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Legislation Legacy

Debbie Hall


April 28, 2011

Adria Welcher

Axia College of University of Phoenix

The issue that I chose to use between the Native Americans and the

federal government is “Indian health and crime amendment passes Senate”. The

amendment was passed by the United States Senate and it address aimed towards

injecting $2 billion dollars to strengthen health and fight crime in Indian countries. The

amendment also redirects $1 billion dollars for funding of law enforcement and to

improve health care issues. This amendment also puts $1 billion dollars towards water

projects on reservations across the nation. In addition to the funds to develop and

strengthen water projects, the amendment also authorizes another $1 billion, of which

$750 million will be designated for improving Indian public safety and $250 million will

be devoted to strengthen the budget of the IHS.

John Thune was interviewed by the newspaper saying (2008), “I’m very pleased

that the Senate has recognized the need and has demonstrated a willingness to address it”.

Thune also said in an interview with Indian Country Today (2008), “This is something

we have been working on for a long time, and we hope to continue to elevate some of the

issues that are impacting Indian country”. Thune also went on to say (2008), “Congress

recognized the responsibility we have to improve law enforcement, public safety, and

health care on our nation’s reservations. We think this is an important first step in

addressing issues that folks are facing in Indian country, and we all hope that it will be

easier in the future to get Congress to move forward on other solutions that also address

those needs”.

I am really glad that the Native Americans are finally receiving the things that the

federal government promised them many years ago. We all know that this has been a

long time waiting for the Indian Tribes and they are very thankful that our Senators are
finally addressing their needs and giving them the things that they have needed for a long

time now. It is also nice to see that the Senators are voting for them instead of against

them to help them in areas where they desperately need it. It is a shame that it has taken

this long for this to happen because of the crime and poverty that these reservations have

accumulated over the years. I hope in time, more people will stand up and be willing to

help where these tribes and reservations need it.


(2008). Indian Country Today. Retrieved April 27, 2011 from

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