Political Parties Final Draft

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Historical back ground.


The Christian Falangist Party of America is America's first Falangist party. It was founded in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on September 14th, 1985. This was the third anniversary of the
assassination of Bashir Gemayel the then president elect of Lebanon and the head of that
country's Phalange Party also known as the Kataeb. This group has been called the Christian
Phalangist Party of Lebanon as well as the Christian Phalange Party of Lebanon but its
members have always been called Christian Phalangists.

The American version of this group was created by Patricio Bridges to fill what he saw as a gap
between Conservatives and extremist Fascists. This party was founded in keeping with Patricio
Bridges views that not only were communism and socialism a threat to world freedom and
Western Christian Civilization, but radical Islam was just as great if not an even greater threat.
Patricio Bridges vision was fulfilled with the help of Robert Albano, Kurt Weber-Heller and
other charter members.

The Christian Falangist Party of America is now based in North Carolina, since its move from
Philadelphia in 1993.

Party philosophy (75+)

This party believes that;

The draft should be reinstituted, and the military should be more strongly disciplined.
Citizens should be allowed to bear arms. Family farms are important to preserve.
Homosexuals should be repressed and not allowed public displays such as gay pride parades.
The government should not interfere in what individuals do in private. Illegal immigration
must be immediately stopped, and legal immigration should have a limit. Non-citizens should
have the same rights as citizens, to become a citizens applicants must learn English. “Being
against something is not hate, it is free expression.” The American dollar should be put back
on the silver standard. All American citizens should have a right to a decent job, decent
housing, three square meals a day and affordable medical attention. A life without fear and
without discrimination based on race, age, gender, nationality, political affiliation or non-
violent religious beliefs. Free college scholarships to the poor who have exceptional
intellectual abilities. The voluntary prayer and the "Ten Commandments" should be put back
in schools. Abortion is murder and anyone performing abortions is a murderer. Euthanasia is
murder. The U.S. should boycott and stop all foreign aid to nations that persecute or permit
the persecution of Christians and Jews. The National Guard should be used to patrol and
protect the integrity of our borders. The Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States of
America should be given the best health care available. Prisoners should be made to work
according to their ability to help defray the cost of their incarceration. After a felon is
released from serving his prison sentence and has lived a clean and productive life for ten
years, all of their rights as a citizen should be restored. The US should be self-sufficient in
energy and should tap our oil reserves in Alaska and all other available locations.

Party Name

The Christian falangist party of America

Campaign Slogan

Fairness to ALL Favoritism to NONE


3 Key figures (w/in 25 years)

Samir Gaegae


Patricio Bridges




Robert Albano, Kurt Weber-Heller?

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