 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 175/180 call vertical (3.38) $338.00) sold an ITM call vertical to finance closing short calls
408 07/28/20 BOT 3 GLD July 31, 2020 31 Jul 187.5 call 1.28) ($384.00)
408 07/30/20 SLD 2 GLD August 7, 2020 7 Aug 173 put (0.23) $46.00) taking in some put credit
408 08/03/20 SLD 1 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 170/175 call vertical (4.70) $470.00) selling remaining long spreads into strength once very close to max value
408 08/03/20 SLD 1 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 170/175/180 call butterfly (0.54) $54.00) closed resulting one unit of butterfly for small amount
408 08/03/20 SLD 1 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 170/175 call vertical (4.75) $475.00) closed continue to close long verticals once very close to max value
408 08/05/20 SLD 1 GLD August 21, 2020 21 Aug 175/180 call vertical (4.85) $485.00) $873.00) closed last unit at very close to maximum value to clean up trade and focus on newer GLD position

407 07/14/20 SLD 2 AAPL July 17, 2020 17 Jul 390/400 1/2 call ratio 0.76) ($152.00) Short term risk reversal using a debit ratio spread and short single puts
407 07/14/20 SLD 2 AAPL July 17, 2020 17 Jul 362.5 put (0.76) $152.00) Smaller size than normal given market conditions
407 07/15/20 BOT 1 AAPL July 17, 2020 17 Jul 362.5 put 0.35) ($35.00)
407 07/15/20 BOT 1 AAPL July 17, 2020 17 Jul 390/400 1/2 call ratio (1.65) $165.00)
407 07/16/20 BOT 1 AAPL July 17, 2020 17 Jul 362.5 put 0.08) ($8.00) closed
406 07/14/20 SLD 2 TSLA July 17, 2020 17 Jul 2400/2500 1/2 call ratio (2.63) $526.00) closed Excellent risk reward with short strikes 1,000 points away for a 3 day trade
406 07/16/20 BOT 2 TSLA July 17, 2020 17 Jul 2500 call 0.05) ($10.00) $516.00) Closes upside risk for pennies

405 07/13/20 BOT 4 UVXY August 7, 2020 7 Aug 31/35 call vertical 1.15) ($460.00) Directional risk reversal using call vertical
405 07/13/20 SLD 4 UVXY July 17, 2020 17 Jul 27 put (0.27) $108.00) Sold naked puts with short duration to decrease cost
405 07/14/20 SLD 2 UVXY July 17, 2020 17 Jul 40/42 call vertical (0.15) $30.00)
405 07/14/20 SLD 4 UVXY August 7, 2020 7 Aug 31/35 call vertical (1.24) $496.00)
405 07/14/20 BOT 4 UVXY July 17, 2020 17 Jul 27 put 0.08) ($32.00) closed
405 07/14/20 BOT 2 UVXY July 17, 2020 17 Jul 40/42 call vertical 0.13) ($26.00) $116.00) Reversed entire trade when apparent that sellers were not gaining traction

404 07/10/20 BOT 1 SPY July 24, 2020 24 Jul 319/323 call vertical 1.89) ($189.00) closed Small size directional long with enough time to work out
404 07/13/20 SLD 1 SPY July 24, 2020 24 Jul 319/323 call vertical (2.28) $228.00) $39.00) Closed off when it became apparent that SPY was having look above and fail

403 07/06/20 BOT 2 NVDA July 10, 2020 10 Jul 400/405/415 call butterfly 0.00) $0.00) directional bwb for even money
403 07/07/20 BOT 1 NVDA July 10, 2020 10 Jul 410/415 call vertical 1.17) ($117.00) Turns one of two bwb's into straight butterfly
403 07/08/20 SLD 1 NVDA July 10, 2020 10 Jul 400/405/415 call butterfly 0.35) ($35.00) closed Closed the BWB for small loss, leaving straight butterfly only
402 07/06/20 BOT 2 FB July 10, 2020 10 Jul 245/250/255 call butterfly 0.53) ($106.00) Call bfly / Naked put risk reversal for slightly better than even money
402 07/06/20 SLD 8 FB July 10, 2020 10 Jul 210 put (0.14) $112.00) These puts cover entire cost of call butterflies
402 07/09/20 SLD 1 FB July 10, 2020 10 Jul 245/250/255 call butterfly (0.55) $55.00)
402 07/10/20 SLD 1 FB July 10, 2020 10 Jul 245/250/255 call butterfly (0.45) $45.00) closed
402 07/10/20 BOT 8 FB July 10, 2020 10 Jul 210 put 0.02) ($16.00) $90.00) Pretty good management on this one as bfly ended up worthless

401 07/01/20 BOT 4 FB July 2, 2020 2 Jul 242.5/245/252.5 call bwb 0.05) ($20.00) closed Very short term BWB with midstrike against all time high resistance
($20.00) Binary event trade at tiny cost; went out worthless
400 06/29/20 SLD 2 AAPL July 2, 2020 2 Jul 345 put (0.87) $174.00) Risk reversal using short dated naked puts underneath the 20ma daily
400 06/29/20 BOT 1 AAPL July 10, 2020 10 Jul 365/370 call vertical 1.85) ($185.00) When 345 puts went out worthless, we owned the call spread for $0.11 cents
400 07/02/20 SLD 1 AAPL July 10, 2020 10 Jul 372.5/377.5 call vertical (1.23) $123.00) closed Turns call vertical into condor at net $1.13 credit
400 07/06/20 SLD 1 AAPL July 10, 2020 10 Jul 365/370/372.5/377.5 call condor (1.28) $128.00) $240.00) Closed out on AAPL taking out all time high

399 06/29/20 SLD 2 AMZN July 2, 2020 2 Jul 2500/2450 1/2 put ratio (1.30) $260.00) Risk reversal with ratio spreads short under trendline on daily chart
399 06/29/20 BOT 1 AMZN July 2, 2020 2 Jul 2700/2710 call vertical 3.60) ($360.00) closed
399 07/01/20 SLD 1 AMZN July 2, 2020 2 Jul 2700/2710 call vertical (9.20) $920.00) $820.00) Closed at close to full value

398 06/29/20 BOT 4 FB July 2, 2020 2 Jul 195/190/180 put bwb 0.00) $0.00) closed Put BWB to capture more FB downside should it come at zero debit risk
$0.00) Went out worthless (zero cost)
397 06/25/20 BOT 2 AAPL June 26, 2020 26 Jun 365/367.5 call vertical 0.76) ($152.00) Very short term risk reversal after confirmation that market was reversing
397 06/25/20 SLD 6 AAPL June 26, 2020 26 Jun 350 put (0.26) $156.00) Sold single puts and bot narrow call vertical for even money
397 06/26/20 SLD 1 AAPL June 26, 2020 26 Jun 365/367.5 call vertical (0.60) $60.00) closed sold one of two units on AAPL weakness
397 06/26/20 BOT 6 AAPL June 26, 2020 26 Jun 350 put 0.10) ($60.00) $4.00) closed off all put risk without incurring cost

396 06/25/20 SLD 2 NFLX July 2, 2020 2 Jul 480/500 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) Against $500 round number strike
396 06/26/20 SLD 2 NFLX July 2, 2020 2 Jul 480/500 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00)
396 07/01/20 BOT 1 NFLX July 2, 2020 2 Jul 480/500 1/3 call ratio (2.77) $277.00) closed one of four units for solid gain against zero cost
396 07/02/20 BOT 2 NFLX July 2, 2020 2 Jul 480/500 1/3 call ratio (6.27) $1,254.00) close stock moved over $492 early in session expanding spread nicely
396 07/02/20 BOT 1 NFLX July 2, 2020 2 Jul 480/500 1/3 call ratio (4.09) $409.00) $1,940.00) Closed last unit for solid gain as shares showed relative weakness
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

395 06/23/20 SLD 8 SPY June 26, 2020 26 Jun 319/323 1/3 call ratio spread 0.05) ($40.00) closed Looking for breakout over 3145 SPX level and then higher but mkt very tentative
394 06/22/20 SLD 6 AMZN June 26, 2020 26 Jun 2525/2445 1/2 put ratio spread (0.50) $300.00) closed Wide ratio spread for credit collection and expectation that spread expands as well.
$300.00) Spread failed to expand as stock price remained high so profit of initial credit only
393 06/19/20 BOT 4 GLD July 17, 2020 17 Jul 164/169 call vertical 1.50) ($600.00) Opening up long GLD call spread on anticipation of breakout from long consolidation
393 06/22/20 SLD 2 GLD June 26, 2020 26 Jun 170/172.5 call vertical (0.19) $38.00) starting small with the credit sales as GLD starting to break out
393 06/23/20 SLD 2 GLD June 26, 2020 26 Jun 170/172.5 call vertical (0.15) $30.00)
393 06/25/20 SLD 2 GLD June 30, 2020 30 Jun 170 call (0.18) $36.00)
393 06/26/20 SLD 2 GLD July 2, 2020 2 Jul 158 put (0.20) $40.00)
393 06/26/20 SLD 2 GLD July 2, 2020 2 Jul 158 put (0.18) $36.00) continuing to sell credits incrementally, calls when GLD up, puts when GLD down
393 06/30/20 BOT 2 GLD June 30, 2020 30 Jun 170 call 0.01) ($2.00)
393 07/01/20 SLD 2 GLD July 10, 2020 10 Jul 160 put (0.23) $46.00) half size in puts on weak day in gold
393 07/06/20 SLD 2 GLD July 10, 2020 10 Jul 172 call (0.18) $36.00)
393 07/08/20 SLD 2 GLD July 10, 2020 10 Jul 172 call (0.24) $48.00) added two more units as duration very short and stock strong
393 07/09/20 SLD 1 GLD July 17, 2020 17 Jul 164/169 call vertical (4.20) $420.00)
393 07/09/20 BOT 4 GLD July 10, 2020 10 Jul 172 call 0.04) ($16.00)
393 07/10/20 SLD 1 GLD July 17, 2020 17 Jul 164/169 call vertical (4.00) $400.00) Harvesting long verticals as GLD remains strong
393 07/13/20 SLD 1 GLD July 17, 2020 17 Jul 164/169 call vertical (4.50) $450.00) closed
393 07/15/20 SLD 1 GLD July 17, 2020 17 Jul 164/169 call vertical (4.70) $470.00) $1,432.00) Cost basis on long calls was $0.77 after all credit sales / Long calls sold at $4.35 avg :)

392 06/17/20 SLD 2 NFLX June 19, 2020 19 Jun 455/470 1/2 call ratio 1.40) ($280.00) Short ratio spread with higher strikes at channel resistance
392 06/17/20 SLD 6 NFLX June 19, 2020 19 Jun 415 put (0.40) $240.00) Short naked puts underneath trendline support
392 06/19/20 BOT 1 NFLX June 19, 2020 19 Jun 455/470 1/2 call ratio (0.75) $75.00) closing incrementally
392 06/19/20 BOT 1 NFLX June 19, 2020 19 Jun 455/470 1/2 call ratio (1.03) $103.00) closed Closed second unit when apparent that rally would not ensue
392 06/19/20 SLD 6 NFLX June 19, 2020 19 Jun 415 put 0.03) ($18.00) $120.00) closed off put risk for pennies

391 06/15/20 SLD 2 AAPL June 19, 2020 19 Jun 300 put (0.81) $162.00) closed Sold credit on AAPL weakness, wanted to add size but premium collapsed quickly
391 06/16/20 BOT 2 AAPL June 19, 2020 19 Jun 300 put 0.05) ($10.00) $152.00) Nice one day pickup on expansion and contration of AAPL vol

390 06/12/20 BOT 2 SPY June 22, 2020 22 Jun 300/290 put vertical 3.10) ($620.00) closed Directional put vertical
390 06/12/20 SLD 2 SPY June 22, 2020 22 Jun 300/290 put vertical (2.90) $580.00) ($40.00) Scratched when price didn't hold lows and broke trend

389 06/11/20 BOT 4 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 304/300/296 put butterfly 0.41) ($164.00) Very short term risk reversal, less than 2 days: Long bfly, short singles
389 06/11/20 SLD 8 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 318 call (0.21) $168.00) Sold upside OTM calls naked that were at start of gap
389 06/11/20 SLD 1 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 304/300/296 put butterfly (0.75) $75.00) closed one unit
389 06/12/20 BOT 8 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 318 call 0.02) ($16.00) Closed off upside short risk for pennies
389 06/12/20 SLD 1 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 304/300/296 put butterfly (0.90) $90.00)
389 06/12/20 SLD 1 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 304/300/296 put butterfly (1.40) $140.00) closed
389 06/12/20 SLD 1 SPY June 12, 2020 12 Jun 304/300/296 put butterfly (1.47) $147.00) $440.00) Closed remaining put spreads incrementally on approach of SPX 3000 level

388 06/10/20 SLD 4 NFLX June 12, 2020 12 Jun 450/470 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) Looking for upside move to 470 channel resistance, zero cost
388 06/11/20 BOT 1 NFLX June 12, 2020 12 Jun 450/470 1/3 call ratio (1.00) $100.00) closed closing incrementally
$100.00) Remainder of contracts expired worthless

387 06/08/20 BOT 4 AMZN June 12, 2020 12 Jun 2445/2435/2405 put bwb (1.14) $456.00) Put bwb / call vertical risk reversal
387 06/08/20 BOT 2 AMZN June 19, 2020 19 Jun 2540/2560 call vertical 7.75) ($1,550.00)
387 06/10/20 SLD 1 AMZN June 19, 2020 19 Jun 2540/2560 call vertical (16.05) $1,605.00) sold one into strength for large gain
387 06/10/20 SLD 1 AMZN June 19, 2020 19 Jun 2540/2560 call vertical (15.62) $1,562.00) closed sold other unit as broad market slid below key support
387 06/11/20 SLD 4 AMZN June 12, 2020 12 Jun 2445/2435/2405 put bwb 0.15) ($60.00) $2,013.00) sold to cancel downside risk, harvested 90% of credit

386 06/08/20 BOT 1 NFLX June 12, 2020 12 Jun 395/390/380 put bwb (0.08) $8.00) Kind of bearish, kind of neutral. No cost if wrong.
386 06/11/20 BOT 1 NFLX June 12, 2020 12 Jun 385/380 put vertical 0.05) ($5.00) closed

385 06/05/20 SLD 2 MSFT June 26, 2020 26 Jun 187.5 / 200 1/2 call ratio 2.75) ($550.00) directional play for move to $200 target
385 06/08/20 SLD 4 MSFT June 12, 2020 12 Jun 177.5 put (0.35) $140.00)
385 06/10/20 BOT 2 MSFT June 26, 2020 26 Jun 187.5 / 200 1/2 call ratio (4.00) $800.00) closed Closed out early as stock moving to mid strikes too quickly, delta weakening
385 06/11/20 BOT 4 MSFT June 12, 2020 12 Jun 177.5 put 0.06) ($24.00) $366.00) closed off put risk for pennies on huge Thursday gap down

384 06/05/20 SLD 1 SPX June 19, 2020 19 Jun 3345/3395 1/2 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed Directional long shot at zero cost
383 06/05/20 BOT 1 FB June 12, 2020 12 Jun 232.5 / 237.5 call vertical 1.53) ($153.00) Bullish risk reversal
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
383 06/05/20 SLD 3 FB June 12, 2020 12 Jun 215 put (0.54) $162.00) Short puts pay for long vertical
383 06/10/20 SLD 1 FB June 12, 2020 12 Jun 232.5 / 237.5 call vertical (3.10) $310.00) closed Closed when stock had difficulty at prior all time high. At zero net cost, entire sale is profit.
383 06/11/20 BOT 3 FB June 12, 2020 12 Jun 215 put 0.11) ($33.00) $286.00) closed downside risk for tiny cost

382 06/03/20 BOT 2 IWM June 5, 2020 5 Jun 145/147/149 call butterfly 0.36) ($72.00) closed Binary event trade at small size/cost. Expired fully ITM on huge gap.
381 06/01/20 BOT 1 TSLA June 19, 2020 19 Jun 900/950 call vertical 16.76) ($1,676.00) closed Directional vertical on breakout from consolidation
381 06/03/20 SLD 1 TSLA June 19, 2020 19 Jun 900/950 call vertical (15.30) $1,530.00) ($146.00) Stock failed to gap with market, didn't like the risk ofi large debit, closed for small loss

380 06/01/20 SLD 6 AAPL June 5, 2020 5 Jun 305 put (0.56) $336.00) Naked put/call butterfly risk reversal for almost zero debit
380 06/01/20 BOT 4 AAPL June 5, 2020 5 Jun 322.5/327/332.5 call butterfly 0.96) ($384.00)
380 06/04/20 SLD 1 AAPL June 5, 2020 5 Jun 322.5/327/332.5 call butterfly (1.75) $175.00)
380 06/04/20 SLD 2 AAPL June 5, 2020 5 Jun 322.5/327/332.5 call butterfly (1.53) $306.00) closed
380 06/05/20 SLD 1 AAPL June 5, 2020 5 Jun 322.5/327/332.5 call butterfly (3.10) $310.00) $743.00) Excellent management, selling into strength and holding last unit into Friday

379 06/01/20 SLD 2 QQQ June 5, 2020 5 Jun 237.5/236 put vertical (0.95) $190.00) ITM put strategy targeting ATH in NDX
379 06/01/20 SLD 2 QQQ June 5, 2020 5 Jun 237.5/236 put vertical (0.93) $186.00)
379 06/04/20 BOT 3 QQQ June 5, 2020 5 Jun 237.5/236 put vertical 0.58) ($174.00) closed
379 06/04/20 BOT 1 QQQ June 5, 2020 5 Jun 237.5/236 put vertical 0.62) ($62.00) $140.00) Closed at target of NDX testing all time high

378 06/01/20 SLD 2 AMZN June 5, 2020 5 Jun 2300/2250 1/2 put ratio (1.10) $220.00) closed wide ratio spread for large credit
$220.00) Kept entire credit received
377 05/29/20 BOT 2 RUT June 5, 2020 5 Jun 1290/1280/1265 put bwb (0.20) $40.00) closed Initiating a solid downside structure at smal credit - So many potential adjustments to turn into profit
$40.00) Adjustment did not fill, allowed to expire for initial credit
376 05/27/20 BOT 1 NFLX June 5, 2020 5 Jun 420/430 call vertical 3.57) ($357.00) Long vertical in further out expiry
376 05/27/20 BOT 6 NFLX May 29, 2020 29 May 395/390/350 put bwb (0.50) $300.00) put BWB at credit in much shorter expiry to cover 85% of cost
376 05/28/20 SLD 6 NFLX May 29, 2020 29 May 395/390/350 put bwb 0.11) ($66.00) Closed off put risk ahead of POTUS social media excutive order signing
376 05/29/20 SLD 1 NFLX June 5, 2020 5 Jun 445/455 call vertical (0.52) $52.00) closed Turns vertical in to condor and brings cost of spread down further
376 06/04/20 SLD 1 NFLX June 5, 2020 5 Jun 420/430/445/455 call condor (4.25) $425.00) $354.00) NFLX showed major relative weakness to rest of FAANG.

375 05/27/20 BOT 1 FB May 29, 2020 29 May 227.5/ 230 call vertical 1.00) ($100.00) Short term risk reversal
375 05/27/20 SLD 4 FB May 29, 2020 29 May 212.5 put (0.24) $96.00)
375 05/28/20 SLD 1 FB May 29, 2020 29 May 227.5 / 230 call vertical (0.72) $72.00) closed Reversed on announcement of POTUS executive order regarding social media co's.
375 05/28/20 BOT 4 FB May 29, 2020 29 May 212.5 put 0.14) ($56.00) $12.00)

374 05/26/20 SLD 6 AMZN May 29, 2020 29 May 2285/2260 1/2 put ratio (0.50) $300.00) closed Ratio spread against strong support initiated on down day to collect credit
$300.00) Expired worthless to keep entire credit
373 05/22/20 SLD 1 SPY May 26, 2020 26 May 296/300 1/3 call ratio 0.56) ($56.00) closed Debit Unbalanced Bfly for very short expiry, looking for SPX 3000 touch on Tuesday
373 05/26/20 BOT 1 SPY May 26, 2020 26 May 296/300 1/3 call ratio (0.60) $60.00) $4.00) Huge gap up over short strikes made this hard to manage

372 05/20/20 BOT 2 SPX May 22, 2020 22 May 2980/3000/3040 call butterfly 0.25) ($50.00) closed Small size directional call bwb
372 05/20/20 SLD 1 SPX May 22, 2020 22 May 2980/3000/3040 call butterfly (0.25) $25.00) ($25.00) Closed one for breakeven, let other one ride

371 05/20/20 BOT 1 AMZN May 22, 2020 22 May 2490/2500/2510 call butterfly 0.75) ($75.00) closed Binary outcome trade for expiry
($75.00) These are put on for small debit and small size
370 05/10/20 SLD 1 NFLX May 29, 2020 29 May 480/500 1/3 call ratio (0.20) $20.00) Directional 1:3 ratios for small credit
370 05/20/20 SLD 1 NFLX May 29, 2020 29 May 480/500 1/3 call ratio (0.32) $32.00) closed
370 05/21/20 SLD 2 NFLX May 29, 2020 29 May 480/500 1/3 call ratio (0.25) $50.00) $102.00) added up to four units total

369 05/18/20 SLD 4 NFLX May 22, 2020 22 May 480/500 1/3 call ratio (0.30) $120.00) closed Drectional 1:3 ratios for small credit
$120.00) Expected move did not materialize so spreads allowed to expire
368 05/18/20 BOT 4 SPY May 20, 2020 20 May 295/300/305 call butterfly 1.40) ($560.00) Directional call butterflies
368 05/19/20 SLD 2 SPY May 20, 2020 20 May 295/300/305 call butterfly (1.30) $260.00) Cut trade by half to decrease debit risk
368 05/20/20 SLD 1 SPY May 20, 2020 20 May 295/300/305 call butterfly (1.75) $175.00) closed
368 05/20/20 SLD 1 SPY May 20, 2020 20 May 295/300/305 call butterfly (2.52) $252.00) $127.00) Sold off gradually as market rallied

367 05/18/20 BOT 2 AAPL May 29, 2020 29 May 315/325 call vertical 3.66) ($732.00) Establishing long bias targeting prior high
367 05/18/20 SLD 2 AAPL May 22, 2020 22 May 300/295 put vertical (0.41) $82.00) sold put verticals below support for credit, went out worthless
367 05/22/20 SLD 1 AAPL May 29, 2020 29 May 330/335 call vertical (0.39) $39.00) sold half size call vertical agianst longs for credit
367 05/28/20 SLD 1 AAPL May 29, 2020 29 May 315/325 call vertical (5.55) $555.00)
367 05/28/20 SLD 1 AAPL May 29, 2020 29 May 315/325 call vertical (6.09) $609.00) closed sold off call verticals into strength
367 05/29/20 BOT 1 AAPL May 29, 2020 29 May 330/335 call vertical 0.02) ($2.00) $551.00) closed off call risk for pennies
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
366 05/13/20 BOT 2 IWM June 30, 2020 30 Jun 120/100 put vertical 5.35) ($1,070.00) Directional put vertical
366 05/14/20 BOT 2 IWM June 30, 2020 30 Jun 120/100 put vertical 6.10) ($1,220.00) Added more size on break of support
366 05/18/20 SLD 2 IWM June 30, 2020 30 Jun 120/100 put vertical (2.80) $560.00) closed
366 05/18/20 SLD 2 IWM June 30, 2020 30 Jun 120/100 put vertical (2.50) $500.00) ($1,230.00) + $75 suprise gap open in /ES. Closed trade at loss rather than adjust

365 05/12/20 SLD 1 NFLX May 22, 2020 22 May 455/475 1/3 call ratio (0.47) $47.00) Directional 1:3 call ratio
365 05/13/20 SLD 1 NFLX May 22, 2020 22 May 455/475 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) Entering slowly with another unit as not sure of timing
365 05/13/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 22, 2020 22 May 455/475 1/3 call ratio 0.50) ($50.00) closed
365 05/13/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 22, 2020 22 May 455/475 1/3 call ratio 1.15) ($115.00) ($118.00) Was too early, stock rallied too soon, closed for small loss

364 05/11/20 BOT 2 SPY May 15, 2020 15 May 294/300/310 1/3/2 call butterfly 0.86) ($172.00) Directional Unbalanced Butterfly looking for 3,000 level in SPX by end of week
364 05/11/20 SLD 1 SPY May 15, 2020 15 May 294/300/310 1/3/2 call butterfly (0.85) $85.00) closed closed half on SPX weakness
364 05/12/20 SLD 1 SPY May 15, 2020 15 May 294/300/310 1/3/2 call butterfly (0.56) $56.00) ($31.00)

363 05/08/20 BOT 1 QQQ May 15, 2020 15 May 225/229/233 call butterfly 0.90) ($90.00) Directional straight butterfly on NDX
363 05/11/20 BOT 1 QQQ May 15, 2020 15 May 225/229/233 call butterfly 0.94) ($94.00) closed
363 05/12/20 SLD 2 QQQ May 15, 2020 15 May 225/229/233 call butterfly (0.90) $180.00) ($4.00) Closed at breakeven

362 05/07/20 BOT 2 MSFT May 15, 2020 15 May 185/190/210 1/3/2 call buterfly 0.02) ($4.00) Directional unbalanced bfly targeting ATH
362 05/08/20 SLD 1 MSFT May 15, 2020 15 May 185/190/210 1/3/2 call buterfly (0.42) $42.00) closed closed half for over 20x profit
362 05/11/20 SLD 1 MSFT May 15, 2020 15 May 185/190/210 1/3/2 call buterfly (0.44) $44.00) $82.00) closed second half early as delta was staying negative and stock had outsized advance

361 05/05/20 BOT 4 GLD June 5, 2020 5 Jun 161/165 call vertical 1.45) ($580.00) Long call spread of longer duration
361 05/05/20 SLD 4 GLD May 8, 2020 8 May 164/168 call vertical (0.20) $80.00) short spread of shorter duration against long to decrease debit
361 05/05/20 SLD 4 GLD May 8, 2020 8 May 156 put (0.14) $56.00) short singles on put side below trendline and short duration
361 05/07/20 SLD 2 GLD May 15, 2020 15 May 154 put (0.34) $68.00) adding more short credit for following week
361 05/07/20 BOT 4 GLD May 8, 2020 8 May 156 put 0.02) ($8.00) closing off downside risk for pennies
361 05/08/20 SLD 2 GLD May 15, 2020 15 May 154 put (0.23) $46.00) starting next week's put sales even lower and below trend
361 05/08/20 SLD 1 GLD May 15, 2020 15 May 166/170 call vertical (0.42) $42.00) starting small with next week's call vertical sales well above long vertical
361 05/08/20 BOT 4 GLD May 8, 2020 8 May 164 call 0.02) ($8.00) closing off upside risk for pennies
361 05/13/20 SLD 4 GLD May 22, 2020 22 May 166/170 call vertical (0.32) $128.00) sold call vertical above longs for credit
361 05/14/20 SLD 4 GLD May 22, 2020 22 May 154.5 put (0.24) $96.00) sold put singles below support for credit
361 05/14/20 SLD 1 GLD May 15, 2020 15 May 166/170 call vertical 0.08) ($8.00) Closing off call risk for pennies
361 05/14/20 BOT 4 GLD May 22, 2020 22 May 166/170 call vertical 0.55) ($220.00) Judgement call to close call vertical at a loss on larger than expected rally
361 05/18/20 SLD 2 GLD May 22, 2020 22 May 169/172.5 call vertical (0.20) $40.00) sold call verticals above longs for credit
361 05/20/20 SLD 2 GLD May 29, 2020 29 May 158.5 put (0.27) $54.00) Selling put singles below support for credit
361 05/21/20 SLD 1 GLD May 29, 2020 29 May 157.5 put (0.25) $25.00)
361 05/29/20 SLD 1 GLD June 5, 2020 5 Jun 161/165 call vertical (2.00) $200.00) Starting to sell incrementally using limit orders
361 06/02/20 SLD 1 GLD June 5, 2020 5 Jun 161/165 call vertical (2.35) $235.00) closed
361 06/04/20 SLD 1 GLD June 5, 2020 5 Jun 161/165 call vertical (1.00) $100.00) $346.00) Good management, selling into strength. Left one unit for Friday which closed at zero.

360 05/05/20 SLD 8 SBUX May 8, 2020 8 May 78/80 1/2 call ratio 0.02) ($16.00) closed Long shot for almost zero cost
360 05/08/20 BOT 2 SBUX May 8, 2020 8 May 78/80 1/2 call ratio (0.08) $16.00) $0.00) closed off two of eight at profit to return cost

359 05/04/20 SLD 4 NFLX May 8, 2020 8 May 430/450 1/3 call ratio (0.10) $40.00) directional 1:3 ratio looking at $450 resistance touch
359 05/05/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 8, 2020 8 May 430/450 1/3 call ratio (1.50) $150.00) closed one unit
359 05/06/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 8, 2020 8 May 430/450 1/3 call ratio (3.00) $300.00) closed second unit
359 05/07/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 8, 2020 8 May 430/450 1/3 call ratio (3.85) $385.00) closed closed third unit
359 05/07/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 8, 2020 8 May 430/450 1/3 call ratio (5.50) $550.00) $1,425.00) closed remaining unit. Note that this trade was entered at credit and removed for more credit.

358 04/29/20 BOT 4 SPX April 30, 2020 30 Apr SPX 2995/3010/2055 call butterfly 0.05) ($20.00) closed directional bwb for tiny debit, excellent risk/reward
($20.00) expired worthless
357 04/27/20 SLD 2 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 400/390 put vertical (0.78) $156.00)
357 04/27/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 435/450/465 call butterfly 2.00) ($200.00)
357 04/27/20 BOT 1 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 435/450/465 call butterfly 2.10) ($210.00)
357 04/28/20 BOT 2 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 400/390 put vertical 1.75) ($350.00)
357 04/28/20 SLD 4 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 450 call (0.61) $244.00)
357 04/29/20 SLD 1 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 435 call (0.78) $78.00) closed Selling off long pieces to bring in credits
357 04/30/20 SLD 2 NFLX May 1, 2020 1 May 450 call (0.41) $82.00) ($200.00) Was wrong on direction on this trade, scrambled but could not get it back to even.

356 04/23/20 BOT 2 IWM May 8, 2020 8 May 122/125 call vertical 1.59) ($318.00) directional risk reversal...long calls, short puts
356 04/23/20 SLD 4 IWM May 1, 2020 1 May 114/112 put vertical (0.31) $124.00)
356 04/28/20 SLD 1 IWM May 8, 2020 8 May 122/125 call vertical (2.40) $240.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
356 04/28/20 SLD 1 IWM May 8, 2020 8 May 122/125 call vertical (2.35) $235.00) closed sold call verticals into strength for gain
356 04/28/20 BOT 4 IWM May 1, 2020 1 May 114/112 put vertical 0.03) ($12.00) $269.00) bought back short put verticals for pennies

355 04/22/20 BOT 2 BABA May 1, 2020 1 May 1/3/2 225/232.5/250 call unb fly (0.01) $2.00) closed
354 04/21/20 BOT 4 SPY April 29, 2020 29 Apr 272/269 put vertical 1.13) ($452.00) long put verticals for assuming pullback in market
354 04/22/20 SLD 2 SPY April 24, 2020 24 Apr 269/266 put vertical (0.43) $86.00) selling shorter duration and lower put verticals against it
354 04/22/20 SLD 2 SPY April 24, 2020 24 Apr 269/266 put vertical (0.40) $80.00)
354 04/23/20 SLD 2 SPY April 29, 2020 29 Apr 269/259 put vertical (0.95) $190.00)
354 04/23/20 SLD 2 SPY April 29, 2020 29 Apr 269/259 put vertical (0.90) $180.00) closed these two trades turn the put spread into a bwb at a credit
354 04/23/20 BOT 4 SPY April 24, 2020 24 Apr 269/266 put vertical 0.04) ($16.00) $68.00) This was an excellent education in how to change a trade in the wrong direction into a small winner

353 04/20/20 BOT 4 SPY April 29, 2020 29 Apr 272/269 put vertical 1.12) ($448.00) closed
353 04/20/20 SLD 4 SPY April 29, 2020 29 Apr 272/269 put vertical (1.02) $408.00) ($40.00)

352 04/20/20 SLD 4 BABA April 24, 2020 24 Apr 225/232.50 call ratio (0.08) $32.00) closed
351 04/20/20 BOT 4 SPX April 20, 2020 20 Apr 2875/2885/2910 call fly 0.00) $0.00)
351 04/20/20 SLD 2 SPX April 20, 2020 20 Apr 2875/2885/2910 call fly 0.05) ($10.00) closed
351 04/20/20 SLD 1 SPX April 20, 2020 20 Apr 2875/2885/2910 call fly (0.15) $15.00) $5.00)

350 04/13/20 SLD 2 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 400/420 1/2 call ratio 3.23) ($646.00) Directional ratio for debit
350 04/14/20 SLD 4 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 440/480 1/3 call ratio (0.31) $124.00) Added second ratio at 1:3 for small credit
350 04/14/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 400/420 1/2 call ratio (6.40) $640.00) closed 1 unit of original trade for 2x cost
350 04/15/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 400/420 1/2 call ratio (4.25) $425.00) closed 2nd unit as stock rallied hard to short strikes
350 04/15/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 440/480 1/3 call ratio (1.27) $127.00) Opened for credit and closed for higher credit
350 04/16/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 440/480 1/3 call ratio (3.50) $350.00)
350 04/16/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 440/480 1/3 call ratio (5.15) $515.00) closed
350 04/16/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 17, 2020 17 Apr 440/480 1/3 call ratio (5.20) $520.00) $2,055.00) closed all into strength on the way up

349 04/13/20 SLD 2 AMZN April 17, 2020 17 Apr 2190/2170 put vertical (12.40) $2,480.00) LPT (late to party) trade, selling ITM puts rather than going with calls for direction
349 04/14/20 BOT 1 AMZN April 17, 2020 17 Apr 2190/2170 put vertical 5.23) ($523.00) closed
349 04/14/20 BOT 1 AMZN April 17, 2020 17 Apr 2190/2170 put vertical 2.30) ($230.00) $1,727.00) closed second unit for $10/contract gain within 24 hours

348 04/13/20 SLD 4 SPX April 15, 2020 15 Apr 2900/2940 1/3 call ratio (0.15) $60.00) Directional 1:3 ratio targeting 61.80% Fib retracement at small credit
348 04/14/20 BOT 1 SPX April 15, 2020 15 Apr 2900/2940 1/3 call ratio (1.50) $150.00) Closing into strength for credits as spread expands
348 04/14/20 BOT 1 SPX April 15, 2020 15 Apr 2900/2940 1/3 call ratio (2.00) $200.00) closed
348 04/14/20 BOT 1 SPX April 15, 2020 15 Apr 2900/2940 1/3 call ratio (1.45) $145.00) $555.00) Held one unit into expiry which went out worthless

347 04/08/20 BOT 4 SPY April 9, 2020 9 Apr 276/279/287 call bwb 0.14) ($56.00) directional call bwb for small debit
347 04/08/20 SLD 2 SPY April 9, 2020 9 Apr 276/279/287 call bwb (0.14) $28.00) changed mind on size
347 04/08/20 BOT 2 SPY April 9, 2020 9 Apr 284/287 call vertical 0.19) ($38.00) closed tightened up risk a bit
347 04/09/20 SLD 2 SPY April 9, 2020 9 Apr 276/279/284 call bwb (0.20) $40.00) ($26.00)

346 04/06/20 BOT 2 SPY April 9, 2020 9 Apr 265/275/285 call butterfly 2.48) ($496.00) closed directional on sellers shut off pattern
346 04/07/20 SLD 2 SPY April 9, 2020 9 Apr 265/275/285 call butterfly (3.00) $600.00) $104.00) Strong rally fizzled and moved back into range.

345 04/06/20 BOT 4 SPX April 13, 2020 13 Apr 2880/2940/3040 1/3/2 call bwb 0.00) $0.00) Wide call bwb for zero debit
345 04/08/20 SLD 2 SPX April 13, 2020 13 Apr 2880/2930 call vertical (1.10) $220.00)
345 04/08/20 BOT 2 SPX April 13, 2020 13 Apr 2950/3040 call vertical 1.10) ($220.00) closed
345 04/08/20 SLD 1 SPX April 13, 2020 13 Apr 2880/2940/3040 1/3/2 call bwb (2.15) $215.00) $215.00)

344 04/02/20 BOT 2 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 105/96 put vertical 2.82) ($564.00) Re-entered same spread as #343
344 04/02/20 SLD 4 IWM April 3, 2020 3 Apr 111 call (0.30) $120.00) sold credit against
344 04/03/20 BOT 4 IWM April 17, 2020 3 Apr 111 call 0.13) ($52.00)
344 04/06/20 SLD 1 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 105 put (2.20) $220.00)
344 04/07/20 BOT 1 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 105/90 1/2 put ratio (0.95) $95.00) closed Adjusted as best we could, but could not make this profitable :(
344 04/09/20 BOT 2 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 96/90 put vertical 0.05) ($10.00) ($191.00)

343 04/01/20 BOT 2 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 105/96 put vertical 2.85) ($570.00) Directional put vertical
343 04/02/20 SLD 1 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 105/96 put vertical (2.50) $250.00) closed
343 04/02/20 SLD 1 IWM April 17, 2020 17 Apr 105/96 put vertical (2.30) $230.00) ($90.00) Judgement call to close as not performing
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
342 04/01/20 BOT 4 SPX April 1, 2020 1 Apr 2580/2590/2620 call fly (0.25) $100.00) closed Short term upside play, had long strikes too narrow so scratched for tiny gain
342 04/01/20 SLD 4 SPX April 1, 2020 1 Apr 2580/2590/2620 call fly 0.10) ($40.00) $60.00)

341 04/01/20 SLD 2 AMZN April 3, 2020 3 Apr 1975/2000 1/2 call ratio (0.10) $20.00) closed Short term directional ratio spread to see if AMZN can bounce and let the market pay for it
341 04/01/20 BOT 1 AMZN April 3, 2020 3 Apr 1975/2000 1/2 call ratio (0.50) $50.00) $70.00) closed one unit on weakness, note that spread expanded in our favor

340 03/30/20 BOT 1 AMZN April 3, 2020 3 Apr 1950/2000/2050 call fly 9.88) ($988.00) closed Weekly directional fly putting the 2000 strike into play
340 03/31/20 SLD 1 AMZN April 3, 2020 3 Apr 1950/2000/2050 call fly (14.25) $1,425.00) $437.00) Market rolled over and weakened considerably, closed before 4/1/20 selloff

339 03/27/20 BOT 6 USO April 9, 2020 9 Apr 4.5/3.5 put vertical 0.35) ($210.00) closed
339 04/02/20 SLD 6 USO April 9, 2020 9 Apr 4.5/3.5 put vertical (0.27) $162.00) ($48.00)

338 03/27/20 SLD 4 AMZN March 27, 2020 27 Mar 1965/2000 1/3 call ratio 0.04) ($16.00) closed Directional call ratio targeting the 2000 strike
338 03/27/20 BOT 1 AMZN March 27, 2020 27 Mar 1965/2000 1/3 call ratio (0.20) $20.00) $4.00) Closed one unit to get back small cost in trade, bias didn't materialize

337 03/25/20 BOT 1 SPX March 27, 2020 27 Mar 2670/2700/2745 call bwb 0.05) ($5.00) closed Bought for tiny debit
337 03/25/20 SLD 1 SPX March 27, 2020 27 Mar 2670/2700/2745 call bwb (0.80) $80.00) $75.00) sold for healthy credit

336 03/25/20 SLD 4 NFLX April 3, 2020 3 Apr 395/420 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) 1 x 3 Call ratio on NFLX relative strength
336 03/26/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 2, 2020 3 Apr 395/420 1/3 call ratio (0.50) $50.00)
336 03/27/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 2, 2020 3 Apr 395/420 1/3 call ratio (1.00) $100.00)
336 03/30/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 2, 2020 3 Apr 395/420 1/3 call ratio (1.11) $111.00) closed
336 04/01/20 BOT 1 NFLX April 2, 2020 3 Apr 395/420 1/3 call ratio (0.60) $60.00) $321.00) Scaled out a decent profits even when NFLX never came close to long strike

335 03/20/20 BOT 2 VXX April 3, 2020 3 Apr VXX 65/70 call vertical 1.34) ($268.00) closed directional call vertical
335 03/23/20 SLD 2 VXX April 3, 2020 3 Apr VXX 65/70 call vertical (0.62) $124.00) ($144.00) Exited when volatility collapsed

334 03/18/20 BOT 1 SPY March 30, 2020 30 Mar 235/220 put vertical 5.25) ($525.00) bot long put verticals
334 03/18/20 BOT 1 SPY March 30, 2020 30 Mar 235/220 put vertical 5.60) ($560.00)
334 03/19/20 SLD 1 SPY March 20, 2020 20 Mar 215/210 put vertical (0.62) $62.00) sold put verticals of shorter duration against longs to collect credit
334 03/19/20 SLD 1 SPY March 20, 2020 20 Mar 215/210 put vertical (0.55) $55.00)
334 03/20/20 BOT 2 SPY March 20, 2020 20 Mar 215/210 put vertical 0.03) ($6.00) closed short duration put verticals for pennies
334 03/23/20 SLD 1 SPY March 30, 2020 30 Mar 235/220 put vertical (7.85) $785.00) closed sold long verticals into market weakness for gains
334 03/23/20 SLD 1 SPY March 30, 2020 30 Mar 235/220 put vertical (6.45) $645.00) $456.00)

333 03/12/20 BOT 4 SPY March 13, 2020 13 Mar 245/241/237 put butterfly 0.26) ($104.00) closed Short term directional butterflies for small debit
333 03/13/20 SLD 2 SPY March 13, 2020 13 Mar 245/241/237 put butterfly (0.20) $40.00) ($64.00) Closed half at loss, allowed other half to expire

332 03/11/20 BOT 1 SPY March 30, 2020 30 Mar 275/250 put vertical 7.99) ($799.00) close Directional put vertical
332 03/12/20 SLD 1 SPY March 30, 2020 30 Mar 275/250 put vertical (10.57) $1,057.00) $258.00) sold for profit

331 03/10/20 BOT 2 IWM March 27, 2020 27 Mar 130/125 put vertical 1.90) ($380.00) closed Directional put vertical
331 03/10/20 SLD 2 IWM March 27, 2020 27 Mar 130/125 put vertical (1.40) $280.00) ($100.00) reversed for small loss

330 03/05/20 BOT 1 SPY March 16, 2020 16 Mar 300/285 put vertical 3.72) ($372.00) closed Directional put vertical
330 03/10/20 SLD 1 SPY March 16, 2020 16 Mar 300/285 put vertical (8.57) $857.00) $485.00) sold for solid gain

329 03/05/20 BOT 2 VXX March 27, 2020 27 Mar 27/32 call vertical 1.35) ($270.00) closed Directional call vertical
329 03/10/20 SLD 2 VXX March 27, 2020 27 Mar 27/32 call vertical (3.00) $600.00) $330.00) closed near highs

328 03/05/20 SLD 1 NFLX March 13, 2020 13 Mar 400/420 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) closed Starter position, did not add, entered for zero cost

327 03/03/20 BOT 2 GLD March 27, 2020 27 Mar 155/158 call vertical 1.05) ($210.00) Gold risk reversal
327 03/10/20 SLD 4 GLD March 13, 2020 13 Mar 150 put (0.18) $72.00)
327 03/11/20 SLD 1 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 148 put (0.31) $31.00)
327 03/12/20 SLD 4 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 145/ 13 Mar 150 put diagonal 0.15) ($60.00)
327 03/12/20 BOT 1 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 148 put 3.25) ($325.00)
327 03/12/20 BOT 4 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 147 put 2.35) ($940.00)
327 03/16/20 SLD 4 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 142/140 put vertical (1.10) $440.00) now put condor
327 03/20/20 SLD 1 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 147/142/140 put condor (1.00) $100.00)
327 03/20/20 SLD 1 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 147/142/140 put condor (0.95) $95.00)
327 03/20/20 SLD 1 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 147/142/140 put condor (0.75) $75.00)
327 03/20/20 SLD 1 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 147/142/140 put condor (0.50) $50.00) closed
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
327 03/24/20 SLD 2 GLD March 27, 2020 27 Mar 158 call (1.50) $300.00) ($372.00) sold credits, chased tail, but was not able to get this positive

326 02/27/20 SLD 6 AMZN February 28, 2020 28 Feb 1815/1800 1/2 put ratio (0.70) $420.00) closed
326 02/27/20 BOT 6 AMZN February 28, 2020 28 Feb 1815/1800 1/2 put ratio 0.70) ($420.00) $0.00)

325 02/26/20 BOT 1 SPX February 28, 2020 28 Feb 3100/3075 put vertical 8.45) ($845.00) closed Conditional trigger on /ES weakness targeting 61.80% Fib retracement from Oct lows
325 02/27/20 SLD 1 SPX February 28, 2020 28 Feb 3100/3075 put vertical (16.25) $1,625.00) $780.00) Closed on touch of 200day moving average in SPX

324 02/25/20 BOT 2 SPX March 11, 2020 11 Mar 3200/3150 put vertical 17.10) ($3,420.00) Directional order triggered by cross below support
324 02/26/20 SLD 1 SPX March 11, 2020 11 Mar 3200/3150 put vertical (22.45) $2,245.00) closed closed half on initial early morning short covering rally
324 02/26/20 SLD 1 SPX March 11, 2020 11 Mar 3200/3150 put vertical (17.20) $1,720.00) $545.00) had stop a bit too tight on remaining second unit

323 02/24/20 SLD 1 REGN February 28, 2020 28 Feb 415/440 1/2 call ratio 4.10) ($410.00) closed directional ratio spread looking for $440 resistance target
323 02/25/20 BOT 1 REGN February 28, 2020 28 Feb 415/440 1/2 call ratio (5.04) $504.00) $94.00) choice of spread was wrong so decided to just close rather than adjust

322 02/21/20 BOT 2 UVXY February 28, 2020 28 Feb 13/16 call vertical 0.51) ($102.00) Weekend hedge trade
322 02/24/20 SLD 1 UVXY February 28, 2020 28 Feb 13/16 call vertical (1.16) $116.00) closed Sold half on monstrous gap up in volatility
322 02/26/20 SLD 1 UVXY February 28, 2020 28 Feb 13/16 call vertical (2.31) $231.00) $245.00)

321 02/19/20 BOT 2 FB February 28, 2020 28 Feb 220/225/230 call butterfly 0.83) ($166.00) Risk reversal using butterfly and vertical
321 02/19/20 SLD 4 FB February 28, 2020 28 Feb 207.50 / 200 put vertical (0.32) $128.00)
321 02/21/20 BOT 2 FB February 28, 2020 28 Feb 207.50 / 200 put vertical 1.24) ($248.00)
321 02/21/20 SLD 2 FB March 6, 2020 6 Mar / 28 Feb 202.50/195/207.50/200 vert roll 0.38) ($76.00)
321 02/24/20 BOT 1 FB March 6, 2020 6 Mar 202.50 / 195 put vertical 2.75) ($275.00)
321 02/24/20 SLD 1 FB March 6, 2020 6 Mar 202.50 / 192.50 1/2 put ratio 1.23) ($123.00) closed
321 02/27/20 BOT 1 FB March 6, 2020 6 Mar 190 put 4.90) ($490.00) ($1,250.00) Chased my tail a bit on this trade. In hindsight should have closed it earlier rather than roll.

320 02/18/20 SLD 2 AAPL February 28, 2020 28 AAPL 300 put (0.94) $188.00) Garden variety risk reversal in smaller size becuse we already have 6 units short in #318
320 02/18/20 BOT 1 AAPL February 28, 2020 28 AAPL 320/325 call vertical 1.97) ($197.00)
320 02/21/20 SLD 1 AAPL February 28, 2020 28 Feb 325 call (0.78) $78.00) Sold call at short strike of vertical for credit, turns in to call ratio spread
320 02/21/20 BOT 1 AAPL February 28, 2020 28 Feb 300 put 1.89) ($189.00) bought back short put on weakness
320 02/21/20 BOT 1 AAPL February 28, 2020 28 Feb 305 put 2.95) ($295.00)
320 02/24/20 SLD 1 AAPL February 28, 2020 28 Feb 305 put (7.46) $746.00)
320 02/24/20 SLD 1 AAPL March 6, 2020 6 Mar 290/ 28 Feb 300 put diagonal 1.13) ($113.00)
320 02/25/20 BOT 1 AAPL March 6, 2020 6 Mar 295 put 6.40) ($640.00) back to vertical
320 02/26/20 SLD 1 AAPL March 6, 2020 6 Mar 290/285 put vertical (1.35) $135.00) now butterlfy
320 03/05/20 BOT 1 AAPL March 6, 2020 6 Mar 290/285 put vertical 1.17) ($117.00) closed now 295/290 put vert
320 03/06/20 SKD 1 AAPL March 6, 2020 6 Mar 295/290 put vertical (4.90) $490.00) $86.00) Good scramble here on a position that was way underwater

319 02/18/20 BOT 2 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 150/153 call vertical 0.94) ($188.00) Long on technical breakout
319 02/18/20 BOT 2 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 150/153 call vertical 1.07) ($214.00)
319 02/26/20 SLD 2 GLD March 6, 2020 6 Mar 148/140 put vertical (0.19) $38.00)
319 02/28/20 SLD 2 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 150/153 call vertical (1.00) $200.00)
319 02/28/20 BOT 1 GLD March 6, 2020 6 Mar 148/140 put vertical 1.35) ($135.00)
319 02/28/20 SLD 2 GLD March 20, 2020 20 Mar 150/153 call vertical (0.92) $184.00) closed
319 02/28/20 BOT 1 GLD March 6, 2020 6 Mar 148/140 put vertical 1.25) ($125.00) ($240.00)

318 02/18/20 SLD 6 AAPL February 21, 2020 21 Feb 297.50 put (0.47) $282.00) closed Taking advantage of expanded IV on AAPL gap down
318 02/21/20 BOT 6 AAPL February 21, 2020 21 Feb 297.50 put 0.01) ($6.00) $276.00) Went out worthless, closed for a penny to decrease margin

317 02/13/20 SLD 8 NFLX February 21, 2020 21 Feb 405/425 1/3 call ratio (0.05) $40.00) closed 1x3 Ratios can be directional or theta collection vehicles
317 02/19/20 BOT 2 NFLX February 21, 2020 21 Feb 405/425 1/3 call ratio (0.50) $100.00) $140.00) closed 2 of 8 units at gain, remaining expired worthless

316 02/10/20 SLD 1 REGN February 14, 2020 14 Feb 1/2 400/440 call ratio 1.05) ($105.00) closed Directional call ratio at small debit with target to prior resistance
316 02/12/20 BOT 1 REGN February 14, 2020 14 Feb 1/2 400/440 call ratio (6.50) $650.00) $545.00) Officially closed at over 6x cost, advised subscribers to let run if holding more than one unit

315 02/10/20 SLD 6 UPS February 21, 2020 21 Feb 98/93 1/3 put ratio 0.12) ($72.00) closed Directional put ratio for small debit, stock very relatively weak
314 02/10/20 SLD 4 AAPL February 14, 2020 14 Feb 295/285 put vertical (0.22) $88.00) Vertical Risk Reversal with short term target
314 02/10/20 BOT 1 AAPL February 14, 2020 14 Feb 320/322.50 call vertical 1.02) ($102.00) closed
314 02/13/20 SLD 1 AAPL February 14, 2020 14 Feb 320/322.50 call vertical (2.20) $220.00) $206.00) closed day before expiry for almost full value

313 02/04/20 BOT 1 TSLA February 21, 2020 21 Feb 950/1000 call vertical 16.87) ($1,687.00) Horrible timing of this entry as TSLA decided to have a massive liquidation break just after entry
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
313 02/05/20 SLD 1 TSLA February 7, 2020 7 Feb 1050 call (3.70) $370.00) sold higher strike call against long vertical to reduce debit
313 02/06/20 BOT 1 TSLA February 7, 2020 7 Feb 1050 call 0.25) ($25.00) closed short call at tiny debit
313 02/06/20 SLD 1 TSLA February 14, 2020 14 Feb 1100 call (6.50) $650.00) sold higher strike call against long vertical to reduce debit
313 02/11/20 BOT 1 TSLA February 14, 2020 14 Feb 1100 call 0.50) ($50.00) closed short call after harvesting over 90% of premium
313 02/11/20 SLD 1 TSLA February 21, 2020 21 Feb 1000 call (4.85) $485.00) sold call at top of call vertical, turning into ratio spread
313 02/13/20 BOT 1 TSLA February 21, 2020 21 Feb 1000 call 1.80) ($180.00) closed bot back extra short call once TSLA started rallying again
313 02/19/20 SLD 1 TSLA February 21, 2020 21 Feb 1000/1050 call vertical (2.23) $223.00) ($214.00) Turns vertical to bfly and decreases cost to about $2 all in.

312 02/07/20 SLD 4 NFLX February 14, 2020 14 Feb 375/385 1/2 call ratio 0.25) ($100.00) bullish ratio spread targeting prior all time high in NFLX
312 02/12/20 BOT 2 NFLX February 14, 2020 14 Feb 375/385 1/2 call ratio (1.90) $380.00) closed half at 7x cost
312 02/13/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 14, 2020 14 Feb 375/385 1/2 call ratio (4.00) $400.00) closed closed at 16x cost
312 02/14/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 14, 2020 14 Feb 375/385 1/2 call ratio (5.00) $500.00) $1,180.00) closed last unit at 20x cost

311 02/03/20 SLD 2 AMZN February 7, 2020 7 Feb 2025/2035/2025/2015 iron butterfly (9.33) $1,866.00) closed Neutral play on AMZN after earnings betting on range for one week
311 02/03/20 SLD 2 AMZN February 7, 2020 7 Feb 2025/2035/2025/2015 iron butterfly 9.31) ($1,862.00) $4.00)

310 01/31/20 BOT 4 SPY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 322/320 put vertical 0.61) ($244.00) Bearish directional targeting 50ma daily and beyond
310 02/04/20 SLD 1 SPY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 322 put (1.29) $129.00)
310 02/04/20 SLD 1 SPY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 322 put (1.18) $118.00) closed sold off half of long calls on strength creating ratio spread
310 02/10/20 BOT 2 SPY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 322/320 1/2 put ratio 0.02) ($4.00) ($1.00)

309 01/31/20 BOT 2 UVXY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 14/16 call vertical 0.44) ($88.00) starting a little bet on volatility climbing in February
309 01/31/20 BOT 2 UVXY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 14/16 call vertical 0.49) ($98.00) closed added more size on confirmation of trend
309 02/04/20 SLD 2 UVXY February 14, 2020 14 Feb 14 call (0.50) $100.00) ($86.00) leaves 2X4 call ratio

308 01/29/20 BOT 1 AAPL January 31, 2020 31 Jan 330/332.50 call verical 0.64) ($64.00) one unit risk reversal, smaller size on lower confidence
308 01/29/20 SLD 1 AAPL January 31, 2020 31 Jan 317.50 put (0.50) $50.00) closed
308 01/29/20 BOT 1 AAPL January 31, 2020 31 Jan 317.50 put 0.88) ($88.00) ($102.00) closing put risk at a loss was smart play as stock was well under strike on expiry

307 01/29/20 SLD 2 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio (0.02) $4.00) 2 units long. 6 unit short
307 01/30/20 SLD 2 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio (0.02) $4.00)
307 01/30/20 SLD 2 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio 0.01) ($2.00)
307 01/31/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio (0.25) $25.00) Closed one unit for credit, note cost basis less than zero. :)
307 02/03/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio (0.50) $50.00)
307 02/03/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio 0.10) ($10.00)
307 02/03/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio 0.45) ($45.00)
307 02/03/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio 0.15) ($15.00) closed
307 02/03/20 BOT 1 NFLX February 7, 2020 7 Feb 360 / 372.50 1/3 call ratio 0.00) $0.00) $11.00) closed all spreads incrementally as stock ran too far too early

306 01/23/20 SLD 2 NFLX January 24, 2020 24 Jan 345/355 call 1/2 ratio 0.92) ($184.00) Ratio spread that is ok up until 365
306 01/24/20 BOT 1 NFLX January 24, 2020 24 Jan 345/355 1/2 call ratio (3.00) $300.00) closed closed first unit at 3x cost
306 01/24/20 BOT 1 NFLX January 24, 2020 24 Jan 345/355 1/2 call ratio (4.00) $400.00) $516.00) closed second unit at 4x cost

305 01/21/20 SLD 4 TSLA January 24, 2020 24 Jan 490/480 put vertical (0.62) $248.00) Short term risk reversal on strong momentum
305 01/21/20 BOT 1 TSLA January 24, 2020 24 Jan 545/555 call vertical 3.35) ($335.00) Selling put verticals to call vertical 4:1 ratio for close to even cost
305 01/21/20 BOT 4 TSLA January 24, 2020 24 Jan 490/480 put vertical 0.04) ($16.00) closed Closed out put risk after harvesting over 90% of premium
305 01/21/20 SLD 1 TSLA January 24, 2020 24 Jan 545/555 call vertical (7.55) $755.00) $652.00) Closed call vertical on liquidation break and risk of larger decline

304 01/17/20 BOT 3 GLD February 14, 2020 14 Feb 147/150 call vertical 0.96) ($288.00) Rinse/Repeat long risk reversals on GLD
304 01/17/20 SLD 6 GLD January 31, 2020 31 Jan 144 put (0.23) $138.00)
304 01/29/20 SLD 6 GLD February 14, 2020 14 Feb 144.5 put (0.19) $114.00) sold more credits against longs, cost basis is now only $0.12/contract
304 02/12/20 BOT 6 GLD February 14, 2020 14 Feb 144.5 put 0.02) ($12.00) closed off put risk for minimal cost
304 02/13/20 SLD 1 GLD February 14, 2020 14 Feb 147/150 call vertical (1.22) $122.00)
304 02/13/20 SLD 1 GLD February 14, 2020 14 Feb 147/150 call vertical (1.10) $110.00) closed
304 02/13/20 SLD 1 GLD February 14, 2020 14 Feb 147/150 cakk vertical (1.32) $132.00) $316.00) closed all three incrementally as expiry next day and direction uncertain

303 01/17/20 SLD 2 RUT January 24, 2020 24 Jan 1740/1750 1/2 ratio call spread 0.00) $0.00) closed Directional play at zero cost
$0.00) Expired worthless
302 01/15/20 SLD 2 AAPL January 24, 2020 24 Jan 295/285 put vertical (0.36) $72.00) closed Opened trade with starter size and didn't add to it
302 01/23/20 BOT 2 AAPL January 24, 2020 24 Jan 295/285 put vertical 0.04) ($8.00) $64.00)

301 01/10/20 SLD 1 AMZN January 10, 2020 10 Jan 1900/1905/1900/1895 iron condor (4.02) $402.00) closed Speculative Iron Butterfly on day of expiry, looking to pin at $1900
301 01/10/20 EXP 1 AMZN January 10, 2020 call side expired OTM - put side expired ITM 5.00) ($500.00) ($98.00) Weakness in stock took it well below the mid strike, puts expired fully ITM
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

300 01/09/20 BOT 2 TSLA January 10, 2020 10 Jan 495/500/505 call butterfly 0.40) ($80.00) closed speculative trade on small size/debit looking for Friday afternoon $500 pin
expired $0.00) ($80.00)
299 01/08/20 BOT 2 TLT January 17, 2020 17 Jan 135/132.5 put vertical 0.41) ($82.00) starting smaller here as full size should be 3-4X this given low IV
299 01/08/20 SLD 4 TLT January 17, 2020 17 Jan 140 call (0.19) $76.00)
299 01/10/20 BOT 2 TLT January 17, 2020 17 Jan 140 call 0.26) ($52.00) decreasing risk on adverse price action
299 01/15/20 BOT 2 TLT January 17, 2020 17 Jan 140 call 0.18) ($36.00) closed
298 01/06/20 SLD 2 NFLX January 10, 2020 10 Jan 340/360 - 1/3 call ratio 1.32) ($264.00) 1 x 3 directional call ratio for debit
298 01/08/20 BOT 1 NFLX January 10, 2020 10 Jan 340/360 - 1/3 call ratio (1.00) $100.00) closed cut in half as stock not moving
298 01/09/20 BOT 1 NFLX January 10, 2020 10 Jan 340/360 - 1/3 call ratio (2.50) $250.00) $86.00) Got some minor traction above $341 but shortlived

297 01/06/20 BOT 3 AAPL January 10, 2020 10 Jan 300/302.50 call vertical 0.83) ($249.00) Garden variety risk reversal for move up to $300 level
297 01/06/20 SLD 6 AAPL January 10, 2020 10 Jan 282.50 put (0.38) $228.00)
297 01/09/20 SLD 1 AAPL January 10, 2020 10 Jan 300/302.50 call vertical (2.30) $230.00) closed
297 01/09/20 SLD 2 AAPL January 10, 2020 10 Jan 300/302.50 call vertical (2.25) $450.00) $659.00) puts went to zero, calls sold for almost max value

296 01/02/20 BOT 1 AMZN January 24, 2020 24 Jan 1900/1950 call vertical 18.50) ($1,850.00) Opening large long exposure on AMZN ahead of earnings
296 01/06/20 BOT 1 AMZN January 24, 2020 24 Jan 1900/1950 call vertical 20.06) ($2,006.00) second unit triggers over a resistance level
296 01/06/20 SLD 2 AMZN January 10, 2020 10 Jan 1830/1815 put vertical (0.54) $108.00) sold puts below support to decrease debit
296 01/08/20 SLD 1 AMZN January 24, 2020 24 Jan 1900/1950 call vertical (21.00) $2,100.00) taking back down to 1 unit to better manage large debit
296 01/08/20 SLD 1 AMZN January 10, 2020 10 Jan 1950/1960 call vertical (0.70) $70.00) sold call vertical above long spread for credit
296 01/09/20 SLD 1 AMZN January 24, 2020 24 Jan 1900/1950 call vertical (19.35) $1,935.00)
296 01/09/20 BOT 1 AMZN January 10, 2020 10 Jan 1950/1960 call vertical 0.12) ($12.00) closed
296 01/09/20 BOT 2 AMZN January 10, 2020 10 Jan 1830/1815 put vertical 0.05) ($10.00) $335.00) scratched trade on non performance, stock showing relative weakness all week.

295 01/02/20 SLD 8 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 292.5 put (0.60) $480.00) Very short term R/R trade to capitalize on move to $300 by end of week
295 01/02/20 BOT 4 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 297.50/300 call vert 1.00) ($400.00) Sold naked puts and bought call spreads in 2:1 ratio
295 01/02/20 BOT 2 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 292.5 put 0.43) ($86.00) bought back 25% of puts at a small gain to decrease risk
295 01/03/20 SLD 1 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 297.50/300 call vert (1.50) $150.00)
295 01/03/20 SLD 2 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 297.50/300 call vert (1.35) $270.00)
295 01/03/20 SLD 1 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 297.50/300 call vert (2.00) $200.00) closed sold call spreads incrementally throughout day
295 01/03/20 BOT 6 AAPL January 3, 2020 3 Jan 292.5 put 0.02) ($12.00) $602.00) Closed off put risk for pennies

294 12/24/19 BOT 3 GLD January 31, 2020 31 Jan 141/144 call vert 0.95) ($285.00) Gold risk reversal into end of January on technical breakout
294 12/24/19 SLD 6 GLD January 3, 2020 3 Jan 139 put single (0.17) $102.00) Will sell more puts weekly as the trade develops
294 01/08/20 SLD 3 GLD January 17, 2020 17 Jan 144 put (0.21) $63.00)
294 01/08/20 BOT 3 GLD January 17, 2020 17 Jan 144 put 0.32) ($96.00)
294 01/17/20 SLD 1 GLD January 31, 2020 31 Jan 141/144 call vert (2.75) $275.00) closed
294 01/17/20 SLD 2 GLD January 31, 2020 31 Jan 141/144 call vert (2.80) $560.00) $619.00)

293 12/19/19 BOT 4 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 321/325 call vertical 0.77) ($308.00) Getting long into end of year using Dec 31 expiry
293 12/20/19 SLD 2 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 322/323 call vertical (0.13) $26.00)
293 12/20/19 BOT 2 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 322/323 call vertical 0.16) ($32.00) Sold shorter term calls against the position and then changed mind
293 12/26/19 SLD 1 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 321/325 call vertical (1.77) $177.00) closed first unit at $1.00 over cost
293 12/27/19 SLD 1 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 321/325 call vertical (2.58) $258.00) sold second unit close to highs of move
293 12/27/19 SLD 1 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 321/325 call vertical (2.10) $210.00) closed sold third unit on bearish close
293 12/30/19 SLD 1 SPY December 31, 2019 31 Dec Quarterly 321/325 call vertical (1.70) $170.00) $501.00) closed final unit to protect profit on larger liquidation break

292 12/19/19 BOT 4 SHAK December 27, 2019 27 Dec 61.5/63/64.5 call butterfly 0.40) ($160.00) closed Low risk butterfly into resistant area
($160.00) expired worthless
291 12/18/19 SLD 6 FB December 20, 2019 20 Dec 197.5 put (0.20) $120.00) FB risk reversal
291 12/18/19 BOT 2 FB December 20, 2019 20 Dec 205/207.50 call vertical 0.64) ($128.00)
291 12/20/19 BOT 6 FB December 20, 2019 20 Dec 197.5 put 0.02) ($12.00)
291 12/20/19 SLD 1 FB December 20, 2019 20 Dec 205/207.50 call vertical (1.50) $150.00) closed
291 12/20/19 SLD 1 FB December 20, 2019 20 Dec 205/207.50 call vertical (0.50) $50.00) $180.00) Didn't really rally but the short puts allowed us to make money

290 12/13/19 BOT 1 SHOP December 27, 2019 27 Dec 385/410 call vertical 7.90) ($790.00) closed Single unit on low float stock with wide spread
290 12/19/19 SLD 1 SHOP December 27, 2019 27 Dec 385/410 call vertical (11.00) $1,100.00) $310.00)

289 12/12/19 BOT 4 AMD December 27, 2019 27 Dec 42/45 call vert 0.99) ($396.00) Long setup on semis after China news
289 12/13/19 SLD 2 AMD December 27, 2019 27 Dec 42/45 call vert (0.72) $144.00) closed
289 12/18/19 SLD 2 AMD December 27, 2019 27 Dec 42/45 call vert (0.93) $186.00) ($66.00) sold prematurely on relative weakness
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

288 12/10/19 BOT 2 AAPL December 20, 2019 20 Dec 270/272.50 call vert 1.05) ($210.00) Risk reversal
288 12/10/19 SLD 4 AAPL December 20, 2019 20 Dec 255/245 put vertical (0.49) $196.00) 2:1 ratio put verticals versus call verticals
288 12/06/19 SLD 1 AAPL December 20, 2019 20 Dec 270/272.50 call vert (2.20) $220.00) closed
288 12/06/19 SLD 1 AAPL December 20, 2019 20 Dec 270/272.50 call vert (2.30) $230.00) $436.00)

287 12/10/19 SLD 2 AMZN December 20, 2019 20 Dec 1620/1600 put ratio spread (0.45) $90.00) closed Ratio Spread for credit
287 12/10/19 BOT 2 AMZN December 20, 2019 20 Dec 1620/1600 put ratio spread 0.45) ($90.00) $0.00) changed mind and scratched at break-even

286 12/09/19 BOT 2 SPY December 13, 2019 13 Dec 316/320 call vertical 1.66) ($332.00) Long exposure on SPY
286 12/12/19 BOT 2 SPY December 13, 2019 13 Dec 316/320 call vertical 1.81) ($362.00)
286 12/12/19 SLD 2 SPY December 13, 2019 13 Dec 316/320 call vertical (1.87) $374.00) closed
286 12/12/19 SLD 2 SPY December 13, 2019 13 Dec 316/320 call vertical (1.72) $344.00) $24.00)
closed at break-even on failure to rally
285 12/03/19 BOT 1 SPX December 6, 2019 6 Dec 3095/3110/3125 call butterfly 2.80) ($280.00)
285 12/03/19 SLD 3 SPX December 6, 2019 6 Dec 3025/3015 put vertical (0.85) $255.00)
285 12/03/19 BOT 2 SPX December 6, 2019 6 Dec 3025/3015 put vertical 0.90) ($180.00) closed
285 12/03/19 BOT 1 SPX December 6, 2019 6 Dec 3025/3015 put vertical 1.00) ($100.00) ($305.00)

284 12/04/19 BOT 1 PANW December 13, 2019 13 Dec 230/240/250 call butterfly 2.16) ($216.00) closed Butterfly for directional move
284 12/06/19 SLD 1 PANW December 13, 2019 13 Dec 230/240/250 call butterfly (1.90) $190.00) ($26.00) Kept at one unit and closed for small loss on lack of followthrough

283 11/29/19 SLD 1 FB December 6, 2019 6 Dec 205/210 call back spread 0.63) ($63.00) closed Using backspread as long delta vehicle, small - one unit
($63.00) allowed to expire worthless as expected move didn't materialize
282 11/25/19 SLD 3 AAPL November 29, 2019 29 Nov 257.5 put (0.27) $81.00)
282 11/25/19 BOT 1 AAPL November 29, 2019 29 Nov 267.5/272.5 call vertical 0.67) ($67.00)
282 11/25/19 SLD 3 AAPL November 29, 2019 29 Nov 257.5 put (0.28) $84.00)
282 11/25/19 BOT 1 AAPL November 29, 2019 29 Nov 267.5/272.5 call vertical 0.72) ($72.00)
282 11/29/19 SLD 1 AAPL November 29, 2019 29 Nov 267.5/272.5 call vertical (0.60) $60.00) closed
282 11/29/19 SLD 1 AAPL November 29, 2019 29 Nov 267.5/272.5 call vertical (0.40) $40.00) $126.00)

281 11/22/19 BOT 4 DIS November 29, 2019 29 Nov 149/152.5/160 call bwb 0.52) ($208.00) Call broken wing butterfly
281 11/22/19 BOT 4 DIS November 29, 2019 29 Nov 155/160 call vertical 0.16) ($64.00) Added more long delta by tightening up bfly
281 11/26/19 SLD 1 DIS November 29, 2019 29 Nov 149/152.5/155 call butterfly (1.48) $148.00) selling spreads incrementally into strength starting at 2x cost
281 11/26/19 SLD 1 DIS November 29, 2019 29 Nov 149/152.5/155 call butterfly (1.80) $180.00)
281 11/26/19 SLD 1 DIS November 29, 2019 29 Nov 149/152.5/155 call butterfly (1.85) $185.00) closed
281 11/27/19 SLD 1 DIS November 29, 2019 29 Nov 149/152.5/155 call butterfly (2.24) $224.00) $465.00) sold final spread at over 3x cost

280 11/20/19 SLD 2 SPX November 22, 2019 22 Nov 3055/3045 put vertical (0.40) $80.00)
280 11/20/19 BOT 1 SPX November 22, 2019 22 Nov 3125/3130 call vertical 0.90) ($90.00) closed
280 11/22/19 BOT 2 SPX November 22, 2019 22 Nov 3055/3045 put vertical 0.05) ($10.00) ($20.00)

279 11/18/19 SLD 4 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 143/140 put vertical (0.34) $136.00) Short put, long call vertical risk reversal
279 11/18/19 BOT 2 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 148/149 call vertical 0.57) ($114.00) puts are 2:1 ratio to calls
279 11/18/19 SLD 4 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 143/140 put vertical (0.30) $120.00)
279 11/18/19 BOT 2 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 148/149 call vertical 0.62) ($124.00)
279 11/19/19 BOT 2 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 143/140 put vertical 0.21) ($42.00)
279 11/19/19 SLD 2 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 148/149 call vertical (0.60) $120.00)
279 11/22/19 BOT 6 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 143/140 put vertical 0.03) ($18.00) Closed off downside risk for few pennies
279 11/22/19 SLD 1 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 148/149 call vertical (0.52) $52.00) closed
279 11/22/19 SLD 1 DIS November 22, 2019 22 Nov 148/149 call vertical (0.25) $25.00) $155.00) Closed remaining call verticals on expiry day

278 11/11/19 SLD 6 SPX November 13, 2019 13 Nov 3035/3025 put vertical (0.30) $180.00) Vertical SPX risk reversal at zero cost basis
278 11/11/19 BOT 1 SPX November 13, 2019 13 Nov 3090/3095 call vertical 1.80) ($180.00) Note the 6:1 ratio due to vol being so low that credits are small
278 11/12/19 BOT 6 SPX November 13, 2019 13 Nov 3035/3025 put vertical 0.05) ($30.00) closed Closed off put risk
278 11/12/19 SLD 1 SPX November 13, 2019 13 Nov 3090/3095 call vertical (3.40) $340.00) $310.00) Sold call vertical for almost double

277 11/06/19 SLD 2 SPX November 8, 2019 8 Nov 3040/3030 put vertical (0.55) $110.00) Very short term risk reversal (2 days)
277 11/06/19 BOT 1 SPX November 8, 2019 8 Nov 3085/3030 put vertical 1.15) ($115.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
277 11/07/19 BOT 2 SPX November 8, 2019 8 Nov 3040/3030 put vertical 0.05) ($10.00) closed closed put risk
277 11/07/19 SLD 1 SPX November 8, 2019 8 Nov 3085/3090 call verical (3.30) $330.00) $315.00) sold call vertical at almost 3x cost

276 11/01/19 BOT 2 BYND November 22, 2019 22 Nov 80/70 put vertical 2.70) ($540.00) Short delta expecting larger down move in stock
276 11/04/19 BOT 2 BYND November 22, 2019 22 Nov 80/70 put vertical 3.28) ($656.00)
276 11/05/19 SLD 2 BYND November 22, 2019 22 Nov 80/70 put vertical (2.12) $424.00) Trimmed down as move didn't materialize
276 11/05/19 SLD 2 BYND November 22, 2019 22 Nov 80 put (2.68) $536.00)
276 11/05/19 BOT 2 BYND November 22, 2019 22 Nov 80 put 3.15) ($630.00) closed Some back and forth with this trade but overall, kept loss minimal
276 11/07/19 SLD 2 BYND November 22, 2019 22 Nov 80/70 put vertical (2.95) $590.00) ($276.00) as move didn't really happen for us into expiry

275 10/24/19 SLD 2 TSLA November 1, 2019 1 Nov 290/270 put ratio 3.30) ($660.00) Directional ratio spread at debit for potential gap fill
275 10/24/19 SLD 1 TSLA November 1, 2019 1 Nov 290/270 put ratio (2.35) $235.00) Cut back to one unit instead of two
275 10/25/19 SLD 1 TSLA November 1, 2019 1 Nov 290 put (3.05) $305.00) closed Sold higher put when realizing gap was not going to fill
275 10/29/19 BOT 2 TSLA November 1, 2019 1 Nov 270 put 0.05) ($10.00) ($130.00) Closed remaining put risk

274 10/18/19 BOT 4 SPX October 21, 2019 21 Oct 3020/330/3065 1/3/2 call butterfly (0.20) $80.00) closed call unbalanced butterfly for credit
$80.00) Expired at zero, keeping full credit
273 10/15/19 BOT 2 ILMN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 310/312.5 1/2 call back spread 1.95) ($390.00) Using back spread as directional vehicle
273 10/15/19 SLD 1 ILMN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 310/312.5 1/2 call back spread 0.90) ($90.00) closed
273 10/15/19 SLD 1 ILMN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 310/312.5 1/2 call back spread 0.20) ($20.00) ($500.00) stock didn't rally at all from entry so spreads became debits to close

272 10/11/19 SLD 2 AMZN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 1780/1800 1/2 call ratio spread (0.25) $50.00) Call ratio at credit to enter
272 10/14/19 SLD 2 AMZN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 1780/1800 1/2 call ratio spread (0.50) $100.00)
272 10/14/19 BOT 2 AMZN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 1780/1800 1/2 call ratio spread 0.47) ($94.00) Cut down size from 4 units to 2 units due to outsized risk
272 01/15/19 BOT 1 AMZN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 1780/1800 1/2 call ratio spread (0.60) $60.00) closed
272 01/15/19 BOT 1 AMZN October 18, 2019 18 Oct 1780/1800 1/2 call ratio spread (0.75) $75.00) $191.00) Closed both at further credit to exit

271 10/07/19 SLD 1 SPX October 9, 2019 9 Oct 2960/2975 1/2 ratio spread (1.40) $140.00) closed
271 10/08/19 SLD 1 SPX October 9, 2019 9 Oct 2960 call (0.70) $70.00) $210.00)

270 10/03/19 BOT 2 IWM October 4, 2019 4 Oct 146/144 put vertical 0.48) ($96.00)
270 10/03/19 SLD 4 IWM October 4, 2019 4 Oct 149 call (0.29) $116.00)
270 10/03/19 BOT 1 IWM October 4, 2019 4 Oct 146/144 put vertical 0.53) ($53.00)
270 10/03/19 SLD 2 IWM October 4, 2019 4 Oct 149 call (0.24) $48.00) closed
270 10/04/19 BOT 6 IWM October 4, 2019 4 Oct 149 call 0.06) ($36.00) ($21.00)

269 10/02/19 BOT 1 SPX October 4, 2019 4 Oct 2915/2885/2855 put butterfly 4.50) ($450.00) closed
269 10/03/19 SLD 1 SPX October 4, 2019 4 Oct 2915/2885/2855 put butterfly (8.10) $810.00) $360.00)

268 09/27/19 BOT 1 AMZN October 18, 2019 118 Oct 1720/1670 put vertical 18.00) ($1,800.00) closed
268 09/30/19 SLD 1 AMZN October 18, 2019 118 Oct 1720/1670 put vertical (16.75) $1,675.00) ($125.00)

266 09/24/19 BOT 2 SPX September 25, 2019 25 Sep 2955/2935/2915 put butterfly 2.35) ($470.00)
266 09/24/19 SLD 4 SPX September 25, 2019 25 Sep 3000 call (1.00) $400.00)
266 09/24/19 SLD 4 SPX September 25, 2019 25 Sep 3000 call 0.20) ($80.00)
266 09/24/19 BOT 1 SPX September 25, 2019 25 Sep 2955/2935/2915 put butterfly (2.35) $235.00) closed
266 09/24/19 BOT 1 SPX September 25, 2019 25 Sep 2955/2935/2915 put butterfly (1.50) $150.00) $235.00)

267 09/24/19 BOT 2 AMZN October 25, 2019 25 Oct 1740/1670 put vertical 25.25) ($5,050.00)
267 09/27/19 SLD 1 AMZN October 25, 2019 25 Oct 1740/1670 put vertical (27.20) $2,720.00) closed
267 09/27/19 SLD 1 AMZN October 25, 2019 25 Oct 1740/1670 put vertical (27.00) $2,700.00) $370.00)

265 09/19/19 BOT 2 ILMN October 4, 2019 4 Oct 305/315 caall vertical 5.00) ($1,000.00)
265 09/19/19 SLD 4 ILMN September 27, 2019 27 Sep 315/317.5 call vertical (0.45) $180.00)
265 09/23/19 SLD 1 ILMN October 4, 2019 4 Oct 305/315 caall vertical (3.95) $395.00) closed
265 09/24/19 SLD 1 ILMN October 4, 2019 4 Oct 305/315 caall vertical (3.35) $335.00) ($90.00)

264 09/11/19 BOT 4 QQQ September 30, 2019 30 Sep 190 call 4.15) ($1,660.00) closed will spread it off later if necessary
264 09/13/19 SLD 4 QQQ September 30, 2019 30 Sep 190 call (3.92) $1,568.00) ($92.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

263 09/09/19 BOT 4 SLV September 27, 2019 27 Sep 17/17.5 call vertical 0.17) ($68.00) closed
262 09/06/19 BOT 2 WDAY September 27, 2019 27 Sep 170/160 put vertical 2.67) ($534.00) closed
262 09/10/19 SLD 2 WDAY September 27, 2019 27 Sep 170/160 put vertical (2.54) $508.00) ($26.00)

261 09/05/19 BOT 2 GLD September 30, 2019 30 Sep 144/147 call vertical 0.87) ($174.00) closed
260 09/05/19 BOT 1 AMZN September 27, 2019 27 Sep 1840/1890 call vertical 21.68) ($2,168.00)
260 09/05/19 BOT 1 AMZN September 27, 2019 27 Sep 1840/1890 call vertical 21.84) ($2,184.00)
260 09/06/19 SLD 2 AMZN September 6, 2019 6 Sep 1850/1860 call vertical (0.73) $146.00)
260 09/06/19 BOT 2 AMZN September 6, 2019 6 Sep 1850/1860 call vertical 0.13) ($26.00)
260 09/09/19 SLD 1 AMZN September 27, 2019 27 Sep 1840/1890 call vertical (19.51) $1,951.00) closed
260 09/09/19 SLD 1 AMZN September 27, 2019 27 Sep 1840/1890 call vertical (19.03) $1,903.00) ($378.00)

259 08/23/19 BOT 4 QQQ August 30, 2019 30 Aug 183/180 put vertical 1.15) ($460.00)
259 08/28/19 SLD 2 QQQ August 30, 2019 30 Aug 183/180 put vertical (0.66) $132.00) closed
259 08/28/19 SLD 2 QQQ August 30, 2019 30 Aug 183/180 put vertical (0.50) $100.00) ($228.00)

258 08/23/19 BOT 1 SPX August 26, 2019 26 Aug 2870/2850/2830 put fly 1.95) ($195.00) close Short term butterfly play to capture large range
258 08/26/19 SLD 1 SPX August 26, 2019 26 Aug 2870/2850/2830 put fly (3.40) $340.00) $145.00) closed quickly as price failed to hold lower inside of strikes

257 08/22/19 BOT 2 SHAK August 23, 2019 23 Aug 98/100 call vertical 0.85) ($170.00) closed Short term play for move to $100 which we got, but faded quickly intraday
257 08/23/19 SLD 2 SHAK August 23, 2019 23 Aug 98/100 call vertical (0.76) $152.00) ($18.00)

256 08/21/19 BOT 2 GLD September 27, 2019 27 Sep 143/146 call vertical 0.94) ($188.00) Legging into more gold verticals at higher strikes now
256 08/23/19 BOT 2 GLD September 27, 2019 27 Sep 143/146 call vertical 1.00) ($200.00) closed
256 09/17/19 SLD 2 GLD September 27, 2019 27 Sep 143/146 call vertical (0.62) $124.00) ($264.00)

255 08/14/19 BOT 2 QQQ September 13, 2019 13 Sep 183/179 put vertical 1.27) ($254.00)
255 08/14/19 BOT 2 QQQ September 13, 2019 13 Sep 183/179 put vertical 1.37) ($274.00)
255 08/21/19 SLD 1 QQQ September 13, 2019 13 Sep 183 put (1.54) $154.00) closed
255 09/04/19 SLD 1 QQQ September 13, 2019 13 Sep 183 put (0.90) $90.00) ($284.00) This leaves us with +2 units long and -4 short (ratio spread)

254 08/07/19 BOT 2 SPY August 30, 2019 30 Aug 282/272 put vertical 2.66) ($532.00)
254 08/13/19 SLD 2 SPY August 30, 2019 30 Aug 272 put 0.57) ($114.00) closed now a 1/2 ratio spread
254 08/19/19 SLD 2 SPY August 30, 2019 30 Aug 280 put (0.68) $136.00) ($510.00)

253 08/06/19 SLD 4 SPX August 7, 2019 7 Aug 2915/2930 call vertical (0.70) $280.00) closed
253 08/06/19 BOT 4 SPX August 7, 2019 7 Aug 2915/2930 call vertical 0.75) ($300.00) ($20.00)

252 07/31/19 BOT 2 SPY July 31, 2019 31 Jul 301/301.5 1/2 call back spread 0.48) ($96.00) FOMC day play
252 07/31/19 BOT 2 SPY July 31, 2019 31 Jul 301/301.5 1/2 put back spread 0.62) ($124.00)
252 07/31/19 SLD 1 SPY July 31, 2019 31 Jul 301/301.5 1/2 put back spread (0.40) $40.00)
252 07/31/19 SLD 1 SPY July 31, 2019 31 Jul 301/301.5 1/2 put back spread (1.80) $180.00) closed
252 07/31/19 BOT 2 SPY July 31, 2019 31 Jul 301 call 0.02) ($4.00) ($4.00)

251 08/01/19 BOT 4 GLD August 30, 2019 30 Aug 136/139 call vertical 1.07) ($428.00)
251 08/02/19 BOT 2 GLD August 30, 2019 30 Aug 136/139 call vertical 1.07) ($214.00)
251 08/02/19 SLD 6 GLD August 9, 2019 9 Aug 139/141 call vertical (0.19) $114.00) credit against longer term vert
251 08/05/19 BOT 6 GLD August 9, 2019 9 Aug 139/141/143 call butterfly 0.21) ($126.00) now call vert higher level
251 08/07/19 BOT 6 GLD August 9, 2019 9 Aug 141/143/145 call butterfly 0.42) ($252.00)
251 08/08/19 SLD 6 GLD August 23, 2019 23 Aug /9 Aug147/148/143/145 vert call roll 0.19) ($114.00) roll out and up narrow strikes
251 08/08/19 SLD 6 GLD August 23, 2019 23 Aug 136/133 put vertical (0.14) $84.00) pays for vertical roll
251 08/19/19 BOT 6 GLD August 23, 2019 23 Aug 136/133 put vertical 0.03) ($18.00) closed closed out put risk
251 08/23/19 SLD 6 GLD August 30, 2019 30 Aug 136/139 call vertical2 (2.95) $1,770.00) $816.00)

250 07/23/19 BOT 4 ILMN July 26, 2019 26 Jul 307.5/312.5/320 call bwb 0.74) ($296.00)
250 07/23/19 SLD 4 ILMN July 26, 2019 26 Jul 295/285 put vertical (0.35) $140.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
250 07/24/19 SLD 2 ILMN July 26, 2019 26 Jul 307.5/312.5/320 call bwb (0.50) $100.00)
250 07/24/19 BOT 2 ILMN July 26, 2019 26 Jul 295/285 put vertical 0.35) ($70.00) closed
250 07/24/19 BOT 2 ILMN July 26, 2019 26 Jul 295/285 put vertical 0.51) ($102.00) ($228.00)

249 07/17/19 BOT 6 GLD July 19, 2019 19 Jul 134/136/138 call butterfly 0.36) ($216.00)
249 07/18/19 SLD 4 GLD July 19, 2019 19 Jul 134/136/138 call butterfly (0.93) $372.00)
249 07/19/19 SLD 1 GLD July 19, 2019 19 Jul 134/136/138 call butterfly (1.50) $150.00) closed
249 07/19/19 SLD 1 GLD July 19, 2019 19 Jul 134/136/138 call butterfly (0.99) $99.00) $405.00)

248 06/13/19 BOT 2 AAPL June 28, 2019 28 Jun 200/207.5/215 call butterfly 1.37) ($274.00)
248 06/18/19 BOT 2 AAPL June 28, 2019 28 Jun 200/207.5/215 call butterfly 1.52) ($304.00)
248 06/25/19 SLD 2 AAPL June 28, 2019 28 Jun 200/207.5/215 call butterfly (0.48) $96.00)
248 06/26/19 SLD 1 AAPL June 28, 2019 28 Jun 200/207.5/215 call butterfly (1.70) $170.00) closed
248 06/28/19 expired 1 AAPL June 28, 2019 28 Jun 200/207.5/215 call butterfly 0.00) $0.00) ($312.00)

247 7/18/2019 BOT 1 ANTM July 26, 2019 26 Jul 305/315 call vertical 3.65) ($365.00) closed
247 7/22/2019 SLD 1 ANTM July 26, 2019 26 Jul 305/315 call vertical (2.95) $295.00) ($70.00)

246 06/12/19 SLD 4 TSLA June 21, 2019 21 Jun 250 call (0.68) $272.00) closed
246 06/17/19 BOT 4 TSLA June 21, 2019 21 Jun 250 call 0.39) ($156.00) $116.00)

245 05/17/19 BOT 2 IWM June 7, 2019 7 Jun 153/148 put vertical 1.43) ($286.00) Bearish play in Russell; showing relative weakenss at the time
245 05/29/19 SLD 1 IWM June 7, 2019 7 Jun 153/148 put vertical (2.95) $295.00) closed
245 06/03/19 SLD 1 IWM June 7, 2019 7 Jun 153/148 put vertical (4.14) $414.00) $423.00) closed second half into weakness at target

244 05/10/19 SLD 4 AMZN May 17, 2019 17 May 1815 / 1805 put vertical (1.00) $400.00) closed sold vertical for solid credit against 50 ma support
244 05/13/19 BOT 2 AMZN May 17, 2019 17 May 1815 / 1805 put vertical 3.44) ($688.00) ($288.00) strong downtrend, close half at loss

243 05/10/19 BOT 2 NOW May 31, 2019 31 May 277.5 / 287.5 call vertical 3.65) ($730.00) closed Long directional with 2 spreads
243 05/20/19 SLD 2 NOW May 31, 2019 31 May 277.5 / 287.5 call vertical (1.57) $314.00) ($416.00) Held for 10 days, didn't move

242 04/29/19 BOT 2 AVGO May 24, 2019 24 May 315/322.5 call vertical 2.90) ($580.00) closed Long directional with call verticals, keeping size small in this environment
242 04/30/19 SLD 2 AVGO May 24, 2019 24 May 315/322.5 call vertical (3.20) $640.00) $60.00) sold for small gain

241 04/26/19 BOT 4 IWM May 10, 2019 10 May 158.5/160 call vertical 0.71) ($284.00) Bullish risk reversal play
241 04/26/19 SLD 4 IWM May 3, 2019 3 May 154 put (0.26) $104.00) short puts against long call verticals
241 04/30/19 SLD 4 IWM May 10, 2019 10 May 158.5/160 call vertical (0.75) $300.00) closed
241 04/30/19 BOT 4 IWM May 3, 2019 3 May 154 put 0.24) ($96.00) $24.00)

240 04/26/19 BOT 1 TSLA June 21, 2019 21 Jun 230/180 put vertical 10.38) ($1,038.00) Bearish play in TSLA just before news of dilution coming
240 04/30/19 BOT 1 TSLA June 21, 2019 21 Jun 230/180 put vertical 11.30) ($1,130.00) added to position
240 05/29/19 SLD 1 TSLA June 21, 2019 21 Jun 230/180 put vertical (31.50) $3,150.00) closed closed incremental for 3x on cost
240 06/04/19 SLD 1 TSLA June 21, 2019 21 Jun 230/180 put vertical (37.75) $3,775.00) $4,757.00) closed second half on trendline break near swing lows

239 04/18/19 BOT 4 REGN April 18, 2019 18 Apr 345 call 1.55) ($620.00) closed Day of expiry directional using call single, low time value
239 04/18/19 SLD 4 REGN April 18, 2019 18 Apr 345 call (1.50) $600.00) ($20.00) closed break-even on failure to move

238 04/12/19 BOT 1 BA April 18, 2019 18 Apr 380/395/410 1/3/2 call butterfly 2.80) ($280.00) closed Unbalanced butterfly
238 04/18/19 SLD 1 BA April 18, 2019 18 Apr 380 call (1.30) $130.00) ($150.00) Close long call portion allowing rest to expire worthless

237 04/08/19 BOT 6 QQQ April 26, 2019 26 Apr 185/187 call vertical 0.95) ($570.00) Directional call vertical
237 04/09/19 SLD 2 QQQ April 12, 2019 12 Apr 187/189 call vertical (0.26) $52.00) sell higher call verticals against longs for credit
237 04/09/19 SLD 4 QQQ April 12, 2019 12 Apr 187/189 call vertical (0.24) $96.00)
237 04/09/19 BOT 3 QQQ April 12, 2019 12 Apr 187/189 call vertical 0.27) ($81.00) closed close half of short call verticals to decrease risk
237 04/17/19 SLD 6 QQQ April 26, 2019 26 Apr 185/187 call vertical (1.27) $762.00) $259.00) Close original long verticals at profit

236 04/01/19 SLD 6 BA April 5, 2019 5 Apr 375/360 put vertical (0.57) $342.00) Risk Reversal: short put vertical & long call bfly
236 04/01/19 BOT 2 BA April 5, 2019 5 Apr 390/400/410 call butterfly 2.46) ($492.00) 3:1 ratio to control costs
236 04/03/19 SLD 2 BA April 5, 2019 5 Apr 390/410 call vertical (2.27) $454.00) closed sold portion of butterfly out
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
236 04/04/19 BOT 4 BA April 5, 2019 5 Apr 400/410 call vertical 0.59) ($236.00) $68.00) closed remaining risk

235 03/29/19 BOT 1 SPX April 5, 2019 5 Apr 2825/2805/2785 put butterfly 2.25) ($225.00) closed Bearish play using butterfly
235 04/01/19 SLD 1 SPX April 5, 2019 5 Apr 2825/2805/2785 put butterfly (0.90) $90.00) ($135.00) closed at loss as move didn't materialize

234 03/29/19 SLD 2 SPX April 8, 2019 8 Apr 2890/2900 call vertical (0.55) $110.00) closed started with 2 units of short call verticals
234 03/29/19 SLD 2 SPX April 8, 2019 8 Apr 2890/2900 call vertical 0.65) ($130.00) ($20.00) didn't add to position and closed same day for break-even

233 03/21/19 BOT 4 DIA April 5, 2019 5 Apr 260/262 call vertical 0.96) ($384.00) Risk Reversal using long call verticals and short put verticals
233 03/21/19 SLD 4 DIA March 22, 2019 22 Mar 257/255 put vertical (0.11) $44.00)
223 03/22/19 BOT 4 DIA March 22, 2019 22 Mar 257/255 put vertical 0.30) ($120.00) closed
223 04/03/19 SLD 4 DIA April 5, 2019 5 Apr 260/262 call vertical (1.40) $560.00) $100.00)

232 03/21/19 BOT 4 AMZN March 29, 2019 29 Mar 1840/1850/1860 call butterfly 0.52) ($208.00) closed call butterfly
232 03/21/19 SLD 4 AMZN March 22, 2019 22 Mar 1735 put (0.45) $180.00) ($28.00) sold put singles against for credit to decrease cost

231 03/21/19 BOT 2 OIH April 12, 2019 12 Apr 18.18.5 call vertical 0.17) ($34.00) Excellent technical setup on Oil Service sector
231 03/21/19 BOT 6 OIH April 12, 2019 12 Apr 18.18.5 call vertical 0.19) ($114.00) added to original position for 8 unit maximum
231 04/12/19 SLD 4 OIH April 12, 2019 12 Apr 18.18.5 call vertical (0.25) $100.00) closed
231 04/12/19 SLD 4 OIH April 12, 2019 12 Apr 18.18.5 call vertical (0.20) $80.00) $32.00) closed at small gain as move didn't materialize at all

230 03/18/19 BOT 4 GS April 5, 2019 5 Apr 205/210 call vertical 1.21) ($484.00) closed
230 03/20/19 SLD 4 GS April 5, 2019 5 Apr 205/210 call vertical (1.02) $408.00) ($76.00)

229 03/15/19 BOT 4 AMZN April 18, 2019 18 Apr 1710/1725 call vertical 7.25) ($2,900.00) Long verticals in AMZN for directional play
229 03/15/19 SLD 2 AMZN March 22, 2019 22 Mar 1750/1755 call vertical (1.00) $200.00) sold higher up call verticals for credit
229 03/18/19 BOT 2 AMZN March 22, 2019 22 Mar 1750/1755 call vertical 1.40) ($280.00) closed higher up call verticals when apparent that rally was very strong
229 03/18/19 SLD 1 AMZN April 18, 2019 18 Apr 1710/1725 call verical (11.25) $1,125.00) started closing at solid gain incrementally
229 03/21/19 SLD 1 AMZN April 18, 2019 18 Apr 1710/1725 call verical (11.40) $1,140.00) closed
229 03/22/19 SLD 2 AMAN April 18, 2019 18 Apr 1710/1725 call vertical (10.32) $2,064.00) $1,349.00) closed remaining two contracts on pullback in price

228 03/14/19 SLD 2 AMZN March 22, 2019 22 Mar 1542.5/1522.5 1/2 put ratio spread (0.50) $100.00) closed sold put ratio spread for credit; expired at zero
227 03/11/19 BOT 4 TTD April 5, 2019 5 Apr 205/215 call vertical 3.58) ($1,432.00) Directional in top rated IBD 50 stock
227 03/18/19 SLD 2 TTD April 5, 2019 5 Apr 205/215 call vertical (4.07) $814.00) closed
227 03/18/19 SLD 2 TTD April 5, 2019 5 Apr 205/215 call vertical (3.40) $680.00) $62.00) closed for small gain as move didn't materialize

226 03/11/19 SLD 2 BA March 15, 2019 15 Mar 320 put (0.60) $120.00) closed Sold initial naked puts on 2 units
03/13/19 BOT 2 BA March 15, 2019 15 Mar 320 put 0.40) ($80.00) $40.00) Decided not to add and just close as news risk on BA too high

225 03/06/19 SLD 4 BKNG March 15, 2019 15 Mar 1705/1690 1/2 put ratio sprd (0.97) $388.00) Sold ratio spread on 100% retracement of prior down move
225 03/07/19 SLD 4 BKNG March 22, 2019 22 Mar 1660 / 15 Mar 1690 put diagonal 0.86) ($344.00) Rolled puts down and out as bullish bias changed unexpectedly
225 03/08/19 BOT 2 BKNG March 15, 2019 15 Mar 1705/1690 put vertical 6.70) ($1,340.00) Closed off portion of put verticals at loss
225 03/12/19 SLD 4 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1620 / 22 Mar 1660 put diagonal 0.00) $0.00) Rolled down and out again
225 03/12/19 SLD 2 BKNG March 15, 2019 15 Mar 1705/1690 put vertical (4.50) $900.00) selling remaining put verticals from modified ratio
225 03/12/19 SLD 2 BKNG March 15, 2019 15 Mar 1705/1690 put vertical (3.63) $726.00)
225 03/22/19 BOT 2 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1705/1690 put vertical 5.10) ($1,020.00) now buying put verticals to protect single short risk below
225 03/22/19 BOT 2 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1705/1690 put vertical 5.37) ($1,074.00)
225 03/26/19 SLD 4 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1690/1675 put verrtical (1.57) $628.00) selling put verticals at a loss
225 03/27/19 SLD 1 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1675 put (2.00) $200.00) chasing tail a little bit here
225 03/27/19 BOT 1 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1675 put 3.34) ($334.00) closed
225 03/28/19 BOT 2 BKNG April 5, 2019 5 Apr 1620 put 1.25) ($250.00) ($1,520.00) closing half of 1620 short put singles

224 03/01/19 SLD 2 BKNG March 8, 2019 8 Mar 1765/1800 call vertical (1.07) $214.00) closed sold call vertical for credit
224 03/01/19 BOT 2 BKNG March 8, 2019 8 Mar 1765/1800 call vertical 2.10) ($420.00) ($206.00) closed quickly on same day for small loss

223 02/28/19 BOT 1 FIVE March 15, 2019 15 Mar 110 call 10.60) ($1,060.00) closed starter position on directional using single call
223 03/01/19 SLD 1 FIVE March 15, 2019 15 Mar 110 call (10.40) $1,040.00) ($20.00) closed for break-even as move didn't materialize
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

222 02/27/19 BOT 4 SPX March 1, 2019 1 Mar 2745/2740/2720 put bwb (0.45) $180.00) Risk reversal; buying put broken wing butterfly
222 02/27/19 BOT 2 SPX March 1, 2019 1 Mar 2805/2810 call vertical 1.35) ($270.00) closed Risk reversal; buying call vertical
222 03/01/19 SLD 2 SPX March 1, 2019 1 Mar 2805/2810 call vertical (1.95) $390.00) $300.00) Sell call vertical, allow put bwb to expire worthless

221 02/22/19 SLD 4 AMZN March 1, 2019 1 Mar 1540/1525 put ratio (0.60) $240.00) closed Selling put ratio for credit
221 02/25/19 BOT 2 AMZN March 1, 2019 1 Mar 1540/1525 put ratio 0.23) ($46.00) $194.00) closing at less value for gain

220 02/19/19 SLD 4 GLD March 1, 2019 1 Mar 130/129 put vertical (0.90) $360.00) closed Bull put spread
220 02/28/19 BOT 4 GLD March 1, 2019 1 Mar 130/129 put vertical 1.02) ($408.00) ($48.00) Gold continued to move lower, closed for small loss

219 02/19/19 BOT 2 SPX February 28, 2019 28 Feb 2790/2800 call vertical 3.80) ($760.00) Opening a butterfly by buying/selling its component verticals
219 02/19/19 SLD 2 SPX February 20, 2019 20 Feb 2800/2805 call vertical (0.50) $100.00)
219 02/20/19 BOT 2 SPX February 20, 2019 20 Feb 2800/2805 call vertical 0.20) ($40.00) closed Closing butterfly by reversing component verticals
219 02/20/19 SLD 2 SPX February 28, 2019 28 Feb 2790/2800 call vertical (3.85) $770.00) $70.00)

218 02/08/19 SLD 4 EA February 15, 2019 15 Feb 100/99 put vertical (0.66) $264.00) closed ITM put vertical on continuation play up to round number
218 02/11/19 BOT 4 EA February 15, 2019 15 Feb 100/99 put vertical 0.45) ($180.00) $84.00) closed for small gain as rally didn't hold

217 02/08/19 SLD 6 ULTA February 15, 2019 15 Feb 285/280 put vertical (0.60) $360.00) risk reversal, selling put verticals below support
217 02/08/19 BOT 2 ULTA March 15, 2019 15 Mar 310 call 7.20) ($1,440.00) buying long single calls
217 02/12/19 BOT 6 ULTA February 15, 2019 15 Feb 285/280 put vertical 0.05) ($30.00) closing short put risk for minimal debit
217 02/12/19 SLD 1 ULTA March 15, 2019 15 Mar 310 call (9.30) $930.00) closed
217 02/13/19 SLD 1 ULTA March 15, 2019 15 Mar 310 call (8.50) $850.00) $670.00) sold calls for small profit as stock showed relative weakness to market

216 02/07/19 BOT 2 GS March 1, 2019 1 Mar 195 call 11.10) ($2,220.00) closed Right or right out (RORO) play at low of day
216 02/07/19 SLD 2 GS March 1, 2019 1 Mar 195 call (10.60) $2,120.00) ($100.00)

215 02/04/19 BOT 4 EBAY February 22, 2019 22 Feb 35/36 call vertical 0.35) ($140.00) long call vertical
215 02/04/19 BOT 4 EBAY February 22, 2019 22 Feb 35/36 call vertical 0.38) ($152.00) closed added to position for full size
215 02/07/19 SLD 8 EBAY February 22, 2019 22 Feb 35/36 call vertical (0.37) $296.00) $4.00) closed breakeven when stock didn't move enough

214 02/04/19 SLD 2 AMZN February 15, 2019 15 Feb 1440/1430 put ratio 2/1 spread (1.07) $214.00) closed credit collection strategy
214 02/06/19 BOT 2 AMZN February 15, 2019 15 Feb 1440/1430 put ratio 2/1 spread 0.43) ($86.00) $128.00)

213 02/01/19 BOT 4 SPY February 15, 2019 15 Frb 270/265 put vertical 1.37) ($548.00) Initiate bearish spread with put verticals on SPX fib level
213 02/01/19 SLD 4 SPY February 15, 2019 15 Frb 270/265 put vertical (1.30) $520.00) close for small loss as market went back to turning point
213 02/01/19 BOT 4 SPY February 15, 2019 15 Feb 270/265 put vertical 1.39) ($556.00) closed restart trade at same price
213 02/04/19 SLD 4 SPy February 15, 2019 15 Feb 270/265 put vertical (1.38) $552.00) ($32.00)

212 01/31/19 SLD 4 AMZN February 1, 2019 1 Feb 1700/1720/1730/1770 call condor 7.31) ($2,924.00) AMZN Earnings play - short condor
212 01/31/19 SLD 1 AMZN February 1, 2019 1 Feb 1700/1720 call vertical (10.70) $1,070.00) sell extra verticals inside of condor for credit
212 01/31/19 SLD 1 AMZN February 1, 2019 1 Feb 1700/1720 call vertical (10.30) $1,030.00)
212 02/01/19 BOT 2 AMZN February 1, 2019 1 Feb 1700/1720 call vertical 0.52) ($104.00) closed buy back shorts on large gap down and rally
212 02/01/19 BOT 4 AMZN February 1, 2019 1 Feb 1700/1720 call vertical 1.02) ($408.00) ($1,336.00)

211 01/23/19 SLD 2 IBM January 25, 2019 25 Jan 132/133/132/131 iron butterfly (0.87) $174.00) closed Iron Butterfly after earnings report
211 01/25/19 expired 2 IBM January 25, 2019 IBM over 133 1.00) ($200.00) ($26.00)

210 01/18/19 BOT 4 AMZN January 25, 2019 25 Jan 1750/1760/1770 call butterfly 0.52) ($208.00) closed directional butterfly with target at recent resistance
209 01/16/19 BOT 4 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2695/2700/2715 call bwb (0.40) $160.00) bought call bwb for credit
209 01/16/19 SLD 2 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2700 call (1.75) $350.00) sold more call credit inside of bwb on market reversal
209 01/18/19 BOT 4 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2685/2695 call vertical 3.70) ($1,480.00) bought long call vertical in front of short to change to butterfly
209 01/23/19 SLD 1 SPX February 8, 2019 8 Feb / 25 Jan 2775/2700 call diag (0.55) $55.00) roll one of the extra short calls way out for small credit
209 01/24/19 BOT 8 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2700 call 0.10) ($80.00)
209 01/25/19 SLD 1 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2685 call (1.00) $100.00)
209 01/25/19 SLD 1 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2685 call (1.50) $150.00)
209 01/25/19 SLD 1 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2685 call (1.50) $150.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
209 01/25/19 SLD 2 SPX January 25, 2019 25 Jan 2685 call (0.45) $90.00)
209 02/01/19 SLD 1 SPX February 8, 2019 8 Feb 2775 call (2.00) $200.00)
209 02/01/19 BOT 1 SPX February 8, 2019 8 Feb 2775 call 2.20) ($220.00) closed
209 02/06/19 BOT 1 SPX February 8, 2019 8 Feb 2775 call 0.45) ($45.00) ($570.00)

208 01/16/19 BOT 2 QQQ February 8, 2019 8 Feb 165 put 4.08) ($816.00) directional long put
208 01/16/19 BOT 2 QQQ February 8, 2019 8 Feb 165 put 4.65) ($930.00) closed added second layer
208 01/17/19 SLD 4 QQQ February 8, 2019 8 Feb 164 put (4.30) $1,720.00) ($26.00) sold vertical below initial strike to create vertical at near zero cost

207 01/15/19 BOT 3 SPX January 18, 2019 18 Jan 2575/2570 put vertical 1.40) ($420.00) Bearish Risk Reversal
207 01/15/19 SLD 6 SPX January 18, 2019 18 Jan 2650/2660 call vertical (0.65) $390.00) sold call vertical to pay for put vertical
207 01/17/19 SLD 6 SPX January 23, 2019 23 Jan / 18 Jan 2670/2680/2650/2660 vert roll 0.20) ($120.00) rolled short call vertical up $10 and out one week
207 01/18/19 BOT 6 SPX January 23, 2019 23 Jan 2660/2670 call vert 4.95) ($2,970.00) bought long call vertical in front of short to change in to butterfly
207 01/23/19 SLD 1 SPX January 23, 2019 23 Jan 2660/2670/2680 call butterfly (1.00) $100.00) sold one of six butterflies
207 01/23/19 SLD 5 SPX January 23, 2019 23 Jan 2660/2680 call vertical (1.50) $750.00) closed sold five call verticals, morphing remaing flys into short wide vertical
207 01/23/19 BOT 5 SPX January 23, 2019 23 Jan 2670 call 0.15) ($75.00) ($2,345.00) closed half of the short calls, morphing into back spread

206 01/09/19 SLD 4 SPX January 14, 2019 14 Jan 2680/2700 ratio spread 0.00) $0.00) closed directional ratio put on at zero cost, expired worthless
205 01/07/19 BOT 6 SPX January 14, 2019 14 Jan 2630/2640/2655 bwb 0.05) ($30.00) closed Long BWB for almost no cost, the stop is the price
204 01/03/19 BOT 8 AAPL January 4, 2019 4 Jan 141/140/139 put butterfly 0.05) ($40.00) closed Narrow put butterfly, the stop is the price
203 12/27/18 BOT 2 AAPL January 25, 2019 25 Jan 150/140 put vertical 3.48) ($696.00) closed Bearish directional via put verticals
203 01/02/19 SLD 2 AAPL January 25, 2019 25 Jan 150/140 put vertical (1.65) $330.00) ($366.00) cut loss at 50%

202 12/26/18 BOT 4 GLD January 25, 2019 25 Jan 125/130/135 call butterfly 0.26) ($104.00) closed Opening salvo in gold campaign for higher in one month

201 12/26/18 SLD 2 AMZN January 4, 2019 4 Jan 1/2 1050/1000 put ratio spread (0.60) $120.00) closed wide ratio spread for healthy credit, will look to add on weakness
201 12/26/18 SLD 1 AMZN January 4, 2019 4 Jan 1/2 1050/1000 put ratio spread (0.60) $60.00) $180.00)

200 12/13/18 BOT 2 QQQ December 21, 2018 21 Dec 164/162 put vertical 0.66) ($132.00) Long QQQ put vertical for directional move
200 12/17/18 SLD 1 QQQ December 21, 2018 21 Dec 164/162 put vertical (1.50) $150.00) closed sold half into market weakess
200 12/17/18 SLD 1 QQQ December 21, 2018 21 Dec 164/162 put vertical (1.71) $171.00) $189.00) closed other half just as SPX was approaching Feb low support

199 12/07/18 BOT 2 SPY December 31, 2018 31 Dec 263/253 put vertical 3.12) ($624.00) long directional put vertical on SPY
199 12/07/18 SLD 2 SPY December 12, 2018 12 Dec 253/243 put vertical (0.60) $120.00) closed sold credit of much lower put vertical against, expired worthless
199 12/12/18 SLD 2 SPY December 31, 2018 31 Dec 263/253 put vertical (1.90) $380.00) ($124.00) closed out trade on SPX bounce, premature in hindsight

198 11/30/18 BOT 6 SPY December 31, 2018 31 Dec 275 straddle 10.81) ($6,486.00) Bought SPY Straddle on expectation of large move either way
198 11/30/18 SLD 4 SPY December 5, 2018 5 Dec 285/265 strangle (0.78) $312.00) sold 2/3 size short term strangle against for credit
198 12/04/18 SLD 6 SPY December 5, 2018 5 Dec 281 call (0.11) $66.00) sold calls against straddle for credit
198 12/04/18 BOT 4 SPY December 5, 2018 5 Dec 265 put 0.10) ($40.00) closed tested side of strangle for solid gain
198 12/04/18 SLD 3 SPY December 31, 2018 31 Dec 275 straddle (11.00) $3,300.00) cut position in half to decrease risk (large debit)
198 12/06/18 SLD 2 SPY December 31, 2018 31 Dec275 straddle (14.81) $2,962.00) closed Sold into strength on limit order for $4 gain
198 12/06/18 SLD 1 SPY December 31, 2018 31 Dec275 straddle (15.09) $1,509.00) $1,623.00) Sold remaining contract as SPX was coming into support area

197 11/26/2018 BOT 1 SPX November 28, 2018 28 Nov 2670/2680/2690 call butterfly 1.05) ($105.00) closed small size, binary event butterfly, expired worthless
196 11/14/18 BOT 1 GOOGL November 23, 2018 23 Nov 1035/985/935 put butterfly 8.55) ($855.00) closed long directional butterfly
196 11/14/18 SLD 1 GOOGL November 23, 2018 23 Nov 1035/985/935 put butterfly (5.10) $510.00) ($345.00) sold on same day as entry as stock refused to move with market

195 11/14/18 BOT 2 QQQ November 30, 2018 30 Nov 166/160 put vertical 1.72) ($344.00) long put verticals for directional move
195 11/14/18 BOT 2 QQQ November 30, 2018 30 Nov 166/160 put vertical 1.70) ($340.00)
195 11/14/18 BOT 2 QQQ November 30, 2018 30 Nov 166/160 put vertical 1.85) ($370.00)
195 11/15/18 SLD 6 QQQ November 16, 2018 16 Nov 166/160 put vertical (0.27) $162.00) sld credit spread against to decrease debit
195 11/20/18 SLD 3 QQQ November 23, 2018 23 Nov 154/148 put vertical (0.33) $99.00) sld credit spread against to decrease debit
195 11/21/18 BOT 3 QQQ November 23, 2018 23 Nov 154 put 0.03) ($9.00) closed short put for pennies
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
195 11/23/18 SLD 3 QQQ November 30, 2018 30 Nov 166/160 put vertical (3.92) $1,176.00) closed sold half of long put verticals for solid gain
195 11/26/18 SLD 3 QQQ November 30, 2018 30 Nov 166/160 put vert (3.16) $948.00) $1,322.00) closed remainder on market firming up

194 11/07/18 SLD 4 AMZN November 16, 2018 16 Nov 1500/1470 1/2 ratio put (0.75) $300.00) sld ratio spread for credit
194 11/12/18 BOT 2 AMZN November 16, 2018 16 Nov 1500/1470 1/2 ratio put 0.85) ($170.00)
194 11/12/18 BOT 1 AMZN November 16, 2018 16 Nov 1500/1470 1/2 ratio put 0.84) ($84.00) closed
194 11/12/18 BOT 1 AMZN November 16, 2018 16 Nov 1500/1470 1/2 ratio put 1.21) ($121.00) ($75.00) closed incrementally for small losses / good management

193 11/01/18 BOT 4 BKNG November 2, 2018 2 Nov 1915/1925/1942.5 call bwb 0.07) ($28.00) directional short term broken wing butterfly
193 11/01/18 BOT 4 BKNG November 2, 2018 2 Nov 1940/1942.5 call vertical 0.40) ($160.00) closed
193 11/02/18 SLD 2 BKNG November 2, 2018 2 Nov 1915/1925/1940 call bwb (0.80) $160.00) ($28.00)

192 10/26/18 BOT 4 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2755/2760/2780 call bwb (0.55) $220.00) bot call bwb to collect credit
192 10/31/18 BOT 4 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2775/2780 call vertical 0.65) ($260.00) bought call verticals to decrease upside risk
192 10/31/18 BOT 4 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2760/2775/2795 call bwb 1.05) ($420.00) overlaid another call bwb over first to morph into condor
192 11/02/18 SLD 2 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2755/2760 call vertical (0.75) $150.00) sold half of long part of condor
192 11/02/18 SLD 2 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2755/2760 call vertical (0.60) $120.00) closed sold other half of long part of condor
192 11/02/18 BOT 4 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2775/2795 call vertical 0.10) ($40.00) ($230.00) closed short vertical of condor for tiny debit to cut risk to zero

191 10/26/18 BOT 1 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2650/2600/2550 put butterfly 5.60) ($560.00) closed
191 10/30/18 SLD 1 SPX November 2, 2018 2 Nov 2650/2600/2550 put butterfly (7.20) $720.00) $160.00) closed early to avoid risk as debit relatively high

190 10/23/18 BOT 4 SPX October 24, 2018 24 Oct 2765/2770/2785 call bwb (0.50) $200.00) closed
190 10/23/18 SLD 4 SPX October 24, 2018 24 Oct 2765/2770/2785 call bwb 0.75) ($300.00) ($100.00) closed soon after opening

189 10/18/18 SLD 8 AMZN November 2, 2018 19 Oct 1825/1840 call vertical (0.80) $640.00) sold call vertical for credit
189 10/19/18 BOT 4 AMZN November 2, 2018 19 Oct 1825/1840 call vertical 1.10) ($440.00) bought back incrementally on surprise strength, gamma a factor
189 10/19/18 BOT 2 AMZN November 2, 2018 19 Oct 1825/1840 call vertical 1.10) ($220.00) closed
189 10/19/18 BOT 2 AMZN November 2, 2018 19 Oct 1825/1840 call vertical 0.00) $0.00) ($20.00) allowed remaining position to expire worthless

188 10/18/18 BOT 2 QQQ November 2, 2018 2 Nov QQQ 173/168 put vertical 1.53) ($306.00) opened by buying long put verticals
188 10/19/18 BOT 2 QQQ November 2, 2018 2 Nov QQQ 173/168 put vertical 1.40) ($280.00)
188 10/19/18 SLD 2 QQQ November 2, 2018 26 Oct 168/163 put vertical (0.50) $100.00) sold credits against long verticals
188 10/22/18 SLD 2 QQQ November 2, 2018 26 Oct 168/163 put vertical (0.50) $100.00)
188 10/24/18 SLD 4 QQQ November 2, 2018 2 Nov / 26 Oct 168/163/168/163 vert roll (0.19) $76.00) rolling order to turn into straight butterfly
188 10/29/18 SLD 2 QQQ November 2, 2018 2 Nov 173/168/163 put butterfly (1.40) $280.00) closed
188 10/29/18 SLD 2 QQQ November 2, 2018 2 Nov 173/168/163 put butterfly (1.40) $280.00) $250.00) sold put butterfly when market was too weak and moving through all strikes

187 10/17/18 SLD 2 SPX October 19, 2018 19 Oct 2860/2875 call vertical (0.60) $120.00) closed
187 10/17/18 BOT 2 SPX October 19, 2018 19 Oct 2860/2875 call vertical 0.80) ($160.00) ($40.00) scratched for tiny loss

186 10/16/18 SLD 8 GS October 19, 2018 19 Oct 225/230 call vertical (0.40) $320.00) closed
186 10/16/18 BOT 8 GS October 19, 2018 19 Oct 225/230 call vertical 0.41) ($328.00) ($8.00) scratched for tiny loss

185 10/11/18 BOT 1 SPX October 15, 2018 15 Oct 2760/2730/2700 put butterfly 3.15) ($315.00) closed
185 110/15 SLD 1 SPX October 15, 2018 15 Oct 2760/2730/2700 put butterfly (5.75) $575.00) $260.00)

184 10/09/18 BOT 1 SPX October 12, 2018 12 Oct 2870/2820/2760 put bwb 5.95) ($595.00) risk reversal setup using long butterfly and short call spread
184 10/09/18 SLD 6 SPX October 12, 2018 12 Oct 2920/2925 call vertical (0.60) $360.00)
184 10/10/18 SLD 1 SPX October 12, 2018 12 Oct 2870/2820/2760 put bwb (15.00) $1,500.00) closed close when SPX at mid strike for large gain
184 10/09/18 bOT 6 SPX October 12, 2018 12 Oct 2920/2925 call vertical 0.05) ($30.00) $1,235.00) close at mininum for full profit

183 10/01/18 BOT 4 FB October 19, 2018 19 Oct 160/150/140 put butterfly 1.66) ($664.00) closed directional put butterfly
183 10/01/18 SLD 4 FB October 19, 2018 19 Oct 160/150/140 put butterfly (1.90) $760.00) $96.00) closed for small gain on large bounce in stock

182 10/01/18 BOT 4 GE October 12, 2018 12 Oct 12.5/11.5 put vertical 0.30) ($120.00) directional vertical for move back to prior lows after news gap
182 10/12/18 SLD 2 GE October 12, 2018 12 Oct 12.5/11.5 put vertical (0.18) $36.00) closed
182 10/12/18 SLD 2 GE October 12, 2018 12 Oct 12.5/11.5 put vertical (0.22) $44.00) ($40.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
181 09/26/18 BOT 8 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291.5/292 1:2 call back spread 0.01) ($8.00) FOMC double back spread for move in either direction
181 09/26/18 BOT 8 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291.5/291 1:2 put back spread 0.05) ($40.00)
181 09/26/18 SLD 4 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291.5/291 1:2 put back spread 0.10) ($40.00) decreased put risk while leaving half size to run
181 09/26/18 SLD 8 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291.5/292 1:2 call back spread 0.03) ($24.00) closed closed off call side risk for tiny debit
181 09/26/18 SLD 4 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291.5/291 1:2 put back spread (0.75) $300.00) $188.00) closed second half of puts for solid gain

180 09/21/18 BOT 2 QQQ October 5, 2018 5 Oct 183/180 put vertical 0.82) ($164.00) closed legged into slowly as having directional risk
180 09/21/18 SLD 2 QQQ October 5, 2018 5 Oct 183/180 put vertical (0.77) $154.00) ($10.00) closed for small loss without adding to position

179 09/18/18 BOT 2 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291/291.5 1:2 call back spread 0.63) ($126.00) directional long play using back spreads for lesser cost
179 09/18/18 BOT 2 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291/291.5 1:2 call back spread 0.64) ($128.00)
179 09/18/18 BOT 2 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291/291.5 1:2 call back spread 0.67) ($134.00)
179 09/19/18 SLD 3 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291/291.5 1:2 call back spread (0.50) $150.00) closed
179 09/20/18 SLD 3 SPY September 26, 2018 26 Sep 291/291.5 1:2 call back spread (1.40) $420.00) $182.00) exited for small gain when rally started to fail

178 09/17/18 BOT 1 GOOGL September 28, 2018 28 Sep 1160/1130/1100 put butterfly 5.20) ($520.00) closed directional put butterfly
178 09/18/18 SLD 1 GOOGL September 28, 2018 28 Sep 1160/1130/1100 put butterfly (4.70) $470.00) ($50.00) scratched quickly on price reversal

177 09/12/18 BOT 8 IWM September 21, 2018 21 Sep 169/167/165 put fly 0.26) ($208.00) closed directional put butterfly
($208.00) expired worthless

176 09/06/18 SLD 4 FB September 21, 2018 21 Sep 165/150 1:3 ratio put spread 2.28) ($912.00) closed directional bearish play in FB using 1:3 ratio of shorts against support
176 09/11/18 BOT 4 FB September 21, 2018 21 Sep 165/150 1:3 put ratio spread (2.32) $928.00) $16.00) closed on price reversal

175 09/05/18 BOT 6 GOOGL September 7, 2018 7 Sep 1182.5/1180/1175 1/3/2 put butterfly (0.72) $432.00) unbalanced put butterfly for credit against trend channel support
175 09/05/18 SLD 3 GOOGL September 7, 2018 7 Sep 1182.5/1180/1175 1/3/2 put butterfly 2.00) ($600.00) closed
175 09/05/18 SLD 3 GOOGL September 7, 2018 7 Sep 1182.5/1180/1175 1/3/2 put butterfly 2.05) ($615.00) ($783.00) closed at loss when support didn't hold

174 08/31/18 BOT 2 QQQ September 21, 2018 21 Sep 186/182 put vertical 1.12) ($224.00) closed
174 08/31/18 SLD 2 QQQ September 21, 2018 21 Sep 186/182 put vertical (1.16) $232.00) $8.00) closed breakeven when downtrend failed

173 08/23/18 BOT 2 AMZN September 7, 2018 7 Sep 1930/1950 call vertical 8.00) ($1,600.00) bot call vertical
173 08/23/18 SLD 2 AMZN August 24, 2018 24 Aug 1950/1970 call vertical (0.60) $120.00) sld shorter term call vertical against long for credit
173 08/24/18 SLD 1 AMZN September 7, 2018 7 Sep 1930/1950 call vertical (6.55) $655.00) closed
173 08/28/18 SLD 1 AMZN September 7, 2018 7 Sep 1930/1950 call vertical (9.45) $945.00) $120.00) closed long vertical for small gain

172 08/21/18 BOT 2 RHI September 21, 2018 21 Sep 70 long call 7.70) ($1,540.00) closed
172 08/28/18 SLD 2 RHI September 21, 2018 21 Sep 70 long call (8.20) $1,640.00) $100.00) closed for small gain when rally failed

171 08/20/18 BOT 3 SPX August 27, 2018 27 Aug 2890/2895/2920 call bwb (0.50) $150.00) closed initiated call broken wing butterfly for credit
171 08/20/18 SLD 3 SPX August 27, 2018 27 Aug 2890/2895/2920 call bwb 0.60) ($180.00) ($30.00) closed for small loss on rally

170 08/16/18 BOT 2 SPX August 17, 2018 17 Aug 2850/2860/2870 call fly 1.45) ($290.00) closed
170 08/16/18 SLD 2 SPX August 17, 2018 17 Aug 2850/2860/2870 call fly (1.30) $260.00) ($30.00)

169 08/14/18 BOT 6 IWM August 17, 2018 17 Aug 169/170 call vertical 0.27) ($162.00) closed directional call vertical
($162.00) expired worthless
168 08/14/18 BOT 4 SPX August 17, 2018 17 Aug 2815/2810/2795 out bwb (0.60) $240.00)
168 08/14/18 BOT 2 SPX August 17, 2018 17 Aug 2845/2850 call vertical 2.30) ($460.00)
168 08/14/18 SLD 4 SPX August 17, 2018 17 Aug 2815/2810/2795 out bwb 0.70) ($280.00) closed
168 08/14/18 SLD 2 SPX August 17, 2018 17 Aug 2845/2850 call vertical (2.15) $430.00) ($70.00)

167 08/13/18 BOT 4 TWTR August 31, 2018 31 Aug 34/37 call vertical 0.71) ($284.00) closed
167 08/15/18 SLD 4 TWTR August 31, 2018 31 Aug 34/37 call vert (0.49) $196.00) ($88.00)

166 08/06/18 BOT 4 FB August 31, 2018 31 Aug 162.5 long call 18.31) ($7,324.00) directional long call on FB for gap fill
166 08/07/18 SLD 2 FB August 31, 2018 31 Aug 162.5 long call (23.55) $4,710.00) sold half of contracts into strength
166 08/07/18 SLD 1 FB August 31, 2018 31 Aug 162.5 long call (23.03) $2,303.00) closed
166 08/09/18 SLD 1 FB August 31, 2018 31 Aug 162.5 long call (22.75) $2,275.00) $1,964.00) closed remaining on relative weakness
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

165 08/01/18 BOT 1 SPX August 3, 2018 3 Aug 2805/2800 put vertical 0.90) ($90.00) bearish short term risk reversal coming into FOMC meeting
165 08/01/18 SLD 2 SPX August 3, 2018 3 Aug 2855 call (0.55) $110.00) closed kept size very small due to event risk
165 08/02/18 BOT 2 SPX August 3, 2018 3 Aug 2855 call 0.05) ($10.00) $10.00) took opportunity to close puts on expected market weakness

164 07/30/18 SLD 8 FB August 10, 2018 1/2 10 Aug 155/150 put ratio spread 0.05) ($40.00) closed hail mary" play for tiny cost
($40.00) expired worthless

163 07/27/18 BOT 2 IWM August 10, 2018 10 Aug 165/160 put vertical 1.19) ($238.00) bearish put vertical buy
163 07/27/18 SLD 1 IWM August 10, 2018 10 Aug 165/160 put vertical (1.02) $102.00) closed
163 07/27/18 SLD 1 IWM August 10, 2018 10 Aug 165/160 put vertical (0.90) $90.00) ($46.00) closed out incrementally when it was plain that RUT bear pattern failing

162 07/27/18 SLD 4 BKNG August 3, 2018 1/2 3 Aug 2190/2200 call ratio spread (1.30) $520.00) closed Sold call ratio spread 1:2 for large credit
162 8/1/2018 BOT 4 BKNG August 3, 2018 1/2 3 Aug 2190/2200 call ratio spread 0.05) ($20.00) $500.00) took opportunity to close for .05, keeping almost all of credit

161 07/27/18 SLD 4 AMZN August 3, 2018 1/2 3 Aug 1735/1715 put ratio spread (0.75) $300.00) closed credit trade on earnings release
161 07/27/18 BOT 4 AMZN August 3, 2018 1/2 3 Aug 1735/1715 put ratio spread 0.63) ($252.00) $48.00) changed mind, scratched trade quickly

160 07/20/18 BOT 6 BKNG July 27, 2018 27 Jul 1977.5/1975/1967.5 put bwb (0.72) $432.00) risk reversal on BKNG utilizing put bwb for credit and call bfly for long delta
160 07/20/18 BOT 1 BKNG July 27, 2018 27 Jul 2020/2045/2070 call fly 4.65) ($465.00)
160 07/23/18 BOT 6 BKNG July 27, 2018 27 Jul 1972.5/1967.5 put vertical 1.30) ($780.00) closed reversed put side of trade on weakness
160 07/25/18 SLD 1 BKNG July 27, 2018 27/jul 2020/2045/2070 call fly (5.63) $563.00) ($250.00) closed call side at small loss overall

159 07/17/18 BOT 1 SPX July 20, 2018 20 Jul 2810/2815 call vert 1.85) ($185.00) bullish risk reversal using verticals
159 07/17/18 SLD 4 SPX July 20, 2018 20 Jul 2770/2765 put vert (0.30) $120.00) 4:1 ratio to bring cost close to zero
159 07/17/18 SLD 1 SPX July 20, 2018 20 Jul 2810/2815 call vert (3.25) $325.00) closed closed call side for 65% of max value
159 07/17/18 BOT 4 SPX July 20, 2018 20 Jul 2770/2765 put vert 0.10) ($40.00) $220.00) closed puts cheaply to eliminate all risk

158 07/17/18 BOT 2 ADBE August 3, 2018 3 Aug 245 long calls 10.80) ($2,160.00) directional play with naked calls
158 07/18/18 SLD 1 ADBE August 3, 2018 3 Aug 245 long calls (16.75) $1,675.00) closed
158 07/19/18 SLD 1 ADBE August 3, 2018 3 Aug 245 long calls (14.13) $1,413.00) $928.00) sold incrementally into strength

157 07/13/18 BOT 1 AMZN July 13, 2018 13 Jul 1790/1800/1810 call fly 2.75) ($275.00) closed call butterfly for the "pin" at 1800 strike, expired worthless
156 07/11/18 SLD 6 NFLX July 13, 2018 13 Jul 410/407.5 put verticals (0.50) $300.00)
156 07/11/18 BOT 2 NFLX July 13, 2018 13 Jul 420/425 call cert 1.67) ($334.00) closed
156 07/12/18 BOT 6 NFLX July 13, 2018 13 Jul 410/407.5 put verticals 1.18) ($708.00) ($742.00)

155 07/10/18 SLD 2 FIVE July 20, 2018 20 Jul 100/105/100/95 iron bfly (3.20) $640.00) close
155 07/13/18 BOT 2 FIVE July 20, 2018 20 Jul 100/105/100/95 iron bfly 3.20) ($640.00) $0.00)

154 07/10/18 BOT 2 AMZN July 20, 2018 20 Jul 1645/1640/1620 put bwb (0.50) $100.00) closed bot put broken wing butterflies to collect credit
154 07/10/18 BOT 2 AMZN July 20, 2018 20 Jul 1645/1640/1620 put bwb (0.45) $90.00) $190.00) Both expired worthless, full credit retained

153 07/09/18 SLD 2 AMZN July 13, 2018 13 Jul 1762.5/1767.5 call vert (0.80) $160.00)
153 07/09/18 BOT 2 AMZN July 20, 2018 20 Jul 1752.5/1762.5 call vert 3.75) ($750.00)
153 07/12/18 SLD 2 AMZN July 20, 2018 20 Jul / 13 Jul 1762.5/1767.5 call vert roll 0.40) ($80.00)
153 07/20/18 SLD 2 AMZN July 20, 2018 20 Jul 1752.5/1762.5 call vert (9.95) $1,990.00) closed
153 07/20/18 BOT 2 AMAN July 20, 2018 20 Jul 1762.5/1767.5 call vert 4.95) ($990.00) $330.00)

152 07/06/18 BOT 2 NVDA July 27, 2018 27 Jul 250/260 call vertical 3.42) ($684.00) closed
152 07/11/18 SLD 2 NVDA July 27, 2018 27 Jul 250/260 call vertical (3.50) $700.00) $16.00)

151 07/06/18 BOT 2 ISRG July 20, 2018 20 Jul 495/500 call vertical 2.52) ($504.00) Risk reversal with longer term call vertical
151 07/06/18 SLD 8 ISRG July 13, 2018 13 Jul 475/465 put vertical (0.60) $480.00) shorter term put verticals for credit 4:1 ratio
151 07/12/18 SLD 1 ISRG July 20, 2018 20 Jul 495/500 call vertical (3.25) $325.00) closed
151 07/13/18 SLD 1 ISRG July 20, 2018 20 Jul 495/500 call vertical (4.10) $410.00) $711.00) sold call verticals into strength, allowing put side to expire at $0

150 07/05/18 BOT 2 TWTR July 20, 2018 20 Jul 45/50 call vertical 1.29) ($258.00) long call verticals
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
150 07/05/18 BOT 2 TWTR July 20, 2018 20 Jul 45/50 call vertical 1.31) ($262.00) closed added to position for larger size
150 07/09/18 SLD 4 TWTR July 20, 2018 20 Jul 45/50 call vertical (1.32) $528.00) $8.00) closed a few sessions later on lackluster price action

149 06/01/18 SLD 4 BIDU June 8, 2018 237.5/232.5 put vert (0.35) $140.00)
149 06/01/18 BOT 2 BIDU June 15, 2018 255/257.5 call vert 0.80) ($160.00)
149 06/05/18 BOT 3 BIDU June 8, 2018 237.5/232.5 put vert 0.03) ($9.00) closed
149 06/05/18 SLD 2 BIDU June 15, 2018 255/257.5 call vert (1.52) $304.00) $275.00)

148 06/01/18 BOT 2 ISRG June 22, 2018 465 long call 16.67) ($3,334.00) closed long call single
148 06/04/18 SLD 2 ISRG June 22, 2018 465 long call (16.70) $3,340.00) $6.00) closed break-even

147 05/29/18 BOT 4 SPX May 31, 2018 2720/2725/2745 call bwb (0.40) $160.00) bought call broken wing butterfly for credit
147 05/29/18 BOT 1 SPX June 6, 2018 2670/2665 put vetical 1.60) ($160.00) adjustments to protect upside risk
147 05/30/18 BOT 4 SPX May 31, 2018 2725/2740 call vert 5.35) ($2,140.00)
147 05/31/18 SLD 8 SPX May 31, 2018 2725/2735 call vert (0.85) $680.00) closed
147 05/31/18 BOT 4 SPX May 31, 2018 2725/2735 call vert 0.75) ($300.00) ($1,760.00)

146 05/25/18 SLD 4 BABA June 1, 2018 200/197.5 put vert (1.20) $480.00) sold put verticals for credit
146 05/25/18 BOT 2 BABA June 1, 2018 200/197.5 put vert 1.29) ($258.00) closed closed for small loss incrementally when price started to fall
146 05/29/18 BOT 2 BABA June 1, 2018 200/197.5 put vert 1.42) ($284.00) ($62.00)

145 05/22/18 BOT 2 NFLX June 1, 2018 340/350/365 1/3/2 call fly 0.54) ($108.00) Unbalanced broken-wing butterfly
145 05/23/18 BOT 2 NFLX June 1, 2018 350/365 call vert 1.74) ($348.00) closed
145 05/24/18 SLD 2 NFLX June 1, 2018 340/350/365 call fly (1.90) $380.00) ($76.00)

144 05/17/18 BOT 2 GS May 25, 2018 242.5/250/257.5 call butterfly 1.83) ($366.00) closed Straight call butterfly
144 05/17/18 BOT 2 GS May 25, 2018 242.5/250/257.5 call butterfly (1.40) $280.00) ($86.00)

143 05/14/18 SLD 2 SPX May 14, 2018 2745/2750 call vert (1.05) $210.00) Bearish risk reversal in S&P 500
143 05/14/18 BOT 2 SPX May 16, 2018 2725/2720 put vert 1.10) ($220.00)
143 05/15/18 SLD 1 SPX May 16, 2018 2725/2720 put vert (3.50) $350.00) closed
143 05/15/18 SLD 1 SPX May 16, 2018 2725/2720 put vert (3.20) $320.00) $660.00)

142 05/02/18 SLD 4 AMZN May 4, 2018 1527.5/1517.5 put vert (0.32) $128.00) Bullish risk reversal using put verticals and call butterfly
142 05/02/18 BOT 1 AMZN May 4, 2018 1590/1600/1610 call fly 1.35) ($135.00) 4:1 ratio
142 05/02/18 BOT 4 AMZN May 4, 2018 1527.5/1517.5 put vert 0.46) ($184.00) closed
142 05/03/18 SLD 1 AMZN May 4, 2018 1600/1610 call vert (0.47) $47.00) ($144.00)

141 04/30/18 BOT 1 GOOGL May 11, 2018 1000/985/970 put fly 1.27) ($127.00)
141 04/30/18 BOT 1 GOOGL May 11, 2018 1000/985/970 put fly 1.32) ($132.00) closed
141 05/01/18 SLD 1 GOOGL May 11, 2018 1000/985/970 put fly (0.90) $90.00) ($169.00)

140 04/24/18 SLD 6 SPX April 27, 2018 2725/2735 call vert (0.55) $330.00) closed
140 04/26/18 BOT 3 SPX April 27, 2018 2725 call 0.05) ($15.00) $315.00)

139 04/20/18 BOT 2 NFLX April 27, 2018 317.5/315/307.5 put bwb (0.32) $64.00)
139 04/20/18 BOT 1 NFLX April 27, 2018 340/342 call vert 0.92) ($92.00)
139 04/23/18 BOT 2 NFLX April 27, 2018 312.5/307.5 put vert 0.95) ($190.00)
139 04/27/18 SLD 1 NFLX April 27, 2018 317.5/315/312.5 put fly (0.40) $40.00) closed
139 04/27/18 SLD 1 NFLX April 27, 2018 317.5/315/312.5 put fly (0.30) $30.00) ($148.00)

138 04/19/18 SLD 4 GOOGL April 20, 2018 1055/1045 put vert (0.50) $200.00) closed sold put vertical for credit
138 04/20/18 BOT 4 GOOGL April 20, 2018 1055/1045 put vert 0.05) ($20.00) $180.00)

137 04/19/18 BOT 6 TSLA April 27, 2018 307.5/3`0/317.5 call bwb (0.42) $252.00)
137 04/19/18 BOT 2 TSLA April 27, 2018 280/275 put vert 1.37) ($274.00)
137 04/19/18 SLD 6 TSLA April 27, 2018 307.5/310/317.5 call bwb 0.72) ($432.00) closed
137 04/19/18 SLD 2 TSLA April 27, 2018 280/275 put vert 0.80) $160.00) ($294.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
136 04/17/18 SLD 3 AMZN April 20, 2018 1500/1495 put vert (2.47) $741.00) closed sold put vertical for credit
136 04/18/18 BOT 3 AMZN April 20, 2018 1500/1495 put vert 1.96) ($588.00) $153.00) closed for small gain

135 04/17/18 BOT 6 AMZN April 20, 2018 1422.5/1420/1412.5 put bwb (0.41) $246.00) risk reversal using put bwb and call bfly
135 04/17/18 BOT 3 AMZN April 20, 2018 1490/1500/1510 call fly 1.15) ($345.00) closed
135 04/18/18 SLD 3 AMZN April 20, 2018 1490/1500/1510 call fly (0.86) $258.00) $159.00)

134 04/13/18 BOT 2 SPX April 27, 2018 2620/2615 put vert 1.40) ($280.00)
134 04/13/18 BOT 2 SPX April 20, 2018 2735/2740/2755 call bwb (0.30) $60.00)
134 04/20/18 SLD 1 SPX April 27, 2018 2615/2605 put vert (1.45) $145.00) 2/3/1 put fly result
134 04/25/18 BOT 1 SPX April 27, 2018 2610/2605 put vert 1.50) ($150.00)
134 04/25/18 SLD 2 SPX April 27, 2018 2680/2695 call vert (0.85) $170.00) closed bad timing on this call sale, market rallied hard soon after
134 04/26/18 BOT 2 SPX April 27, 2018 2680/2695 call vert 2.50) ($500.00) ($555.00) closed to avoid possible large loss

133 04/11/18 BOT 8 GLD April 27, 2018 130/131 call vert 0.25) ($200.00) closed Longer term call vertical for debit, looking for gold to reach next resistance point
132 04/09/18 BOT 1 TSLA April 20, 2018 290/280 put vert 3.00) ($300.00) Downside risk reversal using verticals 4:2 ratio
132 04/09/18 SLD 4 TSLA April 13, 2018 320/325 call vert (0.60) $240.00)
132 04/20/18 BOT 1 TSLA April 20, 2018 290/280 put vert 3.75) ($375.00)
132 04/16/18 SLD 2 TSLA April 20, 2018 310/315 call vert (0.60) $120.00)
132 04/16/18 SLD 2 TSLA April 20, 2018 310/315 call vert (0.55) $110.00)
132 04/17/18 SLD 1 TSLA April 10, 2018 290/280 put vert (3.85) $385.00)
132 04/17/18 SLD 1 TSLA April 10, 2018 290/280 put vert (3.51) $351.00) closed
132 04/17/18 BOT 4 TSLA April 20, 2018 310/315 call vert 0.29) ($116.00) $415.00)

131 04/05/18 SLD 4 AMZN April 6, 2018 1455/1450 put vert (2.32) $928.00) ITM put sale looking for AMZN to breakout above $1455 resistance
131 04/06/18 BOT 2 AMZN April 6, 2018 1455/1450 put vert 3.25) ($650.00) closed closed when apparent that stock would not rally
131 04/06/18 BOT 2 AMZN April 6, 2018 1455/1450 put vert 3.99) ($798.00) ($520.00)

130 04/05/18 BOT 4 AMZN April 13, 2018 1450/1480 call vert 14.72) ($5,888.00) Opened wide call vertical for large debit against technical breakout level
130 04/05/18 SLD 4 AMZN April 6, 2018 1480/1485 call vert (0.70) $280.00) sold small call vertical against with shorter duration for credit
130 04/06/18 SLD 4 AMZN April 13, 2018 1460/1490 call vert (7.50) $3,000.00) Effectively cut debit in half by turning position into condor
130 04/11/18 BOT 2 AMZN April 13, 2018 1402.5/1400/1390 put bwb (0.90) $180.00) brings in credit to remove upside risk
130 04/11/18 BOT 2 AMZN April 13, 2018 1480/1490 call vert 1.10) ($220.00) removes upside risk
130 04/11/18 BOT 2 AMZN April 13, 2018 1402.5/1400/1387.5 put fly (0.87) $174.00) brings in credit to remove upside risk
130 04/11/18 BOT 2 AMZN April 13, 2018 1480/1490 call vert 1.34) ($268.00) removes upside risk
130 04/12/18 SLD 4 AMZN April 13, 2018 1460/1470 call vert (2.75) $1,100.00) decreased debit further by turning vertical into butterfly
130 04/12/18 BOT 4 AMZN April 13, 2018 1460/1470 call vert 2.90) ($1,160.00) stock showing signs of rallying into expiry - reversed vertical sale
130 04/13/18 SLD 4 AMZN April 13, 2018 1450/1490 call vert (5.80) $2,320.00) closed
130 04/13/18 BOT 4 AMZN April 13, 2018 1397.5/1390 put vert 0.05) ($20.00) ($502.00)

129 04/05/18 BOT 1 AMZN April 6, 2018 1445/1455/1465 call fly 1.25) ($125.00) closed started small and never added to position

128 04/02/18 SLD 4 SPY April 2, 2018 253/250 put vert (0.20) $80.00) closed opened and closed same day
expired $80.00)

127 03/27/18 BOT 2 AMZN March 29, 2018 1590/1600/1610 call fly 1.02) ($204.00) closed

126 03/26/18 BOT 4 FB April 13, 2018 135/130/120 put bwb 0.03) ($12.00) closed long shot for very cheap debit
($12.00) expired worthless

125 03/26/18 BOT 2 SPX March 29, 2018 2550/2530/2510 put bwb 0.75) ($150.00) closed
125 03/27/18 SLD 1 SPX March 29, 2018 2550/2530/2510 put bwb (0.70) $70.00) ($80.00)

124 03/26/18 BOT 8 AMZN March 29, 2018 1597.5/1600/1607.5 call 1/3/2 bwb (0.50) $400.00) bot call unbalanced bwb for credit
124 03/27/18 SLD 4 AMZN March 29, 2018 1597.5/1600/1607.5 call 1/3/2 bwb 2.68) ($1,072.00) closed half at a loss
124 03/27/18 BOT 2 AMZN March 29, 2018 1580/1595 call vert 5.90) ($1,180.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
124 03/27/18 SLD 2 AMZN March 29, 2018 1595/1610 call vert (1.41) $282.00) closed
124 03/27/18 SLD 2 AMZN March 29, 2018 1580/1600 call vert (2.00) $400.00) ($1,170.00)

123 03/23/18 BOT 4 AMZN March 29, 2018 1405/1400/1380 put bwb (0.35) $140.00) closed bot put bwb for credit collection trade
123 03/23/18 SLD 4 AMZN March 29, 2018 1405/1400/1380 put bwb 0.55) ($220.00) ($80.00) reversed trade on stock weakness

122 03/22/18 BOT 1 SPX March 29, 2018 2640/2600/2560 put fly 3.70) ($370.00) closed
122 03/26/18 SLD 1 SPX March 29, 2018 2640/2600/2560 put fly (5.70) $570.00) $200.00)

121 03/22/18 BOT 2 SPY March 29, 2018 266/262/258 put fly 0.46) ($92.00)
121 03/26/18 SLD 1 SPY March 29, 2018 266/262/258 put fly (1.00) $100.00) closed
121 3/27/2018 SLD 1 SPY March 29, 2018 266/262/258 put fly (1.25) $125.00) $133.00)

120 03/16/18 BOT 8 NVDA March 29, 2018 222.5/220/210 1/3/2 put bwb (0.55) $440.00)
120 03/16/18 BOT 1 NVDA March 29, 2018 250/270/290 call fly 4.94) ($494.00)
120 03/19/18 SLD 1 NVDA March 29, 2018 250/290 call vertical (3.90) $390.00)
120 03/19/18 BOT 8 NVDA March 29, 2018 220/210 put vertical 0.99) ($792.00) now a bwb out fly 222.5/220/210
120 03/20/18 BOT 1 NVDA March 29, 2018 250/290 call vert 7.41) ($741.00)
120 03/22/18 SLD 1 NVDA March 29, 2018 250 call (4.05) $405.00)
120 03/23/18 BOT 8 NVDA March 29, 2018 217.5/210/202.5 put fly 0.34) ($272.00) closed leaves bfly at 222.50/220/217.50 and short 210/202.50 vertical
120 03/27/18 BOT 8 NVDA March 29, 2018 210/202.5 put vert 0.95) ($760.00) ($1,824.00) whipsawed back and forth on extreme volatility

119 03/16/18 BOT 8 SPX March 23, 2018 2660/2650/2635 put bwb 0.00) $0.00)
119 03/19/18 BOT 8 SPX March 23, 2018 2640/2635 put vert 0.55) ($440.00) now straight 10 wide fly
119 03/23/18 SLD 4 SPX March 23, 2018 2660/2650/2640 put fly (1.45) $580.00)
119 03/23/18 SLD 2 SPX March 23, 2018 2660/2650/2640 put fly (1.70) $340.00)
119 03/23/18 SLD 1 SPX March 23, 2018 2660/2650/2640 put fly (1.80) $180.00) closed
119 03/23/18 SLD 1 SPX March 23, 2018 2660/2650/2640 put fly (1.95) $195.00) $855.00)

118 03/15/18 BOT 8 WMT March 23, 2018 89/91 call vertical 0.38) ($304.00)
118 03/16/18 SLD 2 WMT March 23, 2018 89/91 call vertical (0.80) $160.00) closed
118 03/19/18 SLD 6 WMT March 23, 2018 89/91 call vertical (0.43) $258.00) $114.00)

117 03/14/18 BOT 1 AMZN March 16, 2018 1590/1600/1610 call fly 1.25) ($125.00) closed
116 03/09/18 BOT 6 AMZN March 16, 2018 1532.5/1530/1520 put bwb (0.75) $450.00) risk reversal with put bwb for large credit/wide call butterfly
116 03/09/18 BOT 1 AMZN March 16, 2018 1575/1600/1625 call fly 5.22) ($522.00)
116 03/13/18 SLD 1 AMZN March 16, 2018 1575/1600/1625 (5.80) $580.00) closed
116 03/13/18 BOT 6 AMZN March 16, 2018 1527.5/1520 put vertical 0.42) ($252.00) $256.00) takes put risk to zero by turning into straight butterfly

115 03/09/18 SLD 2 AAPL March 16, 2018 182.5/180 put vertical (1.60) $320.00) closed
115 03/13/18 BOT 2 AAPL March 16, 2018 182.5/180 put vertical 1.02) ($204.00) $116.00)

114 03/07/18 BOT 2 ISRG March 16, 2018 430/450 call vertical 6.85) ($1,370.00) directional play in IBD 50 monster
114 03/08/18 BOT 6 ISRG March 16, 2018 407.5/405/397.5 put 1/3/2 bwb (0.40) $240.00) bot unbalanced broken-wing put bfly for credit [6:1 ratio] to decrease cost
114 03/13/18 SLD 1 ISRG March 16, 2018 430/450 call vertical (11.75) $1,175.00) sold one of two
114 03/13/18 SLD 1 ISRG March 16, 2018 430/450 call vertical (9.00) $900.00) sold other spread on market weakness
114 03/14/18 SLD 2 ISRG March 16, 2018 450/447.5 put vertical (1.80) $360.00) closed
114 03/16/18 EXP 2 ISRG March 16, 2018 450/447.50 put vertical 2.50) ($500.00) $805.00)
113 03/07/18 BOT 4 NVDA March 16, 2018 242.5/250/257.5 call fly 1.44) ($576.00)
113 03/07/18 SLD 3 NVDA March 16, 2018 242.5/250/257.5 call fly (1.28) $384.00)
113 03/09/18 BOT 1 NVDA March 16, 2018 242.5/250/257.5 call fly 1.70) ($170.00) closed
113 03/12/18 SLD 2 NVDA March 16, 2018 242.5/250/257.5 (1.91) $382.00) $20.00) rallied too quickly to target, closed at just over b/e

112 03/05/18 SLD 2 BKNG March 16, 2018 2050/2070/250/2030 call/put condor (17.85) $3,570.00) neutral play after earnings looking for IV collapse
112 03/06/18 BOT 1 BKNG March 16, 2018 2050/2070/2050/2030 call/put condor 18.60) ($1,860.00) closed
112 03/07/18 BOT 1 BKNG March 16, 2018 2050/2070/2050/2030 call/put condor 19.03) ($1,903.00) ($193.00) stock started rallying hard, so closed at less than max loss

111 03/01/18 BOT 2 AMZN March 9, 2018 1460/1450/1445/1440 unbal call 0.60) ($120.00) closed
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
($120.00) expired worthless
110 03/01/18 BOT 8 SPY March 16, 2018 269/267 put vert 0.58) ($464.00)
110 03/01/18 SLD 8 SPY March 2, 2018 275/276 call vert (0.10) $80.00) shorter term credit against longer term debit
110 03/05/18 BOT 4 SPY March 16, 2018 274.5/275/278 call bwb (0.11) $44.00)
110 03/05/18 BOT 4 SPY March 9, 2018 276/278 call vert 0.31) ($124.00)
110 03/06/18 SLD 8 SPY March 16, 2018 267/265 put vertical (0.33) $264.00) closed long vert now butterfly
110 03/09/18 BOT 4 SPY March 9, 2018 275.5/276 call vert 0.32) ($128.00) ($328.00)

109 02/27/18 BOT 6 AMZN March 2, 2018 1572.5/1575/1585 1/3/2 call fly (0.59) $354.00) Bearish risk reversal call unbal bwb/put bfly
109 02/27/18 BOT 4 AMZN March 2, 2018 1510/1500/1490 put fly 0.97) ($388.00)
109 02/28/18 SLD 6 AMZN March 2, 2018 1572.5/1575/1585 1/3/2 call fly 0.52) ($312.00) closed
109 02/28/18 SLD 4 AMZN March 2, 2018 1510/1500/1490 put fly (0.75) $300.00) ($46.00) reversed for tiny loss as stock didn't drop

108 02/22/18 SLD 1 AMZN February 23, 2018 1500/1510/1500/1490 call/put iron bfly (8.40) $840.00) closed
108 02/23/18 BOT 1 AMZN February 23, 2018 1500/1510/1500/1490 call/put iron bfly 7.92) ($792.00) $48.00) stock looked weak early on so closed it for small gain

107 02/20/18 SLD 4 GRUB February 23, 2018 100/99 put vertical (0.70) $280.00) closed itm put vertical - risk $400
107 02/23/18 BOT 4 GRUB February 23, 2018 100/99 put vertical 1.02) ($408.00) ($128.00) failed to rally to target

106 02/20/18 BOT 2 AMZN February 23, 2018 1490/1500/1510 call fly 0.70) ($140.00) directional butterly for end of week target
106 02/22/18 SLD 1 AMZN February 23, 2018 1500/1510 call vert (1.43) $143.00) sold call vertical inside of spread to turn into partial unbalanced and cut cost
106 02/23/18 SLD 1 AMZN February 23, 2018 1490/1500/1510 1/3/2 call fly (2.15) $215.00) closed
106 02/23/18 SLD 1 AMZN February 23, 2018 1490/1500/1510 call fly (2.85) $285.00) $503.00)

105 02/08/18 BOT 3 SPX February 16, 2018 2625/2600/2575 put fly 1.40) ($420.00) bot wide put butterfly as bearish bias trade
105 02/08/18 BOT 8 SPX February 16, 2018 2760/2765/2780 call bwb (0.45) $360.00) bot 8 call bwb's at credit to finance put butterfly
105 02/13/18 SLD 1 SPX February 16, 2018 2625/2600/2575 put fly (1.75) $175.00) sold one put butterfly -- leaves two remaining
105 02/13/18 BOT 8 SPX February 16, 2018 2770/2780 call vert 0.15) ($120.00) turns call bwb into straight 2760/2765/2770 call fly to eliminate call risk
105 02/14/18 SLD 1 SPX February 16, 2018 2625/2600/2575 put fly (1.20) $120.00) closed sold second put butterfly, leaving one remaining
105 02/16/18 SLD 8 SPX February 16, 2018 2760/2765/2770 call fly (0.20) $160.00) $275.00) sold call butterfly on GTC limit order/remaining put bfly expires worthless

104 02/05/18 BOT 8 AMZN February 9, 2018 1490/1500/1512.5 call bwb 0.15) ($120.00)
104 02/06/18 SLD 4 AMZN February 9, 2018 1500/1512.5 call vert (0.63) $252.00) closed
104 02/06/18 SLD 4 AMZN February 9, 2018 1500/1512.5 call vert (0.50) $200.00) $332.00) leaves 1/3/2 unbal bwb which expired worthless for gain

103 02/02/18 BOT 300 COG stock Cabot Oil & Gas stock 25.32) ($7,596.00) long stock
103 02/02/18 BOT 3 COG February 9, 2018 25 strike protective put 0.30) ($90.00) long naked put as protection
103 02/09/18 SLD 300 COG stock Cabot Oil & Gas sotck (23.48) $7,042.56) closed
103 02/09/18 SLD 3 COG February 9, 2018 25 strike protective put (1.50) $450.00) ($193.44) gain on put greatly decreases loss on stock

102 02/02/18 BOT 1 AMZN February 2, 2018 1487/1500/1512.5 1/3/2 call fly (0.10) $10.00) closed
101 01/26/18 BOT 4 AMZN January 26, 2018 1/3/2 call fly1390/1400/1410 0.85) ($340.00) Neutral day of expiry play for $1400 pin at close
101 01/26/18 SLD 2 AMZN January 26, 2018 1/3/2 call fly1390/1400/1410 (1.85) $370.00)
101 01/26/18 SLD 1 AMZN January 26, 2018 1/3/2 call fly1390/1400/1410 (2.15) $215.00) closed
101 01/26/18 SLD 1 AMZN January 26, 2018 1/3/2 call fly1390/1400/1410 (5.30) $530.00) $775.00) closed last unit at over 6x cost :)

100 01/23/18 BOT 1 BABA February 2, 2018 192.5/200 call vert 2.82) ($282.00) garden variety risk reversal with verticals
100 01/23/18 SLD 2 BABA January 26, 2018 192.5/190 put vert (1.25) $250.00) put vertical is aggressive here and close to the money
100 01/24/18 BOT 2 BABA January 26, 2018 192.5/190 put vert 0.84) ($168.00) closed closed put vertical on weakness
100 01/26/18 SLD 1 BABA February 2, 2018 192.5/200 call vert (4.80) $480.00) $280.00) sold call vertical at target

99 01/23/18 BOT 2 AMZN February 2, 2018 1390/1400/1410 call fly 0.39) ($78.00)
99 02/02/18 SLD 2 AMZN February 2, 2018 1390/1400/1410 call fly 0.00) $0.00) closed closed to avoid exercise costs
98 01/22/18 SLD 6 NTES January 26, 2018 312.5/307.5 put vert (0.40) $240.00) Call/Put vertical risk reversal 6:1 ratio
98 01/22/18 BOT 1 NTES January 26, 2018 330/335 call vert 2.15) ($215.00)
96 01/23/18 SLD 1 NTES January 26, 2018 330/335 call vert (2.37) $237.00) closed
96 01/24/18 BOT 6 NTES January 26, 2018 312.5/307.5 put vert 0.33) ($198.00) $64.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

97 01/18/18 BOT 4 AMZN January 26, 2018 1252.5/1250/1240 put bwb (0.80) $320.00) Bullish bwb bot for solid credit
97 01/18/18 BOT 2 AMZN January 26, 2018 1252.5/1250/1240 put bwb (0.60) $120.00)
97 01/19/18 SLD 2 AMZN January 26, 2018 1252.5/1250/1240 put bwb 0.55) ($110.00) closed
97 01/19/18 SLD 4 AMZN January 26, 2018 1252.5/1250/1240 put bwb 0.64) ($256.00) $74.00) Closed out early for tiny gain as not liking price action

96 01/18/18 BOT 2 AMZN January 19, 2018 1295/1300/1305 call fly 0.39) ($78.00) bot 2 small, low-risk butterflies in anticipation of 1300 strike pin
96 01/18/18 SLD 4 AMZN January 19, 2018 1280/1275 put vert (0.40) $160.00) sld put verticals underneath near-term support to pay for butterflies
96 01/19/18 SLD 1 AMZN January 19, 2018 1295/1300/1305 call fly (0.80) $80.00) sld one butterfly to full cover cost of long trade
96 01/19/18 BOT 4 AMZN January 19, 2018 1280/1275 put vert 0.10) ($40.00) closed Took advantage of gap up to close quickly for 75% of credit/decrease risk
96 01/19/18 SLD 1 AMZN January 19, 2018 1295/1300/1305 call fly (1.25) $125.00) $247.00) 1295 turned out to be the pin instead of 1300

95 01/01/18 SLD 4 GS January 19, 2018 255/260/255/250 iron fly (4.00) $1,600.00) closed Neutral Iron Butterfly
95 01/01/18 BOT 4 GS January 19, 2018 255/260/255/250 iron fly 4.00) ($1,600.00) $0.00) scratched trade for b/e upn realizing that earnings were coming into play

94 01/08/18 BOT 2 ISRG January 12, 2018 390/405/425 call bwb 3.10) ($620.00) risk reversal using call bwb and put vertical 3:1 ratio
94 01/08/18 SLD 6 ISRG January 12, 2018 360/350 put vert (0.62) $372.00)
94 01/10/18 SLD 1 ISRG January 12, 2018 390/405/425 call bwb (2.03) $203.00) closed
94 01/10/18 SLD 1 ISRG January 12, 2018 390/405/425 call bwb (0.01) $1.00) ($44.00) stock doesn't rally as expected and trade is scratched for tiny loss

93 12/29/17 BOT 2 UVXY January 12, 2018 10 / 12 call vert 0.35) ($70.00) Bet that volatility will increase in January
93 12/29/17 SLD 4 UVXY January 5, 2018 9.5 / 9 put vert (0.16) $64.00) sold put vertical to pay for call vertical
93 01/04/18 SLD 4 UVXY January 12, 2018 9.5 / 9 put vert roll 0.05) ($20.00) closed vertical roll for more time
93 01/06/18 assign 4 UVXY January 5, 2018 assignment for full ITM 9.5/9 put vert 0.50) ($200.00) ($226.00) Vertical expired fully ITM

92 12/29/17 BOT 4 QQQ January 19, 2018 155 / 150 / 145 put fly 0.61) ($244.00) closed bearish butterfly trade on Nasdaq 100
($244.00) expired worthless

91 12/28/17 BOT 4 QQQ January 26, 2018 155 / 150 / 145 put fly 0.55) ($220.00) close Big Short bearish trade with defined risk
($220.00) all strikes went out worthless

90 12/28/17 BOT 1 SPX January 31, 2018 31 Jan 2670 / 2560 / 2450 put fly 9.95) ($995.00) large bearish trade on Big Short analysis
90 12/28/17 BOT 2 SPX January 31, 2018 31 Jan 1/3/2 2745 / 2750 / 2770 call fly (1.75) $350.00) credit to decreasse price of put side
90 12/28/17 BOT 1 SPX January 31, 2018 31 Jan 2670 / 2560 / 2450 put fly 9.40) ($940.00) second put side wide butterfly to complete bearish side of trade
90 01/04/18 BOT 4 SPX January 31, 2018 2750/2770 call vert 4.95) ($1,980.00) takes off risk to call side
90 01/05/18 SLD 2 SPX January 5, 2018 2735/2740 call vert (0.95) $190.00)
90 01/05/18 BOT 2 SPX January 5, 2018 2735/2740 call vert 0.70) ($140.00)
90 01/05/18 SLD 2 SPX January 10, 2018 2750/2755 call vert (0.60) $120.00)
90 01/10/18 SLD 2 SPX January 12, 2018 Vert Roll Jan 12/10 2750/2755 call (1.50) $300.00)
90 01/12/18 SLD 2 SPX January 31, 2018 Vert Roll Jan 31/12 2750/2755 call 1.35) ($270.00) vert now no risk bfly
90 01/16/18 SLD 2 SPX January 31, 2018 31 Jan 2745/2750 call vert (3.70) $740.00) close
90 02/01/18 exercise SPX February 1, 2018 exercise cash settlement 1000.00) ($1,000.00) ($3,625.00) so much for the "big short" - ugh!

89 12/21/17 SLD 2 AAPL December 22, 2017 177.5/175 put vert (1.55) $310.00) closed
89 12/21/17 BOT 2 AAPL December 22, 2017 177.5/175 put vert 1.76) ($352.00) ($42.00) scratched trade quickly for small loss, not acting right

88 12/15/17 BOT 4 NTES December 29, 2017 315/312.5/300 put bwb (0.60) $240.00) buying unbalanced put bwb for healthy credit to negate debit of calls
88 12/15/17 BOT 1 NTES December 22, 2017 360/375/390 call fly 2.55) ($255.00) Use straight call fly, not bwb when you expect a strong move
88 12/21/17 SLD 1 NTES December 22, 2017 360/375/390 call fly (6.00) $600.00) closed sold call at high of move for huge gain
88 12/22/17 BOT 8 NTES December 29, 2017 312.5/300 put vert 0.05) ($40.00) $545.00) closed off all downside risk for minimal cost

87 12/14/17 BOT 4 TSLA December 22, 2017 357.5/362/375 call bwb (0.03) $12.00) closed directional bwb on TSLA with resistance and mid strike right at $363
86 12/11/17 BOT 6 NTES December 15, 2017 365/375/395 call bwb 0.15) ($90.00) directional bwb at low cost
86 12/13/17 SLD 1 NTES December 15, 2017 365/375/395 call bwb (0.90) $90.00) closed sale of one contract to bring cost down to zero
86 12/13/17 SLD 4 NTES December 15, 2017 365/375/395 call bwb (0.65) $260.00) $260.00) selling four at $0.50 gain

85 12/11/17 BOT 8 SPX December 26, 2017 2725/2735/2755 call bwb 0.00) $0.00) closed directional BWB with mid strike at channel resistance
85 12/13/17 SLD 8 SPX December 26, 2017 2735/2755 call vert (0.40) $320.00) $320.00) turns bwb into unbal bwb
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

84 12/05/17 BOT 6 AMZN December 15, 2017 1060/1050/1035 put bwb 0.00) $0.00) directional bwb bet on further weakness to downside for even money
84 12/08/17 SLD 6 AMZN December 15, 2017 1050/1020 put vert (0.20) $120.00) closed additional sale of put vertical to turn b/e trade into winner
84 12/13/17 BOT 6 AMZN December 15, 2017 1050/1035 put vert (0.04) $24.00) $144.00) buy to close a vert for a credit !!! - it's Christmas !!

83 11/28/17 SLD 3 NFLX December 1, 2017 200/197.5 put vert (1.39) $417.00) closed
83 12/01/17 BOT 3 NFLX December 1, 2017 200/197.5 put vert 2.51) ($753.00) ($336.00) shares reversed quickly in rotation out of tech on 11/29/17

82 12/04/17 BOT 4 AMZN December 8, 2017 1200/1215/1230 unbal call fly 0.02) ($8.00) closed went out worthless, loss of tiny debit
81 11/22/17 BOT 1000 ABX stock ABX shares 14.19) ($14,189.00) calls not viable so bought stock instead
81 11/22/17 BOT 10 ABX December 1, 2017 1 Dec 14 puts 0.12) ($120.00) gives protection below $14 for next week to see if stock breaks out
81 12/01/17 SLD 500 ABX stock ABX shares (14.19) $7,095.00)
81 12/01/17 SLD 500 ABX stock ABX shares (14.20) $7,100.00) closed
81 11/30/17 div 1000 ABX dividend div ex-date 11/29 (0.03) $30.00) ($84.00) div pending payout on 12.15.17

80 11/28/17 SLD 3 AMZN December 8, 2017 1200/1210/1200/1190 iron fly (8.83) $2,649.00) closed Iron Butterfly wrapped around the key $1200 strike which should hold
80 11/28/17 BOT 3 AMZN December 8, 2017 1200/1210/1200/1190 iron fly 9.20) ($2,760.00) ($111.00)

79 11/21/17 SLD 2 AMZN November 24, 2017 1140/137.5 put vert (1.25) $250.00) closed multiple touches at 1139 this week, short term play for over 1140 by expiry
79 11/22/17 BOT 2 AMZN November 24, 2017 1140/1137.5 put vert 0.25) ($50.00) $200.00) closed on GTC limit order at target

78 11/20/17 BOT 2 TSLA December 1, 2017 300/292.5 put vert 2.28) ($456.00) Bearish risk reversal using call BWB as credit side 3:1 ratio
78 11/20/17 BOT 6 TSLA December 1, 2017 327.5/330/340 call bwb (0.40) $240.00)
78 11/21/17 BOT 3 TSLA December 1, 2017 335/340 call vert 0.54) ($162.00)
78 11/22/17 BOT 3 TSLA December 1, 2017 332.5/340 call vert 0.44) ($132.00) closed
78 11/22/17 SLD 2 TSLA December 1, 2017 292.5/285 put vert (0.45) $90.00) ($420.00)

77 11/15/17 BOT 2 BA November 24, 2017 265/267.5 call vert 0.90) ($180.00) Bullish risk reversal 3:1 ratio for tiny debit
77 11/15/17 SLD 6 BA November 24, 2017 255/250 put vert (0.29) $174.00)
77 11/22/17 SLD 1 BA November 24, 2017 265/267.5 call vert (0.81) $81.00)
77 11/22/17 SLD 1 BA November 24, 2017 265/267.5 call vert (0.71) $71.00) closed closed both verticals for small gain as BA showed relative weakness
77 11/22/17 BOT 6 BA November 24, 2017 255 put 0.02) ($12.00) $134.00) downside risk removed

76 11/14/17 SLD 4 NFLX November 24, 2017 195/200/195/190 iron butterfly (3.63) $1,452.00) Iron butterfly wrapping around the 195 strike
76 11/17/17 BOT 2 NFLX November 24, 2017 195/200/195/190 iron butterfly 3.10) ($620.00) closed
76 11/17/17 BOT 2 NFLX November 24, 2017 195/200/195/190 iron butterfly 3.15) ($630.00) $202.00) closed within 3 days at first profit target

75 11/14/17 BOT 6 GOOGL November 17, 2017 1020/1015/1005 put bwb 0.00) $0.00) closed Opened directional put bwb at even money
75 11/15/17 SLD 6 GOOGL November 17, 2017 1015/1005 put vert (0.41) $246.00) $246.00) When stock rallied instead, inserted put vertical for credit
which turned put spread into long unbalanced broken wing fly.
All strikes expired worthless and profit was credit received.
74 11/13/17 BOT 2 PCLN November 24, 2017 1745/1750 1 by 2 back spread 6.00) ($1,200.00) opened back spread for directional move higher
74 11/16/17 SLD 1 PCLN November 24, 2017 1745/1750 1 by 2 back spread (4.56) $456.00) cut trade in half to decrease risk
74 11/17/17 SLD 1 PCLN November 24, 2017 1770 call (4.00) $400.00) closed turns back spread to bwb
74 11/22/17 BOT 1 PCLN November 24, 2017 1745/1750/1770 call bwb (12.00) $1,200.00) $856.00) closed calls into strength near high of day

73 11/13/17 SLD 2 AMZN November 17, 2017 1135/1132.5 put vert (1.15) $230.00) closed ITM put vertical sale
73 11/13/17 BOT 2 AMZN November 17, 2017 1135/1132.5 put vert 0.75) ($150.00) $80.00) AMZN traded weaker than expected, closed for small profit

72 11/07/17 BOT 4 TSLA November 17, 2017 310/320/350 call bwb 0.70) ($280.00) Directional call broken wing butterfly
72 11/09/17 SLD 2 TSLA November 17, 2017 310/320/350 call bwb (0.65) $130.00) cut trade in half to decrease risk
72 11/13/17 SLD 4 TSLA November 17, 2017 292.5/287.5 put vert (0.33) $132.00) Added put side to trade for credit
72 11/16/17 SLD 1 TSLA November 17, 2017 310/320/350 call bwb (3.50) $350.00)
72 11/16/17 SLD 1 TSLA November 17, 2017 310/320/350 call bwb (3.16) $316.00) closed sold call bwb's at good profit
72 11/16/17 BOT 4 TSLA November 17, 2017 292.5/287.5 put vert 0.04) ($16.00) $632.00) closed off put risk

71 11/07/17 SLD 4 EXPE November 17, 2017 120/124/120/116 iron fly (2.81) $1,124.00) Neutral Iron Butterfly
71 11/08/17 BOT 2 EXPE November 17, 2017 120/124/120/116 iron fly 2.93) ($586.00) closed
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
71 11/09/17 BOT 2 EXPE November 17, 2017 120/124/120/116 iron fly 3.10) ($620.00) ($82.00) volatility increased and stock fell out of range

70 11/06/17 SLD 4 AMZN November 10, 2017 1122.5/1120 put vert (1.34) $536.00) closed ITM put vertical sale for credit
70 11/07/17 BOT 4 AMZN November 10, 2017 1122.5/1120 put vert 1.26) ($504.00) $32.00) stock failed to rally, scratched trade quickly

69 11/03/17 BOT 4 TSLA November 3, 2017 295/292.5/290 put fly 0.22) ($88.00) closed Binary bet that TSLA would move towards the low of Thursday
($88.00) Went out worthless for small loss

68 11/02/17 BOT 4 QQQ November 17, 2017 150/148/146 put fly 0.20) ($80.00) closed Bearish risk reversal in QQQ
68 11/02/17 BOT 8 QQQ November 17, 2017 157/158/163 call bwb (0.08) $64.00) ($16.00)

67 11/02/17 BOT 8 TSLA November 10, 2017 335/340/350 call bwb 0.00) $0.00) closed Bullish broken wing butterfly for zero debit (long shot)
$0.00) expired worthless

66 10/30/17 BOT 6 GOOGL November 3, 2017 1007.5/1005/997.5 put fly (0.38) $228.00) closed Broken wing butterfly to collect credit

65 10/27/17 BOT 8 AMZN November 3, 2017 1030/1025/1015 put bwb (0.07) $56.00) closed Broken wing butterfly looking for price to expand on weakness
$56.00) Spread did not expand, thus just keeping small credit

64 10/25/17 BOT 1 CMG November 3, 2017 275/265 put vert 3.78) ($378.00) Directional risk reversal
64 10/25/17 SLD 4 CMG November 3, 2017 290/295 call vert (0.75) $300.00) sell call credits to finance put vertical
64 10/26/17 BOT 4 CMG November 3, 2017 290/295 call vert 0.98) ($392.00) closed bought back call verticals at small loss on rallly
64 10/25/17 SLD 1 CMG November 3, 2017 275/265 put vert (5.22) $522.00) $52.00) sold put vertical into weakness before rebound

63 10/24/17 SLD 2 NVDA October 27, 2017 200/197.5 put vert (1.24) $248.00) closed sale of ITM put vertical
63 10/27/17 BOT 1 NVDA October 27, 2017 200/197.5 put vert 0.54) ($54.00) $146.00)
63 10/27/17 BOT 1 NVDA October 27, 2017 200/197.5 put vert 0.48) ($48.00)

62 10/18/17 BOT 1 PCLN October 27, 2017 1960/1990/2020 call fly 5.30) ($530.00) Wide call butterfly for upside potential
62 10/18/17 BOT 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1910/1907.5/1902.5 put fly 1/3/2 (1.10) $220.00) unbalanced broken wing butterfly for credit
62 10/20/17 SLD 1 PCLN October 27, 2017 1960/1967.5 cal vert (2.09) $209.00) sell call vertical to finance put buys, moves profit area higher
62 10/20/17 BOT 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1907.5/1902.5 put vert 1.05) ($210.00) buy in two short verticals to decrease downside risk majorly
62 10/25/17 BOT 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1905/1902.5 put vert 0.77) ($154.00)
62 10/25/17 SLD 1 PCLN October 27, 2017 1967.2020 call vert (1.39) $139.00)
62 10/26/17 BOT 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1915/1910/1895 put bwb unbal 1/3/2 (1.00) $200.00) adjustment for added credit but forgot about EXPE earnings
62 10/26/17 SLD 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1915/1910/1895 put bwb unbal 1/3/2 1.70) ($340.00) reverse line above due to EXPE reporting
62 10/27/17 BOT 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1907.5/1905 put vert 2.51) ($502.00) closed
62 10/27/17 SLD 2 PCLN October 27, 2017 1910/1907.5 put vert (2.50) $500.00) ($468.00)

61 10/18/17 SLD 2 AMZN October 20, 2017 1000/1005/1000/995 call/put iron fly (4.08) $816.00) Iron butterfly bet that AMZN closes the week close to $1,000
61 10/20/17 BOT 1 AMZN October 20, 2017 1000/1005/1000/995 call/put iron fly 4.19) ($419.00) closed
61 10/20/17 BOT 1 AMZN October 20, 2017 1000/1005/1000/995 call/put iron fly 4.35) ($435.00) ($38.00) Good management on early AMZN strength which then failed

60 10/16/17 BOT 2 AAPL October 27, 2017 160/162.5 call vert 1.03) ($206.00) Opened tight risk reversal with small debit spread
60 10/16/17 SLD 4 AAPL October 20, 2017 157.5/155 put vert (0.25) $100.00) selling put credit at 2:1 ratio to start
60 10/18/17 SLD 6 AAPL October 27, 2017 155/152.5 put vert (0.15) $90.00)
60 10/20/17 BOT 4 AAPL October 20, 2017 157.5/155 put vert 0.33) ($132.00)
60 10/20/17 BOT 6 AAPL October 27, 2017 155/152.5 put vert 0.50) ($300.00) closed off put risk
60 10/23/17 BOT 2 AAPL October 27, 2017 157.5/160/162.5 call fly 1/3/2 0.35) ($70.00) leaves 2 X 157.5/160/162.5 call butterfly
60 10/26/17 SLD 1 AAPL October 27, 2017 157.5/160/162.5 call fly (0.40) $40.00) closed
60 10/27/17 SLD 1 AAPL October 27, 2017 157.5/160/162.5 call fly (1.51) $151.00) ($327.00)

59 10/11/17 SLD 6 EA October 20, 2017 118/122/118/114 call/put iron fly (2.50) $1,500.00) Opened Iron Butterfly with plan that EA will trade close to 118 into next week
59 10/16/17 BOT 3 EA October 20, 2017 118/122/118/114 call/put iron fly 2.00) ($600.00) closed closed half at .50 gain target
59 10/16/17 BOT 3 EA October 20, 2017 118/122/118/114 call/put iron fly 1.94) ($582.00) $318.00) closed second half at better than target

58 10/09/17 BOT 4 TSLA October 13, 2017 337.5/335/330 put fly 1/3/2 (0.50) $200.00) closed
58 10/10/17 SLD 2 TSLA October 13, 2017 337.5/335/330 put fly 1/3/2 0.55) ($110.00) $90.00) closed half to decrease risk, second half expired worthless
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

57 10/09/17 BOT 2 FB October 27, 2017 172.5/185/200 unbal call fly 1/3/2 2.70) ($540.00) Initiated risk reversal with long unbalanced call butterfly
57 10/09/17 SLD 8 FB October 13, 2017 167/162.5 put vert (0.21) $168.00) sell put credit in 4:1 ratio
57 10/11/17 SLD 4 FB October 20, 2017 167.5/165 put vert (0.30) $120.00) sell put credit in 2:1 ratio
57 10/12/17 BOT 8 FB October 27, 2017 167.5/162.5 put vert 0.02) ($16.00)
57 10/12/17 SLD 1 FB October 27, 2017 172.5/182.5 call vert (2.83) $283.00) selling one call which brings debit to zero
57 10/17/17 SLD 6 FB October 27, 2017 162.5/152.5 put vert (0.11) $66.00)
57 10/17/17 BOT 3 FB October 27, 2017 185 short call 0.20) ($60.00) moving risk from up to down with no extra cost
57 10/19/17 BOT 1 FB October 12, 2017 182.5/185 call back spread 0.05) ($5.00) makes the long call at 172.50 easier to manage
57 10/20/17 SLD 1 FB October 27, 2017 172.5 call (3.50) $350.00) closed
57 10/20/17 BOT 6 FB October 27, 2017 162.5/152.5 put vert 0.08) ($48.00) $318.00)

56 10/05/17 BOT 2 NFLX October 13, 2017 195/200/205 call fly 0.75) ($150.00) risk reversal using straight butterfly/short vertical
56 10/05/17 SLD 4 NFLX October 13, 2017 180/175 put vert (0.30) $120.00)
56 10/12/17 SLD 1 NFLX October 13, 2017 195/200/205 call fly (1.50) $150.00) closed
56 10/12/17 SLD 1 NFLX October 13, 2017 195/200/205 call fly (1.15) $115.00) $235.00) closed too early in hindsight but stock was acting wonky

55 10/05/17 BOT 2 AAPL October 13, 2017 155/157.5 call vert 1.03) ($206.00) risk reversal with verticals in 4:1 ratio
55 10/05/17 SLD 8 AAPL October 13, 2017 150/145 put vert (0.21) $168.00)
55 10/12/17 SLD 1 AAPL October 13, 2017 155/157.5 call vert (1.53) $153.00) closed
55 10/12/17 SLD 1 AAPL October 13, 2017 155/157.5 call vert (1.70) $170.00) $285.00)

54 10/03/17 BOT 2 AAPL October 27, 2017 155/160 call vert 1.82) ($364.00)
54 10/03/17 SLD 8 AAPL October 6, 2017 150/145 put vert (0.12) $96.00) closed
54 10/04/17 SLD 2 AAPL October 27, 2017 155/160 call vert (1.42) $284.00) $16.00) did not like price action, closed early

53 10/02/17 BOT 2 CMG October 13, 2017 295/292.5 put vert 0.89) ($178.00) long bearish vertical with longer expiry
53 10/02/17 BOT 4 CMG October 6, 2017 312.5/315/320 unbal call fly 1/3/2 (0.40) $160.00) upside risk with shorter expiry
53 10/05/17 SLD 2 CMG October 6, 2017 312.5/315/320 unbal call fly 1/3/2 0.20) ($40.00) closed
53 10/05/17 BOT 2 CMG October 6, 2017 315/320 call vert 0.52) ($104.00) ($162.00) this leaves 2 long bwb 312.5/315/320

52 09/29/17 SLD 2 FB October 6, 2017 172.50/170 put vertical (1.10) $220.00) itm put vertical for a credit
52 10/06/17 roll 2 FB October 13, 2017 172.5/170 put vertical 0.00) $0.00) closed roll for 1 more week
52 10/12/17 BOT 2 FB October 13, 2017 172.5/170 put vertical 0.40) ($80.00) $140.00)

51 09/28/17 BOT 2 FB October 6, 2017 170/175/180 unbal call fly 1/3/2 0.77) ($154.00) open bullish call position for net tiny debit
51 09/28/17 SLD 4 FB October 6, 2017 162.5 / 155 put vert (0.37) $148.00)
51 09/29/17 BOT 2 FB October 6, 2017 175/180 call vert 0.28) ($56.00) turns unbalanced butterflies into straight butterflies
51 09/29/17 SLD 4 FB October 6, 2017 162.5/155 put vert (0.15) $60.00) credit to pay for adjustment
51 10/05/17 SLD 1 FB October 6, 2017 170/175/180 call fly (0.45) $45.00) closed
51 10/05/17 SLD 1 FB October 6, 2017 170/175/180 call fly (1.00) $100.00) $143.00)

50 09/26/17 BOT 1 IWM October 13, 2017 146/140/134 put fly 1.34) ($134.00) closed bearish play on Russell at upper end of trend channel
50 09/27/17 BOT 1 IWM October 13, 2017 146/140/134 put fly 1.20) ($120.00) ($254.00)

49 09/22/17 SLD 6 AAPL September 29, 2017 142/130 put vertical (0.10) $60.00) selling 3 units put verticals to buy 1 unit call broken wing bflys
49 09/22/17 BOT 2 AAPL September 29, 2017 155/160/177.5 call bwb 0.36) ($72.00) note how this is done for small credit
49 09/27/17 SLD 1 AAPL September 29, 2017 155/160/177.5 call fly (0.70) $70.00) closed
49 09/27/17 SLD 1 AAPL September 29, 2017 155/160/177.5 call fly (0.50) $50.00) $108.00) sell call butterflies for small gain

48 09/20/17 BOT 3 CMG September 29, 2017 297.5/295/285 put fly (0.42) $126.00) start with put bwb for a credit
48 09/20/17 BOT 1 CMG September 29, 2017 310/312.5 call vert 1.20) ($120.00) use proceeds of put credits to buy call vertical
48 09/25/17 SLD 1 CMG September 29, 2017 310/312.5 call vert (2.00) $200.00) closed sell call vertical for 80% of maximum value
48 09/26/17 BOT 3 CMG September 29, 2017 292.5/285 put vert 0.03) ($9.00) $197.00) leaves 292.5/295/297.5 put fly for free

47 09/13/17 BOT 2 AMZN September 29, 2017 1000/1010 call vert 3.29) ($658.00) long portion of risk reversal
47 09/13/17 SLD 4 AMZN September 15, 2017 960/950 put vert (0.25) $100.00) short portion of risk reversal
47 09/14/17 BOT 2 AMZN September 22, 2017 962.5/960/950 put bwb (0.42) $84.00) closed
47 09/18/17 BOT 2 AMZN September 22, 2017 957.50/950 put vert 1.35) ($270.00) ($744.00) should have employed SLDp on long calls (error) :(
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments

46 09/07/17 BOT 6 UVXY September 22, 2017 26.5/26/23 put bwb (0.30) $180.00) volatility play
46 09/07/17 BOT 2 UVXY September 22, 2017 32/37 call vert 1.14) ($228.00)
46 09/11/17 BOT 2 UVXY September 22, 2017 25.5/23 put vert 0.55) ($110.00) closed partial adj to put bwb now 2 straight 26.5/26/25.5 put flys
46 09/11/17 BOT 4 UVXY September 22, 2017 25.5/23 put vert 0.63) ($252.00) ($410.00) completes adj of bwb to put fly 26.5/26/25.5

45 09/07/17 BOT 2 GLD September 15, 2017 128/131/132 call fly 1/3/2 0.63) ($126.00) closed risk only to down side

44 08/29/17 BOT 3 DIS September 15, 2017 103/106/109 1/3/2 call fly 0.46) ($138.00) closed

43 08/28/17 BOT 4 GLD September 29, 2017 125/131/137 call fly 1.02) ($408.00) open butterfly to end of Sept

42 08/25/17 BOT 1 PCLN September 1, 2017 1790/1750 put vert 10.20) ($1,020.00) closed directional play to downside
42 08/29/17 SLD 1 PCLN September 1, 2017 1780/1740 put vert (9.20) $920.00) ($100.00) turns long vertical into condor and gets back 90% of debit

41 08/25/17 BOT 4 GLD September 8, 2017 123/125 call vert 0.62) ($248.00) closed
41 09/05/17 SLD 4 GLD September 8, 2017 123/125 call vert (1.80) $720.00) $472.00)

40 08/24/17 BOT 4 AMZN September 1, 2017 912.5/910/890 put fly (0.71) $284.00) done 2 pieces - 2 @(.70) & 2 @ (.72)
40 08/24/17 BOT 2 AMZN September 1, 2017 960/970/980 call fly 1.32) ($264.00) AMZN offsetting flys
40 08/24/17 SLD 1 AMZN September 1, 2017 960/970/980 call fly (1.00) $100.00)
40 08/24/17 BOT 4 AMZN September 1, 2017 907.5/890 put vert 1.23) ($492.00) closed leaves 4X put fly 907.5/910/912.5 & 1X call fly 960/970/980
40 08/31/17 SLD 1 AMZN September 1, 2017 960/970/980 call fly (2.70) $270.00) ($102.00)

39 08/22/17 SLD 8 DIS September 1, 2017 101/99 put vertical (0.18) $144.00) risk reversal with a Twist (short expires after long)
39 08/22/17 BOT 4 DIS August 25, 2017 103/105 call vertical 0.36) ($144.00) closed
39 08/23/17 BOT 8 DIS September 1, 2017 101/99 put vertical 0.44) ($352.00) ($352.00) bailed on the put vert -

38 08/22/17 BOT 1 ISRG August 25, 2017 1000/1015/1030 1/3/2 call fly 0.83) ($83.00) closed 1/3/2 call fly
37 08/21/17 BOT 3 BIDU September 1, 2017 230 long calls 3.50) ($1,050.00)
37 08/21/17 BOT 1 BIDU September 1, 2017 230 long calls 3.55) ($355.00)
37 08/21/17 SLD 8 BIDU August 25, 2017 235 short calls (0.25) $200.00) sold 2X and 1 expiry earlier to the lc
37 08/24/17 BOT 8 BIDU August 25, 2017 235 short calls 0.01) ($8.00) covered aug 25 235 short calls
37 08/24/17 SLD 8 BIDU September 1, 2017 235 short calls (0.50) $400.00) adj to 230/235 call vert
37 08/25/17 BOT 4 BIDU September 1, 2017 240 long calls 0.15) ($60.00) no have call fly
37 08/25/17 BOT 4 BIDU September 1, 2017 222.5/220/215 1/3/2 put fly (0.39) $156.00) cost reduction add on - 1/3/2 put fly
37 08/25/17 SLD 4 BIDU September 1, 2017 222.5/220/215 1/3/2 put fly 0.70) ($280.00)
37 09/01/17 SLD 2 BIDU September 1, 2017 230/235/240 call fly (0.81) $162.00) sell 2 leaves 2
37 09/01/17 SLD 1 BIDU September 1, 2017 230/235/240 call fly (2.05) $205.00) closed sell 1
37 09/01/17 SLD 1 BIDU September 1, 2017 230/235/240 call fly (2.30) $230.00) ($400.00) sell last

36 08/17/17 BOT 8 UVXY August 25, 2017 30.5/30/28 put fly (0.30) $240.00) closed selling premium with headline news
36 08/18/17 SLD 8 UVXY August 25, 2017 30.5/30/28 put fly 0.16) ($128.00) $112.00) closed near 50% in 1 day

35 08/15/17 BOT 4 FB August 18, 2017 172.5/175/177.5 call fly 0.37) ($148.00) closed short term fly
34 08/15/17 BOT 4 FB August 25, 2017 172.5/180 call vert 1.28) ($512.00) longer dated call vert
34 08/15/17 SLD 8 FB August 18, 2017 167.5/157.5 put vert (0.31) $248.00) short dated put vert
34 08/17/17 BOT 8 FB August 18, 2017 167.5/157.5 put vert 0.30) ($240.00) closed closed the put vert
34 08/18/17 SLD 8 FB August 25, 2017 162.5/157.5 put vert (0.37) $296.00) ($208.00) added back the put vert

33 08/14/17 BOT 2 ISRG August 25, 2017 975/1000 call vert 5.25) ($1,050.00)
33 08/17/17 SLD 1 ISRG August 25, 2017 975/1000 call vert (12.50) $1,250.00) closed
33 08/17/17 SLD 1 ISRG August 25, 2017 975/1000 call vert (9.90) $990.00) $1,190.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
32 08/10/17 BOT 4 NFLX August 11, 2017 167.50/165/162.50 put fly 0.25) ($100.00) closed spread went out worthless - position sizing & cost very important!
31 08/08/17 BOT 2 UVXY August 18, 2017 30/35 call vertical 0.86) ($172.00) risk reversal on the UVXY
31 08/08/17 SLD 3 UVXY August 18, 2017 26.5/24 put vertical (0.53) $159.00)
31 08/08/17 BOT 2 UVXY August 18, 2017 30/35 call vertical 0.81) ($162.00) 2nd set of risk reversal on the UVXY
31 08/08/17 SLD 3 UVXY August 18, 2017 26.5/24 put vertical (0.59) $177.00)
31 08/09/17 SLD 3 UVXY August 18, 2017 30/35 call vertical (1.61) $483.00) selling 3 of the 4 call verts
31 08/09/17 BOT 3 UVXY August 18, 2017 26.5/24 put vertical 0.18) ($54.00) 3/6 btc to capture profits
31 08/10/17 SLD 1 UVXY August 18, 2017 30/35 call vert (2.45) $245.00) closed
31 08/10/17 BOT 3 UVXY August 18, 2017 26.5/24 put vertical 0.12) ($36.00) $640.00)

30 08/04/17 BOT 2 SPY August 11, 2017 247.50/247 strangle 1.41) ($282.00) strangle b/e 14 SPX move either way
30 08/08/17 SLD 2 SPY August 11, 2017 247.5 call (0.58) $116.00)
30 08/09/17 SLD 2 SPY August 11, 2017 244 put (0.25) $50.00)
30 08/10/17 SLD 1 SPY August 11, 2017 247/244 put vert (1.69) $169.00) closed leaves 1 put vert
30 08/10/17 SLD 1 SPY August 11, 2017 247/244 put vert (2.02) $202.00) $255.00) now flat

29 08/04/17 BOT 4 TSLA August 18, 2017 355/370/400 call bwb 2.18) ($872.00)
29 08/08/17 BOT 4 TSLA August 18, 2017 385/400 call vert 1.79) ($716.00) adjut bwb to straight fly
29 08/08/17 BOT 8 TSLA August 11, 2017 345/342.50/335 put bwb (0.25) $200.00) adding put bwb credit
29 08/10/17 SLD 2 TSLA August 18, 2017 355/370/385 call fly (4.31) $862.00) closed cost reduction adjustment
29 08/10/17 SLD 2 TSLA August 18, 2017 355/370/385 call fly (3.71) $742.00) $216.00) calls flat

28 07/31/17 BOT 4 GLD August 11, 2017 121/123/126.5 call bwb 0.30) ($120.00) half size now
28 07/31/17 BOT 4 GLD August 11, 2017 121/123/126.5 call bwb 0.32) ($128.00) got the second piece - trade now full size
28 08/03/17 SLD 8 GLD August 11, 2017 123 short calls (0.15) $120.00) cost reduction - now 1/3/1 fly
28 08/11/17 BOT 4 GLD August 11, 2017 1/3 call backspread 121/123 (0.88) $352.00) leaves 4 X 1/3/2 call bwb 121/123/126.5
28 08/11/17 BOT 2 GLD August 11, 2017 1/3 call backspread 121/123 (1.02) $204.00) closed now leaves 2 call bwb 1/3 121/123 call bwb and 8 long 126.5
28 08/11/17 BOT 2 GLD August 11, 2017 1/3 call backspread 121/123 (1.04) $208.00) $636.00) NOW FLAT

27 07/24/17 BOT 2 CIEN July 28, 2017 26/25 Put BackSpread 2X1 (0.16) $32.00) closed part 1 of plan up to earnings 8/31
27 07/24/17 SLD 2 CIEN July 28, 2017 26/25 Put BackSpread 2X1 0.08) ($16.00) $16.00)

26 07/20/17 BOT 8 IWM July 28, 2017 142/140/135 put bwb 0.16) ($128.00) directional short term Russell 200 ETF play
26 07/20/17 BOT 2 IWM July 28, 2017 143/140/133 put bwb 0.55) ($110.00) layered another bwb onto the original
26 07/26/17 SLD 8 IWM July 28, 2017 142/135 put vert (0.12) $96.00) leaves 140/135 put vert (16 X 16) and 2 x 143/140/133 put bwb
26 07/27/17 BOT 18 IWM July 28, 2017 140 put single 0.08) ($144.00)
26 07/28/17 SLD 1 IWM July 28, 2017 143/140 put vert (0.85) $85.00) closed
26 07/28/17 SLD 1 IWM July 28, 2017 143/140 put vert (1.37) $137.00) ($64.00)

25 07/18/17 BOT 1 TSLA July 21, 2017 330/340/345 call 1 x3 x 2 call fly 1.90) ($190.00) this is sturctured as 1 long / 3 short / 2 long butterfly
25 07/21/17 BOT 3 TSLA July 21, 2017 340 short calls 0.06) ($18.00) closed closed short to remove risk
25 07/18/17 SLD 1 TSLA July 21, 2017 330 long calls (0.81) $81.00) ($127.00) broke below 1/5 min low - closing for value

24 07/12/17 BOT 1 AMZN July 28, 2017 945/952.5/955 put bwb (0.80) $80.00) closed credit BWB, will not be adding due to earnings
24 07/12/17 SLD 1 AMZN July 28, 2017 945/952.5/955 put bwb 0.07) ($7.00) $73.00) closing before earnings to capture profit - uncertain of post move

23 07/11/17 BOT 8 BABA July 21, 2017 142/141/135 put bwb (0.47) $376.00)
23 07/11/17 BOT 2 BABA July 21, 2017 144/148 call vertical 1.88) ($376.00) call vert roi - +76%
23 07/12/17 SLD 1 BABA July 21, 2017 144/148 call vertical (2.90) $290.00)
23 07/14/17 SLD 1 BABA July 21, 2017 144/148 call vertical (3.50) $350.00) closed
23 07/14/17 BOT 8 BABA July 21, 2017 140/135 put vertical 0.05) ($40.00) $600.00) turns put BWB into straight butterfly (zero downside risk)

22 07/10/17 BOT 2 AMZN July 21, 2017 995/1015/1040 call bwb 3.83) ($766.00)
22 07/18/17 SLD 1 AMZN July 21, 2017 995/1015/1040 call bwb (8.72) $872.00) closed
22 07/18/17 SLD 1 AMZN July 21, 2017 995/1015/1040 call bwb (8.37) $837.00) $943.00)

21 07/07/17 BOT 7 AMZN July 14, 2017 952.5/950/942.5 put fly (0.35) $245.00)
21 07/07/17 BOT 2 AMZN July 14, 2017 985/995/1005 call fly 1.50) ($300.00)
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
21 07/11/17 SLD 1 AMZN July 14, 2017 985/995/1005 call fly (2.00) $200.00) closed
21 07/11/17 SLD 1 AMZN July 14, 2017 985/995/1005 call fly (2.25) $225.00) $370.00)

20 07/07/17 BOT 8 QQQ July 14, 2017 134.5/134/132/5 put bwb (0.05) $40.00) closed
19 07/06/17 BOT 3 NTES July 21, 2017 Jul 21 300/310 call vertical 3.13) ($939.00)
19 07/10/17 SLD 2 NTES July 21, 2017 Jul 21 300/310 call vertical (3.50) $700.00) closed stc 2 of 3
19 07/11/17 SLD 1 NTES July 21, 2017 Jul 21 300/310 call vertical (5.40) $540.00) $301.00) now flat

18 06/26/17 BOT 4 AMAT July 21, 2017 43/46 call vertical 1.52) ($608.00) closed price failed to hold prior day low - closed as per plan
18 06/26/17 SLD 4 AMAT July 21, 2017 43/46 call vertical (1.05) $420.00) ($188.00)

17 06/21/17 BOT 3 TSLA June 30, 2017 352.5/350/337.5 put bfly (0.55) $165.00)
17 06/21/17 BOT 1 TSLA June 30, 2017 380/400/440 call bfly 3.30) ($330.00)
17 06/22/17 BOT 1 TSLA June 30, 2017 400 short call 2.84) ($284.00) closed adjust fly to call vertical + upside call - opens upside potential
17 06/23/17 BOT 3 TSLA June 30, 2017 347.5/337.5 put vert 0.10) ($30.00) ($479.00)

16 06/13/17 BOT 1 TSLA June 16, 2017 377.5/387.5 call vertical 3.01) ($301.00) short term 3 day risk reversal
16 06/13/17 SLD 4 TSLA June 16, 2017 350/330 put vertical (0.47) $188.00)
16 06/14/17 SLD 1 TSLA June 16, 2017 377.5/387.5 call vertical (3.55) $355.00) closed
16 06/15/17 BOT 4 TSLA June 16, 2017 350/330 put vertical 0.17) ($68.00) $174.00)

15 06/09/17 SLD 4 BABA June 16, 2017 145/148/145/142 call/put Iron fly (2.50) $1,000.00) closed iron fly assigned @max risk
15 06/18/17 assigned 4 BABA June 16, 2017 145/148/145/142 call/put Iron fly 3.00) ($1,200.00) ($200.00)

14 06/07/17 BOT 2 DIS June 30, 2017 105/107/108 fly 0.79) ($158.00) closed shadowtrader stk pick - over 6/6 high
14 06/08/17 SLD 2 DIS June 30, 2017 105/107/108 fly (0.50) $100.00) ($58.00) r/r poor - trade scratched

13 05/30/17 BOT 2 TSLA July 21, 2017 330/350 call vertical 7.80) ($1,560.00)
13 05/30/17 SLD 2 TSLA June 2, 2017 345/365 call vertical (1.05) $210.00)
13 06/02/17 BOT 2 TSLA June 2, 2017 345 short call 0.28) ($56.00) BTC short call - removing risk lc expires @0
13 06/06/17 SLD 1 TSLA July 21, 2017 330/350 call vertical (11.40) $1,140.00) closed took profits on 50% of call certs
13 06/07/17 SLD 1 TSLA July 21, 2017 330/350 call vertical (12.44) $1,244.00) $978.00)

12 05/25/17 BOT 2 SHLD June 23, 2017 9/6 put vertical 1.33) ($266.00)
12 06/06/17 SLD 1 SHLD June 23, 2017 9/6 put vertical (2.26) $226.00) closed
12 06/19/17 SLD 1 SHLD June 23, 2017 9/6 put vertical (2.41) $241.00) $201.00)

11 05/19/17 BOT 2 AMZN June 2, 2017 970/1000/1030 call fly 7.31) ($1,462.00)
11 05/23/17 SLD 1 AMZN June 2, 2017 970/1000/1030 call fly (6.42) $642.00) closed AMZN sold thru 15 min low and tagged PP 2X - out
11 05/23/17 SLD 1 AMZN June 2, 2017 970/1000/1030 call fly (7.15) $715.00) ($105.00) sold 1 contract to REDUCE exposure
10 05/19/17 SLD 5 BABA June 2, 2017 120/117 put vertical (0.52) $260.00) put vertical credit
10 05/19/17 BOT 3 BABA June 9, 2017 123/125/126 call bwb 0.85) ($255.00) use credit to fund bwb
10 05/30/17 BOT 5 BABA June 2, 2017 120/117 put vertical 0.09) ($45.00) closed
10 06/06/17 SLD 3 BABA June 9, 2017 123/125/126 call bwb (0.80) $240.00) $200.00)

9 05/12/17 BOT 4 MA May 19, 2017 112/117/118 put (0.22) $88.00) bwb to fund call vertical
9 05/12/17 BOT 2 MA May 26, 2017 118/120 call vertical 0.60) ($120.00)
9 05/17/17 SLD 4 MA May 19, 2017 112/117/118 put (0.01) $4.00) closed
9 05/18/17 SLD 2 MA May 26, 2017 118/120 call vertical (0.18) $36.00) $8.00)

8 05/05/17 SLD 4 IBM May 12, 2017 150/140 put vertical (0.20) $80.00) ibm put vertical 150/140 credit to buy
8 05/05/17 BOT 2 IBM May 12, 2017 155/157.5 call vertical 0.57) ($113.00) ibm 155/157.5 call vertical
8 05/08/17 BOT 4 IBM May 12, 2017 150/140 put vertical 0.26) ($104.00) closed
8 05/08/17 SLD 2 IBM May 12, 2017 155/157.5 call vertical (0.17) $34.00) ($103.00)

7 05/01/17 BOT 1 AMZN May 19, 2017 975/1000/1025 fly 2.45) ($245.00) AMZN long call fly 975/1000/1025
7 05/01/17 SLD 2 AMZN May 12, 2017 915/905 put vertical (0.56) $112.00) shorter dated put vertical 915/905 - offsets some of debit -
Size is kept small purposely for educational purposes, and to accommodate smaller accounts
January 11, 2021 Trades are called in "units" which vary greatly per person according to account size
Units go from 1 unit up to maximum 8 units depending on price, volatility, and risk
Closed P/L Trades are not meant to mimic or be a substitute for an actual full portfolio
$52,756.56) Peter chooses anywhere from 2-6 trades per week to send out via text
open ShadowTrader Weekly Options Advisory with full management of entry, exit and stop done in real-time.
Trade # Date Action Size Underlying Series Option/Spread Points Net Cost/Credit Net comments
7 05/03/17 SLD 2 AMZN May 12, 2017 915/905 put vertical (0.70) $140.00)
7 05/08/17 SLD 1 AMZN May 12, 2017 915/905 put vertical (0.70) $70.00)
7 05/08/17 BOT 3 AMZN May 12, 2017 950/952.50 call vertical 1.15) ($345.00)
7 05/12/17 SLD 3 AMZN May 12, 2017 950/952.50 call vertical (2.00) $600.00) closed
7 05/19/17 SLD 1 AMZN May 19, 2017 975/1000/1025 fly (0.17) $17.00) $349.00)

6 04/27/17 SLD 3 BABA May 12, 2017 100/112/113 Put BWB (0.41) $123.00) long BABA 100/112/113 broken-winged fly
6 04/27/17 BOT 1 BABA May 19, 2017 117/120 Call vertical 1.14) ($114.00) BABA 120/117 put vertical credit to pay for long fly
6 05/12/17 SLD 1 BABA May 19, 2017 124/127 call vertical (1.07) $107.00) closed
6 05/16/17 SLD 1 BABA May 29, 2017 117/120/124/127 call condor (1.04) $104.00) $220.00)

5 04/19/17 SLD 2 NTES May 5, 2017 250/240 put vertical (1.25) $250.00) put vertical risk 2000-180 = 1820
5 04/19/17 BOT 1 NTES May 19, 2017 315 long call 1.30) ($130.00) 315 long call from put vertical proceesd
5 04/26/17 BOT 2 NTES May 5, 2017 250 short puts 0.80) ($160.00) closed
5 04/26/17 SLD 1 NTES May 19, 2017 315 long call (0.50) $50.00) $10.00)

4 04/18/17 BOT 1 PCLN May 5, 2017 1775/1800 call vertical 10.20) ($1,020.00) call vertical 5/5 expiry 1775/1800
4 04/18/17 SLD 4 PCLN May 5, 2017 1700/1675 put vertical (2.30) $920.00) short 1700/1675 put vertical
4 04/26/17 SLD 1 PCLN May 5, 2017 1775 long call (29.40) $2,940.00) closed lc separately when PCLN @ 1794
4 04/26/17 BOT 1 PCLN May 5, 2017 1800 shrt call 14.25) ($1,425.00) closed closed sc separately when PCLN @ 1794
4 04/26/17 BOT 4 PCLN May 5, 2017 1700 short put 0.25) ($100.00) $1,315.00) closed short put to remove risk - LP remain as not bid now

3 04/17/17 BOT 5 SPY April 26, 2017 236 long call 1.00) ($500.00) short play to last high failure SPY 236 from 3/6 - 4/10
3 04/20/17 SLD 3 SPY April 26, 2017 236 long call (1.33) $399.00) closed
3 04/20/17 SLD 2 SPY April 26, 2017 236 long call (1.25) $250.00) $149.00)

2 03/30/17 SLD 5 TSLA April 17, 2017 270/265 put vertical spread (1.38) $690.00) sell to open bullish put vertical spread
2 03/20/17 BOT 1 TSLA May 5, 2017 295 long call 6.85) ($685.00) long call purchase for possible explosive move higher
2 04/03/17 BOT 5 TSLA April 17, 2017 270/265 put vertical spread 0.20) ($100.00) closing of put vertical
2 04/04/17 SLD 1 TSLA May 5, 2017 305 short call (12.58) $1,258.00) closed opening short call - now long vertical 295/305
2 05/04/17 SLD 1 TSLA May 5, 2017 295/205 call vertical (7.50) $750.00) $1,913.00)

1 03/28/17 SLD 20 SPY April 7, 2017 233/230 put vertical spread (0.36) $720.00) sell to open bullish put vertical spread
1 03/28/17 BOT 10 SPY April 5, 2017 238 long call 0.26) ($260.00) closed long call purchase for possible explosive move higher
1 04/06/17 BOT 20 SPY April 7, 2017 233/230 put vertical spread 0.05) ($100.00) $360.00)

all data input subject to revisions / correction

source information is from original text messages

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