Mobile App Buyers Guide

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buildfire Buyer’s Guide: Mobile App Development Platforms Chapter 1. Introduction Chapter 2. Ways to Bulld a Mobile App 2.1 Low-Level Coding 2.2 — Hybrid Development 2.3 — Enterprise Low-Code Development 2.4 — Cookie Cutter Apps 2.5 — BuildFire Chapter 3. Methodology For Evaluating App Development Platforms 3.1— Type of App 3.2 — Technical Skil Level 3.3 — Budget 3.4 ~ App Builder Interface 3.5 — Features 3.6 Limitations 3.7 - Customizability 3.8 — Technology 3.9 ~ Deployment 3.10 Updates and App Changes 3.11 — Reviews and Reputation Chapter 4. Customer Support and Service 4.1— Response Time 4.2 — Publishing Process 433 — Bug Fixes 4.4 ~ Ongoing Maintenance 4.5 — Full Service Design and Development Chapter 5. How to Choose the Best App Development Platform For You Chapter 1. Introduction Anyone interested in creating a mobile app will quickly realize that the market is flooded with development options. From DIY platforms to hiring development teams and everything in-between, choosing just one option can be intimidating—especially Oo if you've never done this before. But finding the right app development platform is crucial to the success of your app. Ifyou choose the wrong one, you could spend months or even years developing something you're unhappy with. Not to mention the tens of thousands of dollars wasted on a failed project. Creating an app is a big investment. You can’t just blindly pick a platform, cross your fingers, and hope you made the right choice. That's 4 recipe for disaster. With so many options to consider, how can you possibly know which app development platform is the best? This is a common problem in the development world, which is what inspired me to write this ebook. Whether this is your first app development project or you're a seasoned veteran, Ill explain everything you need to know about finding the best app-building platform for your unique needs. So as you're shopping around and evaluating different tools, you'll know exactly how to determine if the platform is right for your project. No matter what type of app you're trying to build, this ebook has you covered. Let's dive in! Chapter 2. Ways to Build a Mobile App Before we jump create an app. nto the specifics of evaluating development platforms, | want to quickly cover the different ways to Years ago, there were really only two options~Java and Objective-C (one for Android and one for iOS). But today, you'll have a broader range of choices to consider. New technology has made it possible for people without a technical background to create an app without any coding knowledge. There are essentially five different ways to develop a mobile app: 1. Low-Level Coding 2, Hybrid Development 3. Enterprise Low-Code Development 4, Cookie Cutter Apps 5, BulldFire Within each of these categories, there will be several different platforms for you to choose from. So it’s Important to understand how to categorize your options before we talk about specific solutions. I'l explain each of these methods in greater detail throughout this chapter. 2.1 — Low-Level Coding ‘As the name implies, building an app using this method requires coding knowledge. If you don’t know how to code, you'll either have to learn it or hire a developer. ‘While | don’t want to discourage you from learning a new skill, the first app you code on your own probably won't be suitable for mass distribution. But if the app isn’t for your business and you want to improve your technical ability, then go for it Otherwise, hiring a development team will be your best option here. Low-level coding will always be the most expensive and time-consuming development method. Why? Allow me to quickly explain. Most people want their apps available on Android and iOS devices. But this requires you to code in two different languages—essentially building two completely separate apps (one for each operating system). A So at ¢ minimum, you'll need an Android developer and iOS developer. Most development teams also consist of a web developer, designer, GA manager, and project manager. Once your app is built, you'l stil need to retain the developers to maintain your app. The labor adds up quickly. If you're creating a game, augmented reality app, or trying to develop the next Facebook, low-level coding will be your best option. This method gives you the most control over your app, but it comes at a price. 2.2 — Hybrid Development Hybrid development has been growing in popularity over the years. This methodology relies on web technology— Javascript With a hybrid app, you can write the code just once and deploy it on multiple platforms. Unlike low-level coding, you won't necessarily need to hire more than one developer. Any web developer who knows how to write Javascript should be able to create a hybrid app. The same code can be used to deploy your app on Android, iOS, and other platforms. React Native, Cordova on PhoneGap, Ionic, and Titanium from Appcelerator are some of the most popular hybrid development tools on the market today. Simple, declarative UI cere component design. high quality Ul that perform great everywhere —e Card Title You'll still have lots of custom control over your app with @ hybrid build. But since you're using Javascript instead of native code, the performance will be slightly below low-level coding. Again, this won't matter for most apps. But if you're building a game or a similar type of app, hybrid development might not be the best choice for you. Due to the low-cost, quick development time, and flexibility of these apps, hybrid development is very appealing to businesses and entrepreneurs who want to get their app to market as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality 2.3 — Enterprise Low-Code Development Platforms Enterprise low-code development platforms are specifically geared toward enterprise IT departments (hence the name). You still need to have a technical background to use these development tools. it’s also worth noting that enterprise low-code platforms are extremely expensive (which is why they are marketed to enterprise IT departments). Build Applications Fast Every aspect of Outsystems is designed 1o help developers deliver applications qucky and cfcienty A visual development environment, powerful automation and Al assistance enable ‘teams to accelerate the crtical phases of Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) so apps are delivered in weeks and even days High Productivity Collaborative eal Development 28 Fas comprehensive and nlgent 238 moder, hgh colsborative latorm, 23 Lane shat Rested > ere 6 aa Popular platforms like Kinvey, Kony, and OutSystems are all designed to accommodate the needs of “citizen developers.” These are technically-minded personnel (ike internal IT teams) who aren't trained as professional developers, but have the tools and resources to develop applications for a business—usually for internal use. No-code development platforms are ok if you need an internal app for automating simple business processes, However, they are extremely limited for custom application development. Many organizations that invest no-code platforms get pushback from professional developers due to th customization limitations enforced by no-code architectures. Enterprise low-code development is such a niche-specific category. You must be highly technical in order to use these tools, but your freedom to build will definitely be restricted. 2.4 — Cookie Cutter Apps Cookie-cutter apps require less technical ability than other tools on our list. If you can navigate the Internet, you can create a cookie-cutter app. With this development method, you're essentially just configuring different options on a pre-built app. Through an intuitive user interface, you can turn some functions on, others off, upload your own images, and customize the content on the screen. It’s really easy, and most cookie-cutter apps come out looking pretty sharp. But with that said, the flexibility in terms of what you can do with these types of apps is extremely low. I you're just bullding an app for fun or as a hobby, check out GoodBarber or BiznessApps. These are two of the most popular cookie-cutter platforms on the market today. For those of you who want to create an app as fast and cheap as possible, these are both viable options to consider. ested The #1 App Builder for Small Business Cee ae eee eed Cookie-cutter development isn't ideal for business apps or any app with big goals. You'll be limited by the platform, even more so than enterprise low-code tools. But if growth isn’t important to you and this is just meant to be a fun little side project, a cookie-cutter platform will be perfect for your needs. 2.5 — BuildFire BuildFire is a category of its own. People with no technical skills and no coding knowledge can use this platform to build iOS and Android apps, simultaneously. Its a cost-effective way to get your app to market quickiy, but without sacrificing its quality. builfire 6 swe GE cee oe . re Pate oe : =| a ome Osun omens OLangwee Dew i 6 * ° a Wh rocco BB sconce Arete BuildFire has an extensive marketplace and a plethora of custom features that can be added to any app. While BulldFire Is designed to accommodate people without technical skills, It’s also developer-friendly. The platform is open to the developer community, so there are always new features being added in. Let's say there’s some unique functionality that you want for your app that's not currently available on the feature marketplace. Your developers can create this feature using the BulldFire SDK. So unlike cookie-cutter apps or enterprise low-code tools, you'll never outgrow BuildFire’s platform—it’s virtually limitless. Dor't have your own developers? No problem. You can also leverage BulldFire’s pro services and in-house team to create the custom functionality for your app. With BuildFire’s white-glove setup option, the expert design and development team can even build the entire app for you, Over 10,000+ apps have been developed using BuildFire. Businesses of all shapes, sizes, and industries have built highly successful apps using this platform. Examples include ecommerce apps, educational apps. internal business apps for employee communication, gym and fitness apps, religious apps, and more. Even internationally-known rock bands have developed apps using BuildFire. This really highlights the platform's versatility. BuildFire is easy for anyone to use. If you know how to use the Internet, you can create an app with this platform, ‘ Cosaenaie NY A Soran Und Stes Drip Notineation Vimeo Prone: Experience upon Plugin 10 = Chapter 3. Methodology For Evaluating App Development Platforms Now that you know how to categorize app development options, it’s time to take a closer look at the specifics. Certain features and other considerations must be evaluated as you're shopping around for an app development platform. I'l break these factors down into greater detail below, so you can narrow your selection and find the best. development platform for your app. 1 3.1 — Type of App All apps are not created equally. The type of app you're trying to build will have a significant impact on the platform and development method you choose. For example, if you're building an augmented reality app or gaming app where the frame rate needs to be perfect down to the millisecond, most DIY app-builders won't be able to accommodate your needs. Low-level coding and native development will be your best option. Alternatively, if you're building something extremely simple, like an app to display your menu at a restaurant, you won't need much flexibility. You can just use a cookie-cutter app, turn on those functions, and be done with it. Most apps wil fallin between these two extremes. You're probably looking for something more advanced than basic information, but not quite as complicated as an AR gaming app. In these situations, you'll ikely be weighing your options between hybrid development and a tool like BulldFire. Ecommerce tops Fitness Aops Ecuertionsl Apps —e ae ae i 4 2 3.2 — Technical Skill Level Do you want to build the app on your own or have someone else do it for you? If you want a DIY project, your technical ability will play a huge role in the platform that's right for you. Unless you have coding and development experience, creating a native app with low-level coding can be ruled out right away. The same goes for hybrid development, as this will require you to write in Javascript. DIY users will likely be choosing between cookie cutter app builders and BuildFire. Use Our App Development Platform Start building your app with our powerful app builder, no coding require. Let's say you want to be hands-off and have someone else build the app for you. In this scenario, your technical ability doesn’t hold as much weight in the buying process. But you can eliminate cookie-cutter builders from your list. BuildFire, hybrid, and native development are all viable options to consider if you're going to hire a team to create your app. 3.3 — Budget ‘App development can be expensive. The total cost of your app will depend on several factors. But your development method and app complexity will have the most influence on price. Native development and low-level coding will always be the most expensive. As previously mentioned, you'll need to hire an entire development team to build your app this way. Between iOS developers, Android developers, web developers, designers, QA managers, and project managers, this can easily run you $50,000+ per month, Hybrid development will be alittle less expensive since you won't need multiple developers to complete the project. For those of you looking for the cheapest possible way to develop your app, go with cookie-cutter app builders like GoodBarber and Bizness Apps. Platforms like BuildFire fall in that sweet spot between these two extremes. It’s not going to cost as much as native development, but it won't be rock-bottom prices like a cookie-cutter app. Regardless of the development method you choose, the complexity of your app will also contribute to its cost. Generally speaking, the more features you add, the more expensive the app will be. It's worth noting that your costs won't stop once the app is complete. You also need to budget for the ongoing costs associated with maintaining the app. So keep this in mind as you're coming up with a realistic budget. 3.4 — App Builder Interface Choosing an app building platform with a simple and intuitive interface will make your life much easier. If you're spending half of your time trying to figure out how to use the platform, the quality of your app will obviously suffer. No matter what platform you select, there will always be some type of learning curve. But some of these curves are notably steeper than others. Choose a platform that allows you to see changes on your app in real-time, all from a web-based interface. It should be easy for you to add features, change content, add images, and make design changes to your app. The only way to truly determine which platform has the most user-friendly interface is by testing different options. Take advantage of any free trials or demos offered by each platform. buildfire a B ° were con Beet insect 3 a e =— — = oe 3.5 — Features Before you start building anything, take the time to figure out what type of features you want in your app. Think of your app’s core functionality, and start from there. All too often, people make the mistake of adding in new features throughout the development process. But this adds to the cost and extends the timeline to launch. Unlike native and hybrid development, DIY app builders make it much easier to add a new feature. You can just plug- and-play, essentially adding a new feature with just one or two clicks. Want to add videos to your app? Just install a YouTube or Vimeo plugin. Want to show your company’s Twitter feed within the app? Install the Twitter plugin Ecommerce functionality? There are plugins for that too. The problem is thisnot all app building platforms will have every feature under the sun. So it’s important to shop around and see what each one has to offer. lf a platform doesn’t accommodate certain features, you'll be limited with what you can do with that tool. We'll discuss this in greater detail during the next chapter. ry 3.6 — Limitations Native development is virtually limitless. An experienced developer can code any feature that you could possibly want. App building platforms are a bit different. in most cases, you'll eventually run into some type of restriction or limit, with what your app can become. Your limitations will ultimately be defined by the platform you select. If that platform doesn’t have a certain feature for you to add or turn on, then your app can’t have it. This might not be a problem today, as you're coming up with a minimum viable product (MVP) and building the bare bones of your app. But what about next year? Or two years from now? You don’t want to restrict your app’s ability to grow by limiting its potential features, That's what makes BuildFire unique compared to other platforms. a s cu Data Tracer Remote Debugger Developer Mobile App Plugin 10 Hot Loager ‘Test your work quick without having (ur intuitive DE wit simulate Link to eevee and test your cose i Open Source Plugins BulldFire Ul Components ot ohare ‘endless noure of development. For starters, it has one of the most extensive feature marketplaces that you'll ind in the industry. But if there's a feature or function that isn’t currently available, you can have a developer create the function for you using the BuildFire SOK. If you don’t have your own developers, just reach out to BuildFire’s Pro Services and the in-house development team will create the feature for you. ” 3.7 — Customizability ‘Adding features to your app with a DIY builder is only half of the battle. Once that feature has been installed, make sure you can customize the feature to accommodate your needs. Lots of low-cost platforms and cookie cutters will be extremely rigid in terms of your custom options. You'll be able to change the text within a page or make some slight adjustments, but beyond that, there’s not a ton you can do. Look for an app builder that gives you complete control over the look and feel of your app and its features. All of this can be managed from an easy-to-use dashboard (discussed in chapter 3.4). Ideally, you'll want to start with an industry-specific template. The best platforms will have a wide range of options for you to choose from within the category you select. From there, you'll want to add your company logos, change the color scheme, and make other adjustments, so the app is unique. a buildfire oe eee Start your app with a template ‘Sat Dosrees Employee Welcome eae ed Bee avcaton 7 ate te tron ane ae sec A Frain E. => Yale ac ese iat 3.8 — Technology All too often, prospective buyers fail to look beyond the surface of an app development platform. But the backend technology offered by the platform is extremely important. ''m referring to things like push notification servers, analytics servers, user authentication servers, CMS, SSO integration, and more. EB Image server By File Server Use our image servers to host, (Our servers are capable of toing manipulate and cache your images ‘on our global CON, petabyes of date mith a simple AP @ Anaiytics @B Authentication Integrate with our single AP that Simple, Custom Registration, $80, be piped into hundreds of (kuth, Socal Logins end Apple analytic services of your choice. Login ar all included a part of our platform, Ss & bua server N Push Notitications Code once and BuidFire wil bulls Send millions of push natiistions your application with Native worldwide without integrating with Integrations Then subsequest an expensive tersice provider oF updates ae deployed onthe ly to Worry about data privacy withthe cus & vatabase User our state of the at Content Use our array of databases to host Management System to have your your data, No matter the type. app owners update your plugin Public, private, simple searches or with content ane new settings ‘complex search engines wo have it ‘The best app building platforms will provide all of this technology for you on the backend. Some developers prefer to use their own backend systems. That's fine, but just understand that not every platform will allow this. But if your system has an API, you can integrate your backend tools with platforms like BulldFire, You should also look for app development platforms that integrate with Zapier, as this will make it easier for you to connect with thousands of other third-party tools and platforms. 3.9 — Deployment How will you deploy your app and get it into the hands of actual users? Depending on the platform you choose. This is easier said than done. So before you start building, you must determine how and where you want your app to be available. In most cases, people will want their app available on 108 and Android devices. If you fall into this category, make sure you choose a platform that supports both of these. In addition to 108 and Android, PWAs (progressive web apps) are also growing in popularity. But again, not every app builder will support PWA deployment. Ultimately, a platform that supports IOS, Android, and PWA will be your best option. If you're just building a small or basic app that's not made for mass deployment, then this won't be as important for you. In that case, you could always just build it for one operating system (whichever one you personally use). 20 3.10 — Updates and App Changes Let's fast forward a few months. Imagine your app has already been developed, and it's live on both app stores. Everything is going great, but you need to make some changes (which Is normal and something you should be doing on a regular basis). Now what? How easy is it to go back into the platform and make those updates? How soon will those updates appear on your actual app? Lots of app builders might have a smooth development process, but app updates can be a nightmare, Furthermore, what happens when Apple and Google come out with software updates and new devices? Will your app still be compatible with these changes? UPDATE R eD i® Between your own updates and the updates out of your control {imposed by the app stores and various operating systems), there's a lot that must be taken into consideration here. Not only could these affect your app’s performance, but it could also impact its availability on certain app stores. Choose an app development platform that will handle all of these updates for you on the backend. All youll have to worry about is making changes from your web-based interface, and they'll handle the rest. a 3.11 — Reviews and Reputation Once you've narrowed down your options to a few platforms that check off your boxes, it's time to compare them side-by-side, Do some additional research to learn more about the company and what real customers have to say about their experience. Think of this like any other big purchase you'd make. Read customer reviews. This is one of the best ways to evaluate a platform. How long has the company been in business? How many apps have been developed using their software? What types of apps have been built using the platform? These are the types of questions you need to be asking yourself. Check out any case studies or customer stories to see how real people have had success using the platform in question. cd CRE Cy Pea onary Ceuta Perce erty Poa) Pete emer) Be ae) aes Derg eri Peeec ek Poe eae) fererrereo ror Poetry erate i ery PO Os CC eects ronson 7d CS eur a Peer esse eae ary eae Teer rae oR Santry Cau Pees od Cenc L For example, if a platform has been used to build 10,000+ apps and has 25+ million users on those apps, it’s safe to say they've seen it all and can accommodate your development project But let's say you want to build an ecommerce app or an internal employee app, and you don't see those words anywhere on the company’s website—that probably won't be the best platform for you. 2 Chapter 4. Customer Support and Service Alongside the features discussed in the previous chapter, you need to evaluate some of the intangibles of app development platforms. In addition to providing you with the software to build your app, what type of service and support comes with your subscription? We'll take a closer look at this below. 2 4.1 — Response Time In a perfect world, you'll build your app and never have a question or run into a problem. But the world we live in is far from perfect. Anyone who has been through a software development project in the past knows that this is unrealistic. At some point or another, you're going to need some help. Choosing an app development platform with an exceptional customer support team will be crucial to your success. S | S Otherwise, you could be waiting for days or even weeks to get a reply. In some cases, this delay could hold up your entire development project. You might not be able to continue working on other areas of your app until this problem has been resolved, So for starters, make sure the platform comes with support. 4.2 — Publishing Process Once the app has been built, you need to go through a submission and approval process to make it available on the Apple App Store and Google Play store. This is easier said than done. Each app store has different rules and submission guidelines for you to follow. Going through this process on your own can be challenging, and it’s possible that your app can be rejected. That's why you should look for an app development platform that will assist you with the publishing process. Not every platform offers these services. If you can find a solution that supports 10S, Android, PWA, and will also get your app live on the different app stores on your behalf, it should be a top option to consider. The timeline here is also something that should be taken into consideration. How long will it take your app to get published after you finish butlding it? Depending on your app type and industry, delays could be extremely costly in terms of your competitive advantage. Getting publishing services included with your app development platform will ultimately make this process much smoother for you. Development complete ‘pletion is esd for publishing, 25 4.3 — Bug Fixes Failure to adequately resolve bugs could be the downfall of your app. Once users start experiencing problems, they'll expect an immediate resolution. Otherwise, they might stop using your app altogether. We've already discussed the importance of having timely customer support. But a fast response is useless if the problem persists The platform provider must also be able to solve your issues. Bugs are a normal part of creating an app. But the best platforms will proactively monitor and fix those problems so you won't have anything to worry about. Will the customer support team be there to help you navigate these waters and find a solution? Or will you be alone on an island trying to figure this out for yourself? % 4.4 — Ongoing Maintenance As previously stated, your app isn't complete once it launches. You'l still need to actively maintain the app in order for it to be successful Google and Apple are always making changes. When this happens, your app’s level of compliance could downgrade. To keep up with all of this in real-time, you should choose an app development platform that will handle all of this for you behind the scenes (especially for non-technical users). I'm referring to things like the security and privacy of your app. In addition to the app stores, other things like PCI compliance, CCPA compliance, GDPR compliance, ADA compliance, HIPAA compliance, and other industry-specific regulations could change. Make sure your development platform can adapt as these things evolve over time. Having a team of dedicated support agents working behind the scenes on the platform will ensure that your app stays compliant post-launch. They'll also make sure that your app doesn’t regress and get new bugs as operating systems and devices evolve over time. a 4.5 — Full Service Design and Development While some people prefer the DIY approach, others would rather be hands-off and have someone else build the app. for them. Instead of forming your own team of developers for a native development project, you can look for a platform that offers app-building services. This is much easier and more cost-effective than putting together your own team. When you retain these types of services, you're getting a strategic partner in your development project. That's not, the case when you hire an independent developer who doesn't have any vested interest in your success. A developer hired through a site like Upwork Is just interested in doing what they're told and moving on to the next project. They likely won't challenge your ideas or offer suggestions for improvement. Incredibly Professional The professionals at BullaFire are jus to ve you th lontire proces for you and periodically request your approval. lam confident inthe ability and protessonslsm ofthe BuilFive teem Tek Darron Trowbridge 5/5 stars on ke Trustpilot Customer Reviews Here is what people have to say about our team. Excellent Experience! the best app bulding le the best word that comes to mind get you there, Thankyou Bulire team, FORO 28 BulldFire has helped us put together an amazing app ‘much better app than we could have contact with questions but thelr prompt. fee! that they are reasonably rice as wel JOO But an expert design and development team from a reputable company brings much more value to the table. You'll get consultancy services, in addition to the development service. Not every platform offers these types of services. But BuildFire provides custom app development, UI/UX design, strategic consulting, and cloud-based infrastructure for your app. There's no project too big or too small for BuildFire’s pro services team. buildfire Ce ee eRe ad Custom Mobile App Development a ear ear renee eee] oc e ce Chapter 5. How to Choose the Best App Development Platform For You Now for the burning question—how can you find the best development platform for your specific app? There's no single right or wrong answer here. It’s all about making an informed buying decision. The best way to do this is by going through all of the components. outlined in this ebook. Process of elimination is a great approach. Start with the app development methods discussed in chapter 2. Based on that information, you can probably eliminate one or two of those methods right away. From there, go through the subsections of chapter 3 to narrow your list even further. Once you have two or three final options that you're considering, focus more on the additional services explained in chapter 4. Then you can request free trials and demos to start testing and comparing different platforms. 29 No matter what type of app you're trying to bulld, the information in this ebook will help you make the right decision, when choosing a platform. If you still have questions, reach out to our team of experts here at BuildFire. We're happy to assist you or provide any clarification. Good luck! buildFire 30

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