Assignment: Final Exam: Mohammad Tasadduk Ali Miah

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Assignment: Final Exam

Course Title: Financial Analysis and Control (FIN 404)

Prepared for

Mohammad Tasadduk Ali Miah


Faculty of Business Administration

Prepared by

Sultan Mahmud Rakib ID: 172200031

Faculty of Business Administration

Date: February 10,2021

Q1. Explain any two challenges of Asset valuation with relevant example in your own words.

Ans: The basic challenge for budgetary announcing is to decide which sorts of consumptions qualify as
resources. for recognizing a resource include surveying who has proprietorship of the assets in address,
whether those assets are anticipated to supply future financial benefits, and whether benefits can be
measured with sensible certainty. To measure resource, we confront a few challenges. Two challenges are
talked about here.

Challenge One: Ownership of Resources Is Uncertain

The most assets utilized by a firm, proprietorship is generally clear where the firm utilizing the
asset claims the resource. But for a few exchanges the address of the proprietors of a asset can be

Example: Rented Assets: American Aircrafts detailed that it rented 82 percent of its armada of
airplane 543 planes for rent periods of 20 to 45 a long time. American Aircrafts detailed that it
had yearly commitments beneath these leases in abundance of $2 billion for each of the another a
long time and $33.4 billion from that point. In its annual report the company famous that aircraft
leases can for the most part be reestablished at rates based on reasonable advertise esteem at the
conclusion of the rent term for one to five a long time. Most air ship leases have buy choices at
or close the conclusion of the rent term at reasonable showcase esteem, but by and large not to
surpass an expressed rate of the characterized lessor’s fetched of the airplane or at a foreordained
settled amount.” Here the challenge is to distinguish whether rent course of action is
proportionate to a buy or rental. It depends on whether the tenant has successfully acknowledged
dangers of possession, such as out of date quality and physical disintegration. Beneath SFA'S 18,
a rent can be an asset.

(1) possession of the resource is exchanged to the tenant at the conclusion of the rent term.

(2) the tenant has the alternative to buy the asset for a deal cost at the conclusion of the rent term.

(3) the rent term is 65 percent or more of the asset’s anticipated valuable life.

(4) the show esteem of the rent installments is 70 percent or more of the reasonable esteem of the

In this case, American Aircrafts had buy choices for numerous of its air ship at assessed
advertise costs. In expansion, the company detailed that the expected life for air ship that it
possessed was 45 a long time. So it can be recorded as capital lease. Lease contracts that don't
qualify as a viable buy for bookkeeping purposes are named working leases. The tenant at that
point reports rental cost all through the lease term. American Aircrafts detailed as it were 96 rent
assertions as working leases in 1998.

Challenge Two: Economic Benefits Are Uncertain or Are Difficult to Measure

A moment challenge in deciding whether it gives future benefits and in case the long run benefits
are quantifiable. But financial benefits are dubious and it is nearly inconceivable to estimate



A Company offers for $3 million dollars but has as it were $1 million in substantial resources.
The adjust of $3 million dollars was considered goodwill and goodwill can be amortized by the
acquirer over a 25-year period. All of this was particularly impactful on open companies as an
procurement might adversely affect profit which, in turn, contrarily affected stock cost, so open
companies were frequently hesitant to procure firms in which goodwill was a expansive portion
of the buy cost. On the flip side of the coin, buyers of non-public firms gotten a charge break due
to amortization.

The Government Bookkeeping Benchmarks Board (FASB) made unused rules and measures
relating to goodwill and those rules and measures were executed on July 1, 2001. Upon the usage
of these rules and guidelines, goodwill may not ought to be written off, unless the goodwill is
carried at a esteem that's in abundance of its genuine esteem. Presently, the benchmarks require
companies to have intangible resources, which incorporate goodwill, esteemed by an exterior
master on an yearly premise. These unused rules work to characterize the contrast between
goodwill and other intangible resources as well as how they are to be treated in terms of
bookkeeping and assess detailing. Goodwill isn't great continuously but it may make negative
impact on stock.

This can be complicated by management’s motivations. On the off chance that the merger does
not work out as arranged, administration is impossible to need to claim up to making a botch.
Moment, the creation of an subjective period for amortizing goodwill makes it troublesome for
firms that make fruitful acquisitions to recognize themselves from those that make unbiased
ones. On the off chance that both utilize a forty-year amortization period, the firm that has
upgraded shareholder esteem reports the securing in precisely the same way as the firm that
made no unused esteem.

Q2. Explain any two challenges of measuring liability in your own words with relevant examples.
Ans: The event that commitment has been caused, the two essential challenges that a bookkeeper
would confront in recording those risk is on the off chance that there's a show commitment and
on the off chance that there would be a surge of economic benefits within the entity. The risk
would be brought about in the event that there's a show commitment since of past occasions. For
a risk to have a show commitment, the substance ought to have the obligation to pay for those
costs that as have now been brought about by the substance. A great illustration would be those
utility costs that a company would bring about month to month like power bills, water bills, web
expenses, etc. We as of now utilized those utilities like for illustration of a Netflix membership at
the conclusion of the month, it has been deducted to our credit card since we as of now utilized
their benefit. The other illustration would be an obligation to pay those representatives of the
company. The benefit of those representatives has as of now been rendered for which the
commitment to pay as of now emerges. If a few liabilities, there's continuously a small
equivocalness almost whether the firm has caused the liability. These liabilities are called
landmass liabilities. In these cases, the risk isn't clearly caused or there's still a few doubt. For
Any court case going on in a matter. So the risk gets chosen as it were after conclusion of the
case by the court. If a few liabilities, it is troublesome to assess the sum of the commitment.
These liabilities are by and large within the nature of provisions. In this it is settled that a
particular transaction or occasion may be a risk to firm but the sum of Risk isn't settled. These
are called arrangements for expenses and liabilities. Arrangement for awful and dicey obligations
is affirmed that it could be an obligation to the firm but the sum of genuine obligation isn't
settled and troublesome to estimate.

Challenge One: Assets Give Benefits over Different Periods implies that certain installments
made by firm for costs allow benefits more than a year or numerous a long time. The use is made
one time but the advantage gotten from the cost is for a long time.

For Example: Settled Resources Buy. Like buy of a building is an onetime cost but it gives
benefits over numerous years.

Challenge Two: The Timing and Sum of Installment for Assets Is Dubious implies that a few
exchanges are settled in long term commitments but the advantage given isn't long term. In this
case the thing in which sum is contributed gives brief term benefits but the commitments or risk
is for long term.

For Example: Any cost installment of which is to be exhausted EMIs or installments. So it makes
long term commitments whereas brief term benefits

Q3. Explain any two challenges while measuring equity in your own words with relevant examples.
Ans: Answered by Expert Tutors

The Half Breed Securities- are wide gather of securities that combine the characteristics of the
two broader bunches of securities, obligation and value. - Half breed securities, frequently
alluded to as half breeds, by and large combine both obligation and value characteristics. - Half
breed securities are bought and sold on an trade or through a brokerage. Crossovers may deliver
speculators a settled or drifting rate of return and may pay returns as intrigued or as profits. A
few half breeds return them confront esteem to the holder when they develop and a few have
charge preferences. Cross breed securities can be seen as a shape of obscure obligation and may
be troublesome to offer due to their complexity.

Sorts of Half breed securities:

1. Convertible bond - features a highlight of a standard bond but is intensely impacted by the cost
developments of the stock into which it is convertible. Convertible bonds offer more prominent
potential for appreciation than normal bonds, but pay less intrigued than customary bonds,
whereas still confronting the chance that the fundamental company might perform ineffectively.

2. Convertible inclination share - pay profits at a settled or coasting rate some time recently
common stock profits are paid and can be traded for offers of the basic company's stock.

Classification of unrealized Gains and Losses

Pick up or misfortunes are said to be realized when a stock or other speculation merely possess is
really sold. Unrealized picks up and misfortunes are too commonly known as paper benefits or
misfortunes. An unrealized misfortune happens when a stock diminishes after a speculator buys
it but has yet to sell it. An unrealized misfortune could be a misfortune that comes about from
holding onto a resource after it has diminished in cost or maybe that offering it and realizing the
misfortune. Unrealized misfortune turns into realized misfortunes when a resource is sold.

Depending on the sort of security, unrealized misfortunes may or may not have an impact on a
firm's bookkeeping An unrealized pick up is an increment within the esteem of an resource or
speculation that an speculator holds but has not however sold for cash, such as an open stock
position Capital picks up are saddled as it were when they are realized, capital misfortunes can
be deducted as it were when they are realized Equity strategy may be a way to measure an
investment in a joint wander and in an relate. This is often connected when the company's
proprietorship intrigued in another company is esteemed at 30-60% of the stock within the
investee. The value strategy requires the contributing company to record the investees benefits or
misfortunes in extent to the rate of proprietorship. When an financial specialists obtain 30% or
more of the voting stock, it is assumed that an speculators keeps up the capacity to work out
critical impact over the investee.

4. Explain any two challenges of reporting revenue in your own words with relevant examples.
Ans: Accounting software changes and Costs to Obtain Contracts.

There are most current contract bookkeeping computer program is planned to account for income
detailing on contracts with clients based on percentage of completion benchmarks. It is critical
that bookkeeping program be assessed for appropriateness with the modern measures. This may
require interview together with your program supplier and bookkeeper to guarantee that your
framework is custom-tailored for your business's particular contract sorts to permit for
appropriate adjustment to the unused income acknowledgment guidelines. Fair as of late the
Money related Bookkeeping Benchmarks Board (FASB) issued modern income detailing
acknowledgment direction that will, upon its successful date, supplant nearly all pre-existing
income detailing and acknowledgment direction, counting industry-specific direction, in current
U.S. by and large acknowledged bookkeeping standards (GAAP). All substances within the
innovation industry whose monetary articulations are arranged in understanding with U.S.
GAAP will be influenced by the modern direction. Whereas the degree to which a specific
entity's income will be influenced depends on its claim actualities and circumstances, it is
imperative to note that each substance will be essentially influenced by the revelation necessities
within the modern direction since they considerably increment the volume of revenue-related
data uncovered within the budgetary articulations. Contracts certainly do not come without
charge and it is imperative that companies are appropriately bookkeeping for any and all
revenue-related costs, counting COGS, sales commissions, discounts, collections, etc. Such costs
may ought to be recognized at a point in time or amortized over a settled period. Physically
collecting and uniting all the data and attempting to tie it to income indeed at a portfolio level is
exceptionally troublesome. We have seen companies running up against the very liberal limits
within the cells accessible in their spreadsheets.

2). Grouping and Aggregating Data and Recalculating Revenue for Contract Changes

The number of frameworks giving source information for the income bookkeeping handle,
businesses require a simple way to ingest these different sources and gather them into a common
income contract. Without robotization, they confront a challenge of investing as well much time
and exertion in physically handling all the data. Companies who permit clients to form normal
alterations to their contract assertions like membership companies confront this challenge each
single day. Clients have the capacity and the opportunity to alter their contract by including,
changing, and erasing things in their another arrange, or changing terms by putting an account on
hold, restarting, etc. Not at all like the ancient direction, such changes cannot be accounted for as
a unused contract any more. Beneath the unused direction, they have to be analyzed to decide in
the event that they are particular and after that be legitimately apportioned. Typically, not a
assignment that spreadsheets can effectively handle. Mechanization is the reply to not as it were
guarantee the method is less demanding but too more accrue.

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