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Paul’s Co-educational College

2019 - 2020 Student Union Year Plan


(As of September 29, 2019)

‘Nexus’ represents a link, or a networked bonding. Acting as the active link between the
school, clubs, societies, and the general student body, Nexus aims to converge talented students
with different strengths through activities, hence forging a supportive network among students.
Nexus aims to make each and every member of SPCC feel accepted and appreciated through all
their efforts and achievements. In keeping with a tradition of education and involvement, the
student unions of St. Paul’s Co-educational College have continually strived to facilitate a
positive learning atmosphere. As a torchbearer to the cause, Nexus will focus on engagement,
endeavour and evolution to achieve its goals. Engagement represents the focus on involving the
student body in active participation, creativity and communication, for example, our brand-new
activity ‘Art Jamming Day - Aurora’ engages students in a grand creation which prizes collective
venture and appreciation; Endeavour represents the focus on encouraging the expression of talent
and creation of experiences, for example, the ‘Talent Quest- Halo’ provides a platform for
students to showcase their talent and courage; Evolution represents the goal of preserving
essential progress and innovating with practicality, for example, a variety of local exchange
programmes are currently under the planning process and will be announced upon further notice.
These ‘3E’s act as directions for our cabinet to achieve the ultimate goal - strengthening bonds
between different student bodies and establishing a supportive atmosphere in the school.


1. Recruitment of the Student Union Committee Members
1. 1st General Meeting with Clubs and Societies
2. Consultation forum with the Class Representative Committee
3. Joint Club Recruitment of Members (JCRM)
4. Stationery Mega Sale
1. 1-Day Development Camp for the Student Union Committee
2. Walkathon
3. Art Jamming Day - Aurora: the Student Union products (string/tote bag + folder +
4. ExperTips: Alumni Sharing (F4-F6)
5. Talent Quest Halo - Heat #1
1. Trade Fair - Spectrum (Collection period)
2. Green Christmas Fair
3. Joint School Christmas Ball
1. Publication of ‘Convergence’ - Student Post #1
2. 2nd General Meeting with Clubs and Societies
1. Talent Quest Halo - Heat #2
2. Valentine’s Day Fair
3. ExperTips (F3)
4. F6 DSE Farewell
5. Trade Fair - Spectrum (Distribution period)
1. F6 IB Farewell
2. Opinion Program - Ardor
1. Green Fashion Show
2. Stress Relief Day - Epifanio (1 day)
3. Local Exchange(s)
1. TS Carnival
1. Publication of ‘Convergence’ - Student Post #2
1. Games Day
2. Talent Quest Halo - Finals

All-year events

1. Regular updates on social media

2. Publicising a calendar of ECA events
3. External Benefits
4. Cheerleading
5. SPCC Student Union products


Recruitment of Committee Members

A formal process to recruit committee members to assist with the work of the Student Union.

Target Group:
- Form 3 to 5 students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To increase communication between the student union and student population by
recruiting committee members as informed representatives of the student union.
- To facilitate the preparation, publicising, operation, and reflection of events throughout
the school year.
- To create an opportunity for able students to utilise their skills of leadership and
cooperation on a school-wide scale. (leadership)
- To form a student union committee of 26 members by recruiting capable leaders as

- Recruitment process:
1. Email sent through eclass to target students
2. Google form application for information and primary selection
3. Email notifying students who were short-listed
4. Interviews with students
5. Emails notifying selected students
- General selection criteria:
1. A demonstration of responsibility and dedication
2. An attention to detail and effectual communication skills
3. Critical thinking in problem solving
4. Ability to cooperate
5. Time available for responsibilities
6. Level of observation to previous student union ventures
7. Ideas for possible the Student Union developments
- The Student Union committee members will be divided into 4 boards, namely the
internal, external, publicity and editorial boards, with selection referencing their
preference and performance during the interview.
- Board specific criteria are as follows:

1. Internal Board (7 members): Administrative skills, skills in organising and operating
an activity, communication skills, report and proposal writing skills.
2. External Board (6 members): Communication skills, breadth of external contacts and
3. Publicity Board (6 members): Artistic capabilities, creativity with regards to social
media presentation, video making, and poster design.
4. Editorial Board (7 members): Language capabilities, editing skills, creativity with
regards to textual publications.


1st General Meeting with Clubs and Societies

The first meeting of two to communicate club/society plans and collaborate for the JCRM.

Target Group:
- Leaders/students-in-charge of clubs and societies

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To establish a strong mutual relationship between the student union and clubs and
societies, so as to foster better communication between different student bodies.

- Venue: Geography Room
- Time: Lunchtime
- Leaders/ students-in-charge of clubs and societies will be invited to the meeting, and the
Student Union will introduce the operation of the ECA Calendar (more details of the
ECA Calendar can be seen in the ‘All-Year Events’ section of the Year Plan).
- The Student Union will communicate with the leaders/ students-in-charge of clubs and
societies to know more about their planned events.
- The Student Union will invite clubs and societies to sign up for the Joint-Club
Recruitment of Members in October.

Consultation Forum with Class Representative Committee

A meeting held with CRC members to offer a report on objectives and receive student feedback.

Target Group:
- Class Representative Committee members

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To receive feedback and insights from any interested students through the class
representatives. (democracy)
- To create an opportunity for the student union to express its objectives of
representation and accountability to the student body.

- Class Representatives will be invited to the forum and are encouraged to ask questions
that they have or that they have collected from their respective classes about the year plan
and year budget of the Student Union.

Joint-Club Recruitment of Members (JCRM)

A large gathering of Club/Society representatives to recruit new members.

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To provide a platform for students to become members of clubs and societies of their
interest, so that they can further engage in school activities. (Service)
- To provide an opportunity for clubs and societies to promote themselves and
thereby recruit members.

- Clubs and societies will have the opportunity to sign up for the JCRM during the
previous general meeting.
- Once all clubs and societies have signed up, a floor plan will be made and distributed to
the clubs and societies for booth set-up and promotional planning a few days beforehand.
- Clubs and societies will have the opportunity to introduce and promote themselves during
the morning assembly on that day. The Student Union will plan the rundown beforehand
and organise a full rehearsal of the presentation a few days before the JCRM.
- Tables will be set up in the covered playground during recess and clubs and societies will
be able to set up their booths.
- Clubs and societies will be able to use the two recesses to set up their booths.
- Recruitment stalls will be set up in the covered playground for interested students to
engage in activities held by clubs and societies in the coming school year

Stationery Mega Sale
A sale for students to buy stationery at a low price.

Target Group:
- All students

- To allow students to purchase stationery in an affordable and convenient way.

- Students will be handed out forms provided by the stationery provider, to collect
information concerning their names, classes, class numbers and quantities of products
- The forms will be collected by class representatives along with the exact amount of
money needed, which will then be passed on to the Student Union.
- Upon the arrival of stationery from the provider, class representatives will collect the
stationery from the Student Union room to be distributed to students.


1-day Development Camp for the Student Union committee and CRC core members
A one-day event involving the Student Union committee and CRC core members.

Target Group:
- The Student Union committee members and Class Representative Committee core

- To establish a constructive relationship between the Student Union executive committee,
the Student Union committee and CRC core members.
- To increase the co-operative efficiency within and between boards, facilitating smoother
operation of future events and activities.
- To introduce and develop skills regarding communication, composing proposals,
suggesting improvements, and increasing publicity.
- To further encourage the leadership capabilities of committee members, such as a sense
of responsibility, accountability and initiative. (leadership)

- Venue: School spaces such as the Lecture Theatre and Hall.
- Time: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., with one hour for lunch
- Activites:
1. Team building games
2. Discussion sessions
3. Presentations
4. Reflections
- All activities will be run by executive committee members with guidance from TICs.

An annual activity held by the School which involves parents, students, teachers and alumni.

Target Group:
- All participants of the Walkathon

Objective: (Engagement)
- To create excitement and engage the student body.
- To facilitate a positive and involving atmosphere around the much-anticipated annual

- The Student Union will set up booths with various activities for students, parents, alumni
and teachers to enjoy.
- Details on the activities hosted will be available in due course.

Art Jamming Day - Aurora

A painting session, jointly organised with the Art Club, in which all students can participate in
and share the results of.

Target group:
- All students

Objective: (Engagement)
- To provide a platform for SPCC students to freely showcase their individual artistic
talents & creativity.
- To create a piece of artwork that is individually unique yet collectively representative of
the student body.

- To enhance students’ sense of belonging towards the school by collectively creating an
artwork that represents the student community.

- The Student Union hopes to create a platform for students to express themselves
artistically and jointly produce a piece of artwork as a school, which after modifications
and editing, can be used as features in designs for the SPCC Student Union products to
boost cohesion among students.
- Echoing with our title ‘Aurora’, a natural light phenomenon featuring different colours of
light blending together to create a spectacular display, the Art Jamming Day aims to
allow students to exhibit their true colours, combined to produce a vibrant picture.
- The “Art Jamming Day - Aurora” will be held in late November, in which students, upon
arrival at the courtyard, would be delegated to one of the 6 tables, each with a different
theme colour (i.e. different shades of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple) and can
freely make use of the materials provided to draw or paint splashes of colour onto the
paper, combined to create an abstract artistic design.
- This event is in collaboration with the Art Club.
- Throughout the event, members of the Art Club and Student Union Committee will assist
participating students and monitor the event.
- A specific theme will be set up to guide students in the drawing process, and make the
final piece more cohesive and inter-related.
- Materials, including pens, a variety of paint, canvas paper and paint brushes will be
provided by the Student Union and/or the Art Club.
- The Student Union will be responsible for the process of scanning, merging and editing
the total product created by students in order to preserve a digital copy, which will be
represented in the designs of SPCC Student Union products, e.g. string bags.
- The event will be promoted via email, posters and social media.

ExpertTips for F.4-6 - Alumni sharing

A sharing session to help higher form students obtain strategies on preparing for their public
exams and learn about different careers.

Target Group:
- F4-6 students

Objectives: (Endeavour)
- To help students make preparations for their DSE/ IB exams with advice from the

- To assist students in making decisions for their university applications and give them
insight into different career paths
- To give students a valuable opportunity to learn from the previous experiences of the
- To enhance cooperation between the Student Union and the alumni so the alumni can be
contacted more easily for further collaboration in activities
- To connect students with the alumni to facilitate communication

- The IB and DSE sessions will be held in two separate lunchtimes.
- Alumni with outstanding results in the HKDSE and the IBDP will be invited to share
their experiences on senior secondary school and university life and give advice to
students to help them prepare for their future.
- The ExperTips will be divided into two sessions. In the first session, the invited alumni
will be sharing their experiences to the whole audience. In the second session, they will
be divided into small groups according to their subject electives and ask more specific
- Students can ask questions freely and take notes when necessary.
- Questions regarding public exams will be collected 3 days earlier through online
platforms (Instagram question box, E-class email, Google Forms). The questions
collected will be sent to the alumni in order to give them a direction, and inform them on
which part of the exam to dig deeper into when sharing.

Talent Quest Halo - Heat #1

A highly-anticipated event allowing students to showcase their talents and enjoy performances.

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Endeavour)
- To offer students an event showcasing impressive talents of other students, creating a
positively supportive atmosphere, promoting a sense of pride.
- To allow students to express their appreciation for their favorite contestants through
voting. (democracy)
- To give talented students an opportunity to hone their skills and share their passion
with a supportive audience, while developing their courage through performance.

- Referring to the title ‘Halo’, a bright circle of light highlighting achievement and inviting
unity, the Talent Quest aims to provide a platform for students to express their talents and
shine on the centrestage.
- The talent quest is a contest with 2 heats and a final round.
- During the first heat, 5 contesting groups/individuals are judged by teacher judges, while
the contestant with the highest score will be admitted into the finals. In addition, the
contestant(s) with the highest number of votes will also be admitted into the finals.
- 1-2 guest performing groups/individuals will be invited to perform at the end of the
competition round of performances.
- Information about competing teams, highlighted footage and results of the heat will be
available on social media.
- Voting cards will be distributed at the entrance by committee members. Sufficient
manpower will be allocated for card distribution to ensure the process is smooth and
efficient. This is to avoid vote-rigging, by making sure each person gets one voting card


Green Christmas Fair

Performances, game and photo booths will be set up to celebrate Christmas.

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- Create a cheerful, festive atmosphere within the school.
- Provide an opportunity for students to unwind and relax before the Christmas holidays
and exams.
- Provide an occasion for different student bodies to collaborate and work together.
- Promote the Green School Campaign. (Environmentalism)

- The Student Union will collaborate with different clubs and societies, including the
Christian Fellowship and Environmental Protection Club, to organise game booths and
activities for students.
- The Student Union will be responsible for the food and drinks, photo booth and game
- Guest performers invited by the Student Union will be performing by the fair.

- Food will also be provided, including but not limited to hot chocolate with whip cream,
cookies of different flavours, sweets and chocolates.

Joint-School Christmas Ball

A joint-school event held to celebrate the festivities of Christmas.

Target students:
- F4-6 students

- To provide an opportunity for students to make friends and connections with other high
school students in an enabling atmosphere.
- To immerse students in a large-scale social event

- The joint-school Christmas ball will be held with other secondary schools with similar
background (to be confirmed in due course).
- It will be held during the Christmas holidays in a venue corresponding with the co-
organising school(s).


Publication of ‘Convergence’ - Student Post #1

A publication by the Student Union which includes works from students.

Target Group:
- Whole school

Objectives: (Engagement)
- Incorporating ideas and stories from different parties of our school, including students,
teachers, school teams and student bodies, the Student Post aims to elevate students’
awareness and understanding of the school itself, the school’s affairs as well as the whole
SPCC community.
- To act as a medium for students to freely express their opinions on school-related issues
and a platform for the exchange of ideas. (Democracy)

- By integrating students’ ideas and efforts in various aspects, the Student Post aims to
display a full picture that represents all students, hence resonating with its title
‘Convergence’: the phenomenon in which 2 or more light rays come together to form a
new whole, achieving union.
- Continuing preceding conventions, ‘Convergence’ will be published online and students
will be notified via email upon the publication. (Environmentalism)
- We have noticed that the textual content from interviews with teachers could only be
partially used for the Student Post, due to formatting constraints. At the same time, we
are keen to boost the significance and popularity of the Student Post among students.
Hence, we will be introducing two new elements to the Student Post, which is filming the
interviews with teachers upon their consent, as well as including a short game session
subsequent to the interview session, where teachers would be involved in various quests,
strengthening the bond between teachers and students.
- The games will include everyday life topics and fun topics of student interest.
- Both of these new elements can be accessed via a QR code imprinted on the soft/hard
copies of the Student Post, and thus incentivise students to view the Student Post.

2nd General Meeting with Clubs and Societies

Details correspond with General Meeting with Clubs and Societies #1


Talent Quest Halo - Heat #2

Details correspond with Talent Quest Halo - Heat #1

Valentine’s Day Fair

Different booths and activities held at the fair for students to build up a caring community

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Evolution)
- Provide an occasion for students to express their love and gratitude towards their teachers
and friends
- Create a warm, caring atmosphere within the school
- Enable students to enjoy a fun, stress-free day filled with love and affection

- Different booths and activities related to Valentine’s Day will be set up, including a
Polaroid photo booth and photography props. Photography services will be provided by
the Student Union.
- Baked goods, cards and flowers will also be available for purchase alongside the photo
- The “Secret Angel” service will be provided by the Student Union . Students can write
messages of appreciation for teachers and friends. These notes will then be collected in a
box and delivered to the recipients by the Student Union committee members.
- Students may choose to prepare written notes or write notes during the fair with provided
pens and paper.
- The fair will also be open to participation from interested clubs and societies. They will
have the opportunity to set up booths and activities of their own.
- The Student Union will introduce a dedication service to the Valentine’s Day Fair. By
filling in a google form, students can dedicate a song to someone with an optional short
description of their own feelings or quotes to show appreciation to another student. There
will be an option for students to choose whether they would like to express their feelings
or show appreciation anonymously. The song will be played after the short description is
read out by a member of the Student Union during the fair. The song and short
description paragraph will need to be approved by the Student Union beforehand to
ensure its appropriacy. Through this new element, we aim to further increase the caring
and warm atmosphere of the fair.
- Students will be given the chance to perform on the spot. The Student Union will make
public a song list two weeks before Valentine’s Day. Background music and lyrics will
be provided to prospective performers. The Student Union will not set strict limitations to
ensure the quality of performances as its emphasis is on providing a platform to express
warmth and appreciation.
- The activities at the music booth will be done on first-come-first-served basis. Song
dedication and on-the-spot performances will be done alternately.

ExpertTips for F.3 - DSE/ IB

A sharing session to help F.3 students learn more about DSE and IB curricula.

Target Group:
- F3 students

Objectives: (Endeavour)
- To foster communication between senior and junior form students.

- To provide lower form students with information on the DSE/ IB curriculum, so they can
start thinking about their preference earlier.
- To help students adapt to different curricula more easily in future with advice and tips
from senior students.

- The session will be held during lunchtime.
- The F3 students will be split into groups and senior form students will be invited to share
their experiences on deciding their path and studying each curriculum, and to give advice
to lower form students.
- Students can ask questions freely and take notes when necessary.
- The Student Union will continue to allow submission of questions through google forms
before the event to help speakers get an understanding of the students’ major concerns.

F6 DSE Farewell
An event to send off F6 students with warmth and appreciation.

Target Group:
- F6 students

- To create pleasant moments and memories for F6 students, which they will cherish as
they leave SPCC.
- To serve as a form of expressing support and encouragement to F6 students in the
upcoming public examinations.

- The Student Union will provide props for F6 students to take photos with. Teachers are
also welcome to join in. Props will include balloons and photo booth props (e.g.
graduation hats, cardboard with motivating lyrics, graduation soft toys)
- Each F6 student will be given a souvenir specifically designed for their cohort, which
provides them with support and encouragement during their public exams, and also acts
as a memorial gift for their graduation and an item of remembrance for many years to
- Students will be provided with pens and markers to sign and write words of
encouragement for F6 students on a banner, also provided by the Student Union. Students
can take photos with the banner. The banner will also be passed on to the F6 students
during their graduation dinner.


F6 IB Farewell
Details correspond with F6 DSE Farewell

Opinion Programme - Ardor

A formal collection of students’ opinions through a variety of channels.

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- Relating to the title ‘Ardor’, which refers to enthusiasm and passion, the Opinion
Programme aims to encourage students to passionately engage in discussions regarding
school affairs.
- To allow students to express their opinions towards different school issues where every
individual’s opinion is valued equally. (Democracy)
- Continuing the tradition of the Student Union in positive outreach, strengthening its
position as a channel of communication between students and the school.

- The Student Union will collect questionnaires from students on a chosen theme.
- The Student Union will also have class visits, discussion fora, focus group discussions
and online platform opinion collection systematically.
- After collection from all sources, a written report will be handed in to the school for
consultation. A presentation on the formal report will be carried out during a morning
assembly in June.


Green Fashion Show

A fashion show featuring sustainably sourced garments on student and teacher models.

Target Group:
- Whole school

Objectives: (Endeavour)
- To encourage students’ engagement in the fundraising for Round Square.
- To strengthen teacher-student relationships through joint-participation in the show.
- To foster students’ creativity in using recyclable materials to produce new clothes.

- The event is held in collaboration with the Round Square Student Committee and the
Environmental Protection Club.
- Recyclable clothing and decorative materials will be collected from the whole school in
December with help from the Round Square Student Committee and Environmental
Protection Club in promotion and logistics.
- There will be a briefing for designers and models in late January or early February. The
theme of the Green Fashion Show and important dates (eg. deadline for submitting the
draft of designs, dates for rehearsals) will be announced to the designers. Recycled
clothing and materials will also be distributed to student designers during the briefing.
- There will be two rehearsals one week before the Green Fashion Show for the models
and designers to be familiar with the rundown of the show.

Stress Relief Day - Epifanio

A day with different activities organised by the SU, in collaboration with different clubs and
societies, aiming to provide a platform for students to release their stress.

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- Allow students to relax from their academic activities in order to achieve a better work-
life balance.
- Raise students' awareness of the importance of positively embracing stress to reach their

- Through holding activities including but not limited to game booths, students can put
aside their negative emotions and be involved in the energetic and fun atmosphere during
- Clubs and societies are also welcome to take part in the event and hold their own game

Local exchange programme
An exchange programme with other local schools in Hong Kong.

Target group:
- F4-5 students

Objectives: (Endeavour)
- Broaden horizons and establish a sense of perspective and exploration. (Adventure)
- Spark an interest towards new learning experiences.

- Strengthen the positive relationship formed with fellow schools (eg. St. Stephen’s
- SSC: A 3/4-day exchange programme will be held in April with around 5 participants
from each school.
- The school and the Student Union will actively explore other possible exchanging
schools to give students more choices and more differentiated programmes.


TS Carnival
A series of events and matches which emphasize bonding between teachers and students.

Target Group:
- Whole school

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To enhance teacher-student connection through joint-participation in activities.
- To provide a platform for developing positive teacher-student relationships and
- To provide an opportunity for teachers and students to share their interests.

- The TS Carnival lasts for two weeks
- Activities:
1. Volleyball Match
This year, the Student Union will co-organise the TS volleyball match with the
Volleyball Team, such that the event can be more widely-promoted and foster higher

engagement. There will be two teams with each team consisting of both teachers and

2. Football Match
Co-organised with the Football Club, a football match will be held at the Basketball
Court during lunchtime. There will be two teams with each team consisting of both
teachers and students.

3. Basketball Match
A basketball match will be held at the IGH during lunchtime, co-organised with the
Basketball Club. There will be two teams with each team consisting of both teachers and

4. Badminton Match
Co-organised with the Badminton Club, a badminton match will be held at IGH during
lunchtime. There will be two teams with each team consisting of both teachers and

5. Dodgeball Match
A dodgeball match will be held at IGH during lunchtime. There will be four teams with
each team consisting of both teachers and students.

6. St. Paul’s Kitchen

Each team, consisting of at least one teacher and one student, cooks their signature dish.
The dish will be offered to the audience for tasting and they will vote for their favourite

7. Talent Quest Halo - TS edition

The Student Union welcomes all kinds of performances. The participating groups can be
a combination of teachers and students, purely teachers or a teacher individually. This
activity provides a medium for students to know more about teachers as teachers can
showcase their talents in the show.


Publication of ‘Convergence’ - Student Post #2

Details correspond with Publication of ‘Convergence’ - Student Post #1


Games Day
Game booths held by different clubs will be scattered around the school. The talent quest final
will be held.

Target Group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To create an exciting, hyped-up atmosphere after exams and before the summer holidays.
- To provide an opportunity for clubs and societies to collaborate one last time in the
school year.
- To round up the Student Union’s events for the year.

- Games day will be split into two main sections, namely,
- Talent Quest Halo – Grand finals: this rendition of the talent quest will showcase
the 6 teams of finalists from the previous heats. They will compete one last time
before the grand champion is decided.
- Game stalls: clubs and societies will set up game booths and activities in
classrooms for students to participate in. Prizes will be available for collection
once students have played the games and have accumulated the required number
of stamps.

All Year Events

SPCC Cheerleading
Cheerleading events during various sports competitions involving the whole school.

Target group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- To encourage engagement from students in cheerleading activities.
- To promote mutual support within sports teams.
- To further enhance school spirit and foster solidarity among schoolmates.

- Promotion:
- Calendar of inter-school sports events: It will be updated on social media on a
constantly which a link for view will be available at all times. Students can be
well-informed and free up their time for interested competitions. The
competitions will also be included in the ECA Calendar and shared with the
whole school.
- Sports Team Promotional Video: They will be posted on social media before the
finals of inter-school competitions. The Student Union will take footage from
their regular practices and make a video for different sports teams. This is to
promote and gain support for the upcoming inter-school competition and allow
St.Paulians to know more about them.
- Policies:
- Support from corresponding clubs: Sports club and team members are required to
go cheerleading for their sports team. This is a big leap for them to cultivate an
interest in cheerleading.
- For large-scale cheerleading events, the Student Union will assemble participants
at the school and leaving for competition venue together.
- Each Student Union committee member is each required to join at least 5
cheerleading events throughout the year.
- Materials:
- SPCC SU products: We will keep the previous towel design and bring it with us
in all events to show school spirit. We would estimate the number of students who
would like to have one and re-sell it. This year, we would add in bandana as our
new product. We would like to fully utilize it in cheerleading activities to create a
united and alive atmosphere. New products may also include string bag which
will include the element of Aurora
- More cheerleading props will also be provided such as pompoms, water tattoos.

Social media (Instagram, Facebook)

A platform for easy communication and interaction between students and the Student Union.

Target group:
- Whole school, alumni, the public

Objectives: (Engagement)
- Allow students to get access to the Student Union in a more convenient way
- Promote and update students for upcoming events and school notice for special
arrangements or reminders
- Acknowledge students’ excellent work in different aspects (eg. academic, sports, music)

- Provide a platform for students to express their concerns and opinions more directly (eg.
comments, direct messaging) (democracy)

- Students can check the page to get access to updates and reminders for example assemble
time on sports day etc.
- We will welcome appropriate comments or inquiries on our page so that we can collect
opinions and react to them promptly.
- Achievements of different school teams can be announced through social media. Great
work of students can be acknowledged and honoured.

Trade Fair -- Spectrum

An event allowing students to exchange their books on a well-organized platform.

Target group:
- All students

Objectives: (Engagement)
- Provide a platform for exchange of books between students.
- Promote environmentally friendliness by including the concept of ‘reuse’ and ‘Give and
take’. (Environmentalism)

- Echoing with the title ‘Spectrum’, the Trade Fair aims to allow students to interact with a
‘spectrum’ of knowledge, passed on in the form of books of a wide variety.
- Collection: In December, there would be a collection period which lasts for 2-3 days.
Students will get a ticket for each donated book. The Student Union committee members
will make sure donated books are in good condition and appropriate. According to last
year’s experience, many are public exam exercise and readers.
- Distribution: The distribution of books will be held in February. Students can get the
book by handing back the ticket. One ticket gets one book.
- The books will be kept in the Student Union room before the distribution period.
- Leftover books will be first sent to the school library. They have the right to keep any of
the books. The rest will be donated to the charity.
- Morning assembly notices and eclass email will be made before both periods to inform
the students, hoping to further increase the participation rate.

External Benefits
Extra welfare benefits provided to students.

Target group:
- All students

- Provide a platform for students to enjoy discounts in buying materials, catering and
entertainment to encourage a balanced lifestyle.

- the Student Union will collaborate with a welfare union such that students can visit their
member shops and pay with a discounted price.
- Students can be entitled to the discount by showing their membership card to the shops
which will be distributed at the beginning of the school year.
- Social media promotion: Instagram and Facebook will be used to post information about
the member shops and their respective discount allowing students to have a deeper
understanding of the external benefits so to fully utilise the membership
- The details of the welfare union will be submitted in due course.

ECA Calendar
A calendar which notifies students about events held by clubs and societies

Target Group:
- All students

- To inform students about the details, such as dates and venues, of various events held by
different clubs and societies, in order to boost students’ participation in school activities.
- To avoid clashes of activities by informing the PICs the details of various events

- Clubs and societies may inform the Student Union the details of their confirmed events
by filling in a Google document, and the Student Union will put the details in a shared
calendar. The Student Union will then cooperate with IT Office so that a monthly
calendar including the details of various events will be shown on the desktop wallpaper
of the classroom computer for students to conveniently access the information.


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