Indemnity Form NATCO 2021

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Indemnity Form

I am Kacem Lachkar,from LC Bizerte . I shall attend NATCO 2K21 , hosted

by LC HADRUMET, as a delegate which will take place from the 23th of
December 2021 until the 26th of December 2021 in Soviva Resort Hotel in
As a delegate of the Conference, I hereby confirm that I shall act
responsibly at all times during the conference and not harm the reputation
or brand of AIESEC.
● I will comply with all applicable rules and regulations and other
reasonable directions given by AIESEC or others.
● In case anything is broken at the room, reception or bar… the according
LC will be responsible to pay the damages.
● I agree to follow further instructions announced by AIESEC or the
hotel security staff regarding my presence in the hotel and the safety
of my stay.
● I hereby declare that if, during the period specified above, any of my
actions directly or indirectly cause any kind of damage, injury to an
individual or if I participate in any illegal activities, I shall be personally
responsible and liable for such actions and consequences.
● I ASSUME FULL RESPONSIBILITY for understanding and following the
rules and security practices associated with NATCO 2K21 and for my
personal safety.
● I am aware of the Covid-19 situation in our country and I will respect
the health safety protocols.

The resumption of our activities is important for us as members of AIESEC,
not only the exchange programs, but also the national conferences. Of
course, this recovery must necessarily be done while respecting sanitary
For this, the Organizing Committee has developed a safety protocol to help
and guide the delegates, to be present at NATCO while ensuring the
protection of their health.
Therefore, I agree to comply to the following COVID-19 safety
protocol: • Wearing a face mask through the whole conference.
• Not smoking inside the hotel.
• Using hand sanitizers when touching buttons, doorknobs, handrails,
chairs, tables, screens, projectors, telephones, boards, and markers. •
Avoiding group gatherings at break time.
• Coffee breaks are distributed in open spaces
• Delegates who have tested positive for covid-19, or whose family
member has tested positive, or who have been identified as a risk
contact 10 days or less before the conference, should not attend it.
They should inform their LCPs who should inform the OCP.
• Each LC will have a specific time to finalize the check-in, if the LC did
not respect it, it will be postponed to dinner-time.
• Every delegate must show his vaccination certificate before entering
the hotel.

Additionally, I hereby agree to avoid the following actions that may

endanger my safety and the others' during my stay for the conference:

• Exchanging materials (pens, paper).

• Changing my seat during meetings, sessions, lunchtime...
• Handshaking, hugs, and general skin-to-skin contact.
• Gatherings outside the plenary.

PS : Any alcoholic substance will be confiscated by the hotel security. The

confiscated substances will be stored in the hotel and the delegate can claim
it back once the conference is over .

Lastly, I agree to accept any additional safety measures taken by OC TEAM

or the hotel and respect them for the safety of everyone.

I understand and agree that if I do not follow the rules and directions,
AIESEC may withdraw my right to participate in the conference without
having any obligation to refund my delegate fee.

I confirm that I have been given adequate time to receive, read through and
comprehend the terms and conditions included in this document and accept
these risks associated with NATCO 2K21 and that I have executed this
agreement voluntarily.
Date : Signature of participant :


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