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Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73

The human hepatoma HepaRG cells: A highly differentiated model

for studies of liver metabolism and toxicity of xenobiotics
André Guillouzo a,∗ , Anne Corlu b , Caroline Aninat a , Denise Glaise b ,
Fabrice Morel a , Christiane Guguen-Guillouzo b
a INSERM U620, IFR 140, Université de Rennes1, Rennes, France
b INSERM U522, IFR 140, Université de Rennes1, Rennes, France
Available online 16 December 2006

Although they have several important limitations primary human hepatocytes still represent the in vitro gold standard model for
xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity studies. The large use of human liver cell lines either from tumoral origin or obtained by oncogenic
immortalisation is prevented by the loss of various liver-specific functions, especially many cytochrome P450 (CYP)-related enzyme
activities. We review here recent results obtained with a new human hepatoma cell line, named HepaRG, derived from a human
hepatocellular carcinoma. These cells exhibit unique features: when seeded at low density they acquire an elongated undifferentiated
morphology, actively divided and after having reached confluency formed typical hepatocyte-like colonies surrounded by biliary
epithelial-like cells. Moreover contrary to other human hepatoma cell lines including HepG2 cells, HepaRG cells express various
CYPs (CYP1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 2E1, 3A4) and the nuclear receptors constitutive androstane receptor (CAR) and pregnane X receptor
(PXR) at levels comparable to those found in cultured primary human hepatocytes. They also express various other functions such
phase 2 enzymes, apical and canalicular ABC transporters and basolateral solute carrier transporters, albumin, haptoglobin as well
as aldolase B that is a specific marker of adult hepatocytes. HepaRG cells could represent a surrogate to primary human hepatocytes
for xenobiotic metabolism and toxicity studies and even more, a unique model system for analysing genotoxic compounds.
© 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Human hepatoma cells; HepaRG cells; Liver-specific functions; Cytochromes P450; Constitutive androstane receptor; Hepatotoxicity

1. Introduction

During the 1975–1999 period 6 out of 16 drugs with-

drawn from the market were for their hepatic toxicity [1].
This may be explained at least in part because human
Abbreviations: AhR, aryl hydrocarbon receptor; BSEP, bile hepatotoxicity has a poor correlation with correspond-
salt export pump; CAR, constitutive androstane receptor; CYP,
cytochrome P450; DMSO, dimethylsulfoxide; GST, glutathione
ing animal toxicity, possibly due to several reasons. In
transferase; MRP, multidrug-resistance associated protein; NTCP, particular, the rates and routes of xenobiotic metabolism
Na+ -taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide; OATP, organic anion are frequently different between species and in addition
transporting polypeptide; OCT, organic cation transporter; PPAR, per- interindividual variations are observed in humans due to
oxisome proliferator-activated receptor; PXR, pregnane X receptor; either genetic, physiopathological and/or environmental
UGT, UDP glucuronyl transferase
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +33 2 23 23 47 91; factors.
fax: +33 2 23 23 47 94. In vitro liver preparations are frequently used as sur-
E-mail address: (A. Guillouzo). rogate models to hepatotoxicity in vivo; they include

0009-2797/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Guillouzo et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73 67

both cellular (tissue slices, isolated and cultured hep- aRG, was recently derived from a liver tumor and shown
atocytes, liver cell lines) and subcellular (microsomes, to remain capable of expressing most of the liver-specific
recombinant enzymes) systems [2]. However, only the functions, including the major CYPs involved in drug
former are potentially capable of expressing the com- metabolism [11,12]. Its growth and functional charac-
plete metabolism pathways and mimicking the diverse teristics are summarized in the present review.
mechanisms of toxicity occurring in vivo. Primary
human hepatocytes and immortalized hepatocytes have 2. Obtention, growth and morphological features
become widely used; however, both model systems have
limitations. Indeed, primary human hepatocytes have HepaRG cells were obtained from a liver tumor of
scarce and unpredictable availability, limited growth a female patient suffering from hepatocarcinoma [11].
activity and life-span and undergo early and variable These cells exhibit only limited caryotypic alterations
phenotypic alterations. Moreover, liver-specific func- mainly characterized by a surnumerary and remodeled
tions, particularly CYPs and their responsiveness to chromosome 7 and a translocation t(12;22) with a loss
prototypical inducers are not similarly maintained with of the 12p fragment leading to a monosomy 12P [11].
time of culture. Various experimental conditions have When detached and seeded at low density (2.6 ×
been proposed to improve both hepatocyte survival and 104 cells/cm2 ) confluent well-differentiated HepaRG
functions; they include the use of sophisticated media, cells are able to transdifferentiate [13]; they acquire
sandwich configuration and co-cultivating. However, an undifferentiated elongated cell morphology able to
whatever the condition used, liver-specific functions are actively divide and to reach again confluency within 1
usually decreased and are not stable exhibiting variable week. At that time two morphologically different cell
and different changes with time in culture. Moreover, types appear: one forms clusters of granular epithelial
species-differences are observed. Thus, CYP inducibil- cells resembling hepatocytes while the second surround-
ity is better retained in rat hepatocytes cultured in the ing the former is more flattenned and retains a clear
sandwich configuration than in conventional monolayer cytoplasm (Fig. 1). Addition of 2% dimethyl sulfoxide
but this difference is not observed with human hepato- (DMSO) and 5 × 10−5 M hydrocortisone hemisucci-
cytes [3]. However, primary rat hepatocytes show similar nate to the culture medium induces differentiation of
early gene changes in both culture conditions [4]. Con- hepatocyte-like cells into more granular cells closely
trary to their normal rat counterparts primary human resembling typical adult primary hepatocytes with one
hepatocytes recover to a certain extent their ability to or two nuclei and bile canaliculus-like structures. Undif-
transcribe specific genes after around 2–3 days in culture ferentiated elongated cells express markers of liver
and this results in increased cytochrome P450-dependent progenitor cells while the two cell types identified at
activities [5]. Adult hepatocytes can be cryopreserved confluency express markers of hepatocytes and biliary
but the freeze/thaw process leads to further marked epithelial cells, respectively. The hepatocyte-like cells
functional alterations; these being minimized by gel represent around 50–55% of the total cell population
entrapping before cryopreservation [6]. [13]. In this line albumin and haptoglobin mRNAs are
In spite of important limitations, primary hepatocytes quite low during active proliferation of progenitor cells
remain the gold standard model for studies on xeno- and begin to increase when the cells reach confluency and
biotic metabolism and toxicity. Indeed hepatocyte cell differentiate. By contrast, high levels of mRNAs encod-
lines, whether of tumoral origin or obtained by onco- ing aldolase B, a marker of adult hepatocytes, are found
genic transformation, lack a variable and substantial set in highly differentiated hepatocyte-like cells and repre-
of liver-specific functions and consequently, are unsuit- sent around 20% of the values found in freshly isolated
able for mimicking in vivo normal parenchymal cells. human hepatocytes. By comparison HepG2 cells do not
The major CYP activities are quite low if detectable. contain detectable aldolase B transcripts while albumin
Even HepG2 cells which have retained various hepatic and haptoglobin mRNA levels are much lower than those
functions contain little CYP activity with the exception measured in HepaRG cells (Fig. 2).
of the CYPs expressed in fetal liver, such as CYP1A1 and The behavior of HepaRG cells is unique; it has never
CYP3A7 [7,8]. Expression of CYPs has been obtained been described for another human hepatoma cell line and
by transfection of plasmid constructs expressing CYPs resembles the coculture model associating hepatocytes
or liver-specific transcription factors but such trans- and undifferentiated biliary cells we have developed 25
fected cell lines are not suitable to study regulation years ago that allowed longer and better maintenance
of gene expression normally observed in hepatocytes of liver-specific functions in hepatocytes [14]. It must
[9,10]. A new human hepatoma cell line, named Hep- be borne in mind that hepatocytes and biliary epithelial
68 A. Guillouzo et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73

Fig. 1. Phase-contrast micrographs of HepaRG cells. (A) Proliferating

undifferentiated cells 5 days after seeding at low density; (B) cells cul-
tured for 15 days in the absence of DMSO then 15 additional days in the
presence of DMSO; hepatocyte-like cells with typical bile canaliculi
surrounded by biliary-like cells characterized by a clear cytoplasm.

cells are derived from the same progenitor cell in the

liver. Interestingly, when differentiated hepatocyte-like Fig. 2. mRNA expression for haptoglobin, albumin and aldolase B.
cells are seeded at high density (0.45 × 106 cells/cm2 ) Transcripts were measured in primary human hepatocyte cultures, con-
fluent HepG2 cells and HepaRG cells after different times of culture
they have a limited proliferative activity and retain their
and maintained after day 15 in the absence or presence of 2% DMSO.
hepatocyte-like features. Consequently they can be used The values are expressed as percentages compared to a pool of three
during the first days following cell seeding [12]. different freshly isolated human hepatocyte populations and arbitrar-
ily set at 100%. They are the mean of two experiments in duplicate.
Adapted from Ref. [12].
3. Drug metabolizing enzyme activities
In their most differentiated state, HepaRG cells
The huge differences between HepG2 cells and pri- express CYP mRNAs at levels comparable to those found
mary human hepatocytes were confirmed in our recent in cultured primary human hepatocytes. The most sensi-
study on HepaRG cells [12] (Fig. 3). No transcripts were tive CYPs to the presence of DMSO are CYPs 2B6, 2E1
detected for CYPs 2B6, 2C9, 2E1 and 3A4 in HepG2 and 3A4. The high levels of CYP2C9 in both differenti-
cells. By contrast HepaRG cells expressed all CYPs mea- ated HepaRG cells and primary human hepatocytes are
sured, namely CYPs 1A2, 2B6, 2C9, 2E1 and 3A4; the likely due to the addition of hydrocortisone to the cul-
levels being dependent on the duration of confluency and ture medium. Indeed CYP2C9 is known to be inducible
for most of them on the presence of DMSO in the culture by glucocorticoids [15]. The functionality of CYPs in
medium [12]. HepaRG cells is supported by the demonstration of their
A. Guillouzo et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73 69

Fig. 3. mRNA expression for CYPs 1A2, 2C9, 2E1 and 3A4. Transcripts were measured in one human hepatocyte (HH) population at different
times of culture (days 1–7), confluent HepG2 cells and HepaRG cells at different times of culture and maintained after day 15 in the absence or
presence of 2% DMSO. The values are expressed as percentages compared to a pool of three different freshly isolated human hepatocyte populations
and arbitrarily set at 100%. They are the mean of two experiments in duplicate. Adapted from Ref. [12].

specific activities using specific substrates and respon- these two major nuclear factors in the latter. A high
siveness to inducers. Indeed, specific activity can be expression of CAR has never been reported before in
evidenced for all CYPs and is increased after treatment any hepatoma cell line. As found in primary human
with specific inducers. However, both transcripts (Fig. 2) and rodent hepatocytes, PXR and CYP3A4 are inhib-
and basal activity [11] of the non-inducible CYP2D6 are ited in HepaRG cells by lipopolysaccharide treatment
at the limit of detection suggesting that HepaRG cells (Descheemaeker et al., unpublished data).
are derived from a CYP2D6 poor metabolizer patient. By contrast, transcripts for the aryl hydrocarbon
The extent of augmentation in the presence of a specific receptor (AhR) are present in comparable amounts in
inducer markedly varies from one CYP to another. Thus, primary human hepatocytes, HepG2 cells and HepaRG
while basal activity of CYP1A1/2 determined by 7- cells, in agreement with the strong induction of CYP1A2
ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylation is quite low it is strongly by 3-methylcholanthrene in these cells. Contrary to CAR
induced by 5 ␮M 3-methylcholanthrene. CYP1A2 activ- and PXR, AhR belongs to the bHLH/PAS (basic helix-
ity can also be measured by phenacetin deethylation [11]. loop-helix/Per-Arnt-Sim) family of transcription factors
By contrast, CYP3A4 is no more increased by rifampicin and stimulates transcription of CYP1A genes and var-
when the cells are cultured in the presence of DMSO ious other genes; it is expressed in undifferentiated
that strongly augments its content compared to the level liver parenchymal cells and various cell types. Perox-
found in DMSO-free confluent cells (Fig. 4). The regula- isome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are other
tion of certain CYPs, such as CYP3A4, in HepaRG cells members of the large ligand-receptor superfamily; they
might be explained by transcriptional activation of the comprise three isotypes. PPAR␣ is mainly expressed in
nuclear factors PXR and CAR (Fig. 5). Indeed, one of the liver and PPAR␥ in adipocyte tissue while PPAR␤/␦ has
reasons for huge differences in CYP expression between a ubiquitous distribution. PPARs are receptors for vari-
HepaRG and HepG2 cells is likely down-regulation of ous endogenous lipophilic molecules and some synthetic
70 A. Guillouzo et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73

Fig. 5. mRNA expression for the CAR nuclear receptor. Transcripts

were measured in one human hepatocyte population at different times
of culture, subconfluent HepG2 cells and HepaRG cells at different
times of culture and maintained after day 15 in the absence or presence
of 2% DMSO. The values are expressed as percentages compared to a
pool of three different freshly isolated human hepatocyte populations
and arbitrarily set at 100%. They are the mean of two experiments in
duplicate. Adapted from Ref. [12].

levels for glutathione transferase (GST) A1/A2, GSTA4,

GSTM1 and UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT)1A1
determined by RT-qPCR are also much higher than
in HepG2 cells, suggesting that, like CYPs, phase II
enzymes are well-maintained in differentiated HepaRG
cells [12]. The values of GSTA1/2 and UGT1A1 in these
latter are equal to or two-fold higher than those measured
in freshly human hepatocytes while GSTM1 represent
around 25%. However, GSTs markedly decrease in
human hepatocytes with time in culture (Table 1).
Hepatocytes possess various transporter systems
expressed at their two polar surface domains [17]. Apical
and canalicular ATP-binding cassette (ABC) trans-
porters such as multidrug-resistance associated protein
Fig. 4. CYP activities in HepaRG cells. The cells were seeded at low
density and after day 15 were maintained in the presence of 2% DMSO.
(MRP)2, MRP3, multidrug-resistance P-glycoprotein
During treatment with prototypical inducers, i.e. 3-methylcholanthrene (MDR1) and bile salt export pump (BSEP) are
for 24 h or rifampicin for 72 h the cells were either maintained or responsible for xenobiotic clearance as well as for
not in the presence of DMSO. CYP activities were estimated by secretion of bile salts and other bile constituents.
measuring testosterone 6-␤ hydroxylation (CYP3A4), O-dealkylation Basolateral solute carrier transporters such as organic
of 7-ethoxyresorufin (CYP1A1/2) and tolbutamide 4-hydroxylation
(CYP2C9). Results are expressed as pmol/mg protein/min. The stu-
cation transporter (OCT)1, organic anion transporting
dent’s test was applied for statistical analyses between cells exposed to polypeptide (OATP)-B, OATP-C and Na+ -taurocholate
the vehicle only (control) and cells treated with the inducer (** p < 0.01, co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) are involved in the
*** p < 0.001).
uptake of endogenous and foreign compounds from the
blood. Transcripts for these transporters have been anal-
compounds; the three PPARs are expressed in well- ysed in both undifferentiated and differentiated HepaRG
differentiated HepaRG cells [12,16]. It has been recently cells using the RT-qPCR method by Le Vee et al. [18].
shown that CYP4A11, the main fatty acid hydroxylase of Transcripts for all the sinusoidal and canalicular trans-
the human liver, considered to be mediated via PPAR␣, porters tested are expressed. The three ABC transporters,
is repressed by retinoic acid in these cells [16]. MDR1, MRP2 and MRP3 which are not liver-specific,
Phase II enzymes play an important role in detox- are well expressed in both undifferentiated and differen-
ification and activation of many xenobiotics. mRNAs tiated HepaRG cells as well as in HepG2 cells at levels
A. Guillouzo et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73 71

Table 1
mRNA expression for several phase II enzymes, transporters and thioredoxin
Genes Human hepatocytes HepG2 HepaRG References

FI 1d 3d P D

GSTA 1/2 100 5 5 0 <10 110 [12]

GSTM1 100 20 50 0 <10 25 [12]
100 0 0 5–30 [18]
100 190 [19]
100 0 0 10 [18]
100 40 [19]
100 0 0 10 [18]
100 80 [19]
100 0 0 50 [18]
100 60 [19]
100 150 150 240 [18]
100 250 [19]
100 110 50 50 [18]
100 190 [19]
100 80 150 190 [18]
100 320 [19]
Thioredoxin 100 950 180 110 1250 304 [12]

Transcripts were measured in primary human hepatocytes, confluent HepG2 cells and undifferentiated proliferating (P) and differentiated (D)
HepaRG cells. Differentiated HepaRG cells were maintained confluent for 15 days in the presence of 2% DMS0. The values are expressed as
percentages compared to either a pool of three different freshly isolated human hepatocyte populations (FI) (phase II enzymes, thioredoxin) or 1-day
human hepatocyte cultures (transporters); 0: undetectable or below 5%. Adapted from Refs. [12,18,19].

even higher than in 1-day human hepatocytes. By con- toxic drugs and genotoxic compounds [20,21]. Thus,
trast, BSEP, the predominant efflux bile salt system, and compounds such as amiodarone and chlorpromazine that
the influx transporters are expressed only in differenti- do not require metabolism to induce toxic effects exhibit
ated HepaRG cells and are absent in HepG2 cells. The similar cytotoxicity in both HepG2 and HepaRG cells.
levels of influx transporters vary between 10% and 50% By contrast acetaminophen and aflatoxin B1 of which
of those found in 1-day human hepatocytes, depending toxicity is mediated by toxic metabolites are much more
on the transporter. Interestingly, with the exception of cytotoxic in differentiated HepaRG cells. Thus aflatoxin
BSEP and MRP2 which are both involved in the secre- B1 , that is cytotoxic via a 8,9-epoxide metabolite formed
tion of cholephilic compounds, transporters which were by CYP1A2 and 3A4 has a IC50 at around 5 ␮M after a
overexpressed and repressed in HepaRG cells similarly 24 h exposure in agreement with previous findings with
increased and decreased in human hepatocytes with time primary human hepatocytes [22]. By contrast, it is not
in culture when compared to freshly isolated human hep- cytotoxic at all at a concentration of 100 ␮M in HepG2
atocytes [18,19]. Regulation and functional activity of cells (Fig. 6). Even around 50% of HepG2 cells are still
some transporters (P-glycoprotein, MRP2 and BSEP) alive after a 3-day treatment with this mycotoxin.
have been demonstrated [18]. Other xenobiotics such metals can also be hepa-
The thiol-dependent antioxidant protein, thioredoxin totoxic. Iron overload is well known to cause liver
was also analysed and found to be expressed in all cul- damage. As demonstrated by Troadec et al. [23], like
tures, being however strongly increased in 1-day human human hepatocytes HepaRG cells show intracellular iron
hepatocytes and proliferating HepaRG cells. accumulation only when they exhibit hepatocyte-like
features after exposure to iron citrate. No iron storage
4. Chemical cytotoxicity is observed in proliferating and biliary-like HepaRG
cells. Using a transcriptomic approach through a liver-
Various chemicals are hepatotoxic, requiring or not dedicated cDNA microarray, iron loading is associated
previous metabolism. Due to the lack of some major with both a reduction in cell motility as shown by
CYPs HepG2 cells are not sensitive to certain hepato- a decrease in moesin and RAC1, a small GTP bind-
72 A. Guillouzo et al. / Chemico-Biological Interactions 168 (2007) 66–73

(v) HepaRG cells can be easily cryopreserved without

marked cell loss.


Personal studies were supported by INSERM and the

Association pour la Recherche sur le Cancer (ARC).


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