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Problem Set 1*

CHEM 103, Section J01, Fall 2017

1 Identify the mass law that each of the following observations demonstrates or violates, and
give a detailed explanation for your reasoning (adapted from Silberberg 2.14):

(a) Arsenic and oxygen form one compound that is 65.2% mass % arsenic and another that is
75.8 mass % arsenic.

This demonstrates the law of multiple proportions—two elements, O and S, can form
different compounds that have different proportions of As present.

(b) A sample of potassium chloride from Chile contains a different percent potassium by mass
than one from Poland.

This observation violates the law of definite composition. KCl is composed of the same
elements in the same fractions by mass, regardless of its origin (Poland or Chile).

(c) You left your favourite 1 kg iron anvil out in the rain (for a few years), and it rusted
completely. The mass of the anvil is now 1.43 kg.

This observation demonstrates the law of conservation of mass—a chemical reaction

occurred, but mass can neither be created nor destroyed. Here, the relevant equation is: 2 Fe
+ 3O2 à 2Fe2O3. In terms of mass, Fe (1 kg; 17.9 mol) reacts to form Fe2O3 (8.95 mol; 1.43 kg).

2 The following charges on individual oil droplets were obtained during an experiment
similar to Millikan's. Determine a charge for the electron (in C, coulombs), and explain your
answer: –3.204×10-19 C; –4.806×10-19 C; –8.010×10-19 C; –1.442×10-18 C (Silberberg 2.33).

Adapted in part from problem sets by Dr. Yoram Apelblat and Dr. Arthur Mar. ã S. Styler, Department of
Chemistry, University of Alberta, 2017.
3 Determine the only possible 3+ ion for which the following two conditions are both

• The net ionic charge is one–eighth the nuclear charge

• The number of electrons is 77.78% the number of neutrons

Give the A
Echarge notation for this ion and its mass (in atomic units). Briefly explain.

4 What is the wavelength, in nanometers, of light with an energy content of 1799 kJ/mol? In
what portion of the electromagnetic spectrum is this light?
5 Covalent bonds in a molecule absorb radiation in the IR region and vibrate at characteristic
frequencies. The C–O bond absorbs radiation of wavelength 9.6 µm. What frequency (in s–1)
corresponds to that wavelength? (Silberberg 7.14)

6 Give the maximum number of e– in an atom that can have these quantum numbers:

(a) n = 3, ℓ = 2, mℓ = 0 and ms = +1/2

(b) n = 3, ℓ = 2, and mℓ = 0

(c) n = 4 and ℓ = 2

(d) n = 4 and ℓ < 2 ?

(e) n = 4 ?
7 For a hydrogen–like ion in the gas phase, the emission spectrum below shows the lines
resulting from transitions to the ground state merging together at 10.13 nm (as indicated by
the arrow above the spectrum). Identify the ion.
8 Blue light causes metallic sodium to emit electrons, but red light has no effect. To explain
the photoelectric effect, Einstein reasoned that the absorbed photon must possess a
minimum energy to overcome the work function, φ, which is the energy required to just
dislodge an electron (escaping with zero kinetic energy) from the surface of the metal. If
metallic sodium has φ = 266 kJ/mol, what are the ranges of wavelengths and frequencies of
light that could cause emission of electrons? Why does red light have no effect, then?

9 The vibrant colour in displays of aurora borealis arises from emission processes. Protons
from the sun enter the Earth’s atmosphere and pick up electrons to form excited hydrogen
atoms. Some of these electrons undergo a transition from an upper n level to a lower level n
= 2, emitting radiation of wavelength 656.16 nm. What is the value of n of the upper level?
What is the colour of this radiation?

10 Briefly explain (using words and pictures) why the radial probability distribution plot of
the ground-state H atom exhibits a maximum near, but not at, the nucleus.

The radial probability distribution gives the TOTAL probability of finding the electron at
some distance from the nucleus (i.e. in a given spherical layer). Very close to the nucleus,
the electron probability density is very high, but the volume of the spherical layer is low.
As you move out from the nucleus, the volume of the spherical layer increases faster than
the electron probability density decreases, so there is a maximum in the radial probability
distribution plot. Beyond this maximum, the increase in the volume of the spherical layer
can’t compensate for the reduction in electron probability density, and the curve decreases.

See page 307 of Silberberg for a useful visual explanation (using apples), which I’ve
reproduced briefly on the next page.
11 Name the compounds (some of these are tough ones—take a look at the nomenclature

Ba(NO3)2 HNO2 CrO2 KIO3 LiCN

barium nitrate
nitrous acid
chromium (IV) oxide
potassium iodate
lithium cyanide

KIO Fe(OH)2 ICl ClF3 SF4

potassium hypoiodite
iron (II) hydroxide
iodine monochloride
chlorine trifluoride
sulfur tetrafluoride

H3PO4 NaHSO4 Na2Cr2O7 MgC2O4 S4N4

phosphoric acid
sodium hydrogen sulfate (sodium bisulfate)
sodium dichromate
magnesium oxalate
tetrasulfur tetranitride

FeCl3 PbO2 PbO FeCl2 (NH4)HCO3

iron (III) chloride

lead (IV) oxide
lead (II) oxide
iron (II) chloride
ammonium hydrogen carbonate (ammonium bicarbonate)
12 Antimony is used in infrared devices and lead storage batteries. The element occurs in two
naturally occurring isotopes, one with mass 120.904 amu and the other with mass 122.904
amu. Use the atomic mass of antimony from the periodic table to calculate the natural
abundance of each isotope (Silberberg 2.133).

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