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Due to the rod's corruption, anyone who successfully

Rod of Arketh attunes to the rod must change their alignment to Evil. The
Corrupted Rod of Resurrection
rod will begin to influence the owner over time at the
Rod, legendary (requires attunement) Dungeon Master's discretion. If the owner ever stops being
attuned, they will die in 4d12 hours.
This 1-foot-tall rod is made of silver and glows dimly with
purple light. Etched into the rod is a detailed scene; when Heal
dipped in ink and rolled onto canvas, it shows a grotesque, 6th level evocation
elderly woman tending to the sick and wounded that lie Casting Time: 1 action
around a large shrine dedicated to an unknown winged bat- Range: 60 feet
like creature. Components: V S
The rod has 6 charges. While you hold it, you can use an Duration: Instantaneous
action to cast one of the following spells from it: heal Choose a creature that you can see within range. A surge of
(expecnds 1 charge) or resurrection (expends 5 charges).
The positive energy washes through the creature, causing it to
rod regains 1 epended charge daily at midnight. If reduced to regain 70 hit points. This spell also ends blindness, deafness,
0 charges, roll a d20. On a 1, it disappears in a burst of and any diseases affecting the target. This spell has no effect
radiance. on constructs or undead.
History Corrupted Resurrection
Once belonging to Arketh - a member of the Cult to 7th level necromancy
Acrimonious. Arketh turned this once legendary rod into an Casting Time: 1 action
instrument of evil. Controlling the minds of who it raises Range: 60 feet
while twisting the soul of the owner - it is wise to take great Components: V S
care when interacting with the rod. It has a will of its own. Duration: Instantaneous
Corruption You touch a dead creature that has been dead for no more
than a century, that didn’t die of old age, and that isn’t undead.
Because of the corruption placed on the rod, any non-evil the target returns to life with all its hit points, regardless if it
aligned creature who attempts to touch the rod must make a is willing or not.
Constitution saving throw. The creature immediately takes This spell neutralizes any poisons and cures normal, mnon-
2d10 necrotic damage, on a failed save the creature is forced magical, diseases afflicting the creature when it died.
to drop the rod, or can manage to take custody of it on a This spell closes all mortal wounds and restores any
successful one. missing body parts.
Coming back from the dead is an ordeal.
Furthermore, anyone who has directly touched the The target takes a −4 penalty to all attack rolls, saving
corrupted rod will need to perform a Wisdom saving throw at throws, and ability checks. Every time the target finishes a
the beginnging of their next Long Rest. see WISDOM SAVE long rest, the penalty is reduced by 1 until it disappears.
Table. Anyone who fails the save is plagued with nightmares The resurrected feels the desire to serve the one who
until the affects of the rod wear off. raised it until they pass a Wisdom saving throw.
Wisdom Save
D20 Character
1 Do not rest and must attempt to take control of the rod.
2-5 Do not rest. Take exhaustion.
6-10 You manage to rest, but are plagued with nightmares and still take a level of exhaustion.
11-15 You have nightmares all night, but recover from the effects of the rod.
16-20 You have recovered from the effects of the rod entirely.

Random Desire for the Rod of Arketh

D8 Character
1 Joe
2 Lindsey
3 Zach
4 Cattie-Bree
5 Jon
6 Branden
7 Marlee
8 DM decides

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