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class 6

Social Studies

Half Yearly Examination

Q 1) Define the following terms. ( 1*3=3 marks)

a) inscriptions b. Neolithic age c. grainar

2) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. (.5*6=3marks )

a) ...................................................isn essential part of our life.

b) On the Indian subcontinent people live along the banks of the.................................. river.

c) The people of paleolithic and mesolithic age were fond of....................................

d) The....................................... lived life of nomads.

e) Semi precious stones were found in...,..............................

f) The most attractive discovery of Mohenjo Daro was.........................................

Q 3) State whether the following statements are true or false. (.5*4=2 marks)

a) the great bath has been discovered Harappa.

b) Hunsgi was perhaps a religious site.
c) history is the study of entire past of the man.
d) History of Ancient India was divided into 8 periods.

Q 4) Tick the correct answer. ( 1*3=3 marks)

a) Which crops were first grown by the early man?

i)wheat and barley ii) maize and barley iii) rice and wheat iv)Maize and wheat

b) Point of the place which is located in the Khadir belt in Rann of Kutch

i) Ropar ii) Banawali iii) rangpur iv) Dholavira

c) Which is the main basis of the division of historical period?

i) discovery of fire ii)cultivation iii) domestication of animals iv)use of tools by early people

5) Short answer type questions (any three) (2*3=6 marks)

a) Describe the western chronology.

b) How was India to be known as during Vedic Period and Pauranic period?
c) What do you know about the food of the Harappans?
d) Was division of labour in existence in earliest society?
e) What types of tools did the earliest people used?

6) Long answer type question ( any three) (3*3=9 marks)

a) what was the reason which made the hunter-gatherer to move from place to place? how did the
earliest people arrange for their food?

b) Which are the main sources of reconstructing the ancient Indian history?

c) Throw light on the causes of decline of the Harappan civilization.

d) What were the main features of the town planning of Harappan civilization?

( civics)

Q 1) Define the following terms. (1*3=3 marks)

a)Diversity b)Prejudice c)Oligarchy

Q 2) Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. ( .5*6=3 marks)

a) prejudice generate the feeling it considered the other

b) The whole world is full of..........................
c) Humans have tremendous quality of......................................
d) Real executive at National level is..................................
e) The apex court in India is..................................................

Q 3) State whether the following statements are true or false. (0.5*4=2 marks)

a) Law and order is maintained by the police.

b) Discrimination leads to suspicion distrust among the communities.
c) Farming is a tertiary activity.
d) Kerala and Ladakh are geographically same.

Q 4) Choose the correct answer. ( 1*3=3 marks)

a) Onam is the most popular festival of

i) West Bengal ii)Punjab iii) Kerala iv) Ladakh

b) in which year South Africa held its first democratic elections?

i) 1994 ii) 1993 iii) 1995 iv) 1992

c) which of the following is the best form of the government?

i)Democracy ii)Aristocracy iii) Oligarchy iv)Monarchy

Q 5) Short answer type questions. (any three) (2*3=6 marks)

a) What is government? How it is different from the state?

b) How does inequality lead to discrimination?
c) Write few real life examples of discrimination.
d) Why do people travel on migrate from one place to another?
e) List the festivals celebrated by Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, and christians.

Q 6) long answer type questions (any three) (3*3 =9 marks)

a) Compare the reasons of diversity in Ladakh and Kerala.

b) What are the causes and ill effect of the discrimination? What is the solution to discrimination
and inequality?
c) Classify different form of government.
d) Why do we need a government?


Q 1) Define the following terms (1*3=3 marks)

a) nebula b) equator c) scale

Q 2) fill in the blanks with appropriate words. ( .5*6= 3marks)

a) A rough drawing based on observation is..........................

b) Minute details of a small area are shown on ..........................maps.
c) permanent snow can be found beyond and .......................... circle.
d) the surface temperature of the Sun is.......................
e) To reach the Earth moonlight takes.............................

Q 3) State whether the following statements are true or false. (0.5*4=2 marks)

a) All the planets are heavenly bodies.

b) Venus is bigger than the earth.
c) Equator divides the earth into two equal halves.
d) Globes can show a part of the Earth surface.
e) Maps cannot be easily carried.
f) Plans give detail information of a small area.

Q 4) Choose the correct answer. ( 1*3=3 marks)

a) Map makers are also called..

i) photographers ii) scientist iii) cartographers iv) astronomers

b) which type of map represents climatic condition?

i) political map ii) physical map iii) topographic map iv) thematic map

c) India is located in

i) Southern hemisphere ii)Eastern hemisphere iii) Western hemisphere iv)Northern hemisphere

Q 5) Short answer type questions. (any three) (2*3=6 marks)

a) How are days and night caused?

b) Name the eight planet of the solar system from smaller to bigger.
c) Why is earth called blue planet?
d) What is conventional symbol? What is PO and PS stand for?
e) Mention four Cardinal Points using diagram.

Q 6) long answer type questions (any three) (3*3 =9 marks)

a) List four type of map give one example off each.

b) Define map. How it is different from a globe?
c) Torrid zone is the hottest and frigid zone is the coldest. Give reason.
d) What do you know about satellites?

Q 7) Represent the following places on the political map of India. ( 1*5=5 marks)

a) Lothal b)Dholavira c)Kalibangan d)koldihwa e)Burzhom

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