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Chapter 12 Enhancing Decision Making 495


Singapore Sports Institute Uses Analytics for SEA Games
Established in 2011, the Singapore Sports Institute finally sharing the analysis with coaches, athletes,
(SSI) is a specialist institute for sports science, medi- and other stakeholders.
cine, and technology with the aim of becoming a Before the games started, the team created a “Pre-
world-class sports institute to transform sporting tal- Games Report” with an analysis of Team Singapore’s
ent into champions. In August 2014, SSI created the chances of winning medals in different sports; it
High Performance Sports (HPS) Analytics, Technol- even made an analysis of individual athletes based
ogy, and Education Department with the objective on their performance relative to their competitors
of leveraging analytics for sporting excellence in over a 12-month period. The HPS Analytics team
Singapore. The department provides video and data also worked closely with Team Singapore athletes
analysis of Team Singapore athletes’ performance and coaches to develop tagging templates that were
during both practice and competitions, and it aims to then used to analyze the videos. The videos were
educate the Singapore National Sports Associations collected via the broadcast feed, analyzed, and then
(NSAs) on how to use the technology in sports. uploaded online in as short a period as possible. For
During training and competitions, athletes’ activi- example, as soon as an athlete’s event was over, the
ties are captured using the Dartfish video platform video would be processed and uploaded to an online
and then analyzed at the SSI based on input from video platform that only coaches and athletes could
coaches and NSAs. The analysis is conducted using access, via web browser or Dartfish’s mobile app. In
specialized software called SimulCam and StroMo- total, the team processed 1,297 videos with 745 hours
tion to compare an athlete’s performance with others of footage covering 19 different sports. These videos
or to pinpoint deficiencies and shortcomings via the became part of the video database, and to enable an
process of tagging. Tagging is a way to identify and efficient retrieval of videos, each video was marked
categorize sports activities that impact performance. with relevant keywords and metadata.
Activities are categorized in four ways: creation, such In addition to the video analysis, the HPS team
as kick, tackle, or turnover; categorization, covering also produced daily reports of Team Singapore’s
offense or defense, team or individual play; identifi- performance and sent them to key stakeholders and
cation of the specific players involved; and descrip- senior management. The team also provided hourly
tion, which includes the place where the shot was information on Team Singapore’s results as well as
taken, the outcome, etc. The tagging files and video the medal count. These details were also updated in
analysis are uploaded on a secure cloud platform to Qlik, an online business intelligence and data visu-
be shared with athletes and coaches. Coaches can alization platform. End-of-the-day reports showed
also download the videos and discuss specific por- Team Singapore’s performance against their targets
tions of the game with their athletes by using the as well as a comparison with historical results. For
relevant tags rather than watching the whole game. example, for the women’s discus throw, officials
Similarly, athletes can watch the videos to better pre- could not only monitor the distance thrown but also
pare themselves for practice or actual competitions. the athlete’s rankings over the years and compari-
The HPS Analytics Team used this system in sons with regional discus throwers. In addition, the
2015 during the 28th Southeast Asian (SEA) Games, reports allowed the officials to drill down to key
which were held in Singapore. The department’s key information related to individual athletes, such as
objectives were to build a video management system the level of support provided and whether the ath-
and a video repository of Singapore athletes as well lete was new or experienced.
as other top athletes from the region. Through the Analytics made a huge impact on the success
video management system, the department aimed to of Team Singapore, which received 84 gold, 73
integrate and streamline the processes of capturing silver, and 102 bronze medals, placing Singapore
video footage of athletes, analyzing the videos, and second behind Thailand. In addition, HPS received
496 Part Three Key System Applications for the Digital Age

numerous accolades, especially from NSAs, who Ian, “The Science Behind Team Singapore,” Yahoo Sports Website,
February 15, 2016,, accessed December 22,
experienced first-hand the power of analytics and
2016; Sport Singapore, “SSI HPS Analytics,” Sport Singapore Website,
thus became more amenable to working with HPS to April 2015,, accessed December 22, 2016;
implement their own video management and analyt- Sport Singapore, “Singapore Sports Institute—Building the Founda-
ics systems. tion for Team Singapore’s Success,” Sport Singapore Website, Octo-
ber 30, 2015,, accessed December 22, 2016; N.
Tan, “Getting a Winning Edge with Help of Data Analytics,” Today,
May 14, 2016,, accessed December 22, 2016;
Sources: Channel NewsAsia. “SEA Games: Team Singapore Breaks “Case Study: Analytics at the 28th South East Asian (SEA) Games
Records in Best Performance Yet,” Channel NewsAsia, June 16, 2015,” in G. Fried and C. Mumcu (eds.), Sport Analytics: A Data-driven
2015,, accessed December 22, 2016; S. Approach to Sport Business and Management (Routledge 2017).


1. What technologies are used by SSI? What is their 3. Search the web for SimulCam and StroMotion.
purpose? How can these tools be used for video analysis?
2. To what extent was technology responsible for 4. Search the web for the role of big data in the Ger-
Team Singapore’s success at the SEA games? man team’s 2014 World Cup victory and compare
Explain. it with Team Singapore’s success at the SEA

Case contributed by Neerja Sethi and Vijay Sethi, Nan-

yang Technological University

operation, healthcare delivery, and public safety. What’s more, the ability
to evaluate how changes in one service affect the operation and delivery of
other services enables holistic problem solving that could only be dreamed of
a generation ago.

Operational Intelligence and Analytics

Many decisions deal with how to run the business of these cities on a day-to-day
basis. These are largely operational decisions, and this type of business activ-
ity monitoring is called operational intelligence. An example of operational
intelligence is the use of data generated by sensors on trains and equipment
by SNCF, which operates France’s rail services, including France’s high-speed
rail network. The railway network consists of about 32,000 km (20,000 miles)
of route and about 14,000 trains run daily. The sensors monitor data about
train speed, engine and train car functioning, and track conditions. SNCF
is able to analyze these data to reduce failures and improve the reliability of
trains, signals and tracks. Engineers can connect to running trains in real time,
enabling the company to figure out if a component is likely to fail, which could
lead to a train being taken out of service (Saran, 2016). The chapter-ending
case describes how General Electric (GE) is using operational intelligence to

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