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Reincarnation Proven

“Rest your mind in God and live in the truth.”

As reincarnation is a verifiably concrete reality, the most commonly used method

today to show us this proof is with past-life regressions under hypnosis. But this is
seen as a controversial and somewhat dubious method. The best way to prove it is
through the use of rational logic, because reincarnation is self-evident.

Life is an eternal flow; the only things that change are our minds and bodies being the
dresses we change into in each existence.

Krsna says in the Bhagavad Gita: “Just as in this body, the incarnated soul passes
continually from birth, youth, maturity and old age; similarly the soul passes to
another body at the time of death.”
Bhagavad Gita 2.13

“Always have a goal in your life and proceed towards it very carefully.”

Every day there are more people who express in full faith their belief in reincarnation.
Whilst there are others who with equal faith say they do not believe in reincarnation
and that upon death everything finishes. Others still say that we live only once and
that on death we go to an eternal heaven or eternal hell. Thus without mentioning
them all, it can be seen that there are a variety of ideas to choose from. Yet if there is
an absolute reality, not just a soup of relative viewpoints, then we need to analyse the
evidence. We hope to show that the evidence clearly comes out in favour of
reincarnation. After having read our presentation, it is up to you to decide on your
relative viewpoint. If you then take reincarnation as fact, then it would be
advantageous to understand the implications of our eternal life and its evolutionary
spiritual voyage through all the different species, or forms, of life. If you take
reincarnation as fallacy, then it is wise to note that if there is an absolute truth that
includes reincarnation then you will keep reincarnating over and over again in the
illusion that you create through your own activities.

1. Reincarnation can be seen in that all the cells in our body in which the soul
resides are completely renewed every seven years. In spite of inhabiting a new
body we still remember being ‘us’ seven, fourteen or however many years
before. This shows that we are the same entity yet with many different bodies
in only one lifetime.
2. There are many recorded proofs from hypnotic regression. Respectable
scientists from many universities have carried out controlled experiments of
hypnotic regression. The hypnotised subjects have revealed facts from their
past lives which have been verified from recorded facts; though these facts
could not have been known to the subjects, with many of them talking in
different languages or dialects from countries where they have never been
3. There was a famous case, brought to mass view audience on Discovery
Channel, of a young Indian girl who remembered being murdered in her past
life by her former husband who wanted to live with his lover. So detailed were
her memories that her parents found the house in a nearby neighbourhood and
called the police to investigate. The police took down the evidence from the
child and on interviewing the man who still lived in the house he confessed to
the murder on the basis of evidence from a reincarnated person.
4. Child prodigies also show proof of reincarnation. Children who from a very
young age show exceptional talent compared to others of age whom have
studied for years, for example geniuses in their fields like Mozart, can be seen
as evidence for reincarnation. In a past life they had no doubt received such
knowledge or abilities and now in their new life were capable of continuing
with their gift.
5. Ega Kesi was a famous North American doctor who performed hypnotic
regressions curing traumas and illnesses that came from experiences in the
patients past lives.
6. The most important evidence comes from sacred scriptures.

The Bhagavad Gita, in many verses, elucidates on many aspects of reincarnation, how
it works and how it is the practical result of the actions and reactions throughout
many, many births that continue into this life. Sastra Pranam is the Sanskrit term
meaning the proof that comes from the sacred scriptures. It is the most important truth
as it is absolute, and it is very wonderful to see it coming to light in the relative view
of the speculative science of today, which is coming to see the truth of the scriptural

The Greeks were firm adherents to the science of reincarnation, they called it
metempsicosis. To try to show proof of reincarnation, they showed an example of the
rhinoceros who upon birth runs away from its mother as they have soft skin that the
mothers tongue would damage. After 24 hours the baby rhino’s skin toughens up and
it returns to its mother. The Greeks asked “from where does the baby rhino get its
knowledge to run from the mother to wait for its skin to change?” Also, it can be seen
that even within one physical lifetime a caterpillar will dissolve its body and then
reform to reincarnate as a butterfly. Voltaire, in a very beautiful way, said “what is
there so amazing in the fact of being born again after considering the wonderful
nature of having been born this time?” There exist so many proofs. It is incredible
how the subconscious is full of past-life impressions.

The living force in all life forms is the spirit soul, which is the eternal travelling
essence of our being. The soul in its false egoistical state is covered by an astral body
(made of mind, intelligence and subconscious sense of ego) and a physical body. The
soul is equipped with a marvellous cognitive facility to enter a material environment
to use and enjoy it. This physical environment is made of solid, liquid, energetic,
gaseous and ethereal states of matter. The physical body must be entered and then left
by the soul and astral body whilst in the egoistical, exploitative state of existence. To
finish with this repeated state of births and deaths the soul must not be polluted by the
exploitative tendency by finishing with the false ego with its speculative intelligence
and the desire for sensual enjoyment. One must focus on the Lord with all one’s
conscious ability and ask for His mercy so that He may liberate one from the material

Evidence for reincarnation is also found in other scriptures. For example, in the bible
there is reference that saints have appeared many times over the ages; but what is
important is to know that the soul is eternal; it has existed before we were born and
will exist when this body dies. If we place all emphasis on enjoying this short life in
this temporary body, totally ignoring where we are going, then we act against our
nature. Whenever we travel we have a destination and understanding of what to
expect in our destination. Our spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, has given us the
information and the key to release ourselves from our ignorance of repeated births and
deaths by invoking the sweet protection of God via the sacred Mantras and the culture
of purity.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna

Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

Srila Guru Maharaj

Translated and interpreted by Gopananda dasa

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