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VOL. 32, NO.3· The GENERAL

ONTENT Features
Curtis' Vidory 7
Pea Ridge in ACROSS FIVE APRILS • Charles Bahl

Civil War Battlefield Tadics in ACROSS FIVE APRILS 9

Knowing Your Arms • Thomas L. Boeche

The Battle Hymn of the Republic 11

Union Strategy in THE OVIL WAR • Peter J. Walsh

AFabian Strategy for THE CIVIL WAR 13

Southern Strategy • Kevin Kiconas

The Initial Turn of THE CIVIL WAR 14

Command Priorities • K. S. Reid

Glory Halleluiah! 17
AGuide for GMT's GLORY • Charles Bahl

Who Shuffled This Deck? 19

Improving at ATLANTIC STORM • Ben Knight


George Sauer and Bud's Basement Wargamers


The Taking of Pella 1-2-3 • William Glankler, eta!.

ASports Special • Dan Dolan Columns
AH Philosophy # 181 •••••••••••••••••••• 6
Saved by the Bell 44 Letters to the Editor • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1S
Tournament Rules for TITLE BOUT • Terry Coleman Opponents Wanted ••••••••••••••••••• 16
Contest # 186 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 32
MARCH MADNESS cards and Award Ballots •• INSERT
Boardgame review section • edited by John Kisner ASL Scenario G46 •••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 33
ROSSYiil 1917 reviewed by Rick D. Stuart ASL Scenario W. • • • ~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 34
SAM GRANT reviewed by John D. Kisner Up Periscope ••••••••• , ••••••••••••• S9
Infiltrator's Report •••••••••••••••••••• 60
LEUTHEN reviewed by John A. Walker
Coming Attractions •••••••••••••••••••• 61
Virtual Conne·ctions•••••••••••••••••••• 61
CHESTNUTS OF IRON S3 Whispers • • • • • • . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • 62
The Defense of Luga • Jim Stahler Convention Calendar••••••••••••••••••• 62

~~KICg~9lPJI~1 The GENERAL is dedicated to the presentation of authoritative

articles on the strategy, tactics and variations of games of skii!.
Historical articles are included only insomuch as they provide use·

Part 181 ful background information on covered games. The GENERAL is

pUblished by The Avaion Hili Game Company soiely for the cui·
, turai edification of the serious game aficionado, in the hopes of

Who ~eeds a improving the game owner's proficiency of play and providing
services not otherwise avaiiable to the game buff. The Avalon Hill
Game Company is a division of Monarch·Avalon Industries, Inc.

Game Company? The shares of Monarch·Avalon, Inc. are publicly traded on the
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justify their existence. Some haven't Italy in 1980, was my life better because they E-Mail: ahgeneral@aol.com(Magazine).ahgames@aol.com
answered the call. Some manufacturers have only had three types of cereal in the store? EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Stuart K. Tucker
retreated into mail order businesses (with Now, I know that cereal choice is no life and ZOC EDITOR: John Kisner
ASL EDITORS: Mullt-Man Publishing
most evidence pointing to this being a delay- death struggle for freedom, but clearly more LAYOUT: Georgia Wilson
ing action preceding disappearance). Distrib- choice is better. PROOFREADING: Jennifer Lawrence and Christopher Lawrence
GRAPHICS: Jean Baer and Georgia Wilson
utors are contracting. Advertizing techniques By some counts, 1997 was a "down" year CIVIL WAR PHOTOS: National Archives
must adapt to ever-changing methods of com- in wargame publishing. By others, such a PHOTO RESEARCH: Bill Aguiar
COVER ART: George Parrish
municating with consumers. view misses the mark widely-as the num- SUBSCRIPTtONS: Donna Engle
Yet, what do consumers think? For that ber of new titles was quite large. What is ADVERTISING: Ed Weiss
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(Continued on p. 58)~~~~~
essentially equal chances in the game, con-
trolling the Federal troops requires more
finesse and a surer hand than is necessary
for the Rebel army. The beginning Union
player may become frustrated with the ini-
tial Confederate predominance on the field
and give up hope of finding a way to launch
a successful counterattack. Unless the
Union player is extremely careful, it is easy
for the Rebel army to chew up the Federal
reinforcements one by one as they stream
north onto the battlefield. For this reason,
the following article concentrates on provid-
ing the novice player with a viable Union
strategy for winning the game.

he battle that took place in the vicin- march around the Federal flank, and they

T ity of Pea Ridge in Arkansas on

March 7-8, 1862, was one of the most
important, but least remembered, engage-
were not within supporting distance of each
other when the attack began. McCulloch's
division, located on the western edge of the
ments in the War Between the States. Pea battlefield, charged across open ground
Ridge was a surprise victory for the North- north of Leetown, met devastating fire from
a battle the Union army of Samuel R. Curtis the Union line, and eventually fell back in
disarray. To the east, Price's division made
should not have won. Not only did Van
slow but continual progress during most of
Dorn's Confederate army outnumber that of
the day and steadily pushed the Federal
his opponent, but unknown to Curtis, he had
lines south. By nightfall, however, Price's
also secretly maneuvered his troops to the men (now joined by stragglers from the
north around the right of the Union line and Leetown fight) were exhausted and danger-
stood poised for a surprise attack against the ously low on supplies. The next day, Curtis,
Federal rear. From that position on March 7, after a morning artillery duel, made a suc-
Van Dorn initiated his assault with an army cessful push against what was left of the
he had divided into two commands-one Southern forces, now concentrated in the
under Ben McCulloch, the other under Ster- area of Elkhorn Tavern, just below Pea
ling Price. Ridge. After a valiant defense, but one
Unfortunately, these two commands which lacked artillery support or adequate Gen. Samuel R. Curtis
were not able to maintain contact during the ammunition, Van Dorn's army was forced
to flee from the field. The battle
turned out to be an important vic- Aggressive Defense .:
tory for the Union. After their Because the Federal army in the Pea
defeat at Pea Ridge, the Rebels Ridge scenario is numerically inferior to
were never again to threaten Fed- the Confederate army, in both total attack
eral control of this region of the and defense strength, the Federal player
Trans-Mississippi. should depend on an aggressive defense
strategy. This is especially true in the early
turns of the game, when the thin Union
In addition to scenarios on forces will come under heavy Rebel
such old war horses as Gettys- attack. Later, if you have been successful
burg, Shiloh and Bull Run, in reducing the fighting capacity of the
ACROSS FIVE APRILS includes a Confederate army, you will be able to
scenario of the Pea Ridge battle. switch to the offense.
The scenario is a good one for An aggressive defense is one which
beginners, since it contains very forces your opponent either to withdraw
few units or special rules, yet it from contact with your forces or to make
has tremendous replay value. Dur- disadvantageous attacks against you. The
ing the first several turns, the Con- rules of ACROSS FIVE APRILS require a
federates come onto the field with player, during his combat phase, to attack
dominating strength, beating back all enemy units that exert zones of control
the meager holding forces of the (ZOCs) on friendly units. That is, attacks
Union army. Later, as Federal are not optional, but mandated, against all
reinforcements stream into battle, adjacent enemy units. You, as the Federal
the Federal troops are in a good player in Pea Ridge, cannot often bring
CSA Gen. Sterling Price (center) and Gen. John B. position to counterattack and enough strength to bear to make viable
Magruder (standing with handkerchief) pose with other regain lost ground. Although the attacks of your own, but you can use this
officers while in Mexico after the war. Union and Confederate sides have "required attack" rule to your advantage.
Of course, there is nothing to prevent the losses and still keep your line from collaps-
Confederate player from withdrawing from ing. Keep attacking on the hope that you
a combat situation that you have taken care will get lucky enough to inflict a substantial
to set up. Try to figure out ways to make loss on the enemy.
each Confederate retreat hurt his strategic
situation. If the Confederate player is Obstruction and Retreat
defending a victory hex, for example, try to During the first four game turns, you, as
get your units directly adjacent to the vic- commander of the Union army, should
tory hex. If the Confederate player pulls his attempt to both block the Rebel advance
Combat Marker in this situation, he will and cut your losses by withdrawing wher-
have a difficult decision to make. He must ever possible. Move Dodge north along
Figure 1. Though strategically on the de- either attack you or withdraw from the vic- Telegraph Road to block the advance of
fensive, Greusal has put the Confederate tory hex. In this way, with a little luck, you Price's division. However, resist the temp-
unit (Price) in a difficult position. If the can whittle down the Rebel forces and tation to move him as far as hex 3707. From
Confederate combat marker is selected, the slowly push them back at the same time. this hex Dodge is vulnerable to a Confeder-
Rebel player must either attack at poor odds (See Figure 1 for an illustration of this kind ate end run toward the Union HQ by way of
(1-2, due to terrain) or retreat. of situation.) the track connecting it to Clemens Field.
Move your units adjacent to Rebel units Unlike the Rebel player, you can nor- Also, if forced to make an automatic
in anticipation, not of drawing your own mally afford to withdraw from most of the retreat, Dodge will find himself in the mid-
Combat Marker from the pool, but of draw- unfavorable combat situations in which you dle of Ruddick Field without any defensive
ing the Confederate Combat Marker. Con- find yourself because of the prospect of protection. A better position for Dodge is
centrate on calculating the possible results counterattacking later in the game at more either hex 3909 or 4008. From there he
favorable odds. Early in the game, you blocks both of the roads leading to head-
of a Rebel attack against you as you move
should prefer to retreat toward the C and D quarters and is in a better position to fall
your units into contact with the enemy. You
entry hexes instead of fighting a combat back if necessary. On turn 2, march Carr
are trying to set up a combat situation in
round you cannot win. On the other hand, if along Telegraph Road to assist Dodge. Do
which the Confederate player must attack you have already completed turn 5 and your not worry about defending or capturing
you at a disadvantage. Pay special attention aggressive defense has yielded few results Elkhorn Tavern. Your chance to take it
to the combat odds ratio and any pertinent (i.e., you have neither inflicted significant back will come later in the game. Be care-
column shifts. As defender you have the combat losses nor pushed the Rebel back ful to prevent a Confederate flanking move
advantage at any ratio of 1-1 or less. How- from victory hexes), you should no longer in this area. It is not difficult for the Rebel
ever, don't totally ignore the 2-1 or even 3- avoid all combat. Instead, you will need to player to get units onto your flank or rear
1 column. It may often pay to sacrifice a fight at some less-than-optimal combat by cutting to the left or right through Rud-
unit or two in combat at these ratios in order ratios. Even in this situation, don't despair. dick Field. Always make sure your units in
to get a chance at hurting a Confederate unit Because you have more units than your this area have a path of retreat free of
with a larger attack or defense factor. opponent, you can more readily accept enemy ZOCs. If necessary, withdraw a hex
or two to the south.
Send all First Division units toward Lee-
town. In most cases, McCulloch's Rebel
division will get to Leetown first. Don't
worry if Confederate pressure forces you to
retreat. Just be careful that you prevent his
forces from reaching the C and D entry
hexes. This should be your primary goal in
this area. It is very important that you do
not let the entry hexes fall into enemy
hands. Make sure that you do not position
your units too close to the southern map
edge. Remember that any units that are
forced to retreat off the map are considered
Dispatch Bussey's cavalry to hex 4115.
Don't send him to Leetown. Use him to
protect your right flank so that two Confed-
erate divisions do not link up or drive a
wedge between the two wings of your
army. As your reinforcements arrive, try to
form a continuous battle line from the
Union headquarters hex west to the area of
Leetown. When this is done, send your cav-
alry (Bussey and Bowen) behind the Rebel
Figure 2. In the middle of turn 4, the Union has lost Leetwon and Elkhorn Tavern, but has lines, where they can threaten victory hexes
successfully defended entry hexes C and D, and has pushed Bussey's cavalry between the (especially Elkhorn Tavern) from the rear.
two divisions of the Confederate army. Within the next two turns, he should be able to stage
a counteracttack in the area of the Union HQ. (Continued on p. 56) ~~~~~

A players with an easy-to-Iearn, quick-to-

play overview of five pivotal Civil War
battles-First Bull Run, Pea Ridge, Shiloh, Get-
Civil War Battlefield Tactics
tysburg and Bentonville. The playing pieces in ACROSS FIVE {\PRILS
generally represent infantry and cavalry .• 'tt .by homas L. Boech~--
brigades and battalions of artillery. These com-
bat units are rated for attack, defense and move-
,... t .tll If~

ment, with each defense factor representing 400

men or three or four cannon. The colorful,
detailed maps are scaled at 300 yards per hex,
and show pertinent terrain features such as hills
wood, streams, towns and r~ads. Each game tur~
represents from 45 minutes (Bentonville) up to
one hour and 30 minutes (Shiloh).
Probably the game system's most striking
feature, and the one to generate the most discus-
sion, is the randomization of movement and
combat order via a series of chit draws. This sys-
tem of random actions accurately reflects the
often-chaotic nature of Civil War command con- and Springfield rifles-muzzle-loading muskets
trol. Special rules for each battle also call for Table 1. Infantry Strength
with a much more accurate, rifled barrel, with an
variations within the chit-draw system which (Average Manpower per Infantry Attack Factor)
effective range of over 200-300 yards. Rifled
cleverly allow for such circumstances as the sur- Battle Union Confederate
muskets and more accurate artillery made close-
prise Rebel attacks at Shiloh, and Longstreet's Bull Run 629 520
order lines and attacks in deep columns very
long flank march at Gettysburg on July 2. Pea Ridge 442 617
costly. As the army gradually updated its tactics,
Although several pages easily could be writ- Shiloh 522 479
the standard infantry work became William
ten on the game's unique systems and on various Gettysburg 463 414
Joseph Hardee's Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics
Bentonville 446 423
gameplay strategies and tactics, this article is (1855). However, tactical innovation was far
intended to discuss the historical battlefield tac- from being widespread. One of the major fea-
tics of the three major Civil War anns- Note that the attack strengths for the Battle
tures in new infantry tactics was simply to speed-
infantry, cavalry and artillery. of Bull Run are rather poor in comparison with
up the rate of the infantry's advance, so that
the later battles, reflecting the raw, untrained
troops were exposed to enemy fire for a shorter
troops as well as the high percentage of older,
INFANTRY period of time. Despite the necessity for innova-
smoothbore muskets carried into the battle by
The infantry units in A5A represent brigades tive tactics, most infantry brigades were still
both armies.
of foot soldiers who carried smoothbore or rifled comprised of lines of closely-packed men.
Overall, as an average of the five battles sim-
muskets, or breach-loading carbines or rifles. Eventually some commanders modified their
ulated, one Confederate attack factor is equal to
Each point of defense strength equals 400 battlefield tactics, and infantry formations
491 Confederate troops, while each Union attack
infantrymen. Foot soldiers were the defensive became looser and more flexible. General
factor is equal to 500 Yankee foot soldiers. Thus
backbone, and also provided the offensive strik- William T. Sherman described his view of battle
the Rebel infantry is generally rated slightly
ing power, of all Civil War armies. The game formations in his Memoirs (1875):
more effective on the attack than their Northern
system accurately portrays the brigade as the Very few of the battles in which I have
counterparts-probably a historically valid rep-
basic tactical building block of the armies. participated were fought as described in
resentation. The benefits to the defender pro-
Brigades were usually composed of two to six European textbooks, viz., in great
vided by breastworks and entrenchments are also
regiments. With most of the active regiments masses, in perfect order, maneuvering
stressed by the game system. The Civil War saw
severely under strength, the brigade was used as by corps, divisions, and brigades. We
the first extensive use of field fortifications by
the basic formation of maneuver and combat on were generally in a wooded country,
and, though our lines were deployed American troops. According to author/historian
the Civil War battlefield.
according to tactics, the men generally Paddy Griffith, field fortifications fulfilled three
In battle, an infantry brigade would normally
fought in strong skirmish lines, taking major purposes: 1) protection from incoming
deploy its component regiments in successive
advantage of the shape of the ground, fire, to steady a militia, 2) an obstacle to delay an
lines of battle, stacked one behind another. It
and of every cover. attacker's advance, and 3) a cleared field of fire
was also fairly common for a brigade to deploy
The 300-yard per hex scale in A5A is thus (particularly important in woodlands).
in a single long line, with its regiments abreast
based upon effective weapons range. How- The defensive advantages accrued to infantry
of each other, with a reserve held behind to fill
ever, the game's stacking limit of two units per by enu'enchments are portrayed in the game by a
in gaps as they appeared in the firing line. On the
hex often results in some ahistorical situations series of column shifts and other penalties on
attack, a brigade would often throw out one of
its regiments in a loose skirmisher line in order on the wargame battlefield. For example, if the attackers. Breastworks give the defender a shift
to screen the advancing brigade. 1st and 3rd infantry brigades of Heintzelman's of one column to the left on the Combat Results
United States Army infantry tactics were 3rd Union division at Bull Run are stacked Table. Entrenchments give a two-column shift to
heavily influenced from the Mexican War together, there are 20 defense factors located the left and increase the attacker's casualties by
onward by General Winfield Scott's Infantry in a single hex. This represents some 8,000 + 1. Also, defending units dug in behind breast-
Tactics (1835). Early in the Civil War many infantrymen crammed into a 300-yard space, works or enu'enchments do not have to attack
infantrymen were armed with old-fashioned creating a very high, and historically very dan- adjacent enemy units. The game thus elegantly
smoothbore muskets that had an effective battle gerous, troop density. handles the histOlical advantages of field works
range of only about 50-100 yards. Infantry for- The inherent advantages enjoyed by and allows defenders to stay put in their prepared
mations were designed to compensate for the defending infantry vs. attacking infantry are postions instead of forcing them to attack.
musket's innaccuracy by keeping the troops in well-represented in A5A. While each defense
close-ordered formations in order to concentrate factor represents 400 infantry, each attack fac- ARTILLERY
their firepower. tor is worth between 414 and 629 men-thus Artillery units in A5A represent several bat-
As the war continued, the infantry gradually manpower is correctly rated higher on defense teries of four to six guns each, comprised of
became better armed, carrying into battle Enfield than on offense. smoothbore and rifled cannons. Although often
job of showing both artillery's assets and its lim-
itations on the battlefields of the Civil War.

Cavalry units are scarce in A5A, and they
playa correspondingly small role in the outcome
of most battles. The Union fields two cavalry
units in both Pea Ridge and Gettysburg, five
optional cavalry units in Shiloh, and no horse
soldiers in Bull Run or Bentonville. The Con-
federates get one cavalry unit in Bull Run and
Bentonville, four in Shiloh, and none in Pea
Ridge or Gettysburg. The scarcity of mounted
units in the game reflects the small role played
by cavalry in most Civil War battles.
A5A cavalry units represent brigades of sol-
diers mounted on horses-who were usually
armed with swords in addition to either pistols
or carbines. Most cavalry brigades during the
war were formed of two to six regiments.
Mounted cavalry was deployed for battle in lines
one or two ranks deep. March formation was
columns of four horsemen across. Early on dur-
ing the war, Union cavalrymen were usually
overshadowed by the exploits of infantry and range of infantry weapons lessened artillery's armed with single-shot pistols and sabres. By
cavalry, artillery played a vital role on the Civil impact on offensive warfare. Union long-range the time of the Gettysburg campaign in 1863,
War battlefield. Largely due to technological artillery fire at the Battle of Antietam was effec- most Yankee horsemen carried breach-loading
advances in infantry small arms, artillery had lost tive in driving off several Rebel guns, and at carbines. Confederate cavalry often carried a
much of its offensive striking power. However, it Shiloh the Confederates brought up several bat- wider variety of weaponry-shotguns, pistols,
was still an extremely powerful weapon on the teries to the front line to reduce the Yankee's sabres and carbines.
defensive, and many unseasoned troops were defensive stronghold at the "Hornet's Nest," but The improved range and accuracy of artillery
badly demoralized when they came face to face overall, Civil War artillery was rather ineffec- and infantry small arms made the Civil War bat-
with booming enemy artillery batteries. tive on the offensive. tlefield a very dangerous place for cavalry units.
Historically, the Northern amlies generally Table 2. Average Artillery Strength Rifled weapons enabled defenders to break up
grouped their guns into six-gun batteries, with (Offensive-Defensive strength per unit) cavalry charges before the riders could reach
three such batteries forming an artillery brigade. their lines. Consequently, Civil War cavalry was
The Confederates used four-gun batteries Battle Union Confederate usually kept away from the main battlefield, and
grouped into battalions of four batteries each. Bull Run 2.3-5.0 1.0-2.2 was instead utilized as scouts, screeners and
Smoothbore guns such as the well-known 12- Pea Ridge 1.5-2.8 3.3-7.0 mounted raiders.
pound Napoleon had an effective range of about Slriloh 1.6-4.0 1.6-4.0 John Buford's Union cavalry made a strong
800-1,000 yards. These guns were also devastat- Gettysburg 2.7-6.0 1.9--4.3 showing on the first day of the Battle of Gettys-
ing when firing great blasts of canister at ranges Bentonville 4.0-8.0 4.0-8.0 burg by fighting dismounted. Deployed in a
of 200 yards or less. Rifled cannons such as the Both Union and Confederate gunners really thick skirmish line, with one man in four serving
lO-pound Parrot and the 3-inch Rodman pro- had a chance to shine while on the defensive. as a "horseholder" behind the firing line, dis-
vided more accuracy and a longer effective Grant's line of heavy artillery along the high mounted cavalry, firing breach-loading car-
range-firing out to over 2,000 yards. The ground above Pittsburg Landing stopped the bines, could put up quite a stiff fight. In addition
longer-ranged rifled guns were often used in a final Rebel drive at the Battle of Shiloh. Fitz- to its battlefield role as dismounted skirmishers,
counter-battery role in an attempt to drive off the John Porter's guns at Malvern Hill on the Penin- cavalry also was often deployed behind friendly
defender's guns before an infantry assault. A5A sula and Henry Hunt's batteries at the Battle of infantry lines in order to prevent straggling and
gives every artillery unit a range of four hexes Gettysburg cut great, bloody swaths through the desertion. General U.S. Grant wrote of the
(1,200 yards), which seems to be a pretty good advancing lines of Rebel infantry. Confederate Battle of Shiloh: "The nature of the battle was
compromise for playability. guns also made a major impact in defensive such that cavalry could not be used in front; 1
Artillery pieces were usually deployed some roles, taking advantage of the high ground of therefore formed ours into line, in rear, to stop
14 yards apart, with each gun taking up two Marye's Heights at the Battle of Fredricksburg stragglers, of whom there were many."
yards, meaning that a six-gun battery held a and of Nicodemus Hill at Antietam. There are a few documented accounts of
frontage of about 82 yards, while a four-gun bat- Artillery was often more effective against successful cavalry charges during Civil War
tery had a frontage of 50 yards. The A5A game raw troops than against seasoned veterans. battles. At the Battle of Bull Run on July 21,
scale of 300 yards per hex makes historical Untested troops and militia were badly demoral- 1861, J.E.B. Stuart's Virgirria cavalry surprised
artillery deployment possible, but when some of ized by the presence of enemy artillery. General a Union zouave unit while they were forming
the larger artillery battalions are stacked Sherman noted in his memoirs: "Artillery is for a renewed attack on Henry Hill. The Rebel
together in the same hex it can result in a much more valuable with new and inexperienced cavalry charge so unnerved the zouaves that
greater artillery density than was actually troops than with veterans. In the early stages of they broke shortly thereafter when the batteries
employed during the Civil War. the war the field guns often bore the propOltion they were supporting fell to a Confederate
Historically, artillery was much more effec- of six to a thousand men; but toward the close of infantry attack.
tive on the defensive than on the offensive, and the war one gun, or at most two, to 1,000 men, After the Battle of Shiloh, the Union's 77th
this is well-reflected by the game's artillery was deemed enough." Ohio regiment fell victim to a successful Rebel
combat values. Generally, each artillery unit is Artillery could not take ground like the cavalry attack. Yankee Colonel Jesse Hilde-
about twice as effective on defense as on the infanry, lacked the mobility and flair of the cav- brand described the Confederate charge: "So
attack. Offensive action by field artillery and alry arm, and had lost a great deal of its offen- sudden and rapid was the charge, shooting our
long-range fire in support of infantry attacks sive striking power since the glory days of the men with carbines and revolvers, they had no
were rarely effective during the American Civil Napoleonic Wars, but it still had a vital role to time to reload or fix bayonets, and were forced
War. Wooded, hilly terrain and the increased play during the 1860s. A5A does an admirable to fall back under cover of our cavalry... The
rebel cavalry literally rode down the infantry." Mill in 1862 was launched across 250 yards of that cavalry could have had a much greater
A larger and even more successful cavalry open ground against Rebel infantry sheltered in impact if it had been utilized in larger numbers
charge occurred at the Battle of Winchester on thick woods. The Yankee horsemen were driven and on the proper terrain.
September 19, 1864. Two Union cavalry divi- off after losing 150 of the 250 men who began
sions under Alfred T.A. Torbert struck the flank the charge. A similarly ill-fated charge ordered CONCLUSION
of Jubal Early's Confederate line. Union com- by Union General Judson Kilpatrick and led by ACROSS FIVE APRILS is an excellent
mander Philip H. Sheridan described the favor- Elon J. Farnsworth took place on the third day at wargame for both beginning and experienced
able ground over wltich Torbert's charge took Gettysburg. Farnsworth's Vermont cavalry players. It has a high level of tension and
place: "It was open, and offered an opportunity charged over rocky, rough ground at Rebel excitement, and you are able to relive the tur-
such as seldom had been presented during the infantry protected by a stone wall. Over 100 of moil and confusion present in an actual Civil
war for a mounted attack. ..." The determined the 300 Union horsemen, including Farnsworth, War battle. In addition to excellent graphics
Yankee horsemen launched successive charges were casualties. and game play, wargamers are provided with a
that drove in the Rebels' left flank and forced A5A players are forced to use their cavalry reasonably accurate portrayal of historic
them to retreat from Winchester. A Union units in their historic role on the battlefield. The events. A5A delivers first-rate wargaming fun
brigade under the command of Thomas C. mounted units in the game are generally very and a high replay value-and you may be
Devin captured three colors and over 300 Con- weak on the attack, are valuable mainly for their tempted to visit the library to learn more about
federate prisoners during the action. mobility, and are often used as flank guards, etc. Civil War battlefield tactics!
There were also several cavalry charges that However, despite the historic record of cavalry's
ended in utter failure. A brave charge by the 5th battlefield performance in the Civil War, it is
U.S. cavalry regiment at the Battle of Gaines' interesting to note that many historians believe

ith the release of FOR THE PEOPLE ton sits on the border of US territory and is vul- in the city insures supply for one attack. In order

W just around the corner, I thought it

useful to publish a few articles on an
old favorite on the same topic in anticipation of
nerable to capture; many Northern commanders
are terrible; armies must be raised and posi-
tioned effectively. Given enough time there is
no question that the North will prevail, but time
to disrupt supply to Washington, the Confeder-
ates must cut the sea supply routes from
Annapolis and the Potomac river.
The opening turns of the game involve the
comparisons between the two game systems as
well as with other strategic-level games. THE is exactly what the Union does not have. If the players in immediate conflict over two important
CIVIL WAR has been affectionately called "the Southern player can derail the timetable of the VP cities: Grafton, WV and Springfield, MO.
war between the dice" for its command initiative Northern conquest, Lincoln will lose the 1864 Possession of these cities is determined largely
system. Although the dice inject an element of election and the war. by luck (i.e. who wins the first pulse and the dice
chaos into strategic planning, this game is as CVW has many unpredictable elements that difference), but demands immediate attention.
much about management of known resources make it difficult to execute even the most care- Once the dust has settled, it is time to protect the
under time constraints as anything else.-SKT fully conceived plans. Success depends on Union capital. Place a fortress in the city.
Effective play of the Union side in THE putting Union assets to their best use when an The best method of disrupting an attack on
CIVIL WAR (CVW) requires creative use of the opportunity arises (such as a turn with more than Washington is an active defense. An attack on
North's main assets-strength and flexibility. one CP table use or a CP advantage in a critical hex 5006, the rail junction at Manassas, has sev-
Confederate strategy centers around holding key theater.) eral advantages which recommend it. The garri-
areas in states with a high Victory Point (VP) son in the Capital can be built up to 14 SPs with-
value, forcing the Union armies to spend FORTRESS WASHINGTON out alarming most Southern players, who expect
strength points (SPs) and command points (CPs) The vulnerability of Washington is a prob- to see the city heavily reinforced. The Army of
to assault these positions. A second line of forti- lem which the Northern player must address the Potomac should be built under McDowell
fications is prepared wltile the first is being immediately. The obvious answer is to build a after the best leaders of turn 2 are in Washing-
reduced. A winning Confederate strategy slows fortress in the city. This move alone goes a long ton. If the South is caught unprepared, the threat
the Northern advance to a crawl as CPs are used way to making the city difficult (if not impossi- to the Federal capital is lifted neatly when
up recovering from demoralization before every ble) for the Confederates to take. The presence McDowell's army cuts supplies to the cities of
move or attack. The South enjoys a slight advan- of the fortress makes it necessary for the South the upper Shenandoah Valley. It is virtually
tage by virtue of its leadership and the logistical to cut the Union supply lines-no easy task even impossible to supply the Army of Northern Vir-
difficulties involved in conquering so much ter- for the Army of Northern Virginia. Washington ginia for operations in Maryland and Southern
ritory. Sea lift, amphibious invasion and rein- is supplied by rail connection to the rest of the Pennsylvania without a secure supply base in the
forcements are crucial Union advantages. The North, by sea via the Potomac river and rail con- Valley (hexes 4905-6, 4806-7, 4708-9). Suc-
North has many headaches to handle: Washing- nection to Annapolis. Additionally, a depot built cessful capture of Manassas moves the battle
lines in the East away from Washington DC, Mill Springs are the only cities the Confederates reaction is limited by the South's poor rail
greatly improving the strategic situation of the can reasonably hope to hold for very long. A capacity-under the best circumstances no more
Union. However, this is a lot to ask of the woe- Southern force holding Bowling Green can be than four SPs can be moved by rail. However,
ful leadership of the Union (a historical Bull maneuvered out of position by attacking Forts the South can still link reinforcements with SPs
Run battle is more likely). The expected result Henry and Donelson in hex 2513 and threaten- already in the area to make an attack on equal or
of a move on Manassas is that the Army of the ing the retreat route across the Cumberland better terms. If the South does undertake a cam-
Potomac will be in a good forward defense posi- River. The elimination of Forts Henry and paign to drive back an invading corps, the
tion at Arlington (hex 5106). From this line the Donelson opens the Cumberland and Tennessee Northern player must decide between supporting
Union can simultaneously defend the Union rivers and is a necessary step for an invasion of the landing or taking advantage of opportunities
capital and threaten the Shenandoah supply Tennessee. Mill Springs can be taken by a single created elsewhere. At the beginning of the game,
bases. Fighting a battle at Bull Run yields an corps in most situations. It is unusual for the the navy is too small to support large-scale oper-
important strategic dividend: leader promotion. South to have a strong force available in ations. As the game progresses, the navy will
Ultimately this is more important to Union plans Knoxville to take Mill Springs in force, so the become large enough to support several opera-
than capturing the rail junction, because it Union column can be safely entrusted to a less tions in a single turn. Every leader and SP the
addresses the main weakness in the Northern than distinguished commander (e.g. Burnside, South pulls out of its armies improves Union
war effort-poor leadership. A rapid promotion Curtis or Buell). prospects in Tennessee and Virginia. The North
schedule will put Grant in command of an army If the Confederate player has spent CPs to prefers to exchange Eastern and Naval CPs for
on turn three and have good leaders (e.g. Lyon, place strong forces in Kentucky, it will be at cost Confederate Western and Discretionary CPs
Thomas, Sherman, et. al.) moving up the chain to fortifications in Tennessee and the Gulf spent to repel seaborne invaders. If the North
of command. Coast. The North has the option of bypassing can get an advantage in Western command
entrenched forces in Kentucky using the Ten- points, the South's ability to respond to overland
EFFICIENT COMMAND nessee and Cumberland Rivers to supply a attacks in the West will be impaired.
Command points are the currency which pay march into Tennessee. Union strategy should The tool that makes an amphibious invasion
for the Northern war effort. A successful strat- center on attacking weaknesses in these areas work is Sea Lift. If left unsupported, an invading
egy is one which forces the Southern player to while avoiding attacks on prepared defenses. force is vulnerable to counterattack. However,
react to threats so that he has few CPs available reinforcements can be shipped to controlled
to respond to an actual attack later. The North THE NAVAL CAMPAIGN ports. Once the force moves inland, it is more dif-
should use the tactic of delaying the use of CPs. The Union navy is a powerful strategic tool ficultto support. The Union has several options.
The Union almost always has more reinforce- which is best used to create threats which force Send a second corps to support the first and
ments and leaders to enter than the Confederacy. the South to spend CPs and manpower sorely attack the Confederates when they are demoral-
Delaying CP use should be used carefully needed elsewhere. The existence of an amphibi- ized. Alternatively, make use of ocean transports
though, as it hands the initiative to the opposing ous landing force (six naval SPs, six SP, with on the rivers to move a corps out of a dangerous
player. However, this is less risky than it may army and naval commanders) in one of the situation and re-focus the point of attack.
appear. The Union can afford to temporarily Atlantic ports should have useful effects. Enter-
cede areas (other than Washington) to the South, ing as reinforcements, such a force can be SHATTERING THE SOUTH
should the Confederacy be interested in assembled at no CP cost. If the Southern player The test of the Union's strategy is what use it
unwisely spreading out its forces. is not impressed by the possibility of naval inva- makes of the two armies in the Western theater.
The Trans-Mississippi theater is usually a sion, make the threat real by closing a large Con- The West is where the war is won. Though hob-
backwater from turn 2 until late in the game. federate port. Then, the Confederate player will bled by a lack of good commanders, both Union
Union CPs here can be put to good use organiz- devote resources to protecting ports with a high armies outnumber the Confederate forces
ing leaders. To cope with a dismal leadership import value and fortresses which close rivers to alTayed against them and benefit from better
corps, St. Louis should receive most of the lead- orthern troopships. If the Union landings are coordination. Federal gunboats on the rivers
ers entered as reinforcements on turn 1. Many of ignored, the damage done to the Confederate make it difficult for the Southern armies to work
them (e.g. Halleck, Banks, Buell) will be staying supply situation is as damaging as the sapping of in concert. Whenever possible, an army should
with Fremont and a single SP for the remainder CPs from critical theaters. threaten multiple targets. Hex 2415 is a an exam-
of the game. Useful leaders are reassigned to At every opportunity, the Union Navy should ple-an army there is one march from Nashville,
strategic posts by spending Trans-Mississippi be used to cut river crossings to restrict Southern Memphis, Decatur and Corinth, and it is supplied
command points. This saves Western commands movement. In the Western Theater, Union river by river. Two armies, used cooperatively, can
that can be used to gather Union strength at the ironclads can limit the ability of the two Con- create many threats forcing the enemy into unde-
Ohio river strong points: Cairo, New Albany federate armies to coordinate their activities in sirable positions. If the Southern player responds
and Cincinnati. Tennessee. Once Henry/Donelson has been by concentrating the Confederate armies, the
reduced, the river fleet can operate as far south orth can advance small corps to unprotected
THE BLUEGRASS STATE as Alabama. A landing can be made at Decatur targets or march inland from captured ports. In
In the Western Theater the first two turns to threaten the supply route to Nashville, unless an all-out slugfest, the Union must do everything
should be spent preparing Northern forces for the Confederates are fortifying cities that are possible to drain the South's Western CPs and
the sweep into Kentucky. Forces in Cairo, New two marches from the Union lines. If the Con- encourage Confederate attacks (the Combat
Albany, and Cincinnati should be raised to six federacy sends an army to deal with the raiding Results Table favors the defender).
SPs (herein referred to as a corps). Additional corps, the defense of central Tennessee will be When facing a single army the Union can
strength points should be placed in the cities disrupted. Left unchecked, the corps in Decatur afford to be bold. One tactic is to cut loose from
where armies will be raised. Typically, one army will be free to move against Chattanooga, supply and make a dash for an undefended tar-
is built in Cairo, the other in New Albany. The Corinth, Tupelo or link with an amphibious get behind the first line of enemy entrench-
choice of leaders should be guided by the over- invasion of the Gulf coast. ments. If successfully executed, this can demor-
all strategy of the Union. In the Eastern theater, the duties of the Navy alize and perplex an opponent. Maneuver
In most games, the Confederates will not be are fourfold: 1) to reduce the Southern economy around the flanks will put the Southerner in a
able to seriously challenge in Kentucky. Most by capturing POltS, 2) to open rivers by captur- bind-giving him the choice of making bad
Southern players will choose to spend most of ing crucial fortresses, 3) to land small raids, and attacks or giving up territory. If Nashville and
their command points fortifying Tennessee and 4) to support an invading corps by controlling Memphis are well guarded, Chattanooga or
the Gulf Coast Ports. The Union can take most rivers. Coastal landings should have the poten- Knoxville may be weak. Successful maneuver
of Kentucky's VPs by railing a single SP tial to move inland to cut rail lines and capture and consolidation can throw the Confederate
through the state on turn 3 when the rails auto- VP cities. It is generally not a good idea to land defense into crisis, making previously secure
matically become friendly. Bowling Green and forces smaller than five SPs. The Confederate forward positions untenable.

- - - - - - - - - _._-
The strategy of overwhelming the Southern ing armies. The use of two armies in cooperation gic goals. The South must make the most of its
command capacity is not enough to win the war. has compensating advantages. One can shield thinly stretched assets-choosing which posi-
The North must destroy the enemy's armies. If the other when demoralized from an attack. The tions to fortify and which to abandon to the
the Union is waging a successful naval cam- second army can guard the supply line. Keep the marauding federal armies. For the North, the
paign, those armies will already be suffering Union strength concentrated until the conditions game centers around logistical difficulties and
from a shortage of soldiers sent to protect the are right for the armies to split up and attack a myriad of tactical possibilities. You must
coasts. The roll of the western armies in this multiple targets. decide how to exploit the weaknesses of the
operation is simple if not obvious-one army Players of CVW will find no perfect plan Confederacy and bring the advantages of the
attacks and demoralizes a Confederate army, that leads to victory for either the Union or the North to bear. With this in mind the stage can
followed by a second attack from the other army Confederacy, both sides must adapt to prob- be set, the roles written and a Southern tragedy
to inflict heavy casualties. lems which arise through the course of the played to completion.
The Union faces many obstacles in the West: game. Much of the game involves forcing an
excellent Southern Generals, a dearth of good opponent to spend precious command and
Union leaders, terrain and the expense of mov- manpower resources which do not serve strate-

HE CIVIL WAR (CVW) is the best strate- the Steel Bayou as best as you can. If you can The South can keep its armies mobile by

T gic level game on the Civil War [-well,

at least until Mr. Kiconas sees FOR THE
PEOPLE.-SKT] The basic theory behind good
reinforce forts there with SPs, you will get the
manned fort bonus in addition to terrain. If you
can manage to get 3 or 4 SPs in some forts, you
putting a cavalry leader in the army for reaction
purposes, a powerful weapon if you want to
Southern strategy is that if you fight, you lose. can retreat those forces to the next best defen- Supply. Supply depots may be built on a city
Instead, you must adopt a Fabian strategy. This sive line after delaying the Union. Get extra or stockade that is out of supply. This means liv-
approach turns defensive warfare into both an troops into Vicksburg. You may even put an ing off the land can be a tactic in the game. This
art form and a science. The goal is delay. You army into Vicksburg to slow the main attack. is a powerful weapon because it means that you
cannot stop the North, but you can slow them If in supply, Vicksburg can hold out for a long can put supply into an unsupplied army. This
down. If done correctly, the time you buy will time. When you are about to be overwhelmed, can keep your forces mobile.
secure victory. get your army to New Orleans. This should be The Confederate Navy. The Confederate
The Opening Turn. On turn 1, West Vir- the climactic battle. The terrain there is a navy can play a big role in slowing down the
ginia and Missouri should be converted by the major plus. If near the end of the game, you Union juggernaught. Before you buy any ships,
Union, but you can slow it down by doing two can afford to risk your whole army. Otherwise you should have most of your land forces and
things. First, take Grafton (hex 4505) with one keep your army retreating to fight on another forts in place. When you buy ships, buy Com-
strength point (SP). Build a fort there if you can. day. merce Raiders first (they get victory points).
Second, attack Lyon in Springfield, Missouri, Armies. Keep your armies mobile. All you Ironclads are a trickier matter. They will be an
while you have a two-to-one advantage (you need is one city to delay a state from being con- annoyance to the Union. They will be one more
may kill Lyon in the process). verted. A fort in Chattanooga or Knoxville can obstacle that the north needs to handle, but ulti-
The Mississippi River. Protection of the slow the Union armies considerably. Use terrain mately they are outclassed. The Union blockade
Mississippi is the most important job that the and fortifications to the max. In Virginia, con- will tighten every turn. Try to cover your major
Confederate player has in the West. When the sider Charlottesville or Lynchburg. In Georgia, ports with forts. Keep mobile teams within strik-
Mississippi goes, the South is finished. While consider Milledgeville or Columbus. Under- ing range of the major ports. Most of the Union
CVW is very much considered a land game, the stand that you can't defend everything. You invasions will succeed. Your goal should be to
Union navy is decisive. Once the Northern might decide to give up some states completely. slow their advance inland. Once the Union
player understands the depth of the Naval power Analyze each state. Know what the cost for con- infantry starts to drive inland, retreat in such a
he has, he will clobber you. version would be. The North must be ahead by way that you keep them in front of you. Control
You should put forts at key locations along 50 or more points on turn 17 in order for the the initiative as long as you can. Once you start
the Mississippi like hex 2114. The North cannot game to continue. being overwhelmed, move the forces out of
bypass such a hex if it is to supply its operations By keeping your armies mobile, you can use harms way. Save them to fight another day.
against Memphis. Hex 1818 is another good them to launch attacks to the Union's weakest Theaters. Make the West your primary the-
one. The idea is to build forts at river forks to points, aimed at taking lightly garrisoned areas ater for most of the game. The East should be
force the Union to attack. Hexes 1721, 1723 and and taking away Union victory points. Exploit secondary. You also have to decide when to get
1822 are other examples of good places for river mistakes you are given. Focus on attacks you out of the Trans-Mississippi (once the Confeder-
fortifications. can win decisively. Don't risk your army unless ate loses control of the Mississippi River, every-
Cities. You must make some hard decisions it is absolutely necessary. Grant's theory on this one in the Trans-Mississippi is dead).
about which cities to defend to the end. New was right, "If the Southern armies are destroyed, One of the greatest things about CVW is that
Orleans is critical. Place a fortress there. A the South is finished." The more you attack it has so many variables that make each game
fortress in Memphis is good, but in the end you early in the game, the weaker you become by the unpredictable. Leader deaths cannot be con-
will loose it (and you only get five fortresses). endgame. Your reinforcements drop while the trolled. They can die at the worst possible
Vicksburg is another good place for a fortress, Union gets stronger. As your Generals get pro- moment. The timetable of your plans never
especially if you can slow the North down in the moted, they tend to get weaker. This is particu- seem to work out. Between bad rolls and your
Steel Bayou. larly true for Hardee, D.H. Hill and Early (but opponent's counter moves, something will
Troop Dispersement. The idea behind troop use Jackson to fight early to get promoted). The always go wrong. CVW forces you to have fall-
placement is to make each succeeding defensive Northern Generals are by and large getting back plans. You must be flexible.
position stronger than the previous one. Defend better with each fight.

to go with an attack on the North (and the conse-

The Initial Turn quent depletion of resources) is dependent on the

player's preference and playing style. I prefer the
strategy outlined below-an attempt to play the

of THE CIVIL WAR turns out and survive the Union onslaught. Irre-
spective of this decision, the South should con-
tinually examine the map for the opportumtIes
by K. S. Reid low in cost but which have proportionally greater
returns. Raids into Neutral States to seize a VP
HE CIVIL WAR remains a firm con- to enter Kentucky on turn 3 (The Union city and prevent conversion cost a few CPs, but

T tender for the tit.le o~ my favorite game.

Here are my pnontIes for the openmg
turn for each side.
should defer entering until turn 3 to avoid
driving Kentucky into the CSA fold.)
10. Leaders should be entered into Springfield,
the Union must set in motion a larger force to
retake the city.
Initial tum theater allocations should be East
IL to avoid placement of the "poorer" lead- as Primary and West as Tertiary. The Trans-Mis-
ONION MOVES ers into your fighting machine. sissippi requires a minimum of five CPs to carry
The Union has the force and ability to 11. (TM 2) When 2 SPs have gathered under out the commands below and therefore must be
destroy the best the CSA can field. The diffi- Lyon in Springfield, check the situation on Secondary (along with receiving a discretionary
culty is bringing that power to bear efficiently the CP tracks. If the Union has 2 CPs avail- command).
and before time runs out. The 17 turns until the able (TM or Discretionary) and the CSA
presidential election in 1864 will pass rapidly. has two or fewer available in this theater, 1. (0 CP) If the CSA wins the initiative but
Initial theater selection should be East as pri- attack Price with Lyon immediately. Even fails to win a dice difference large enough to
mary, West as secondary and the Trans-Missis- if you lose the attack, you will have entitled create the Army of orthern Virginia, place
sippi as tertiary. The East is vital to the Union Lyon to a promotion on turn 2. You must Western reinforcements in Nashville and
cause and at least five command points (CPs) await this moment in order to prevent an Memphis. Both the towns listed must be
will be required for the tasks that must be carried undemoralized Price from counterattacking defended. SPs in Nashville can serve in the
out. The turn's priorities are as follows (theater a demoralized Lyon, capturing Springfield Army of Tennessee.
and CP cost are listed in bold). and preventing Missouri from converting to 2. (E 2) Create the Army of Northern Virginia
Union friendly. under 1. Johnston rather than Beauregard.
1. (E 3) Washington DC must be upgraded to 12. (N 2) If forced to spend the Naval CP, either Johnston provides an Army re-roll modifier
a Fortress. Use the fust opportunity to carry the result of a long turn or if you are waiting and is better placed to threaten the Union
this out, units in a supplied fortress are not for greater CPs to perform one of the above, capital. Early creation of the Army allows
then enter the river transport at Cairo and the reinforcing leaders and SP to be placed
required to retreat and as Washington is on
ocean transport at Harrisburg. From here directly into the Army.
a Navigable river the supply may be traced
they prevent CSA units from crossing these 3. (E 2) Move I SP out of 1. Johnston's com-
to an all sea hex.
valuable rivers and are available to perform mand to Grafton, WV. This position is sur-
2. (W 1) Activate I strength point (SP) in
amphibious attacks later in the game. rounded by a river for most of the Union
Springfield, IL and rail it to Grafton, WV.
This unit will secure Grafton against any approaches and will require the expenditure
The CP costs of the above priorities amount of greater Union CPs to remove this CSA
incursions by a single CSA SP that would
to: East 5 (7 with #6), West 2, Trans-Mississippi unit. If Jackson is in the Army of Northern
otherwise prevent this neutral state from
3. The minimum CPs available from the table are Virginia he can move 2 SPs to Grafton.
four (maximum is six) in the Primary theater 4. (TM 1) The single SP located in hex 2113
3. (E 1) Activate 1 SP in Parkersburg, WV and
(with the Secondary getting three or four and the should be moved out of Missouri (should
march it overland to Charleston, WV. When
Tertiary getting one or two). There will be one to this state convert to the Union, the SP will be
the tum ends, this neutral state will then
three discretionary commands. As long as the unable to be move without a leader). Move it
convert to the Union. dice-roll differences are favorable to spending
4. (W 1) Activate I SP in Indianapolis and rail to 2513.
the larger sums required, you should have 5. (TM 1) For similar reason the single SP
it to Rolla, Missouri. This will guard the enough CPs to carry out the tasks I have outlined.
depot and provide a force to reinforce Lyon located in 1813 should be moved south to
at Springfield (priority 8). Madison.
CONFEDERATE MOVES 6. (TM 3) Consider whether to attack Lyon
5. (E 1) Activate Butler and move him to Longstreet observed it best when he remarked
Springfield, IL. This leader has hopeless with Price. Price can lead no more than the 2
that the South did not have to win, all it had to do SPs he has and time will only see the oppo-
ratincrs and should be moved away from the was avoid losing. A draw was enough historically,
frontto a position where he can do no dam- nent reinforced, therefore tum I is the time
and the Southern player can realistically strive for for it. If the Union has not had the chance to
age. this situation. The Southern player may be
6. (E 2) If the CSA has created the Army of reinforce Lyon, then three out of six chances
defeated militarily yet win the game, if the North yield a demoralized result while two out of
North Virginia and moved this force to performs less effectively than his true life counter-
within striking range of Ft. Monroe, then six cause demoralization and one loss. The
part. The alternative is for the CSA to follow an CSA player can expect his force to be
activate 2 SPs in Philadelphia and sea lift aggressive strategy. The CSA starts almost numer-
them to Ft. Monroe. This will prevent any demoralized four times in six. The benefit,
ically equal and with better leaders than the North.
single assault from taking the fortress. preventing the conversion of Missouri, is
This situation only declines, so the time to adopt
7. (0 CP) Reinforce Harrisburg with any worth the wasted CPs.
an aggressive policy is on tum 1. The difficulty
mandatory entries to help provide a secure 7. (0 CP) Reinforce the Army of Northern Vir-
lies in the fact that if the aggressive approach does
right flank for Washington's defenses. ginia with the available leaders. The desired
not win the game for the CSA, then he may be left
Here, they are in position on a navigable leaders for this Army are Longstreet, Jack-
greatly weaker for the later game-the CPs and
river to threaten an amphibious landing as son, Hardee, E. K. Smith and Stuart (+7 tac-
SPs spent are irreplaceable.
soon as naval vessels arrive. tical modifiers-more than the maximum
Preparing for an attack in the North can be
8. (TM 1) Activate the SP previously railed to modifier, but Jackson may be moving to
carried out without actually committing to the
Grafton). Should Grafton be unassailable
Rolla and march it to Springfield to rein- attack. Creation of the Army of North Virginia
force Lyon. then consider placing a leader into Nashville.
will be required for an attack, but should the deci-
9. (0 CP) Place SP reinforcements in the West sion be made not to go, then the Army is required
at Cairo. This position builds a force ready ~~~~~ (Continued p. 42)
still to defend the South. Inevitably the decision
Recent Issues because there was nothing on any of their ter, and your time. You have convinced me to stay
I was very disappointed with volume 32, num- favorite games in the last two issues. for another tour. I shall be sending my renewal for
ber 1 of The GENERAL. I understand the need to Even if the ASL content is "token" and your fine magazine in this week. Thank you for
try to balance coverage of games (paper, com- "generic," hey the ASLer still gets something reminding me to "Keep the Faith."
puter, war, adventure, fantasy) but I thought the almost every issue, and I for one like to see what -w. Jack Fischer, cyberspace
last issue was terribly unbalanced. It seemed as some of the other games are like. The little article
though all the articles dealt with sci-fi/fantasy on CIRCUS MAXIMUS looks like a refreshing Hall-of-Famers
games and computer games. There was only one view of an old favorite, and still a great game. Don Greenwood passed along this iriforma-
short article about TAHGC paper wargames Having just played REPUBLIC OF ROME for the tion to me about this year's AvalonCon Hall-of-
(BREAKOUT: NORMANDY). Even the ZOC sec- first time last Saturday, I am now going to look at Fame inductees, James Doughan and Kathy
tion was a disappointment because it was already the old back issues for anything good I can find on Stroh. Doughan has won six events against a
printed material which I had seen. TAHGC was this wonderful game. total field of 208 entrants. He won TURNING
built on paper wargames and the last issue made -Pete Shelling, cyberspace POINT: STALINGRAD twice, REPUBLIC OF
me feel as though you were abandoning us. ROME, BREAKOUT NORMANDY twice and
-Steve Leonard, cyberspace I'm glad to hear ASL is still on your minds at HANNIBAL. Stroh has been a GM for seven
The Hill. Those of us die-hards out here really years during which time she has run Juniors
I don't quite know how to say this, but my love this game. My friend and I just finished a events (long after the time when her own children
reaction to the new look and content is basically game of RED BARRiCADES. I was the Russians could participate in them). [In quite a number of
one that borders on apathy to general dislike. I and got slaughtered! My buddy is an infantry adult tournaments, 1 have noticed her still play-
may be a dinosaur from gaming past. I enjoyed leader in the army, so I don't feel bad that I was ing in the late rounds, while most of us are pack-
the game analysis and the variants and series crushed in a brief campaign of only fi ve days! In ing our bags.] In case you think these awards
replays. I loved reading about design notes and fact, I never had so much fun. That's the beauty swell the heads of winners, this is Jim's reaction
additional scenarios. I don't think it is me though, of ASL. It's great even when you lose. to the announcement.-SKT
because I accept the fact that in order for TAHGC -Dave Davieau, cyberspace
Dear Don,
to survive and thrive you need to become more First of all I want to thank you. For the past
sophisticated in approach (I applaud the ZOC). More Voting with Greenbacks
Regarding the directions taken by The GEN- seven summers I've eagerly attended AvalonCon.
I know that gaming is moving to the computer Because of your efforts, I've had the extraordinary
age-I hope, however, that there is room for ERAL, I find it improving. Even when I do not
have the games (and even do not much like the opportunity to match wits with the best and most
boardgaming. I also hope TAHGC continues to motivated competitors in the games I love. The
genre), at least I get an idea about the games from
commit to boardgaming. context of tournament competition has turned an
-David M. Dellett, cyberspace the articles. In at least one case, it did encourage
me to purchase the game, even after some enjoyable pasttime into a series of very memorable
I enjoyed reading volume 32, number 2, espe- response to it on the rec.games.board usenet group games. I still remember our championship match
cially the articles on HISTORY OF THE WORLD. that made it sound less than interesting. in BKN in '95 as well as my humbling first round
Mr. Smith's article on monuments was obviously I am one of those with 30+ years with TAHGC loss to Marvin Birnbaum the next year. I also
a labor of love. He packed a great deal of informa- games people-it'll be 40 years this Fall-but I do remember the details of my '94 miraculous come-
tion into his article, and his level of detail was not long for the "classics" much, as they have been back win over Ron Fedin in the TPS finals, as well
impressive. Even the minor empires get a mention! superceded, in my taste, by many other games, as my devastating defeat at his hands in the semi-
Tidbits like proper pronounciations (turns out we including by other companies. I would like to see finals in '93. Before AvalonCon, I could only
have never gotten Hsiung-Nu right) and brief some "classic" style games among the future vaguely remember details of the games I played.
anecdotes about leaders and cultures helped fill in releases, e.g., BiTTER WOODS sounds interesting More importantly though, because of your tourna-
some of my knowledge gaps. and a game I'd probably get sight unseen based on ment, I've had the pleasure of befriending many of
-Charles Hughes, cyberspace the topic and people involved in playtesting and the people I've met at AvalonCon. Let there be no
helping out with design. doubt-without your efforts there would be no
ASL Coverage -Scott Duncan, cyberspace AvalonCon.
There was a bit of a panic attack among ASL Second, I'd like to thank all of the GMs (and
gamel's when volume 32, number i had no content. I have just received today in the mail volume not just because tlley voted for me). The (unpaid)
A quick look over the last few years reveals that 32, number 2. Imagine my surprise as I was digest- efforts made by people like Ron Fedin, Glenn
the average page count for ASL has been a ing all the articles when I came to the "Letters" Petroski and Russ Gifford are what keeps
healthy seven per issue (up from earlier years). section on page 43 wherein your 'Voting with AvalonCon going every year. They work year
Yes, TAHGC will be putting out more modules Greenbacks' preface, I am almost embarrassed to after year at organizing and managing smoothly
(completing the WWll OOBs not long from now) say, was nearly a snapshot of my first letter to your run tournaments. They are even occasionally vil-
and we'll still run scenarios and articles in The company in many years, and I was amazed you lified by the rare poor sportsmen. Without their
GENERAL. From issue to issue, however,jormats managed to reply to my letter before the day I sent efforts there would also be no AvalonCon.
may vary and content will not be uniform. If 1 have it. Though I will have to say my epistle was not Third, I'd like to tllank the competitors who
appropriate ASL articles and two secnarios by the three pages of single-spaced type, the main points come every year to the tournament. They create
layout deadline, we'll run them, but not to the you made I did cover-me being an older gamer, the friendly competition that makes Avaloncon
exclusion of the interests of other readers.-SKT The GENERAL seemed no longer relevant, work. The prospect of matching wits with folks
I actually have to commend Stuart Tucker for increasing computer game coverage, and games like Hank Burkhalter, Tom Oleson or Byron Stin-
sticking by his guns on volume 32, number I. before 1982 are not covered, etc., and so on (with gley is the ultimate hook to the tournament. With-
When he took over, I believe it was one of his the exception that I did say that I probably would out their attendance, AvalonCon would be a pale,
stated goals that the magazine would come out renew, unlike others, but wanted to voice some dull affair.
on time, and for the most part he has reached that concerns before doing so). Finally, I'd like to thank all the folks up on the
goal. If that means no ASL because someone My sending yet another "old foggie" letter, Hill. God knows if anyone ever made any money
didn't have a submission on time, then moving which you in most generous fashion did answer, from AvalonCon. I, for one, hope Avalon Hill has
forward without them was probably the only was just my heartfelt feelings being voiced con- made gobs of money on this. I imagine they
thing he could do. cerning my perception of the changes as being wit- haven't. I can only hope that other AvalonCon
I think one of the hardest things to do in this nessed. I suppose all I was trying to get across was fans realize that only a financially healthy Avalon
hobby is to try and please everyone each and that I was not sure if the new direction was a way Hill can continue to produce quality games.
every time. I bet poor Stuart will probably get I was willing to go, too. I feel, however, that I Obviously without Avalon Hill there would be no
nasty letters from the Civil War buffs now stand corrected. Thank you for your excellent let- AvalonCon.
AZ: Opponents needed for PBM . We are active and fanatic. Matt
Umpired games of Vietnam. Contact
Glenn Vogt, 11459 N. 28th Drive, Opponents Wanted Shostak, 11027 Watchful Fox Dr.,
Austin, TX 78748.
Apt. 3021, Phoenix, AZ 85029, (602)
375-9446. I Avalon Hill does not vonch for the character or business practices of any advertisers.
IL: Games sought: BZK, B(l965), FOREIGN
and Invasion America. Games must WTP, Successors high on my list. MA: ASL played Saturdays at the Australia: FTP, ROR, MRM, DUN,
be complete and in good condition. One-on-one or multi-player. Also Bunker. Come join in AREA rated ASL and RTG. Kevin Reid, 14 Sirius
Send address, reasonable price, UPF, ASL. Sean McKenzie, 882 Lex- play and playtesting for our newslet- Rd., Bligh Park, Australia N.S.W. 2756.
game's condition and phone no. to: ington Ave, 2B, NY, NY 10021. ter: Dispatches from the Bunker. E- Australia: Opponents wanted for 3R4,
Steven M. Smith, 2843 W. Red Oak NY: PBEM SJW, RTG, SLB, HRC. mail aslbunker@aol.com. Vic A3R and MAC. Pawel (Paul) J.
Rd., Freeport, IL 61032. Experienced player, new to e-mail. Provost, 1454 Northampton St., Dabrowski, 66 Marshall Ave., Clayton
IN: FTF most historical games, clas- Also AFK, A5A, HWD. E-mail Holyoke, MA 01040. N. Victoria Australia, tel/fax: + 61 3
sics and current. Can travel limited Jagerwill@aol.com. Willie Voll, MA: Vanguard Hobby Club meets 95442101.
distance from Lafayette, IN. Call 2810 Moreland St., Yorktown Hts., first Saturday of each month. Over 50 Canada: Calgary, Alberta-Stratagem
evenings. Carl Schwamberger, 1212 NY 10598, (914) 245-4636. members. Historical board games, meets the 1st Saturday of each month
N. 18th St., Lafayette, IN, (765) 742- miniatures, role-playing and cards. (usually). We play wargames on
AVALONCON Michael Powell, Easton, MA. Call selected theme each month (i.e. Diplo-
LA: Looking for Ftf ASL players in (508) 324-9815 after 7. macy, Napoleon, WWII, Ancient, etc.)
New Orleans/North Shore area. If MD: SciFi boardgaming club form- Contact James Istvanffy (403) 259-8714
interested please contact: Mark C. ing in the Baltimore/Washington cor- or The Sentry Box (403) 245-2121.
Drake, 155 Fountain Dr." Snidell, ridor. Monthly scheduled events; seat Canada: AHIKS International
LA 70458, (504) 641-7956. reservations possible; pickup games Wargaming Society is looking for
MA: Adult gamer, moderately dis- encouraged. Contact Stuart at (301) mature and reliable members. PBM and
abled, seeks ftf classics Blitzkrieg, Ads for roommate and 216-1899 or ahgeneral@aol.com. PBEM most games. Services include
AFK, Stalingrad. Also help play test travel arrangements are free. MN: MN twin cities ASL Club meets newsletter, match coordinator and
my corps level WWII European the second Saturday of each month. judge. Duncan Rice, Bsmnt. 245 Lib-
Conflict. John K. Modugno, 23 . CLUBS All levels of play welcome. Call for erty Place, Burnaby, BC V5C IX5.
more info. Greg Dahl, Eagan, MN Canada: FTF ASL because Chess
Albany Circle, Beverly, MA 01915. CA: Quake Coast Game Club meets
55123, (612) 778-7488. doesn't let you blame the dice. Blair
MA: Let's roll dice! Play almost monthly in San Jose, CA, for strat-
MD: Have fun, learn, share, grow, Bellamy, 20 Pheasant Trail, Barie,
anything, so call or e-mail egy wargaming. Contact Charles
play. We play a large selection of Ontario, Canada L4N, 6W4, (705) 737-
wsetho@aol.com. Seth Owen, 522 Bahl at hexdud@aol.com for more
Avalon Hill, May Fair, Milton 0783.
S. Almond St., Fall River, MA information.
Bradley & other games. For more Germany: ASL opponents wanted in
02724, (506) 679-9194.j CA: The Tri-Valley Boardgamers
information contact: Keith Levy, 9 the Frankfurt area. Other games, also!
MI: PBM, E-mail Anzio or TRC Club meets every other Wednesday
Augusta Wood Ct., Reisterstown, Contact: Raymond Woloszyn, BE!
rated. Jeff Scholz, 1908 Menominee night from 7-11 pm in Pleasanton, AMP, Amperestr 7-11,63225 Langen,
SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49506. E-mail MD 21138.
CA. Contact Mark Johnson at (510) Germany, phone: 06103-709246.
nrrcreate @iserv. net NC: PAW, The Piedmont Area
424-5813 or johnson@ccnet.com or Hong Kong: 8/F Hua Chiao Commer-
MI: HELP! Need opponents for Wargamers, is recruiting ASL play-
www.ccnet.com/-johnson. Charles cial Centre, 678 Nathan Road,
PZB. 3R4, HOW, ACV, Samurai, ers in the NC Triad area. All levels of
Ryder, 448 Alegra Terr., Milpitas, Mongkok, Hong Kong, Tel: (852)
play welcome. Call for more infor-
TIN, SJW, HCR, RTG, SIV, SLB, CA 95035-2445, (408) 945-1450. 2721-3060, Fax: (852) 2396-6372.
mation. Contact Doug Maston, 4
1776 and others. John Hattrem, 1251 CO: Wargamers volunteers needed Japan: Japans international gamers
Three Meadows Ct., Greensboro, NC
Kimberly Dr., Lansing, MI 48912 to fill the glorious ranks of the Col- guild PBM games: CDP, CWR, DIP,
27455, (910) 282-0552.
(517) 372-3154. orado Commisars, the area's most Junta, Samurai, 1812, 1759, GER
NY: Metropolitan Wargamers Club
MI: FTF for any Civil War games, fun-loving conflict simulations club. Kevin Burns, 2659-4 Tsukahara,
of Brooklyn boasts its own 2000
especially American Civil War Contact Scott Johnson, e-mail: Minami, Ashigara Shi, Kanagawa,
square foot loft for boardgames and
series. ASL also. Play most games. sejembalm@mailexcite.com, Castle 250-01 Japan.
miniatures. Safe location near sub-
SOJ, PB, PL, BZK or you teach me! Rock, CO 80104, (303) 660-2029.
way, ample parking, open every
Leigh Cole, 15598 Garrison Ln. #2, CO: Colorado Historical Garners
weekend. Joe Brophy, 16 Beachfront FOR SALE
Southgate, MI 48195, (313) 285- meets one Friday each month at the
La., New Rochelle, NY 10805, (914) FL: SUB, PZL, PZB, LFW, DIP, ODS,
1131 Aurora National Guard Armory.
636-6317 (eve.) GSL, 3RI, WSM, all in good condition.
NJ: Wanted: GBG 77 games. Will Contact Steve Weeldreyer at (303)
NY: Mid-Hudson Area Wargaming The boxes are in good shape and they
trade for or buy. Trades: CL, Alex, 752-3213 or e-mail to
Society (MAWS). We meet monthly have all been played. To the best of my
D77, GOA, FE, SGD 74, others. Jim chg pres steve@msn.com.
in the Poughkeepsie, NY area and knowledge, all pieces are present. I
Chambers, 87 Candace La., CT: The Connecticut Game Club has play many different wargames (no guess I'll consider all offers. Folks can
Chatham, NJ 07928, (973) 635-2096. been hosting board games, card RPG's). Beginners are welcome. contact Mike Laughton via e-mail
NJ: Wanted opponents for PBM, games and miniatures for over nine- Barry Smith at (914) 778-5440. (cakw04a@prodigy.com) or at (850)
AFK, Alex, PZL, TRC, WSIM, SL, teen years. Anyone interested in 104676.1161 @compuserve.com, or 314-0555 or at 2006 Mistral Lane, Fort
B89, GBG88, also 6FT but need sys- attending our monthly meetings con- 9E Squire Vlg. Walden, NY 12586. Walton Beach, FL 32547.
tem. Bill Presky, 56 Wolcott Rd., tact CGC at (203) 332-0410, (E-mail OH: The Columbus Area Boardgam- MD: AH's Twixt (good condition).
Dumont, NJ 07628. CGCSBS@aol.com) or write POB ing Society (CABS) has its own web- Astrology (unplayed). Call Diane Voia,
NY: For most AH WWII Historical 403, Fairfield, CT 06430. site: web.jadeinc.com/spqr. CABS (410) 366-1240.
Simulations. Ray, Rochester, NY, GA: Atlanta Boardgame Club meets will be running the official Avalon MN: Looking to sell '75 verso of BZK.
(716) 247-6943. two or three weekends a month. Hill Iron Man Competition at Origins Game in good shape. Box is service-
PA: Wanted: Player needed for ftf ASL, Dune, VITP, AQ and others. '98 this year. able. Best offer. Tim Vandenberg, RRI,
thursday nights adult. Walter H. Dip- Bryan Faris, P.O. Box 28384, Sandy PA: Central PA Strategists Club. Box 227, Deer River, MN 56636 (218)
pel, 4033 Valley View Dr., Gibsonia, Springs, GA 30358. (770) 908- Meetings are held 9:30 to 5:00 on the 832-3648.
PA 15044-9502, (724) 443-5737. 9889. 2nd and 4th Sat. of every month at PA: AH, SPI new listing 125+ games.
TN: Adult opponents sought for FTF, IL: Windy city wargamers meet 4 the East Shore (Colonial Park) Send SASE. Walter Dippel, 4033 Val-
PBM or PBEM A3R, TTN, ACV, times a month. We play it all; ASL, branch of the Dauphin County leyvue Dr., Gibsonia, PA 15044, (724)
KGM and others. Dave Ott, 9573 A3R, VIP, DIP, monthly newsletter Library just outside Harrisburg. Call 443-5737.
Hoyle Beals Dr., Knoxville, TN, with ASL, VIP and DIP gams. Charles Hickok at (717) 599-5603. VA: 12 modules of ASL & DASL for
(423) 531-2313. Louie Tokarz, 5724 W. 106 St., TX: Central ASL club meets regu- sale. Miniatures and knife-cut counters
NY: Veteran gamer seeks opponents. Chicago Ridge, IL 60415, larly to play the best game in the in hardware store quality snap-lid trays.
Own and play 400+ games. HRC, (708)857-7060. world. Call Matt at (512) 280-8414. Pierce (703) 526-0899.
the enemy throws at you, you should have
no trouble capturing the crossroads by the
end of the second turn. The Hemy House
(3115) should fall to you by the end of the
third turn. In the meantime, swing your
cavalry southwest along Lewis Lane to
Groveton. After the Wan-enton crossroads
have been captured and Tyler's command
activated, detach one infantry unit from
Hunter's command to secure Groveton.
When the infantry arrives at Groveton,
release your cavalry either to threaten the
two southernmost victory objectives (New
Market and hex 3635) or to prevent the
enemy cavalry from swinging west and
MT's GLORY has only eight pages of tant no~thern edge of the battlefield. During north toward Sudley Church. In any case,

G rules, but contains enough chrome

to keep even the owner of a ' 54
Buick happy. It's got intriguing features
the morning hours, the fighting is fast and
furious around the Matthews house north of
the Warrenton Turnpike. Tyler's division
you will probably need to allocate a couple
of infantry units to guard against enemy
incursions in the Sudley Church Area.
Tyler's command is more difficult to
like ranged fire and melee, return fire and also makes a strong push to cross Bull Run
two kinds of movement, but if I had to and attack the Confederate right flank. If manage. Presupposing that you have been
select GLORY'S shiniest piece of metallic successful, both of these attacks drive able to activate Tyler, you have three possi-
glitter, I'd have to point to the game's acti- Beauregard's army south and permit both ble paths by which he can cross Bull Run:
vation system. It works much like that in the Wan-enton crossroads and the Hemy Farm Ford, Lewis Ford and the stone bridge
Avalon Hill's ACROSS FIVE APRILS. House to fall into Union hands. These are on the Wan-enton Pike. If the Confederates
Each of a player's battlefield commands key positions in the game. Whichever side have left just one of these crossings
holds them at the end of the scenario unguarded, attempt to get all of Tyler's
(usually divisions or corps) possesses a cor-
usually wins. command across at that point. By all
responding activation marker. At the begin-
In the afternoon the initiative switches to means, avoid a contested crossing of Bull
ning of each turn, the activation markers for
the Rebels. Some hefty reinforcements, Run. Hunter's advance usually outflanks
all on-map or reinforcing commands are
including those of Stonewall Jackson, Farm Ford, and the Rebels normally leave it
placed in a cup. During the activation phase
begin to make themselves felt. The Confed- undefended. In all likelihood this will be
of each turn, the markers are blindly drawn
erate army finds itself in a good position to the place you select to cross Bull Run.
from the cup one at a time. As each is
recapture much of the ground it lost early in By the end of the 1130 turn you should
selected, the player owning that particular have control of all the victory objectives
the day. The late afternoon fighting usually
marker gets to activate his corresponding except for hexes 3223 and 3635. The game,
swirls around the Hemy House, but the
field command. This kind of an activation however, is far from finished. You now
Southern army can also attempt a powerful
system makes it hard to fully coordinate must defend your hard-won gains. By the
flanking move to the west in the vicinity of
your units. A player may get lucky and be beginning of the 1245 turn, the Confeder-
able to activate several of his commands in ates have probably stabilized their line and
a row. Or he may find to his chagrin that his OPENING GUNS: 0900-1130 HOURS are ready for a counterattack. This will be a
opponent rolls up his left flank with an Union. If you. are critical time for you. You will need some
extremely fortuitous series of picks. In any the Union player, tactical finesse in order to get through it
case, the activation markers add a great deal you definitely need without lethal damage to your army.
of tension to the whole process of running a to be a morning
battle. You never quite feel that you have person. On the Confederate. Get
your troops totally under control, and the 0900 turn you are automatically given the Cocke moving
battle often moves in some unexpected initiative, and you should use it to activate north and west and
directions. Will General Thomas 1. Jackson Hunter, press south along the Manassas- use his units to
advance to save Bee's sagging Confederate Sudley Road, and capture the first two vic- ......._..-............- ....... seize the Wan-en-
line at First Manassas? Or will he remain tory objectives near Sudley Church (hexes ton Pike crossroads. However, it is a good
on the reverse slope of Hemy House Hill, 2405 and 2504). The Rebel player can put idea to leave one of Cocke's units behind to
standing "like a stone wall"? In GLORY, you up nothing to stop you. If you are lucky guard Lewis Ford against a possible Fed-
never know for sure. enough to activate Hunter a second time eral flanking move in that direction. With-
before the Rebs can get Cocke or Evans draw Special LA (Evans) back south
FIRST MANASSAS moving, you should send one infantry unit toward the turnpike and place it about
The First Manassas scenario is a good to attack the enemy's artillery and infantry halfway between the crossroads and the
introduction to the game. It lasts only nine near the Carter House (3109). You should stone bridge (hexside 3711/3812). Leave
turns, has just a small number of units and have the rest of Hunter's troops continue the LA unit (Evans) where it began the
very few special rules. However, it is a their march south toward the Wan-enton game. You will need it there to dispute a
well-balanced and interesting strategic situ- Turnpike crossroads (2914). If the Rebels Federal crossing of Bull Run. In my opin-
ation with good attacking chances for both dispute your advance, however, engage any ion, Farm Ford is not worth defending. Any
sides. At the beginning of the game, the Confederate units that block your path and Confederate unit placed at the ford will be
Union army has the initiative and the lion's keep up the southward pressure toward the left isolated by Hunter's push toward the
share of the troops at the tactically impor- Warrenton crossroads. Regardless of what turnpike. In the meantime, move all your
Groveton and Sudley Church. Unfortu- ahead to block the major Union approach
nately, you do not have enough cavalry to routes.
cover these positions, so you must allot THE ENDGAME: 1630-1900 HOURS
some of your infantry to the task. This is an Union. Attempt to use your sin-
absolute necessity, since defending these gle cavalry unit to as much effect
positions is far easier than re-taking them I as possible. Use it to threaten
from an occupying Confederate force. New Market and hex 3635. You
Confederate. By the probably can't capture these two hexes, but
beginning of the 1245 you will force your opponent to detach
turn, you should be in a much-needed units from the main battle in
order to protect these victory points. At the
strong position to begin
same time, you should make a consistent
your counterattack. In order to win the
effort to protect your own victory positions.
game you must capture the Henry House
other units north. Your basic goal for the In the heat of battle, it is very easy to leave
and deal a severe blow to the Union forces.
first few turns is simply to hold the War- them unprotected. Watch for rapid cavalry
Both the number and quality of your forces
renton Pike line long enough for your rein- thrusts on the part of your opponent that can
are superior to those of the Federals, but
forcements to arrive. A slow but orderly quickly deprive you of a hex or two. This
your attack should be carefully planned,
withdrawal south of the pike is also the threat is even more dangerous during the
with troops located where they will have the
response to a successful Federal attack. It is very last turn of the game when you may
greatest chance of breaking the Union line.
better to pull back than to let the Union have no response to a cavalry incursion.
Here is an important tactical hint to use Even more dangerous than cavalry is the
army break up your line. In the worst case,
when staging your attack. When attacking threat of enemy infantry to your rear. A
you should be able to form a new battle
it is of utmost importance that you keep the Confederate breakthrough on either flank
front just south of the Henry House. By the
beginning of the 1245 turn, with luck, you units of a particular command in close (at Bull Run or Groveton) can force you to
physical proximity to each other so that two make a rapid withdrawal. To prevent this,
should be ready for a counterattack.
or more units of the same command can be station as many reserves as you can in a
COUNTERATTACK: 1245-1515 HOURS in a position to fire and/or charge at the central location along the Warrenton Pike
Ty1..- !"! '" Union. Here begins the same enemy unit. By firing/charging at the (e.g., hex 3113). Such a reserve force can
~ ~11' ~.- bloody battle. First, you same unit they stand a much greater chance be rapidly moved to any threatened position
r475; 4f)5'~ j must capture Henry of success than if they did so at separate along the front, especially if the Rebels suc-
t. .J House, if you haven't enemy units. There are three reasons for ceed in breaking though to the Henry
already. Second, you must prevent your this. First, fire results are cumulative. Sec- House or the Warrenton crossroads.
army from routing. Third, you must protect ond, adjacent units can combine their Confederate. Now is
all the other victory positions you already strength when charging. Third, an enemy the time to carefully
control. Once Henry House is in your unit can use return fire only once no matter count victory points. If
hands, form your battle line at least one hex how many times upon which it is fired. If your major attack has
south of it-preferably more. Wherever two of your units fire at the same enemy not gone well, you will
possible you should piggy-back artillery on unit, that unit can return fire at only one of probably be four to six
the infantry units guarding this position. yours. Thus, one of your units in this situa- victory points behind
Piggy-backed artillery makes for a very tion will completely escape return fire. your opponent. In order
strong defense. Allocate units with the In any case, you must concentrate your to catch up, continue to
strongest cohesion to this sector of the line. attack in the direction of the Henry House. push hard for the Henry House. If the Union
When the Confederate army makes its When assaulting the Union line, however, player is making a valiant defense at that
inevitable counterattack, you need to han- do not neglect looking for overt weaknesses point, consider attacks against either Grove-
dle your troops with some tactical skill. where you might be able to execute a ton or the victory hexes on either side of the
You are especially vulnerable to wholesale breakthrough. Obvious places to examine stone bridge across Bull Run. The Union
rout. Because your units tend to have a low include positions occupied by infantry with player usually is not able to invest many units
morale and because one of your entrance low cohesion or infantry without piggy- in holding Groveton. His attention is nor-
hexes (4211) is very close at hand, your backed artillery. Concentrated attacks on mally focused to the east. Therefore, it may
units will have a tendency to turn tail and these kinds of units can often succeed in be quite simple for you to divert several of
head back to Washington. Remember that it routing a good number of them. your units from the west end of your line for
takes just a few routed units to lose the In addition to your main attack, look for a concentrated effort against Groveton. The
game. To help prevent this, pull any demor- flanking possibilities. A good location for a same can be said for the stone bridge across
alized, but unrouted, units off the front line flank march may be the gap between Bull Run. However, you must carefully time
and rally them in the rear before sending Groveton and the left end of your line. either or both of these attacks. You want to
them back into battle. Don't waste valuable Reinforcements can be pushed quickly for- seize these objectives when there will not be
effort making a wholesale attack. Let the ward into this gap by sending them cross- enough time remaining in the game for the
Confederates come at you. If weak posi- country from New Market northwest across Union to develop a credible counterattack.
tions or outright holes form in your line, Chinn Ridge. Try to get behind the Union Remember that if you are behind going into
shift your units to strengthen or fill them. line and attack it from the flank or rear. Be the last turn, you have nothing to lose by
Attack only demoralized or low-cohesion careful. Your flanking move can, in turn, be attacking up and down the line. If you are
Rebel units so that the odds of success are flanked by Union troops, especially successful, you might be lucky enough to see
absolutely in your favor. Heintzelman's command, streaming down the whole Union army scrambling back in
The Rebel player will undoubtedly use from the north. You can protect against confusion all the way to Washington.
his cavalry to make a bid at recapturing such an eventuality by sending your cavalry
e have heard it a thousand times Table 1 breaks down the convoys by

W before and said it ten hundred

times ourselves: "My cards
stink!" and, "My dice rolls stink!" Actually,
year and ocean. Graph·1 shows average
cargo values (effects on hand size). Note
that 1940 is the least frequent year in the
that is a bowdlerized version of what we deck and they are all Victims of Fate. The
say when we find ourselves the blind date year 1942 con'sists mostly of Arctic con-
of ugly Defeat while beautiful Victory voys, and two-thirds of that year's convoys
clings to someone else's arm for reasons are Victims. The average value of all the
beyond all comprehension-or rather for convoys is 3.75 VPs. Realize that 1940 and
no good reason at all. It certainly couldn't 1943 are relatIvely rich years-they are
be a matter of our opponents' superior play- both above average in terms of VPs and
ing skills relative to ours. (We win through cargo value. The convoys of 1942 are
brilliant play, but dumb luck causes us to below average ~ both categories, and 1941
lose.) Of course, why do I even have to say is below averag~ for VPs but above average
this? If you are reading this magazine, you for cargo value;
are already an inveterate gamer, so you
fully understand how we say such things to Table'l
assuage our delicate egos when Defeat Convoy Oeck by)'ear & Ocean
hooks her arm through ours. So, why don't Number of Convoys Total
we face Defeat eye to eye and honestly Year N.Atl. Arctic .Tl:ltal Victim VPs
admit that maybe, just maybe, our playing 1940 4 4 4 16
skills could be improved? 1941 12 ,. 12 4 41
Granted, lucky dice rolls and lucky card 1942 5 7 . 12 8 39
draws will always affect the outcome of a 1943 11 1 , 12 -.A ~
game. Card draws and dice rolls are a major ALL 32 8 40 20 150
Pay close attention to which cards are
part of ATLANTIC STORM. The challenge,
refueled at sea by supply cards-usually the Two suggestions can be made based on
then, is to do the best we can with the cards
strong cards-and remind others about these this information. First, try to keep 1940
we are dealt. The following suggestions
cards if it is to your advantage (e.g. "Don't force cards in your hand for use against
cover most of the basic ways you can
call Combined! He refueled the Victorious"). those plump 1940 convoys. If you use a
improve your play of ATLANTIC STORM.
You should also pay close attention to which 1940 card against, say, a thin 1942 convoy,
Many of these ideas have probably
occurred to you already, but maybe I can
cards are played illegally and taken back into
a player's hand. Don't let them return to ruin
then you better have a good reason for
offer a few twists of which you haven't doing so. Second, try to.keep a strong 1943
your own card play later in the game.
thought yet. play in your hand. Players sometimes dis-
FIND YOUR SEA LEGS THE CONVOY DECK card 1943 bonus cards because 1943 cards
Start off by carefully studying both of The Convoy Deck consists of 40 histor- have less opportunity 'to be played than
the decks. Every card should be a friend or ical convoys. The specific convoys were other cards (basically, a 1943 "either
at least a passing acquaintance. The impor- carefully selected to meet several design ocean" card has half the opportunity to be
tance of knowing the decks from fore to aft parameters. Originally it was planned to played as a 1942 "either ocean" card), but
is to help you keep track of which cards include one convoy per month, starting in those same 1943 bonus'cards come in very
have and have not been played during the September 1940 with SC 2 (when V-boats handy against rich 1943 convoys.
game. Admittedly, after a few convoy bat- made their first effective wolf-pack attack) Table 2 shows the convoys by VP size
tles, one V-boat or Allied corvette may and ending in December 1943 with JW 55B and cargo value, showing a predominance
look much like the next. At best you will (the Battle of North Cape). Choosing one of half-full 4 VPconvoys. Empty convoys
remember a couple of them. Try instead to convoy per month was too restrictive, how- were those returning from Britain or Rus-
keep track of the big boys: large surface ever, so this parameter was changed to 12 sia; their merchant ships rode high in the
ships, German bomber wings and Allied per year with four in 1940 because the water, carrying ballast and little cargo.
aircraft carriers. How many bomber wings game covers only four months in 1940. The Half-full convoys were in fact fully laden,
have been played so far? This knowledge convoys provide 1 VP for every ten convoy but in game terms they are less significant
may help you decide if it is a good or bad ships. For symmetry, an equal number of than the large laden convoys with 50 to 70
time to call "air" as the suit. Which battle- "full" convoys and "empty" con-
ships have been played? Maybe it is safe to voys were desired, and half of the GRAPH 1. Average Cargo Value
come out with a battlecruiser now. Don't convoys were to be "Victims."
simply look for the strongest combat value Eight of the convoys (20 per cent of Cargo:
in your hand when it is your turn, but the Convoy Deck) are Arctic Ocean Full: 100%
instead play the card you are most sure will convoys.
be on the winning side and that no one else
can top.
While keeping track of which cards have
Within those restrictions, con-
voys were selected based on their
historical significance and their
Half: 50% --
been played, you should also try to remem- routes. Although the abstract con-
ber which cards have been destroyed and voy names won't ring a bell with Empty: 0% - -
who got them. This not only helps you many players, those who have read
decide which cards to play in the future, but about the Battle of the Atlantic 1940 1941 1942 1943
it gives you a good idea of the other should quickly recognize names like
players' current scores. PQ 17 and HX 229. I N.Atlantic I Arctic IBoth
ships. Convoy TM 1 is the single exception. 3) The total VP value of each side equals
A TLANTIC STORM Synopsis of Play
It consisted of nine oil tankers (tankers 75 VPs.
Players fight 20 convoy battles (rounds
were generally the largest and most impor- 4) 27 of the 55 cards on each side are Fate
of play) with a convoy as the purse for
tant type of merchant ship) heading directly cards.
each battle (worth one to seven Victory
to the Mediterranean front from the oil 5) Approximately two-thirds of the cards
refineries of Trinidad (off the coast of are best used in the submarine/anti-sub-
Force Deck contains 112 cards repre-
Venezuela). TM 1 suffered the greatest per- marine suit, one-sixth in the surface suit
senting equal numbers of Allied and Ger-
centage loss of any convoy-78 per cent and one-sixth in the air suit.
man forces. Each force card has a combat
sunk, all by V-boats. After tbis German vic- 6) Within the above parameters, cards were
value in three suits-air, surface and
tory, petrol rations were reduced by 10 per chosen to show a wide variety of the
sub-corresponding to the three types of
cent in Britain, and Admiral Donitz types of combat forces involved in the
attacks the German Air Force and Navy
made against the convoys (bombers, sur- received a note of thanks from General von North Atlantic and Arctic convoy battles.
face ships and V-boats). Roughly 20 per Arnim who was commanding Axis forces For example, the Scylla was chosen as a
cent of the cards are rated strongest for air in Tunisia. For these reasons, TM 1 gets representative anti-aircraft cruiser. As
combat, 20 per cent for smface combat, full cargo status. with tbe selection of convoys, emphasis
and 60 per cent for sub/anti-sub combat. was given to ships and V-boats that were
Table 2 historically significant.
Force cards can be lost in a battle, and Convoy Deck by Size & Cargo
individual cards are worth anywhere from Number of Convoys Grapb 2 shows why it is important to
zero to five VPs. Size Full Half Empty ToEiP Victim save your 1940 force cards to use in a 1940
The dealer leads the fIrst round of play, 7 VP 2 0 1 3 1 convoy battle-there aren't many 1940
the player on his left leads the next round, 6VP 3 0 1 4 1 force cards. Only ten per cent of the Con-
and so on clockwise around the table. The 5 VP 3 0 1 4 2 voy Deck are 1940 cards, and less than 19
leader of the round flips over the top convoy 4 VP o 10 3 13 9 per cent of the Force Deck can be played in
and calls a suit for that battle. He may call
air, surface, sub or combined (combined
3 VP o 5 1 6 5 1940. The number of cards that can be
o played increases significantly from one
adds the combat values in all three suits). He
then plays one card from his hand or dis-
cards one card. The player on his left then
2 VP
1 VP
9 40
12 1
year to the next, so that over half of the
force cards can be played in 1941, and all
cards are playable in 1943. Battles in 1940
plays or discards a card, and so on clockwise When playing ATlANTIC STORM with are less intense because of the scarcity of
around the table for one round. the advanced rule of Convoy Selection forces, so if you have a good 1940 force
All cards played must match the year (choosing one convoy and discarding the card to play and your opponents don't,
and ocean of the convoy. Some cards are other), choose your convoy not just by the you'll win the convoy with ease.
"Victim" cards. Each Victim is matched year in which you can make tbe strongest
by a "Fate" card. If a Fate card is played play, but keep in mind its VP value, cargo
after its Victim in a round, the Victim is GRAPH 2. Card Availability
value, ocean and Victim status. You may 100%
immediately lost and the player of the Fate want to shy away from a Victim convoy, or 90%
card receives the Victim as a prize. You at least be wary of what suit you call (see the 80% Force
may play more than one card in a round by "Victims of Fate" section below). Likewise, 70% Cards
attaching "bonus" or "special" cards to if you don't feel confident of winning the
your normal play. 60%
round you lead, look at what tricks other 50%
After everyone has played in a round, players bave already won. Maybe a feared 40%
total up the combat values in the declared opponent needs anotber balf-full convoy to
suit for Allies versus Germans. Some 30%
increase his hand size. In such a case, you 20% Convoy
cards have a variable "?" combat value Eught want to choose that empty convoy
(roll a die at the end of the round to deter- 10% Cards
rather than the half-full convoy, even if the 0%
mine its value). The side with the highest empty is worth more VPs. On the other
total combat value wins the battle. The 1940 1941 1942 1943
hand, if it is late in the game, the VP value
player who played the highest combat may be more important than the cargo value Table 3 gives a breakdown of the force
value on the winning side of the battle when making the selection because an extra cards by year and ocean. The German force
wins the trick. He gets to keep the convoy cards are slightly more restricted in the
hand capacity may not help the victor.
and all enemy cards from the battle (except ocean category (due to the three German
bonus and special cards) as his p11ze- Arctic cards-Heinkel 111, Junkers 88 and
putting these cards out of play. The other ZerstOrer). This ocean restriction only
The Force Deck includes 55 Allied
cards from the battle go to the Discard Pile affects 1942 and 1943 battles (the years
cards, 55 German cards and two storm
where they may eventually return to play. when Arctic convoys appear in the game).
cards. The deck was designed to meet these
Players then fill their hands. Hand Except for the one 1943 Arctic convoy,
capacity starts at six cards, but can theoretically fewer German cards will be
increase for every "full" convoy you have available for play in a given battle during
1) Each side (Allied and German) has tbe
won (or for every two "half-full" con- 1942 and 1943. Of course, all of this
same number of cards available for play
voys), up to a maximum of nine depends on which force cards have been
in any given year, with the number of
cards that can be played increasing each drawn, discarded and lost earlier in the
When the last convoy battle has been
year. game. If you've seen more Allied cards
fought, players add up the VPs they earned
2) The total combined combat value of come into play than German, then players
as prizes, and the high scorer wins the
each side is the same (206.5, counting may have a majority of German cards in
each "1" as its average die roll of 3.5). their hands this round.
Table 3 Table 4 Victim is a convoy, the combat
Force Card Distribution by Year & Ocean Force Card Distribution by Combat Value & Suit value of the Fate card itself. For
Allied Force Cards Total Allied Force Cards German Force Cards example, US Escort Group A3
Year Arctic N.AH. Either Fate VPs Value Air Surf Sub Air Surf is fated to sink Ul75 (0/l/2), so
'40 I 9 2 15 ?? 0 0 0 o 2 o this equals "3" points of Fate
'41 5 16 13 32 6 0 3 0 o o o combat value for the Allies in
'42 0 6 10 6 20 5 0 1 0 o 2 o 1943 North Atlantic combined
'43 Q ,2 -2 -2 -.8. 4 0 1 1 o o o operations battles. Wolfpack
ALL 0 17 38 27 75 ? 3 2 6 3 1 9 "Markgraf' (0/1/?) is fated
3 2 0 7 3 2 9 against 1941 convoy SC 42, so
German Force Cards Total 2 3 4 15 3 2 11 this equals "4.5" points of Fate
Year Arctic N.Atl. Either Fate VPs 1 Q -.J) -2 1 Q .3. combat value for the Germans
'40 1 9 5 10 Tot. # 8 11 32 10 9 32 in 1941 combined operations
'41 5 16 8 32 Tot.Val. 22.5 42 79 26.5 37.5 83.5 because Markgraf will have its
'42 3 7 6 10 25 Fate 4 6 17 5 4 18 normal combat value doubled
'43 Q .3. -.-2 ---± -.8. VPs 12 31 31 11 28 35 against SC 42.
ALL 3 16 36 27 75 Notes to Table 4 What can we learn from
Value: Each card is listed by the suit of its strongest value. Graph 3? Fate gives the Ger-
Note: Cards are listed by the year first available for "??" is treated as value 7 (average of two dice). mans a certain edge in combined
play. "?" is treated as value 3.5 (average of one die). operations in 1940, but it gives
Victorious and Bogue (aircraft carriers) are listed under air suit.
the Allies a clear edge in the
Table 4 gives a breakdown of the force Shadower (recon aircraf) is listed under air suit.
Trident (fated against Prinz Eugen) is listed under surface suit. North Atlantic for the remaining
cards by combat value and suit. Each card years. Combined operations in
U461 Milk Cow is treated as a wolf pack (most likely card it
is listed once according to the suit of its 1942 Arctic battles are more bal-
will resupply).
highest combat value. If a card has the same Metric & Centimetric ASV Radar are listed as sub suit (most anced between the two sides.
high combat value in two suits, then it is probable use). (There is only one 1943 Arctic
listed by the suit of its most probable use Both Minefields are listed as sub suit (most probable use). convoy, and the comparative
(see the notes to the table). Special cards Zaunkoning (fated against Lagan) is listed as sub suit.
Special cards not included in table.
values for it differ little from
and the supply cards Grey Ranger and 1942, so it has been left off the
Supply cards Grey Ranger (l VP) not included in table.
Belchen are not listed. Several things are graph.) Therefore, if the only
indicated by this table. As mentioned ear- four in 1941, two in 1942 and Bogue in play you have in a combined operations bat-
lier, U-boat and anti-submarine forces con- 1943), but the Germans only have four such tle is mediocre, you should probably avoid
stitute most of the deck-32 of 51 cards for cards (three in 1941 and Tirpitzin 1942), all supporting the Allied side in 1940 or the Ger-
each side. The Germans have a small of which are Victim cards. For this reason, man side in the North Atlantic from 1941 to
advantage in the sub suit when you tally the the Allies have an advantage in combined 1943 unless you have other evidence that
sub strength of all 32 cards. On average, operations. At the other end of the spec- indicates who will win.
each card listed under the sub suit is worth trum, the Allies also have more weak one- What about combat in the three suits
1 VP. By comparison, the cards with the and two-point cards. individually? The Germans enjoy a slight
strongest individual combat values are Fate can have a decisive effect on a bat-
found in the surface suit, but these cards are tle. Graph 3 provides information about the GRAPH 3. Fate Values
worth about 3 VPs on average. The Allies additional "combat value" of Fate. The
enjoy a small advantage in the surface suit Fate-related combat value is measured as Strength:
as shown by the total number of cards in 100
the combat value of the Victim or, if the
that column, their total surface value and
the number of them that are Fate cards (but Table 5 90
the German average combat value per sur- Values in Combined Ops Suit
face card is slightly higher). The Germans Comb. Allied German 80
have a small edge in the air suit. However, Value Reg. Bonus Reg. Bonus
it is important to remember that two of the 10 1 70
German air cards are restricted to Arctic 9 1 2
convoy battles. 8 2
Table 5 presents the distribution of the 7.5 1
force cards by their combined operations 7 2 2
values. For combined operations, the Victo- 6.5 1
rious and Bogue are the two best Allied 6 1
cards, and the Bismarck and Tirpitz are the 5.5 3 3
two best German cards. The total combined 5 2 3
combat value of both sides equals 206.5, so
neither side has an apparent initial advan-
7 2
tage, but the great majority of the German 3.5 1
cards are clustered within one point of 3 11 10 2
strength "4," whereas the Allied cards are 2 6 6 3
distributed more evenly in the table. Thus, 1 1 1 1
the Allies have nine cards with a combined Tot. Val.186.5 20 189.5 17 '40 '41 '42 '43 '42
combat value of "6" or higher (two in 1940, Total 206.5 206.5 N.Atlantic Arctic
advantage in air combat in 1940 and in 1942 Rodney (which is fated to sink the Bis- smaller than Type IXs), and even then Admi-
Arctic, but otherwise the two sides are fairly marck) come and go, or maybe it is very ral Donitz strongly argued that the U-boats in
balanced for air combat. The Allies have a early in the game and you think there is less the icy north could be better employed on the
good lead in surface combat values in every chance the other players will have North Atlantic routes, but Hitler wanted U-
year except 1942 Arctic, although Fate strong Allied cards to counter your boats stationed there to counter any invasion
still serves them very well there. play. Whatever the case, the attempt by the Allies into Norway.
As was historically the watchword for German surface
case, German sur- ships is "caution," and the VICTIMS OF FATE
face ships watchword for Allied surface This is the one rule that is most over-
should be ships is "patience"-the Ger- looked by new players but which can have
wary about man heavy ships will eventu- a major effect on a battle's outcome
leaving port. ally come out, so have your because it causes an instant reversal of for-
Hitler placed Allied response waiting to tune. A third of the Force Deck and half of
many restric- pounce when they do. the Convoy Deck are Victim cards. All of
tions on when As mentioned earlier, the Victim convoys are full or half-full
and where the approximately two-thirds convoys, and they comprise 77 of the 150
handful of German of the Force Deck is VPs of the Convoy Deck.
capital ships could composed of subma- The more you study and learn the rela-
be used, especially rine and anti-subma- tionships between Fate and Victim cards, the
after the loss of the rine cards, so the sub more confidence you'll have in making the
Bismarck. You should suit is the one most
treat them as a "fleet in light plays, and the more VPs you'll soak up
often called in the
being," and watch for a along the way. Short of memorizing the
game. The Ger-
safe opportunity to use entire list of 54 Fate cards and their Victims,
mans have an
them. It would be unwise if you should at least take these six steps:
advantage in submarine
you were calling suit to combat value in the North Atlantic 1. Whenever you see the red lettering of a
announce "surface" and then for all four years, but Allied Fate counter- Victim card in play, an alarm should go
play a famous German battle- balances this from 1941 to 1943. U-boat off in your head. Immediately scan your
ship because from every corner activity falls off sharply for the Arctic Ocean. hand for the Fate card that will match it.
of the table you will hear the cry, "Sink the Historically, the Germans only committed 2. Study the Victim cards in your own
Bismarck!" Of course, maybe you've Type VII boats to this region because of the hand and watch to see (or try to recall) if
already seen the King George V and the confined waters (Type VII boats were the Fate cards that will kill them have

he War had been raging for over a

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been played yet. The capsule history on a convoys only lost "0," "1" or "2" merchant 1942: KG 30 (?/1/1) attacks PQ 17 (Arctic)
Victim card usually states who the fated ships each, whereas other Victim convoys 1942: KG 26 (?/1/1) attacks PQ 18 (Arctic)
opponent is: for example, the Avenger was lost "7" or more merchant ships. Knowing 6. If you have a Fate card in your hand that
sunk (t) by D155. which side fate is on may help you decide works against a convoy, look around the
3. Try to memorize the most valuable Vic- which side you want to play on. table at the existing convoy prizes
tim-Fate pairs (those worth the most 1941: Blankney (1/0/2) protects (which will be face up and visible to
VPs). If you have one of these Victims, HG76 players) to see if the Victim convoy is
you might want to play it as early in the 1942: Victorious (?/?/3) protects already among them. If it is, then
game as possible (when the chance of PQ12/QP8 (Arctic) you know you can play
1942: Sheffield (1/2/0) pro- your Fate card on
the Fate card still being in the draw pile
tects JW 51B (Arctic) the next good
is the highest), or else play it late in a
1943: Escort Group B7 . occasion rather
given battle. Playing a Victim card early (1/1/?) protects SC 130
in a round is asking for defeat. Con- than holding it
5. The other Victim con- back waiting for
versely, if you have one of these Fate voys are fated by
cards, you might want to hold it in your its Victim convoy
German cards. Of to appear.
hand hoping the Victim will appear these 16 convoys,
sooner or later: most are victims SPECIAL PLAYS
1941-43: Bismarck can sink Hood (4 VPs) ofD-boat or wolf The Black Gap sub
1941-43: Rodney can sink Bismarck (5 VPs) pack attacks, bonus card limits
1941-43: Bomber Command can cripple but five aren't, Allied response because
Gneisenau (4 VPs) so if you can a significant part of the
1942-43: Duke of York can sink Scharnhorst remember Allied anti-submarine
(4 VPs) these five, force consists of aircraft. It
1943: X Craft can cripple Tirpitz (5 VPs) then you'll is usually better to play the
As a side note, you can safely play know which Black Gap early in a round to
Hood in 1940 or Tirpitz in 1942, which suit to call or avoid for maximize its effect, but there
always frustrates a person holding all 16. The Arctic convoys are is nothing wrong with playing
Bismarck or X Craft in his hand. easiest to remember because they are it at the end of a round if its
4. Try to memorize the four Victim con- all victims of German aircraft: bonus combat value makes it pos-
voys that are protected by Allied Fate 1940: Admiral Scheer (1/3/0) attacks HX 84 sible for you to win the battle.
cards. An easy clue can be found on the 1941: Condor 2 (3/0/1) attacks HG 53 By contrast, you should play the German
convoy cards themselves-these four 1942: He 111 (2/1/1) attacks PQ 16 (Arctic) 2nd Happy Time special card in the middle

"Tilll C)I~ III~SIS'I'ilNC~I~

(~IIINll l'III~lll'I~ll • I n:l7 -Lli
We have ignored this part of the war. It was
enormous. The immensity of the conflict
sapped the Japanese war machine. Over one
million soldiers on each side perished. China
absorbed millions of Japanese ground and air
forces, preventing their use against the Allies
in the Pacific. America's dominance may have
been the decisive factor contributing to the
Japanese defeat, but Japanese were doomed
when they went to war with China.
Nationalist AVG Communist U.S.M.C. Canadian
War of Resistance is a two player game, with

• xx 5 F 5
~[2J P·40B ~8-o: one player representing the military high
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3-8 1 c 13 3-5 puppet allies; the other player controls the
cavalry flying guerrilla infantry infantry fractured Chinese military forces.
division tigers brigade regiment battalion
2,240 counters (8 sheets)
20 map sections
IJA IJN Kwantung White Russ. Mongol
Sixteen miles to the hex
._~)Il III "
Two week turns
- D~ Complete air / naval/ground system
1·2·5 Release date: Origins '98
mountain carrier mech. mercenary cavalry Price: $91.00
division "zero" division infantry division
Game Research/Design • POS 591 • Grinnell, IA 50112
Vox: 515·236·8899 • Fax: 515·236·6666 • email: euroboss@netins.net
of a round, preferably after the Allies have boats, just so you have some kind of Allied ning. Spread this information in a whining
made a commitment to protecting the con- anti-sub response in your hand. However, voice, of course: "Why are you helping
voy (but not enough to win it for the keeping a relatively weak cruiser in your him? He's got 17 victory points!" The
Allies). The 2nd Happy Time usually guar- hand just so you have a surface card is not more specific you are, the better, but feel
antees a German win in the battle, so use it a good idea, because the cruiser is usually free to bluff or make a round estimate if
when there are spoils to be had. You should too weak to win a battle and is worth 2 VPs you can't remember the exact number.
not play the 2nd Happy Time when it is to anyone who can take it. You want cards Though outright lies about the score will
your turn to start a round unless you are in your hand that will make good (not probably backfire. For example, if you say
confidant you have the strongest play and weak) future plays. something like, "He's got at least 20 vic-
won't be hit by a storm card. If a player discards his entire hand tory points," or, "Don't forget, he sank the
The same can be said for the Allied Raid (advanced rules), that usually means he is Duke of York, and that's five victory
on St. Nazaire special card. If you use it at groping. He probably has no sense of what points," you will lose support when some-
the start of a round, you're probably play- he is throwing away and little idea of what one responds, "Wait a minute-you sank
ing it with a strong battleship and the only he should be seeking-he just wants higher the Duke of York!"
thing to gain is the convoy. However, if you numbers. On the other hand, if you are star- Third, when playing with the advanced
wait for a surface battle when German ships ing at a sea of zeros, ones and Victims in rule of dividing the spoils, remind other
have started to appear and then play it, you your hand, and you can't make a decent players of past favors or support you gave
will increase your chance to score in that play, then you have good reason to discard them. If that doesn't work, appeal to their
battle because the players after you will not them all. greed and offer them a decent share of the
be able to support the German side. If you are sure your force card won't win spoils. For example, maybe a player wants
The Force Deck includes two storm the battle, you should nevertheless consider you to grant him the convoy (or a valuable
cards, one for the North Atlantic and one playing it instead of discarding (assuming ship) if you win in exchange for his help. If
for the Arctic Ocean. When you play one of your card is not worth too many VPs for you can part with that spoil, let him have it
these cards, you are not just a weather god someone else to grab). Look over the situa- as his reward for helping you win. Remem-
placing a storm in someone's path. These tion, count up the forces on each side, and ber, though, if you promise certain rewards,
cards also represent unexpected yet histori- try to play on the side you think will win or it is best to stick to your word. Otherwise,
cal events like a ship running aground (the on the side that you want to win. In that you risk losing any future support from that
Liitzow aborted a sortie in July 1942 after way, you will earn a share of the spoils (if player, and the other players might not trust
she struck a submerged rock) or admiralty you are playing with the advanced rules), or you either.
orders that denude a convoy of its escort, you might prevent a dreaded opponent from Finally, be nicest to the player on your
such as what happened with ill-fated PQ winning the battle, or you might win the left, because he will play after you in every
17. However, a storm card can cut both gratitude of another player by helping him round except those rounds where you play
ways. There's only a 50 per cent chance it win the battle-in which case be sure to ask last. Conversely, you can feel less concern
will work as planned, and if you're unsuc- for his support in an upcoming battle.
for the player on your right, because you
cessful the player after you might turn it If you don't think you can win the
are in the immediate spoiling position for
against you. Therefore, playa storm card in round, you can try to find a suit in which
rounds when you are playing at or near the his card plays. For these reasons, we rec-
no one can play-then no one will win
end. Then if you fail your storm roll, there ommend that you change the seating of
the convoy.
is less opportunity it will be used against players after each game.
you. Alternatively, play it in a round when DIPLOMACY AT SEA
you're targeting the leader in the game and TWO-PLAYER VERSION
The level of diplomacy in ATLANTIC
you're confident the next player or two will Though the two-player version of
STORM is up to the players. In many cases,
also target him with the storm card if your ATLANTIC STORM lacks the diplomatic
a player trusts no one and will not negoti-
roll fails. maneuvering of the multi-player game, it
ate. You can play the entire game that way,
nevertheless provides much decision
but any player who improves his diplomatic
MAN OVERBOARD making and excitement. Each convoy bat-
skill will very likely improve his overall
Although you can't win by discarding, tle involves two rounds of play, and dur-
score if not his enjoyment of the game.
there will often be times when it is the ing playtesting we likened it to a game of
First, diplomacy should not be synony-
smartest thing to do. If you can't win the volleyball. In the first round you set your-
mous with backstabbing. If you decide to
battle, why feed victory points to someone talk a player into playing something which self up, and in the second round you make
else? Obviously, you want to discard the the spike.
you then crush, you had better be sure it
card that is of least value to you, and some- clinches final victory for you, because no There are two basic approaches: 1) Play
times that is a hard decision. Try to keep in one at the table will trust you for the rest of a strong card in the first round, and play an
your hand a good play for either or both the game. True diplomacy in the game is a even stronger card from the same side (with
sides in as many suits and years as possible. matter of creating trust where there was bonus cards if possible) in the second
To do this properly, you should also be none and convincing others you are trust- round. In this approach, you hope to win
aware of which other cards have and have worthy. You will be surprised at how many the convoy and any forces your opponent is
not been played and the Victim-Fate status more people will support your play if they foolish enough to play against you. 2) Play
of your cards. If your hand is weak on one find you trustworthy. a sucker card in the first round to lure your
side (Allied or German), you might want to Second, word your diplomatic requests opponent into playing a card on the oppo-
discard something from the other side. For in such a way that you are not asking for site side, then switch sides in the second
example, if you have three U-boats in your help for yourself. Instead, ask for joint sup- round and come out strong on the side your
hand but only one Allied anti-sub card, you port to stop the player who is in the lead. opponent played. In this approach, you not
may want to keep the anti-sub card even if Perhaps more than anything else, it is
it has a lower combat value than the U- important to know who is currently win- ~~~~~ (Continued on p. 55)



PLAYERS: Ken Good, Bruce Monnin, Jeff Mullet,
Jason O'Donnell, Bruce Reiff and Mike Stanley
EPOCH VI DISTRIBUTION recipient as well, but his board position is of Mekong, Si-Kyang, Great Plain and
Good/Orange (39 SPs/112 VPs) passes stronger than Stanley's. Yellow R.). Ming Dynasty: Chekiang
the Ottomans to Mullet (who despises them) MonninlPurple (50 SPs/l27 VPs) (Purple retreats to Yangtse-Kian), Great
and, with a large strength, the Ottomans passes the Ming Dynasty to Ken Good. Plain, Si-Kyang, Mekong (City
could cripple Jeff's position in the final Bruce wants to draw early next tum and destroyed), Szechuan (City destroyed),
empire draw. hopes to receive a lower-strength Empire Malay Pen., Ganges D., Ganges D.,
StanleylBlue (42 SPs/l07 VPs) passes this tum. Ganges D., S.China Sea, Monument in
the Mughals to Bruce Monnin, hoping Reiff/Green (50 SPs/l02 VPs) passes Malay Peninsula. +27=139 VPs. Ken
beyond hope to get Spain. the Timurids to Jason, hoping for any kind wanted to double China, but ran out of
MulletlRed (47 SPs/118 VPs) passes of help from the final card. The curse of armies, due to losses in the Ganges
Spain to fifth-place Mike Stanley, giving Rome continues! Delta. He must build the Monument on a
Stanley a good shot at victory. Jeff is hop- O'DonnelllBlack (53 SPs/l30 VPs) Resource site.
ing that Mike will get unlucky with the must pass Portugal to Reiff. O'DonnelllBlack: Timurids: Turanian P.
Spaniards and not get out of reach. Jeff also (Green retreats to Hindu Kush),
hopes that Stanley's inexperience will not EPOCH VI PLAY E.Steppe, Wei Ri., Tarim B., Yangtse-
let him gain as much as he should with Good/Orange: Black Death in China and Kian, Yangtse-Kian, Yangtse-Kian,
them. Reiff might have been a reasonable Southeast Asia (kills one army in each Yellow R. +22=152 VPs. "I'm trying to

Beginning of epocb VI:

«Ie pic~ up the story with the armies on this map Mayans: Vikings:
showing the beginning of epoch VI. Brrows show Central America W.lndies
the expansion paths of the JVIing Dynasty. Camertane
and the Ottoman Cur~s. Guyana
cripple Purple." However, Jason's luck Andes, N. Andes, Deep South, Pacific MonninlPurple: Disaster in W. Anatolia
continues to fail him. Seaboard, Mexican V., Patagonia, W. (Monument destroyed, Capital reduced).
Incas and Aztecs are not in play. Gaul, N. Gaul, Monument in W. Iberia. Mughals: Ganges V. (Green has no
MulletIRed: Crusade: Nile D., Libya, +35=137 VPs. Bruce tries to maximize retreat), Ganges D., Naval Supremacy,
Nubia. Ottoman Turks: W.Anatolia his score. He feels that Spain should not B. of Bengal, Malay Pen., Malay Pen.,
(Red has no retreat), Weaponry, E.Ana- be in Mike Stanley's hand, and that Jeff Mekong, Si-Kiyang, Si-Kiyang, Si-
tolia, Zagros, Persian P., Persian P., slipped up and gave the game to Mike. Kiyang, Si-Kiyang, Si-Kiyang, Chekiang
Hindu Kush, Turanian P. (Capital StanleylBlue: Barbarians: N. Gaul (killing (City destroyed), Monument in Ganges
reduced), Tarim B., Wei R., Yellow R. one Purple army). Spain: Pyrenees, W. Valley. +33=160 VPs. Losing half of his
(Capital reduced), Great Plain, E.Med. Iberia (Capital reduced), C. Massif, C. force does not help his cause, but Bruce
Sea, U.Indus, U.Indus, Chekiang (Cap- Massif, C. Massif, Atlantic, Indian is still in the running.
ital reduced), Monuments in W. Ana- Ocean, Ceylon, B. of Bengal, Malay
tolia and Turanian Plain. +46=164 Pen., Arabian Pen. (Capital reduced; EPOCH VII DISTRIBUTION
VPs. The Crusade card is used to com- unsupported fleet destroyed), Madagas- At this point in the game, only two peo-
pletely control N.Africa. "I'm trying to car, Nile D., Nubia, Libya, Monument in ple feel that they have a chance at victory.
spread out as much as possible, as I'm Pyrenees. +31=138 VPs. Mike inexplica- Bruce Monnin and Mike Stanley both feel
sure Germany or the United States are bly attacks the Central Massif. Only they are in good positions to bring home the
coming my way. " Drawing last in the groans from the crowd and a slap to the crown. The four others are playing for pride
next turn effectively ends his game. side ofthe headfrom Reiffstops this play. now. For whatever reason, be it board posi-
Another player feels victory slipping Stanley finally takes advantage of his tion or card draw order, these players feel
from his grasp. ocean navigation and heads overseas. they are defeated already. This feeling,
Reiff/Green: Safavids: Persian Salt D. Jeff had hoped for bad play to keep him even if false, can lead to careless play and
(Blue has no retreat), Zagros, Hindu close. Could he be close enough? may snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Kush. Portugal: W. Iberia, Atlantic, S.
Middle of epocb VI:
. Black Death struck China &l S€ Bsia. opening the path to Orange
)\'ling e):pansion to the 0anges. Che Black Cimurids were stopped in
China. Che Incas &l Bztecs did not show. Che Red Crusaders and
Ottoman Curks kept their distance. while weaponry allowed the
Curks to sweep O\"ler China.
f Brrows show the e):pansion in the second half of €poch VI
:""""',I},'O.E ,;: by portugal. Spain and the )\'loghuls.
The strengths are very even with a dif- MulletlRed (62 SPs/l64 VPs) passes to appear. Jason wants to score big
ference of only 15 from top to bottom. If the Manchus to Ken, a costly choice by points and try not to finish last. Again,
you exclude Ken, then the players are Mullet. Ken needed help and didn't get it big losses for Jason give him last place.
within five points of each other. Because here, but has no real chance for victory with Good/Orange: Manchu Dynasty: Man-
drawing Britain or France can bring victory a better empire, given his board position. churian Plain, Sea of Japan, Weaponry,
to any contender, whereas the US ensures However, if the last card is a good one, Great Plain, Chekiang, Si-Kiang,
defeat, draw order in this Epoch is critical. Mike is in great shape. Can it be that Mekong, Malay Pen., Ganges D.,
Good/Orange (49 SPs/l39VPs) draws Mike's luck will hold? Will the last card be Ganges V. (Capital reduced), U. Indus,
Russia. This is normally a great empire, Germany or France? Hindu Kush, Korean Pen., Monument in
because it moves first. However, Ken MonninIPurple (62 SPs/160 VPs) Manchurian Plain. +45=184 VPs. Ken
feels his position is so bad that only must pass France to Mike Stanley. tries to maximize his points, while hurt-
Britain or France can salvage it. He ing the leaders along the way. His
passes the Russians, ending Jason's EPOCH VII PLAY weaponry never falters and he scores
hopes of a comeback. O'DonnelllBlack: Russia: N.European enough to keep out of last place.
StanleylBlue (57 SPs/138 VPs) draws Plain (Green has no retreat), Elite MonninlPurple: Japan: Honshu, S. of
the United States going second. Passing Troops, Baltic Seaboard (Elite Troops Japan, Great Plain, Great Plain, Great
them to Jeff does him in. This card should gone), Baltic Seaboard, North Sea, Ship Plain. Netherlands with Civil Service: L.
have been given to Bruce Monnin. Building, North Sea, North Sea, C. Rhine (Red has no retreat), North S.,
Reiff/Green (60 SPs/l37 VPs) draws Europe, C. Europe (Capital reduced), N. North S., N. Gaul, N. Gaul, N. Gaul, N.
third and keeps Britain. A no brainer. Gaul, Albion,
O'DonnelllBlack (61 SPs/152 VPs) Albion, Albion, end of epoch VI:
finally out from under the Romans shadow Plain. +31=183
@mn Sa"afids faltered, but portugal colonized the ~ew
draws fourth gets the Dutch and passes VPs. The per- World. Blue Spain failed with o"erland attempts to get to
them to Bruce Monnin. It will be tough for sonal victory ~.€urope and instead expanded into the Indian Ocean
BIUce to win with the Dutch. conditions begin peripheries. purple j\1.ughals in"aded China.
Brrows show €poch VII expansion of Russia, the
.......,"'=:::::-:;;:~;;;;:iiiiii1~~:--1 j\1.anchu and the ~etherlands .
Gaul, Albion, C. Em-ope (City destroyed), Reiff/Green: Civil War: Patagonia, Deep card of death. It should have Viking-
Danubia. +33=193 VPs. "I want my South, L. Indus. Britain: Albion like powers into China and Japan to
Albion monument back. It is going to be (Purple retreats to N.Gaul), North S., be fair." Jeff needs extraordinary
close, but I can win this. " It is getting late North S., North S., Pacific, Chekiang, success not only to build a Monument,
and Bruce has a two-hour drive ahead of Manchurian P., W. Iberia (City but also to dominate N. America. In
him. Maybe his thoughts are elsewhere. destroyed), Indian Ocean, S. Iberia the end, he succeeds and the point
Maybe he thinks victory is certain. (City destroyed), E. Ghats, E. Ghats, count comes out in his favor for a
Bruce's tunnel vision on the Resource site Australia, Australia, N.European P. most narrow victory.
at Albion costs him the game. Going over- (Capital reduced), Australia, Red S., E.
seas would have gained him more points Africa, Nubia, Pyrenees, Monuments
and he also could have taken down the in S. Iberia, Nubia and Australia. FINAL SCORE
points ofkey rivals. +55=192 VPs. Reiff knows there is no Place Name VP Strength
Stanley/Blue: France: W. Gaul (Green hope, but does not want to finish in last I Jeff MuUet 201 72
has no retreat), Brazil, Elite Troops, place. 2 Mike Stanley 199 72
MulletlRed: Pirates in the Caribbean. 3 Bruce Monnin 193 70
Patagonia, Appalachia, Deep South, 4 192
Bruce Reiff 80
L. Indus, Ganges D., Ganges V. (City United States: Appalachia (Blue has no 184
5 Ken Good 6J
destroyed), C. Massif, Malay Pen. retreat), Deep South, Deep South, 6 Jason O'Donnell 183 73
(Elite Troops gone), Malay Pen., Caribbean (fleet doubled), Guyana,
Pacific, Great Plain, Honshu (Capital Guyana, Pacific Seaboard, N. Andes, N.
reduced; unsupported fleet des- Andes, S. Andes, , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
troyed), Australia, Monument in Monument in Middle of epoch VII:
W.Gaul. +61=199 VPs. "I'm trying to Appalachia. Blac~ Russia bogged down in europe, despite elite troops.
overcome the Purple lead." Mike +37=201 VPs. Cbe Orange Mancbu Dynasty expanded witb great success
plays the gift well (and his Elite "The United based upon weaponry. purple Japan faltered, and tbe Dutcb
Troops have legs). States is the faced bea"y opposition in ~ortbern europe.
throws sbow tbe expansion of france, Britain and
tbe United States. Germany does not appear.

Jason O'Donnell's drawing late every EMPIRE SUMMARY for India or China you are in trouble. Then,
turn cost him the game. The Romans are Player Empires when he needed to go west, he gets two big
death. His dice rolling could have been bet- Mullet Minoans, Persia, Hsuing-Nu, T'ang, boys (Spain and France). This is just what
Holy Roman Empire, Ottomans, US
ter, but he was out early and never really in is needed to win. Mike was blessed with
Stanley Indus, Chou, Maurya, Huns, Chola,
contention. [Editor's Note: We could go as Spain, France good luck and decent game play.
far back as the Aryans to find the source of Monnin Shang, Scythians, Sassanids, Goths, Bruce Reiff suffers from being Bruce
Jason's troubles.-SKT] Mongols, Mughals, Netherlands Reiff. Mike received the benefit of some
Ken Good's early Empires didn't help Reiff Sumeria, Assyria, Celts, Arabs, Seljuks, dubious passes due to some anti-Reiff
him. Going first five out of seven epochs is Portugal, Britain
Good Babylonia, Vedic Cities, Han, Guptas, bias. Even our esteemed editor has pub-
hard. Everyone had a shot at knocking off licly stated in his column that he goes out
Viking, Ming, Manchu
his pieces throughout the turn. This is not the O'Donnell Aryans, Greeks, Romans, Khmers, of his way to make sure that Reiff does not
road to victory. "Going first or second most Sung, Timur, Russia win. It is tough to sit and watch Bruce win
of the time is tough. You need to go last and
then first to get megapoints." With his con- Mike came close to winning the game and win and win. The group has a natural
sistently early draw, he should have been despite the fact he is the least experienced tendency to dump on Bruce as often as
able to engineer just such a back-to-back HISTORY OF THE WORLD gamer in the possible. If Bruce wins a game in the
move at some point in the game. group. This inexperience nearly gave him Basement he truly deserves it, because
the game. Players passed him empires they most of us are playing to win first and to
DRAW ORDER should not have but he didn't do as well as beat Bruce second.
Turn he could have r - ~
__ ~_~
__ ~_~_ _(_C_o_n_ti_m_te_d_o_n_p_._6----,1)

Jeff Mullet
1 2 ;2 4
6 4 6 5
S- f!
4 3
1 Aver.
6 5
with them. Mike's end of epocb VII:
Mike Stanley 2 3 2 I 3 2 2 2
five turns of being Blue france used Spanish fleets to assist with domination of
Bruce Monnin 5 5 3 2 2 5 5 4 in the east surely the Bmericas and India. plus landings in China and Japan.
Bruce Reiff 1 2 4 3 5 6 3 3 didn't hurt. If you Green incited ci~iI war in the french Bmericas, allowing
Ken Good 3 I 1 4 I I I I are finding your- Britain to concentrate on the Old «lorld, where considerable
Jason O'Donnell 4 6 5 6 6 6 4 6 self not scoring resistance was met in the North Sea, the )VIanchurian plain
and e. Ghats, as well as in Bustralia. Red United States had
to build a monument to secure ~ictory . . . and did. Uncon-
quered Ottoman holdings ga~e Red the margin of ~ictory.

- -- - - - ----------------- -- -------- ------ --- ----.- ------- - .---.-.. -- ----- -"-,, - _.. -,,_._' .. -------. ---_._--'.. --.-
The area along the Eastern Mediterranean usu-
S E R.I E S REP LAY ally will be the scene of conflict in this game.
There is much to gain there and no pesky inde-
pendent garrisons in the way. Three of the play-
SUCCESSORS ers also mentioned the Hellespont, but none
mentioned trying for the award of King of Asia.
In the text and figures which follow, L stands'
PLAYERS: Mike Gnall, Chris Cornaghie, Mike S are for one Loyal Macedonian combat unit, M stands
and Kevin Duke for Mercenary and £ stands for Legitimacy Points.
Combat units starting the turn with a general, but
NEUTRAL COMMENTARY: later left behind in major cities are shown inside
William (Butch) Glankler the city control square, although they are pmt of
the general's army until he moves away. Actions
s with any intrepid exploration of the throw a decent dice roll with both hands in three happening in a player's round are indicated in the

A unknown, one can expect the voyage to

involve a few errant turns along the
way, plus the occasional mutiny. Columbus
tries, but always remembers the rules when most
of us can't even remember which game we're
playing. Kevin Duke is a careful player with the
figures by colored numbers for the round (a purple
I indicating an action taking place during the
Purple faction's first round ofthe turn). All hollow
circles and squares are spaces with garrisons
chose to gloss over such events, writing his uncanny and disconcerting ability to "call" oppo-
journal to please his purpose. When I posted nent's die rolls accurately. He can't call his own (player or independent) at the start of the turn,
our Clarifications/Errata sheet on our web- though. Butch Glankler is the recorder and com- while smaller solid circles indicate garrisons
site, Butch's gang was well into their series mentator, hereafter known as the Kibitzer. newly-placed during the turn. Independent strong-
replay and contacted me in a panic, suggesting This is Kevin's ftrst game of SUCCESSORS, holds (which require subjugation) contain hexag-
a return to port. I urged perseverance, noting though he basically knows the system from play of onal Independent markers. A few of the map-
that readers will learn much from our high- HANNIBAL and WE THE PEOPLE. The others boards tracks have been re-positioned in the fig-
lighting of their mistakes, making follow-up have an experience edge, having played this game ures to facilitate illustration of the game (and, of
voyages that much easier. Unlike Columbus, several times. course, the actual board is infull color). All minor
however, we make no attempt to re-write the generals have been given the names suggested in
record of the voyage to fit the actual rules of THE GAME PLANS volume 32, number 2. In the text on movement, a
the game, but will note herein any discrepan- Each player was secretly asked how he general's movement capacity of the turn is noted
cies in the replay from the official interpreta- expected to win the game at this point: in parentheses. As usual, I will chime in with itali-
tion of the rules.-SKT GnalllPurple (Antipater, Peithon, control of cized notes along the way-SKT
Macedonian fleet): Mike Gnall sees control of
Our players for this game include a lawyer, a TURN 1 (323-320 Be):
doctor (okay, Ph.D. of Computer Science), a
bank examiner and an advertising copywtiter.
Europe, the Hellespont and parts of Anatolia as
his key to winning. He hopes to capture the
Play order and labeling the Usurper: Cor-
naghielBlue: 8 VPs/4£ (the Usurper), Share!
The group has a long history of playing Alexander's body and bring it to Pella if possi-
Gold: 7/9, Gnall/Purple: SIS, DukelRed 5/3. The
wargames-about 200 years of gaming experi- ble. He won this way once. (Of course I was the players with the low VP level (Duke and Gnall)
ence altogether, including me. They also know one with the body which I brought all the way to roll dice to determine who gets to choose the
each other well and play to each other's Europe in a vain attempt to capture Pella.) He play order. Gnall wins and chooses to go first
strengths and weaknesses as much as to actual captured it from me and won a Legitimacy auto- (followed in clockwise seating order by Share,
game situations. matic victory when he buried the body in Pella. Cornaghie, Duke.
We made several mistakes in the game- Share/G d (Perdiccas, Lysimachus in Drawing Ptolemy in the three- or four-player
moving more than one army by sea a couple of Byzantium, control of Alex IV and the body of game will always result in being the Usurper in
times, for example. We also had a rule changed Alexander): Mike Share plans to control eastern the first turn. We call it "The Curse of the
by AH after the replay was underway-return- Asia with Perdiccas and northern Anatolia and Pharaohs." I've seen players trade Ptolemy for
ing units from the displaced box can not be the Hellespont with Lysimachus. He doesn't plan virtually any other general rather than be
placed at a besieged city. Originally, this was on a sea campaign. He will bury the body at the branded as Usurper at the start. [Trading gener-
possible and did cause a battle in this replay that first opportunity in Babylon. He was witness to als is not allowed in the rules.-SKT)
would not happen now. the Gnall's automatic victory and thinks Alexan-
Then there was one interpretation that no one der's body is nothing but trouble for the bearer. CARD DEAL
caught or even questioned. The unrest cards say, ComagbielBlue (Ptolemy, Leonnatus in (Tyche Cards are listed by number.)
"Place an Independent control marker in any space Ilium, control of the Egyptian fleet): Chris Cor- Purple: 20, 29, 33, 44, 54. Gnall plans to
in the indicated province that does not contain a naghie plans to move into the Levantine coastal marry Thessalonice to Antipater (they both start
combat unit." We read "any" as meaning "all," not region with Ptolemy to seize Phoenicia before conveniently in Pella) and, because he has the
the "any ONE" space meant by TAHGc. This Craterus gets there. Then he can go to Cyprus Helepolis, attempt to capture Rhodes.
makes the impact of any unrest cards weaker, but and gain control of the sea. Leonnatus will ini- Gold: 5, 12, 36, 45, 46. Share plans to take
with four of them in the deck, they are still plenty tially seize control of Lydia. When Ptolemy has Mesopotamia and Bithynia (for the major city)
effective (as you must play their bonus). This did established himself in Phoenicia, Leonnatus will this phase. [Bythynia is usually more trouble
have a major impact on this game. One player lost move to Rhodes. He plans to return to Anatolia than it is worth-once taken, it requires too
both of his starting provinces to unrest instead of after other players have exhausted themselves much force to keep out ofenemy hands. I suggest
just one space in each of them. by ftghting over it. He also wants to get lid of leaving that city until the endgame.-SKT}
Blue: 7, 18, 22, 30, 47. Comaghie plans to 011
the Usurper label, so he doesn't plan to expand
THE PLAYERS beyond those provinces which provide fleets. pick up the Thracian Mercenaries with Leonna-
Mike Gnall is a cross between Hagar the Hor- DukelRed (Craterus, Antigonus): Kevin tus and get the elephants with Ptolemy, while
rible and Attila the Hun. An opportunist, who is Duke also sees sea power as the route to success. taking Phoenicia, Syria and Judea. With the help
especially dangerous if playing for money (yes, Kevin plans to control Anatolia and the Eastern of the Pirates he will move Leonnatus to
we've played Squad Leader, Wooden Ships and Mediterranean coastal provinces as his core Rhodes.
Iron Men, etc. for money). Chris Cornaghie is a area, picking up what he needs as opportunities Red: 4, 10, 16, 38, 56. Duke plans to take
skillful player who always seems to have the present themselves. Caria and Phoenicia (for the sea power), and
right card for a given situation or can make that As you can see Cornaghie and Duke seem to possibly Cappadocia.
crucial die roll when needed. Mike Share can't be headed right for each other with similar plans. (Continued on p. 35)+++-~+
The GENERAL 32-3
CONTEST #186-Enlighten Us
The first turn of a four-player game of AGE OF RENAISSANCE has just 4. Barring play of a calamity card, which commodity would payout
ended. Paris announced that it has $61 for allocation; Barcelona has $50; the most to all players combined?
Genoa has $43; Venice has $42. During the course of the first turn no
cards were played, the only Advance purchased was Venice's caravan, 5. Again, barring the play of a calamity card, how would the card
but galleys were bought by Genoa and Barcelona. All players, except applicable to #4 above pay each player if Barcelona played it now
Paris, paid for stabilization. During expansion, no competitions took to maximize his receipt?
place and each player built five new domination markers. Venice, Genoa Barcelona
and Barcelona placed one satellite each. Genoa put a single token in
Naples. No player bought a card with tokens or failed to place all of the Paris
tokens he purchased. A double Spice surplus was rolled. Venice
Capital Amount Bid Genoa

1. What were the capital bids at the

Send entries via email to ahgeneral@aol.com or mail to:
Stuart K. Tucker
Editor of The GENERAL
The Avalon Hill Game Company
2. Which player received the bonus- 4517 Harford Road
card during the expansion phase? Baltimore, MD 21214

3. Name one unoccupied commodity Name _

location in each home area: III: France
IV: Spain Address _
VII: Italy City State Zip _


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ASLscINI!II~~PH ATOP TARALDSV!"~,!!,~~,~,", r:J THE TARALDSVIKFJELL, NORWAY, 28 May 1940: Although the campaign
for Norway had been one demoralizing setback after another for the Allies, their efforts in
the north had not gone unrewarded. Despite an incredible number of command mistakes, a
series of flanking attacks had put the Allies in position to cut off and destroy the isolated
Germans who had captured Narvik. The defending German force was a mixed batch of
excellent Gebirgsjager infantry and the crews from the destroyer flotilla which had trans-
ported the mountain troops during the assault on Narvik. With no training and only captured
orwegian weapons to use. the crews were almost more of a liability to General Dietl's
command than an asset. The Allies launched a coordinated attack from two sides: the Poles
from the south, and a beach assault from the north by combined forccs of the Norwegians
and the French Foreign Legion. The beach assault met with initial success, but the accompa-
nying armor support soon bogged in the mud of the fjord banks. Just as the Legionnaires
gained the first slopes of the Taraldsvikfjell, the Germans counterattacked, nearly driving a
wedge between the French on the hill and the Norwegians who had just landed. Only naval
gunfire from a Btitish ship stationed in the fjord stopped the counterattack, driving the Ger-
mans back in confusion. The French regrouped and were quick 10 react.


~ Add one 9-1 Leader to the German OB.

VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Allies win at game end if there are no
Good Order German units on Level 3 hill hexes.
o Replace the German HMG with a German MMG.


~ GERMAN Sets Up First [90] ':If

o ''¥ ALLIED Moves First 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 END

;;!11 Elements of Gebirgsjager Regiment 139 and supporting naval personnel of the Haussels Group [ELR: see SSR 2] set up
on any hex of Hill 621: {SAN: 4)
ill Foxhole
fH W A... i;5j LMG

42·~·8 4·~·6 A 9
7-~ i ~rn
OVR, DBA: +4
Otlle<: +2

5 5 2 8

Elements of the 1er Batailon, Berne Demi-Brigade de Legion Etrangere

[ELR: S] set up on any hex of Hill 538: {SAN: 2)

,... ,...
fit~ ~LMG
4~5-8 2-4-8 i i I
O'l co
Elements of the 211Sth Infantry Battalion [ELR: 3] enter on
8 2 Turn I along the north/east edge(s) on/between GG I and Y 10:

~ 2·3·7
4·5·7 ft ft"i'"
r Lrn
eo: 111

SPECIAL RULES: AFTERMATH: Amid cries of "A moil La Legion!", the Legionnaires charged up the
slopes of the hill. The Norwegians also had caught up to the attack, and moved up the hill
1. Weather is Ground Snow (E3.72), with no wind at start. to flank the Germans. Significantly outnumbered, German resistance weakened as they
2. All German leaders, 4-6-8s, 4-6-7s, and their HS have an ELR of "4." All broke up into isolated pockets. One by one, these pockets were reduced until the
German 4-4-7s, 4-3-6s, and their HS have an ELR of "1." Any ELR loss/gain Taraldsvikfjell was finally in Allied hands. With only 400 mixed troops left, General Dietl
affects both ELRs. had no choice but to withdraw from Narvik and try to save what was left of his command.
The first major Allied victory was overshadowed, however, by the surrender of the
3. All French MMC have their broken-side Morale Level increased by one. Belgian Army. The Allied successes were also short-Jived as the French and British soon
4. Multi-Location FG that contain both French and Norwegian MMC (wI SW abandoned their Norwegian allies and withdrew all of their troops by June 9th.
manned by those MMC) are NA. If Battlefield Integrity (AI6.) is used, it
does not apply to the Allied forces.

ASLSCENARIOW THE DEFENSE OF LUG~",""""M""",""'''"''''",''c:J

SOUTH OF LENINGRAD, RUSSIA, 19 July 1941: As the panzers drove
deeper into Russia, intent on even greater encirclements, potentially dangerous
Russian armored groups were bypassed. The German infantry, being primarily
foot or horse bound, was forced to keep up as best they could to safeguard the
panzer's lines of communication. Hence when the Russians attempted to break
out, their armored attacks often had to be handled, not by their armored counter-
parts, but by infantry and anti-tank units. One such instance occurred at Luga,
where elements of the German 269th Infantry Division were assigned to hold the
western approaches to the German drive on Leningrad. Desperate to stop or
delay the advance, bypassed remnants of the 21st Tank Division, 16th Rifle Divi-
sion and the 2nd DNO (a militia unit), were hastily declared Operational Group
Luga and ordered to take the city.



VICTORY CONDITIONS: The Russians win at game end if they Con- "" Remove two 4-4-7 squads from the Russian OB.
trol2 16 stone buildings.


* Add a 10-0 Commissar to the Russian OB.

* * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
"" GERMAN Sets Up First [178]

RUSSIAN Moves First [276]

on Turn
1 (11)

Elements of Infanterie Regiment 469 and detachment of Divisional Artillery, Infanterie Division 269 [ELR: 4] set up
on/soulh-of Hex Grain 4LO-3LI0 (see SSR2): (SAN: 4)
~ A A A=.
.... LMG
4 ·§·7
.;, .;,
" iiiW
I :;;00
5-!Z i 3-a ;;[j]

13 6 2 3 2 2 4

A AT A AT "5[9) AA AA
rn~1O 175)
", rn ~8
37L (8)
rn ~1O
20L[6J [401
50L 37L "6191 ..

2 2

Elements of Operational Group Luga [ELR: 2] enter on Turn 1 along the north edge of board(s) 3/4: (SAN: 2)

* G'ifJ W




k~ k~ k~ k~



..., 23 o W
~~ 11
• .fj,..®
[j] ~
[Q] 8n


2 2 3 3

SPECIAL RULES: AFTERMATH: The Russian attack, though supported by an assortment of tanks, was
stopped on the outskirts of the town. German anti-tank guns dispatched with relative ease
1. EC are Moderate with no wind at start. the Soviet armor, which blundered forward piecemeal, while the Russian infantry, lacking
2. All German units may set up HIP if in Concealment Terrain. solid leadership, were repulsed by far fewer Germans. The result was decisive, but had the
Russians planned their assault better, it could easily have gone the other way.
3. AFV crews may not voluntarily abandon their AFV. The T-34 is exempt
from Platoon Movement restrictions (DI4.2).
4. All buildings on board 5 are wooden.
+~~~~ (!romp. 30) siege points against the city (it takes three such in Xanthus, and stops at Phaselis. Eumenes (4) to
points to succeed with the siege). Emesa. Craterus leaves lR in Tyre and moves to
All the players received fair/good first round Blue: #22-3 garrison points in Sardis, Damascus, spends 2 MPs to remove the enemy
cards. Red's draw of Eumenes, considering that Miletus (Lydia) and Samaria (Judea). Bonus: garrison and capture Heracles (+2£=5). [The
he also later gets Antigonus' son, Demetrius, unrest hits Thrace, costing Gold (-3 VP=5). [The players misplay the "siege during movement"
gives him four major generals. This should off- players erred in replacing all garrisons in the rule. While Damascus garrison would certainly
set his lack of experience somewhat. Neverthe- province. Gold should have lost only one, con- surrender in the surrender segment, it won't dur-
less, I will make suggestions to him during the tinuing to control the province-SKT} Move- ing Red's movement segment. Red may expend
first turn's strategy phase until he feels more ment (dr=3): Ptolemy (2) leaves 1M in Memphis MPs to conduct a siege against this major city,
comfortable with the game. and moves to Pelusium. Amphimachus (2), with but must gain three siege points. Once the garri-
1M from Leonnatus, moves to Sardis. [We see son is removed, Heracles can be picked up, since
ROUND 1 (323 BC) the first of many appearances made by the very he would then be under the control of nobody
Purple: Plays Tyche #54--3 garrison points active minor generals; each player is limited to and the city is open-SKT} DUKE: It was not
secure Zadracarta, Pasargadae and Persepolis four.-SKT} easy disregarding the advice of the kibitzer to
(+2VPs for Persis=7). Bonus: Thessalonice hold the campaign card for extra movement, but
Garrisons can be played 2 MPs away by
offers man'iage to Antipater (+2£=7). Move- I didn't need to get anywhere in a hurry. There
sea without regard to navies, so Samaria is
ment die roll of 2 (each general may move at a legal placement. Note also the placement were plenty of things close at hand to grab.
least two spaces-more if its strategy rating of the garri&on at Sardis to prevent [Placement of garrisons is a high priority which
equals or exceeds the movement die roll). Antigonus fr6m a,ttcPlpting to intercept often should override some of the juiciest of
Antipater (2 movement points) leaves one Royal Amphimachus during movement to Sardis. event cards during the early going.-SKT}
Army (R) combat unit (CU) behind in Pella and Garrisons make a good advance security
moves by land to the transit point (TP) and then element when moving. ROUND 3 (321 Be)
by sea to Lesbos .. Purple: #33-as an event to conve11 Philip-
Red: #56-Eumenes in Melitene (Cappado- popolis. Movement (dr=6): Peithon (4) 1M in
Blue interrupts the move and plays a Sur-
cia). Movement (dr=6): Antigonus (4), leaving Ecbatana, moves to Artaxata. Antipater (4) by
prise card (#47) and draws a replacement card
1M in Celaenae and dropping Menelaeus +1M land to ChelTonessus, uses 2 MPs to besiege and
(#25). The Cicilian Pirates join his faction (+4
in Xanthus, moves to Halicarnassus. Craterus remove the garrison (only one siege point
VPs for Largest Fleet =12) and he declares a
(4) moves to Tyre. Eumenes (4) moves to Ara- required; no ganison is placed). KIBITZER:
naval combat to prevent Antipater from reaching
dos (Phoenicia). Looks like Gnall is planning to take over Thrace,
Lesbos (see 1st Lesbos, 323 BC, in the battle
KIBITZER: I suggested the play of Eumenes part of his Europe strategy. GNALL: The kib-
summary table on page 41 for details). Antipa-
early to maximize the number of garrisons itzer, like Zeus, is all knowing and all wise. He
ter's fleet is dispersed with the loss of one Royal
acquired in the surrender phase. Others might has discerned my opportunistic strategy.
Army CU as well and he returns to the TP in
hold out an extra general until they see a need Gold: Besieges Nicaea successfully, but loses
Macedonia (having only 2 CUs, fewer than the
for reinforcements in a threatened area. 1M (+1 VP for Bithynia=4); Sippara sUlTenders.
forage limit in this mountainous space, his army
suffers no further harm in the forage segment). #12-for garrisons at Amida, Mardani. Move-
ROUND 2 (322 BC) ment (dr=2): Raises 1M for Lysimachus.
[This naval combat does not fall within the def- Purple: #20-3 garrisons in Thessaly (+1
inition of what costs a player Champion status. Blue: #25-Polyperchon's European local
VP=8) and Amardi (+1 VP=9). Bonus Ul1l'est
III the heat of naval battle, Gnall forgets that he troops join him. Movement (dr=2): Ptolemy (2)
strikes Babylonia (Gold -4 VPs=I). [Again, they
can also move his other general, Peithon, before to Navcratis. Leonnatus (3) by sea to Byzantium,
err in replacing more than one independent gar-
his player round ends.-SKT.} besieges and removes the independent galTison.
rison-SKT} Movement (dr=2): Decides to raise
KIBITZER: Purple did not tell Blue that CORNAGHIE: Ptolemy, if events are favorable,
1M for Antipater. GNALL: I'm sitting tight with
Antipater was eventually going to Rhodes. Later will sail for Rhodes. KIBITZER: Before going to
a bad movement roll. My original plan is gone.
they discussed this unfortunate incident. It is Thrace to get the mercenaries on Tyche #7, Cor-
I'm trying to think up a new one.
always better to use "turn signals" when chang- naghie is careful to play Polyperchon, who gives
Remember that you must place gar- him two extra troops in European combats.
ing lanes. If you don't want to have misunder-
risons before the bonus event. You may see Red: SUlTender of Damascus, Emesa and
standings, tell the other players your intentions.
your movement die ron before deciding Phaselis (+1 VP for Coele Syria and +2 VP for
Later, this small action will have much wider
whether to raise troops instead of moving. Pamphylia & Lycia=13). #38-2M to
Antigonus. Movement (dr=2): Raises 1M for
GNALL: In hindsight, I should have con-
Gold: Siege of Heraclea Pontica yields third Eumenes (now with enough to besiege cities).
ferred with Cornaghie to avoid this problem.
hit and places a garrison. Thilabus sUlTenders. KIBITZER: A series of low movement rolls
However, at the time I did not want to broadcast
Discards #45; draws and plays #53-3 garrisons have hindered the players somewhat, especially
my destination until I alTived there. Taking
in Mesopotamia (Arbela, Phaliga, Ninevah, +2 Blue.
Rhodes is always a project. Broadcasting my des-
VP=3). Bonus allows Lysimachus to marry
tination would have given all the mice one more
Cleopatra (+3£=12). Lysimachus moves to ROUND 4 (Spring 320 BC)
turn to play while the cat was away.
Nicaea. Perdiccas moves to Sippara. Purple: SUlTender of Artaxata, ChelTonesus.
The Royal Army units are subject to a Blue: #18-3 garrisons at Lesbos (+2 VPs for #29-2 garrisons at Armavira, Carana
legitimacy check before battle, but not in Lydia=14), Damascus and Galilaea. Bonus takes (Armenia). Helepolis cannot be built. Movement
sieges. Therefore, they make good garrisons randomly card #16 from Red who draws #49. (dr=2): Peithon (2) moves to Anzitene. Antipater
for major cities. Movement (dr=2): Raises 1M for Ptolemy. COR- (2) to Byzantium to attack Leonnatus. Purple
NAGlE: I will need more troops to confront doesn't lose Champion status, because Blue is
Gold: #36-3 garrison points secure Susiana Craterus and Eumenes. Protecting Egypt is now the Usurper. Gnall plays #44 (draws #26);
(+1VP=8). Bonus: Cleopatra to Heraclea Pontica. more important than advancing. Mutiny (7£ to 4£) takes lL from Leonnatus.
Movement (dr=4): Perdiccas (4), leaving Alexan- Red: SUlTender of Halicarnassus (gains Asia GNALL: I do not want the Ptolemaic forces in
der and lR in Babylon, moves to Thilabus. He Minor Fleet, +1 VP for Caria=6), Xanthus, Ara- Europe. Where Cornaghie goes, he seldom
asks Blue if Lysimachus (4 MPs) can move by dos, Tyre (+2 VP for Phoenicia=8, gains departs despite profuse commentaries to the con-
sea to H. Pontica, which is granted. Lysimachus Pheonician Fleet). Blue loses largest fleet award trary. I also have a good battle card. It should be
has 2 MPs left and plays Surprise #46 (draws (-4 VPs=lO). #4-for galTisons at Aspendus, an even struggle.
#27) as he besieges. The Traitor improves his Myriandrus, Thapsucus, Edessa (+2 VP for The first battle of Byzantium (320 BC) results
siege die roll, which suffers for not having fleets Syria=lO). Movement (dr=5): Antigonus (4) in the defeat of Antipater, but the death of Leon-
when besieging a major port city. Share gains two leaves lL in Halicarnassus, picks up Menelaeus natus (-1£=3). Thessalonice becomes inactive
(Purple -2£=5) in the space, while Antipater is ken! I thought this was becoming a "3 on 1" have phases where everybody tries to "stop the
dispersed and Leonnatus' army is taken over by game, with me the unfortunate "1." The move on leader from winning." SUCCESSORS actually
a minor general. CORNAGHIE: All I wanted Pella comes as a surprise and ajoy. has mechanics that encourage this (Champion
was the two mercenaries from the card and I Blue: #30-as an event, adding 2E to status and a few methods for negotiated diplo-
would have been on my way south. Even the Cephalon. Movement (dr=5): Cephalon (4) by macy or payoffs on the part of the Usurper). The
statement that I would soon depart did not divert land to Ilium and by sea to Amphipolis. Usurper's main hope for discord amongst the
Gnall for one second. KIBITZER: Was this a pretenders is the fact that some cards with pow-
"get even" battle for the interception of Antipa- erful results are geographically fixed-if the
J;Une is carefnl to go by sea from
ter on the first turn? Did Cornaghie really "win" player can't use it against the Usurper he may be
IHum whichj~ to(l far for Red's navy to tempted to use it against a so-called ally.
this battle? He lost a mutinous Macedonian, a
mercenary and, most importantly, Leonnatus. It engage in combat. Don't forget that
is said that Leonnatus succumbed to his wounds navaUuterception IDllst originate from SHARl:
after battle, but some historians suggest that he .garrisons, not from troop locations. My comments at this point are unprintable.
really died in the tent of the strong-willed Thes- The loss of both starting provinces to uprisings
salonice that evening. Red: Samaria, Galilaea surrender. #lO-to put me into such a poor position that I decided to
Gold: #5-Peucestas' local troops join him in place garrisons in Europus, Sidon, Gaza, have some fun by attacking Antipater in Pella.
the eastern provinces. Movement (dr=4): Perdic- Jerusalem (+l VP for Judea=14). [The failure to Perhaps, this was not the smartest move, but it
cas (4) moves to Opis, removes the garrison, and get an army into a position to take advantage of certainly was the most entertaining.
continues to Babylon. Nicanor (3) takes the the Treachery event is a calculated risk-that Red
unmoved lR from Babylon to Susa. Lysimachus will have enough time to gain £ later in the game. CORNAGHIE
(4) moves by strait through Byzantium (Blue The £ gain from a theft of Alex IV would have My turn is a perfect example of the old adage
allows passage) to Cherronesus. KIBITZER: improved Red's troop quality in the upcoming "No plan survives contact with the enemy."
With Antipater away, the mice will play. reinforcement phase, but would reaffirm him as Craterus and Eumenes preempted Ptolemy's
Blue: Byzantium surrenders. #7-as an the feared "leader. "-SKT} Movement (dr=6): campaign into Phoenicia. I had to settle for plac-
event gives 2M to Cephalon at Byzantium. Craterus (4) by land to Tyre, by sea to Salamis, ing Ptolemy into a position to assist against
Movement (dr=4): Cephalon (3) by sea to besieges, getting two siege points. Eumenes (4) Rhodes. Leonnatus' part of the plan started
Sardis. Ptolemy (3) to Alexandria. by land to Tyre, by sea to Paphus, besieges suc- much better, with the conversion of Lydia. Then
Red: Discards #49, and draws and plays cessfully. KIBITZER: The rules state only one the lure of the extra troops in Thrace drew me
#14-as an event for 2M with Craterus. Move- army may move by sea in a phase-we forgot! away from my course. I thought I had the time,
ment (dr=4): Antigonus (4) to Halicarnassus. Duke got away with one here. could use the extra troops in the siege at Rhodes,
Craterus (3) to Samaria. Eumenes (4) to Galilaea, and, with Polyperchon, was in good position to
removes garrison. DUKE: I'm still grabbing what ROUND 6 (Winter 320 BC) defend myself. 1 guess Gnall was still steamed at
is available. Later, I realize these "easy" VPs Blue: (Tyche card segment only): #16-the the naval combat, or just wanted to play his
come at the price of painting a target on myself. 20,000 Greek Colonists are placed in
Mutiny card. I won a truly Pyrrhic victory!
Zadracarta, replacing garrison with an indepen-
I now have only one general, and need to
dent one (Purple -1 VPs=ll). [The players err in
ROUND 5 (Fall 320 BC) draw Seleucus to be in the running. GnaWs
placing an independent garrison. To be placed
Purple: Antizene surrenders (+2 VPs for threats didn't sit well, so I went to help Share at
on the board, the colonists must "move,"
Armenia=ll). #26-2 garrisons in Tribali (+1 Pella (and will be rewarded if we win, at least
thereby giving them only the ability to remove
VP=12). [The placement of a garrison in Serdi that is the promise).
the Purple garrison-SKT} Ariarathes to
is illegal; you may neither chain your place- Melitene. Greek Army to Larrissa, removing
ments nor pass through an independent garri- garrison (Purple -1 VP=lO). Turn 2 (319-316 Be):
son, and Serdi is 3 MPs away from Philippopo- Play order and labeling of the Usurper: Red
lis-SKT} Bonus minor raid removes garrison in GARRISON ISOLATION: 14 VPs/5£ (Usurper), Purple lOIS, Blue 10/3,
Nicopolis (Epirus). Movement (dr=3): Peithon Purple: Amardi, as it has no route to a major Gold 4/9. Gold chooses to go first (followed in
(3) to Mardani (miscounting-pass costs 2 city or CU. seating order by Blue, Red and Purple).
MPs) , dropping 1M with Teutamus in Amida.
GNALL: I have to try to get some forces into the KIBITZER REINFORCEMENTS
main theater of operations. I eagerly anticipate Gnall's plan for this turn went by the boards Placing in turn order ... Gold places 2M and
the return of Antipater. on the first round when he was intercepted at lL (most £) with Lysimachus at Pella. Blue
(;nld: Cherronesus snn·enders. #27-gar- sea. Antipater's later defeat opened the door to places 2M with Ptolemy at Alexandria. Red
risons in Nisibis and Sippara. Bonus gives Philip Europe to his enemies. Share's plan was upset places 1M with Antigonus in Halicarnassus, 1M
III to Lysimachus (+0£). Movement (dr=6): by both home provinces going into revolt. He with Craterus at Salamis, 2M (most VPs) with
Perdiccas (4) to Kish. Lysimachus (4) to Pella obviously changed plans with his attack on Eumenes at Paphus. Purple places 2M and lL
(losing Champion status due to enemy CU in Pella. Perhaps he will move Alexander's body (for Macedonia), plus Antipater and 3L (from
space, -3£=9), besieges (reduced roll for lack of after all. Cornaghie's plan was defeated by his the dispersed box) at Pella. [Since the playing of
a fleet), getting one siege point against Pella and "victory" over Antipater, the resulting death of this game, rule 6.4 has been altered to prevent
losing 1M. Leonnatus and the poor movement ability of placement in spaces with unbesieged enemy
KIBITZER: Considerable table talk followed Ptolemy. CUs-SKT}
this turn of events. Gnall, unhappy with the Duke is the only who more or less followed
siege of Pella (he would have done the same if his plan, and he now leads. He thus becomes the GNALL
roles had been reversed) states he will bring target as the Usurper. With Cyprus about to fall I thought long and hard (I had a week) about
back Antipater at Pella. (Note: the written rules, he stands to pick up 6 VPs (for Cyprus and where to play these reinforcements. I knew there
allowing returning forces to be placed at any largest fleet) at the start of next turn, leaving him would be a massive battle if I put them at Pella.
major city you controlled, even if besieged, have only three away from victory. Egypt is more I calculated that it would be even at worst and
than enough. With three armies led by major possibly in my favor. The thing which decided
been altered by the errata.) Gnall threatens to
generals, he should be able to hold on to most of the matter for me was the chance to gain one of
defeat Lysimachus, take Thrace, and move into
his empire, unless the others cooperate very well the heirs if successful.
Asia Minor. Cornaghie asked about his force in
Sardis to which Gnall replied, "They're toast!"
This comment has considerable ramifications in DUKE CARD DEAL
the turn to follow. Duke remained silent hoping to Well, there is that qualifier: "unless the Gold: 6, 28, 46, 53, 55. SHARE: My plan is
be ignored. DUKE: Truer words were never spo- others cooperate." Most multi-player games to finish retaking Babylonia and to try to finish

Combat Unit
Codes: Curn 1: Starting \1ictory
E = Elephants points label Blue as tbe Usurper, but
L = Loyal Macedonian
Yellow bas more legitimacy.
M = Mercenary
R = Royal Army
S = Silver Shields

Purple land victoryq
Red naval victory
Failed move - - - - -
Garrison placement ('\ 1
Garrison removal ,
)1 Ijyzantium, 320 Ije II Round of action 1 Co)

the siege of Pella. Then Lysimachus will take KIBITZER Red: Dascylium surrenders (Blue -2 VP=8).
control of Macedonia. Perdiccas will bury This battle demonstrates what happens when #27-Philip III breaks from his Blue guardian
Alexander's body. an ally enters a battle. Cornaghie couldn't lose and joins Antigonus at Dascylium (Red, who
Blue: 2, 7, 9, 11,52. CORNAGHIE: This anything unless his side lost. His leader had no already had Heracles, +2£=7; Blue -4£=0).
is not exactly an overwhelming hand; the only effect and couldn't be killed. After this battle the DUKE: This was one of those bits of serendip-
good cards are #2, #11 and maybe #7. How- players decide that Blue's minor general should ity that sometimes happen in gaming. When
ever, it is an ill omen to see it in my hand have a name. After dismissing several from the Share had Philip, I couldn't get near enough to
again, beware Thracians bearing gifts! If Share Monty Python films we decide on "Hyperbole." him (nor was it particularly safe). But Cornaghie
and I win the battle at Pella, he will give me [The editor, having beaten them to the punch on received Philip as "payment" for his alliance and
Philip III. (Share has always kept his deals.) this matter, notes that historians now speak of then conveniently brought him within range of
Either way, I will then head south to Athens or Cephalon "the Great Hyperbole" participating me. Movement (dr=4): Eumenes (4) moves to
Egypt to unite with Ptolemy. He is my only in the first battle of Pella.-SKT] Boeotia. Craterus (3) to Gaza ( for attempting to
general and will take the offensive against I had hoped Share would move the body, but attack a non-Usurper, Red -3£=4), but Ptolemy
Craterus, because we must do something to he doesn't think it could possibly get all the way successfully withdraws two spaces to Pelusium
keep Duke from winning. Ptolemy shall do his to Pella. Though mathematically possible, it is (Craterus has insufficient movement to pursue).
part and perhaps get to a good spot to play # 11. extremely unlikely that anyone can achieve an Antigonus (4) goes through Ilium (where he
KIBITZER: Note that Cornaghie/Blue once automatic £ victory without burying the body at leaves Menelaeus and 1M) and then to Byzan-
again has drawn what has become known as Pella. tium to attack Cleitus (who can't withdraw) and
the Thracian Death Card (#7) and did not draw Blue: #52-garrison in Smyrna (bonus inap- defeat him (see 2nd Byzantium, 318 BC). KIB-
Seleucus, which he badly needed (it was plicable). Movement (dr=4): Ptolemy (3) moves ITZER: Once again the "Thracian Death Card"
drawn instead by Share). from Alexandria to Heliopolis. Cephalon (3) has bumed Cornaghie, and in the same place.
Red: 12, 27, 39, 51, 54. KIBITZER: Duke moves from Amphipolis to Pella, (with Gold's Philip is stolen from him too-ill gotten gains
plans to take Greece and Cyprus which will give permission) picks up the unattended Philip come with bad karma.
him naval supremacy and to marry Thessa- (+4E=4), moves to Lesbos... Purple: Thapsacus surrenders. #26-Garri-
lonice. Purple declares a naval combat (2nd Lesbos, son in Nicopolis. Bonus Minor Raid on Emesa
Purple: 3, 4, 13, 14, 26. KIBITZER: Gnall 319 BC) with one fleet against two (Macedonian (Red -1 VP=19). Movement (dr=l): Peithon (2)
plans to get as many points as he can while to Damascus. Teutamus (2) to Emesa. KIB-
fleet dispersed; Cephalon arrives at Lesbos).
opposing Red and keeping Pella. Two major ITZER: Now that Ptolemy has led Craterus out
GNALL: The Macedonian fleet will be lost soon
campaign cards is a pretty good draw. of Tyre, Gnall returns to Damascus. DUKE: It's
anyway. I was not going to "reward" Blue's par-
a hard game for the Usurper.
ROUND 1 (319 Be) ticipation at Pella by ignoring him.
Gold: Kish surrenders (+4 VP for Babylo- Red: Besieges and takes Salamis, Paphus ROUND 3 (317 Be)
nia=8); besieges Pella, using #46 as a surprise (+6 VP & fleet for Cyprus & most fleets=20). Gold: Pella surrenders. #28-Condemnation
(draws #37) to gain the advantage of the Traitor #39-as an event for lL for Antigonus. Move- played on Craterus (Red -3£=1). Movement:
Inside City, getting one siege point, but losing ment (dr=2): Antigonus (3) to Dascylium, Doesn't roll. Raises 1M for Lysimachus at Pella.
1M. Tyche play: #37-adds IE to Lysimachus. Eumenes (2) to Phaselis. Craterus (2), leaving Blue: #11-as event to convert Gaza,
Movement (dr=2): Perdiccas (2) moves to Baby- 1M in Salamis, to Tyre. KIBITZER: We again Samaria (Red -1 VP=18). Movement (dr=4):
lon. Lysimachus (2) releases Philip III on the forgot the one naval move limit. Cephalon (3) attempts to sail to Crete, but Red
map unattended and declares an attack on Purple: Amida, Mardani surrender. #3- intercepts and (only needing to roll better than
Antipater at Pella (1st Pella, 319 BC). Blue's Major Campaign allows Peithon to move to 4) forces him back (see Cnossus, 317 BC).
Cephalon successfully intercepts, allowing him Damascus ... where Craterus attempts to inter- Ptolemy (3) moves to Gaza, Craterus fails
to come to the aid of Lysimachus under rule 29.2 cept, but fails. Movement (dr=2): Peithon (2) attempt to withdraw (see Gaza, 317 BC).
on allied cooperation. Although Cephalon's army moves to TP North of Emesa, Teutamus (2) Craterus dies during his victory, removing Con-
doesn't move, Blue loses his Champion status for moves to Thapsacus. KIBITZER: Gnall thought demnation from Red (+3£=4); Ophellas takes
intercepting and participating in an attack on a better of being adjacent to Craterus. command. DUKE: I guess Craterus took the
non-Usurper (-3£=0). [Apparently Cephalon's TPs make good hideouts for small Condemnation thing seriously and threw him-
assistance was bought at the price of allowing armies (due to forage limits and fewer local self onto the enemy spear. KIBITZER: #11
Blue to pick up the heir Philip. This attack is a troops), remember that elephants don't allowed Cornaghie to convert the garrison
field battle because of the size ofAntipater's rein- count against the forage limit either, under Craterus, costing Duke the province and
forcements under the now outdated rule 6.4 on three local troop points. Cornaghie gained one
placement-SKT] ROUND 2 (318 Be) for the converted province on the site of the bat-
Cephalon's contribution is halved, after Gold: Besieges Pella (losing IE). #55- tle. The earlier theft off Philip kept the Con-
rolling for elephant effectiveness and includes Seleucus placed in Babylon. Movement demnation from affecting the Royal Army.
Polyperchon's troops. Lysimachus' elephants are (dr=5): Lysimachus (4) besieges Pella twice However, Craterus's battle advantage carried
ineffective and the alliance has a total of 13 more, losing 1M and lL, but removing the the field-it also killed him. Perhaps the play of
strength points. Antipater must leave the royal city's garrison (Purple's lR suffers as a the condemnation card should have been on
army inside the city (lacking the £ to use them in defeated army-survives the attrition roll and Antigonus or Eumenes; it would have remained
the battle), yielding a strength of 13 as well. Gold goes to the dispersed box; -3 VPs=7; -2£=3). in play longer.
outrolls Purple and has the better-rated general, Seleucus takes the army from Babylon to Red: Byzantium, Ilium, Gaza surrender (+1
sending Antipater's army to the dispersed box Phaliga, leaving Perdiccas, Alexander IV and VP for Judea, +2 VPs for Hellespontine=2l).
again. Lysimachus absorbs the 1M loss. At the lR in Babylon. KIBITZER: Gnall could have Successfully besieges Boeotia, placing garrison.
end of the Gold round, Perdiccas buries Alexan- used his lR to remove the siege point, but rea- #54-Antigonus marries Thessalonice (+2£=6).
der's body at Babylon (+2£=11). GNALL: sons that he is unable to hold Pella anyway and Movement (dr=2): Antigonus (3) move from
Doom!! Not only did the interception work, but I the lR will be useful later. Share is careful to Byzantium to Amphipolis (Lysimachus, lacking
rolled badly. DUKE: This is probably the quietest leave behind Perdiccas and Alex IV, lest a garrison there, can't intercept). Menelaeus (2)
I've ever been in a game. Though the situation something happen to Seleucus. sails to Amphipolis. Eumenes (2) to Athens.
prompted much interest and humor, I was doing Blue: #7-as an event to place 2M and Ophellas (2) to Pelusium. KIBITZER: Appar-
my best impression of wallpaper at the time. The minor general Cleitus at Byzantium. Movement ently, Thessalonice is going to marry her way
more they fight each other, the better it is for me. (dr=4): Ptolemy (3) to Gaza. Cephalon attempts through the Macedonia generals, starting with
This battle has the potential for planting long-term to leave Lesbos to the south, but the Red navy the A's, until she finds a successful one. Duke is
bad seeds, and it seems better to keep out entirely intercepts (see 3rd Lesbos, 318 BC) and pins unopposed in Egypt now and Lysimachus is all
than to disperse their malice toward each other. him (-1M). that opposes him in Europe.
Purple: Damascus, Emesa surrender (+1 VP seemed a lot better to keep Blue "vacationing" assist my ally to victory at Pella, Duke was able
for Coele Syria=8). #14-as event to place 2M in Lesbos. Anything else he did was bound to be to steal Philip from me and strand Cephalon on
in Damascus. Movement (dr=2): Peithon (2) unpleasant for me. Lesbos with a much needed army. As it was clear
leaves 2M in Damascus, moves to Emesa. Teu- Red: Besieges Athens with no result; that it would be hard to get off Lesbos, I commit-
tamus (2) moves to Arados. Stasander (2) moves besieges Cyclades successfully; Pella surren- ted Ptolemy to an offensive, saving the campaign
with 1M from Damascus to Sidon. KIBITZER: ders. #12-as event for 2M with Pyrrhus at card to gain Phoenicia if I won. In hindsight, I
With Red's major army commanded by a minor Boeotia. Movement (dr=5, all move 4): should have used it to upgrade the Egyptian fleet
general and far away in Egypt, now is a good Antigonus leaves a 2M with Menelaeus at Pella, (rule 16.6) to have an even struggle at sea with
time to convert some of the coast provinces. by sea to pick up 1M from Pyrrhus, and moves Red. Ptolemy did well right up to the point he lost
to besiege Corinth, losing 1M, but removing the the battle, my only consolation was the death of
ROUND 4 (Spring 316 Be) garrison. Menelaeus and 1M to Paeonia. Pyrrhus Craterus. Duke surprised me by not seizing
- #6-Freedom to the Greeks removes and 1M to Orestis. Eumenes besieges Athens Egypt. The worst event was Share playing Seleu-
Red's garrison in Boeotia. Movement: Raises twice more without success, losing 1M. Ophel- cus. I am practically out of the game, but I can
1M for Lysimachus. las sails to Athens, drops Heracles and 1M with still affect events. Having lost another army in
Blue: #9-Can't loot a treature city. [Cor- Eumenes, then moves to Halicarnassus (Peithon Thrace, I vow to never go there again.
naghie fails to see that his friendly Lesbos and successfully withdraws to Xanthus). [The naval
Smyrna are both within two MPs of empty Boeo- movement rules prohibit two sea moves sand-
tia, where he could have placed a garrison with wiching a land move, but as Ophellas didn't
This was a difficult turn for the Usurper.
the points on this card-SKT] Movement: march anywhere from Athens, this appears to be
Hearing so much "get the leader" talk, with some
Raises 1M in Memphis. kosher-I guess Heracles was safely shuttled
actions to back it, I was glad to see the bloodiest
Red: Besieges Athens with no result; ashore (this kind of trip can be hazardous,
action in the game occurring between the three
Amphipolis, Pelusium surrender. #51-Garri- though, as Seleucus discovered historically in
people that are supposed to be trying to "get" me.
son at Boeotia; Mass Migration Bonus: Autari- 281 BC)-SKT] KIBITZER: Duke's six attacks
at Athens gain only one siege point-"Go away All multi-player games usually involve some
atae placed in Axios (places an independent gar- "stop the leader" operations. We saw how this
rison). [As noted earlier, this is actually a move, you silly Macedonians or we shall taunt you a
second time." DUKE: Yes, this was the begin- group could put aside those "petty Champion"
which would not allow the placement of the gar- concerns and whack freely at each other instead.
rison. The Illyrians could have done more dam- ning of my "night of the living dead die rolls."
Purple: Aspendus, Xanthus, Phaselis sur- To me, one of the oddest parts of the Champion
age by moving their full three spaces-SKT] rule is that a player (even the Usuprer) loses
Movement of other active Independent armies: render (+2 VP=10, Red -2 VP=13). #13-
unusable. Movement (dr=5, all move 4): Pei- Champion status in responding to an attack on
Greek Army to Tricca (removes garrison), himself. He can even lose it if a player intercepts
Greek Colonists to Rhagae (removes Purple gar- thon attempts to move to Greece, but Red's
navy intercepts, returning him to Xanthus (2nd him, when he had no intention of causing a bat-
rison), Ariarathes does not move. Movement tle. This encourages players to keep their armies
(dr=6): Antigonus (4) to Pella to attack Lysi- Cyclades, 316 Be). Aristonous to Xanthus,
Stasander with 1M to Tarsus. well apart from each other (which may be an
machus (see 2nd Pella, 316 BC). Cleopatra accurate portrayal of how to act during "tense
divorces her unsuccessful husband (Gold times"). The cards can encourage discord among
-3£=6). Eumenes (4) sieges Athens twice more, alliances. Despite the best of intentions, it can be
getting one siege point and losing 1M. Ophellas Gold- Cherronesus. Purple: Tribali (-1
VP=9), Armenia (-2 VPs=7), Thara (-2 VPs=5), difficult for the weak in will to not use a good
by sea to Cyclades. card because it happens to hurt an ally more than
Mardani, Philippopolis, Paeonia, Orestis,
Purple: Sidon, Arados surrender (Red loses the leader.
Nicopolis. KIBITZER: Ouch, that hurts.
the Phoenician province and fleet -6 VP=15).
#4-Peithon to Sidon and Arados to pick up KIBITZER
both minor generals and 2M, then by sea to This turn, Share accomplished what he set
Aspendus. Red declares naval combat, but his The actions for this entire year were estab-
out to do (bury the body, retake Babylonia, take
two fleets fail to score (but Purple has no fleet lished by the disaster at Pella before my first
Pella, advance Seleucus). However, Duke cap-
escort, yielding a tie with no effect on fleets or turn. I had to move my eastern army to the
tured Pella from him.
movement). Movement (dr=4): Peithon (4), Mediterranean coast and got really gutsy about
Cornaghie's plan was modified to defeat
leaving 1M and Stasander in Aspendus, 1M opposing Duke. However, I generally am not
Craterus so that the Eastern Mediterranean coast
and Aristonous in Phaselis and lL and surprised by the turn. Battles in this game are
could be captured from Red. Ptolemy lost to
Eudamus in Xanthus, to Halicarnassus with lL. decisive and should be avoided unless you have
Craterus, but with Red's departure, the coast is
KIBITZER: Peithon steps out in a big way. overwhelming superiority or there is a definite
fa1ling anyway. Duke captured Cyprus, but not
Red may be on the verge of victory, but the Greece, though he took Pella and the Hellespon- objective.
opposition has some kick left. tine. The death of Craterus made his coastal
provinces easy targets, causing the loss of the TURN 3 (315-311 Be)
ROUND 5 (Fall 316 Be) Phoenician fleet. Antipater dies a broken man having lost his
~ #53-In no position to marry Cleopa- Gnall opposed Duke, depriving him of several wife, his capital, his province, his title and two
tra. Movement (dr=2): Seleucus (3) to Europus. provinces and one fleet, but he didn't gain much major battles. Cassander, his son, picks up the
Blue: #2-as a Major Campaign, Cephalon from it himself, while he lost Pella, Macedonia mantle of co=and and vows revenge.
tries to leaves Lesbos, Red's fleets intercept and and the Strategos of Europe. Demetrius, son of Antigonus, takes to the field
force back (see 4th Lesbos, 316 Be). Movement to defend his father's realm.
(dr=5): Cephalon (4) tries again (see 5th Lesbos, s Play order and labeling of the Usurper: Red
316 Be). [This blockade of Lesbos illustrates Another bad turn. Lysimachus lost so many 13 VPs/6£ (Usurper), Gold 8/8, Blue 810, Purple
how risky it is to sail against a superior navy in men taking Pella that he could not successfully 5/3. Purple chooses that Red go first (followed
this game. Cephalon could have "walked" hold when DukelRed attacked. I moved very lit- in seating order by Purple, Gold and Blue).
across the strait and been somewhere by now- tIe in order to reinforce Lysimachus, but in vain.
SKT] Neoptolemus (4) from Memphis, leaving At least my plans in Babylonia worked. Perdic- REINFORCEMENTS
1M with Amphimachus in Pelusium, then to cas can hide in Babylon with Alexander IV Placing in turn order ... Red places 2M (for
Gaza with 1M. KIBITZER: Quite a bit of banter while Seleucus conquers some territory. most VPs) with Antigonus, 1M with Eumenes,
ensues concerning the army trapped on Lesbos. 1M and Demetrius at Halicarnassus (and has
It has become a point of honor for Cornaghie to CORNAGHIE two fleets). Purple places the 2M and Cassander
escape and similarly for Duke to keep him there. I am cursed by the Gods-and I played badly and 4L, lR (from the dispersed box) at Damas-
DUKE: The interception wasn't just for fun: it too-a bad combination. Although I was able to cus. Gold places the 2M and lL (for most £)
2: Che empire has
H.C. et;.r::.: ••
.:::,I ::;..;,: I ~.< ~ been di"ided, Red has become the
~.4P... , u
r . ... ~ ;".~:':::L Usurper, but I purple forces the early
action at pe la.



with Lysimachus and 2L (from the dispersed
box) at Heraclea Pontica. Blue places 1M at The Battles for Alexander's Empire
Memphis and 1M with Ptolemy and lL (from (moving player listed first; defeated side in italics; minimum die rolls are in parentheses)
the dispersed box) at Heliopolis (and has two
fleets). KIBITZER: Because no player controls Battle & Combat Local Battle Dice Battle Battle
Generals Units Troops Strength Rolls Score Resnlt
Macedonia, no loyal macedonian CU or fleet
was awarded. TURN 1
1st Lesbos (naval), 323 BC:
Macedonia Fleet (Antlpater) 3+3 0 Fleet Dispersed, Lost 1R, .
CARD DEAL Antipater returns to southern
Red: 7, 14, 32, 40, 47. DUKE: I plan to Macedonia
take Greece and control Europe-which EgyptianlPirate Fleets 2 5+5 3
should be enough to win an automatic victory.
1st Byzantimn, 320 BC:
KIBITZER: When it rains it pours. Duke has a (Preceded by the Mutiny of one Macedonian from Leonnatus.)
pretty good draw-two mercenary cards, the Ant/pater LLLM 0 7 4+2(3) 3 Dispersed, Lost 1M
Silver Shields and the pirate card. Leonnatus LM 2:j: 5 4+5* 4 Lost 1M
Purple: 4, 10,22,27,35. GNALL: I plan to :j:Polyperchon.
"Leader loss check results in death of Leonnatus.
get as many points as I can while still opposing Note: Antipater's wife, Thessalonice, becomes inactive.
Red. KIBITZER: He has two "steal the heir"
cards and a "kill one," too. Events could take TURN 2
some surprising turns. 1st Pella, 319 BC:
Lysimachus LLLMME* 0 8 =13 6+1(4) 10 Lost 1M
Gold: 2, 29, 42, 46, 49. SHARE: The origi- +Cephalon LMMEE* 2:j: +9/2 Remains in Amphipolis
nal plan was to start Lysimachus in Bythnia with Antipater LLLLMM 3 13 3+2(3) 6 Dispersed, Lost 2M
his remaining army and some reinforcements. *Lysimachus' elephants added nothing, but Cephalon's added 3 prior to halving.
I'd have used him to attack Phrygia while Seleu- :j:Polyperchon.
cus attacks Mesopotamia.' My card draw 2nd Lesbos (naval), 319 BC:
changed that. The cards I drew have "attack EgyptianlPirate Fleets (Cephalon) 2 5+3 1 Continued movement
Pella" written all over them. I have two aided Macedonian Fleet 1 6+1 0 Fleet Dispersed
sieges with two more cards that help against any
3rd Lesbos (naval), 318 BC:
counterattack. After my previous siege attempts, Egyptian/Pirate Fleet (Cephalon) 2 2+3 0 Fleets Dispersed, Lost 1M
I am somewhat reluctant to do this. In the end, I Pboenician/Cypriot!Asia Minor 3 1+4 1
am unable to resist. KIBITZER: With two good
2nd Byzantinm, 318 BC:
siege cards and three surprise cards, Pella once Antigonus LLLMMM 0 9 4+3(4) 5 Lost 1M
again may be his. Cleitus MM 3+ 5 4+4 3 Lost 2M, Polyperehon
Blue: 1, 8, 16, 19,51. CORNAGHIE: This is :j:lncluding two for Polyperchon.
not a very strong hand, but then again I don't
Cnossns (naval), 317 BC:
have a very strong position, so it doesn't matter Cephalon 0 NA 0 Returned to Lesbos, no loss
that much. I will continue to try to get Cephalon Phoenician/Cypriot/Asia Minor 3 2+5 J
off of Lesbos and move Ptolemy up the coast
after I have secured Egypt again. I can use #16 Gaza, 317 BC:
Ptolemy LLMMMM 1 9 3+5 5 Dispersed, Lost 4M, lL
and #51 to move the minor armies to annoy Red. Craterus LLRMM 0 8 2(4)+5* 6 Lost 1M
At this point, it is clear that I cannot win the *Leader loss check results in death of Craterus.
game, but I can still have a lot of fun and influ-
ence the outcome. KIBITZER: The "Curse of 2nd Pella, 316 BC:
Antigonus LLLMMM 0 9 3(4)+4 5 Lost 1M
the Pharoahs" is apparently not through with Lysimachus LLMM 1 7 2(4)+4 4 Dispersed, Lost 2M
Comaghie yet. He has the poorest draw of the Note: Lysimaehus' wife, Cleopatra, beeomes inaetive.
players for this round, although movement of
4th Lesbos (naval), 316 BC:
the independent armies will annoy some one. Returned to Lesbos, Lost 1E
Cephalon 0 NA 0
Cypriot/Asia Minor 2 6+3 2
ROUND 1 (315 Be)
Red: Besieges Athens and loses 1M; 5th Lesbos (naval), 316 BC:
Cephalon 0 NA 0 Returned to Lesbos, Lost 1M
Corinth, Paeonia and Orestis surrender (for Cypriot!Asia Minor 2 6+5 4
Macedonia and most fleets +7 VP =20, for the
Strategos of Europe +2£=8). #14-to place gar- 2nd Cyclades (naval), 316 BC:
risons in Philippolis and Cherronesus. Move- Peithon 0 NA 0 Returned to Xanthus
Cypriot!Asia Minor 2 3+5 1
ment (dr=5, all move 4): Antigonus to Achaea
which he besieges successfully, leaves 1M and TURN 3
Ophellas there, returns to Corinth. Eumenes 6th Lesbos (naval), 315 BC:
besieges Athens twice, gaining a second siege (Preceded by the Cilician Pirates changing sides.)
Egyptian (Cephalon) 1 3+6 1 Continues Movement
point, but loses 1M. Pyrrhus and Menelaeus Cypriot/Macedonia/Cilielan 3 1+2 0 Dispersed
march to Pella. KIBITZER: Nine siege rolls
against Athens and only two hits-the taunting Xanthus, 315 BC:
of Duke continues. Nevertheless, Duke now has Demetrius SSLLRM 0 13 5+5 10 Lost 1M
Pellhon LLM 3 8 6+1(3)* 6 Dispersed, Lost 1M
20 VP and sea superiority. DUKE: Three on one *Leader loss cbeck has no effect.
makes for a tough game. When the dice seem to
tum against you also, game life seems to lose its Boeotia, 313 BC:
Antigonus LLLMM 2 10 2(4)+6 8 Gains 1 Prestige
glitter. My luck-both good and bad-comes in Greek Army 6 0 6+1(2) 4 Destroyed
streaks. I was "hot" early and am frigid now.
Maybe the dice will turn again. Cherronesus (naval), 313 BC:
Purple: Tarsus surrenders (Red -6 VP=14 Athenian (Demetrius) 2 0 Continues Movement
Egyptian Fleet 1 5+2 0
for loss of province, Asia Minor fleet and most
fleets award). #22-the bonus unrest strikes
Egypt at Alexandria and Naucratis (Blue -6 to Rhodes (Red, with Heracles, -2£=6). Move- Perdiccas hides behind the walls of Babylon.
VP=2). [Again, the players apply unrest incor- ment (dr=4): Cassander (4) to Myriandrus, KIBITZER: Share and Gnall had a deal in the
rectly to more than one space, although Blue is removes garrison. Stasander to Europus, previous round. Share was supposed to take
better prepared to handle it-SKT] Movement removes garrison. KIBITZER: Now we see Cyprus; apparently Gnall was supposed to take
(dr=6, all move 4): Stasander to Issus. Cassander another reason for Peithon accepting battle at Babylon! DUKE: The "greed" of having cards
leaves lR in Damascus, moves to Edessa. KIB- Xanthus-to capture Philip III. Now he must you can't use against the Usurper (but want to
ITZER: What does Gnall have in mind for Cas- send to independent Rhodes. use anyway) is about the only hope the Usurper
sander? He moved next to Seleucus (Gold chose • Mardani surrenders; besieges Pella has of splitting the alliance against him.
to not intercept on the TP and could not intercept with surprise #46 (draws #43), but Duke coun- Arados surrenders; Lysimachus
at enemy-controlled Edessa or Thapsacus). Cas- ters with #48 (draws #41)-which also sends the besieges Pella, getting one siege point. #37-
sander is closer to Alexander IV and Babylon Cilician Pirates to the unclaimed box-resulting Places an elephant at Susa. Movement (dr=2):
than is Seleucus. in one siege point, but a loss of 1M. #29-garri- Lysimachus (2) besieges Pella to no effect.
Europus surrenders (Red -2 VP=12). son at Larissa; bonus places the Helepolis at Seleucus (3) moves to Phaliga. Nicanor with
#2-as a Major Campaign to move Lysimachus Pella. Movement (dr=6, all move 4): Lysimachus 1E+lR from Susa to Kish.
to Cherronesus by strait. Movement (dr=2): besieges Pella twice with no success, losing 1M. Blue: Byzantium surrenders. #8-can't use
Seleucus (3) to Mardani (Purple chose not to Seleucus to Arados. KIBITZER: While Duke is the event or the garrison points. Movement
intercept at Thapsacus). Lysimachus (2) to Pella, out of the room, Gnall and Share make a deal in (dr=6, all move 4): Ptolemy to Tyre, getting one
where Red decides to shelter 2M, while having which Seleucus is to move on Cyprus. siege point against it. Cephalon to Ancyra.
Pyrrhus try to retreat with 1M. Gold plays #49 Blue: Galilaea, Dascylium sUlTender (+1 VP CORNAGHIE: Red is getting too close. If Red
(draws #37), preventing retreat and ensuring the for Judea=9, Red -2 VPs for Hellspontine=13); doesn't follow, Cephalon will remove garrison
ovenlln. successfully besieges independent Alexandria, in Phrygia.
Blue: Pelusium, Gaza surrender (+6 VP for placing garrison, but loses 1M. #51-Bonus
Egypt=8, Red -1 VP for Judea=l1). #19-as an moves the Autariatae to Amphipolis (removes
epidemic on Antigonus, but to no effect. Move- garrison), the Greek Army to Boeotia (removes
ment (dr=2, all move 2): Neoptolemus to garrison), Ariarathes to Morimeme, the Greek To Be Continued . ..
Galilaea. Ptolemy picks up 1M in Pelusium, then Colonists to the Cossaei tribal stronghold. Move- in Volume 32, Number 4
by sea to Alexandria. [Note the tricky Nile delta ment (dr=2, all move 2): Ptolemy by sea to Gaza.
forces a sea move that makes the next move ille- Neoptolemus to Gaza. Cephalon to Byzantium
gal-SKT] Cephalon attempts to move by sea to by sea. KIBITZER: Once again we forgot the
Smyrna ... Red intercepts (see 6th Lesbos, 315 "one army by sea" rule. CORNAGHIE: Rhodes
BC). Red plays #47 (draws #48) to take control of is too tough for my current force and I think
the Cilician Pirates (+4 VPs), but Blue wins any- Ptolemy can gain some points in Phoenicia, plus
way. Though the fleet is dispersed, Red still con- a fleet. Cephalon will cause as many problems as
trols the award for largest fleet. Cephalon contin- possible, but will keep on the move.
ues movement to Dascylium. CORNAGHIE: It is
hard to believe that outnumbered three to one, I KIBITZER:
win the naval battle and finally escape from Les- Red's VP total is now only 13, because he
bas. Maybe I can create problems for Duke in has lost almost everything in the Eastern
Asia Minor, or send Cephalon and Ptolemy to Mediterranean, except Cyprus. However, The Initial Turn of The Civil War
Rhodes, one after the other. Greece and Thrace are on the verge of capture -+--+--+--+--+- (!romp. 14)
and he has an army moving to recapture Pam-
ROUND 2 (314 Be) phylia and Lycia, too. 8. (W 1, 2 or 3) If forced to spend Western
Red: Achaea surrenders; Besieges Athens theater CPs, build a Fort in Memphis (3
(now -Ion port sieges for having no fleets) and ROUND 3 (313 Be) CPs) if the dice differential allows. Other-
gets no result. #40-the Silver Shields join Red: Xanthus (Purple -2 VPs=5), Athens sur- wise create the Army of Tennessee under
Demetrius at Halicarnassus. Movement (dr=6, renders and its fleet joins Red (+5 VP for the command of A. S. Johnson in Nashville
all move 4): Demetrius to Xanthus to attack Pei- Greece=18). #32-garrisons at Getae,Tricca. (2 CPs) or move 1 SP out of Nashville
than, Purple decides against withdrawing, due to Movement (dr=5, all move 4): Ophellas to (after 1 SP has been placed) to reinforce
Demetrius' movement ability (see Xanthus, 315 Athens. Antigonus, leaving Eumenes with the fort at 2513.
BC). Peithon loses and is dispersed. Antigonus Ophellas' 1M, takes rest of army to Boeotia to 9. (E 2) If forced to spend Eastern CPs, then
to Larissa (planning to relieve Pella), where attack the Greek Army (wins and gains +IP). remove Huger (permanently is the pre-
upon Gold plays #42 (draws #36) causing deser- Demetrius moves to Halicarnassus, drops lR, ferred means, though this cost is high).
tions of IL and 1M from Antigonus to Lysi- moves by sea to ChelTonesus (Blue declares
machus at Pella. Antigonus, now outnumbered, naval combat, but neither fleet scores, see Cher- The CPs required by theater are: East 6,
retires to Athens. Eumenes besieges and takes ronesus, 313 BC). DUKE: With just one enemy West 1 to 3, Trans-Mississippi 5.
Athens, removing garrison (control of Athens, in Macedonia, which I'm bent upon destroying Subsequent turns should see the CSA build
Greece and the fleet must await the placement of anyway, the Hellespont is something I might be up the forces in the West in anticipation of the
a garrison in the surrender segment). KIB- able to take and hold. KIBITZER: Well, that was fighting in Kentucky on and after turn 3. The
ITZER: Later Duke realizes that #48 could have a surprise. I thought Demetrius would take the Confederacy must build a fort in Nashville and
canceled #42. It is hard to remember cards you Asia Minor coastal provinces back. a fortress in Memphis as soon as possible, if
draw during the turn, while the ones you start Purple: Myriandrus, Europus surrender (+2 this has been done on turn 1. These Fortifica-
with are ingrained in your memory, because you VP for Syria=7). #4-as a Major Campaign to tion are invaluable in holding these important
have built a plan around them. DUKE: Simply move Cassander (picking up Stasander) to the TP cities (they must be assaulted and they help
put, I got rattled, dwelling on bad die rolls. [Note SE of Phaliga (no attrition loss). [The transit restrict Union river movement).
that the desertion card could have been used point forage limit is improperly interpreted here. Remember, as the Confederate you cannot
more effectively after combat was initiated at There is no attrition roll. In the forage segment, take on the Union equally for long-you don't
Pella-SKT] Cassander's army would have to lose I CU, but have resources. To win, hang in there and hurt
Purple: Edessa, Issus surrender (+2 VP=7). in this case, he'd already be gone and safe- the Union where possible. Fall back and fight
#27-garrisons in Amida, Antzitene [Not only is SKT] Movement (dr=4): Cassander (4) to Baby- for the heart of the Confederacy. Southern
Amida to Anzitene an illegal chain, but it also lon (-3£ for Champion status 10ss=0). Gold plays Independence may yet be granted.
violates distance limits, as a mountain pass #43 (draws #21), but his die rolls fails to get him
counts as 2 MPs-SKT]; bonus sends Philip III the promised "Salvation in the 11th Hour."
eurn ,3 (rounds 1-,3):
Che Red Usurper fights against
a 3- way alliance.


Saved by the Bell

Tournament Rules for
by Terry Coleman
ITLE BOUT is one of the simplest games

T on the market (I've taught people how to

play in ten minutes). Despite the game's
enduring popularity, the game has its flaws. In
particular, the rules are vague. Later editions
Total points are divided as you wish between added to the confusion, unnecessarily complicat-
DYO WRASSLIN' the following six categories: Strength, Agility, ing the game with new counter-punching and
endurance rules. The following clarifications are
by Dan Dolan Skill, Power Surge (Maximum of 3), Weight and
Recovery (Maximum of 3). based on my years of playing TITLE BOUT and
Using a blank wrestler form, fill out the dam- running it at conventions. They comprise the

he idea behind this "Do Your Own" vari- age section using the same order as on the official rules to be used at this year's Avaloncon.
ant is to allow a player to create his/her wrestlers that came with the game. Give one box If you have any questions, feel free to contact me
own wrestlers. The system itself has been for each point allocated to a particular category at tcoleman@zd.com.
kept simple so as to allow the younger players of and put a solid line after the last skill box to
this fine game to be able to create their own IT'S A KNOCKOUT!
show when the wrestler is immobile. The most commonly misunderstood rule con-
heros or villains. Photocopiable forms are pro-
STEP 2. Roll three dice and add the Specialty cerns the Knockout strategy. If your boxer has
vided on this issue's insert.
Modifier received from the previous step. Con- endurance remaining when you choose to go for
sult the Specialty Chart (below). You may the Knockout, you gain a huge advantage. Dur-
STEP 1. Roll one die on the following table.
choose either the modified result or the face ing that round, every time a result such as L-
value of the roll. This will be your wrestler's (potential knockdown)-43 comes up as the result
Specialty. If you get two Specialties that your of a punch landed, you do not check the KD
Specialty number against your Hitting Power. Instead, you
wrestler cannot execute, subtract one from your
dr Total Points Modifier go immediately to the Knockdown and Knockout
DR and use either of those two Specialties.
I II 5 Chart and check the next card's KDR result
2 12 4 STEP 3. Make a "Good Guy"I"Bad Guy" die against your opponent's adjusted KDR.
3 13 3 roll: If your boxer has no endurance remaining
4 14 2 * when you choose the Knockout strategy, you get
(for this round only) your original Hitting Power.
5 15 1 DR Result This can still be useful, since your boxer loses
6 ROLL AGAlN: 1-4 Good Guy one each off his Hitting Power and Punches
1-3: 10 6 5 Bad Guy Landed ratings cumulatively every round after
4-6: 16 0 6 Bad Guy, with no manager his Endurance runs dry. This temporary hitting
boost could well be the difference between a KO
and a 3-point punch.
SPECIALTY CHART The boxer with the higher Aggression Rating
(AGG) is awarded a point each and every round.
3DR HOLD Requirell1 ents Damage 2nd Special Both strategy cards and random events can
3 GST Str.> Opp. Str. Auto Win change AGG ratings, though. The designer's
4 NUKE Str.> Opp. Str. 4 intent was to show the ebb and flow of aggres-
5 WILDCARD Str.-l Use as any card sion during the fight. Adding to the complication
6 THE GRIP Str. 2: Opp. Str. 2/Turn is the question of who opens play in each round:
7 BLUE CARD As per Blue Card; Referee ineffective vs. this the boxer sometimes referred to as "the aggres-
sor" in the rules, even though that boxer might
8 PILEDRIVER Agl.-I; Str. 2:0pp Wgt. 3
not be the one with a higher AGG. Confused yet?
9 REVERSE-BLOCK As per card FOREIGN OBJECT'3 Here's the way it really works:
10 BACKBREAKER Str. > Opp. Str. Auto Win
1) In the very first round of the bout (only), the
11 THUMPER Str. > Opp. Wgt. Opp. Wgt.+J
boxer with the highest modified AGG begins
12 SUPLEX Str. 2: Opp. Wgt. 2 SLEEPER play. If AGG are the same, use the tie-breaker
13 ATOMIC DROP Str. 2: Opp. Wgt. 2 RECOVER 2 in the manual (front page, right column).
14 SPLASH Str.-l Agl.-I Wgt.-3 4 2) Afterwards, the boxer who won the last round
15 POWER SLAM Str. 2x Opp. Wgt. 2xOpp. Wgt. begins play. This must be a clear win (by six
16 LIGHTS OUT Agl-l&Str-l IfOpp. immobile Auto Win points or more). If the outcome is in dispute
17 HEART ATTACK OppStr. 3 (say, one boxer wins by 1-5 points), go back
18 THUNDER PUNCH 3 round-by-round to the point when you had a
19 BOSTON CRAB Agl.-l Str. > Opp. Str. IITurn REFEREE winner of a round to determine who begins
the round.
20 FIGURE 4 Str.-I Skill-I IITurn
3) In each round, including the first, the boxer
21 HEAD BUTT Str.l 2 who has the higher adjusted AGG rating gains
22 REVERSE KICK & Skill-I 2 one point, which you record on the Points Per
23 SLEEPER Opp. Str. 2/Turn REVERSE Round track (not in the AGG column of the
24 WILDCARD Use as any Card scoresheet).
(Continued on p. 56)+++++
John W. Kisner
John A. Walker

We dedicate this issue to the memory

of John & Barbara Kennedy y favorite aunt and uncle died to the Mont St. Jean battlefield. Nobody

M this winter. At one of the funer-

als their lone daughter (among
eight children) said something that I
cared that the ground scale was off a little
bit; WELLINGTON'S VICTORY'S four beauti-
ful maps were a perfect fit to our purpose.
Here's an explanation of how ZQC scores a found quite touching: her mom's life was
game's complexity and general quality: a road map that showed how she, too, We quickly discovered that fighting over
could be a good mother. historical ground, even ground that's cer-
COMPLEXITY tifiably anachronistic, made all the differ-
Two ratings are used to describe a Maps are important. In life, they mark the ence. The clash of armor - that is, all
game's complexity. The first, Size, is best routes, whatever the destination. In that dierolling for hits and penetration -
based on physical size (so the more wargaming, maps are likewise charged now was charged with new urgency. No
counters or mapsheets the game with responsibility: they take us back in longer did we refight some no-name, no-
uses, the higher the number). The time. Unit counters, with their abstract account little firefighL. now it was the
second, System, is an assessment of symbols and cryptic IDs, are much less Battle of Waterloo, 1940.
how hard the game mechanics are powerful passports to time travel. But
to learn (this score is mostly based forests, rivers, and mountains require lit- As you might imagine, the scenarios we
on the size of the rulebook). tle decoding: even my five-year-old can constructed usually included a handful of
point them out on most any game map. British infantry holed up in Hougoumont,
GAME REVIEW ABSTRACT delaying Rommel's spearheads with their
In each of the following GRA categories we Today's mapsheets are often nothing toy-like Boys ATRs. In our games, the
use an ascending subjective scale of 1-5: short of amazing. Rick Barber, Dean panzers were never quite able to clear the
Essig, Joe Youst, and the team that draws position, leaving the losers to mumble
'Look' is rated on aesthetic grounds. those "painted" maps for Avalon Hill do something about history repeating itself.
superb work. Their styles differ, but each Which, I guess in retrospect, was partly
'Utility' rates the component design's impact understands the devilish way in which the point. We were pseudo-scientifically
on ease of play. details can draw us deeply into the past. exploring the changes in warfare that had
occurred between 1815 and 1940, treat-
'Rules' are rated for completeness I've known the power of maps for a long ing a specific battlefield, Waterloo, as the
and organization. time. Ironically it was TOBRUK, a game controlled variable. That, and having a
whose featureless mapboards seemed to helluva good time.
'Game' scores the fun and equate desert warfare with naval combat,
replay value. that completed my early education. Com- Funerals are not a good time; they are
pleting the analogy to dreadnought instead a time to grieve and reflect.
'Simulation' rates realism and actions was the precise way TOBRUK Kodak moments replay in slide-projector
nuts-and-bolts detail. dealt with hardware: several dierolls were hearts, reminding us of how the dear
needed to check each tank round for hit departed enriched our lives. Warm mem-
'Innovation' scores inventiveness, location and armor penetration. The game ories are also sparked by walks through
novelty, and new combinations of old ideas. system's cult-like following was eventu- old game graveyards. Fond recollections
ally rewarded with several sequels set in are buried there in musty cardboard
'Solitaire' rates the degree to which solo play other times and climes, two popular coffins, souvenirs from the hundred lives
is possible. examples being MBT and PANZER. that have touched ours from the other side
of a game table.
CORRESPONDENCE At first TOBRUK's technical precision
Letters to ZQC can be sent was exciting, but eventually all that The week after my uncle died I learned
care of Avalon Hill in Balti- dierolling left me a little cold. But that that four of his fellow mapmakers were
more or direct to John Kisner was nothing compared to the chill blow- seriously ill or injured. Dean Essig and
at: ing off that sub-zero map, which my col- Rodger MacGowen, both in wargaming's
lege gaming group soon decided to warm Hall of Fame, were joined in sick bay by
Zone of Control with a little home-brewed terrain. Absent Dave Powell and Chris Volny, hall-of-
7104 Bellaire Avenue an art major in the bunch, we had to famers in their own right. These are good,
Windsor Heights, IA 50311 improvise. A stroke of genius led us to honorable, talented men. For their friends
shift the action from Libya to the opening and families, let's pray they recover soon.
515-277-8920 days of the 1940 campaign. What better
zoc@earthlink.net venue, we decided, than Belgium, home - John W. Kisner

Trotsky believed in his Lenin- the counters are no less COlOlful. Remark- But little things, such as alternating HQ
given right to disseminate his ably, given the rainbow palette, only the activations and letting multiple HQs
opinions. As maximum leader Polish units, with their red and black letter- attempt a coordinated activation, lift the
of the USSR, Stalin held just ing on a deep blue field, put a strain on curse of banality. Likewise, at first glance
as dear his right to minimize all criticism. these aging eyes. Counter-sturdiness is the rules for rail movement seem pretty
more of a problem, since fat-fingered play- ho-hum, nothing new. But instead of sim-
Relations between critics and game ers may find the skinny units-about two- ply using the boilerplate approach of
designers are not that adversarial, even if thirds the customary thickness-hard to assigning each side a rail capacity,
some game reviews have the subtext stack and unstack. RossyiA'S rolling stock is tied directly to
"Ideology flawed! Designer a traitor to control of cities and off-map boxes.
the Revolution!" Let's face it, most The rules are an easy read even the first
gamers find such debates about as rele- time through, with few of the typographi- Headquarter activation is the spinal cord
vant as Trotskyism. What matters is how cal errors and translation problems found of RosSyiA. When an HQ is selected, you
clean a game plays right out of the box. in EUROPA UNIVERSALIS. Extensive player determine its supply state, resurrect dead
and designer notes, as well as a run- units, and spend armament points. An
Its English rules (the ones most of us will through of sample moves, are an added activated HQ is given a variable number
use) are a translation, so the overall polish bonus. They come up short only in spe- of these points keyed to weather condi-
of Azure Wish Edition's RossyiA 1917 is cific examples of mechanics, of which I tions and distance from a railhead. While
remarkable. There's nothing earth-shak- count only four amidst the forty pages. a few armament points can be stockpiled,
ing about this design, but the designer's in practice HQs never stray far from a rail
commitment of three years to the project RossyiA colorfully depicts the hex. (This makes key rail junctions like
measures 7.0 on the Richter scale. political machinations sup- Moscow or Vinitsa natural military objec-
porting military operations
RossyiA covers the critical years of the across vast distances. Its
Russian Civil War, 1917 to 1922. Few interactive nature is showcased when you WANT THE BACK ISSUES?
wargames have been published on this key can gather more than the standard two
conflict, and we must reach all the way players around the table. Full-blown A typical back issue of ZQC contains
back to SPI's RUSSIAN CIVIL WAR for any- RossyiA accommodates eight: a Bolshe- sixty pages of reviews and essays.
thing rivaling the quality of this new game. vik, a commander of each of the four They're now just $5 each, which
major White Russian factions, an Allied includes shipping to the USA or
Sorely needed, RossyiA is also a sight for (or "Interventionist") player, a Czech Canada (add $1 per issue for overseas
sore eyes. (Long live our hobby's graphical player, and someone to play clean-up for orders). Send a check or money order
revolution!) Its components are the equal of the minor neutrals. to John Kisner at 7104 Bellaire Ave.,
any. The two maps are nicely airbrushed in Windsor Heights, IA 50311. You can
shades of orange, green, brown, and blue. Here the term "interactive" refers primar- also phone (515-277-8920) or e-mail
And, while less artistic than AWE's earlier ily to the way players alternate the activa- (zoc@earthlink.net). Some issues are
EUROPA UNIVERSALIS (reviewed in ZQC #7), tion of headquarters and subordinate in short supply, so order today!
units. Mini-monsters often contain long
GAME REVIEW ABSTRACT waits between player turns, but through The back issues, by cover story, are:
this impulsing (alternating chances to #1: 'THUNDER AT THE CROSSROADS.
move small packets of troops) RossyiA'S #2: PROUD MONSTER.
Utility boredom-risk is minimized. #3: LA BATAILLE series. Sold out!
Game As noted, though the subject is revolu- #5: CRlSIS: SINAI 1973.
Simulation tionary, the design is not. This tying of #6: 'THREE DAYS OF GETTYSBURG.
Innovation combat units to all-impOltant HQs for #7: INDO-PAKISTANI WARS.
purposes of activation and supply goes at #8: HANNffiAL.
1 2 3 4 5 least as far back as FORTRESS EUROPA.

tives.) An HQ without sufficient arma- attacking force is not inferior in shock period will also applaud the portrayal of
ment points forfeits the ability to form an points, it may conduct a shock assault. In the anarchist Makhno, who randomly
all-important reserve, and its subordinate practice, ninety percent of attacks are of flip-flops between Red and White control
units neither move or execute administra- the shock variety. Why? In shock battles, as the game progresses.
tive movement (a move at double the retreats become more likely (unless the
usual rate), and run the risk of attrition. defender wishes to absorb double losses Rounding out this nuanced look at a com-
to stay in place). This makes shock com- plex political struggle are event chits that
There is a finite limit to the number of bat particularly effective against geo- include the possibility of world revolu-
combat counters an HQ can command, graphical objectives, like major cities. tion, greater worldwide support for the
which means that some of the best units counter-revolution and a host of national-
get stuck with the worst leaders-like it Shock-capable units can also form a istic anti-Red offensives. Each side can
or not. To get around the limit, occasion- mobile combat reserve. A reserve, desig- also expend a limited number of propa-
ally a player will make the permitted nated by placing an appropriate marker, is ganda chits to provide favorable modi-
coordination die roll, which will let him created when a given HQ spends three fiers for coordination and armament point
move using two HQs at once. The idea is armament points. Up to 25% of subordi- rolls, or else to force selected enemy units
to execute comparatively massive opera- nated units can be reserve-designated. to undergo immediate attrition checks.
tions before the enemy can react. Failed Reserve units move and fight during a
coordination rolls accurately reflect the separate post-combat phase. These may RossYiA is a challenging game
lack of cooperation within the Bolshevik pursue defending units that have already well worth the investment of
and Tsarist camps. Promises of aid were suffered in combat, this being an excep- time and money. Without
often broken over petty personality tion to the rule that a unit may only be excessive complexity or
clashes; coordination rolls are a simple attacked once per tum. needless chrome, the design is a concise,
representation of grass-roots squabbling. effective treatment of a subject deserving
The military side of this enormous strug- our attention. While the rules could use
Combat in RossYiA is never mandatory, gle gets top billing-land, air, and sea more editorial polish (there are numerous
and there is no separate combat phase in aspects are about equally represented. special rules and exceptions to keep track
which all post-movement attacks are Politics plays a key supporting role. Of of), taken as a whole the game is an his-
adjudicated. Headquarters provide an all- particular interest is the pre-game fate of torically accurate depiction of a misun-
powerful combat dieroll modifier (for the Tsar. He, and/or his family, might derstood conflict.
instance, Trotsky's is +3). remain on the scene to influence events,
making the campaign game's start deli-
There are two different types of combat: ciously random. Other special rules allow
normal and shock. Units are rated for rel- for an independent Ukrainian faction of
ative shock capabilities (the number respectable size, as well as Polish, Turk-
found in the upper left of a counter) in ish, Rumanian and Finnish "nationalist-
addition to normal combat factors. If the reactionary" elements. Students of the

ANNOTATED SEQUENCE ing sequence: After all HQs on the map have
been activated, the player with ROSSYIA 1917
Mutual Phase 1. The phasing player selects an the initiative may move and Size 3.8 • System 6.3
Players roll to determine weather HQ for activation and flips subor- attack with any independent Solo "Average"
in north and south map zones. dinate units to their backside. (anomalous) units under his com- SCALE
Weather only indirectly affects Two HQs can be activated with a mand. When completed, the 1 month per tum
movement (per available arma- successful coordination roll. opposing players may in tum do 30 miles per hex
ment points an HQ can have). likewise.
2. Check supply status of acti- PUBLISHER
Azure Wish Edition S.A.R.L.
Players determine initiative (per vated units, use replacements to End 'fum Phase 16 rue Bachaumont F-75002
current political level) and rail bring on rebuilt units (at cities) or Players adjust railhead markers to Paris, France
capacity and replacement points strengthen existing units. reflect changes in rail control.
available (per control of key cities Any reinforcements scheduled for DESIGN
Francois-Stanis1as Thomas
and off-map boxes). 3. Determine available armament this turn now arrive at cities under
points (based on weather and the respective faction's control. GRAPHICS
The Political Phase HQ's proximity to a railroad). The Political Level marker is now Philippe Thibaut
Players each draw a variable Armament points are spent to adjusted to reflect the current
number of political chits, some of move and attack with active units, degree of political victory for COMPONENTS
1040 counters, two 32" x 24"
which can be played immediately and to place units in reserve. either side. maps, 1 rules booklet, 1
or held for use later. scenario booklet, 4 sets of
4. Resolve attacks as either nor- charts & tables.
Military Phase mal or shock. After applying
Beginning with the player who combat results, units in reserve $46
currently has the most HQs on the can be moved and launch attacks.
map, players alternate the follow-

"It doesn't work." Just mostly found in its precision and sophis- a new edition of NAPOLEON by Avalon
,... having pulled a game from
(,;) my backpack, just hoping
tication. What we're really after is histor-
ical accuracy; that's how all us boomers
Hill a few years ago seems to have done
much to widen the audience. Frankly, I'm
~ 4 to cajole my friend into justify the time and expense. Realism, baffled by the narrowness of the block-
....._ _.......... giving it a try, just imagine like obscenity, is tough to define, but each game niche. And maybe even a little
hearing this. It made me want to hear of us knows it when he sees it. But for all heart-broken.
more. And play less. our scholarly posturing about what,
specifically, is right or wrong about any Resistance to block games
Eventually, the two of us got around to given design, more often than not the in general, and to SAM
playing something, but not before we had impulse that guides our thumbs down or GRANT in particular, rallies
talked about this thing long enough to up comes not from the head, but the heart. around the maps. Now
affirm that a narrow margin divides love And the heart, or so I've been told, has don't get me wrong: as
from hate, indifference from infatuation. reasons that Reason doesn't understand. shown by the sample above, Eric Hotz's
Looking back, I admit my lawyerly friend artwork is top-notch. The problem is, to
had an open-and-shut case against SAM For whatever reason, for several years the physically accommodate the wood-block
GRANT. But like Lincoln, who didn't care line of block games from Columbia has playing pieces, the map's hexagons mea-
what his Grant was drinking as long as he been one of my guilty pleasures. You've sure ajumbo 1.75" across. As a result, the
fought, my heart didn't care how inaccu- probably seen them played at conven- size medium map wears like an extra-
rate SAM GRANT was as long as it played. tions, but from what I understand not small. Indeed, if drawn with standard 5/8"
enough wargamers are actually buying hexes the map would shrink onto a single
Only rarely is wargaming perceived as an them to make them very successful in a sheet of notebook paper.
affair of the heart. This hobby's appeal is commercial sense. Not even the release of

ANNOTATED SEQUENCE Victory Check issue a limited number of special

SAM GRANT is a race for control of commands. After any HQ acti- Size 1.7' System 4.9
The Monthly Turn: important cities. Time favors the vates it loses a step, and since Solo "Poor"
South, which receives a nudge these are costly to replace it's
Replacements toward victory with every change important to move efficiently. SCALE
Historical replacement rates are in season. It takes four hours to I month per turn
roughly 23 miles per hex
modified by current events, like play an 8-month scenario, but Combat Phase
issuing a draft or controlling players may optionally fight on. To add tactical flavor, a battle PUBLISHER
Kentucky. RPs are used to build board is used. Battles are broken Columbia Games
up combat units of HQs. The The Campaign Turn: down into several battle turns. It's PO Box 3457
CSA usually gets fewer RPs, but Blaine, WA 98231
literally a dice-rolling contest,
since its HQ steps are less Weather Phase with one die tossed for each step DESIGN
expensive, there is no real edge The weather is dry between April of strength firing. Even so, there Tom Dagliesh
for the USA. and November. The rest of the is more to tactics than just rolling and Gary Selkirk
year is mud (not much happens). well (such as deciding whether to
Operations fire or melee, or to conduct a Eric Hotz
Determine initiative by secretly Movement Phase risky flank attack). The power of
"bidding" how many HQs you Units move under the command cavalry is exaggerated, but other- COMPONENTS
will activate in the first campaign of an activated HQ. An activated wise the system works well. 84 hardwood blocks, one 25"
tum. CSA wins ties. The rest of x 22" map, 24-page rules
USA HQ can command any unit booklet, 2 sets of charts &
this segment consists of players within one hex; a CSA HQ has a Supply Phase tables.
alternating conduct of campaign two-hex command range. The Units that cannot trace to a nearby
turns (see below). Operations end supreme HQ on each side has railroad or river must forage or PRiCE: $49
when both players "pass." unlimited range, but can only lose a step.

It might be just a male thing, but regard- the game's only suitable ground for major ation below) reveals the design's stress on
less of why, size is important to most campaigning is that first half-dozen hexes the effects of terrain on the speed at
wargamers. I'm sympathetic to the issue; east of the Mighty Miss, and to reach that which a moving force can concentrate for
everyone draws a line on what he will and ground the Union army must first cross a battle. Outside of battle hexes, terrain
won't play. Collectible cardgames-like major river, the Cumberland. effects are of much less consequence.
Columbia's DIXIE-were struck from my
play-list because their "maps" are limited As the game's title character, you'll have Between-hex terrain is what determines
to just a handful of spaces. Of course big- a devil of a time cracking the line. Forget the limit on how many units may cross a
ger isn't always better, especially when decamping at Shiloh come April; often- hexside into battle. Four units may attack
it's too big for the table, but at some level times the Cumberland fight rages well across a clear hexside, for example, but
most everyone in the hobby (myself into summer. Long lines hold too long- only two through forest. Given that most
included) equates size with realism. we'll have more to say about why later- battles occur in hexes partially shielded
so SAM GRANT'S a failure, right? Not by river or forest, an average-sized army
SAM GRANT is no monster, but it does play really. The historical clock may run a lit- (roughly twelve blocks) will rarely be
larger than its 15-by-19 hexfield. I didn't tle slow, but you won't notice because of able to move together into battle. As a
always think so. Indeed, during my first the fascinating tactical process by which result, battles start small and grow as both
play-through the "1862" scenario seemed that line is won or lost. sides reinforce from adjacent hexes.
misnamed: it felt more like 1916. By way
of explanation, let's begin with a nickel It's ironic, given the map scale, for tactics When a battle begins, players deploy the
tour of the system and situation. to be SAM GRANT'S forte. Heck, in a single combatants on an abstract battle board. If
hex you can stack an entire army - make you've trained with DIXIE, you know the
In historical 1862, the CSA's strategic that two, one blue and one gray, while a combat drill: divisions deploy in left, cen-
problem out West was how to defend the battle is raging. Besides condensing the ter, and flank positions; attacking units
long line running from Appalachia to the action, use of those big hexes also runs must move forward to engage enemy line
Mississippi. Political pressures com- the risk of distorting geography. To serve positions; defenders get the first shot,
pounded the military dilemma: the Con- realism, I think it's much harder to serve then fire alternates. A "day" of battle con-
federate high command had to deftly jug- up a 15-by-19 hexfield than one drawn sists of five tactical rounds, and it's at the
gle the parochial interests of Bowling triple that size. Scale directly relates to end of each round that players stoke the
Green, Nashville, and Memphis. Hind- how frequently the mapmaker must erase firefight by feeding in reinforcing blocks.
sight suggests they made the classic mis- or enlarge terrain features to make every- Thus major fights, especially, tingle with
take of trying to hold everything. thing fit. But somehow, even with those the excitement of a meeting engagement.
two points against him, this particular
It makes a lot more sense to try and hold designer has managed to offer up a fairly The Confederate line along the Cumber-
that entire line in SAM GRANT than it did in sophisticated look at battle and maneuver land is strong because the between-hex
real life. Eastern Tennessee is a wilder- during the Civil War. terrain along it disfavors the Union's abil-
ness, so one flank, anchored at Knoxville, ity to reinforce an attack. But the line will
is very easy to defend. Players soon learn The potential geographical problem was break; it's only a matter of time. It does
overcome by cleverly expanding the hex- gets a little frustrating, but the mental
GAME REVIEW ABSTRACT palette to make between-hex terrain challenge, for both sides, holds interest
almost as important as whole-hex terrain. throughout the chess-like maneuvering
Look 1"_WJi1WMIE!\~"i5\WJi5i5:i5JJ~1i\1i1E At first it's a little hard to "read" the ter- on the roads to Vicksburg and Atlanta.
Utility.,. _
rain, but once you get used to looking at
Rules . , . - - - - - what's in the center of any given hex or SAM GRANT has a lot more going for it

Game . , . - - - - - - _ hexside, it becomes second nature. The than clever terrain effects. A laundry list,
Simulation 1---i1W end product is a surprisingly nuanced all we have space for, is headed by a sec-
Innovation 1 - _ campaign map, one where a clear hex can ond scenario that presents the Union with
have forest hexsides (and vice-versa). A another neat puzzle: how to take Vicks-
1 2 345 quick study of the TEC (see partial recre- burg. Those who own BOBBY LEE can add
to the puzzle by combining the two into
TERRAIN EFFECTS (DRY WEATHER) something of a mini-monster game.
Finally, about the only part of the game
TERRAIN BETWEEN-HEX WHOLE-HEX that isn't a puzzle is the rules, which are a
Attack Reinforce Forage Defense joy to read. (But there is one critical map
CLEAR 4 2 4 Basic error: Waynesborough should be marked
FOREST 2 1 Stop* 2 Double as a CSA supply hex.)
MARSH 1 1/2 Stop 1 Double
RIVER** 2 1 I'll admit it, that ear-full
GAP 1 1/2 from my friend had me on
CITY +2 Basic the verge of never playing
TOWN +1 Basic SAM GRANT again. He's a
FORTRESS Double smart guy, but in the end I
was smarter. I listened to my heart.
* Stop only if no friendly unit in hex. ** Minor River or Major RiverBridge.

Battles from the Age of Rea- focused on the historical battle. It pits the their counters are white. Their helpmate
son, the 18th Century tactical speed and power of the Prussian attack Wiirttemburgers and Bavarians are few,
series from Clash of Arms, against Austrian resourcefulness in slow- but wear uniforms that can easily be mis-
has become the preeminent ing or stopping it. taken for Prussian.
system for gaming gunpowder battles.
The system plateaued with ZORNDORF, It has become a cliche to call counters Rick Barber did his usual painstaking and
which was reviewed in ZQC #8. LEUTHEN, colorful. The counters Clash of Arms effective work on the maps. Beth Que-
the newest entry, covers the famous from- publishes with its gunpowder games are man's battlefield maps have perhaps
the-side drubbing that Frederick gave in a class by themselves. They use stan- more variety. Joseph Youst and Charles
Austria's army in 1757. dard NATO symbology but also mimic Kibler make as good use of color and pat-
troop uniforms. The counters are well- tern (though Youst's maps are plagued by
The curtain goes up with Prussia's troops discriminated, but study them carefully sliver hexes in coastlines). But Barber
in position to strike. A "Prussian early before you untree them. A visual clue is and Kibler, of all our mapmasters,
start" option is provided, but LEUTHEN, the fact that Maria Theresa's people are employ the most effective symbology,
like all Age of Reason games, is firmly white-shuted-that is, the top halves of and Barber is preeminent in symbology

ANNOTATED SEQUENCE moved may only make limited is compared to the Fire Defense Resolution of close combat is
activations for the rest of that Value of the target's terrain, and elaborate. Both sides determine
Army Morale Check hourly turn. the resulting ratio supplies the their available strength points to
In the first turn of each hour only, column on the Fire CRT. The roll determine the odds column used.
\ both players total losses and Command Activation of two dice gives the strength Each player rolls a die, adding his
( routed units, then roll a die to find
if there is any increase in their
Select a Command (a group of
combat units and their leader)
point loss inflicted, if any, and
whether there is Return Fire.
applicable close combat rating,
and then compares the rolls to
Army Morale Modifiers (the which has not yet been activated. generate a differential (which can
higher the modifier, the harder it Movement range from 10+ to -10). Cross-
is for units of that army to pass Command Control Activated units conduct formation indexing the difference with the
morale checks). The Command's leader must be changes and movement, possibly odds column gives the strength
able to trace a Line of Command triggering and taking opportunity points lost, disorder, morale
---, Initiative Determination to the Army Leader, or to a Wing fire from the other side. If this is a check, rout, and surrender results
Each player rolls one die, adding Leader who can trace command "limited activation" (see above), for both sides.
in his Army Leaders' command to the Army Leader. If not, a only units in road column move.
rating. The winner gets to activate successful roll against that If either player has any
a Command or require the enemy leader's initiative rating is needed Close Combat unactivated commands, they
to do so. There is a small chance for activation. Activated Units not out of return again to the Initiative
(if one player rolls a zero) of command, shaken, or routed may Determination Phase. If not, they
triggering a random event for one Disorder Recovery declare close combat, including proceed to the Rally Phase
player (the non-zero roller). Activated units remove dis- cavalry charges. Attackers check
ordered markers if they pass a die morale against their effectiveness. Rally
Initiative rolls are used to roll check against their Attacking cavalry then charges Each player makes morale checks
abstractly trigger what can be effectiveness ratings. against any target within range for shaken and routed units, and
thought of as battle fatigue. while enemy units get the chance captured units leave the game.
Whenever the sum of the two Fire Combat to react by changing formation or The Hour Marker is advanced and
initiative rolls is over twelve, the Activated units capable of firing facing (at the cost of a disorder a new turn begins.
"turn clock" marker is moved may do so. Fire Strength is based check) or by countercharging (if
down a row of boxes. When the on strength points, current cavalry themselves). Defenders
marker reaches the bottom, formation, nationality, unit type, check their morale and lay on
Commands that have not yet and range. The resulting number defensive fire.

for battlefields. The look of Barber's perform fire combat with your Kurszell of ZQC I likened it to a symphony. You, the
maps has rightly achieved classic status. Fuseliers and the 2dl0 roll is 0 and 4. Any player, are the conductor. There are no
In LEUTHEN, he's drawn a December bat- fire diceroll where one of the dice is 0 is special results in these areas: everything
tlefield with little inhex color, so a trained a special result, in this case Full Volley. is under player control and the scope for
eye is needed to read the dot-dash contour Full Volley requires you to recalculate the creativity is wide. Convoluted it is not,
lines (important only for artillery line of fire combat odds, doubling the fire-fac- but it is extremely diverse. Learning the
sight). The grassblade accents placed tors. You have already calculated fire- options takes work. Combining them into
around slopes and contour lines are clas- odds; now you must do it again. effective tactics takes experience and
sic examples of Barber's style. Although The system is honeycombed with the spe- practice. For a little more on this, see our
functionless, and even a little distracting, cial results mechanic; it even affects Notes and Comments.
they help trick us into believing the maps morale checks. If Full Volley seems con-
are vintage 1757. One can tell a lot about the elegance of a

.. The phrase "critical enthusi-

voluted, bear in mind that most special
result rerolls are not recalculation re- system from the number of status mark-
ers. Age of Reason is not marker-heavy

rolls. Sticking with infantry fire, although
asm" encapsulates my reac- more than half the special results lead to (especially for its level of detail). Roster
7 ·4 tion to Age of Reason. Both rerolls (others nullify the fire or modify sheets can be used to track losses
criticism and enthusiasm the combat outcome in some way), you (although step-loss markers are provided
relate to the degree of complexity. Com- need make a recalculation only four per for those who prefer them). Line is the
plexity varies, of course, even when cent of the time. And a solid 80 per cent most common formation, and of course
speaking only of complex games. There of fire results are straightforward with no requires no marker. Other formations,
are games with many simple subsystems special result. such as road column, may have one
where the trick is in seeing how the sub- marker covering several units. Cavalry
systems interrelate. Call it the complexity The special results are not chrome, if you charge and infantry close combat markers
of system diversity. There are also games define chrome as things outside a game are quickly put in place and quickly
where the subsystems are few but very system's frame-of-detail that lend color removed. The main marker carrying over
elaborate, and only after working through or concreteness. Age of Reason simply from turn to turn is the one for formation
the kinks, and seeing how they affect the has a very inclusive frame-of-detail. A and morale state.
end result, can you play skillfully. To less detailed system would not notice a
compound diversity and convolution, phenomenon like full volley - which is The key factors affecting an
there is complexity of data or particulars, not the same as not covering it. Such a intelligent buy decision are
which exists when there is a blizzard of system would subsume full volleys into complexity and the related
terrain-types or unit-types. regular fire die rolls, saying that when factor of rules writing and organization.
there is a slew of good fire die rolls, full Here there are two booklets, one for the
LEUTHEN is complex in all of these ways. volleys are occurring. system rules and one that houses the sce-
The maps have seven levels of contour narios and an account of the Leuthen
and gentle and regular slope. The orders The incrementalization of Age of Rea- battle and campaign. The writing in both
of battle feature four types of artillery, son's fire CRT is decisive on the chrome is remarkably lucid and the rules are vir-
two grades of cavalry (regular and light), characterization. How many CRTs have tually error-free. I found the outlining
and five of infantry: Musketeers, Fuse- you seen with a column for 5:2 odds? Age hierarchy, the detailed table of contents,
liers, Grenadiers, Guards and Grenzers of Reason includes one not in order to be and summary play-sequence (dual-refer-
(border troops used mainly for skirmish- different (there is more force-model justi- enced by section and page, no less)
ing). Neither Prussia nor Austria has all of fication for an odds-column between 2: 1 remarkably player-friendly. Someday
these: the Austrians have no Guard and 3:1 than for one between 3:1 and 5:1, there may be a third edition of the rules,
infantry or "Brummer" (24-pounder) can- or 4:1 and 6:1). The 5:2 odds column is but there is no reason to fear Age ofRea-
non, and the Prussians have no Grenzers. there, it seems to me, for two reasons: it son will undergo the radical redesigns or
makes infantry fire more accurate, and it suffer the perennial inchoateness of that
Some of the particularity is mere gor- helps ensure that recalculations signifi- kindred tactical spirit, Great Battles of
geousness. Effectiveness ratings (used for cantly affect the combat outcome, so the the American Civil War.
morale checks) vary in integers of one labor of making them is not wasted labor.
percent. The Unruh Grenadiers are a per- Age of Reason also has much system LEUTHEN comes with a detailed historical
cent less likely to fail a morale check than diversity, but the attendant complexity is article on the battle and campaign, includ-
the Kurszell Fuseliers. There is nothing in mollified by the same mechanic of spe- ing some excellent battlefield maps. The
the primary sources to support these exact cial results. As noted, every die-affected article is written by Professor Christopher
gradations, for the Prussian OB is itself function has a set of special results. One Duffy, who, it would seem, is to Frederick
conjectural. ("It is impossible to provide specific to LEUTHEN is "Blowing Snow & the Great what David Chandler is to
complete and accurate figures. The Smoke." It is fairly clear what Age of Napoleon. Duffy's writing is a model of
Prussian records are destroyed or inac- Reason is up to: the special results add scholarship, sophistication and point. His
cessible." - Christopher Duffy) things like weather without adding to the professionalism combines with that of
overall complexity with new subsystems. designer Paul Dangel and Clash of Arms
Convolution is the least welcome form to tell us everything we could want to
complexity can take. Initially I was not Bear this bonanza in mind when you con- know about the showpiece battle of the
enchanted with the rerolls and refights in sider the design load in respect of move- Seven Years War.
Age of Reason. To illustrate, suppose you ment and formations. In an earlier issue
C. 52
1 NOTES AND COMMENTS Scenarios: Besides the 24-turn Grand
) LEUTHEN Battle scenario (which battlefield hap-
System 2.6 • Size 2.2
Solo ."Poor" Battle Overview: The Prussians are penings may shorten considerably), there
attacking downhill toward hills. Behind are two two-map scenarios forming a
SCALE the hills they are attacking toward diptych of the battle, and a "Nadasdy's
100 yards per hex Leuthen village, conveniently (for the Wing" scenario played on part of one
20 minutes per turn Austrians) astride the axis of Prussian map.
PUBLISHER advance. Both sides' infantry fights in the
Clash of Arms three-rank line, which is more powerful Command Activation: A roll-off system,
"\ The Byrne Building#205 than the two-rank line. Austria has fewer with the high-rolling player activating an
Lincoln & Morgan Sts.
( Phoenixville, PA 19460
and lighter guns than Prussia. The six
Austrian Grenzer (skirmish) units are
as-yet-unactivated Command (or putting
that duty on the opponent). Modifiers
DESIGN posted right of center, not where the Aus- apply to these rolls. When the high roll is
Paul Dangel with Eric Lyons trian player wants them, which is in the at least double the lowroll, the high roller
Sagschutz Woods close to the Prussian can activate an entire Wing.
Rick Barber and Paul Dangel sledgehammer.
The ro11-offs are supplemented by a
COMPONENTS The Austrian position is bad indeed. On tracking feature, as certain rolls make a
Four 22" x 34" maps, 480 counters, 26- the bright side, the left flank is well marker slide down a multi-box track. All
page standard rulebook, a 26-page sce- refused and anchored on a wood, and it rolls have the same chance (about 45 per
nario booklet, and several sheets of charts
and tables. contains a mix of infantry, cavalry and cent) of using up a box, but not all turns
artillery. But they need more infantry have the same number of boxes. There
PRICE there, and fast. Then there is the misori- are ten boxes in the opening turns, which
$58 entation-east instead of southeast-of means an average of about twenty regular
many of the units they do have. These activations per turn. When the marker
units must swing leftward. As accurately reaches the last box, the turn is almost
reflected by Age of Reason, the problem o .,' (only commands in road-column can
is compounded by the fact that it takes still activate and move). The number of
'\ longer for these rigid formations to turn remaining boxes tells you how quickly or
( left than right! And time is of the essence, slowly the battle is unfolding, so you can
as the Prussians will be activating com- plan.
mands at a significantly faster rate.
Morale: Though the modifiers for morale
The Austrians can about-face by remain- checks are a bit involved, I appreciate the
ing in line and marching in a generic col- morale system's clear distinction between
GAME REVIEW ABSTRACT umn of battalions - but then they pay fear and formation loss. The statuses are
full terrain costs. Another option is to shaken, disordered, shaken-and-disor-

Look ~¥;t¥!wJ,w3!I!&3!illi&!.J13!&illiJW!&!!.!J,. enter march-column formation from line, dered, and rbut. When your men are
Utility ~ _ lowering terrain costs - but that will afraid (shaken), they are more likely to
increase vulnerability to fire. Regardless cut and run. When they are in disarray
Rules . .

Innovation ...I--------!!II _

of how, even when they manage to form a
longer southeastward-looking line, the
reoriented right flank dangles in the
breeze until they can bring up supports.
(disordered), they suffer a more modest
morale penalty but do not move as far or
fight as well.

- John A. Walker

I remember playing PERRYVILLE a few years back at a local game Nexttime we'll feature games from popular tactical systems set
convention. What made the occasion interesting was the con- in the Gunpowder Era. Our resident Napoleonics experts lead
trast provided by a Civil War miniatures battle raging on an off with a discussion of Clash of Arms' exciting new 4th edition
adjacent table. For all the obviouspageantry of the well-painted La Bataille rules and the copycat Spanish import, Los ARAPILES.
figures, my eyes couldn't see past the comic-bookish terrain. A
strip of blue cloth represented a stream, and the rest of the land- Next up will be GAINES MILL and SEVEN PINES, gamc:s which
scape (several mismatched buildings and trees) was probably gave me an excuse to return to The Garners' Civil War Brigade
cannabilized from someone's old model railroading set. To me, 'series afteca gap of several years. The company plans to release
geographical precision is far too important to ever give minia- a·· regimental Gettysburg game at Origins this summer, which
tures much of a chance. In fairness, the guys at the other table ~' (sadly) suggests the days of CWB are now numbered.
probably feel similar disgust for the way boardgamers cavalierly
pile stacks of regiments into a single hex. Finally, I promise to try and squeeze at least one WWII review
in the issue, since I'm sure all you panzer-pushers out there are
- John W. Kisner getting tireq of the recent focus on foot-sloggers!
The westernmost route is along the western

Chestnuts of Iron edge of board 3, over the western hillside of

Hill 534, perhaps using building 3I10 for
cover. The next route lies along the road
between the two hills on board 3, with lots
The Defense of Luga of cover from the shellholes, woods, and
by Jim Stahler hills. The third route runs between Hill 547
on board 3 and the woods around 4H6. The
eastern route is along the eastern half of
urning from the small, tournament- kept the Russian support weapons

board 4, following the road between the
sized scenarios I've been updating unchanged from the original scenario and 4H6 woods and the 4H2 woods.
for the ADVANCED SQUAD added two elite squads during the playtest. The Russians have enough troops to
LEADER system, I have now tackled two The board configuration is unchanged. send a sizable force along every route, and
of the largest scenarios from the original With four board sections, it is one of the saturate the German defenses. Also, if one
SQUAD LEADER system. ("The Capture larger ASL playing areas. The game length force becomes bogged down, it is easy to
of Balta" will appear in an upcoming is extended to 13 turns. With so far to go, switch troops between routes or to abandon
issue.) These were also two of the most twelve turns weren't enough. The victory one axis of advance in favor of a more
popular scenarios in the early days of the conditions are recast in terms of ASL build- promising one.
system. We spent many hours playing these ing control. The Russians still need to con- The first stage of the game involves the
two back in the good old days. trol 16 stone buildings to win. There are no Russians either capturing the board 3 town
Both are from CROSS OF IRON, the stone buildings on board 5, one stone build- or bypassing it on board 4. Once the Rus-
first module published after SQUAD ing on board 4, and five on board 3, requir- sians have passed the town, they can
LEADER, and both take place early in the ing the Russians to take at least ten stone directly attack board 1 from board 3. They
1941 German summer offensive as Hitler's buildings on board 1. For awhile, during can also enter board 1 from board 4, passing
hordes invaded Russia. In "The Defense of playtesting it seemed like the Russians between hill 498 on board 3 and the woods
Luga," a huge Russian force must battle needed to have the number of buildings around 5X1. A small force can be sent
across fields, forests and hills to secure a reduced, but in the end, the Russians appear through the gap in the woods on board 5,
large foothold in the city. The Russians able to take 16 stone buildings if they can near building 5R1. The long road through
outnumber the Germans by three to one, defeat the German troops. I considered the woods on board 5 can also be used, but
with lots of armor in support. However, the ignoring the buildings on boards 3 and 4 and it is too long for infantry. However, it might
Russians have far to go, and their enemy is just requiring the Russians to take ten stone be interesting to send a couple of spare
hidden and supported well by anti-tank and buildings on board 1, but I kept the original tanks that way to dash behind the German
anti-aircraft guns. victory conditions to encourage the Rus- lines and wreak havoc with enemy with-
sians to pay attention to the town on board drawal, routing, and concealment.
THE UPDATE 3. This gives the Germans a reason to recap- The Russians must depend on using
Several rule changes between SQUAD ture buildings the Russian fails to protect. mass and maneuver to force the Germans
LEADER and ASL can have a significant I used the standard ELR during this out of their positions. The infantry doesn't
effect on this scenario. One is that tanks period-4 for the Germans and 2 for the have the time to stop and trade fire. They
cannot carry riders at this early stage of the Russians. Since the Germans are on the must do their damage with Advancing Fire,
war. In the original scenario, a significant defensive, I gave them a SAN of 4. The Defensive Fire and tanks. The Russians will
fraction of the Russian squads could be car- Russians have the minimal SAN of 2. take lots of casualties, especially from fire
ried rapidly forward by the tanks. Also, The balance of adding a 10-0 commissar lanes and multiple ROF, but they must
radio-less tanks must now either use pla- to the Russians should be a big help, press on regardless. Time will run out on a
toon movement or risk a task check to be because the Russians are hungry for lead- timid Russian player.
able to move. This inherent restriction ers, with only four for 41 squads. On the Because the hidden Germans can be
replaces the original Special Scenario Rule, ofter side, the loss of two fIrst line Russian almost anywhere, in any building or woods
which required a die roll to determine how squads will be missed. or grain hex, the Russians should move only
many tanks could move in a turn. Most one squad at a time, to minimize the damage
Russian tanks of this period have red MP RUSSIAN ANALYSIS done by successful German fire. More than
numbers, which makes immobilization pos- Let us begin by examining the board lay- one squad should move with a leader only
sible every time they start up. New with out. Most of the stone buildings are on along a secure route from the rear.
ASL, the Russians have the option of a board 1, which is quite a hike from the When the Russians find some Germans,
commissar at this stage of the war, and the Russian entrance on the north edge of the they should maneuver so that the Germans
ASL rules give them the capability to board. To win, the Russians normally take must brave fire to withdraw to a new posi-
launch a human wave attack. all five stone buildings on board 3, the sin- tion in the rear. The idea is to not let the Ger-
The German forces in the update are vir- gle stone building on board 4, and ten of the mans get away, and to minimize the amount
tually the same as in the original scenario. stone buildings on board 1, which is nearly of time lost due to the Gelman outposts.
The crews, originally 2-4-7s, are now 2-2- half the board. They must therefore advance The tanks have little to fear from the
8s. The German machine guns in ASL are 48 hexes from their entrance board edge in German infantry if they don't get ahead of
stronger than in COl. I dropped the setup the course of the game, a huge distance for their own protective infantry. However, the
restriction that allows no more than twelve only 13 turns. It works out to nearly four Germans have a variety of anti-tank
German counters on any board, since that hexes per turn-little time for the luxury of weapons that can deal with the Russian
seems to me to be an artificial restriction. prep fire for the Russian infantry. tanks, including machineguns which can
The game is more interesting to allow the The hills and woods channel the Russian knock out some of the lightly-armored
Germans a wider variety of setup options. I advance into four main avenues initially. tanks. The Germans have four types of ord-
nance ranging from the MG (base TK# of crew can stick its head out and improve its should reach the southern edge of the town.
4) to the SOL Guns (base To Kill number of chance of getting a hit, provided that the By this time, a force moving along the east-
13-which can penetrate the armor of any Germans are not too close. This tank also' ern side of the board should have gained the
Russian vehicle in this scenario). has a smoke number of s8-the Russians' long hedge on board 4.
Each of the six types of Russian tanks only source of smoke. The smoke can be The main Russian force must use smoke,
has its own characteristics, its own advan- used to blind the most dangerous German tank fire and maneuver to advance from
tages and disadvantages. The TAO armor is firing positions. The T-28E tanks' main use woods to woods to reach the first stone
very weak. It is vulnerable to all the Ger- is to drive to within six hexes of a German buildings on board 1. Often the original 41
man AT weapons, even machineguns. position, acquire the Germans in the Russian squads will have been whittled
However, its 8-factor CMG is very effec- advancing fire phase, and then become down to maybe a dozen squads surviving in
tive in this scenario, because the Germans crew exposed in the advance phase. Even if the spearhead.
present only infantry targets. A good use of the Germans are protected by a stone build- The Germans should be down to just a
this tank is to maneuver behind the Ger- ing, a DR of 6 results in a hit, which attacks few squads as well, with a gun or two left in
mans and use the CMG to cut off the Ger- on the 12 FP column. It behooves the Ger- support. The endgame consists of defeating
man retreat. Unless it is using road move- mans to fall back, which ideally is pre- these German remnants with the Russian
ment safely in the rear, it should be but- vented by the lighter tanks which have remnants, and rushing a few squads past the
toned up the whole game, because with its maneuvered to cut off any retreat route. In Germans to seize some undefended build-
one-man turret it is easily Recalled and the midgame, when the Russian infantry ings in the rear to win the game.
cannot fire its gun while Crew Exposed. approaches the stone buildings on board 1,
The T-26 M37 is an average tank for this smoke from the T-28Es is crucial to protect GERMAN ANALYSIS
period of the war. It is on the slow side, the infantry assault. This scenario is an opportunity for the
with red MP, so the Russian player should The T-34 M40 is an excellent tank for German to be very tricky. He must use
be reluctant for it to stop. It can often sur- this period. Except for the possibility of deception and surprise to the utmost to lure
vive against the 37L guns, but it is dead deliberate immobilization and critical hits, the Russians into his deadly traps.
meat if it meets up with a SOL gun. It, too, the T-34 has nothing to fear but the SOL AT The German has the advantage of qual-
spends most of its life buttoned up. Even guns, and its frontal armor can withstand a ity on his side. The Russian infantry is infe-
though it doesn't frighten the German lot of hits from them too. It also has red MP rior in range to all the German squads.
player, it can be a handy tool. and a RST turret. Because of its speed and Nearly a third of the Russian force is con-
The BT-7 M37 is one of the fastest tanks its radio (by SSR) it can move solo to zip script, with low morale, short range, slow
in ASL. It has the same puny armament as ahead of the infantry to get behind the Ger- speed and lax attitude. The German advan-
the T-26 M37, but it has very light armor mans and prevent their retreat or encircle tage is likely to be augmented during the
and no radio. This tank must watch out for them. Because of its strong gun, it can also course of the scenario as Russian first line
German machineguns. Its great speed often move up close to the German positions and squads suffer quality reduction as they fail
takes it far ahead of the remainder of the encourage the Germans to leave. This is the morale checks. Expect a lot of conscripts to
Russian forces. It can be used to get behind most valuable and flexible tank in this sce- become disrupted, making them hard to
the Germans to cut them off and encircle nario, one that the Russians can least afford rout and rally, and easy to capture.
them. It frequently detects German guns the to lose but must be sure to boldly use. The Germans also have a big edge in
hard way, by becoming their first target and The KV-2 is awesome, with strong leaders, outnumbering the Russians, and
their first victim. This tank often remains in armor and a powerful gun. However, with a total leadership modifier of "-7" as
motion. because it is a very large tank, it is more compared with the Russian total of only
The eight tanks in these three light tank- vulnerable to deliberate immobilization, so "-2." With their few leaders, the Russians
types are often risked and lost. They are it should be careful to stay more than six are especially vulnerable to sniper attacks.
expendable. The three other types of Russ- hexes from the German guns. Its job is to The more the Germans can force the Rus-
ian tanks are the heavys for this period of move up to a German unit, halt, fire an sians to roll morale checks and pin checks,
the war. They are much more valuable, acquisition shot in the advancing fire phase, the more likely that the German sniper will
much more threatening, and much less and then watch the Germans scamper away. make its appearance and perhaps eliminate
expendable. Its most important use is taking on the Ger- one of the rare Russian leaders.
Like the light tanks, the T-28E has no man machinegun nests in the stone build- The Germans are rich in automatic
radio and red MP numbers. It is important to ings when the Russians approach board 1. It weapons. Their two HMGs can dominate
keep these tanks in a platoon. If one gets can also fire with its crew exposed. It may the battlefield. The Germans must count on
destroyed or immobilized, any other tank make sense to stand off about 12 hexes the long range firepower of their machine-
can join with the survivor to form a platoon from the Germans, open the hatch, and guns to neutralize the Russian numbers.
and keep it moving up. The T-28E need not open fire. The machineguns can be effective against
concern itself with German machine guns or The Russians typically start with the some of the light Russian tanks-which can
the 20L AA gun. The 37L AT guns are a infantry and tanks spread the width of the also be threatened by the six guns. The 20L
significant threat only from the flank or rear. board. The first line of squads enter the AA gun is only slightly more effective than
The SOL AT guns are the big danger, and board using armored assault with the tanks. the machineguns. It is more of a threat to
must be avoided. Because these tanks are so Leaders usually help haul the heavy the light tanks, but it has little chance to
slow, they will usually be accompanied by MMGs. To prevent undue casualties, move harm the heavys. Its main use is against the
infantry. They are good candidates to move one squad at a time and avoid residual fire. Russian infantry; it can apply its 6 IFE fac-
up with the infantry in an armored assault, The T-34, KV-2 and T-28Es quickly move tors at a range of up to 16 hexes. The 37L
because they lose so little movement. to gain the board 3 hills, to find firing posi- AA gun, with its 8 !FE factors, is even
The T-28E has many machineguns, and tions to engage the German outposts more dangerous against infantry. With their
very respectable main armament (76mm). defending the board 3 town. turreted mounts, they can swivel to face
Note that its turret is not restricted, so the After about five or six turns, the infantry their target much easier than the AT guns,
and their high rate of fire can wreak havoc enters board 4. A MMG with a squad can as well as engage any target that rumbles
with the Russians' infantry. start in level 1 of 3R5 or R6. From here it down the road. The gun in IDD7 can block
The 37L guns are effective against all can fire at 3H9 and 19, to contest a Russian the gap between the gully and hill 498. It
three varieties of light tanks, and can move along the west side of hill 534. It can can fire as far as 4D3. The road in 4Z8
threaten the T-28E from the flank and rear. also fIre at the level 1 hexes from 3G1 to 12. might be a good location to bore sight.
Its main use against the front of the T-28E, A MMG in level 1 of 3R3 can fire at the The two AA guns and perhaps one or
or against the T-34 or KV-2, is deliberate west side of hill 547, and also fire over the both of the 37L AT guns should guard the
immobilization. This is especially a threat walls around building 3M2 to engage Rus- flanks of this position. Hex 1GG7 is a good
against the KV-2 because of its large size. sians moving along the road in hexes 314, spot for the 37L AA gun, because it can dis-
The two 50L guns, with their To Kill num- 13 and K3. To round out the forward out- courage tanks from creeping along the west
ber of 13, are the only German weapons post line, an LMG in level 1 of 3L4 can edge of board I, as well as blast infantry
that can knock out any of the Russian tanks. place a fire lane right down the east side of moving up the middle. The 20L AA gun
They don't have a great chance against the hill 534, from 3K5 to F7. could defend board 5. In IXO, it can fire
front of the T-34 or KV-2, but if they can These four positions can make it expen- along the 4Z2-FF5 road, and even bore-
keep punching, they will eventually pene- sive for the Russians to advance over the sight hex 4Z2. Another good place for this
trate the front hull of the KV-2, or the front hills or along the road in the valley between gun is 5Y6, where it can oppose a Russian
turret of the T-34. The AT guns can all fire the hills to approach the village. However, drive down board 5. In either place, it can
HE at the Russian infantry. the Russians cannot be halted by such light be supported by a squad with a LMG in the
Let us discuss three important ap- forces. Those German squads must get out building 5FF6, with a potential fire lane
proaches to the German defense. One is to quickly when the Russian infantry gets down the road to 4Z8.
put all the strength on boards 3 and 4, to close. The units in 3M2 and L4 should fall A successful German setup will have
engage the Russians strongly and as soon as back no later than turn 2. The other two mutually supporting positions that create a
possible. The disadvantage is that the Ger- squads can hang on another turn or two, and puzzle that the Russian cannot solve, not
mans can be cut off from any retreat by the then they must withdraw as well. A couple even with all his infantry and tanks. The
Russian tanks, and if the line is broken, you of leaders with these forces will help them Russians will be allowed to penetrate to the
have nothing stopping the Russians. It only scoot and perhaps survive. southern fringes of boards 3 and 4, but they
takes a couple of squads getting past the Good positions for the 37L AT Guns are will be stopped cold on the doorstep of
Germans to capture enough buildings to 305, 3Tl, 3V3 and 3X3. With luck, a gun board I, well short of victory.
win the game. However, an up-front setup will destroy a tank or two, but a forward
can surprise and discourage the Russian
player if he takes too many casualties
gun is just as effective if it intimidates the
Russian player, making him cautious with ATLANTIC STORM
merely getting on board. his light tanks, and enabling some German ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (from p. 24)
The opposite approach is to put all the squads to escape after doing their damage.
Germans on boards 1 and 5. I think that this The Russians will have relatively easy only hope to win the convoy, but you "feed"
is a better defense, but it allows the Rus- going until they reach hill 522 and run into yourself some VPs in the battle. This
sians to move too quickly without opposi- the two HMG. Ideal positions for these approach works even better if you playa Vic-
tion, and to arrive at the main line of dreaded weapons are level 2 of hexes IBB4 tim card in the fIrst round, then destroy it
defense with too much organization. If you and IAA7. From both locations the HMG with its Fate card in the second round.
have a history of setting up forward, can attack at normal range the level 2 hill The key to either approach is flexibility.
though, the enemy may be delayed just by hexes of hill 522, as well as the woods in Be prepared to make a strong final play on
the threat of the German presence. 3W4 and 3W8. Of course, each HMG either side of the battle. FurthelIDore, don't
The defense that I favor has most of the should be manned by a full squad and always play "opposite" to your opponent's
Germans on board I. A squad or two on directed by a leader. One of these should be lead. For example, if he comes out German,
board 5 prevents a flanking Russian move, the 9-2 leader. The full squad will bump the you don't have to come out Allied. You could
while a third of the German force, four or HMG firepower up to the 8 column within play German, too, and maybe win the convoy
five squads, sets up on board 3. Their job is 12 hexes. These two HMGs will dominate with the highest play on the same side.
to delay the Russians, breaking or eliminat- hill 522 as well as the killing ground on
ing as many Russian squads as possible, board 3 to the south of hill 522. Their posi- CONCLUSION
and disorganizing the enemy as they battle tions should be supported with the bulk of To recap, there are many ways you can
for the board 3 village. They should fire at the remaining German forces. improve your play of ATLANTIC STORM
the Russians at long range, and then bug out Many good positions exist in the woods without having to pray to the gods of dice
when the Russians get close. This outpost and small buildings for fire lanes. Some and cards. These ways can be outlined in
should be supported by one or two 37L examples are 1GG7 with a fire lane to five quick steps.
guns, to destroy the light tanks that zip 3AA7, IFF3 with a fIre lane to 3BBI, and I) Learn the two card decks from fore to aft.
ahead to cut off the German retreat. IEE2 with a fire lane to 3BB5. When the 2) Hold good card plays in your hand for
Do not count on many survivors of this Russians are getting close, the German
opportune moments in the future. In
outpost force to make it back home to board squads and machineguns must put down a
particular, be ready for Victim cards
I. For this reason, the Gennan player solid wall of fire. The Russian troops
and for juicy 1940 and 1943 convoys.
should not commit his best up front. The should be forced to move through residual
3) Understand the initial advantages and
HMGs, 9-2 and 50L guns should be set up fire and fire lanes to gain ground.
on the main line of resistance on board I. weaknesses of each side by suit. Of
Two good positions for the 50L AT guns
Level 2 of 3M2 is a good place for a are IEE6 and IDD7. They both get the ben- course, these initial advantages will erode
squad and an LMG. From here they can fire efit of stone buildings for defense, and they or improve as soon as aircraft, ships and
at any Russians that make it to the level 2 hill yield good lines of fire. From IEE6, the subs start getting lost in combat.
hexes, as well as most of the infantry that gun can fire at the level 2 hexes of hill 522, (Continued on p. 61)+++++
ACROSS FIVE APRILS strong points. Keep your men moving. (See capture the final victory hex by the end of
~~~~~ (from p. 8) Figure 2 for a typical position at the middle turn 15. From turn 10 to turn 15 no definite
If possible, slip the cavalry through the gap of turn 4.) guidelines can be given. As the Union
that should still exist between McCulloch's player, you must control all three hexes to
and Price's divisions. Although it is Counterattack win. You must, therefore, bring all your
unlikely that your cavalry units can actually Because the game may have moved in troops to bear on the final attack. Press on
capture a victory hex, they can serve a very any number of possible directions, less spe- to capture the last hex.
valuable function by diverting Confederate cific advice can be given concerning turns 5
through 15. In general, however, you should Play Balance
units from the main battle areas.
begin your counterattack no later than turn If you feel that the Union is at too great
During turn 4 send the Third Division
5. Time is against you at this point, and if a disadvantage in the Pea Ridge scenario,
where it is most needed-in support of
you delay moving against the victory hexes, you can introduce the following simple
action around either the Union headquatters
there simply will not be enough time to cap- expedient. For the first two turns of the
or Leetown. Wherever possible, make use
ture the necessary two by the end of the first game remove one of the movement phase
of the aggressive defense discussed previ-
day. All else being equal, the Union head- markers for each of the Confederate com-
ously to force the Confederates back until,
quarters should be your first goal. After mands (one Missouri State Guard marker
if all goes well, they have exposed the
your turn-6 reinforcements have entered the and one McCulloch's Division marker).
headquarters hex to capture. However, do
map, you should consider abandoning the Return the markers to the pool on the third
not get involved exclusively in a head-on
engagement, where the opposing lines D entry hex to free up the units protecting turn. Removing the markers gives the
become locked, casualties high, and the this area. Bring your turn-8 reinforcements Union a much better chance of setting up its
lines move back and forth over the same in at C. Direct the bulk of your strength up defense well to the north of both Leetown
few hexes. Instead, while pushing forward Telegraph Road, but also try for a break- and the Union headquarters, and makes it
along Telegraph Road, try to slip some of through approximately halfway between much more difficult for the Rebel player to
your units to the east and north around the Leetown and headquatters. If Confederate seize them early in the game. Note, how-
Confederate flank, where they will be in a resistance exists in this sector at all, it ever, that such a change is not historical,
position to threaten Elkhorn Tavern. This should be fairly weak. However, you must since in the real battle it took the Union
sideways move to the right is not irrelevant. respond to the actual field conditions as you some time to react to the Confederate threat
Unless you exert pressure directly or indi- find them in your particular game. If the to its rear.
rectly against all three victory hexes, it is Confederate player has left Leetown You might also consider playing two
unlikely that you will be able to capture two weakly defended (as often happens in his games of Pea Ridge, switching sides for the
of them by turn 9. This sideways move, eagerness to pinch off the C and D entry second game. The player achieving the
used in conjunction with the cavalry raid hexes), by all means give priority to an highest level of victory in the two games is
suggested previously, is your best chance attack in this part of the field. considered the overall winner. In case of
of bringing the necessary strength to beat· Pea Ridge is usually won or lost by the ties, add up the total attack and defense
on all three positions. Above all, try to keep end of the first day. If the Union army pre- strength points lost by each player. The one
your position fluid. Don't bog down all vents a Confederate victory at the end of with the fewer losses is declared the victor.
your units in clashes against Confederate turn 9, then it is usually strong enough to
ignore the pain, but with a broken bone, it's hard ment do count, but only after the round is
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (from p. 44) to ignore physics. finished.
Thus, it is highly likely that in many 3. Injuries do not carryover from one bout 9. Any round that would normally require a
rounds one boxer will begin the round (having to another. check for judges' scoring goes to the higher-
won the previous round by a clear margin), 4. When a strategy card adds to your scoring boxer if he knocks down his opponent.
and the other boxer will gain a point for defense, it is bad, because it increases the oppo- Tournament play uses the following
having higher AGG. nent's chance to hit you. Conversely, a subtrac- optional/advanced rules:
tion from your defense makes it harder for him A. Strategy cards per the rules, except that
OTHER TOURNAMENT to hit you. eight-round bouts get five, not four, strategies.
CLARIFICATIONS 5. For cuts, you always score the punch
B. Control Factor Conversion Chart. Note
1. You cannot have Killer Instinct effects in landed, then check to see whether you have a
that this is used only before the bout, not to
the middle of another Killer Instinct series. chance to cut. If a cut chance # is equal to or
Assume that Jack Johnson, on a potential knock- less than your CO (Cut Opponent) rating, you make adjustments once the bout starts.
down, gets a 5 result on the Knockdown and check the random number on the next card C. Advanced Scoring. I will provide mark-
Knockout Chart. While flipping six cards for against your opponent's CH (Cut Himself) rat- ers to keep up with Clinching and Ring Move-
Killer Instinct, he gets another 5 result on the ing. This is different than the procedure for a ment.
Knockdown and Knockout Chart. Johnson gets potential Knockdown, where you either score D. Adjusting KDR According to Oppo-
the five points added to his score, but he does the two- or three-point punch landed, or use nent's Hitting Power. This is determined at the
not get another batch of six Killer Instinct cards. the result on the Knockdown and Knockout beginning of the bout. Moreover, the lowest
After he is finished with this Killer Instinct run Chart-not both. adjusted KDR you may ever have is I, which
he could potentially have another Killer Instinc~ 6. Potential Fouls and Injuries count as a means that choosing a Knockout strategy always
result later in the same round, but you can't missed punch regardless of whether an actual entails a higher KDR, and thus some risk.
daisy-chain them. foul or injury occurs. The following optional rules are not used in
2. If your hand is hurt, you score one point 7. To employ effects of the Fighting Inside the toumament: Ring Position (the "On the
per blow for the rest of the bout, but you also table (on the scoresheet), you must win the Ropes" ratings), Fighting a Boxer Out of His
retain the effects of potential knockout blows (4, round by a clear margin. Normal Division, and Reduced Hitting Effec-
5 or K results). If your hand is broken, you score 8. When checking for a potential TKO, tiveness.
no points with it the rest of the bout. You might adjustments from Clinching and Ring Move-
~ SIJ~w~ftr.:l"· SQ
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AH PHILOSOPHY the quality of ASL products). These issues could have been alleviated without altering
~~~~~ (from p. 6) are what make playtesting critical to the the system at all. In a word, the product had
whose attention is being distracted by com- success of an ASL scenario or a game not been sufficiently developed and tested
peting entertainment options? The DTP design. to ensure that its features held up to close
designer won't be catching any of their If TAHGC were to publish each version scrutiny. I was an aggressive consumer of
eyes. If you thought it was hard to find an of a game that was playtested, you'd be this DTP game. I even have the knowledge
Avalon Hill game in the same toy stores of amazed about the evolution of most designs. to correct the setup chart and adjust certain
last decade, think about all the "two-sec- You'd also find it nearly impossible to find existing rules and modifiers to make them
ond" advertizing opportunities that are an opponent with the same version of the fit reality better without detracting from the
missed entirely by the failure to market game as you. So it is with DTP games. basic playability of the game. However, I
through retail outlets. Not a single mall Whether altered by the DTP publisher or by will never meet anybody else who will play
walker will see them. the dissatisfied consumer, eventually the the game the same way (barring publication
The biggest problem with the decline of game has rules quite different from the ini- of these changes either in a magazine or by
retailing is that boardgames are a social tial publication. A traditional publisher may having the DTP game revised). As an
product. That is, their enjoyment depends be forced to issue revised rules for games aggressive, incipient game designer myself,
largely on social interaction with others who over time, but that is not the desired outcome I'll let the designer know my quibbles and
buy the product. You can't say that when of the development process. In theory, we maybe someday it will become a worthy
you pay your Cable TV bill. You can't say get it right the first time and whole societies product for consumers-or at least the
that about your choice of cereal. However, of garners form clubs to play the game with aggressive consumer who can find it.
"consumption" of most boardgames is best the same set of rules. It doesn't always work Who needs a game company? Consumers
done in the presence of likeminded garners. that way, but we try. In the end, the success do.
Thus, the boardgame industry doesn't sim- of a game may allow release of an even bet-
ply live and die based upon a sale. It lives
and dies based upon the sale being shared
ter rule set later. However, most manufactur-
ers like to avoid having their customers buy
I've lambasted this industry's awards
and consumed by other players. This just a new edition of the game every year or two balloting process in the past. This year we
isn't an issue of secondary sales. The pri- to keep up with corrections of mistakes. provide the ballots on the magazine insert
mary sale depends greatly upon the first pur- Fortunately, the traditional game com- (please note that the two ballots should be
chaser thinking he has somebody with pany doesn't drag unknowingly every con- returned to two separate entities, neither
whom to play the game. (Besides obvious sumer into the playtest process, but instead affiliated with The Avalon Hill Game Com-
examples within my own purchasing tries to deliver a finished product that will pany-you'll have to photocopy one side if
"phases of life," I have evidence of this instantly satisfy. This may mean putting 90 you plan to vote both sides). Why the
from the fact that our company receives per cent of the effort into the last ten per change of heart? Perhaps I'm getting senti-
countless inquiries from garners who finally cent of the game to get it to work right. This mental in myoId age. Or perhaps I do this
stopped postponing a purchase of a game certainly raises the labor input costs of the because this award-proclaiming process can
and/or magazine because they finally found game. It usually also means raising the only improve when a spotlight is directed at
an opponent.) The withdrawal of games physical component and artistic input costs it. With The GENERAL covering the indus-
from retail store fronts will have a negative to make the product more functional and try more widely now, it seems appropriate
impact upon the size of consumer demand- pleasing to the consumer. For some of the to do this public service-if for no other
a revenue impact that has nothing to do with most aggressive, game-hungry consumers reason than to expose its flaws.
price and quality. this may not be worth the price. For the bulk You will notice the ballots' deficiencies
So what if DTP games are skimming of consumers it is what fulfills the promise rather quickly: the due date. I assure you
sales from a fixed layer of existing con- of "consumer choice." Instead of a bunch of that we are printing the ballots as early as
sumer demand? Is this so bad? It is an extra shoddy, unworthy choices, consumers get possible after receiving them from the orig-
consumer choice after all. However, argu- products upon which they can rely. inating organizations. Despite my griping
ments in favor of "consumer choice" should When you buy a relatively cheap DTP about their short deadlines in past years,
not beg the issue of quality either. This is design, don't compare the cost of its compo- these organizations fail to produce the bal-
where the issue of the traditional game com- nents to the traditional game. Compare the lots quickly enough for the typical magazine
pany comes back to us front and center. The consumer value of its development. Sure, on to print them in a timely fashion (and in both
boardgame company doesn't simply print occasion we consumers are all willing to cut cases I had to pursue them-there was no
and ship a paper product. Production isn't and paste a few counter sheets to satisfy our advanced warning that space should be
really limited by a lack of designs. For the curiosity about a game design (and we rely reserved). Perhaps a deluge of late responses
most part, the boardgame company is sell- upon those niche interests when we publish from readers of this magazine will finally
ing the "finish." By that I don't mean game variant articles in this magazine). drive home the point with the powers that
chrome or unnecessary details, polish and However, few of us want to redesign the be. These award reviews should be per-
packaging. I mean that the traditional unit setup chart or die roll modifiers and formed in a more public process (read:
boardgame company sells you a finished then argue for those features with our gam- disseminate the darn things more widely and
product which it believes cannot be afford- ing opponent. with a later due date) or behind industry-
ably improved. It is selling the development I originally had intended to mention in regulated academy doors with all the proto-
work and the artistic and functional render- this column my detailed comments and sug- cols applicable thereto. All other manner of
ing of the design. God knows I could create gested revisions for a DTP game I recently process calls into question the polling sys-
an ASL scenario in less than an hour. Would acquired. However, the topic may be some- tem-and hence the validity of the awards
it be publishable within the standards of the what obscure to many a reader and it really themselves. Nevertheless, I see no reason to
ASL gaming community? Absolutely not. let the internet vote (which will certainly be
isn't my role to be publishing playtest
The ASL players have come to expect their gathered on time) outweigh readers of
reports in this magazine. While the game
scenarios to meet certain criteria that paper. I doubt you are "silent" out of
design in question was most worthy of even-
revolve around historical accuracy, playa- predilection. The internet gurus aren't.
tual publication in this industry, it failed on
bility and competitive play balance (let's some details. What most dissappointed me
applaud MMP for all that they do to keep up about the product was that those failures -SKT
arately, based on how many Action Points
(AP) are available for that soldier. Many
options exist for movement and fire including
aimed shots, kneeling, and lying prone-all
accessible with a simple click of the mouse.
Shots can be taken only if enough AP are
available or allocated for reaction fire. Ter-
rain is extremely varied, ranging from the
sands of North Africa to the snowy fields of
Germany. Elevation is present (up to seven
heights). A complete campaign, starting in
North Africa and working its way through
Italy and into Germany is included along
with some stand-alone scenarios. A complete
Jim Pedicord is a free lance writer who can values as well and give you the option of using scenario builder allows you to construct your
be reached atjimrp2@aol.com. specific weapons targets for maximum effec- own missions and maps.
n this month's installment, I shall cover a tiveness. Graphics are impressive with fine attention

I couple of military wargames from two

different perspectives. The first is a stan-
dard wargame based on present-day marine
Besides stand alone missions that cover
various hot spots in the world, SEMPER FI has
three complete campaigns set in Korea,
Kuwait and Pantelleria (in the Mediter-
paid to details, such as the German insignias
on the vehicles and fantastic buildings and
vehicles. Play is not too complex, but
extremely fun and strategic, especially when
warfare, while the second is a World War II ranean). Each is a fictional scenario of possi-
strategy game putting you in charge of a devising tactics to flush out the enemies with-
ble future marine action. The missions are a out leaving yourself exposed to enemy fire.
squad of eight rookie soldiers preparing to strength in this game, each with a very
enter the war. With each soldier personalized, you have a
detailed overview, includ- sense of loss if one dies. You find yourself not
SEMPER Fr from Interac- ing possible tactics which
tive Magic is a squad and rushing headlong into battle.
can be employed. For
platoon-level computer added replayability, a
wargame staged in the pre- complete scenario editor
sent and near future. Game- is included. Multi-player
play is turn-based with the capability is also avail-
standard hex layout as the able, allowing head-to-
underlying map. Elevation head play over a network
is present through contour or modem.
lines on the map. When any SOLDIERS OF WAR!
unit is clicked the available from SSI takes combat
movement area and line of sight are shaded, down to the level of the individual soldier.
giving you clear options. Map features, such Set in the European Theater of World War II,
as the elevation and hex grids may be clicked you command a squad of eight soldiers, each
on and off for easier reading. with his own strengths and weaknesses. As SONAR BLIPS: Interactive Magic has
Action takes places in phases with initia- the soldiers survive the various scenarios and picked up ROAD To Moscow, a strategic
tive determining which side will act first. This campaign, their marksmanship and abilities wargame set on the Eastern Front, originally
initiative is based on unit readiness and train- increase, making it easier to face the more slated to be released by Arsenal Publishing.
ing and is ever changing depending on the difficult battles to follow. Both real-time strategy games mentioned in
outcome of battles and morale of troops. Squads may be randomly picked for quick the last issue, DARK REIGN and TOTAL ANNIHI-
Movement can be plotted to keep units out of start of the game or individually picked, LATION, will have add-on CDs released each
enemy firing ranges and to better direct enabling the player to have a mixed squad with plenty of new units, maps and missions
attacks. Combat includes standard Direct which is often needed later in the game. Each (called RISE OF THE SHADOWHAND and THE
Attack combat routines, Opportunity Fire soldier has a separate inventory screen giving CORE CONTINGENCY). Talonsoft will also be
when an enemy moves into range and Indirect the player options on how to equip and arm releasing Campaign CD 1 for the well-
Fire (which gives you control of off-map each member of his squad. Similar to the clas- received EAST FRONT. This disk will contain
artillery, air-strikes and naval guns). Units sic Microprose game, X-COM, items are simply new nationalities, campaigns and scenarios.
destroyed and objectives taken or held are the dragged to open hands, backpacks or belts.
The final title in the Great Battles series from
goals of the missions with a debriefing giving Specialization in weapons or tasks is also
Interactive Magic should also be on store
you a complete sta- available, allowing some soldiers
tus of such actions. to be more proficient as a medic or
SAR, based on the boardgame of the same
A wide variety of engineer, while others are better
name. Finally, Avalon Hill has released a
units and weapon- with rifles or machine guns.
Soldiers can equip and use a wide compilation of all the TACOPS materials for
ry is available, all
variety of arms and items includ- both PC and Macintosh titled TACOPS
easily accessible
CLASSIC 2.0. Included in this release is the
through pulldown ing grenades, satchel charges and
tabs on the right even wire-cutters for the barbed original game, all the add-ons scenarios and
side of the menu. wire. maps, new units and weapons from New
These menus give Gameplay is turn-based with Zealand and Australia and additional units
standard wargame an overhead perspective. Each for the United States and Canada.
attack and defensive member in the squad moves sep-
Most people either hated or loved volume 32, num- "in" the game PELOPONNESIAN WAR). In case
ber 1. The "love it" readers noted how long overdue The you were wondering, Columbus found the Orinoco
on this third voyage. Lucrezia Borgia divorced Gio-
was the coverage of science fiction games and
applauded the graphics and fonnat. Some readers
complained about "increased" computer coverage
Infiltrator's vanni Sforza in 1497 in order to ally with Naples,
Louis XII was crowned in France in 1498 and par-
(let us hope they didn't mistake the fine graphics of
the boardgame STARSHIP TROOPERS for com-
Report titioned Milan in 1499, forcing Sforza to flee to
Austria. Marius, not the greatest of politicians, gave
puter screen shots). For a good number of readers, up his sixth consulship and fled when his opposi-
science fiction doesn't belong in this strategy gam- tion to Metellus' return was unpopular. Here is an
ing magazine, and the issue received a number of example of one correct set of answers:
"1O/worst" ratings, yielding an overall rating of 5.5,
worst in a long time. (And we certainly got an ear- Timur: 14th Co, MAHARAJA
ful on the inserted reader survey from those fearing Milan: 15th C., MACHIA VELLI
the demise of ASL. Don't worry, we're trying to not Orinoco: 15th C., CONQUISTADOR
miss any issue; keep on sending the material.) We Marius: 1st C., BC, REPUBLIC OF ROME
knew that "theme" issues aren't the most popular Boxers: 19th C, PAX BRITANNICA
approach, but, given the volume of science fic- Magnus: 11th C., BRITANNIA
tion/fantasy games TAHGC has produced, it Nelson: 18th C, WOODEN SHIPS & IRON MEN
seemed like a good idea at the time. At least (for Sparta: 4th C, BC, PELOPONNESIAN WAR
those who hated it) the poison came in one dose, so Tokugawa: 16th C., SAMURAI
now we can return your magazine to its regularly
SUCCESSORS: Demetrius and Seleucus occupy
scheduled "historical gaming" for another dozen
Ptolemy's southern Anatolian holdings (if you
years (and early returns show great "rebound"
didn't know this obscure fact, at least you
voting for number 2's Ancient focus).
could have read the event table in the issue's
Chapter H, as well as replacement counters for lead article).
The second part of Alan Applebaum's superb arti-
cle on BREAKOUT: NORMANDY benefitted from
(and several other plays are correct answers as
the pro-history vote (and lack of ASL content-
The final installment of WW II orders of battle- well-who says we don't make these contests
though its absence didn't stop some people from
the axis minor vehicles and ordnance-will be easy?)
voting it the "best article"), resulting in an astound-
released as ARMIES OF OBLIVION, probably
ing increase in points (part 2 beating part l' s *****
more than a year from now. Before then, expect to
score). When combining votes for ZOC with votes
see the 1998 ASL Annual, a second Action Pack Contest #184 ("Sound Advice") drew a substantial
for individual articles in ZOC, the Series Replay on
(eight scenarios, new overlays, two new map- response, but most enu'ants missed two to four
STARSHIP TROOPERS drops to a poor, fourth-
boards) and the Historical ASL module, A BRIDGE answers (with most of the misses revolving around
place showing. My AvalonCon report also made it
TOO FAR based on the British defense of Arnhem. the hunt for a "false" answer). Perhaps contestants
into the top three, a surpl1se given the number of
Russ Bunten is doing the research/scenario design used the "false" answer as their default when they
readers who profess to rather not hear about it at all
and Don Petros the map. Not far behind is BLOOD could find no game to match the advice. In any
(must have been because of all those nicely-framed REEF: TARAWA, which has been retooled, case, the only u'uly false answer snagged a good
photos). The top ten scores in the "best article" vot- playtested and is destined to be the definitive beach number of you who clearly need to read the fine-
ing (with three points for first, two for second and assault HASL (it is still jockeying with A BRIDGE print more in REPUBLIC OF ROME. From the
one for third, based on 200 responses) are: TOO FAR for release position). We've received errant entries, we now have a list of the top ten
numerous other HASL and module submissions, things you should do when gaming:
Beach by Beach, Part 2 224 and are evaluating them for publication. ASL is des-
It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This 166 tined to survive well into the twenty-first century! #10 subordinate the Master of Horse in BASEBALL
Series Replay-STARSHIP TROOPERS 146 STRATEGY (presumably to Dictator Peter
ZOC Section 132 ***** Angelos),
Raiders and Rivets 93 The new role-playing system from TAHGC, #9 declare Debauchery and Revelry with Princess
Grand DUNE 73 RUNEQUEST: SLAYERS, is expected to be Ryan (or your favorite Star Marine),
Going for the Throat 0 •••••••••••• 44 released in time for GenCon (my peak at the first #8 increase the counter size for PANZERGRUPPE
Alone in Outer Space 0 ••••• 39 few color pageproofs revealed an absolutely gor- GUDERIAN players with trifocals (one solu-
ZOC, Waterloo Moods 39 geous product is in the works). A good portion of tion for the dilemma over insertion of tiny
AH Philosophy #179 32 our talented art staff's time has been devoted to units),
delivering a 232-page book that will raise the #7 strengthen your triremes with a single shield
The games recently played by the most respondents industry standard. Testers have been having a blast (well, at least the admiral will have something
were ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER, AGE OF hacking and slashing (Gee, what are they doing for those sun rays),
RENAISSANCE, HISTORY OF THE WORLD, over there playing it now that it is going to press? #6 retreat to nice spots in front of rivers in THIRD
#5 don't reduce the cost of your infantry (overpay
Mark Mahaffey (Waxhaw, NC) is the winner of the PATHS OF GLORY, Ted Raicer's strategic-level the privates and fire the generals?)
feedback drawing and wins a one-year subscription WW I game has been sold to TAHGC Expect #4 calculate To Kill numbers in AGE OF RENAIS-
extension. release in less than a year. SANCE (perhaps for the rules-writer),
#3 complain to TAHGC about not getting a Politi-
***** ***** cal Status chart in your box of DIPLOMACY
For fans of ADVANCED SQUAD LEADER, here is Launched in May by the Living History editor, the (or was there a variant from an out-of-print
what is in the pipeline. Perhaps by the time of print- internet magazine Skirmisher (http://members.tri- magazine that can be faxed?),
ing of this magazine, DOOMED BATTALIONS will pod.corn/-SKIRMISHER) has selected STARSHIP #2 send GERONIMO leaders to somewhere where
be released. On the scale of CROIX DE GUERRE, TROOPERS as the best overall game. they can't hUlt anybody,
this module provides three mounted mapboards,
overlays depicting railroads and some other new ter- ***** and the number one piece of advice for wargamers
rain, and eight new scenarios involving the allied Contest #185 ("Much Ado About '98") tested con- is . . . send poor ASL players to Bonham,
minor nations. Tanks, ordnance and even armed testants' knowledge of history and TAHGC games Texas.
motorcycles for those countries make their appear- portraying it. As Shakespeare penned in 1598, this
ance on the counters (finally, the "Dutch trucks" are might have been much ado about nothing, but at The two contestants who resisted the comic urge and
here). This module also includes errata pages for least rule ambiguities are minimized (although nailed all ten answers were: James Keefauver (Santa
Human Waves and additions to the core rules and some may take issue with the Spartan peace being Rosa, CAl and Michael Tsuk (Arlington, MA).
HISTORY OF THE WORLD points. At least he remembered to knock clinched the game with but one army to
-+--+--+--~-~ (from p. 29) Mullet out of Northern Europe. spare. France and Britain maximized
Bruce Monnin kept himself in the game Jeff's steady play kept him in striking points, but did not maximize their destruc-
with quiet, deliberate play. Then at the end, distance. Then, the Ottoman Turks did tion of Mullet's holdings.
for some reason, his play slipped just when well, and secured remote inland locations Overall the game proceeded at an
he needed to be at his best. The game that were overlooked by other players. The orderly pace. HISTORY OF THE WORLD
slipped from his grasp then. It could have United States is usually a game-losing is a rich, fun game whether it is played
been the long day and anticipation of the Empire. In this case, the failure of other face-to-face or versus computer opponents.
long drive ahead. He should have won this players to reduce Mullet's dominance of We in the Basement hope that you have
game. Monnin's misplay of the Nether- China left Jeff with enough points that learned from our play, faulty or otherwise.
lands contributed to some of Stanley's above average success in the Americas

ATLANTIC STORM 5) Negotiate and "diplomacize" in a game. Chance may ultimately be a signifi-
-+-~~~~ (from p. 55)
manner that targets the leader (or cant factor in the outcome (a key die roll,
4) Concentrate carefully on which force deflects attention away from yourself for instance). I hope that you won't be com-
cards and convoy cards have been if you are the leader). plaining aloud, "Who shuffled this deck?"
played and lost. You should especially Of course, the chance of winning a Instead you'll be complimenting yourself,
keep track in your head of each play- multi-player game is statistically less than "I'm doing the best I can with the cards I
er's approximate score or at least have that of winning a two-player game, even if have"-and making the perfect play to
a good idea of who is in the lead. you improve your playing skills in the prove it. *

( ]
charts and a medium-complexity rule book with rather than simply overwhelming the enemy at any
COMING designer's notes. one point. The German player may challenge
ATTRACTIONS This is Randy Heller's fourth involvement in
the design of a Bulge game and represents the cul-
Allied air interdiction. Fuel dumps are hidden.
Attacks can benefit from combined arms and divi-
mination of that experience. Unit combat values sional integrity. The initial setup provides the his-
BITTER WOODS were derived from statistical analysis; the road net torical jump off points (setup is quick due to dis-
On December 16, 1944, Germany launched its was visually confirmed; Order of Battle research crete markings on the map). Artillery has more
last desperate offensive in the West. Seven Panzer was extensive, providing nuances missed by other capabilities, including offensive fire, final protec-
and thirteen infantry divisions burst upon the sur- designs. The heroic siege and relief of Bastogne is tive fire and bombardment. Victory conditions
prised and thinly-held American lines. In the most likely to take place, putting the German player in vary, making for an extremely well-balanced tour-
dramatic and bloody battle in the West, the US the tough position of deciding how much of his nament and campaign game.
Army would slow and finally stop the spearheads of forward momentum to divert to take the vital road Look for BITTER WOODS this Fall.
Hitler's elite Panzer armies. Can you better your junction. ---Stuart K. Tucker
counterpart? The true "queen of the battlefield" proved to be
"Been there; done that" you say? Nuts! This is an American artillery. At that time, US artillery had a
all-new Bulge game that sets new standards. You
don't want to miss it.
communication and fire-control system with no
equal in the world. Time-on-target, concentrated fire
BITTER WOODS re-creates the critical first from several battalions (with shells calculated to As part of our effort to keep you informed of
eleven days of this historic struggle. This regimen- arri ve at the same instant) often had a devastating ongoing PBMIPBEM gaming ladders and other
tal-level Bulge game combines enormous amounts effect. Ammunition was plentiful and used prodi- resources, here are a few websites and email
of research and playtesting with the expertise of giously. The 30th Division alone fired 57,275 addresses relevant to TAHGC and AvalonCon '98 in
famed Bulge game designers Bruno Sinigaglio, rounds against Kampfgruppe Peiper in the vicinity particular.
Danny Parker and Randy Heller to produce a realis- of LaGleize-Stoumont. This power is reflected in the
tic simulation of mechanized breakthroughs without game, and the appropriate use of artillery will • ASL Q&A: ASL_QA@anodyne.com
inundating players with undue complexity. State-of- strongly influence Allied success. • Across 5 Aprils GM: ALewis16@ao1.com
the-art graphics by Mark Simonitch, a 22-tum cam- Leader units provide a player with the ability to • Advanced Third Reich PBEM:
paign game and a delightful eight-tum toumament mreffue@icanect.net
release reserves for exploitation or the capability
scenario make for a terrific game experience, which of retaining a key defensive position instead of • The Avalon Hill Game Company's official site:
is destined to become a classic. Take it from the retreating.
• Bitter Woods:
experts winning tournaments on them: this is the Play is fast and furious. Breakthroughs aren't
best Bulge game yet. assured but can occur. Kampfgruppe Peiper may be
• Empires in Arms GM: K.Allen@ao1.com
Each half-day turn is di vided into phases which in the position of choosing between searching for the
• Hannibal tournament:
provide attacker and defender alike with numerous hidden fuel dumps or blocking incoming Allied rein-
challenging decisions. A realistic road network, forcements. The eight-turn tournament scenario can
• GCACW series & On to Richmond:
mechanized reserves and pre-combat artillery sup- be completed in under four hours. The campaign
port make for an engaging two-sided battle, with game takes about eight hours to play. BITTER Linked games: klee@epix.net
ample opportunities for American counterattacks WOODS is suitable for solitaire play and may be HCR: PDuff@aol.com
that will keep both players on the edge of their played by mail. RTG: PNied@ao1.com
seats. Optional rules amply enrich the experience, Those familiar with BATTLE OF THE BULGE SJW: markbail@ix.netcom.com
but may be ignored by the beginning player eager 1981 may well ask what else differentiates BIT- SLB: wargameGM@ao1.com
to dive into the battle. BITTER WOODS provides TER WOODS from its predecessor. In BITTER • Gangsters PBEM: jpack@sisna.com
rules for divisional integrity, Kampfgruppe WOODS units have step reductions and endurance • Pacific War GM: GGonz827@aol.com
Peiper's breakout, the Skorzeny infiltration, hid- ratings which give the US Army more stamina. • Republic of Rome GM: sandyw@decipher.com
den fuel dumps, mechanized reserves, leader units, Terrific opening die rolls by the Germans will not • Starship Troopers tournament:
random events, attrition, bombardments and create a blowout. The combat results table is radi- www.abs.netl-anomaly/sst.html
Angriff Aus Der Bewegung attacks (attacks on the cally different, including results not before seen, • Titan: www.uwm.edu/-bruno/titan/
move). It has a four-color game map, 280 counters yet appropriate for a Bulge CRT. The effect is to avaloncon.html
(some with armor silhouettes and personality pro- require the attacker to be more concerned about • Title Bout GM: TColeman@zd.com
files), two Order of Battle cards, two combat diversions, flanking maneuvers and retreat routes • Victory in the Pacific PBEM: jpack@sisna.com
resin-cast pieces in each. . . Rio Grande has .. In computer strategy gaming news ... Elec-
o o o delayed release of the English versions of tronic Arts will release in the Fall the turn-based
MEDICI and EL GRANDE until July due to vendor strategy game SID MEIER'S ALPHA CENTAURI, fea-
.. The big news of the season is the planned July
merger of Chessex with The Armory to form problems. Their MISSISSIPPI QUEEN expansion turing seven factions, victory through conquest
THE BLACK ROSE was released in May... May- or evolution, multi-player support and a unit edi-
Alliance Distributors, consolidating two major
fair Games plans a late June release of SEAFAR- tor. .. Interactive Magic expects to release this
distribution competitors and keeping alive a
ERS OF CATAN and a six-player expansion in July. Fall the real-time strategy games ROAD TO
manufacturing wing (Chessex Manufacturing)..
The re-release of the abstract strategy game Quo Moscow and THEOCRACY. The former deals with
. TimJim Games is out of business-its accoun-
VADIS is expected in July as well. They have can- the Eastern front during WW II, while the latter
tant is returning pre-order payments and its
celled a number of things cosmic for lack of a involves empire-building with the Aztecs. In
game projects are up for sale. Prism Games is
license. They are planning to put out US editions June, they expect to release the Ancient Adver-
still in business, and bought out Gamesmiths'
of EUPHRAT & TIGRIS and CAESAR & CLEOPATRA. saries expansion to SEVEN KINGDOMS (new
titles, with TOTAL WAR and PANTHEON expected
.. Emperor's HQ says that the miniatures rules nationalities, scenarios and terrain).
in July... The newly-formed Lindsey Games is WARFARE IN THE AGE OF DISCOVERY (pike and
developing KETTLES AT DAWN, a Civil War iron- LucasArts expects to release in the fall STAR
shot) are in playtesting and is planned for a Fall WARS: FORCE COMMANDER, a real-time strategy
clads miniatures simulation game, scheduled for release... The revised 3rd edition of Task Force
release in July... Avalanche expects to release game of ground combat. .. In mid-May, Activi-
Game's STARFIRE was shipped in April, though sion underscored its commitment to develop PC
GREAT WAR AT SEA, VOLUME II in late June (and
apparently Marvin Lamb has bought its rights games, including TAHGC's CIVILIZATION. ..
look for two scenarios to appear soon in The from TFG... Fantasy Flight is developing the
GENERAL). They also will be releasing the
3DO's nostalgic ARMY MEN was released (with
boardgame TWILIGHT ARMADA, not to be confused two plastic soldiers in its unusual packaging) at
mini-game SCOTLAND, THE BRAVE in the July with Holistic Design's miniatures game NOBLE
issue of Shadis . . . Decision Games' latest is the end of April. .. Talonsoft's TRIBAL RAGE, a
ARMADAS. .. Component Game Systems released
OVER THE Top, four WW I battles... Moments
future-of-wasteland type of game, is being
the Shadow, Psi Corps, League and Vodon released in June. They are also extending the
in History's TURNING THE TABLES was released in expansions in May for BABYLON 5 CGS. .. Last
May. . . Ray Freeman's TIGERS IN THE MIST Battleground series to CHICAMAUGA this fall. THE
OPERATIONAL ART OF WAR, Volume I will be fol-
(point-to-point Bulge) is moving onto GMT's ATION has a slew of releases scheduled for
P500 list for possible publication. . . GMT's lowed in February 1999 by Volume II... West- n
August-October. .. Sword of the Knight, pub-
Great Battles series moves into Gaul this sum-
wood is working on DUNE 2000, a real-time ver- a
lisher of Earthdawn Journal, Shadowland and
mer. .. Camelot Games has put out PENINSULA sion of the DUNE 2 strategy game... Interplay's
Traveller Chronicle is folding A similar fate
ITALICA, similar to BRITANNIA. . . Columbia has befallen Troll Magazine FASA's 3rd edi-
STARFLEET COMMAND real-time strategy game is e
Games released VICTORY in May and is planning planned for a Christmas release... Virgin Inter- tl
tion SHADOW RUN is expected in August. .. Steve
to release a steady stream of map, block and Jackson released the GURPS LITE rule book free active is producing DAWN OF WAR, a real-time
counter expansion sets for it over the course of of charge to support its RPG book line. Mean- strategy fight for survival set in fictionalized f-
June-September. .. In a departure from their tra- while, their Pyramid magazine has moved to an pre-historical times (the bad guys are humanoid o
ditional fare, Clash of Arms expects to release in online format only. . . Atlas Games' Call of dinosaurs), where the object is to build a strong
July COURTISANS OF VERSAILLES and JOAN OF ARC, Cthulhu boardgame CULTS ACROSS AMERICA is tribe and defeat rival tribes ... II
including mounted mapboards, cards and some expected this summer. .. -SKT
Please submit announcements at least six months in advance of the event to ensure timely publication. Feel free to email informatiol.toahgeneral.com n
AvalonCon '98 ConQuest '98 Armistice '98 "The Great War" 1
July 29-August 2, 1998, Baltimore, MD September 4-7,1998, San Francisco, CA November 6-7,1998, Aurora, CO
Sponsored by Avalon Hill and held at the Hunt Held at the Clarion Hotel in Milbrae, this con- Sponsored by the Colorado Historical Gamers, C
Valley Marriott in the suburbs of Baltimore, this vention features RPGs, miniatures, LARP, this convention is held at the National Guard n
convention features the National Boardgarning boardgames, computer games, strategy card Armory and features NAPOLEON'S BATTLES,
Championships for Avalon Hill's games. Write games, auction and dealers. Write ConQuest, 467 historical miniatures and boardgames. Contact ~
Avalon Hill Game Company, 4517 Harford Rd., Saratoga Ave., Ste.#1422, San Jose, CA 95129 or Steve Weeldreyer at 303-752-3213 or email
Baltimore, MD 21214 or call 410-254-9200 call 408-281-5992 or email info@con-quest.com CHG]RES_STEVE@msn.com. 'v
x103 or email don@avalonhill.com or visit or visit www.conquest.com. Y
www.avalonhill.com. U*Con 1998
November 20-22, 1998, Ann Arbor, MI a
ASL Wild West Fest IV This tenth annual convention is held at the Uni-
August 21-23,1998, Denver, CO September 12-13, 1998, Tyson's Corner, VA versity of Michigan Student Union. (Organizers y
Held at the Holiday Inn Denver Southeast, this Held at the Westpark Hotel, this convention fea- are seeking game masters and volunteers.)
open-format tournament features several mini- tures historical and sf miniatures, vendors, open Write U*Con 98, P.O. Box 4491, Ann Arbor,
gaming and flea market. Write NOVAG, P.O.
tourneys. All skill levels are welcome. Pre-reg-
Box 223660, Chantilly, VA 20153 or email
MI 48106-4491 or email v-
istration is $15. Write Tim Wilson, 353 Cas- ucon98info@umich.edu or visit www.death-
cade, Lander, WY 82520 or call 307-332-9266 dluff@erols.com. star.org/-ucon!. a
or email twilson@wyoming.com. p
1998 Canadian ASL Open The 1999 Midwest Open
RailCon '98 September 25-27,1998, March 6-7, 1999, Kenosha, WI e
September 10-13, 1998, Denver, CO Winnepeg, Manitoba, Canada This VICTORY IN THE PACIFIC tournament
Sponsored by the Train Gamers Association, This second annual event will be at the Viscount takes place at the Days Inn on 75th Street. t
this convention features many railroad games, Gort Hotel and is open to all ASL players. Regis- Organizers offer plaques and other prizes. Reg- a
including 1830 on Friday and RAIL BARON on tration is C$20 prior to August 31, C$25 at door. istration is $30 before Feb. 20, 1999; $40 at
Sunday. A tour package of historical railroads is Write Winnipeg ASL Club, 360 Kenaston Blvd., door. Open Gaming allowed; gallery free. Write 1
offered for Sept. 14-17. Write TGA, Inc., P.O. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3N 1V8 or call Glenn E.L. Petroski, 6829 23rd Avenue,
Box 461072, Aurora, CO 80046-1072 or call 204-487-0544 or email jmmcleod@mb.sympa- Kenosha, WI 53143-1233 or call 414-654- c
303-680-7824 or email TGATrains@aol.com. tico.ca. 5044 or email GELP@juno.com. t[
l"Tl'II..l'III.. I~ Nt)"T! IIV l)t)I)IJI.. l'lll)I~)ll'NI)!
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The very thorough manual, which is Your Signature
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the game. If you love detailed Your Daytime Phone # (_) Avalon Hill Game Company
Iwargames TacOps Classic is sure to L ~
OR VISIT OUR 24-HOUR ONLINE STORE AT www.avalonhill.comBaltimore.MD 21214
""'Attehtion oamer$r;rs tim~nce to the ag~n sel&~ b~t
game"ifnd gam~~elated
releases of the past yead(l997) fdr the annual Origihs Award~. Please vote for qne
release in each category. Return yO'ur completed ballot by/June 17.'And'feel free'to "
photocopy this ballot for your own use or to pass it on to other gamers (only one ballot
per person, though). Origins Award winners are announced at the ORIGINS national
gaming convention-be there, or check summer issues of this magazine for the winners!

Deadline; Jttne 17, 1998

Best Abstract Board Game Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Figure Miniature Best Game-Related Novel
Balanx . ............... Mayfair _ Dove Falconhand in Armor .... .. .. Ral Partha Grave Covenant FASA
_ Kill Doctor Lucky ..... Cheapass Games _ Golden Chaos Dragon Limited Edition Ral Partha Planar Powers . .. TSR, Inc.
Lowenherz ....... Gold Sieber _ High Elven Warlord. .. Ral Partha _ Steel Rain .. FASA
Stock Market Guru ......... Avalon Hill _ Sisters of Battle Battle Squad (Seraphin) Games Workshop _ Tales from the Empire. .. West End Games
Survivai of the Witiess .. Avaianche Write-in Title: The Road to Hell White Wolf
Write-in Title: _ Manufacturer: _ Write-in Title:
Manufacturer: _ Manufacturer: _
Best Vehicle Miniature
Best Historical Board Game AKU-1 X Akuma Ral Partha Best Game-Related Short Work
_ Euphrat & Tigris
Home Before the Leaves Fall
Sam Grant..
_ Six Days of Glory
Successors .
Hans im Gluck
Ciash of Arms Games
.. Columbia Games
Clash of Arms GamesfTOME
. Avalon Hill
= Call of Cthulhu Roadster..
Cauldron Born.
GHQ Micronaut: CB-t Alaska (USN 67)
_ Iceberg Silent Death Starship
_ Longboat Silent Death Starship. .
... RAFM
Ral Partha
GHQ Microarmor
_ A Bright Dream/A Dark Dream
Appearing in In Nomine
_ A Forty Share in Innsmouth. .
Appearing in Singers of Strange Songs
_ Crisis of Faith ..
Steve Jackson


Dream Pod 9
Write-in Title: Write-in Title: _ _Independence Day...... .. .... Pinnacle
Manufacturer: ---------:::c--:-:: Manufacturer: _ Not Damned. ... White Wolf
Appearing in Dark Tyrants Anthology
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Board Game Best Action Computer Game Write-in Title:
_ BABYLON 5 Wars Agents of Gaming _ 7th Legion .. Microprose Manufacturer: _
_ Princess Ryan's Star Marines Avalon Hill Hexen II ... ..Activision
Roborally Grand Prix
Starship Troopers..
Write-in Title:
.... Wizards of the Coast
. Avalon Hill

= Quake II .
Star Trek Starfleet Academy.
Tomb Raider...
Write-in Title:

.. .. Eidos Software
Best Roleplaying Adventure
Film Festival #1 (Honk Kong Action Theatre) Event Horizon
Independence Day (Deadlands) . ..
Mob War (Shadowrun) . .
Manufacturer: _ _ Tale of the Comet (AD&D) TSR
Best Trading Card Game
= BABYLON 5 Collectible Card Game
Dune: Eye of the Storm..
.. Last Unicorn
_ Shadowrun Trading Card Game Limited Ed FASA
Best Roleplaying Computer Game
Blade Runner ........
Descent to Undermountain .....
The Great Modron March (AD&D) .

Appearing in The Medellin Agent

The New Breed: Battle Before the Storm (Heavy Gear) ..
.. TSR
The Medellin Agent (Millennium's End) ..... Chameleon Eclectic

_ Warlords Trading Card Game. . Iron Crown _ Fallout: A Post Nuclear Adventure Interplay ................ .. Dream Pod 9
Write-in Title: _ Final Fantasy VII Eidos Software Write-in Title: _
Manufacturer: _ Ultima Online Origins Systems Manufacturer: _
Write-in Title: _
Best Traditional Card Game Manufacturer: _ Best Roleplaying Game
_ Corporate Shuffle Wizards of the Coast _ Big Eyes, Small Mouth Guardians of Order
Give Me the Brain Cheapass Garnes Best Strategy Computer Game Blue Planet Biohazard Games
_ Groo: The Game. . Archangel Entertainment _ Dark Reign. .. Activision _ Domains of Dread .. TSR
_ Lord of the Rings Tarot Deck and Card Game. _ Emperor of the Fading Suns Holistic _ Legends of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game Alderac
........ U.S. Games Systems, Inc. _ Sid Meier's Gettysburg Firaxis _ Saga Game Rules/Fate Deck . TSR
Titan: The Arena ...... Avalon Hill _ Imperialism Strategic Simulations _ The Babylon Project Chameleon Eclectic
Write-in Title: _
Manufacturer: _
_ Magic: the Gathering CD-ROM.
Panzer General II ...
... Microprose
. Strategic Simulations W~i~e,;~a~:~~~r-:- - - - - - - - - - -
Write-in Title: _
Best Card Game Expansion or Supplement Manufacturer: _
Best Roleplaying Supplement
BattleTech: Mechwarrior Wizards of the Coast _ A Magicaf Medley (FUDGE) . . Grey Ghost
_ L5R-Time of the Void Five Rings Publishing Best Amateur Game Magazine _ BattleTech Field Manual: Mercenaries (Mechwarnor) ..... FASA
Magic: the Gathering Portal
Magic: the Gathering Tempest
Middle-earth: The Lidless Eye..
Wizards of the Coast
Wizards of the Coast
. Iron Crown
= Alarums & Excursions
Berg's Review of Games
_ Gaming Intelligence
Lee Gold
Berg's Review of Games
Gaming Intelligence
Delta Green (Call of Cthulhu)
Heroes of Sorcery (AD&D).. .
Rigger 2 (Shadowrun)..
Pagan Publishing

Write-in Title: _ _ Serendipity's Circle Wheeality _ The Blood Wood (Earthdawn) .. FASA
Manufacturer: _ _ Starry Wisdom Chaosium Write-in Title
Write-in Title: _ Manufacturer: _
Best Historical Miniatures Rules Manufacturer: _
_ Battleground Rules Easy Eight Enterprises
_ Battles of the Revolutionary & Napoleonic Wars Best Professional Game Magazine
.. .. ...... ... ..... ..... Clash of Arms Games Comics Retailer . Krause Publications Name _
Crossfire .. . Quantam Publishing Company _ Dungeon Magazine .. TSR Address _
Flint & Steel Clash of Arms GamesfTOME InQuest .. Wizard Press
_ High Noon. . Tactical Conflict Systems _ Knights of the Dinner Table Magazine Kenzer & Co. City State/Provo
_ Red Star, Blue Sky Simtac _ Pyramid Magazine. Steve Jackson Zip Country _
Write-in Title: _ _ Shadis Magazine. . Alderac
Manufacturer: _ Write-in Title: _ Phone Number ( _ _ ) _
Manufacturer: _
Best Science Fiction or Fantasy Miniatures Rules Signature _
_ Chronopia Heartbreaker Hobbies Best New Play-by-Mail Game
_ Deadlands: the Great Rail Wars Pinnacle _ Cold War Battle Plan. . Flying Buffalo, Inc. For more information on the Academy or the
_ EpiC 40,000 . ...... Games Workshop _ Fire in the Galaxy.. .. Tactical Simulations Origins Awards, contad us at the address below.
_ Gorkamorka . . Games Workshop _ Legends II ..... Midnight Games
_ The Lost Toys .. .. Inner City Game Designs _ Middle-earth PBM Fourth Age Circa 1000 Ballots must be received by June 17, 1998.
Write-in Title: _ ......... Game Systems, Inc.
Manufacturer: _ Write-in Title: _ Mail your ballot to:
Manufacturer: _
Best Historical Figure Miniatures Series
15mm ACW Personalities. .... Stone Mountain Best Ongoing Play-by:Maii Gal1)e, _.
_ 15mm American Revolution Musket Miniatures ----' CTF 2187 .. :: : Advanced Gaming'
~ 6mm Adier Napoleonics . . Stone Mountain L Duelmasters .. Reality Simulations
_ Charlie Company U.S. Army Figures RAFM _ Hyborian War. Reality Simulations
_ GHQ Rebeliion 10mm Napoieonics GHQ Microarmor Middle-earth PBM Game Systems, Inc.
Write-in Title: -''--_-,-_ _ Star Web. .......... Flying Buffalo, Inc.
Manufacturer: -.- _ Write-in Title. --.;- _
Manufacturer: -'- ~_ _
P.O. Box 10262 Blacksburg, VA 24062
540.953.1658 www.gama.orglacademy

For Excellence in the Conflict Simulation Game Industry

Best Pre-World War II Board Wargame Best Professional Wargame Magazine
Name specific box game or magazine

Charles S. Roberts
Best Amateur Wargame Magazine
Best World War II Board Wargame
Name specific box game or magazine
Best Post World War II Board Wargame
Name specific box game or magazine

Signature Date

1997 Ballot from which magazine, issue #

Best Wargame Graphics

Name specific box game or magazine Best Historical or Scenario Article Please sign and return your ballot to:
Name magazine, issue # and author

John Kranz
CSR Awards Director
13426 E. Cindy St.
Chandler, AZ 85225
Best Pre-20th Century Era
Computer Wargame

This is the Official Awards Ballot for the

Charles S. Roberts Awards for calendar
James F. Dunnigan Award for Design year 1997. Please list three titles or
Elegance and Playability names in each category; the five titles/
Best 20th Century Era names receiving the most votes in each
To a Game Designer, Developer, Graphic
Computer Wargame Artist or Game for outstanding category will be declared the nominees;
and the title/name receiving the most
votes overall in each category declared
the winner. The winners will receive their
CSR Awards at Origins'98.

Please note the name of the magazine

Best Game Review or Game Analysis Clausewitz Award
the ballot is from and return the ballot
Name magazine, issue # and author signed and dated. Thank you for taking
HALL OF FAME the time to show your appreciation for
A career achievement award to an the efforts of those working in the
individual in game industry; past winners wargame industry.
are: Richard Berg, Ty Bomba, Joe
Balkoski, Dean Essig, Jack Greene, Don
John Kranz, Awards Director
Greenwood, Mark Herman, Larry Hoffman,
Chris Perello, & Ted Raicer.


BY JUNE 24, 1998





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Name. _ o I YEAR $ I8 Postpaid
o 2 YEARS $29 Postpaid
Address, _ o SINGLE ISSUE $ 5 Postpaid
City / State. _ o 1 YEAR $36 Postpaid
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Apt.# _ Zip _ o SINGLE ISSUE $10 Postpaid

RENEWAL 0 NEW 0 o 1 YEAR $48 Postpaid


o 2 YEARS $87 Postpaid
o SINGLE ISSUE $12 Postpaid

~I CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CHARGE 0 Overseas residents may find costs cbeaper
from agents near them; agent names and
addresses available upon written request.


Exp. Date _ SIGNATURE _


Name. _ o I YEAR $18 Postpaid
o 2 YEARS $29 Postpaid
Address, _ o SINGLE ISSUE $ 5 Postpaid

~I City / State _
o I YEAR $36 Postpaid
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Apt.# _ Zip, _ o SINGLE ISSUE $ I0 Postpaid

= RENEWAL 0 NEW 0 o I YEAR $48 Postpaid


o 2 YEARS $87 Postpaid
o SINGLE ISSUE $12 Postpaid
CHECK 0 MONEY ORDER 0 CHARGE 0 Overseas residents may find costs cbeaper
from agents near them; agent names and
addresses available upon written requesl.


~I Exp. Date. _ SIGNATURE, _


Name. _
o I YEAR $18 Postpaid
o 2 YEARS $29 Postpaid
Address, _ o SINGLE ISSUE $ 5 Postpaid
o 1 YEAR $36 Postpaid
02 YEARS $65 Postpaid
'f o SINGLE ISSUE $ J 0 Postpaid

NEW 0 o I YEAR $48 Postpaid


o 2 YEARS $87 Postpaid
o SINGLE ISSUE $12 Postpaid
Overseas residents may find costs cbeaper
from agents near them; agent names and
addresses available upon written request.

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North Carolina 1998 Utah 1998 Stanford 1998 Kentucky 1998

C Ademola Okulaja E C Michael Doleac C C Tim Young D C Nazr Mohammed D

LF Antawn Jamison A LF Hanno Mottola C LF Mark Madsen D LF Scott Padgett D
RF Vince Carter C RF Alex Jensen E RF Peter Sauer D RF Allen Edwards E
LG Shammond Williams C LG Drew Hansen F LG Kris Weems C LG Jeff Sheppard C
RG Ed Cota E RG Andre Miller C RG Arthur Lee C RG Wayne Turner D

Bench Grade C Bench Grade B Bench Grade B Bench Grade A

Defensive Grade A Defensive Grade A Defensive Grade B Defensive Grade B
Coach Bill Guthridge 2 Coach Rick Majerus 3 Coach Mike Montgomery 3 Coach Tubby Smith 3
Tar Heels 96 Utes 90 Cardinal 84 Wildcats 82

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