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Positive and negative impacts of tourism

Tourism is one of the most important components of the global economy. It generates
billions of dollars in revenues and millions of jobs worldwide. It is considered by
many communities, especially in emerging countries the only tool for development,
and the only chance for increasing the quality of life. Thus the tourism industry
has stretched from seaside to mountain resorts and from small villages to big
metropolises. But at the same time, tourism started to show its uglier side.

Tourism can provide jobs and improve the wealth of an area. Many developing
countries are keen to develop tourism in order to become richer and to improve
the quality of life for their people. However, when large numbers of visitors go to
one place it is called mass tourism. This have both positive and negative impacts
on the area.

Some countries rely heavily on tourism and this can be a problem if tourists stop
coming. Sometimes tourist numbers fall due to natural disasters such as floods or
because of war or unrest. For example, some countries suffered from a fall in
tourism after the 2004 Asian Tsunami and tourists were encouraged to leave Tunisia
and Egypt during protests and unrest in 2011.

Here are some examples of positive and negative factors:

• Positive factors: jobs are created; the country receives more money; local
traditions and customs are kept alive, as tourists enjoy traditional shows; money
from tourists can be used to protect the natural landscape; the new facilities for
tourists also benefit from locals; increased demand for local food and crafts

• Negative factors: jobs are often seasonal (depending on the time of year) and are
poorly paid; most of the money goes from the area to large companies, not locals;
culture and traditions change with the arrival of outsiders; damage is caused to
the natural environment, habitats destroyed to build hotels; overcrowding and
traffic jams can become a big problem; prices rise in local shops, as tourists are
often richer than the local population

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