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Ст 12 упр 1

 anticlimax - an event, conclusion, statement, that is far less important, powerful, or

striking than expected (a moment when excitement quickly changes to
disappointment) разрядка напряжения, спад, антиклимакс
 arms - a limb on the upper part of a person's body (either of the two long parts of
the upper body that are attached to the shoulders) Одна из двух верхних
конечностей человека, от плеча до конца пальцев.
 bottom - the lowest or deepest part of anything, as distinguished from the top. Дно,
 bout - a period of time in which something intense happens (a period of
indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition) припадок,
приступ, схватка, встреча, a short period of great activity, an attack of illness;
 concert - концерт, согласие, гармония, a performance given by a number of
musicians, agreement;
 concoct - to prepare or make by combining ingredients, especially in cookery (to
make something, usually food, by adding several different parts together).
Состряпать, сварить, приготовить еду; создать, смастерить что-л. наскоро, кое-
как, небрежно.
 date - дата, свидание, встреча, время, эпоха, возраст, a stated point in time
shown by one or more of the following: the number of the day, the month and the
 detail - a small fact or spot in a larger entity (a small part that can be considered
separately from the whole). Деталь, часть
 end - final point or farthest edge (either extremity of something that has length).
Конец - предел, граница, край какого-либо объекта
 engineer - someone who possesses the knowledge or expertise to create and
implement plans or build machines (a person who uses scientific knowledge to
solve practical problems). Инженер - специалист-изобретатель, который создает
или совершенствует технические механизмы.
 fulcrum - точка опоры, средство достижения цели, the point on which a bar
turns, balances or is supported in lifting or moving smth
 fun - веселье, забава, шутить, amusement or pleasure, amusement caused by
laughing at someone else, providing pleasure
 the gist - суть, сущность, истинный смысл, the main points or general meaning
(the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work)
 give and take - make mutual concessions (делать взаимные уступки)
 world - the body in space on which we live, a group of living things, human life
and its affaires a part of the world with a particular character (мир, общество,
жизнь, период истории, кругозор)
 worldly - мирской, земной, опытный, мудрый, of the material world, concerned
with or experienced in the ways of society
 peer pressure - influence from members of one's peer group (давление со стороны
 peer-bonded
 rapport - a relationship of mutual understanding or trust and agreement between
people (хорошие взаимоотношения, взаимопонимание, согласие)
 task force - специальная комиссия по изучению данного вопроса, оперативная
группа, a military force under one commander sent to a place for a special purpose,
any group formed for a short time to deal with a particular problem;
 track record - the sum of recognized accomplishments (the fastest time ever
recorded for a specific distance at a particular racetrack) достижения, стаж,
послужной список
 power broker - влиятельная фигура, влиятельная сила, someone who controls
the degree to which others have political influence, especially in affaires between
nations (a person who is important by virtue of the people or votes they control)
 odds - вероятность, возможность, шанс, разногласие, несогласие, the
probability that smth will or will not happen
 home - where you live at a particular time (the country or state or city where you
 war - война, борьба, воевать, armed fighting between nations

 любитель lover, devotee, fan – дилетант (непрофессионал) dilettante ; amateur,

 анализировать – рассматривать – разбирать
 банкир banker – финансист financier,
 основатель founder – основоположник founder, initiator,
 маленький small; (little; (миниатюрный) diminutive – небольшой small, not
great; short – микроскопический microscopic(al) – мизерный scanty, meagre,
wretched – незначительный insignificant, unimportant,
 неимоверный incredible – неправдоподобный improbable, unlikely, unfeasible
– дикий wild shy; парадоксальный paradoxical, ironic – анекдотичный
 простой simple; easy – щедрый generous, liberal – простодушный
openhearted; simple-hearted, simple-minded; незамысловатый simple,
uncomplicated, unpretentious; straightforward.

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