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Sentence completion

1.You’re driving too fast you should slow down.

2.I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m so hungry!
3.She was awarded a promotion based on her excellent performance on the
4.It was so hot outside that no one wanted to leave the air-conditioned
5.You may not agree with his method, but there’s no question that he make
a lot of money for the company.
6.I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to change my schedule.
7.Some people wear glasses/specs to help them see better.
8.The elevator is broken, so you will have to take the steps to get to the
second floor.
9.Where is my jacket? I can’t find it.
10. The money was distributed amongst several people.
11. For more about the product, please consult the instruction manual.
12. I have trouble sleeping at night, so I usually wake up very tired.
13. Over three hundred people witnessed the store’s grand opening.
14. I wanted to buy the book, but the bookstore didn’t have any in
stock. They expect to receive more next week.
15. The class had to be stopped indefinitely because of the summer
16. You can place your order as soon as you know what you want to
17. Thank you very much for your help on such short notice. It helped
us immensely when time was running out.
18. The training program has a wide selection of courses to any
interested employee at a minimum charge.
19. Can I bring you something to drink? Perhaps tea or coffee?
20. My house is very small. There’s just my mother, father, and me.
21. The city can be divided into two parts. The outer sections are rarely
new. While the historical city center is rather old, indeed.
22. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your
passport or some form of identification card.
23. The speaker at the conference was very interesting. I like his talk
very much.
24. I was recently transferred from the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.
25. Don’t forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
26. Since you’ve finished everything else, for the rest of the week
please focus your attention on finishing the expense reports.
27. For more about the product, please consult the instruction manual.
28. I have trouble sleeping at night .so I usually wake up very tired.
29. I don’t know/understand what I wrote. I’m doing to rewrite it
30. The residents were advised to evacuate their homes before the
storm reached them.
31. The class had to be stopped indefinitely because of the summer
32. Thank you very much for your help on such short notice. It helped
us immensely when time was running out.
33. Recent studies have shown that the shopping habits of consumers
have changed dramatically in the past ten years.
34. Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high
expectation that business would improve soon.
35. I know you love travelling abroad. Would you be able in a position
in our overseas office?
36. I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to make an
entertainment/appointment/entry on the show tonight.
37. You’re driving too fast you should slow down.
38. I haven’t eaten anything all day. I’m so hungry!
39. I need to write your first name. How do you spell it?
40. The man lost his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this
41. My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on
time at the destination.
42. She was a junior manager but now she has been promoted to senior
management position.
43. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your
passport or some form of identification card.
44. The amount of air pollution in this town has increased substantially
since the factory opened.
45. The number of attendees far exceeded our expectation. The event
site was very crowded it was not even easy to walk around.
46. Where is my jacket? I can’t find it.
47. The money was distributed amongst several people.
48. The residents were advised to evacuate their homes before the
storm reached them.
49. Over three hundred people witnessed the store’s grand opening.
50. Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high
expectation that business would improve soon.
51. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next
52. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests within 24
hours. Otherwise, they tend to become annoyed and may find other
53. The department is responsible for the mistake so they will have to
pay the cost of the failure themselves.
54. We offer our customers the service of placing orders by phone or
55. I’m sorry I’m late. I woke up late this morning.
56. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
57. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your
passport or some form of identification card.
58. The bill wasn’t right. I think they made a mistake.
59. I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to change my schedule.
60. To celebrate our first major success, we’re going to throw a party.
61. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the tax at the
62. Where is my jacket? I can’t find it.
63. Don’t forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
64. The company hit its target last year and reported a profit.
65. I have trouble sleeping at night .so I usually wake up very tired.
66. Please check all envelopes for the correct return address.
67. My ears are ringing because the music was so loud at the concert.
68. I had to take out a loan from the bank to cover the cost of replacing
the roof of my house.
69. The training program has a wide selection of courses to any
interested employee at a minimum charge.
70. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next
71. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests within 24
hours. Otherwise, they tend to become annoyed and may find other
72. I know you love travelling abroad. Would you be able in a position
in our overseas office?
73. Should I turn right or left at the next corner.
74. You’re driving too fast .you should slow down.
75. I’m a salesman. And you, what do you do?
76. I need to write your first name. How do you spell it?
77. The man lost his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this
78. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
79. Let’s postpone tomorrow’s presentation until next week. I’m just
too busy to prepare for it right now.
80. You may not agree with his method, but there’s no question that he
make a lot of money for the company.
81. I was recently transferred from the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.
82. Since you’ve finished everything else, for the rest of the week
please focus your attention on finishing the expense reports.
83. She gets her supplies at a low rate because she buys in bulk.
84. This is cutting edge technology it’s the best on the market.
85. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
86. You can place your order as soon as you know what you want to
87. My ears are ringing because the music was so loud at the concert
88. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next
89. After making one last modification to the layout, the newsletter was
ready to be sent out.
90. Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has
reached end.
91. What time is it? I don’t have a watch.
92. Can you turn the lights ON? I can’t see anything.
93. I’m a salesman. And you, what do you do?
94. My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on
time at the destination.
95. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your
passport or some form of identification card.
96. When it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.
97. Some people wear glasses to help them see better.
98. The speaker at the conference was very interesting. I like his talk
very much.
99. Don’t forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
100. Since you’ve finished everything else, for the rest of the week
please focus your attention on finishing the expense reports.
101. An increasing number of the businesses have recently shut down
due to the economic downturn.
102. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
103. You can place your order as soon as you know what you want to
104. Thank you very much for your help on such short notice. It helped
us immensely when time was running out.
105. After making one last modification to the layout, the newsletter was
ready to be sent out.
106. The product is out of stock until the next stock/one/season arrives.
107. I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to make an appointment/entry
on the show tonight.
108. Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has
reached end.
109. Should I turn right or left at the next corner.
110. I went shopping yesterday and spent all my money.
111. My house is very small. There’s just my mother, father, and me.
112. I need to write your first name. How do you spell it?
113. The man lost his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this
114. I’m sorry I’m late. I woke up late this morning.
115. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
116. The speaker at the conference was very interesting. I like his talk
very much.
117. I was recently transferred from the Berlin office to the Tokyo office.
118. For more about the product, please consult the instruction manual.
119. The store had only been in business for two months when the owner
sold it.
120. An increasing number of the businesses have recently shut down
due to the economic downturn.
121. The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety
122. She gets her supplies at a low rate because she buys in bulk.
123. My friend, who has lived in New York all his life, took me a
personal tour of the city.
124. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
125. I had to take out a loan from the bank to cover the cost of replacing
the roof of my house.
126. I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to make an
entertainment/appointment/entry on the show tonight.
127. Should I turn right or left at the next corner.
128. You’re driving too fast .you should slow down.
129. What time is it? I don’t have a watch.
130. The city can be divided in two parts. The outer sections are rarely
new, while the historical city is rather old, indeed.
131. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
132. Let’s postpone tomorrow’s presentation until next week. I’m just
too busy to prepare for it right now.
133. She was a junior manager but now she has been promoted to senior
management position.
134. The bill wasn’t right. I think they made a mistake.
135. I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to change my schedule.
136. To celebrate our first major success, we’re going to throw a party.
137. The number of attendees far exceeded our expectation. The event
site was very crowded it was not even easy to walk around.
138. Please check all envelopes for the correct return address.
139. My friend, who has lived in New York all his life, took me a
personal tour of the city.
140. I wanted to buy the book, but the bookstore didn’t have any in
stock. They expect to receive more next week.
141. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
142. The training program has a wide selection of courses to any
interested employee at a minimum charge.
143. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next
144. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests within 24
hours. Otherwise, they tend to become annoyed and may find other
145. How many languages can you speak?
146. What time is it? I don’t have a watch.
147. Can you turn the lights ON? I can’t see anything.
148. My house is very small. There’s just my mother, father, and me.
149. I need to write your first name. How do you spell it?
150. The city can be divided in two parts. The outer sections are rarely
new, while the historical city is rather old, indeed.
151. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
152. I don’t have my credit card. I must have kept it at home.
153. When travelling in a foreign country, you should always carry your
passport or some form of identification card.
154. I’m not sure I can come tomorrow. I’ll have to change my schedule.
155. It looks like this document has been edited already – is this the final
156. The number of attendees far exceeded our expectation. The event
site was very crowded it was not even easy to walk around.
157. Don’t forget to ask for a receipt when you pay.
158. For more about the product, please consult the instruction manual.
159. The new trainees are going/working along just fine.
160. This is cutting edge technology it’s the best on the market.
161. He’s so concerned for the environment that I wasn’t surprised when
he told me the soles of his shoes were made out of his old tries.
162. I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to make an
entertainment/appointment/entry on the show tonight.
163. She was awarded a promotion based on her excellent performance
on the job.
164. The man lost his car keys and spent an hour looking for them this
165. My flight departed ten minutes later than scheduled but arrived on
time at the destination.
166. Let’s postpone tomorrow’s presentation until next week. I’m just
too busy to prepare for it right now.
167. She ran to the corner, but she just missed the bus, so she had to wait
for the next one.
168. The bill wasn’t right. I think they made a mistake.
169. You may not agree with his method, but there’s no question that he
make a lot of money for the company.
170. To celebrate our first major success, we’re going to throw a party.
171. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the tax at the
172. In my company, it is manager’s job to divide work among the team
173. The money was distributed amongst several people.
174. Since you’ve finished everything else, for the rest of the week
please focus your attention on finishing the expense reports.
175. The store had only been in business for two months when the owner
sold it.
176. I don’t know/understand what I wrote. I’m doing to rewrite it
177. She gets her supplies at a low rate because she buys in bulk.
178. Thank you very much for your help on such short notice. It helped
us immensely when time was running out.
179. It has to be seen whether the company will stay in business next
180. Finally, everything I had to do is finished now that the project has
reached end.
181. My house is very small. There’s just my mother, father, and me.
182. The city can be divided in two parts. The outer sections are rarely
new, while the historical city is rather old, indeed.
183. I’m sorry I’m late. I woke up late this morning.
184. If you want to meet with the CEO, you need to make an
appointment weeks in advance.
185. When it rains, there are dark clouds in the sky.
186. To celebrate our first major success, we’re going to throw a party.
187. The number of attendees far exceeded our expectation. The event
site was very crowded it was not even easy to walk around.
188. The money was distributed amongst several people.
189. The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety
190. Please check all envelopes for the correct return address.
191. This is cutting edge technology it’s the best on the market.
192. I wanted to buy the book, but the bookstore didn’t have any in
stock. They expect to receive more next week.
193. Today is Tuesday. Yesterday was Monday.
194. The training program has a wide selection of courses to any
interested employee at a minimum charge.
195. After making one last modification to the layout, the newsletter was
ready to be sent out.
196. I know you love travelling abroad. Would you be able in a position
in our overseas office?
197. I couldn’t believe it when he agreed to make an
entertainment/appointment/entry on the show tonight.
198. You’re driving too fast .you should slow down.
199. It was so hot outside that no one wanted to leave the air-conditioned
200. I need to write your first name. How do you spell it?
201. The city can be divided in two parts. The outer sections are rarely
new, while the historical city is rather old, indeed.
202. I’m sorry I’m late. I woke up late this morning.
203. How much does the necklace cost? I don’t see a price.
204. She was a junior manager but now she has been promoted to senior
management position.
205. Some people wear glasses to help them see better.
206. Where is my jacket? I can’t find it.
207. For more about the product, please consult the instruction manual.
208. The employees of our factory must follow a strict set of safety
209. The new trainees are working along just fine.
210. He’s so concerned for the environment that I wasn’t surprised when
he told me the soles of his shoes were made out of his old tries.
211. The class had to be stopped indefinitely because of the summer
212. Thank you very much for your help on such short notice. It helped
us immensely when time was running out.
213. Although sales were down last quarter, the owner had high
expectation that business would improve soon.
214. The training program has a wide selection of courses to any
interested employee at a minimum charge.
215. After making one last modification to the layout, the newsletter was
ready to be sent out.
216. If you don’t fulfill the height requirement, you are not allowed to
get on the ride
217. In my company, it is the manager’s job to divide the work among
the team members.
218. Negotiations came to a halt as leaders struggled to reach terms that
were Acceptable to both parties.
219. He’s running late ; he should have been here an hour ago.
220. When my bicycle got a flat tyre , I had to take the train to work
221. My friend. Who has lived in New York all his life, took me on a
personal tour of the city.
222. A good policy is to always respond to customer requests within
24hrs.Otherwise, they tend become annoyed and may find other
223. It looks like this document has been edited already - is this the final
224. We had planned to go hiking today, but the weather was so bad that
we had to come up with an Alternate plan.
225. There was a clear blue sky and the sun was Beaming/Bright
226. Before you drive over the bridge you have to pay the tax at the
227. In cities with good public Transportation it’s hard to understand
why people insist on driving themselves to work.
228. The training program has a wide selection of course to any
interested employee at a minimum charge.
229. Workers who have previously completed training are exempted
from the new training requirements.
230. I Took my clothes off at the dry cleaner on my way to work this
231. He’s so concerned for the environment that I wasn’t surprised when
he told me the soles of his of his shoes were made out of His old
232. Please check all envelopes for the correct return Address.
233. Please make sure that all seatbelts are securely fastened.
234. The company hit its target last year and reported a profit.
235. The brothers turned on the television and sat down to watch their
favorite show.
236. Be careful when using that knife to cut the vegetables.
237. Many business people tend to shake hands when they first meet.
238. All of the dishes were very dirty after dinner. It took me a long time
to clean them all.
239. Sofia wore gloves while gardening to keep her hands clean.
240. The traveler unfolded a map of the city in order to find his way to
the hotel.
241. This bridge was built more than 100 years ago.
242. The cats were scared because the dog was barking loudly at them.
243. The essay had many spelling errors
244. Four oranges must be squeezed to make a single cup of orange
245. Is there a fire somewhere? I smell smoke.
246. The walls are so pain. Do you think we should paint or put up
247. We can get together this weekend. I’m feeling way better.
248. Don’t touch the stove. I was just cooking and it’s still hot.
249. The baker had several turns on his wrists from the times he had
touched the sides of the oven.
250. He jumped over the puddle so his feet would not get wet.
251. Every Thursday, we visit the public library to borrow out new

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