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Group #22000 Curtain Wail Contractors for aluminium alloy curtain walling Specification NCA IN [| ew NUN TTT | fo ee ee Tel IA lat tt eg ee 1, Scope, pages 3 ‘5Design and Construction 3 Waters é 5. Pecdormance Requiements 3S Rppendix & Requirements for Testing 10 This specification is concerned with the design, materials. construction and performance requitements of curtain walling. A document such as this must be Sultable fora wide range of building tyres where requirements ier Although there are systems capable of very high performance, these systems may not be ‘appropriate for all bulding types anit would be wrong to base a Standard.on what they can achieve The levels of performance included in this specification are those which. rom ‘experience, ae suitable forthe exposure ‘conditions within the United Kingdom, which are based on the maximum gust ‘speed likely tobe exceeded only once 0 50 years. Whore systems are used in other ‘countries, aciferent level of assessing ‘exposures used and his is retlected in ‘he weathertightness requirements in that particular country. POE 2.1. Aluminium alloy curtain wating 2.2 Design wind pressure 23 Fixing 2.4 Water leakage 3.1 General ‘This specication is confined to curtain waling systems in any ofthe following forms: 4) Separate vertical and horizontal members fixed to the structure, which support intermediate members inserted between trem on ste, ') Separate vertical andior horizontal members fied tothe structure which support framed infil ©) Horizontal and vertical members which are assembled into unts onsite prior to being fixed to the structure, 4) Factory assembled unis. I.does not include curtain waling or parts of curtain wating systems forming sloping or ‘overhead glazing, .e., with a slope of less tran 75" rom horizontal where snow and dead loads and different safety requirements need to be consicered ‘A mult-storey form ot lightweight extemal vertical wall which s supported trom a number (of points on the structure, extending contin ously to mask the edges o lors and ‘Sometimes columns or cross walls, the sttuctual framing members being of aluminium alloy, ‘The wind pressure that can be expected on a surface of a building having taken into ‘account the topography, ground roughness, building height above ground and the shape ofthe building by applying pressure coefficients to the dynamic pressure of the wind (see 8S CP3 Chapter V Part2), Any item that used to secure separate members ofthe system to each other. orto secure the system to the structure. The penetration of water that would continuously or repeatedly wet parts of a building not designed to be wetted. ‘The curtain waling system shall be designed to meet the weathertightness and other performance requirements in Clause 5c! this Specification, ‘This Speciication applies to the basic forms of curtain walling which, for weathorigniness, include the folowing systems: 3.1.1 Pressure equalisation and drainage ie. incorporating the rainscreen principle. \Wiater penetration is controlled by the introduction of an airspace between the inner and ‘outer surfaces ofthe curtain walling, To be effective in combatting the action of pressure differentials, the air pressure in tho space has to be equal tothe outside pressure and this is accomplished by ventilating the ar spaco to the outside ai and ensunng that there an efficient internal air seal ‘This type of curtain wall has three components: €) arainscreen to prevent direct penetration of water due to its kinetic energy. ') anair space to allow equalisation of pressure on both sides ofthe rainscreen, ‘Suficient ree air should be provided between the exterior and the air bare to allow ‘equalisation to take place. Wnere this has been achieved there willbe no pressure ference to move the ran inwards. ©) an air barrie, which is placed on the inner side of the airspace, This barreris the point ‘atwhich the air pressure difference between the outside air and the interior occurs and has to resist wind loads, Itshould be assumed when using this form of construction that some rain will enter the aie space and provision should be made for ito drain away tothe exterior without comang into ‘contact with the air barrier. 3.2. Structural tolerances and deletions 3.3 Thermal movement 3.4 Sizes andtolerances of ‘taming 3.5 Framing joints 3.6 Movement noise 3.1.2 Front Sealed Systems The resistance to weather penetration is achieved by ‘sealing the outer ins, using sealants or gaskets, ‘The design o he joints o these front sealed systems shal be such that their size and prot are suitable for the sealing material to provide optimum performance ‘Some front sealed systems have provision fr drainage of water wricn may enter the system. Atypical example s the drainage of hollow sections such as at tne bottom of rmulions 3.1.8 Hybrid Systems These are systems incorporating a mixture ofthe above types. Whatever type of design is used its weatherighiness willbe improved i profiling ofthe ‘extemal surfaces, including retums into joints, is such as o esti the flow of water acfoss the surface towards vertical joints and to reduce or prevent the flow of water into O° over joints [At the curtain waling design stage the specifier shall tate the amounts o be ‘accommodated by the framing and fixings in respect of: 4) the structural construction tolerances ») any structural ifferential deflection movernents between floors, or other movernents, including iwaload deflections and settlement of the building svucture. The manufacturer shal agree all tolerances to be catered forin the design, withthe specifier ‘The aluminium framework and gjazing shall be constructed and installed with sufficient Clearances and, where necessary, expansion joints incorporated Ic provide for expansion ‘ang contraction as will be caused by ine temoerature changes without bucKing, ‘istorton of jorts. or damage to sealants or other components. (see aso 5.7) ‘The manufacturer shall state the manutacturing work sizes and erection tolerances. 3.4.1 Manufacturing Tolerances The maximum permissible deviation on the length of hotizonal and vertical farming members is plus or minus 1.8mm. Horizoctal members shall not deviate from thelr centre to centre dimensions by more than plus o¢ minus Sen, 8.42 Erection Tolerances The design shal alow for vertical and horizontal framing ‘members tobe installed tthe fixing points within a dewation of plus oF minus 2mm trom their true postions. Joints shall be made either by welding or by mechanical means such as cleating ang screwing, and shail have flush, stepped or lapped surfaces. For flush jonts formed by mechanical means, any deviation trom ihe same piane shall be within the mis set by the Use of extrusion tolerances given in BS 1474, \ielded joints shal be cleanes olf smocth an the surfaces that are visible on completion ot the installation, or where they would otherwise be an cbstruction tothe glazing or infill panels. Provision shal be rade in the design for minimising noise caused, not only by thermal ‘expansion and contraction movernents of metal parts, but also by wind deflection movernents 3.7 Resistance to corosion 3.8 Cavity bariers or smoke stops 3.9 Electrical continuity and ‘earth bonding 3.10 Fixings 3.11 Strength calculations 8.12 Ancilary aluminium mombers The possibilly f electrochemical corrosion occuring trom the proximity or abutment of dissimilar metals should be assessed ai the design stage. Metals which are well separated in tei electrochemical series and present ine possibility of galvanic corrosion shall Be insulated from each other by tne use of inert materials such as PVC Tape or other Plastics orneoprene pads or spacers. or paint finishes. Inadition, the possioiity of corrosion of metal components abutting concrete should be ‘considered, because of the high alkaline nature ofthe concrete Note t Crevice atoints shouldbe avcidedas these canbe @ corrosion source Note 2. Gaivanc crroson wil ony occur with ne presence of moisture and then, cartel i this sat aden Extra care shouldbe taken marine amoscheres Note Further informations cortained in SFO 6484: 1979, The curtain walling manufacturer may be required to provide cavity barers or smoke stops of galvanised stoel or other sutable material, between the framing and the structure, toa design that is approved by ‘he appropriate Authonty. ‘Any such requirements shall be made known by the specifier atthe design stage, It shal be assumed that there is no requirement forthe framing members o provide electrical continuty or earth bonding throughout the system unless otherwige spectied Fixings are of two basic types: a) those tha are firmly attached to the structure and the curtain walling and ate intended toresist loads applied in ary direction, and ) those designed to permit movement in the plane of the curtain walling, for example, thermal movement, Fixing points in concrete structures shall ue positioned clear of reinforcing bars. The penetration and postioning ofthe fixings snail bein accordance with the Bot ‘manutacture’'s recommendations. When ‘xing to steel mambers, the Structural Enginger shail ensure that the beams to which the fixings are applied have adequate torsional strength, in addition to vertical and lateral stability All fixings and ties shall be adjustable to accommodate: 8) agreed building tolerances, including tolerances in xing position. ) manufacturing tolerances of the curtain wall ©) erection tolerances 6) building movements (settlement, shrinkage, thermal etc. agreed to'be alowed fo) €@) frarring thermal movernent, When specified, special provision may have to be made in the design of the curtain waling and fixings to allow imited subsidence of the building structure anaior for ‘expansion joins in the building Where requested the manulacturer shail submit strength calculations in connection with the design ofthe curtain waling framing members and fixings tothe specie before ‘commencing production, ‘The specitier shal state wnether the curtain waling should include components as appropriate to enclose the structure, such as copangs at root levels, soffit closers, jamb and column closers, sil members, internal img and window boards, Unless other materials are specified these shall be of aluminium alloy extrusions or sheet in accordance with 41 \Where such components are required to provide an air andlor water seal they shall be designed so that thei jonts prove the specified performance. 8.13 Opening fonts 3.14 Requirements for glazing 3.18 Cleaning and maintenance 3:16 Durability 3.17 Visual qualty of the ‘onstruction EES 4.1 Aluminium alloy bars and ‘raring Note where integral colour anodized fishes ae required, Special alummum aloy at ae not covered by tne salen Standards canbe used, provided that hey meet he rogues Bhysical properties ofthe Standards, 42 Stool reinforcement 43 Stainless stee! Opening lighis shall be in accordance with BS 4873, ‘The curtain waling design shall be capable of being glazedin accordance with BS 6262 Using methods selected from those included in that Code of Practice and materials isted in 4.408 appropriate for the particular requirements, ‘The specifier should give consideration forthe provision of access fa cleaning and maintenance of the curtain walling system at the design stage. Note Attention is drawn tothe needor maintenance othe system by equa clearing The frequency of clearing dapends on trelocal canditors andthe recormmendatn ofthe supper ‘etme manufacturer othe nish ‘The curtain waling framing shallbe designed for aie of 50 years. Some components and ‘materials used which do not atfect the structural performance ofthe grid system may have {a shorter fe, for example, finishes and sealants, gaskets, sealed insulation glazing Units ete ‘Aithough details may be inspected closely during assembly andior instalation, the ‘general appearance should be assessed trom cistancas from which the curtain waling willbe viewed on completion, for example, externally rom ground level or other levels that Provide normal access. Extruded aluminium members shall be fabricated trom designated reated alloy 6063TF {6063TE, 60637E 0° 6082TE complying with BS 1474 ‘Members and infil panels formed from sheet materials shall be fabricated trom designated alloys 1200. 3103 or 5251 complying with BS1470 or alloy 5005 complying with 854300 Part 7 ina temper suitable forthe particular type of application and degree of forming tobe adopted. ‘The aluminium proties used forthe structural framing members excluding glazing beads. nibs, interlocks and similar features shal be not ess tran the thicknesses given in CP 118. ‘The aluminium memibers that are visible on completion ofthe installation may be finished by one of he folowing a) anodising compiying with 8S 3967 ) aliquic organic coating complying with BS 4842 ©) a powder coating complying with BS 6496 Assessment of colour matching of anodising should be made by comparison with ‘samples of upper and lower colour limits submitted and agreed prior to manufacture. Where steels used as reinforcement ot he framing members it shallbe either: 4) hot olled stee that, when tested in accardance with BS 18: Part 2has an utimate Tensile strength of 355 Nim to 510 Nima, or 'b) mild stee! sheet of grace HR14 complying with BS 1449: Part 1, {All seet reinforcement shal be hot dip galvanised after manutacture in accordance with {8S 729 10.4 minimum coating mass of 460 gim. Alternatively, pre-galvansed sheet may bbe used in areas where moisture is unikely ta form, or rusiprooting by the application of paint or other surtace treatment may be permissibe. Where stainless steel is used for decorative internal or external trimsit shall be of austenitic steel complying with table 4 of BS 1449 Part 2. 4.4 Framing assembly components 45 Fixings Note Ciasstcaton 2N10i¢ strongly preferred 46 Glass Note iis general meracticalto rave te cnecxs mace unt fina etais andine glass or unt Supplies nave been agreed, 4.7 infil panels 48 Perimeter joint seating \where framing memivers are connected together with cleats, sleeves and the like, ese shallbe of €@) aluminium ofan alloy having mechanical srength properties atleast equal to those Gescrbedin4 10° ) zinc diecasting alloy A complying with 8S 1004 Fixing bolts, screws, rvels and nuts shall be manulactured trom one of the folowing 2) stainiess stee!—Grade A2 of BS 6105: 1981 »b) mild steel bolts ~ In accordance with BS 4190: 1967 rustprooled to BS 6398: 1982 Straps, clips, brackets, lugs, washers, shims and other such fixings shall be manufactured from one of the following: 8) Slainless steel ~ Complying with BS 1449 Part 2: 1983 as fellows: i) Austenitic stee! 304815 or 316831 i Ferntic tee! 430817 ') Stee! — Complying with 8S 1449 Part 1: 1983 which has ane o the folowing fishes ') Zinc plating in accordance with classification number Zn3 o¢ Zn10 of BS 1706 ang ‘chromate passivated in accordance with 1C or 2D of BS 6338: 1982 8, Hota galvarisedin accordance with BS 729: 1971 to. minum coating mass 450 or fi) Sprayed with a zinc coating in accordance with symbol Zn4 of BS 2669 Part 1: 1964 ©) Aluminium ~ The alloy shall nave mechanical strength properties at eest equal to those described in. 1 4) Other materials — Fixing of other materials may be used. it hey are anpropriate for the required performance Glass thickness and type shall be selecteo, using the recommendations givan in BS {5262, towinstand the calculated design wind pressure and any other species requitemearts, for example salty, Hermetically sealed double glazing units snall comply with BS 5713, ‘Where thermal safety checks need to be made (see note), the specifier shall provide al necessary details of he internal and external enviconments and features likely 0 influence the glass pertormance, such as blinds, to enable the suppliers tocarry out the checks, ‘The specification for materials and finish o infil panels including any thermal insulating ‘materials shall be agrees between the specifier and suppliers. Where aluminium faced ‘panels are used they shall bein accordance with 4.1 ‘The panels shall be capable of resisting the loads imoosed by the wind and glazing ‘metiod without causing loss of performance othe curtain walling Joint seating materals between the curtain walling and the structure shall be of a type Suitable to form a seal against air and water penetation whist catering lor diferent movements. They shall be selected trom: a) Polysulphide sealants in accordance with BS 4254 or BS 5215, ») Polyurethane sealants ©) Slicone sealants in accordance with BS S869 ) Extruded rubber gaskets in accordance with BS 4255 Part 1 1986 4.9 Frame joint sealing 4.10 Glazing joints 5.1 General 5.2 Testing 5 Airpermeabilty (xed lazirg) 54 Watertghtness “Table 1 Watertightness Joint sealing materials wthin tne framing shall withstand stresses during assembly, \vansportation. instalation and provide an air and watertignt seal in service. The materials may be those istedin 4.8 or others including 4) tapes or other compressible pads ') small joint sealants ©) adhesives ‘They shall be selected for their suitability forthe joint design and perfoxmance required Gaskets may be one the flowing 2) chioroprene rubber, solid (non-celiar) complying wth 8S 4255 Par 1 1986 ») chioroprene rubber soli (celular) ©) cured ethylene propylene diene monomer (epdm) 4) uncured ethylene propylene diene monomer (epdm), or ¢) silicone rubberin accordance wih BS 4255 Glazing compounds may be 1) preformed mastic tapes, 9) gun grade solvent release sealants, 1) one or two part curing seslants, or |) two part ubpetising cormpounds ‘The pertormance requirements apply to the whole othe area of curtain walling including the junctions between it and 2) adjacent walling components 'b) inserted inl panels and perimeters of window frames The methods of test are given in Appendix ‘The test shal be carried out as describad in Appendix’. When tested up to atest pressure of 300 Pat the air leakage shall not exceed ir/mimetie length of visible total perimeter of glass and infill panels “Up to 600 Pa where stringent levels of performance are required, ¢.g., where exceptional airighiness is necessary asin airconditioned buildings. \Wnen tested by the metnad describedin Appendix’ there shal be no water leakage uring he test up to ancl at he tet pressures given Table 1 Design Wind Prossue (Pa) “Test Pressure (Pa) upto 1200 300 aver teoouptenoo SSCS 80 er2000 SC 600 Note Theseteat hereazed because 2) the voume of wate running down the face oa curtain wal can be highe han on ha ‘ace ot ‘inows particulary where ese are neared in permeate was ©) itleakage aoes occur some areas ofa curtan walt may be aiicult and costy to remedy sures are ngher than hse used when testing windows, Theyhave been 55 Strength properties Note Depensing on he shape o! the bulang tre spectermay firdine BRE inaioaomng Hardbook usel assessing Ime wina peossure, Where wind Toadeg sow toads appied a se for example by asere ‘unng cleaning may Oe he ertical facter overnng he Feqared ngiy ofthe taming 56 Fire 5.7 Thermal properties Note 1, The data was derved from Ciguse 1201 3 Chanter i Parte: 1972 Furneraawee on verma movement can be reg tom BRE Digest N's 227 ana 228 Estevan of thermal anc mesture movement andstresses Parts 1and2 Note 2 For design urposesit canbe assumed that the bate are ‘manufactured at aterperalure ot 15°C. The range ot metal meeratures to be considered is ‘rom 38°C baow 1 65°C above theternperature at wnich ne bars were cuttoiength The coeticent Stexpansion a aluminium 000023 por"c Notes inthe Buicing Regulations amg ot vison avcasic deemeatohave the Same thermal perermance ase Glaning Ths spectication flows the same approachin respect ot ‘me spandre areas ‘5.8 Sound transmission 59 Safety and security ‘The recommendations given in CP118 ‘The Structural Use of Aluminium’ shall be achereo tas aporoprate. 5.5.1 Resistance to Windloads The curtzin waling shall be capabie o sisting tne

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