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Cyber Security (RUC 201)

Public key encryption

Also known as asymmetric cryptography, in this data is encrypted
using a set of keys, namely: -

1. Public Key (available to everyone for encryption)

2. Private Key (available at the admin level for decryption)

The process consist of encoding the given text as a string of

characters, only to be decoded by the receiver. The public key of
receiver is widely accessible, which helps sender to encrypt the
messages in accordance with the given algorithm.

The messages thus could only be read by the receiver, as they

possess the private key.

Example: -

One of the most useful application is to create a confidential

passage for exchange of message, preferentially between a service
provider and a user (ex- customer support). Here in the data of all
users can be accessed by the service provider using the private key,
where as all users get the same copy of public key to encrypt their
messages. No user can decrypt message of other user, therefore
creating privacy.

By: -

Sudeep Srivastava (2000510810072)

B.Arch (1st Year) (Sec-B)

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