5 D's Approach: Define, Describe, Descern, Decide, Defend

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5 D’s Approach: Define, Describe, Descern, Decide, Defend

I. Current Situation

II. Corporate Governance

III. External Environment

IV. Internal Environment

V. Analysis of Strategic Factors

VI. Alternatives and Recommendations

VII. Implemetation

VIII. Evaluation and Control


 Ensuring the right composition of the audit committee

 Diversity of experience, perspectives and expertise, as well as industry knowledge.

 Continuing development and education to help them keep up-to-date on current issues.

 Training programs, guidance and other support tools are essential.

 Formal training and education, mentoring, and engagement with experts inside and

outside the organization.

 Efficient use of resources

 Efficient identification of activity that adds value

 Efficient use of core compentence to company’s advantage

 Efficient measurement of the company’s performance

 Efficient business portfolio

 Efficient SWOT analysis to company’s advantage

- Construction is where you finally get into the database management system.

- With your fully developed blueprints in hand, the construction phase simply becomes a process of

building what you've outlined.

- At this point, the needs to make decisions about how things should be put together should be at a

minimum or even non-existent.

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