Bimbingan Belajar Baryons Try Out Bahasa Inggris Kelas Viii PERIODE 2021

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1. Joe         : can you swim? 11. Maura: Will you join us to the library?
Key        : . . . .I’m afraid of drowning Maya  : Ok, but wait a minute.
a. Yes, I can                     How do you say wait a minute in bahasa ?
b. No, I can’t                     
a. Tunggu sebentar     
c. Of course                       
d. Definitely b. ya nanti      
2. Through the telescope, I . . . see the stars clearly c. Boleh sebentar        
a. Will                                 d. tunggu semenit
b. can                                    12. Student  : knock.. knock ...knock .. Excuse me,
c. Will not                            Sir.
d. can not Teacher : Oh, somebody is knocking the
3. A bird can….well
door.  Would you come in,  please!
a. dive
b. fly        Student : ...................
c. write a. please          
d. run b. Thank you               
4. I . . . reward him for his bravery c. Sorry                        
a. Will                                 d. You are welcome
b. can                                    13. Lina           : “May I use your pen?
c. Will not                           
Dayu          : “Sure. ......................”Don’t use
d. can not
5. Robert has a guitar, but he can’t… it well. the red one. There’s no ink in it.”
a. Sing a. take the green one             
b. Play b. buy me a pen         
c. Won’t c. is this your pen    
d. Watch d. that is  mine
6. I . . . use abusive language because it will hurt 14. William: I forgot to bring a pair of
other people’s feelings
scissors.  May I use yours.
a. Won’t                          
b. will                                    Umar    : Yes, certainly,  You can use mine
c. Can                                    William  : Great, thank you. You are .............
d. doesn’t a. very good                
7. Mira       : . . . b. very well                 
Amir      : You should wear your hat and scarf c. very kind                  
What does Mira probably say? d. very rich
a. The baby is sleeping               15. I . . . speak Korean very well, but I . . . ask for
b. It’s a really dark night someone’s name and age
c. I can hear what you say      a. Can’t – can                 
d. It’s very cold outside b. can – can’t                    
8. Usman     : can you play the guitar c. Will – won’t                   
Joni          : Sorry, .............. . I need to learn how d. won’t - will
to play it. 16. Gita: Will You attend the OSIS meeting
a. Yes, I can      tomorrow?
b. Yes, I think so           Rahmat: I probably a bit late but I promise to
c. May be         come to the ocasion.
d. I can’t        In the statement above Rahmat ........come to
9. Arman      :  can you come to my party? the OSIS meeting.
John          :  ......... It’s fun. a. will not come          
a. sorry             c. certainly b. cannot  come          
b. It’s up to you d. No I can        c. will come     
10. Teacher    :  Can you clean the whiteboard d. won’t come
please? 17. You ..... go to the doctor. if you are sick.
Student     : ........... a. should
a. sorry                        b. not allowed
c. do not like
b. Yes, thank                
d. Straight ahead
c. Yes, Ma’am              18. Syifa: "I always come late to school.”
d. No thanks Helen: "..................”
a. You must wake up afternoon c. Make you
b. it's not my business d. hurt you
c. it is better for you 20. Where....we bring this stuff ?
d. You have to get up earlier a. will not
19. What .... I do for make you believe to me? b. should
a. should not be c. Can not
b. should d. For

II. Answer these questions below correctly!

1. Please explain the difference between can and will!

2. Arrange the following words into good expressions

a. Come – my house – will – tonight? – you – to
b. Won’t- go – the –day-after-I-house-your-to-tomorrow
3. Arrange the following words into good expressions
a. To – do – can – I - help – you – it
b. Can – they – their – show – performance– tonight?
Translate into English!
4. Bisakah kamu membukakan pintunya untukku?

5. Aku akan pergi ke Jakarta besok.

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