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ITM Questions

1. Name a clinical trial in which blood is transfused from recovered COVID-19 patients to a
coronavirus patient who is in critical condition?
i. Solidarity
ii. Plasma Therapy
iii. Remdesivir
iv. Hydroxychloroquine
2. The route of spreading of COVID-19 is
i. human to human
ii. animal to human
iii. animal to animal
iv. None of the above

3. Patients with COVID have to be in

i. Quarantine
ii. Isolation
iii. Meditation
iv. None of the above
4. PPE stands for__________________________
i. Personal Proactive Equipment
ii. Public Protective Equipment
iii. Personal Protective Equipment
iv. Private Protective Equipments
5. SARS stands for ________________________
i. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
ii. Severe Acute Respiratory symptom
iii. Severe Acute Respiratory Sickness
iv. Severe Acute Respiratory State
6. Which of the application Government of India launches as a coronavirus tracker app
i. Corona virus app
ii. Covid – 19 app
iii. AarogyaSetu app
iv. Corona tracker app

7. The novel coronavirus originated from Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market. In which Chinese
province is this market located?
i. Beijing
ii. Hubei
iii. Hainan
iv. Sichuan

8. Which of the following disease is caused by the novel coronavirus?

ii. COVID-19
iii. Hanta Pulmunory Syndrome
iv. MERS

9. Which of the following virus causes COVID-19?

i. SARS-CoV-2
ii. Ebola
iii. Hantavirus
iv. MERS

10. Which of the following precautions are useful in preventing the COVID-19?

i. Washing hands with soap

ii. Covering nose and mouth with handkerchief
iii. Using hand-sanitizer
iv. All three of the above

11. Whos is the director general of WHO at present?

i. Margaret Chan
ii. Tedros Adhanom
iii. Sania Nishtar
iv. Audrey Azoulay

12. Who is at a higher risk of developing complications from COVID-19?

i. Elderly above 65 years and above

ii. People with uncontrolled diabetes
iii. People with other Pre-existing diseases
iv. All the above

13. How does Coronavirus transmit?

i. Droplets spread - When a person sneezes or cough

ii. Constant touching of face, eyes or mouth in public place
iii. Close contact with a Covid19 infected person
iv. All the above

14. Is there a vaccine, drug or treatment for COVID-19?

Yes / no

15. Which of the following is an example of physical distancing? 

i. You stop going to crowded places and visiting other people’s houses
ii. You stop talking to the people you live with
iii. You stop speaking to your friends on the phone
iv. All the above

16. After showing symptoms he was told to _______ for 14 days.

i. Quarantine
ii. self-isolate
iii. stay in home
iv. admit in hospital

17. Which of the following face mask is preferred for protection against corona virus?
i. n-95
ii. n-93
iii. n-94
iv. all of the above

18. The incubation period of corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) in human body is?
i. 4 days
ii. 7 days
iii. 14 days
iv. 18 days
19. Thermal screening test is suitable for?
i. Corona
ii. Temperature
iii. Both a&b
iv. None of the above

20. Which of the following is the full form of HCQ?

i. Hydrogenchloroquiene
ii. Hydroxychloroquiene
iii. Hydrochloridequiene
iv. Hydrogenchloridequiene

21. Name of the disease which caused the pandemic in 1918?

i. Swine flu
ii. Spanish flu
iii. Hong Kong flu
iv. Ebola Virus flu

22. The main cause of death in dead sea?

i. Dangerous fishes
ii. High hydro pressure
iii. Lack of insoluble
iv. Saline water

23. In which layer of atmosphere does all the weather activities takes place?
i. Stratosphere
ii. Thermosphere
iii. Troposphere
iv. Mesosphere

24. Which of the following is the first scientific base of India located in Antarctica?
i. Dakshin Gangotri
ii. Uttar Gangotri
iii. Indra research center
iv. Dakshin yamnotri

25. Which of the following is not a form of precipitation?

i. Rain
ii. Snow
iii. Dew
iv. Dust

26. Which is the most distant layer of atmosphere?

i. Troposphere
ii. Mesosphere
iii. Stratosphere
iv. Exosphere

27. Who was the last Hindu ruler before Delhi Sultanate?
i. Raja Jaichand
ii. Prithviraj Chauhan
iii. Maharana Pratap
iv. Raja Todermal
28. Famous sculptures depicting art of love built some time in 950 AD � 1050 AD are
i. Khajuraho temples
ii. Jama Masjid
iii. Sun temple
iv. Mahabalipuram temples

29. Modern Indo-Aryan languages are based on an ancient language called

i. Hindi
ii. Sanskrit
iii. Kannada
iv. Tamil

30. Kathak, Nauntanki, Jhora and Kajri are the important dances of
i. Uttaranchal
ii. Uttar Pradesh
iii. Jharkhand
iv. Chhattisgarh

31. Mahakavi Kalidas

i. was one of the greatest Sanskrit poet and dramatist
ii. lived during the region of Chandragupta Vikaramaditya
iii. famous works include Shakutala, Raghuvansha, Meghdoot and Kumara Sambahava
iv. All of the above

32. what are the methods to prevent COVID19?

i. Physical distancing 1 meter
ii. Physical distancing 2 meter
iii. Physical distancing 6 feet
iv. Both 2 and 3
33. what it the maximum time for which the virus stays on a surface?
i. 24 hrs
ii. 36 hrs
iii. 48 hrs
iv. 72 hrs

34. With increase of Covid-19 the government had include or indulge new norms for architects &
Engineers in prevailing ones?


35. new delivery modes and technologies may help us to criticize the very own relation of master
and pupil that we have kept nurturing over generations [...] and to suggest a more open and
challenging relation. Do you agree with above?


36. While we are incorporating many new tools and techniques for teaching and learning, the
physical space is still essential for architecture education.


37. Jeevan Rekha (Life line) express is

i. first hospital on wheels in the world
ii. first railway express
iii. oldest train
iv. None of the above

38. Name the instrument used to measure relative humidity

i. Hydrometer
ii. Hygrometer
iii. Barometer
iv. Mercury Thermometer

39. Fathometer is used to measure

i. Earthquakes
ii. Rainfall
iii. Ocean depth
iv. Sound intensity

40. For which of the following disciplines is Nobel Prize awarded?

i. Physics and Chemistry
ii. Physiology or Medicine
iii. Literature, Peace and Economics
iv. All of the above

41. Can COVID-19 be Cured?

i. yes-Hot drinks can cure COVID-19
ii. No-COVID-19 is a death sentence
iii. No- but Most people get better by themselves
iv. All the above

42. What are the common symptoms ofCOVID-19?

i. A new and continuous cough

ii. Fever
iii. Tiredness
iv. All the above

43. How is COVID-19 passed on?

i. Through droplets that come from your mouth and nose.
ii. In sexual fluids including semen, vaginal fluids or animal mucous
iii. By drinking unclean water
iv. All the above

44. Are people living with HIV always more at risk?

i. yes-people with HIV have weaker immune system

ii. No-people who adhere to antiretroviral treatment (ART) and Have a high CD4count
iii. No-people with HIV weaker immune system
iv. None

45. Which is the following is an example of physical distancing?

i. You stop going to crowded places and visiting other people's houses
ii. You stop talking to the people you live with
iii. You stop speaking to your friends on the phone
iv. None

46. What is Coronavirus?

i. It is a large family of viruses.
ii. It belongs to the family of Nidovirus.
iii. Both A and B are correct
iv. Only A is correct.

47. From where coronavirus got its name?

i. Due to their crown-like projections.
ii. Due to their leaf-like projections.
iii. Due to their surface structure of bricks.
iv. None of the above

48. Who among the following started the building of Qutub Minar?
i. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
ii. Iltutmish
iii. Razia Sultana
iv. Rukn-ud-din Firoz

49. Which Indian city is known as Venice of east?

i. Srinagar
ii. Bengaluru
iii. Alleppey
iv. Madurai

50. Where is Jagannath Temple?

i. Puri
ii. Banglore
iii. Bhubaneswar
iv. Patna

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