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Reaction Paper

The video of Mr. Scott Szwast about global business and trade opens up about
what we know about businesses doing global business or trading. It opens our mind that
not all business millionaires is what we really think of. We did not know that even our
neighbor who has a business may become a business millionaire.

Global business trading does not require us to have a big company in order to
participate in the global market. Even a small boutique can participate in the global
market. By knowing the risk, by overcoming our doubts and uncertainty and grabbing
the opportunity that is in front of us, we can also upgrade and participate globally. What
Mr. Scott said is right, we can even saw this locally and internationally. It is not about
how big or small you start, it is about how far you want to achieve.

It is an eye opener for us that if we have the courage to do new things, we can
grow individually. If we can, why not just grab it and make the best of it. Global
business may become scary because of the huge adjustment and risk but when a small
time business man wants to grow, you will not choose to hide behind your fears. Learn
to face it and watch how the world will help you grow.

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