Good Manners an-WPS Office

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Good Manners and Right Conduct


Essay/Reflection (15pts each)

1. Why social relationships important among individuals?

Social relationship is defined as the connections that exist between people who have recurring
interactions that are perceived by the participants to have personal meaning. This definition includes
relationships between family members, friends, neighbors, coworkers, and other associates. Social
relationship is important because we need this in our toatality as a person, also, social relationship is one of
the needs that we have to have according to the Abraham Harold Maslow's Hierarchy of needs. Socializing is
a crucial part of our life, through socializations we learn a lot of things that we can't learn through reading
and studying, it was like a more of a hands on experience, and we all know that experience is the best
teacher that we can have. To sum up social relationship can strenghten our knowledge about a lot of
principles in life.

2. Reflect on The Five Components of Emotional Intelligence of Daniel Goleman?

Daniel Goleman, a science journalist, developed a five components of emotional intelligence

namely; Self Awareness, Self regulation, Internal motivation, empathy and social skills.This are important to
nurture and hone as we grow for us to be a better person. First is the self awareness, it is the ability to
recognize and understand personal moods and emotions and drives, as well as their effect on others. Next is
the self regulation, it is defined as the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods, and the
propensity to suspend judgment and to think before acting. Next is internal motivation where in it is defined
as A passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status. Also including in Golemans five
components of emotional intelligence is empathy, it is defined as ability to understand the emotional
makeup of other people. And lastly, the social skills it is the proficiency in managing relationships and
building networks, and an ability to find common ground and build rapport. This five components are
important to every individuals because through this we can make an ethical act without interfering and
disturbing other individuals.

3. How understanding the social relationships and its influences help you as a future educator?

As a future educator, understanding social relationship will help me to develop my socialization skills,
it is important in a way that this can be beneficial to communicate with the future students, understanding
the social relationship and it's influences can be a stepping stone as a future educator.

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