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De Broglie’s Equation:

In the autumn of 1924, the French physicist Louis de Broglie submitted to the judgement of
Sorbonne University in Paris one of the most famous PhD thesis in the history of physics

De Broglie’s equation is the relationship between the momentum of a moving particle and the
wavelength of the wave associated with it.

λ = h/p

Where p = momentum of a moving particle

h = plank’s constant
λ = wavelength of the wave

Proof of de Broglle’s equation:

As E = hf (energy of a photon)

And Einstien’s mass-energy relationship: E = mc2

Therefore, mc2 = hf

mc = h/λ

λ = h / mc

λ = h/p

It means that a photon (packet of energy) can behaves like wave of wavelength λ.

Later (in 1927) the wave property of an electron was confirmed by American and England
In 1929 de Broglie received Nobel Prize in Physics for his work. And other two researchers also
received the shared Nobel Prize (Physics) in 1937.

Electron Diffraction:
 In an electron diffraction tube electrons are accelerated to high speed by applying a large
potential difference.
 These fast moving electrons are passed through a thin crystalline graphite (carbon atoms).
 After passing through the graphite (spacing between atomic layers); the electrons produced
a diffraction pattern on the screen. (the same as light passes through a small hole.
 These electron rings cannot be explained by the particle nature of the electron.
Wavelength of electron:
In the experiment;
Mass of electron (m) = 9.11 x 10-31 kg
Speed of electron (v) = 107 m/s
Plank’s constant (h) = 6.63 x 10-34

λ = h / mv

by putting all given values in the above equation; λ = 7.3 x 10-11 m which is in the range of X-rays of EM

Electron Microscope:
Therefore electron (having a very short known wavelength) can be used to measure positions of
atoms in crystalline solids (for example structure of graphite crystal in chemistry).

Previous Knowledge

Young's double-slit experiment uses two coherent sources of light placed at a small distance
apart, usually, only a few orders of magnitude greater than the wavelength of light is used.

Young's double-slit experiment helped in understanding the wave theory of light which is
explained with the help of a diagram.

In modern physics, the double-slit experiment is a demonstration that light and matter can display
characteristics of both classically defined waves and particles
Equationof double slit experiment:

Wavelength λ = a x / D

Where, a = separation between the slits

x = Fringe separation (separation between the bright lines)
D = slit to screen distance

A diffraction grating is made by making many parallel scratches on the surface of a flat piece of
transparent material.

Examples of diffraction:
 The most colorful examples of diffraction are those involving light; for example, the closely spaced
tracks on a CD or DVD act as a diffraction grating to form the familiar rainbow pattern we see when
looking at a disk.
 A shadow of a solid object, using light from a compact source, shows small fringes near its edges.

 X-ray diffraction patterns are used to measure spacing between layers or rows of atoms, and to
determine crystal orientations and crystal structures.
 Electron diffraction patterns are two-dimensional sections of the lattice of the diffracting crystal.
 Wavelength of a light can be calculated with the diffraction grating equation (that gives the
relationship between the diffracted angle and wavelength of a monochromatic light.

nλ = d sin Θ
λ = wavelength
n = order of the maxima or the fringe order (n= 0, 1, 2, 3 etc)
d = grating spacing or grating element or the slits separation
Θ = diffracted angle

Formation of diffraction grating pattern:

Diffraction grating vs double slit pattern on the screen:

 With a diffraction grating, the maxima are very sharp.

 With a diffraction grating the all maxima more and same brightness. Bcz for double slit the bright
spot is the contribution of just 2 slits. But in case of diffraction grating the brightness is the
contribution of thousands of slits.
 For 2 slits there is little accuracy to measure slit separation; whereas, there are large number
of slits per cm and thus slit separation.

For example fringe spacing = 1cm / 3000 (very precise)

 For double slits the fringes on screen are much closer; therefore fringe spacing less accurate.
However; for grating experiment the fringes (or maxima) are widely separated, therefore, the angle
measurements are highly accurate.
All these facts show that the measurement of wavelength will be highly precise in case of
diffraction grating experiment.

Diffracting white light:

Like a prism, a diffraction grating can also split white light into its constituent colours (dispersion).
 The spectrum of colours appear on both sides of the grating.
 Red (large wavelength) colour spreads to the furthest angle. Similarly the violet colour bends the
least (bcz of very short wavelength). Therefore, violet is always closer to the centre and red is
always the furthest.

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