Milton and Defoe

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John Milton’s epic poem, “Paradise Lost”, primarily explores the repercussions of disobedience visited upon
man after his fall occasioned by eating the forbidden fruit. Therefore, the poem inadvertently cautions
against disobeying the instituted authority and moral structures.


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However, through the actions of one of the main protagonists of the poem, Satan, the act of challenging
authority is explored. Satan challenges the authority of God in heaven, and consequently, he is cast away
into the depths of hell. Similarly, in Daniel Defoe’s “Robinson Crusoe”, the title character, Robinson Crusoe,
decides to follow his long held ambition of exploring the seas.

Subsequently, he goes against his family’s, especially his father’s, wish that he settles down, establish
himself in a respectable career, and create a socially expected and accepted trajectory of life amongst his
societal contemporaries.

The common thread in the two characters; Satan in “Paradise Lost” and Robinson Crusoe in “Robinson
Crusoe”, is that, they both wilfully defy the set authority that has guided and ruled over their lives. Instead,
they decide to chart their own course in life independent of the influence of their separate father figure

Satan, primarily due to his immense hubris that sets him against God, decides to challenge the authority of
God by leading a rebellion that intends to usurp the authority of God in heaven. The rebellion fails, and he
is banished into hell. Nevertheless, Satan is determined to live a life that is independent of the influence of
the fatherly authority of God; therefore, he decides to acclimatize to his wretched existence in the depths
of hell.

He states that, he would be okay as long as he maintains his liberty in hell, and to this effect he reveals that
he would rather reign in hell than serve in heaven (Milton Book 3, verse 77). Similarly, Robinson Crusoe
goes against his father’s wishes, and thus authority, by deciding to forgo the comforting and relatively
stable life of career men in the town of Hull. Instead, he casts his lot with the precarious nature of
exploration and adventurism, much to the dismay of his father (Defoe 2).
Therefore, in both texts, the characters of Satan, Adam, Eve, and Robinson Crusoe bravely defy the
authority of the father figures in their lives. Furthermore, they heroically choose to follow their own paths
in life, which even while turning out to be dangerous, unpredictable, and almost suicidal for them, are
worth the struggle because of the sense of freedom, liberation, and self-dependence that they
subsequently acquire.


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The Setting in Robinson Crusoe and Paradise Lost: The Town of Hull and Heaven as Harbingers of
Disobedience, Defiance, and Revolt

The setting at the beginning of Paradise Lost and Robinson Crusoe provide a fertile ground for fostering
dissent, especially for inquisitive and curious souls such as those of the respective characters in both texts.

In Paradise Lost, the setting of Heaven and the requirements by God that he be worshipped and adored by
is creations creates a monotonous existence for his subjects/creations (Milton Book 1, Verse 18). Satan, his
pride notwithstanding, decides to lead a rebellion against God because he states that angels are not God’s
creations, therefore, are not bound to worship and adore God like the rest of God’s creations.

Thus, the streak of rebellion in Satan is borne out of the monotonous existence to be found in Heaven.
Similarly, Adam comes across as curious; exploring the Garden of Eden and seeking answers from the
angels on the nature of man’s existence (Book 1 Verse 17). Even though, he is more curious than Eve, he
still worships God as required.

However, when Eve is tempted, and partakes of the forbidden fruit, Adam knowingly partakes too, even
though he is aware that he is committing a sin. Just like Satan, Adam and Eve are living a mundane and
repetitive lifestyle in Heaven. They are curious, and once Satan tempts Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, Eve’s,
and subsequently Adam’s, interests are piqued.

As God’s creations, Satan, Adam, and Eve are endowed with a sense of curiosity that is limited by living in
Heaven and the Garden of Eden. Satan seeks authority and liberty from God, whom he views as an
illegitimate Lord over Heaven. Likewise, Adam and Eve are eager to satisfy their quench for knowledge
concerning life beyond the limited answers given by the Angels in heaven.

Therefore, the sphere of Heaven, the setting for much of Paradise Lost, although meant to be a safe place
for God’s creations, ironically becomes the exact source of curiosity, defiance and revolt by Satan, and
Adam and Eve.
These three characters, in a sense, are brave and act heroically because they refuse to settle and accept
everything that they are told; instead, they are courageous enough to defy their precise creator. Satan
decides to challenge the authority of God, the father of all creatures of heaven, while Adam and Eve, by
partaking of the forbidden fruit, begin a post-lapsarian heroic journey towards discovering life, morality and
death, beyond the theoretical knowledge they had received while in Heaven.


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Robinson Crusoe also refuses to settle into the comfortable and predictable lifestyle destined for him by
virtue of being his father’s son; a life that is expected of him by the fact that many of the citizens in the
town of Hull lived their lives in such a manner. When Robinson Crusoe’s father realizes that his son is keen
on exploration of the seas and new land in with an aim of making a chance fortune in such a manner, he
quickly counsels him against doing so (Defoe 2).

Crusoe’s father wonders why his son would forgo the relative comfort and surety of life in Hull, and take his
chances on making a fortune in wild and unpredictable sea adventures. However, what is lost on the father
is that the exact comfort and predictability of life in Hull as the father desired for the son, was the sheer
reason that the son desired explore the world – Robinson Crusoe wanted more out of life than the
monotonous, mundane life that his father envisioned for him.

According to Althusser, when Robinson Crusoe attempts to make his son change his mind about the plan to
become an explorer and adventurer, he invokes the authority of God in impressing upon his own authority
as the father (105). Crusoe’s father almost pronounces a curse on the son, stating that, were Crusoe to
ignore his pleadings, God would, in support of the father’s authority, inflict harm, pain, and suffering upon
Crusoe’s life.

The mere fact that Robinson Crusoe still chooses to pursue his own desired path of exploration, therefore,
points to his extreme dissatisfaction and abhorrence to the life that his father desired for him, which life
was to be experienced in Hull, the setting of this given part of the novel.

Therefore, in both texts, the setting as portrayed by the authors are avenues for creating and fostering a
sense of curiosity, and subsequently defiance and rebellion that make the involved characters desire more
out of their lives than the paths envisioned by the respective authorities in their lives – their fathers.
The Heroic Nature of Satan’s, Adam and Eve’s (Humanity) and Robinson Crusoe’s Transgression against the
Authority of the Father Figure

As discussed in the forgoing paragraphs, Satan, Adam and Eve, out of pride and curiosity respectively,
challenge the restrictions set on them by God’s authority. In Satan’s case, he knows the all-powerful, all-
knowing and ever-present nature of God, yet he still has the temerity to challenge God’s authority.

The rebellion he leads fails, and he is banished into hell. Yet, with the aid of his colleagues, Mammon and
Beelzebub, he plots a way of reaching heaven again by accessing the Garden of Eden and corrupting the
minds of Eve and Adam (Milton Book 4 Verse 12).


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Satan volunteers to take the treacherous journey into heaven though the abyss, braving many dangers
along the way before arriving at the Garden of Eden and convincing Eve first to partake of the fruit from the
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, leading to Adam’s subsequent similar moral capitulation (Milton
Book 4 Verse 25).

Satan’s journey through the Abyss is similar to the journeys undertaken by other heroes in classic Greek
works such as Odysseus. Both Satan and Odysseus overcome many challenges and fight battles on their
respective journeys, and like Aeneas in Aeneid rallies his troops behind him despite the great odds against
them (Calloway 83).

Therefore, not only does Satan refuse to accept the defeat that led to his banishment from heaven, he also
takes the risk of returning to heaven, this time with a more subtle plan of challenging God’s authority by
winning over the minds of his creations through his infectious rhetoric and charisma.

Satan’s conviction in his attempts to challenge the authority of God stems from the fact that he strongly
believes that God ruled heaven as a tyrant. He believes that his challenge of the authority of God, despite
the heavy odds against him and his fellow rebellious angels, was a challenge against the whimsical,
tyrannous and unfair leadership of God (Hiller 3).

This tyrannous and vengeful nature of God can be seen in the manner that he treats Adam and Eve after
they eat of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
After Adam and Eve realise that they have sinned, and are thus consumed by immense guilt and shame,
they decide to seek the pardon of God, who does not pardon them but rather lets them experience the full
repercussions of their transgressions (Milton Book 9 verses 4-6). Adam and Eve are thus banished from the
Garden of Eden, and in a sense Satan’s view of God is justified, and since Satan’s plan is realised, he
managers to win a small battle over God in that instance.

On their part, Adam and Eve’s heroism stems from the fact that they not only ate the fruit from the Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil (knowing full well the penalty was death), but also the fact that they willingly
took responsibility for their actions. It is worth noting that, in a sense, Adam and Eve were living in the
shadow and fear of the authority of God.

The fact that they were supposed to die, if they were to eat of the fruit, illustrates the fact that, despite
God stating that they had the free will to do whatever they pleased, the extreme repercussions for this one
transgression indicates a tendency to stifle and diminish this free will even before it is practiced.

Therefore, the bravery of Eve in partaking of the fruit (with a little Coaxing from Satan) with the knowledge
that it would lead to her death indicates an intense desire to acquire the knowledge of God stored or
hidden in the Tree of Knowledge. Subsequently, Adam also eats this same fruit after realizing that Eve had
already done so, and knowing full well that he would be going against God’s will and would be banished
from the garden of Eden together with Eve.

Thus, Adam and Eve satisfy their curiosity for knowledge, in the same vein challenging the authority of God
the father, and subsequently take responsibility for their actions, neither laying the blame on Satan or God.

Robinson Crusoe overcomes many personal and societal restrictions in his pursuit of a life of exploration in
the seas. Besides the authority of his father, which he transgresses, he leaves behind a family of three
children – a matter society was not likely to view kindly. Thereafter, his father invokes the authority of God
in a last ditch effort to try and convince him to stop his plans of exploring the high seas, telling him that God
would bring harm on his path (Defoe 2).

Interestingly, on his exact first voyage, the predictions of the father are seemingly realised when his ship is
wrecked in a storm, and he personally believes that his father’s warnings were haunting him in his journey.
Yet, Robinson Crusoe recovers, both physically and psychologically, his love for exploration overcoming his
fear of the unknown and the ominous warnings from his father.

Indeed, Crusoe encounters many hardships in his sea excursions, where he is captured and enslaved,
before experiencing another shipwreck after escaping from slavery and becoming a plantation owner in
Brazil, whereupon he finds himself in an island that he inhabits alone for twenty-eight years.
Crusoe’s heroism shines in all these circumstances because despite the father’s warning hanging over him
like a dark cloud in all the unfortunate circumstances that encumber his adventures, he never once looses
hope or despairs but remains true to his dream of self-dependence, liberty and fortune making.

Humanism and Civilization in Robinson Crusoe and Paradise Lost

In both Paradise Lost and Robinson Crusoe, the authors are concerned with the contemporary socio-
political and economic issues in their societies. John Milton was ultimately concerned with the religious
nature of man, his relation to his God within the context of free will and predetermination (Alderman 184).

According to Mondadori, when Milton allows man to fall and then take responsibility for his fall, he
presents a liberated man and the consequences of man’s fall epitomise the nature of free will as
determined by God (55). Therefore, Paradise Lost becomes an epic (as opposed to a tragedy) by virtue of
the fact that it portrays the triumph of man through free will. Humans are thus free to exercise their God
given free will in this life, and are portrayed as capable of making judgements that will enrich and enhance
their lives.

On the other hand, Daniel Defoe through his novel Robinson Crusoe addresses and challenges the
contemporary views on providence and free will. Similar to John Milton, Daniel Defoe believes in human
beings charting their own successful courses in life through their own desires and plans, just like the
character Robinson Crusoe does.

In a sense, the story of Robinson Crusoe pays homage to, and highlights the qualities admirable in a middle-
class English man- adventurous, self-reliant, courageous and disciplined.

Shinagel states that the character of Robinson Crusoe vouches for the entrepreneurial spirit of the English
man, which characterized the civilisation and expansion of the British Empire, as well as the colonizing
tendencies of England, which are practiced by Crusoe on his Island (Island of Despair) and characterized the
imperialistic match of the British Empire (24).


The form of both texts aids in the delivery of the various thematic contents of the texts. For instance,
Milton utilizes nearly all types of genres available in his epic poem, which according to Fish may be
interpreted as various scenes of a play, with the mind of the reader being the stage of the play (161).

Additionally, by using poetry in blank verse as the vehicle of transporting his message of the fall and
redemption of man, Milton’s characters easily deliver direct speeches to state their points; a factor that
would have been unwieldy had Milton not chosen this form of poetry.
Both Paradise Lost and Robinson Crusoe explore the theme of defiance or the transgression of fatherly
authority. In Paradise Lost, Satan, together with Adam and Eve violate the law and authority of God, while
Robinson Crusoe transgresses the authority of his biological father.

The heroism in the transgressions by these various characters lies in the fact that similar to the ideals
espoused in the contemporary societies of the texts’ setting, they choose independence over dependence;
freedom over bondage; discovery over complacency; and change over the status quo.

Therefore, by choosing to violate the laws that governed them by the authority of the father figures in their
lives, these four characters chose the less travelled path, and in so doing opened a brave new world for
themselves and, by extension, the reader(s); a less tyrannical world, more humanistic, and ultimately more

Works Cited

Alderman, Nigel. “Rememb’ring Mercy: Monuments, Memory, and Remembering in Paradise Lost.” Milton
Quarterly 42.3 (2008): 183-196.

Althusser, Louis. “Robinson Crusoe and the drama of Interpellation.” In Transitions by Warrenn Montag.
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003. Print.

Calloway, Katherine. “Beyond Parody: Satan as Aeneas in “Paradise Lost.” Milton Quarterly 6.4(2005): 82-

Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe (Aladdin paperbacks edition). New York: Aladdin Paperbacks, 2001. Print.

Fish, Stanley. “The Harassed Reader in Paradise Lost.” Critical Quarterly 7.2 (1965): 161-182.

Hiller, Russell. “The Good Communicated: Milton’s Drama of the fall and the Law of Charity.” Modern
Language Review 103.1 (2008): 1-21.

Milton, John. Paradise Lost, n.d. Web.

Mondadori, Anorldo. Giants of Literature: Milton. Berkshire: Sampson Low, 1977.

Shinagel, Michael. Daniel Defoe and Middle class Gentility. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
Press, 1968. Print.

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