Research Methoods - Hanna Haiduk

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Seminar paper

Topic: Attracting people to the cinemas after the pandemic period

Student: Hanna Haiduk










1. Introduction
This work focuses on how to attract people to the entertainment industry (namely
cinemas) in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. There are already many
problems, such as the suspension or closure of movie theaters caused by the
pandemic. The global film industry has lost tens of billions of dollars due to the
Cinemas, the attendance of which was temporarily restricted or even prohibited,
with the return of the industry, have not been able to return the number of visitors that
was before the pandemic. Organizations and managers are starting to look for
alternative opportunities and are doing research on how to get people back to cinemas.
Cinematography (from the Greek κινημα, genus κινηματος - movement and Greek
γραφω - to write, depict) is a branch of human activity, which consists in creating
moving images. Cinematography was invented in the 19th century and became
extremely popular in the 20th century. The concept of cinematography includes
cinematography - a type of modern fine art, works of which are created using moving
images, and the film industry (film industry) - a branch of the economy that produces
films, special effects for films, animation and demonstrates these works for the
audience [1].
In 2020, the entire global media and entertainment industry generated $ 2 trillion
in revenue, down 3.8% from a year earlier, PwC said in its traditional Global
Entertainment & Media Outlook report. This is the largest drop in 22 years of
observation, analysts said.
The pandemic has slowed down the development of the entertainment and media
industries, but how do we get the film industry back to its former popularity and
earnings rates?

2. Theoretical background – Literature review

This paper provides the relevant literature for interpreting the empirical results.
Presents previous research on the development of cinematography and its presentation
as an art form. The section also contains a more detailed description of the
development model of cinematography and the obstacles that have arisen with the
pandemic, which will later be used to analyze the results.
Cinematography is a part of mass media that emerged over 100 years ago as a
new type of activity and presentation of information. A movie, from a business point
of view, is a project with an expected return on investment; from the point of view of
art - a cultural object. In any case, the fate of the picture being created, its quality and
relevance in the market depends on the correct distribution of the allocated funds,
their volume and conditions of receipt.
In recent years, science has deepened interest in the problem of the production and
study of motion pictures. About it evidenced by a sufficient number of modern
specialists (N.A. Agafonova, J. Barnuela, S.A. Muratova, E.S. Novoselova, S.V.
Sycheva, S.M. Kholodinsky),characterizing the essence, stages of formation, features
and development problems movies [2].
Various aspects of international cooperation in the audiovisual sector researched
by such authors as D. Andreeva, H. Bron, E. Brunello, T. Westcott, V. Viedeman, T.
Georgieva, M. Gyori, S. Eskens, F. Cabrera Blazkw [2].
The film industry as an economic sphere is considered in the works of S. Ward,
M. Gasher, scientists analyze the regional significance of this sector. The work of S.
Dermod and L. Losk considers the topic national cinema as a way of struggle between
the local symbolic Refer to the region and action offered by the preferential regions.
Questions of state policy in the field of culture, in particular in the field of
cinematography, are reflected in the works of such authors as A. Batishcheva, I.
Bezgin, Y. Bogutsky, A. Degtyar, G. Dutchak, A. Dymnikov. The works of
researchers remain important, who undertook systematic stages of formation and
formation film industry (L.I. Gosenko, V.V. Ilyashenko, G.Ya. Sklyarenko)[3].
Despite a significant number of works devoted to the formation cinema, the
problem of the current state and development trends of the studied phenomenon
remains outside the scope of the subject of special study, requires more careful
analysis. Thus, the purpose of the new test is to address the problem of the film
industry - a pandemic, it also remains to determine the methods of returning to the
film industry.
3. Objectives / Research questions

Main objective:
Study the behavior of people to further understand their needs and satisfy them after
the Covid-19 pandemic.

How to satisfy and most importantly provide cinema services for people in a safe

4. Conceptualising: Concepts, indicators and variables

4.1 Concept
The purpose of this research is to explore how to return people to the cinemas after
pandemic period.

4.2 Indicators
For this research the following indicators are defined:
 Ticket price: How many people buy a ticket on average ;
 Atmosphere: how much fans love environment during the film and what do
they feel;
 Security: safety during the watching movie;
 The quality of the building and the services provided.

4.3 Variables
Ticket price: In this context the variable for ticket price is qualitative.
It’s not talking about how much the ticket for the movie itself costs, but how many
people buy it on average during the some period of time.
Qualitative Variable
Satisfied with ticket price for this movie? Scale from 1-10 (1: not at all satisfied; 10:
fully satisfied)

Atmosphere: For this indicator is also a qualitative variable to be used, because

feelings cannot be measured.
Qualitative Variable
Satisfied with atmosphere during the visiting of cinema? Scale from 1-10 (1: not at all
satisfied; 10: fully satisfied).

Security: It’s the same for security.

Qualitative Variable
Satisfied with security during the visiting cinema? Scale from 1-10 (1: not at all
satisfied; 10: fully satisfied).

The quality of the building and the services provided.

Qualitative Variable
Satisfied with services ( staff, shops, drink, availability to buy something? Scale from
1-10 (1: not at all satisfied; 10: fully satisfied).

5. Hypotheses – about relationships among variables

H1: Ticket price satisfaction are positively correlated.
H2: Atmosphere satisfaction during the film match are positively correlated.
H3: Security satisfaction are positively correlated.
H4: The quality of the building and the services provided satisfaction.

6. Research design
Methods to be used (chosen by me):

- Research of customer needs in which the questionnaire will be used to achieve

research objectives (to understand the needs of visitors to bring them into the
industry), as a tool for collecting primary sources / data. The collection will be done
online. All clients who have attended the cinema will receive an email and answer
questions anonymously on this web page. The analysis of the answers will be done

7. Research type
1. In terms of "application"
There are two research options: applied research and pure research. Applied research
is applicable to my research, because it is used to solve a specific problem - attracting
people to cinemas in the post-quarantine period and has practical applications in the
2. In terms of "goals"
This is preliminary research in the first phase. This is necessary in order to find out
whether the quarantine period strongly influenced the behavior of visiting cinemas,
and to find out possible ways to solve these problems.
The next step could be an explanatory study showing why and how people react to
restrictions and bans on films. But this aspect is not considered in this work.
3. Regarding the "request mode"
This tells whether the research is qualitative or quantitative. This research is
qualitative; this result should describe people's behavior and their satisfaction with
cinema attendance.

8. Instrument for data collection

As a data collection tool, I chose a survey to analyze the needs of people who have
visited cinemas in the last year. The collection of data will be more rational, since we
already have a database of people, our clients, who have visited the cinema during the
year. The good news about this tool is that you can specifically ask a question about
going to the cinema to someone who actually visited. The questions will be open and
closed (not anonims), and clients can express their own answer. The negative stage is
that statistics will not be viewed manually.

Questions will be of the following nature ( 3 example):

1) What is the main criterion for making a decision to visit a cinema:

a. ticket price and atmosphere
b. choice of direction of the film
с. safety and quality of service
d. With all of the above
g. your answer
2) Satisfaction with going to the cinema

1-10 - satisfaction score

3) Satisfaction with going to the cinema during a pandemic

1-10 - satisfaction score

9. Sampling procedure
Since we want to get detailed information about a specific phenomenon, the most
appropriate method is a targeted sampling of critical cases. The unit of analysis that
needs to be examined in order to obtain detailed information about the study is the
cinemas that were active during the pandemic, and everything related to their
activities during the pandemic.

10. Ethical issues

Ethics is also a growing aspect of research. The most important point in the
questionnaires could be anonymity. However, the questionnaire will not be
anonymous, since there will be used data left by the visitors of the cinema. In this
matter, an agreement will be provided that contact details can be used to identify
additional customer needs. Therefore, in the ethnic issue of non-anonymity, this
should not affect the research in the worst direction.

11. Processing data

Data processing will begin with the receipt of the contact details of the residents.
After that, the questionnaire will be submitted and the mailing will be carried out.
After receiving the raw data on the questionnaire, the data must be edited (which may
be were not considered in this study), the average and maximum and minimum
satisfaction were selected. Therefore, the first step in data processing is counting the
responses. For example, how many customers prefer the price and atmosphere
criterion, all the answers, or their variation. First, you need to divide clients into
groups and check satisfaction in each one. After that, you should structure these
calculations and draw up a table about quantity to have a structured view of the
The next step is data analysis. This can be done manually or using computer
It is necessary to analyze what is the trend of satisfaction with the cinema
according to this criterion or another. Analyze each criterion individually and in
general, satisfaction with visiting cinemas.

12. The structure of research report (chapters)

Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2: Average Cinema Traffic in Five Different Countries
Chapter 3: Average Pre-Quarantine Attendance
Chapter 4: Average Post-Quarantine Attendance
Chapter 5: Comparison of Average Attendance Over Time
Chapter 6: Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

13. Problems and constraints in research:

This research also includes some problems and limitations. Data availability
should be studied because no one knows how honest the respondents are in answering
Next to this, there may be a problem that the amount of the returned. There are
too few questionnaires for you to not have a representative sample. Definition pre-
quarantine, during and after satisfaction rates are also a problem and imply
limitations. Perhaps the main problem with going to cinemas is not a pandemic, but
other factors.
Also, the tools used in the analysis are not all existing tools, so it is possible that
some important ones will not be analyzed.

14. Research time frame

Task | Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12
Proposal writing Х
Instrument construction Х Х
Data collection Х Х Х
Coding & Data analysis Х Х Х Х
Report first Х Х Х
Report final Х Х Х Х
Typing Х Х Х

For the proposal writing are 3 weeks scheduled. In smooth transition follows the
construction of the instrument, the creation of the questionnaire. The time for sending
the questionnaires and getting the responses will take around 2 months.
After this, the Coding and Data analyses follow as well as the reporting and typing
that should be finished after the 12th month.

1. Федеральная служба государственной статистики. URL:
2. Ежегодный статистический сборник «КиноСтатистика» - 2011 //
Исследование компании Romir Movie Research. 2012. URL:
3. Информационно-аналитический портал «Профиль». URL:

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