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Bambang H Nugroho, M.Sc.

Learning Outcome

Sistem Dispersi

Dispersi Molekuler Dispersi Koloid Dispersi Kasar

• Definisi
• Definisi • Karakteristik • Definisi
• Karakteristik • Penggolongan Koloid • Karakteristik
• Contoh • Type of Colloidal • Sifat Antarmuka
System Suspensi dan Emulsi
• Formulasi Suspensi
• Optical and Kinetic of
• Electrical Colloids • Zeta Potensial dan
• Aplikasi Koloid Hukum Stokes
• Dialysis & Membrane • Stabilitas Fisik
Donane Eq Dispersi kasar
Pembelajaran SCL

 Dosen membentuk kelompok mahasiswa secara acak
 Buatlah mind mapping berdasarkan buku farmasi
fisik martin pada bagian koloid dengan kelompok
 Buatlah point-point penting atau outline dalam
chapter/bagian tersebut
Dispersi Molekuler

 Definisi
 Karakteristik
 Contoh
Dispersi Koloid

• Definisi
• Karakteristik
• Penggolongan Koloid
• Type of Colloidal System
• CMC (critical micelle concentration)
• Optical and Kinetic of Colloids
• Electrical Colloids
• Aplikasi Koloids
• Hidrogel
• ME dan NE (emulsion)
• Liposome
• Misel
• Nanopartikel & Nanokristal
• Dialysis & Membrane Donane Eq
Dispersi Kasar

• Definisi
• Karakteristik
• Sifat Antarmuka Suspensi dan Emulsi
• Formulasi Suspensi &Emulsi
• Zeta Potensial dan Hukum Stokes
• Stabilitas Fisik Dispersi kasar (emulsi dan

Suspension colloid solution

Particles of Mixtures

Video Materi


Surfactan dapat membentuk globul/misel dalam ukuran koloid


Dispersi Koloid


 History
The word "Colloid" was derived from the Greek,
"kolla" for glue, as some of the original organic
colloidal solutions were glues. This term was first
coined in 1862 to distinguish colloids from
crystalloids such as sugar and salt.

12/27/2018 Farmasi Fisik 2013-Bambang HN 14

What are colloids?

A mixture in which one substance is divided into
minute particles (called colloidal particles) and
dispersed throughout a second substance.
There are no strict boundaries on the size of colloidal
particles, but they tend to vary between 1 nm to 1μm
in size.

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Size Of Colloids

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Types of Colloidal Dispersions
Type Particle Phase Medium Phase Example

Foam Gas Liquid Whipped Cream

Solid Foam Gas Solid Floating Soap

Aerosol Liquid Gas Fog, hairspray

Liquid Emulsion Liquid Liquid Milk, Mayonnaise

Solid Emulsion Liquid Solid Butter

Smoke Solid Gas Fine dust or soot

in air
Sol Solid Liquid Starch Solutions,
Solid Sol Solid Solid Pearl
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Shape of Colloids

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Properties of Solutions, Colloids, and
Property Solution Colloid Suspension

Particle Size 0.1-1.0 nm 1-1000 nm >1000 nm

Settles on No No Yes
Filter with No No Yes
Separate by No Yes Yes
Homogeneous? Yes Borderline No

CHEM1405 19

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 Partikel yang terletak dalam jangkauan ukuran koloid
mempunyai luas permukaan yang sangat besar
dibandingkan dengan luas permukaan partikel-partikel

besar dengan volume yang sama

 Penerapan dalam bidang farmasi adalah untuk

mempertinggi efektifitas obat, contohnya :
 Kalomel koloidal, daya antiseptiknya lebih tinggi
 Serbuk sulfur absorpsinya lebih baik
 Polimer sintetis digunakan sebagai bahan penyalut pada bentuk
sediaan padat
 Elektrolit kololidal (zat aktif permukaan) digunakan untuk
mempertinggi kelarutan, stabilitas dan rasa dari senyawa
Characteristic of
  Do not pass semi-
permeable membrane
 Pass through filter

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Tyndall Effect
• Light is scattered by Colloid

A Solution Colloidal
Does not Iron(III) Oxide
Scatter light CHEM1405 Scatters light 23

red colloidal hydrous Addition of Al2(SO4)3 soln

iron (III) oxide Adopted from :CHEM1405 causing Coagulation of the
presentation colloidal iron oxide
Clasification of Colloids

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12/27/2018 Farmasi Fisik 2013-Bambang HN 26

Surfactants decrease surface tension
 terbentuknya
misel pada
nter ion
berada di
polar yang
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Critical micelle concentration (CMC)
-Surface tension decreases with increasing surfactant concentration untill
the surface is fully occupied
-Further increase of surfactant concentration: surfactant molecules are
forced to enter the bulk of the solution
- In the bulk of the solution, surfactant molecules form micelles

Micelle in hydrophilic liquid Micelle in hydrophobic liquid


Also other morphologies are possible

CMC and aggregation # of some
Factors affecting CMC and micelle
•Structure of hydrophobic group
•Nature of hydrophilic group
•Nature of counter ions
•Addition of electrolytes to ionic
surfactants decreases CMC and
increase size
•Effect of temperature
• The ability of the micelles to increase the solubility of
materials that are normally insoluble or only slight soluble
in the dispersion medium.
Properties of Colloids

Optical Properties

 The Faraday-Tyndall Effect
 Electron Microscope
 Light Scattering

Kinetic Properties
 Brownian Motion
 Diffusion
 Sedimentation

Electrical Properties
 Electrokinetic Phenomena
Light Scattering

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Kinetic Property-

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• Dialysis is a process that separates solvent and small
molecules and ions from large ones by allowing the
smaller particles to pass through a membrane that
blocks the larger ones.
• Uses a different type of membrane than osmosis
• In dialysis, molecules
and ions always diffuse
from areas of higher
concentration to areas
of lower concentration.

Adopted from: CHEM1405 presentation

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Aplikasi Dialisis

Blood cells & plasma proteins fall in the
colloidal size range and will be retained,
while impurities pass through the dialysis

Artificial Kidney

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Hemodialysis Device

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• Dialysis is a process that separates solvent and small
molecules and ions from large ones by allowing the
smaller particles to pass through a membrane that
blocks the larger ones.
• Uses a different type of membrane than osmosis
• Counter Current
(Shell&Tube) Membrane
– Blood
– DI Water
• Series of Resistances
– Mass Transfer
• Blook
• Water
– Diffusion in Membrane
• Urea
• Byproducts

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• Kidneys Eliminate certain
wastes by Dialysis
• Smaller molecules pass
through dialysis
membrane, larger colloids
(Blood cells) do not

Adopted from: CHEM1405 presentation

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Kidney Dialysis Machine
• Kidney functions
can be replaced by
a dialysis machine
• Smaller molecules
pass through
membrane, larger
colloids (Blood
cells) do not

Adopted from: CHEM1405 presentation
Membran Donane Eq.

 Pada membran semipermeabel ion-ion kecil (seperti
Na+ Cl-) dapat berpindah (diffusible ion) sedang ion-
ion koloid tidak dapat melewati membran (non-
diffusible ion).

 Sistem dalam kesetimbangan dinyatakan dalam

diagram berikut, dimana R- adalah anion koloid
yang tidak dapat berdifusi dan garis tegak yang
memisahkan berbagai jenis zat mewakili membran

 Volume larutan pada kedua sisi dianggap sama.
Di luar (o) Di dalam (i)
Na+ Na+
Cl- Cl-

 Setelah tercapai kesetimbangan, konsentrasi natrium klorida

dalam larutan encer harus sama pada kedua sisi membran
[Na+]o [Cl-]o = [Na+]i [Cl-]I (1)
 Kondisi elektronetralitas harus pula diterapkan, jadi kinsentrasi
ion-ion bermuatan positif dalam larutan pada kedua sisi
membran harus seimbang dengan konsentrasi ion-ion yang
bermuatan negatif
 Di luar

: [Na+]o = [Cl-]o (2)
 Di dalam : [Na+]i = [R-]i + [Cl-]i (3)
 Bila persamaan disederhanakan dan persamaan (2) dan (3)
disubstitusikan kedalam persamaan (1) maka :

[Cl-]o [R-]i
= 1 + (4)
[Cl-]I [Cl-]I

 Persamaan (4) merupakan perbandingan konsentrasi anion yang

berdifusi diluar dan di dalam membran pada kesetimbangan
 Adanya non diffusible ion pada sisi membran dalam akan
mempengaruhi kecepatan masuknya anion
 Hal ini disebabkan muatan yang sama akan saling tolak, sehingga non
diffusible ion akan mengusir anion keluar membran.

Dispersi Kasar

- A substance, the disperse (discontinuous) phase, is
dispersed as “particles” over the dispersion medium
(continuous phase)
- Phases can be solids, liquids or gasses
Disperse phase
(discontinuous phase)

Dispersie medium
(continuous phase)

Suspensi dan Emulsi

Gibs Free Energy

Surface Free Surface Tension Surface

Energy (Gibbs) (Solid-Liquid) Area
 Compute if surface is increased
 Compute if surface is 10³107
increased 10³107  G 1=ɣSL x A
= 100 X 10³= 10 5 erg/cm²
cm² G 2 =ɣSL x A
= 100 X 107=10 9 erg/cm²
 ɣSL =100 dyne/cm
∆G 21 10 5 erg/cm² 10 9 erg/cm²
Surface Free Energy



 flocculation or caking
– determined by forces of attraction (van der Waals) versus
forces of repulsion (electrostatic)

 deflocculated
– repulsion> attraction
– affected by [electrolytes]

 flocculated
– attraction > repulsion
Zeta Potensial

The DLVO theory is named
after Derjaguin, Landau,
Verwey, and Overbeek. It is
the explanation of the
 stability of colloidal
Describes the balance between
two forces, electrostatic
repulsion and van der
Waals attraction.
Electrostatic repulsion
becomes significant when
two colloids approach each
other and their electrical
double layers begin to
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• The suspension shall form flock
loose networks of flocks
that settle rapidly, do not
form cakes and are easy to
• Settling and aggregation
may result in formation of
cakes (suspension) that is
difficult to resuspend or cake
phase separation (emulsion)
Cake & Flock must be Controlled
by Zeta Potensial, Viscosity and Particle Size

d2(rs - rf)g
Stokes’ law: v= 18h
 Sedimentation is one of the most critical properties
of colloids that significantly influences the
processing, manufacturing, and market launching
of a drug delivery system. Sedimentation is mainly
influenced by gravitational force.
 The velocity (V) of sedimentation of spherical
particles with a density ρ in a medium of density
 ρ and a viscosity η is given by Stokes law
Sedimentation Volume

F = Vu /V0 ; ideally, F should be equal to 1.0
F = Vu /V0

 Vu /V0= 6/100

Vu /V0= 3/100

12/27/2018 PENGARUH ZETA

Fisik 2013-Bambang TERHADAP

Pharmaceutical Formulation

d2(r - r )g
s f
Stokes’ law: v= 18h

Take care:
- Wetting particles (contact angle)
- Shape of the particles (compare: parachute)
- High particle concentration
- Non-Newtonian liquids (yield stress)
- Convection by differences in temperature
Sedimentation Volume

F = Vu /V0 ; ideally, F should be equal to 1.0

Peningkatan Stabilitas
 d2(r - r )g
s f
Stokes’ law: v=

- Decreasing particle size, d

- Decreasing difference in density,rs - rf 
- Increasing viscosity, h

Peningkatan Stabilitas

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