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Volume 1, Issue 1 December 2009

The Foul Mouth


I N S I D E T H I S T h e F o u l M o u t h i s U p !
I S S U E :
The Dirty Gnomes have been but at least your voice will be To specify what we are looking
Understanding your around for a while, something heard! for The Dirty Gnome (pictured
character like, four years. No body really center) encourages you to
For the Foul Mouth to be suc-
keeps track of this stuff. Even send reviews about products
Zombieland Review 2
cessful though we need ink.
from it’s glorious origins when or media, house rules, battle
there were twice the members reports, philosophical
Malifaux Review 3 (but half the fun) there hasn’t thoughts, or basically anything
been any true organization to else really but the more game
Your article here! the club. And why change that and club oriented the better.
now? The Foul Mouth isn’t Keep the articles between 100
intended to bring organization, and 200 words so we can fit it
it’s really more a personal and feel free to cut some into
soap box for which ever The Dirty Gnome is
multiple parts.
Gnome wants to write what he watching you masturbate
Can you draw? Great! We need
wants to write. We’ll publish it,
This initial issue is filled with a club cartoon and if you
nothing censored, even your
my blathering so you only have would be so good as to do just
bad grammar and terrible
yourselves to blame for not that and submit it , it WILL go
spelling. We’ll also mock it,
coming up with the idea in, no shitting.
deride it, discuss it, and use it
sooner to prevent me. So suf-
as toilet paper in the final act ~Wickerman
fer with some dignity.

W h a t m a k e s a n d e l f . . A n E l f !
Everyone knows what an and need little sleep. As a coming to Mercia for adventure and
elf looks like; long result they have very de- treasure to take back to their king-
blonde hair, pointed veloped eyes that allow dom. Not all elves are the same
ears, stands slightly them to see in the dark of though, as some have an evil heart
shorter than a man and night as if it was day. This and the humans call them Dusk Elves,
built like a waif. But isn’t perfect though, if the dangerous part is that only an elf
there is more to the there is no ambient light at can tell the difference between the
elves in Mercia than all, such as would be two. And this fact allows the Dusk
their physical appear- found underground, then Elves to take advantage of human’s
ance. they can see no better goodwill towards elf-kind and often
than a human. brings about confusion and hatred of
In Mercia the elves are
the good elves visiting Mercia.
an ancient race that An elf family sets for a portrait They come from across
are primarily nocturnal the ocean from the west,
P a g e 2 T h e F o u l M o u t h

M o v i e R e v i e w : Zombieland
Sony pictures provides ber three on the side of
the zombie connoisseur every vehicle they drive.
with a delectable film There is always electricity,
cookie. The batter is solid food, and water although
lacking any of the annoy- showers appear in short
ing pretense of telling you supply. Overall this is what
why the zombies are here a modern zombie movie
(although a disease is should be, hands down
referenced) and instead Columbus and Tallahassee the finest shotgun toting
fills it with the sugar of ac- kickin’ zombie ass! film of the year. The only
ceptance. The character’s problem was the rules, they
within the film don’t try to cern themselves with Twin- never listed them all and I
desperately survive the zom- kies, the “zombie kill of the still want to know the rest of
bipocalypse but instead con- week”, and painting a num- them.

U n d e r s t a n d i n g y o u c h a r c t e r :
p a r t 1 - p r i m a r y a b i l i t i e s
The primary abilities of the char- points of agility the character when they need it most. Luck is
Power acter are named such because benefits from 1 extra point to used for a variety of things from
they affect the other abilities and missiles weapon skill and 1 extra determining
Agility are the physical and mental point to critical kill rolls. much treasure is found in
Fitness of your charac-
Fitness: defines
the over all
a chest or to see if you get a
broken bone from a from a par-
ter. All other
Learning abilities are
health of the
character, the
ticularly solid hit. For every 20
points of luck the character gets
Luck of previous
ability to push 1 re-roll. These re-rolls can be
itself, and resis- spent to re-roll the dice on any re-
experience and
tance to disease roll and even to re-roll a re-roll.
training. Each
and poison. For These points only refresh at the
of the primary
every 20 beginning of a new session.
abilities define
Jonas Kane brings the light to points of
the character When you initiate the use of a
the undead of Mercia (Reaper fitness
in very specific primary ability you mark it for
Miniatures) the char-
ways and as the character experience (successful attempt
“works out” the stat will or not) and for the next three
increase until it reaches its natu- successful attempts you initiate
from 1 extra survival point.
ral maximum. you mark it for greater experi-
Learning: the measure of all the ence. At the end of a session the
Power: defines how strong the
mental capacity of the character players may roll on any ability
character is and how well it ap-
from recall to problem solving that has been marked. This
plies that strength. For every 20
and the how well the character makes it possible for an ability to
points of power the character
can learning new skills. For every exceed 100, in fact in can get as
will do 1 extra damage with me-
20 points of learning the charac- high as 107. An ability roll always
lee weapons and benefits from a
ter gains the use of a new lan- fails on a roll of 96-100 though,
1 point bonus to fighting ability.
guage. the points above 95 allows the
Agility: defines the hand-eye character to compensate for
Luck: some people have all the
coordination of the character and penalties to an action.
luck, some have none, and even
reflexes. This ability is invaluable
the lucky find it abandons them
to avoid lethal traps. For every 20
V o l u m e 1 , I ss u e 1 P a g e 3

M a l i fa u x O v e rv i e w
B y L i z a r d k i n g
In a loose overview, consider a very tight and iron reign with faction or have accidentally
an alternate Earth in the mid a somewhat abusive hand gotten entangled in the mess.
to late 1800's where magic is (necessary, they feel, because
more prevalent but diminish- of the abusive landscape), the That's the world of Malifaux:
ing. Like our current financial Arcanists who feel that this Wild West, Victorian, Steam-
collapse the people of this world represents freedom to punky, horror splashed in as
Earth are desperate and strike explore new powers and new psychological and physical,
out at the heavens where they possibilities (the direct rebels and a lot of unease between
still feel a tug of magic/ against the authority of the the groups as they explore a
spirituality and they open a Guild), the Resurrectionists new world with hopes of fixing
gateway into this other world
that's similar but obviously
different from our own.

Like good white folk (lols –ed),

they not only go exploring but
claim the abandoned place as
their own even though there's
whispers in the wind and their
nightmares are frighteningly
real while they're there. They
find an abandoned town called
Malifaux and take up resi-
dence there.

There's a ton of great story SNUGGLES WANTS A HUG

that would be a great injustice
to try to summarize. Suffice it
to say that in Malifaux the
humans discover stones im-
bued with a magical/spiritual
essence and this rejuvenates who have felt the connection a problem, but very obviously
the failing magics back home. of soulstones and this world unearthing a much bigger one.
There's great conflicts that with death and have turned
ensue and the spiritual deni- their magic to vile practices of
zens of Malifaux take on physi- necromancy and corpse ma-
cal presence again, fueled by nipulation, and the Neverborn
the human explorers plunder- who are the remnants of the
ing their land. indigenous population of Mali-
faux - they're reborn and
Thus begins the game setting: pissed off and they've taken
Wild west and Victorian gas the form of Man's dreams and
light London in a strange and nightmares and use his
kind of haunted place. Human dreams and nightmares
factions are in conflict over against him. Finally are the
their new rights in this world- Outcasts who have links to the
the Guild are established to world, its magics, but have
police and keep order, but it's either no direct allegiance to a


Issue 1 of Volume 1

Newsletter and soap box of the Dirty

Gnome game club

Bert Smith’s dwarf cannon and crew from

his 2,500 point dwarf army. The full article
detailing Bert’s painting and army building
style can be found on the Games Workshop
NUT UP OR SHUT UP! website.

H O U S E R U L I N G !
W a r h a m m e r F a n t a s y B a t t l e s
T u r n i n g M o v e m e n t s

The standard rules for WHFB read, receives one free wheel during the first wheel to face the enemy directly
“When (a unit) wheels, the entire unit course of a regular move with further and can’t wheel a second time during
counts as having moved as far as the wheels costing 2 inches of the avail- the course of a charge. Also, single
outside model.” which means that a able move for the turn. Fast cavalry models and skirmishers are not sub-
unit of, say, 20 night goblins with receives two free jected to the same restric-
spears that wants to wheel around to wheels each turn to tions. These troops have
face an enemy to their left is going to reflect their greater no true facing and as
sacrifice a significant portion of their maneuverability. such move without using
move. This can result in failed charges, a wheel and can switch
This enables more
short movements, and several turns of directions several times
maneuverability during
maneuvering if the table has a lot of during the course of a
the course of a game
terrain in the middle… or any at all move.
turn allowing play to be
really. This seem to work fine for many
more dynamic and HOUSE RULING! Is a stan-
games but the skirmish addicted lot
exciting while retaining dard article of the Foul
that is the Dirty Gnomes do NOT like
some of the limitation Mouth. With each issue a
this too well. As a result a house rule
that a block formation imposes on house ruling will be discussed and
has been amended to play as follows;
troop movements. Keep in mind that reasons given for the ruling.
Any standard infantry or cavalry unit during a declared charge the unit must

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