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3. Bentukkan persamaan garis lurus dalam bentuk y = max + c daripada persamaan yang berikut Tentukan kecerunan dan pintasan-y bagi garis iTS TU Form the eqiiaOTs of straight Tine in the form y = ma+ c from the following equations. State the gradient and. the y-intercept of the straight line. 4,422 ya-2x+6 ‘Maka, kecerunan ialah ~2 dan pintasan-y ialah 6 Therefore, the gradient is ~2 and the y-intercep is 6. wo (a) CxO sp -C9 Scanned with CamScanner and x-intercept, a= 6, Therefore, the equation ofthe straight line is Ayre ea 5. Selesaikan masalah 3\3,% Solve the following problems. *allia Tt — cr 4 (a) Tuliskan persamaan 5 + 2 = 1 dalam Taliskan persamaan ~ 1 dalam bentuk| —bentuk y = mx + ¢. Seterusnya, nyatakan 2 Y 2x + ¢ Seterusnya, nyatakan kecerunan bagi garis lurus itu. a Write the equation of the straight line kecerunan bagi garis lurus itu. Write the equation ofthe straight line +2 = 1 y : in the form y = mx +c. Hence, state the gradient Lerin the f He te the gradient for the straight line the form y = mx + c. Hence, state the gradient for the straight line. 4% Scanned with CamScanner masalah berikut, "Solve the following problems. Diberi titik A(2, 15) dan B(S, -15). Tentukan titik yang berada pada garis lun = 2x +1}. Given points A(2, 15) and B(5,-15). Determme which point lies on the straight line Bagi A(2, 15), gantikan x = 2 dan y = 15 Kedalam persamaan, For A(2, 15), substitute x = 2 and y = 15 into the equation. 2) +11 5 Bagi B(5, -15), gantikan x = 5 dan y = -15 ke dalam persamaan. For BS, -15), substitute x = 5 and y = -15 into the equation. 1S =2(5) +11 =15=10+11 “1p Maka, titik A berada pada garis lurus y= 2x +11. fore, point A lies on the straight line 2e+11 (a) Diberi titik A@, 15) dan BG, -15).| ‘Tentukan titik yang berada pada garislurus | y= Given point, 15) and B(S, -15). Determine which point lies om the straight line y = ~4e+ 5. Scanned with CamScanner > (@10.4.xa.5 “) RCI, 6), S(7, -2) a ; Scanned with CamScanner JBUUROgSUUeD YIM pauUeds Ce 34 Ma Re 6 -%*G = ¢$— ee Ce CI S O) 3) i\o + (9-) ge z& OF Fa € A\- = Wy ‘6-) < G4 ¥SI~ = yr eal — =he = Ag + XG aut ay) 07 Ja[posnd puv (T- ‘s-) gap ‘woqip Burd syre8 ueBuap Hepes wep ImyLI0q YH > 6= "Ext - —__ > 6 agi ued weap a mg) @ 7 mm. t 8x2 = 4 su0fosoyy 2 Bx = koe wes z 2+ (pe =7- +)e=t ‘2+ xu =k uouwnba ay) oyu 7 = « pu 5 = “=m aanasqns 24+ xu = weewresiad weep ay 2 = wep p= x = w wee z aw € z soe z+ee p+xe=dz “p+ xe = AZ auy ay 01 pound puv (2-‘F) “p+ x¢ = 47 suae8 ueBuop ueps wep (Z-) ‘uaat8 out ay9 0} aqjosod st pu jurod ayy ySnoayy sossed uy 34810445 249 fo uoryonbo aya puss jejour Sued snumy suze ueewresiad ue) “Zp =2ke dalam persamaan @) Substitute x = 2 into equation @) ya2x+2 Maka, ttik persilangan ialah (2,6). Therefore, the point of intersection 2,6). ‘Scanned with CamScanner

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