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22,000 want divorce

Distressed men, women flood local courts to end marriages Story on page 3
HH, SDA mourn Lake Link between
Kariba victims human, animal
CATHERINE BWALYA, they were never [supposed] to
CHOMBA MUSIKA go to the water without the camp
Choma, Lusaka programming.
“But, of course, we know
THE six Seventh-day Adventist the devil is alive and his job
(SDA) youth campers who is to ensure that he disturbs
drowned in Lake Kariba on New the believers because when
Year’s Day allegedly sneaked such a thing happens, others
out of Sabbath worship service would even be discouraged
and went to the water body and question how people who
where they met their fate. went for a church programme
And President Hakainde ended up drowning,” Pastor
Hichilema, who is saddened Mukombo said in an interview FEATURES/9
by the death of the six young yesterday.
people, has sent a message of He is saddened that the
condolences to the bereaved incident happened during a Mpoha looks
families. programme meant to edify to continue
The victims, who are said youths spiritually and on matters
to have sneaked out of camp like health and entrepreneurship. innovating
around 14:30 hours, died around Police identified the victims
18:00 hours near a guest house. as Niza Muchiliba and Allan
The youth’s ill-fated Mwaanga of SDA’s Kanyama
adventure to Lake Kariba was Mission District and the other
not part of a one week Youth four as Zebron Shikambo,
Alive camp meeting programme Ronald Libuku, Goodson
they were attending at Siavonga Himaila and Rodwell Chileshe
Secondary School. of SDA’s John Laing Mission DESPITE some sections of Freedom Way in Lusaka being flooded, these women continued with their
SDA Lusaka Conference District. business. PICTURE: COLLINS PHIRI
youth director Billy Mukombo, Mwaanga’s body was only
who described the deaths of the retrieved yesterday after a
young people aged between 18
and 26 as unfortunate, regrets
that they died after prematurely
rigorous search by members of
the community and government
Auditors question K21m youth loans SPORTS/16
leaving the worship site. Two other youths were PRISCILLA MWILA K21 million to 44 cooperatives has shown that the ministry gave the information had not been
“We had put rules and resuscitated. Lusaka without clear payment plans. out the money but failed to give availed.
regulations for this camp and Continues on page 3 The ministry failed to provide auditors loan agreement forms In addition, five youth Janza hopes
DESPITE previously failing to loan agreements to auditors for and payment details. cooperatives received
recover huge sums of money K21,632,250 it disbursed to On October 22 this year, K20,550,000 between May 7 and for honours at
through disbursed loans, then youth groups. auditors issued a query to May 11, 2021 as part of the youth
Ministry of Youth, Sport and The latest Auditor General’s the ministry on this matter, marketeers’ empowerment funds. Namungo
Child Development gave out report on use of COVID-19 funds but as of October 31, 2021, Continues on page 3

Mobile money trader robbed Consider chiefs in CDF INSPIRATIONAL

A MOBILE money agent in unknown substance into his eyes. COUNCILLORS should to support their endeavours.
Nakonde has been robbed of Ms Munkondya said the thieves prioritise the welfare of chiefs Meanwhile, Chipata City
about K11,000 cash after some
thieves sprayed an unknown
tied Mr Sichivula’s hands and
legs, placed a cloth in his mouth
when allocating projects under
the Constituency Development
Council has started clearing
the eight months’ salary
substance in his eyes.
Muchinga Province deputy
and fled.
In another matter, a police
Fund (CDF).
Monze Council chairperson
arrears owed to workers.
Mayor George Mwanza says
your life a
commanding officer Buumba
Munkondya said this happened
officer in Mafinga district has
allegedly been wounded by
Powell Mutenguna says only
chiefs Choongo and Choona
the local authority owed over
K17 million in salaries while masterpiece,
around 06:00 hours on New a teacher whom he tried to have official palaces, while four terminal benefits stood at K4
Year’s Day at Black market in apprehend for idling. others in the district are using million. imagine no
Chieftainess Nawaitwika’s area. Ms Munkondya said Clement their personal properties. Mr Mwanza said the council
Justin Sichivula, 29, was
robbed of K10,900 and a phone
Sinang’ombe was arrested for
allegedly wounding a police
Mr Mutenguna said in an
interview that most of the
has so far settled about five
months of the salary arrears.
by about 10 people.
Ms Munkondya said Mr
He said the suspect used an
traditional leaders also lack
court buildings, leaving them
He told journalists that the
local authority has significantly
on what you
Sichivula was approached by
his assailants, who claimed they
unknown sharp object to would
the police officer who attempted
with no choice but to host
trials in their living rooms.
improved the welfare of
workers since he was elected
can be, have,
wanted to withdraw K1,000 to arrest him for idle and He said providing as the city father in the August
each. disorderly conduct in the early infrastructure for chiefs will 12 general election. or do.”
As Mr Sichivula began the hours of New Year’s Day. legitimise their work.
transaction, one of the robbers
Mr Mutenguna said chiefs CATHERINE BWALYA, – BRIAN
pushed the door to the booth play a huge role in national MAYENGO NYIRENDA
while others sprayed an Kitwe development, hence the need Choma, Chipata TRACY

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Page 2•NEWS ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022

Policeman takes own life
Film producer among 10 New Year accident victims
around 06:45 hours.
Mr Hamoonga said the reasons why
the officer killed himself are yet to be
Year accidents, Mr Hamoonga said
in a statement yesterday that Lusaka
Province recorded 45 accidents, the
K288,945 reduction in the collection of
guilt fines from motorists this year.
Police collected K256,125 in guilt
established. highest, followed by Copperbelt with 23. fines this year compared to K545,070
Divorce harmful to family bonds “Police visited the scene and found Southern Province noted nine last year during the same holiday.

27-YEAR-OLD police
officer has allegedly Chabu lying on a wooden bench in a accidents, Eastern and Luapula eight Mr Hamoonga attributed the reduction
committed suicide by grass-thatched shelter at his house,” Mr each, Central and Muchinga six each, in road accidents to traffic patrols by

HAT is happening must try by all means to avoid falling shooting himself in Hamoonga said. Western five, Northern four, while Zambia Police Service traffic section and
in the institution of into this trap in the first place. Nchelenge. He said officers also found the gun North-Western recorded the least at Road Transport and Safety Agency.
marriage nowadays? We also understand that there is And 10 people, allegedly used in the suicide. three. Speed trap management teams have
Have couples lost the stigma attached to married people including film producer Frank Kasonde, Meanwhile, Zambia recorded 117 Mr Hamoonga said there were 27 been deployed in strategic and accidents-
respect for principles of matrimony being denied their conjugal rights, but died in over 100 road traffic accidents accidents in which 10 people died and 32 serious road traffic accidents in which 31 prone areas to reduce road traffic
to the point where divorce is now the many are times that couples overlook noted countrywide during the New were seriously injured. people were injured last year, compared offences and accidents during festivities.
only solution to marital disputes? the real issues that drive one from the Year holiday, with most of the mishaps During the same period last year, to 21 which left 32 victims seriously And Mr Kasonde, producer of The
A report that Zambia recorded other. happening in the capital city, Lusaka. 225 road traffic accidents were noted, injured this year. Struggle, a yet-to-be-shot movie about
Detective constable Raban Chabu reflecting a reduction of 108 mishaps He said 122 were highlighted as the founding President, Kenneth Kaunda,
22,543 divorce cases last year due Gender-based violence, insults and reportedly killed himself using his this year. damage only road traffic accidents last was among those who died during New
to lack of conjugal rights, adultery, cruelty on a spouse are the common firearm. New Year’s Day road carnage deaths year, compared to 63 recorded during the Year’s Day.
gender-based violence, insults and issues that bring about resentment Police spokesperson Rae Hamoonga have also reduced by 18, from 28 last same holiday this year, representing a Frank Global Movies co-founder
cruelty makes sad reading. in the area of conjugal rights, which said in an interview yesterday that the year to 10 this year. reduction of 59. Treasure Kafwimba announced Mr
This translates to an average of 60 we believe couples need to work on incident happened on Thursday last week Giving an update on the New And Mr Hamoonga said there is a Kasonde’s death in a notice yesterday.
divorces every day. through communication.
According to statistics from the It is an open secret that divorce
local courts in the country, the
shortest marriage to seek divorce
leads to broken families and
multiplies the number of vulnerable Councillor sends SOS to Masebo Police ponder rising crime
for bedridden boy in Kitwe
lasted 30 days while the longest was children, a situation which parents
65 years. should avoid.
In 2020, the shortest marriage Most of the testimonies from street
lasted 17 days while the longest was kids point to divorce between their burns on his face, chest, legs and arms after The criminals stole laptops,
67 years. parents as the cause for their fate. JUSTINAH KAPAMBWE the house he was locked in by his older sister Kitwe phones and an automated teller
The huge number of marriages While we recognise the fact that Lusaka caught fire on Thursday last week. machine (ATM) card after
ended last year shows that the solemn sometimes divorce is inevitable At the time of the tragedy, the victim’s AN APPARENTLY rising rate demanding for its pin number.
promise of “till death do us part” has given the degree of the problem in KAMWALA ward councillor Mainda mother, Justina Bwalya, 37, who works as a of crime in Kitwe has unsettled The thieves also got away with
changed to “till divorce do us part”. marriage, we urge parents to consider Simataa has written to Minister of maid, was house-keeping in Meanwood at the police command, who want Mr Chilufya’s Nissan Navara but
In a Christian nation like ours, the feelings of their children before Health Sylvia Masebo to come to the aid the residence of her employer, who travelled the public to join hands with law later abandoned the vehicle in
marriage is supposed to be a covenant they go separate ways. of an 18-year-old bedridden boy with out on vacation. enforcers in arresting the situation. Ndola’s Mushili.
as designed by God. Break-up of marriages has a neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder of the The boy, who died yesterday, was rushed Copperbelt Province Mr Chilufya, who was roughed
nervous system. to Ng’ombe clinic and later referred to Levy division acting commanding up and beaten, had to seek medical
This is why we are guided in the psychological effect on the children, Mwanawasa University Teaching Hospital. attention at Kitwe Teaching
Mr Simataa said in a letter officer Tresphord Kasale says
Bible in Genesis 2:24 that: “Therefore who end up having a negative addressed to Ms Masebo An eyewitness, Isaac Sakala, said more collaboration between Hospital.
a man shall leave his father and perception of marriage when they that Chrispin Busaka, the ordeal left him emotionally communities and the police is In an interview yesterday, Mr
mother and be joined to his wife, and grow up. whose right leg has moved after hearing people needed to curb robberies. Kasale said law enforcers are not
they shall become one flesh.” – (New We ask the Church to strengthen overgrown his body, wailing and shouting for “This is because criminals live sitting idly by over these crimes.
King James Version) their counselling programmes so that urgently needs help. in communities, and so we are He said officers will intensify
While it may be argued in other couples can maintain their marriages to undergo an “I don’t know what appealing to the public to be on motorised and foot patrols to
schools of thought that marriage is with the full knowledge that the union operation with really caused the fire, high alert and always tip police clamp down on the vice.
between two people and that it is only of man and woman comes from God. Government’s but we managed to whenever they see anything He, however, said citizens
help. break the door and suspicious,” Mr Kasale said. should play their part by not only
the couple that understands their Parents also have a big role to play
“Chrispin pulled the child, who Kitwe district has recorded being security-conscious but also
problems, there is need for individuals in the union of their children so that was previously was terribly burnt,” three traumatic armed robberies in informing the police whenever
not to take it lightly. they can understand that marriage brought to Mr Sakala said. the last two weeks. they spot unusual activities.
It must be understood that is not “shipikisha club (place of Lusaka for He said in the A fortnight ago, a lone masked Mr Kasale said the public
marriage is the basis for family bonds endurance)” as some people say, medical attention process of rescuing the robber armed with two pistols should be on guard and avoid
upon which communities and nations but that it calls for understanding at UTH (University child, a woman who broke attacked a family of four in being too predictable with their
at large are firmly anchored. between mates. Teaching Hospitals) the sitting room window and Parklands, shooting them and daily routines.
Therefore, the statistics of failed From the figure above, it is safe to in 2017. During that tried to pull the victim had part killing one instantly. He said instead of moving alone
marriages mentioned above negate conclude that 2021 was not a happy time, he resided in my ward, of her hands gravely cut. The criminal demanded for as they knock off from work, for
one for most families, especially in Kamwala. Another witness identified as Banakulu money from his victims and got example, people should consider
the idea of unity in the nation. “However, the medical trip proved Junior, a tomato trader, said while conducting away with over K8,000 cash. moving in groups, as this enhances
Some of the reasons advanced Eastern Province where the highest unsuccessful as UTH reportedly failed her business by the roadside, she saw a huge Seven days after the incident, their security and minimises the
by couples for their break-up, like number of those seeking divorce was to operate on him. Chrispin is now under flame on the roof of the house. two armed robbers attacked a risk of being attacked.
adultery, border on lack of respect recorded at 4,441 while Lusaka is the care of his vulnerable mother in rural Ms Bwalya explained her whereabouts Chinese woman at her restaurant Mr Kasale also cautioned
for the virtues of marriage. To some second with 3,819. Lupososhi district,” the letter reads in part. during the fateful day. in Parklands and bolted with over business people to be discreet about
extent certain cultural beliefs promote Marriage counsellors and the Mr Simataa said considering the urgency, “My boss asked me to camp at her house K105,000 and US$100 cash. their money transactions.
a man’s infidelity. Church at large should also reflect on magnitude and complexity of the operation for two nights and I was supposed to return In the early hours of New Year’s “Most of these attacks seem
We have heard such sayings as the age at which some children are that the boy requires, Government should home on Thursday, but they told me their Day, criminals armed with guns to emanate from inside jobs. So,
“ubuchende bwamwaume tautoba taken into marriage. consider coming to his rescue by facilitating vehicle had broken down and I needed to and machetes attacked Copperfield people should be very cautious
necessary processes. spend another night there,” she said. Mining Services proprietor Irvin not to talk about their money
ing’anda (a man’s infidelity does not Forced marriages clearly start on a
Meanwhile, a 13-year-old special needs Police and the fire brigade are yet to issue Chilufya and his daughters at his transactions with anyone,” Mr
break a matrimonial home)”. weak foundation and could so easily boy of Kasisi-Ng’ombe was left with severe a report on this matter. farm in Kamfinsa. Kasale said.
Conversely, some women nowadays end in divorce among couples because

COVID wave keeps rising

ride on the ‘equal rights’ idea which along the way girls and boys alike
has seen some wives compete with discover that they can make their own
their husbands in terms of extra- decisions after all to pursue what they
marital affairs. may have missed like school.
This is why society is now Young people intending to marry
simplifying the term adultery to the must search their hearts and enter
PRISCILLA MWILA 16,612 and 23 deaths. Northern 112 and Muchinga 91. Of the 1.7 million people immunised,
word ‘cheating’, which makes the marriage with conviction that they Lusaka According to the Ministry of Health Three people have died in the 1.2 million have been fully inoculated.
whole problem appear not serious. will stick to their partners no matter daily updates, from the 26,557 cases, day preceding yesterday, raising the There are 1,649 people who have
We call upon marriage counsellors what. WITH the COVID-19 fourth wave not 1,729 are the latest picked from 5,826 cumulative number to 3,743. received their COVID-19 booster
to get serious and remind couples The local courts also have the showing any signs of relenting, 41 people tests, representing a 30 percent positivity The country has 29,653 active cases, vaccine.
and those intending to get married responsibility to counsel couples have succumbed to coronavirus while rate. of which 325 are admitted to isolation The Ministry of Health recently
that adultery is a serious offence as rather than rushing to granting 26,557 others have tested positive for the Lusaka recorded the highest cases facilities while the rest are under home advised members of the public to
stipulated in the Bible and should not divorce. Of course, we commend novel virus in the last seven days. at 335, followed by Copperbelt 268, management. get booster vaccines to increase their
be reduced to the term cheating. them for the job well done to shine a Zambia has recorded 259,677 cases Southern was third with 267, while Coronavirus patients on oxygen are protection against the disease, which has
Spouses have every reason to seek light on problems in marriages in the since the disease spread to the country North-Western and Central noted 154 and 111 and 27 are in a critical condition. killed over five million people globally.
last year. 131 respectively. About 1.7 million people have been Children 12 years and above are also
recourse on this offence but couples country. The country has noted 9,945 more Others are Eastern Province with vaccinated against the global pandemic encouraged to be vaccinated against the
cases compared to the previous week’s 130, Luapula picked 121, Western 120, from a target of 8.4 million. novel virus.
ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022 NEWS • Page 3

Auditors question K21

million youth loans
From page 1 which NHA was expected to But on July 19, 2019, ZACL
raise over K33,200,500. paid the former director of
Eastern Marketeers Multi- The offers were issued on finance K584,884, while the
Purpose Cooperative Society condition that the Ministry director of navigation services
Limited received K3 million, of Finance would facilitate was paid K557,518 on June 30,
Copperbelt Youth Marketeers direct payroll deductions from 2019,
Cooperative K8.5 million, beneficiaries. The contracts for the two were
while Lusaka Youth Marketeers By January 31 last year, all the terminated prematurely.
Cooperative got K8.5 million. houses were handed over to the Further, K32,134 was paid to
Others are HEP Initiative beneficiaries. the director – finance after he
Marketeers Cooperative with However, the direct deductions claimed an underpayment of the
K300,000 and Nalikwanda had not been effected, and salary advance following the
Marketeers Cooperative received beneficiaries had been making upward adjustment in his salary.
K250,000. cash payments, which resulted “The payment, which was
But the ministry could not in 25 of the 60 officers failing to for January 2020, was made six
provide the list of beneficiaries in meet their obligations. months after his contract had
the respective cooperatives and And Zambia Airports ended.
amounts paid. Corporation Limited (ZACL) “A review of ZACL’s terms
Meanwhile, National Housing questionably paid over K1.4 and conditions of service and
Authority (NHA) failed to effect million salary advances to two contracts for former directors
deductions from government former directors, with one getting revealed that there was no
officials who were offered houses the money after termination of provision for payments of
for sale at Northgate Gardens and the contract. salary advance on cessation of MINISTER of Infrastructure and Urban Development Charles Milupi (front) with officials from Road
Kafue. On June 30, 2019, ZACL employment before expiry of Development Agency and his ministry inspecting the Kafue Hook Bridge in Kafue National Park on Mongu-
Government officials were terminated contracts for the the contract. The payment was
offered 50 houses at Northgate director of finance and his air irregular,” the report reads in Lusaka road yesterday. The travelling public to and from western Zambia have been using a temporary
Gardens and 10 in Kafue, of navigation services counterpart. part. bridge since April 2017 when the hook bridge was shut due to wear and tear.

AG weighs in on ZIALE
Calls for scrutiny of students entering law schools
PRISCILLA MWILA or write, yet they are accepted Law Association of Zambia that initially, ZIALE used wondered. Kanyakula said ZIALE Kanyakula said.

Lusaka at some higher learning (LAZ) president Abyudi Shonga to only admit students from He, however, said having one students’ performance will only He said higher learning
institutions to study law. said the high failure rate at one institution for fear of person pass the first attempt at improve when accreditation of institutions should have high
EQUIREMENTS To enhance performance ZIALE is due to the institution’s compromising its standards. ZIALE does not mean everyone institutions to offer law lessons standards to enable them to
to study law in at ZIALE, Mr Kabesha has desire to have qualified and “We are coming from a else has completely failed the is thoroughly scrutinised. fully bake students.
some universities implored the institution to well-trained lawyers. background where ZIALE was exam. Mr Kanyakula said while Mr Kanyakula said higher
are compromised, consider introducing enrolment University of Zambia taken to court because it was Mr Kabesha said most some institutions may qualify learning institutions also need
hence the poor tests. (UNZA) vice-chancellor only admitting UNZA students. students passed in eight or six to offer other courses, they may to ensure that lecturers engaged
performance of some students Only one out of 394 students Luke Mumba said the results If you investigate, you may find subjects out of 11. not have what it takes to teach are of good quality.
at the Zambia Institute of who sat the most recent final raise a lot of questions on the that some students could have He said the ZIALE repeaters law. “This problem is the reason
Advanced Legal Education ZIALE examination passed, credibility of the examiner, even failed English at Grade examinations are still a good “I think the problem starts we have lawyers interpreting
(ZIALE). with some stakeholders adding that it has nothing to do 12 but are at the university. opportunity for students to from enrolment. Institutions the Constitution differently and
Attorney General Mulilo accusing the institution of with half-baked students. So how do you expect them qualify. of higher learning need to thereby confusing people. This
Kabesha says some students ‘stealing’ tuition fees from But Mr Kabesha said in to understand teaching But Zambia Union of thoroughly scrutinise students has to stop,” Mr Kanyakula
are unable to effectively read students. an interview with journalists at ZIALE?” Mr Kabesha Students president Stephen they enrol to study law,” Mr said.

HH, SDA mourn Lake

Kariba victims
From page 1 they stepped on each other The President is also
and struggled to swim. saddened by the death
According to Siavonga District of 31-year-old budding
eyewitnesses, the eight Commissioner Geoffrey international film producer
youths found a fishing rig Jakopo is devastated by the Frank Kasonde, who died
parked by the lake shore and loss of the energetic lives in a road traffic accident on
they jumped on it. and has sent condolences to New Year’s Day.
But as the rig operator the bereaved families. Mr Kasonde was in the
started off into the lake, the “I addressed these process of producing a
youths jumped off for safety children on the first day movie on the late founding
but ended up drowning. they came here. I went to President Kenneth David
One of the campers, the school and I told them Kaunda.
Eugine Simbayi, said his to avoid swimming in the “The nation expresses its
colleagues delayed to jump lake and that they should heartfelt condolences to the
off the rig, which was be nowhere near the lake families of the deceased of
initially on the lake banks because it is infested with both accidents, and mourns
for refuelling. crocodiles,” Mr Jakopo said. and stands with them during
“When the refuelling Police spokesperson this very sad period. May
was done, its (rig’s) Rae Hamoonga said in a the souls of the departed
operator started moving statement that the victims rest in peace,” President
and the victims only started drowned around 18:00 hours Hichilema said.
jumping off when it (rig) and police have summoned Meanwhile, Disaster
had reached about 50 the coxswain who was on Management and Mitigation
metres away from the banks the ill-fated rig. Unit national coordinator
of the lake,” Mr Simbayi And the head of State Gabriel Pollen says
said. said in a statement on his Government will take up
He said all the victims Facebook page yesterday funeral expenses which
jumped at the same time, that the nation mourns with include coffins, transport
hence the possibility that the families of the victims. and food.

22,000 want divorce

CHOMBA MUSIKA The total divorce petitions The actual number of divorce
Lusaka filed in Western Province were petitions granted from the
3,191, out of which 2,613 were 22,543 entered in the local
ZAMBIA recorded over 22,000 applied by men and 578 by courts last year is yet to be
divorce cases in 2021, with lack women. tabulated.
of conjugal rights, adultery, On the Copperbelt, Kitwe The local court office
gender-based violence (GBV), district highlighted 1,722 indicates that the major reasons
insults and cruelty being among divorce petitions, with 1,205 couples wanted to have their
major reasons couples asked the filed by husbands and 517 by marriages dissolved include
courts to end their unions. wives. adultery, lack of conjugal
According to the local Ndola had 1,271 cases, of rights, desertion and cruelty.
court office data availed which 786 were filed by women Other reasons include
to the Daily Mail, 22,543 and 488 by men. GBV, insults, alcohol abuse,
divorce cases were noted in Northern Province noted impotence and barrenness.
the last 12 months compared 1,730 applications, of which The data also shows that
to 25,851 entered in registries 1,006 were filed by women and coronavirus had an effect on the
countrywide in 2020. 724 by men. divorce rate.
The shortest marriage that North-Western and Central Because of restricted
ended in divorce lasted 30 days, provinces each highlighted movements, some couples
while the longest was 65 years, 1,250 divorce petitions. spent more time together and
compared to 17 days and 67 A total of 800 women filed encountered conflicts, while
years respectively in 2020. for divorce in North-Western, closure of businesses like bars
Like in 2020, Eastern while 450 men asked for their and restaurants resulted in loss
Province has yet again topped unions to be disbanded. of income for some households,
the list at 4,441, while Lusaka In Central Province, 450 men resulting in divorce.
is second with 3,819 divorce filed for divorce while wives According to research,
petitions. represented 800. divorced adults are more likely
Women who sought for Luapula Province noted 996 to become impoverished,
disbandment of their marriages divorce cases, out of which 705 while their children experience
in the Eastern region were were filed by women and 291 psychological and economic
2,952, while men represented by men. stress, which delays their social
1,489. The least divorce petitions development.
In Lusaka, 2,482 men applied were recorded in Muchinga Research also shows that
to have their unions dissolved, Province at 524, of which 303 divorce, which is hated by God,
while wives who were fed up were filed by women and 221 according to Malachi 2:16,
with their husbands were 1,337. by men. slows economic growth.
ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022
Page 4•NEWS

Solwezi families face eviction Tayali positive

on Ndola-
Court ordered move, says houses were built illegally on private land Mufulira road
BUTTYSON KANDIMBA Ching’embu, who is a former senior Mr Ching’embu depends on School, said he bought the plot in He appealed to the two parties to
Solwezi find an amicable way of resolving the
lecturer at Solwezi Teachers Training
College, is disturbed about the turn of
rentals from the houses he built for
survival and wonders how he will
2001 from the council and obtained
all necessary documentation. land dispute rather than evicting people rehab
VER 30 families events. look after his family following the Mr Chipato is being asked to during the rainy season.
around Solwezi According to Mr Ching’embu, he inconvenience. pay K150,000 for him to continue “I only pray that my family lives
School of Nursing bought land from Solwezi Municipal He said the family claiming to be occupying the land. long enough to bear witness to all the CHIMWEMWE MWALE
have been evicted Council in 1998 and followed all the owners of the land are demanding One of the tenants, Leonard tenants that have been affected,” Mr Ndola
from their homes procedures. K65,000 from him to buy the plot Chibesa, described the experience as Chibesa said.
following a court “In 1998, there was an again. disturbing and inconveniencing. Solwezi town clerk Bornwell Luanga NDOLA-MUFULIRA road is one of the main
order that their houses were built advertisement for plots in the area by “The title deed I have is for 99 “My family is travelling back could not be reached for comment as he routes the new dawn administration wants to
illegally on private land. the council, and that is how I applied years, but now I don’t know what I from Lusaka and I don’t know where was reported to be out of town and his urgently overhaul because it is of immense
Police and court bailiffs swung and I was offered a plot here. should do. I’m disturbed because I’m they are going to stay when they mobile phones went unanswered. economic benefits to the country.
into action on Thursday and evicted “From 1998, I have been struggling a retiree and I keep a lot of children, reach this place. This is rainy season According to sources, the land Minister of Transport and Logistics Frank
several families from their homes, until 2010 when I got my title deed. grandchildren and orphans and I earn and imagine if it had rained at night, dispute was between late Ben Tayali said in an interview that this is despite the
leaving them stranded. Then in 2011 I retired honourably, a living just from the little rentals everything could have gotten soaked,” Tetamashimba and Humphrey country “grappling with diminished resources”.
A check by the Daily Mail found and with the package I was given, I people are paying,” Mr Ching’embu he said. Mulemba families who took the He said this is also in view of the country
the affected families with their decided to construct these flats, but said. Mr Chibesa complained that a lot of matter to court over ownership of having other priority areas such as education
household goods outside. I am surprised because I have my Another landlord, Fredson Chipato, household goods were destroyed while the land and the High Court ruled in and health which the new government has
One of the landlords, Ronald papers intact,” he said. a former teacher at Solwezi Technical some items are missing. favour of the Mulemba family. prioritised.
The minister said investments in the education
and health sectors are crucial in growing the

ZAF to take over Kalulushi airport security forces should be ready
whenever need arises, hence the
“But what we have also said is that we cannot
wait until the economy has improved for us
to start taking care of some of these run-down
need for key infrastructure like air infrastructure in the road sub-sector.
ZAMBIA Air Force (ZAF) first indigenous ZAF Commander your continued efforts to safeguard Lieutenant General Barry said bases and supporting equipment.
Lieutenant General Peter Zuze, who Zambia’s airspace and rendering ZAF wants to embark on a deliberate “The President [Hakainde Hichilema] recently
wants to take over management of He said Zambia’s skies should be constituted a council for the public-private
South Downs Airport in Kalulushi witnessed the opening of the base in support to ground troops in programme to restore airstrips in kept secure at all times to preserve
the company of his wife and their two protecting the territorial integrity and remote areas to a usable state. partnership to which I am one of the Cabinet
and transform it into a base for its the country’s peace and security. ministers who are members.
operations. grandchildren. sovereignty of Zambia,” the minister “Alongside these plans, we
Management of the airport is under In response to ZAF command’s said. also emphasise the importance “This committee will be sitting and
Zambia Airports Corporation Limited request, Minister of Defence Mr Lufuma said the facility is a of regular recruitment to increase identifying certain areas where we can bring in
and the facility is in a deplorable Ambrose Lufuma said Government good launch pad for Zuze Air Force manpower levels in the air force. investors on a public-private partnership basis,”
state. is ready to partner with the military Base and it is gratifying that there are “Current manpower levels are Mr Tayali said.
The request by ZAF is in tandem wing in infrastructure development plans to deploy air assets. way below the approved air He said part of the criteria Government will
with its expansion drive as it will which enhances national security. He said the base will enhance force establishment and are use is to identify economic roads which can
soon establish a hybrid air defence Mr Lufuma said Government has ZAF’s role of providing air inadequate to populate our “literally pay for themselves over a period of
unit in Kalulushi. taken note of the request for line mobility to Government and other units and bases,” he said. time”, such as those with toll plazas.
This came to light on Thursday ministries to upgrade runways and stakeholders and create connections Lt Gen Barry commended Government also plans to work out modalities
during the opening of Zuze Air Force airfields in remote areas. to numerous remote areas. Lt Gen Zuze, who became on how users of particular infrastructure can
Base, formerly Ndola International He said this is important ZAF Commander Colin Barry ZAF commander in1972, for contribute to the cost of constructing and
Airport, whose operations have been in ensuring inclusiveness in appealed to the minister to engage his commitment to duty and maintaining such infrastructure.
relocated to new Simon Mwansa development of rural areas. responsible line ministries to build vigilance in preservation of the “I will not pre-empt but I just want to assure
Kapwepwe International Airport. “I commend you, ZAF commander additional air force bases in Mansa, country’s freedom. you that it is definitely on top of the agenda to
The base has been named after the and your men and women, for Mfuwe and Mongu. And Lt Gen Zuze said identify critical roads to economic activity.
“We know that Sakania is being upgraded into
a one-stop border post. So we envisage that there

Adults, children in drug abuse rise - Great North Road is going to be high economic activity on that
stretch between Ndola and Mufulira.
“It’s the same road that is a shortcut into
Luapula Province through Pedicle Road. It is an
CHOMBA MUSIKA Centre manager Precious offers psychosocial support to guardians to have interest in health of their staff to ensure that important road that has not been worked on for
Lusaka Chimbelu said in response to a adolescents and adults, recorded knowing their children’s mental they have higher staff retention many years. So it’s definitely long overdue for
press query by the Daily Mail that an over 70 percent increase in the well-being and ensure they do not and also maintain a conducive repair and overhaul,” Mr Tayali said.
ALCOHOL and marijuana were the opioids were also among the most number of clients it attended to. seek solace in abusing drugs. work environment which will in On transporters who use the Ndola-Mufulira
most abused drugs last year, with abused drugs. “The centre handled 561 clients “As we enter the new year, let us turn improve productivity in the road to evade tolls, Mr Tayali said Government
those addicted to the substances Opioids are a class of drugs that this year, which is a 70 percent remember to take care of our mental workplace,” Ms Chimbelu said. will not tolerate such people once the road is
aged between 14 and 50. include the illegal heroin, synthetic- increase. The age range for the health and that of our children,” she She also said the rehabilitation fixed.
Great North Road Academy like fentanyl and pain relievers people we attended to is between 14 said. centre will embark on a mental He said Government will mount toll plazas on
rehabilitation centre, which available by prescription. and 50. The oldest person was in his Ms Chimbelu said physical health health sensitisation exercise this Ndola-Mufulira road so that motorists contribute
offers drug and alcohol addiction “Most abused substance early 60s. The youngest was nine. is as important as mental health, year. to maintenance of road infrastructure in the
treatment and support, among is alcohol, followed by THC The child was sexually abused,” Ms hence it should be taken seriously “We are looking forward country.
others, witnessed a high number [tetrahydrocannabinol or cannabis] Chimbelu said. even in workplaces. to a great year as we embark “This is to avoid a situation where roads
of people abusing alcohol and and opioids,” Ms Chimbelu said. In a New Year message, Ms “To all employers, there’s a on a massive mental health become completely destroyed. At the moment,
marijuana. She said the centre, which also Chimbelu implored parents and huge need to cater for the mental sensitisation,” Ms Chimbelu said. there is no road on the so-called Ndola-Mufulira
road,” Mr Tayali said.
Page 6 • ANALYSES and OPINIONS ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022

Boy-child not insusceptible

to child marriage
Some parents push sons to make girls pregnant to prove their fertility
Province, I asked young people married. married at a tender age are
KAKUNGU to explain what prompted Child marriage is a solution to
meet daily needs and to reduce
condemned to a life cycle of
poverty as their prospects of

Civil servants need

them to get married at a tender
SIMPUNGWE age. They responded that girls on the number of dependants getting a high-paying job are

who drop out of school get in child-headed homes and close to impossible. Moreover,
married because they have no impoverished families. HIV infection is common
The boy-child is not among girls married to older

relief from banks

HILD marriage, other aspirations to pursue.
which is defined Their parents expect them to invulnerable to child marriage and more sexually experienced
as marriage get married and have children, in Northern Province. Some men and negotiating safer sex
before the age which for some is a sign of parents pressure their sons who is not a topic for discussion in
of 18 years, is prestige and seniority both have dropped out of school to such relationships. Owing to
Dear editor, a practice and among young people and their become financially independent immaturity of the birth canal,
I JUST want to express my concern on the new salaries for civil a problem that is a widely and parents. and get married so that they can adolescents are more likely to
servants in 2022. There is no limit on what lending institutions can culturally accepted in Zambia. experience difficulties during
deduct per month.
In the end the banks will still get everything from them through
According to the 2018 Zambia
Demographic and Health Girls and boys who get childbirth, which can also lead
to death or a very serious and
DDACC, meaning it is like no increment was given. The public and civil
servants need some relief from banks this year.
Survey, 15 percent of girls
and one percent of boys aged
married at a tender age are embarrassing health condition
called fistula.
I would also advise civil servants to shift to banks that have human
faces once they finish paying their loans.
between 15 and 19 years were
condemned to a life cycle of The scourge of child
marriage and its devasting
Marriage is the goal for most poverty as their prospects of effects can be curtailed
girls in rural areas and from
childhood they are socialised to getting a high-paying job are through a multi-stakeholder
and multi-intervention
confine themselves to domestic
work in preparation for their close to impossible. approach. Parents, however,
play a pivotal role in

My top three 2021

future roles as wives. In some supporting both boys and
communities, when these Preserving the family name provide material and financial girls to delay marriage and
young girls or boys come of and avoiding suffering public support to their parents. childbearing so that they
age, they undergo initiation shame arising from teenage Adolescent boys I talked to complete school to attain

moments ceremonies during which they

are taught not only how to take
care of themselves but also how
to satisfy a man or woman.
pregnancy is another reason
why some parents marry off
their daughters. Such marriages
are arranged quickly before
lamented about the fact that
some parents push their sons
to make girls pregnant to prove
their fertility and to satisfy
their full academic potential
to contribute to national

Dear editor, During one of my the pregnancy starts showing their parents’ desire to have The author is director
SO I am just thinking: apart from the year 2021 being what I love to interactions with young people regardless of whether the girl grandchildren. adolescent health in the
call “The universal year of the mask”, I think the three things I will in one rural district of Northern or boy is ready or willing to get Girls and boys who get Ministry of Health.

Link between human, animal health

remember the year 2021 for are:
1. How we lost Super Ken this year. We knew that one day we
would have to deal with losing our founding father and President,
but how it still hit hard when it came.
2. It is the year my brother and friend, the self-styled kachema,
Hakainde Hichilema, ascended to the highest office of the land and
became Zambia’s seventh President via a landslide victory in the diseases shared between weeks after infection. history or one with an expired
August 12 elections. humans and animals) with If a woman is newly vaccination status, please wash
3. It is the year our party, the MMD, returned to the ballot, having larval and adult tapeworms infected with toxoplasma the bite site with clean water
spent the last 10 years bridled in in-fighting and protracted court respectively. The important while pregnant, or just before and soap (where available).
battles. We knew we were in no shape to win an election, but features of these zoonoses pregnancy, then she can Report the case to police and
someone had to take up the challenge and bear the shame to trying are that the larvae are meat- pass the infection on to her nearest veterinarian, who will
to rebuild a broken political party. We know that one day, the MMD borne (pork) and the adult baby. She may not have any refer the victim to the nearest
will rise again. stage develops only in the symptoms from the infection. health facility for medical
intestine of the human host Most infected infants do not attention. Rabies kills. Once
CONCERNED CITIZEN (obligate). Taenia solium have symptoms at birth but can clinical signs set in, death
(‘pork tapeworm’) is the most develop serious symptoms later always follows.
important cause of taeniosis in life, such as blindness or Vaccination
in humans. Cysticercosis is mental disability. The world has seen
a tissue infection with the Occasionally, infected unprecedented levels of myths
larval stage and occurs most newborns have serious eye or and beliefs since the rolling
commonly in pigs. Humans brain damage at birth. The good out of vaccinations against
acquire the adult stage through news is that by child-bearing COVID-19 to an extent and
KENNETH eating improperly cooked stage, most women would have scale never experienced under
CHAWINGA infected meat. been exposed to the parasite and the sun. This has largely
Infection with the larval developed been driven by lack of facts

stage arising from ingestion and infodemic (too much
S WE start the year, of water, vegetables information including false
I would like us to contaminated with eggs in Vaccination or misleading information
recap on what I faecal matter of infected in digital and physical
shared throughout humans is responsible is one of the age- environments during
last year courtesy of Zambia for almost all serious a disease outbreak).
Daily Mail. By now it should human disease caused old and very reliable Vaccination is one of the
be appreciated that livestock by these worms. age-old and very reliable
or generally animal diseases If the larvae ways of preventing ways of preventing mainly
are not stand-alone diseases. lodge in the brain infectious diseases. This is
The health of people, animals tissue, it gives rise to mainly infectious particularly important when
and their shared environment neurocysticercosis, which the problem of antimicrobial
are firmly interlinked. This is may lead to epilepsy. In diseases. resistance is looming large.
why the one health concept (a fact, this is a leading cause of Effective use and adoption
one-stop shop way of dealing parasitic epilepsy in humans, of vaccination reserves the
with human and animal and especially in areas with poor immunity. Also, mature cats are use of antimicrobial agents
plant health) has gained ground sanitation such as Asia and less likely to shed the parasite in disease treatment, thereby
lately. Africa. In these regions, if they have been previously slowing down antimicrobial
The greatest war on the intimate contact between infected. Added to this, with resistance. What vaccination
doorstep of humankind is humans and their pigs is use of hand gloves, coupled does is basically prepare our
not that of guns, bullets and commonplace. Prevention of with basic hygiene standards bodies’ defensive mechanisms
missiles, but it is against this neglected tropical disease such as washing hands after to be ready to encounter and
microscopic ‘beings’, the lies in housing pigs, avoiding handling your lovely cat and its defeat pathogens of infectious
disease causing pathogens. As open defecation and improved litter box, there is not much to and in some cases deadly
the human population balloons, sanitation. worry about. diseases. Vaccines are made of
so are natural barriers being Toxoplasmosis Rabies is yet another harmless forms of pathogens
breached. There is an old wives’ tale neglected disease, mostly or parts of the pathogens that
One such barrier is the to the effect that pregnant prevalent in Asia and Africa. cause disease. The greater the
human-wild animals interface. women should not handle cats Domesticated dogs are proportion of a population
This has serious ramifications or risk passing on a parasitic responsible for 99 percent of that is vaccinated, the more
regarding emergence of disease called toxoplasmosis, human rabies cases. Globally, the entire population is
emerging and re-emerging which the pets harbour. Cats the disease claims 59,000 protected (this proven concept
infectious zoonotic diseases. play an important role in the human lives per year. Zambia is technically called herd
Let us go through a few of spread of toxoplasmosis. They currently records 15,000 dog immunity). Better protection
the following; cysticercosis, become infected by eating bite cases and 50 human deaths. lies in numbers! It is either
taeniosis, neurocysticercosis infected rodents, birds or other Responsible dog ownership is vax or vexing health; over
(epilepsy) and the pork small animals. The parasite the simple, cost-effective and and above that, it is either one
tapeworm. is then passed in the cat’s sustainable way of ending this health or no health.
The terms cysticercosis and faeces. Kittens and cats can 100 percent preventable disease.
taeniosis refer to foodborne shed millions of parasites in Once bitten by a stray dog or a The author is district
zoonotic infections (infections/ their faeces for as long as three dog without rabies vaccination veterinary officer – Kabwe.

DESPITE being From our page

advised to buy
only 30 immune
system analysers Reactions to: MoH altered K35m
at over K35
million, the
contract to K120m
Ministry of Health EXTENDING the goods to be supplied is not a problem. Buying COVID-19 test kits is not a problem. The questions should be: did the ministry buy
those items? At what price? Was there any foul play? That’s the report people may want to know. But only reporting about the increasing of items to be
supplied is not necessarily an issue as long as Zambians used those materials and the materials were bought at a right price.
signed a contract PETER CHANDA KAPASA

of over K120 THEY have said no already to fraud, WHEN you say WHO did this? Where are
million for the to misuse of government resources.
Transparency and zero tolerance to
COVID testing
kits, we receive signed, it means there
is a name, so why
the law enforcement officers?
same equipment corruption is always their language. Let’s
love one another beyond everything else.
them as donations.
Government doesn’t
buy them. We know
are you not giving
us names of those
and added more May God bless Zambia.
people? It is becoming
boring now.
SAD that these things are
happening in a Christian nation.
ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022 FOREIGN • Page 7

THE smoke from the blaze could be seen from several miles away.

Fire sweeps through South

Africa parliament building
Building’s sprinkler system had not functioned properly

APE TOWN state funeral at St George’s and further damage inside the another four hours to put the
- A large fire Cathedral, near parliament. old chamber had not yet been fire out completely because of
has severely Mr Ramaphosa said news of evaluated. the carpets and wooden floors
damaged the the fire was a “terrible setback “It is not possible to see in the building.
Houses of to what we were basking in whether it’s damaged. We The damage from the fire
Parliament in yesterday” and added that hope it is not because it has can be seen in these images
the South African city of Cape Archbishop Tutu would also so many historical artefacts, made available by the city of
Town. have been devastated. but you can’t gain access to Cape Town:
Video footage showed a He praised firefighters, who it without breaking the doors The parliament is not
plume of black smoke filling he said had responded to the down and we don’t want to do currently in session because of
the sky, with huge flames fire in six minutes. Without that,” he said. the holidays.
coming out from the roof of their intervention the National Officials said the fire started The Houses of Parliament
the building. Assembly would have been on the third floor offices and in Cape Town are made up
President Cyril Ramaphosa reduced to “ashes”, he said. quickly spread to the National of three sections, with the
visited the scene and called Dozens of firefighters Assembly (the parliament’s oldest dating back to 1884.
it a “terrible and devastating battled the flames. Officials lower house) chamber, reports The newer sections built in
event”. later said that the entire the BBC’s Nomsa Maseko in the 1920s and 1980s house
A man was being held and parliamentary complex was Cape Town. the National Assembly.
questioned by the authorities, severely damaged. No injuries have been Meanwhile, the government is
he said. J P Smith, a member of reported and there’s no based in Pretoria.
The building’s sprinkler the Cape Town mayoral indication of what may have Last year, a fire ravaged
system had not functioned committee for safety and started it, our correspondent part of the University of Cape
properly, he added. security, told reporters that the adds. Town’s library, which was
The blaze came hours after roof above the old assembly Fire and rescue service home to a unique collection of
Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s hall was “completely gone” officials said it could take African archives. BBC

Antarctic outpost hit

by COVID outbreak
BRUSSELS - A Belgian The first positive test was
scientific research station in recorded on December 14,
Antarctica is dealing with an among a team who had arrived
outbreak of COVID-19, despite seven days earlier.
workers being fully vaccinated They and others who
and based in one of the world’s tested positive were placed
remotest regions. in quarantine but the virus
Since December 14, at least continued to circulate.
16 of the 25 workers at the Staff arriving at the station
Princess Elisabeth Polar Station must be vaccinated and tested
have caught the virus. for the virus.
Officials say cases remain There are two emergency
mild so far. doctors at the station and new
“The situation isn’t dramatic,” arrivals to the outpost have
Joseph Cheek, a project been suspended until the virus
manager for the International dissipates.
Polar Foundation, told the BBC. Princess Elisabeth station is
“While it has been an operated by the International
inconvenience to have to Polar Foundation and went into
quarantine certain members of service in 2009.
the staff who caught the virus, it It isn’t the first time research
hasn’t significantly affected our stations in Antarctica have
work at the station overall,” Mr been affected by a coronavirus
Cheek said. outbreak.
“All residents of the station Last year, a number of
were offered the opportunity to Chilean military personnel
leave on a scheduled flight on based at Bernardo O’Higgins
January 12. However, they all research station were infected
expressed their wish to stay and after sailors on a supply ship
continue their work,” he added. tested positive for the virus. BBC

South Korean crosses

DMZ in rare defection
to North Korea
SEOUL - A South Korean In September 2020 North
citizen has crossed the heavily Korean troops shot and burned
fortified border into North a South Korean fisheries official
Korea in an apparent defection, who went missing at sea.
South Korea’s military says. The incident sparked uproar.
The person was able to evade Pyongyang blamed the anti-
detection for several hours virus rule and apologised.
despite a search operation by North Korea’s leader Kim
South Korean troops. Jong-un had earlier declared a
Military chiefs in Seoul said national emergency and sealed
they did not know if the person off a town after a North Korean
was still alive, but had sent a defector who Mr Kim said had
message to the North asking for COVID symptoms crossed into
them to be protected. the North from the South.
North Korea has implemented North Korea’s pandemic-
a shoot-on-sight policy during related lockdowns and
the pandemic. restrictions on movement within
The person was detected in the country have also reduced
the Demilitarised Zone (DMZ), the number of defections from
which separates the two Koreas, the North to the South.
at a point on the east coast at The border between North
about 21:20 local time (12:20 and South Korea is one of the
GMT) on Saturday, South most heavily fortified areas
Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff in the world. It is filled with
(JCS) said. landmines, surrounded by
Defence officials in Seoul had electric and barbed wire fencing
pledged to overhaul the border and surveillance cameras and
defence system after similar armed guards are supposed to be
breaches in the past. on alert 24 hours a day. BBC
Page 8 • FEATURES ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022

7 in race for Kabwata seat

Who will scoop the seat on January 20?
LUCY LUMBE resources to engage in productive market merchandise,” Mr Tembo distribution of Constituency

Lusaka activities. says. Development Fund (CDF).
“If we can have a leader He is passionate about People’s Alliance for Change
T IS finally set! The who will create employment empowering those in informal candidate Sydney Zyambo says if
race for the Kabwata opportunities for the youths, employment, such as market elected, he will enhance socio-
constituency seat is on this will help improve their traders. economic empowerment for the
with seven candidates livelihoods. It is unfortunate that And as a pioneer of the “Keep residents.
contesting the we have a number of Kabwata clean campaign”, Mr Mr Zyambo says women and
parliamentary seat with school-leavers Tembo believes he already has youths in the constituency will
hope of being ushered into the and youths three quarters of the solutions to be fully empowered as he will
position of Member of Parliament who have transform the constituency. work to ensure that he meets
(MP). completed As for Mr Tayali, he says he the aspirations of women and
The seat fell vacant on school wants to help the children and youth through the rolling out of
November 18 last year following but they young people in the constituency socio-economic empowerment
the death of United Party have no to go to school through the programmes.
for National Development jobs. As policies formulated by the new UPP’s Mr Libanda says he will
(UPND) parliamentarian Levy a result, dawn government, such the work on improving the already
Mkandawire. they resort provision of free education. existing development in the area
But who among the seven will to drinking Mr Tayali has assured residents in order to improve the living
scoop the seat on January 20? and of the constituency that they will standards of residents in the
Candidates vying for the seat engaging in witness the creation of social constituency.
are Andrew Tayengwa of the other vices,” centres for the youths as an As for the Socialist Party
ruling UPND, Patriotic Front (PF) he said. avenue to interact and keep them candidate, Mr Ng’andu, he says if
candidate Clement Tembo and Mr away from illicit activities once he given a chance by the electorate,
Sydney Zyambo of the People’s Lengwe is voted into office. his focus will be to serve the
Alliance for Change. said there The UPND candidate, Mr people wholeheartedly.
Other candidates are Chilufya is need to roll out empowerment Tayengwa, says he is passionate He states that he is better placed
Tayali under Economic programmes to enhance about bringing development to the to solve challenges faced by
Progressive Party (EPP), Socialist productivity among the youthful constituency and he is conversant Kabwata residents, stressing that
Party candidate Tripher Ng’andu, population in the constituency. with the challenges that need to his focus will be on improving the
popularly known as Uncle He said there is need for the be addressed in Kabwata, having livelihoods of the orphans and the
T, United Progressive Party legislator who will be elected grown up in the constituency. underprivileged.
candidate Francis Libanda and into office to ensure that they “We need an MP who stands 1973, says the market usually The seven candidates have each “I am a resident of Kabwata and With campaigns for the
Patriots for Economic Progress adequately address the erratic ready to listen to the cries of his experiences water shortages. assured the electorate of notable people know me. We are asking Kabwata parliamentary seat in full
candidate Henry Muleya. water shortages in some parts of people and endeavours to address She says at times the market development once given the the people of Kabwata to vote swing, the power lies in the hands
The electorate want a candidate the constituency. their challenges. We have some operates without water, which is opportunity to serve them. for UPND so that policies can be of the eligible voters, who will
who will keep their word and fulfil Andy Bwalya says the leaders who are only present when hazardous to health. PF candidate Mr Tembo is implemented effectively,” he says. decide who takes up the legislative
their campaign promises. constituency needs a leader who they want votes and never truly Ms Kunda’s other plea is for the hopeful and believes that he has Mr Tayengwa says in the past, position.
Forty-eight-year-old Francis has the interests of the people at there to perform their duties as next MP to improve the drainage what it takes to fulfil his dream to he has done a number of notable Kabwata constituency is one
Lengwe says the constituency heart and not be carried away by leaders,” he says. at the market, which at times gets make the constituency, where he charity gestures which include of the most influential areas in
needs a leader who is dedicated to their own selfish interests. Andy says the next MP should clogged, resulting in flooding. has lived most of his life, a better drilling of a borehole at one of the Lusaka Province. Some key
creating employment opportunities The 24-year-old says the people be action-oriented and work with “The market toilets also need place for everyone to live. churches in the constituency, a neighbourhoods falling in this
for the youths and ensure that of Kabwata constituency need a an open-door policy. to be rehabilitated. At least they Mr Tembo, whose mother donation of 23,000 exercise books constituency are Kabwata, Libala
eligible residents have access to leader who is ready to work with For 62-year-old Euphrasia should change the toilet cisterns traded at Kabwata market when to selected schools and other and Chilenje.
empowerment programmes. the people and desires to address Kunda, her plea is for the because all the toilets do not he was a little boy, says he notable donations in community According to the 2010
Mr Lengwe, who runs a the needs of the residents. candidate who will emerge flush,” she says. understands the importance of schools. population survey, the cumulative
small business and operates as a “As youths we want someone victorious on January 20 to drill Ms Kunda says the candidate market trading. PeP’s Mr Muleya says he will population from the five wards in
cobbler, says many youths in the who has the interests of the people a borehole and improve the who will take up office after the “I was raised by a [market ensure that empowerment is a the constituency stands at 174,338
constituency patronise drinking at heart and not someone who is drainage at Libala Stage Two by-election must ensure that some trader] who dedicated her entire priority for the people of Kabwata. people.
places that are dotted around going to deceive people through main market. of the areas where some roads life to making my life a success He promises to prioritise The wards are Kabwata,
the constituency because they their campaigns and then vanish Ms Kunda, who has been were not rehabilitated undergo through her support from simply investments in human capital Libala, Chilenje, Kamwala and
lack employment and necessary once they are voted into office. trading at the market since rehabilitation. selling vegetables and other small development through equal Kamulanga.


Africa plays on in 2022

without its great referee
ONDON - In our series elections at the end of the year have reviewed their greenhouse
of letters from African will calm the waters. gas emission targets significantly
journalists, media and Many Tunisians supported his to help the world limit global
communication trainer move to grab executive power last warming to below 2C, preferably
Joseph Warungu looks at what’s July, hoping it would improve the to 1.5C, compared to pre-
in store for Africa in 2022. tough economic times. Now many industrial temperatures.
The year started on a sombre see him as the problem and have Eyeing DRC’s riches
mood as the veteran referee in the taken their protests to the streets. The sound of African music
field of justice, racial equality and Match for the presidency has hit a new level at the Grammy
political liberation, Archbishop Unlike the other North African Awards. Africa will have nine
Desmond Tutu, was laid to rest in football giants – Morocco, Egypt nominees when music’s biggest
South Africa. and Tunisia – Libya will be night opens in Los Angeles on
The man who never hesitated to missing from the Cup of Nations. January 31.
blow his whistle on unfair tackles The country has a bigger The nominees include Ghana’s
on the oppressed by the powerful, problem organising the Afro-roots wizard Rocky
or offside goals by those who felt presidential elections, which Dawuni, South African electronic
they had a privileged skin colour, should have been held on music group Black Coffee,
has left the pitch for good just December 24 but which have veteran Benin singer/songwriter
seven days before the governing been postponed. The polls are Angelique Kidjo and Nigerian
African National Congress (ANC) seen as key to pulling Libya out father and son team – Femi and
celebrates its 110th birthday in of a decade of mayhem that has Made Kuti.
Polokwane. followed the removal and killing The Democratic Republic of
South African President Cyril of veteran leader Muammar Congo (DRC) has been a big
Ramaphosa must be hoping that Gaddafi in 2011. exporter of music to the rest of the
leftovers from the ANC birthday Kenya’s former Prime Minister continent and the world. And now
cake will stay fresh long enough Raila Odinga is a big football fan. East Africans are eyeing DRC for
to lift the party’s voter support He sometimes even makes up other things beyond rumba and
that has dropped to its lowest in his own football commentary at soukous.
28 years and give him a chance public rallies to explain how he The vast nation applied to join
to secure re-election as ANC would deal with political rivals. the East African Community
president. In the August general election, (EAC), which includes Kenya,
That decision will be made the 76-year-old politician will Uganda, Rwanda, Tanzania and
at the party’s national elective face his fifth and perhaps biggest South Sudan.
conference in December. match yet to try and win the A study by the East African
A day after the ANC birthday presidency. Business Council shows that
bash, all eyes will shift to His biggest opponent in the China is the leading exporter of
Cameroon, which is hosting the fight to take over from President goods to DRC, accounting for
33rd edition of the Africa Cup of Uhuru Kenyatta, whose second 31.2 percent, followed by South
Nations. A total of 24 teams will and final term is coming to an Africa at 15.8 percent and then
compete in the tournament, which end, is Deputy President William Zambia at 13 percent.
has been postponed twice. Ruto. Both men are currently The EAC wants a share of this
Sudan, Guinea, Mali and criss-crossing the country in big lucrative market, including access
Ethiopia have big reasons to fight rallies to find enough numbers to to the 81 million consumers in
hard on the pitch and try to lift the see them through to State House. DR Congo.
winners’ trophy. In Nigeria President In exchange, the EAC
They are countries that have Muhammadu Buhari is focusing will offer DRC access to the
experienced military coups, on numbers of a different kind larger EAC Common Market
attempted coups or, in the case as he wants to know how many and Common External Tariff
of Ethiopia, a year-long civil Nigerians there are. framework. It will also have
war that has killed thousands His government is planning to access to the sea ports of
and forced millions to flee their conduct a national population and Mombasa and Dar es Salaam at
homes. housing census in 2022. The last competitive rates.
Taking the Africa Cup of census was carried out in 2006 The decision on the admission
Nations back home would help and put the country’s population of DRC will be made at the EAC
lift the spirits of countries that at 140 million. The National Heads of State Summit in this
enter 2022 still reeling from the Population Commission estimates month or in February.
effects of conflict and uncertainty. the population has now grown to Africa’s overall economic
Guinea will be playing under around 206 million but officials performance will largely depend
fear. The new military leader has want to be sure. on how the COVID-19 pandemic
warned the team to either win While we wait for Nigeria to will progress.
the trophy or refund the money count Nigerians, the world will For now – as football fans in
invested in them. convene in Egypt in November Cameroon will be told – “mask
Tunisia is usually a strong to focus on a simple but elusive up, wash your hands and keep
contender on the pitch but back number: 1.5. your distance” remains the slogan
home, the political game is on The UN COP27 climate for 2022 and the message that
shaky footing. President Kais conference in Sharm el-Sheikh many African countries hope puts
Saied hopes that a referendum in will be hoping that after the them on a winning streak. Happy
July followed by parliamentary Glasgow meeting, nations will new year! BBC
ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022 FEATURES • Page 9

Mpoha looks to continue

innovating, diversifying
Sees AfCFTA, others as positive indications for the coming decade

ONDON - The vehicles. What is key is the ability of pan-African enterprises on the
18 million Other geopolitical entities, Zambians to lift themselves to continent.
people of such as the European Union a position of economic vitality He started with just
Zambia enjoy (EU), also provide a variety of and to build a modern nation US$1,000.
a constitutional aid packages to Zambia. that competes on a global scale. But Mpoha said if he can
democracy One example is €2 million A Zambian business leader build an international enterprise
established in 1991. allocated to UNICEF to who personifies a self- from scratch, so can a lot of
Like many Western nations, address the effects of droughts deterministic philosophy for other Zambians.
the Zambian governmental on Zambian children and for his country is Clever Mpoha, He added that, right now,
system is headed by a president COVID-19 response. the founder and chief executive there are uncounted numbers
elected by the popular will of However, there is a consensus officer of Savenda Group. of boys and girls living in rural
the people. among the private business Mpoha, born to humble areas without modern facilities
The president leads a sector within Zambia that aid circumstances in a remote who will rise up to be the future
government consisting of three architects of a great African
branches, the executive, a multi-
party legislature and judiciary. What is key is the ability nation.
In his recent book, Mpoha

of Zambians to lift
Like the United States writes: “I would like to see
and other free nations, the Africans taking charge of their
Zambian form of governance is own problems. We will not
underpinned by a separation of
powers. themselves to a position develop if we have to wait for
people outside Africa to bring
As an emerging democracy
and developing nation, Zambia of economic vitality and solutions to our continent. We
are the people who understand

to build a modern nation

has received support from other the kinds of challenges we face
developed and wealthy nations. and the best way we can solve
For example, the United them. I know that will never be
States recently announced
a US$1.9 billion five-year
that competes on a an easy task, but we can do it.”
As for aid from other nations,
development strategy for
Zambia. global scale. Mpoha noted: “Charity will
never solve our problems. There
The US considers Zambia is no country that has developed
an important ally and trading from foreign nations will never Zambian village, emerged from due to aid… we must embrace
partner. be an ultimate solution for his rural beginnings of herding entrepreneurship in Africa
It imported US$66.1 million making this land-locked African farm animals as a youth to because it has proved to help
in copper, cobalt, precious nation a long-term economic obtaining a university-level many other nations to develop.”
stones and cotton from success. education. Mpoha sees recent action
Zambia in 2019 while Zambia Rather, the destiny of the next After garnering experience on as positive indications for the
purchased US$83.9 million in generation of Zambians will be several jobs, he moved forward coming decade.
products from the US in the decided by the entrepreneurial with the launch of what is today One is the recent signing
form of machinery, rubber and spirit of the people themselves. one of the most successful of the landmark African
Continental Free Trade Area
(AfCFTA) Agreement.
This measure eliminated
97 percent of tariffs on the
importation of goods.
It also weeded out an array of
other sticky trade barriers.
Since the day he launched
Savenda Group in 1997,
Mpoha’s perspective has been
determinately pan-African.
Zambia may spot a
population of 18 million, but the
African continent commands
1.3 billion people.
That represents a formidable
trading block if all African MPOHA
nations can increase
cooperation and act as a more
time, Mpoha said. LED lightbulbs – products with printing, including
cohesive economic unit.
His personal focus is on produced locally, creating jobs retail stationery and office
“If all African countries can
the continued expansion and for Zambians and creating supplies, film development and
begin to produce products and
diversification of Savenda sustainable energy alternatives. specialised design services.
sell them within Africa, it will
Group. Savenda is also increasingly Savenda Printing generates
reduce the outflow of dollars to
What started as a small involved in the food sector. US$1.66 million in sales
Europe, America, the Middle
business selling a single product The firm’s recent annually and employs 15
East and Asia,” he said.
and staffed only by Mpoha and establishment of an innovative people.
Mpoha also cites the efforts
his wife, Esther, Savenda Group food market concept called Certainly, these operations
of the African Union (AU),
today is a US$300 million- FRESHMarket has drawn are small when compared to the
the Common Market for
a-year operation that creates international attention for major operations of Savenda,
Eastern and Southern Africa
more than 1,000 jobs directly or the way it leverages digital such as its contract with
(COMESA), Southern African
indirectly. platforms to bolster local Chinese telecom giant Huawei
Development Community
While best known for its farmers. as its primary distributor in
(SADC) and key member
expertise in working with They enjoy increased incomes Zambia or its power generator
nations for their increased
huge mining operations to for producing fresh farm-to- contracts with Airtel and MTN.
efforts in recent years to build
handle supply management and table food for the residents of However, the larger goal
a strong African economic
logistics, Mpoha has eagerly Lusaka. for Mpoha is to continue
plunged into other sectors. Savenda Printing is part to innovate, diversify and
Even so, a pan-African vision
To name just a few examples, of the company’s personal provide good-paying jobs and
starts at home and is built by
Savenda is among Zambia’s services industry and offers opportunities for the people of
one person, one business at a
leading makers of low-energy an array of services associated Zambia. NEWS TONIGHT

Youth empowerment programme to enhance job, wealth creation

CLIVE SIACHIYAKO Programme in Chongwe with a and Medium Enterprises national development in the mines sector cannot be achieved youths should ensure their work of projects here in Chongwe

message to the youths to utilise Development, Elias Mubanga, sector. without small miners acquiring meets the desired quality in the constituency and beyond.”
KILLS are the new the opportunity to acquire the programme is a great He said necessary skills and relevant skills to fully diversify construction sector.” He guided that in
global currency accepted hands-on and entrepreneurial milestone in incubating skilled tools are cardinal in sustained the mining sector. Mining In his speech during the constituencies where trades
everywhere. Skilled skills to effectively participate youths to run enterprises. youth empowerment. “The companies require artisans who launch of the programme, institutes are non-existent,
persons are drivers of in the economy. “The programme is a push in youths with agricultural skills can augment the sector.” TEVETA director general mobile training is a mechanism
productivity, efficiency and Mr Mutati said the best the right direction. For a number can apply for financial support Chongwe Member of Cleophas Takaiza said the to be used to take skills to the
competitiveness. formula to solve youth of years, Zambia lacked an to take up agriculture as a Parliament Sylvia Masebo orientation of technical and grassroots. The programme
Equipping the youth with employment crisis is skills appropriate youth empowerment business.” said the skills empowerment vocational education and will be rolled out in all
hands-on and entrepreneurial acquisition. strategy that imparted hands- Minister of Mines Paul programme is a practical step training will be towards the constituencies either through
skills harnesses their “The hands-on and on and entrepreneurship Kabuswe saw the programme in actualising decentralisation acquisition of employability CDF allocation towards skills
employability in the world of entrepreneurship skills launched skills for sustained enterprise is an important pillar to the goals and youth empowerment skills, which makes it well training or financing from the
work as employees or business today prepare youths to get agenda. placed to address issues such as TEVET Fund.
world as entrepreneurs. involved in the economy. She said the skills mismatches that usually The rolled-out programme
The appropriate skills are a The programme will go to grassroots should be impede smooth school-to-work creates healthy synergies
golden key in job and wealth all provinces to ensure its reached with relevant transitions for many young among different players in
creation. multiplier effect results into skills for them to fully people. the development of skills
However, many youths are more opportunities for other run enterprises in “To support the actualisation for employability and
unskilled and unemployable in youths who will be employed constituencies. of the 2022 budget and beyond, entrepreneurship in the country.
Zambia. The 2020 Labour Force within youth-run enterprises. “Part of the TEVETA is presenting to you a The programme promotes
Survey estimates that about A cadre of skilled youths can Constituency ‘skills for youth employability broad-based up-skilling, re-
1.4 million of the youth were build schools, bridges and Development Fund and entrepreneurship skilling, and skills development
unemployed and lacked skills other works so that money (CDF) will be programme’ whose objective for the MSME, informal sector
for self-employment. circulates within constituencies allocated to equipment is to empower motivated and youths in constituencies.
The increasing number of and empowers others through and tools acquisition youths with hands-on and Skilled youths are encouraged
unemployable youth population stimulated economic activities for the cooperatives entrepreneurial skills for to form cooperatives so that
is creating a frustrated by skilled youths.” to run effectively. productivity, wealth creation they can easily access support
generation. From the perspective of the Part of the CDF will and competitiveness.” such as financial, business
Government is addressing Minister of Youth, Sport and be allocated towards Mr Takaiza added that the development services, capacity
these challenges using skills Arts, Elvis Nkandu, the skills skills training for the skills are a very important building and technical
training. The programme has youth empowerment programme development. Financial support formation of cooperatives wards in the constituencies to tool for empowering youths assistance. The support is
an exit strategy, which includes is a strategic intervention to to the skilled youths will make by skilled youths who ensure more youths benefit for employability as well as important for sustained wealth
financing, acquisition of tools youth unemployment and them effectively participate in can undertake small-scale and generate income for the entrepreneurship. “The youth creation.
for the skilled youths and equipping them with practical their constituencies.” mining. “No economy can betterment of their lives. you see today were identified by
business linkages. skills to generate income and Minister of Agriculture thrive without artisan skills. “The first cohort of the the local leadership in Chongwe For comments or
Minister of Technology create wealth. It harnesses Reuben Mutolo embraced Each constituency needs youths skilled is models to constituency and are undergoing clarifications, email
and Science Felix Mutati the potential of the youths in the programme to empower appropriate skills for its youths others in terms of the quality of training in skills that not only csiachiyako@teveta.
recently launched the National national development.” youths with skills that broaden to benefit from empowerment their work. In TEVET, quality make them employable, but or WhatsApp
Youth Skills Empowerment To the Minister of Small their abilities to take a lead in programmes. Production in the is premium, thus all skilled will support implementation +260954590783
DELEGATES who attended the regional forum. PICTURES: CHRISTINE CHISHA Monday, January 3, 2022

Zambia in safe hands

Putting country on IMF programme inevitable - Kabeta
KABANDA CHULU percent and the positive gross domestic overborrowing and misapplication of has taken these steps, it is something to
Lusaka product (GDP) growth rate of 3.5 the funds into ventures that were not celebrate about.
percent and the relative stability in the able to generate incomes to pay back,” “Countries whose economies are
doing fine such as South Africa, Kenya,

AMBIA’S future is exchange rate,” he said. he said.
bright if Government “The President [Hakainde Hichilema] “Putting the country on the Nigeria and Egypt have all decentralised
fully implements the and his Minister of Finance [Situmbeko International Monetary Fund (IMF) by taking resources closer to local
Musokotwane] have clearly given a communities to enable them [to] make

Happy new year economic recovery plan

it has outlined, Strategic
Visions Limited chief
executive officer Hapenga Kabeta has
direction which the country has to take
and we are looking forward towards
implementation of economic recovery
programme is inevitable because it will
assist the country navigate from the
current economic malaise.”
Dr Kabeta said the most effective
decisions based on their needs and
identified priorities because we cannot
continue running the country from

said. plans.” way to eradicate poverty is through Lusaka without understanding what
In an interview on Friday, Dr Kabeta Dr Kabeta said the removal of energy fiscal decentralisation that enables people want at local level,” he said.
said challenges will be experienced in subsidies has to be done to channel people at community level to make Dr Kabeta, who is a business
the short to medium term due to the funds to other areas that benefit a decisions based on their needs. consultant, has previously lectured
N THURSDAY tough decisions that must be made to broader section of society. “I feel glad to see that economic in the School of Business at the

restart their phones.
December 30, 2021, the Customers can also download revamp the economy. “The US$67 million per month on recovery plans have also focused Copperbelt University and worked at
country recorded 5,555 the Zesco mobile application from “There will be dark clouds but soon fuel subsidies was unrealistic and was on addressing the social sectors of the then Zambia Consumer Competition
new cases of coronavirus Google Play or Apple Store to it will get cleared as evidenced by the applied for political appeasement, yet education, health and payment of Commission (now Competition and
out of 16,629 tests conducted, report a fault, track a fault, and decline in the rate of inflation to 16.4 the economy was on its knees due to retirees. The fact that this Government Consumer Protection Commission).
resulting in a 33 percent positivity view prepaid tokens and access
rate. information on requirements for new
Government has called on
Zambians to join the fight by not
The app also provides alternative
Treasury bills auction
only following all the Ministry of
Health prescribed guidelines, but
Zesco contact numbers that all
customers can use to get in touch
registers oversubscription
also by making the decision to get with our call centre, integrity
vaccinated to curb the further spread committee and to report theft or KABANDA CHULU
of the virus. vandalism cases via different service Lusaka
Zesco Limited has joined providers such as MTN 322 (toll-
the multi-sectoral approach by free line), Airtel 322, land line 0211- INVESTOR appetite for government securities has continued to
enhancing interventions at all its 363636 and mobile 0978783000 rise with the K2 billion oversubscription of treasury bills but only
offices and focusing on harnessing for vandalised property. This is also K1.4 billion was borrowed.
digital platforms to enhance to enable our customers to have a And the Kwacha has continued to depreciate and sliding
towards the 17th mark level due to inconsistent supply of United
customer experience and keep wider array of options to use based States (US) dollars.
customers away from human on availability at a given time. According to auction results of treasury bills tender number
contact. Our MTN line, 322, is a toll-free 26 of 2021 held on Thursday, total bids received amounted to
At individual level, let us one which allows customers to get K1.992.61 billion at face value and the allocation was K1.4
consistently observe preventive in touch with us anytime and from billion at cost.
measures such as regular washing of anywhere without having to incur In the 364 days tenor, local and foreign investors offered
hands with soap and water, avoiding any charges on customer queries. K1.276.83 billion but only K918.99 million was borrowed, while
handshakes and hugs, keeping Customers can also report a a bid of K196.93 million was offered in the 273 days tenor but
distances of at least one metre from fault, send a message, or get a daily Government only got K159.29 million.
In the 182 days tenor, K141.01 million was borrowed from a
each other, drinking a lot of fluids current affairs update on Zesco bid of K147.79 million, with K184.99 million being offered in the
and keeping healthy, and frequent by joining our Zesco WhatsApp 91 days tenor but only K180.71 million was gotten.
rubbing of hands with alcohol-based business platform on 0762626977. And Zanaco Plc states that the Kwacha stayed completely
hand sanitisers, to mention but a Once customers have joined our unchanged despite an uptick in activity from corporates winding
few. WhatsApp business platform by up their accounting books for the year 2021.
ZAMBIA Statistics Agency statistician general Mulenga Musepa during a “The local currency opened trading at K16.62 and K16.67 per
Zesco has developed several adding the number 0762626977
online solutions to help mitigate the to their contact list, they can send
media briefing in Lusaka on Thursday. PICTURE: TRYNESS TEMBO dollar and stayed motionless for the entire session.

Refined copper earnings hit K14bn

spread of COVID-19. queries by either clicking on the “A similar trend is likely with pockets of demand and supply
Among these solutions is the text- message or navigating our website that will come through ultimately adjudicating the year’s closing
levels,” Zanaco stated.
based Unstructured Supplementary to complete a complaint register In its daily treasury newsletter, Absa Bank Zambia Plc states
Service Data (USSD) code, the form. Customers can also maximise that the Kwacha continued to post losses against the greenback
Zesco mobile application and the the use of Zesco24 by sending SMSs TRYNESS TEMBO period January to November oil cake of soya bean at 8.6 due to inconsistent dollar supply, coupled with high liquidity in
Zesco WhatsApp business platform on the Airtel Network on short code Lusaka 2021 was 822,000 metric percent,” he said. the local money market.
that can be used to access any of our 3600, which is chargeable on airtime tonnes compared to 854,000 Mr Musepa said non- “At 08:00 hours, commercial banks in Lusaka quoted the
services without physical contact. and not converted bundles. ZAMBIA’S export earnings metric tonnes the same period agricultural products’ Kwacha at K16.62 and K16.67 per dollar compared to its previous
The Zesco USSD code is In essence, we would like our from refined copper in last year, representing a 3.7 contribution to NTEs, however, day’s close of K16.61 and K16.66, thereby losing K1.50 on a
November 2021 increased by percent decrease,” Mr Musepa declined to 68.3 percent during close-to-close basis.
text-driven and can be used by customers to take advantage of all 24.9 percent to about K14.7 said during a press briefing on the period under review from “In the near term, the local currency is anticipated to trade
customers with either ordinary these platforms to get in touch with billion from K11.8 billion in Thursday. 72.1 percent. range-bound as corporates conclude their month-end and year-end
cell phones that only offer texting Zesco. October. Similarly, non-traditional He said export earnings conversions,” stated the bulletin.
and calling functionality or You would use the Zesco USSD This follows the increase in exports (NTEs) earnings from non-agricultural products On prices of international commodities, copper on the London
smartphones. code, Zesco mobile app, Zesco volumes of copper exported increased by one percent to recorded a decrease of 4.5 Metal Exchange declined by 0.6 percentage point to trade at
This code is secure, easy to use website, Zesco WhatsApp business during the period under review K4.23 billion in November from percent to K2.9 billion in US$9,630 a metric tonne while gold rose by 0.2 percentage
and provides a lot of convenience to platform and all the others outlined by 19.1 percent to 86,800 metric K4.19 billion in October. November from K3 billion in point to sell at US$1,817.78 per ounce, with crude oil trading at
all our customers. above or call our customer centres. tonnes from 72,900 metric Mr Musepa attributed the October. US$79.22 a barrel.
Customers simply must dial The platforms are simple to use, tonnes. rise to increased agricultural The major export
Zambia Statistics Agency products exported which commodities were ferro-silico-
*3600# and a list of options will convenient and allow you to connect statistician general Mulenga accounted for a share of 31.7 manganese, accounting for 10.8
appear that include reporting a with Zesco in real time irrespective Musepa said despite the price percent of NTEs in November percent, sulphur at 7.4 percent
fault, tracking a fault, tracking new of location. of copper on the London from 27.9 percent in October. and non-alcoholic beverages at
installation/connection applications Even staying at home and 7.3 percent.
Litter recycling plant on cards
Metal Exchange (LME) Mr Musepa said export
and checking prepaid units or practising social distancing does decreasing by 0.1 percentage earnings from agricultural Mr Musepa said the main
tokens in an event that a customer not seem like a difficult thing to do point to US$9,765.5 a tonne in products increased by 15 percent NTEs destinations in November
misplaces their recharge slip. after all. November from US$9,778.5 a to K1.3 billion in November were Democratic Republic of LUSAKA - Waste the industry in terms of
In an instance that the code tonne in October, the country from K1.2 billion in October. Congo, accounting for a bulk
recorded an increase in “The major export of 40.1 percent, followed by Management Association financial support,” he said.
indicates ‘invalid MMI code’ or Hazel Mafwenko Zulu (Mrs) of Zambia (WMAZ) is Mr Witi urged
earnings. commodities were tobacco, South Africa at 9.5 percent and
the code which was entered did not Public relations manager “However, the volume of accounting for 13.9 percent, Zimbabwe was third with 9.1 considering establishing a Government to consider
match with the Zesco system code Zesco Limited refined copper exported for the maize seed at nine percent and percent. plant to recycle litter into zero-rating duty on waste
(*3600#), customers can simply renewable energy and management equipment
other finished products. and trucks used in
WMAZ president Haroon collecting garbage in
Witi said in an interview communities.
recently that establishing The association is also
a plant is key to job engaging the Ministry of
creation and eliminating Local Government and
indiscriminate disposal of Rural Development to
waste. ensure every constituency
Mr Witi urged well- has waste management
wishers to finance the service providers to
project, which will cost accelerate the collection
over K5 million. of garbage across the
“We will also engage country.
the Ministry of Small Mr Witi also said
and Medium Enterprises Government should
Development on how consider reducing dumping
they can commercialise waste levies to K25 from
the waste management the current K50 per tonne.
industry by prioritising DARLINGTON MWENDABAI

£130m Christmas blunder

LONDON - Tens of to a technical issue,
thousands of people awoke some payments from our
on Christmas morning to a corporate clients were
surprise from an unexpected incorrectly duplicated on
benefactor – Santander. the recipients’ accounts,” the
The bank mistakenly bank said in a statement.
deposited £130 million “None of our clients were
into 75,000 accounts on at any point left out of
December 25. pocket as a result and we
Santander’s staff are now will be working hard with
rushing to claw back the many banks across the UK
money, although the job is to recover the duplicated
being made more difficult transactions over the
because much of it was coming days.”
deposited in accounts at It said the mistake may
rival banks, according to have meant that some
The Times. people were, in effect, paid
The error occurred when twice from their employer’s
payments from 2,000 account, although the
business accounts were second payment was
made twice. funded by Santander.
“We’re sorry that due BBC

Plant trees alongside food crops

Farmers urged to build green economy through reduction of carbon dioxide emissions
KABANDA CHULU Community Markets for carbon into the soil and keep emissions of carbon dioxide payments in excess of US$2 and scale this level of impact creation of the Ministry of Green
Lusaka Conservation (COMACO) chief carbon in trees by not clearing relative to emissions that would million annually,” Dr Lewis is made possible because it Economy and Environment to
executive officer Dale Lewis and burning them. have occurred without these said. operates in Zambia as a non- help bring a green economy to
said the relationship between profit social enterprise,” Dr

MALLHOLDER “Even consumption of interventions. He said the interventions have the Zambian people to a national
farmers have been farmers and forests is a critical firewood from local forests “To date, we have achieved made positive impact on farmer Lewis said. scale.
urged to plant trees one because it underpins another for cooking is eliminated by over four million tonnes incomes, increased community “COMACO’s goal is to “For 19 years, COMACO has
alongside food major market opportunity for using fuel-efficient stoves that of reduced carbon dioxide earnings from carbon and make conservation profitable waited for this opportunity. It is
crops to contribute building a green economy COMACO distributes that use emissions. The amount will market growth from the sale of for small-scale farmers and a fortunate time for conservation
to reduction of through selling of carbon credits. off-cuts from the trees that likely double over the next It’s Wild! products. not make profits for itself where we can all unite by
carbon dioxide emissions and “For the past seven years, farmers use to fertilise their three years as more chiefdoms “COMACO contributes since the bottom-line target is bringing together traditional
earn income from the sale of COMACO has helped soils,” Dr Lewis said in an demonstrate their carbon to a net income flow into the sustainability.” leaders, farmers, private sector
carbon credits that are projected communities realise these interview recently. dioxide emission reductions to Zambian economy of over He said COMACO is ready and consumers to help our
to generate millions of United market returns as farmers use He said COMACO calculates help fight global warming and US$10 million annually. to join President Hakainde President on this important
States (US) dollars annually. their new farming skills to put the tonnage of reduced be compensated with carbon COMACO’s ability to sustain Hichilema’s desire through journey,” Dr Lewis said.

Minister probes JICA takes rice

$29m aquaculture project to 3
seed fund regions
MINISTER of Fisheries and Livestock JAPAN International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Makozo Chikote has instituted investigations Zambia is implementing a US$6 million Market
into the US$29 million aquaculture seed fund Oriented Rice Development Project (MOReDeP) to
under the Zambia Aquaculture Enterprise empower 6,000 rice growers in Western, Luapula
Development Project (ZAEDEP). and Lusaka provinces.
The aquaculture seed fund is administered JICA is working with Zambia Agriculture
by the Citizens Economic Empowerment Research Institute (ZARI) and Namushekende
Commission (CEEC) and is intended to Farmers Institute in Mongu to produce 30 tonnes of
benefit over 3,000 entrepreneurs along the rice seeds in the three provinces.
fish value chain in all the 10 provinces. JICA Zambia chief representative Kazuhiko
Mr Chikote said in an interview in Tokuhashi said the project got underway in 2019
Sinazongwe recently that he has directed and will run up to 2025.
CEEC to access operations of the aquaculture Mr Tokuhashi said in an interview recently that
seed fund and submit a report to him. rice growing has potential to enhance household
“Yes, there have been some challenges food security as well as boost the economic status
of small-scale farmers.
faced by certain groups that were given loans
“Once we harvest this 30 tonnes of pure seed, we
under CEEC; challenges of fingerlings, stock shall be able to distribute both the basic and pre-
feed and also the way monies were released,” basic seed to around 5,000 to 6,000 rice growers in
he said. Western, Luapula and Lusaka provinces,” he said.
Mr Chikote said the new dawn Mr Tokuhashi said access to quality and pure
administration found the programme running rice seeds is one of the biggest challenges rice
but needs assessment. farmers in Zambia face, and this has negatively
He also said some fish farmers have affected the growth of the rice sub-sector.
defaulted on paying back loans. He is hopeful that through various interventions,
A YOUNG boy looking after goats in Pamodzi Township in Ndola recently. PICTURE: STAFRANCE ZULU farmers will have access to quality rice seed which
Mr Chikote, however, could not give
details on the number of farmers who have will improve yields.
defaulted. The purpose of MOReDeP will be achieved
“So we are yet to collect the data analysis by three outputs under research, extension and
and be able to have the exact number of
farmers who have been affected across the
Nyamula Logistics thinks of small-scale transporters growth agribusiness.
Under research, the project is focusing on
country,” he said. developing rice cultivation techniques flexible and
The latest Auditor General’s report has KABANDA CHULU Mr Muraga said many clients prefer “The challenges they face are similar favourable to various ecologies.
Lusaka The extension output is focusing on formulating
shown that 11 cooperatives that were given to engage trucking companies having a to [those] of other small and medium
rice clusters where suitable environments and
loans amounting to K1.7 million from huge fleet because it is easier to track the enterprises (SMEs), such as access to
movement of cargo. affordable finance and inconsistency in technologies, skilled rice farmers and marketeers
CEEC to set up aquaculture projects have NYAMULA Logistics Solutions has started are linked to form large rice businesses under the
abandoned projects and will have their live testing of an electronic application “There is strong appetite from investors operations to ferry cargo.
supervision of extension officers.
contracts terminated for abrogating terms and aimed at bringing together the fleet of focusing on technology to support small “This system we are live-testing operates The agribusiness output has a slogan “take rice
conditions. Zambian-owned small-scale transporters businesses. We have started live testing of on the model such as the Uber or Ulendo production as a business”, which aims at enhancing
Government received financing from to enable them to participate in handling the application to get feedback and address taxis whereby small truckers with one or two farmers’ business skills by accessing market
the African Development Bank for large volumes of cargo associated with big challenges that may arise before official trucks are brought together to make a huge information and developing own business plans so
implementation of ZAEDEP, which is trucking companies. launch next month (this month),” he said. fleet that can handle large volumes of cargo,” as to improve farmers’ income.
running from 2017 to 2022. The electronic application will enable “Previously, we had faced challenges Mr Muraga said. Mr Tokuhashi said a rice research irrigation field
The fund aims at stimulating a viable clients and other cargo movers to find of tracking transporters whenever they are He said bringing small truckers together at ZARI in Mount Makulu in Chilanga has been set
aquaculture sub-sector to promote economic transporters and engage them online, and out in the field, but with this electronic will enable them to be involved in up while rice seedlings from the nursery have been
diversification, food security and job transactions will also be done through the application, we are creating a platform where transportation of big volumes since the fleet transplanted in Western Province.
creation. electronic systems. truck owners and cargo movers will meet will become larger to compete effectively He said rice is a viable cash crop that has
In an interview on Wednesday, Nyamula and transact in a transparent manner.” against established firms. potential to contribute to the crop diversification
The project has three components, namely
Logistics Solutions managing director Mr Muraga said small-scale transporters Nyamula was established in 2018 and, agenda which Government has implemented.
support to aquaculture entrepreneurs, support MOReDeP is being implemented in line with
to infrastructure and project management, Stephen Muraga said it has been difficult for with one or two trucks have been facing working with other truck owners, has
various challenges that hinder them from transported over 30,000 tonnes of various the Ministry of Agriculture’s second National Rice
and institutional capacity building. clients to track transporters through manual
making realistic turnovers. cargoes in Zambia and the region. Development Strategy 2016-2020.

MTN targets 6m mobile money customers

TRYNESS TEMBO He also said the firm intends to ensure details and how to avoid being swindled,”
Lusaka that shop owners offer mobile money Mr Malukutila said.
services because MTN wants Lusaka to He said the company will work with
OVER K40 million will be invested in the become a MoMo payment hub. the Bank of Zambia, Zambia Information
MTN Zambia Mobile Money platform in Mr Malukutila said the gesture will be and Communications Technology
a bid to improve service delivery and lure expanded to all the 10 provinces as a way Authority and Payment Association
six million customers. of driving financial inclusion. of Zambia, among others, to ensure
Currently, the organisation has about Currently there are about 40,000 customers using mobile money are
eight million subscribers, with almost 5.5 merchants that accept MTN mobile secure.
million customers actively participating money as a payment option and it intends Mr Malukutila said under the
on the mobile money platform. to scale it up to 100,000 this year. partnership, the players will come up with
MTN Mobile Money managing director Mr Malukutila said the firm is also a ‘know your customer database’, which
Komba Malukutila said the company is providing employment to about 65,000 will be a game changer.
eager to attract 6.5 million customers this agents. He is optimistic that 2022 will be
year to the mobile money platform. He, however, said the mobile money positive for the organisation because of
“The investment will focus on MALUKUTILA platform has faced a challenge of the support it is receiving from the new
increasing penetration especially in rural fraudsters swindling some customers dawn government.
areas. We will ensure they are connected “We want over 80 percent of the using different methods. Mr Malukutila also said the creation
as we are trying to improve customer population to be financially included “As we enter the new year, we will of the Ministry of Technology and
experience and contributing to the because this is vital for more people to work with various industry partners to Science will help in providing solutions
promotion of financial inclusion,” Mr contribute to economic growth. Zambia is increase sensitisation among the public to some of the challenges faced in the
Malukutila said in an interview on Friday. not poor but financially excluded.” on the need not to share their personal telecommunication sector.

Dairy farmers get bicycle boost

TRYNESS TEMBO and year-on-year 11.9 million who want to buy the bicycles on is in January. development by producing
Lusaka litres go to waste, translating into pay-as-you-go terms can do so. The country has experienced various legume seeds with
lost revenue of US$5.7 million, He said the firm has already late rains. potential to contribute to food
ONYX Connect Zambia Limited resulting in 2,400 job losses. secured 230 bicycles which Afriseed sales and marketing security and to ensure farmers
will this year distribute 2,500 “In 2022, we intend to provide will be distributed this month manager Kennedy Kauwo said achieve higher yields.
bicycles to dairy farmers in four over 1,200 jobs out of the 2,400 to Choma, Kalomo and Zimba legumes such as cowpeas are Mr Kauwo said there is need
provinces to help reduce milk jobs lost due to milk wastage to address the challenge of more profitable than maize. to increase legume production
wastage. through mobility by providing mobility. “With the late start of the in the country as the crops are
The firm has outlets in the first-ever electric bike for The bicycles, valued at rains , farmers need to embrace highly nutritious with good
Southern, Central, Eastern and rural women dairy farmers to over K400,000, are courtesy crop diversification through the market opportunities for farmers.
Western provinces where women provide market linkages and of Foreign, Commonwealth production of legumes in rotation He, however, said delayed
dairy farmers and low-income access, and reduce journey time & Development Office and with maize. Farmers should rains have negatively affected the
earners can access bicycles and to milk collection centres. Prospero. move away from maize mono- performance of the business on
e-bikes. “This will also stop leakages Mr Lungu said for dairy cropping. the open market.
Chief executive officer Wyson and spoilage of milk and other farmers, long distances and lack “They should start planting Mr Kauwo said despite the
Lungu said in an interview perishables, and increase earning of mobility options and cold legumes such as cowpeas, which low sales, the company will be
recently that the company will and income potential,” Mr room limit access to cooling are early-maturing, while their able to meet its targets for this
offer the bicycles on rental Lungu said. centres, increase spoilage rates, planting window is January, or year.
business model basis at K50 The bicycles also have constrain market access and one can even plant in the first “We will continue engaging
with a chiller and K25 a regular insurance against theft and decrease income. week of February and still get more farmers to grow more
bicycle per day. accidents and free repair Meanwhile, following delayed good yields and remain food- legumes and promote crop
Currently, Zambia produces services. rains in the 2021/2022 farming secure,” Mr Kauwo said in an diversification and support
253 million litres of milk Mr Lungu said as the season, Afriseed has advised interview on Monday last week. Government’s efforts of ensuring
annually, with only 27 percent programme progresses, the firm farmers to consider planting He said the firm is committed and promoting food security,”
passing through formal markets will work on a price so that those legumes whose planting window to supporting agriculture he said.
Page 14 • SPORTS ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022

BUKAYO Saka is lost among the supporters after firing Arsenal into the lead
during the first half at the Emirates Stadium. PICTURE: AP

Arsenal floored
But Saka and co left wearing little
halo of hope

ONDON – A for 30 minutes at the end with 10 spirit and basic tactile pleasure of
strange and men. Even so, we cannot ignore this Arsenal side. There is perhaps
unfamiliar noise the fact that, at the pivotal points no better noise in English football
swirled around the of the game, City held their right now than the sound a crowd
Emirates Stadium nerve and Arsenal lost theirs. makes when Bukayo Saka gets
at full-time. Strewn This, as much as anything they the ball in space.
across the turf in red and white do tactically or technically, is Something strange is happening
was the human rubble of a the true mark of City’s current with Saka at the moment. It is not
crushing injury-time defeat. dominance over English football: simply that he is a brilliant player
Takehiro Tomiyasu and Ben no team since Alex Ferguson’s in a rich vein of form, although
White were out cold. Thomas Manchester United has been as he is and he is. It is more the way
Partey, hand outstretched, helped adept at leveraging their aura and people respond to him: Arsenal
them up. And as Arsenal’s reputation. fans, England fans, rival fans,
exhausted players slowly winched Referees get flustered. children, grandparents. People
themselves to their feet, the Opponents do stupid things. love this guy.
four sides of the ground rose The margins for error are so fine People who do not even like
to applaud them: a gesture of that every moment becomes a football like Saka. Hard-bitten
approval, pride, perhaps even pressure-point, a high-stress fans in the Clock End who
defiance. situation, a potential disaster have spent decades screaming
Yes, Arsenal had lost to in the making. Does Gabriel abuse at anyone bold enough
Manchester City again. Yes, it had clean out Gabriel Jesus and earn to step within earshot melt like
been largely self-inflicted again. a second yellow if he is not marshmallows in his presence.
But somehow this did not feel like painfully aware of City’s speed on Consider: this is a guy who
the other times. the counter? Does Granit Xhaka misses the crucial penalty in a
To anyone who lived through tug desperately at Bernardo European Championship final,
the really bad years, who has Silva’s shirt if he is not wary of England’s first major men’s final
seen this stadium at its most toxic Silva’s ability to squirm through for 55 years, and somehow he
and disenchanted, who has seen the tiniest gap at light speed? This does not get turned into a pizza
successive generations blanched is the privilege of champions: advert or a punchline or a meme.
and brutalised, this in itself was even when you are not at your Instead, people love him more.
bracingly new. We can argue best, oppositions still have to People clutch him to their hearts
about how good this Arsenal side pretend you are. a little tighter. People feel for
actually are, about whether their And yet, for a decent chunk of him.
recent boost in form is any more the game, Arsenal offered the rest One could see it in the way
sustainable than the ones that of the league a blueprint. They he disappeared into the crowd
preceded it. But right now there put on a show. The full-backs after scoring his goal: a sea of
is a little halo of hope around this camped out in the City half. bobbing heads and screaming
club, and it feels like the most Partey and Martin Ødegaard had faces and phone screens. Grown
fragile and the most important the keys to the midfield. Most men and women ruffled his hair
thing at once. importantly, they had a goal to and shouted things into his ear
Let’s deal with the game first: show for their efforts and it came and threw their arms towards him,
Arsenal were brilliant for 45 from the player who more than hoping to touch the hem of his
minutes at the start and resolute anyone seems to embody the garment. THE GUARDIAN

Man Utd to remain in limbo

LONDON – A scruffy draw at have featured just four goals can change the entire history of
Newcastle was not the beginning at either end, may offer a more Manchester United.
of the end of the Ralf Rangnick significant insight. Appointing Ole Gunnar
era and neither was a disjointed Under Rangnick, United Solskjær as an interim manager
win over Burnley its glorious have taken 13 points from five to detoxify the club after the
rebirth. Premier League games and lie dismissal of José Mourinho
Games against sides in the sixth, five points off fourth with made sense. Giving him the
bottom quarter of the Premier a game in hand. To that extent job on a permanent basis three
League are not really how their season has been rekindled. months later did not, however
Manchester United should be But, other than Arsenal, whose good initial results had been.
judging themselves – not unless away form against top sides is Waiting till the end of the season
they are losing them 4-1, in atrocious, they have not played would have given the club two
which case it really probably is a top-four challenger and, apart months more evidence on which
time for a change. from a faltering West Ham, will to base a decision and would
Optimists, though, perhaps not do so until the beginning of have cost nothing; it is not as
could see signs of progress last March. At the moment, it feels though Solskjær was going to
Thursday: in Scott McTominay’s as though United are in limbo, dash off and accept an offer from
energy and drive, in Edinson waiting for the real challenges somebody else.
Cavani’s continued sharpness, in ahead. United ended up winning
the way Jadon Sancho swooped But then limbo does seem to only two of the 10 games that
in from the flank for the second be club policy at the moment. remained that season, a run
goal and the way Cristiano It felt telling that the Newcastle that probably would have led
Ronaldo did not wave his arms performance prompted such to a different appointment and
about quite so frustratingly. discontent – both from that body perhaps spared United the two
Body language, slightly language and in subsequent wasted years that followed.
oddly, dominated the post-match grumbling; much of it must stem Solskjær as temporary
discussions. There is evidence from the sense of uncertainty. manager made sense; he was a
from sports psychologists that Not for the first time, the United popular club legend and it gave
it does make a difference – but board has come up with a the board time to come up with
then, it is a lot easier to look solution that leaves nobody clear a strategy. Rangnick as interim
happy and motivated when what the plan is – and these may make sense, but only if he
you are winning; the real test are directors, we know, with is allowed to use this second half
will come next time United are a tendency to react to events. of the season to get a feel for the
being outplayed by Newcastle Lacking football expertise of club, to assess the squad and to
or struggling to break down their own, they drift where work out how he can shape it.
Norwich. public opinion takes them; Rio But is that what his
Tonight’s game against Ferdinand banging his hand on consultancy role means? Nobody
Wolves, whose last seven games a desk in the BT Sport studio seems to know. THE OBSERVER

Why rising star Vlahovic is being sought

FLORENCE - Dusan Vlahovic but for everything else we’re on a either now or in the summer, or
will attract interest from across similar level,” said the confident risk losing one of Europe’s most
Europe in the January transfer forward. sought-after young players for
window after an incredible 2021 In the summer Fiorentina held free in 18 months’ time.
for the Serbia striker in which he off interest from the likes of In December, Italian-American
has netted 33 times in Serie A. Tottenham Hotspur and Atletico businessman Commisso then
He currently leads the league’s Madrid while trying and failing to said that he “would not be held
‘Capocannoniere’ charts with extend Vlahovic’s contract, which to ransom” over Vlahovic, with
16 goals after scoring 21 times expires in the summer of 2023. Italian media reporting that
last season and has thrived under Vlahovic said that it was his Fiorentina want US$90.6 million
Vincenzo Italiano’s new attack- decision to remain in his “second to give up their biggest asset
minded regime in Florence, home” of Florence this season. midway through the current
which has brought enthusiasm “Those of us from Balkans tend campaign.
back to the Stadio Artemio to do things more from the heart It has been a rapid rise to
Franchi after years of sub-par than with our heads. I wanted to stardom for the 21-year-old, who
football. stay here, it was my choice,” he went from cheering on Partizan
Vlahovic’s powerful physique told DAZN. Belgrade in the stands to making
and deft touch resemble that “I think I can grow here, that his club debut less than a month
of Zlatan Ibrahimovic, who I can take another step forward, after his 16th birthday in early
the 21-year-old admitted in an score plenty of goals and win lots 2016, before moving to Italy two
interview with DAZN earlier this of matches.” years later.
year was the player he admired In October, Fiorentina owner Described by his former
most because “everything he’s Rocco Commisso told fans in Partizan under-21 coach Milan
done, he did on his own”. an open letter that Vlahovic had Ristic as the biggest talent he
He does not even balk at flat-out refused a renewal which has seen come out of the former
comparisons with superstar-in- would have made him the highest- Yugoslavia, Vlahovic has also
the-making Erling Haaland. paid player in the club’s history, become a fixture in the Serbian
“He’s definitely faster than me, meaning Fiorentina have to sell national team. AFP
ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL, Monday, January 3, 2022 SPORTS•Page 15

FOLLOWING Chipolopolo’s failures on the pitch, there were calls for FAZ president Andrew
Kamanga to step down.

Lest you forget

Delayed AGM, resignations calls, RB’s voice
MATHEWS KABAMBA Chitembeya. debut at the Olympics showing some
Kitwe However, Kamanga did not respond improvement in the last two group
to the calls directly, leaving it to FAZ games after starting off badly against the

E-ELECTED at the vice–president Justin Mumba to deal
start of the year after with the matter. The under–17 junior teams reached
beating lone contender “The FAZ executive committee the final of the COSAFA with the
Emmanuel Munaile, finds it strange that Mr Mbulakulima women winning it while the men lost in
Football Association singled out Mr Kamanga in a the final.
of Zambia (FAZ) 13-member executive committee on Referees cry for dues
president Andrew Kamanga had an the performance of the Chipolopolo The year 2021 will go down as
eventful first year of his second term. when the problems are multi-faceted,” another year when FAZ failed to
Chipolopolo’s failures continued Mumba said. pay referees in the lower ranks their
to weigh down heavily on his “FAZ manages five men’s national officiating fees from the previous season.
administration. But what else happened teams – U15, U17, U20, U23 and While clubs are responsible for paying
last year? Chipolopolo – while they additionally match officials in the Super League
Delayed elective agm takes off manage three women’s national teams and National Division One, FAZ is
After much delay owing to issues – U17, U20 and Copper Queens. responsible for paying officiating fees for
that had engulfed FAZ, the elective The normal scorecard of judging the referees in the provincial leagues.
annual general meeting was held in executive should be on the performance Both FAZ and affected referees
Livingstone, with Kamanga squaring of all the national teams. confirmed that the match officials in the
it off against former national team “The FAZ executive committee that lower ranks of Zambian football have not
vice-captain and FAZ vice-president was elected in February 2021 comprises yet been paid.
Munaile. 13 elected officials that manage the While the figure is undisclosed, it
The incumbent managed to poll 57 game collectively. The executive is only is estimated that FAZ is owing about
votes, 28 better than Munaile. in its eighth month of their four-year K300,000 to K500,000 in officiating fees
This was the first election being held mandate and would be happy to be from last season per province.
under the revised FAZ constitution judged after that period.” Any other business
which also saw the executive have RB’s calls for indaba Since taking over the reins of
13 members, the president, his vice, An ardent follower of Zambian leading Zambian football, Kamanga
the women’s representative and 10 football, former President Rupiah has continued to build is CV in football
committee members. Banda made a call to FAZ to hold administration and 2021 was no different.
Resignation calls an indaba aimed at discussing issues The FAZ president was re-elected as
Just eight months into his four-year affecting the game. a FIFA audit and compliance committee
term, Kamanga had to contend with “If it is money for this conference, member while being appointed as CAF
calls from former executive committee I am sure the Zambian leadership, the finance committee vice-president.
member Mwansa Mbulakulima to business people, people like myself The latter accolade afforded him the
resign from his post. will go out of our way to meet the opportunity to present the budget at the
Failing to come to terms with desire but not for acrimony but for 13th CAF extraordinary congress in
Chipolopolo’s dismal showing that saw unity, otherwise we can forget about Cairo.
them make missing major tournaments football, we will be a banana republic of The administration also ran several
a norm, Mbulakulima wrote to football,” the former FAZ vice-president high-level administrative, coaching and
Kamanga asking him to vacate Football said. refereeing programmes with the aid
House. FAZ took note of the many concerns of FIFA and UEFA. The most notable
The former Milenge Member of raised by Banda and promised to get in was the administrative programme for
Parliament also accused Kamanga of touch with the former head of State. It is all provincial administrators under
dividing the Zambian football family. unlikely that they have done so. long-time FIFA instructor Ashford
“From the day you were elected as National teams Mamelodi.
FAZ president, on March 20, 2016, There was a mixed bag of results There was also a programme for
Zambians have waited with high produced by various national teams run junior referees and women officials that
expectations of your ability to deliver by FAZ. was conducted by FIFA.
positive results by a well-sold campaign The senior teams failed on all fronts UEFA also weighed in with
you fronted,” Mbulakulima’s letter read as they were eliminated from the building capacity of the FAZ executive
in part. “Mr Kamanga, please accept my CHAN at the quarter-final stage and committee and management at the
request for you to resign forthwith in could not defend the COSAFA while secretariat. UEFA capped that support
the interest of Zambian football.” they staggered through the World Cup with a Toyota Quantum bus given
Mbulakulima’s call was echoed qualifiers. to FAZ. The discourse between FAZ
by another former FAZ executive By their humble standard, the and UEFA dug deep into the strategic
committee member, Henschel women’s national team had a fair objectives for the association in 2021.

Ghana look to end AfCON hoodoo

LONDON - To be a supporter of the in the country’s folklore. their most recent appearance in the
Ghanaian football team over the last The 1982 final also marked the competition.
four decades is to be familiar with emergence of Abedi Pele, who came Ghana do enjoy a legacy of success
sorrow and acquainted with grief. on as a sub in that game and began a at AfCON, but may also be haunted by
Four-time Africa Cup of Nations remarkable international career which the phantoms of their recent failures and
(AfCON) winners Ghana have endured marked him as a generational talent near misses. The current squad will aim
a barren period of 40 years since and one of the best African players in to make fond new memories with an
their last tournament victory in 1982, history. AfCON crown in Cameroon in January.
agonisingly falling short at the final Abedi’s inspirational performances Partey is the biggest star. The
hurdle on three occasions – twice on at the 1992 tournament, leading influential Arsenal midfielder, signed
penalties – during that time. the Black Stars to the final, with a from Atletico Madrid for £45 million in
But this year could be different. The particularly memorable mazy dribble October 2020, has an international goals
Black Stars have Milovan Rajevac – and finish to beat Congo in the quarters, record better than one in three and will
the coach who led them to the World would have been the crowning glory of provide real all-around quality in the
Cup quarter-finals in 2010 – in charge, his career. engine room.
Premier League stars like Thomas However, a yellow card in the semi- Swindon’s Joe Wollacott, formerly
Partey and Jordan Ayew in their side, final against Nigeria meant he was of Bristol City, will challenge for the
and fans hope once again. suspended for the showpiece. Deprived goalkeeping shirt, Leicester’s Daniel
So Sportsmail’s Max Mathews of their star player, Ghana lost in Amartey and the experienced Jonathan
previews the coastal West African the harshest way, 11-10 on penalties Mensah are likely to link up in defence,
country’s chances at the upcoming against Ivory Coast. along with Reading full-backs Andy
tournament, and considers whether A lack of success followed in the Yiadom and Baba Rahman.
their finals demons might be behind 1990s despite the presence of players The Black Stars also have plenty
them at last... like Leeds icon and wonder-goal of options going forward, with Ayew
Ghana have a proud history at merchant Tony Yeboah and Bayern brothers Jordan and Andre (the captain)
AfCON, winning the first two they Munich defender Samuel Kuffour. – sons of Abedi Pele – boasting plenty
entered in 1963 and 1965, with Then, just over a decade ago, of experience, and Richmond Boakye
striker Edward Acquah, defender Ben the 2010 side of Richard Kingston, and Benjamin Tetteh possessing decent
Acheampong, ‘wizard dribbler’ Osei Kwadwo Asamoah and Asamoah Gyan goals records.
Kofi, 5 ft 3in attacking midfielder conceded to Gedo with just five minutes Exciting young talents Kamaldeen
Frank Odoi and forward Willie Mfum left in the final as Egypt snatched a 1-0 Sulemana, of Rennes, and Ajax star
prominent. victory. Mohammed Kudus will provide real
After two narrow 1-0 defeats In 2015, an XI boasting full-back pace, trickery, cut and thrust to the
in successive finals in 1968 and Harrison Afful, midfielder Afriyie Ghana attack.
1970, they did not qualify for three Acquah, Christian Atsu and Andre Ayew However, Kudus is at risk of missing
tournaments on the spin before winning again reached the final, but in a cruel out due to injury, and wonderkid Felix
two more competitions in 1978 (on throwback to 1992 lost 9-8 on penalties Afena-Gyan has reportedly declined a
home soil) and 1982 with a golden against Ivory Coast, despite going 2-0 call-up to focus on his progress at club
generation of Ghanaian footballers. up after two penalties each. level. Those could be the two players
‘Golden Boy’ Karim Abdul Razak, Coming so close on so many cut from the provisional 30-man squad
‘Dribbling Magician’ Mohammed occasions is likely to weigh heavily on to the final 28, who will face Gabon,
Polo, skilful forward George Alhassan the minds of the current Ghana side, a Morocco and Comoros in Group C.
– nicknamed ‘Jair’ after Brazil legend decent number of whom experienced the Possible starting line-up (4-2-3-1):
Jairzinho - Opoku ‘Bayie’ Afriyie, heartbreak of 2010 and 2015 first-hand. Wollacott; Yiadom, Mensah, Amartey,
whose nickname means ‘wizardry’ The 2019 disappointment – exiting Rahman; Partey, Baba; A. Ayew,
in the Twi language – and captain at the round-of-16 stage, again on Kudus, Sulemana; J. Ayew.
Emmanuel Quarshie wrote their names penalties, against Tunisia – was DAILY MAIL UK
Arsenal floored/14
VOL 26 NO. 002 MONDAY, JANUARY 3, 2022
United remain in limbo/14

Bakala on edge
MATHEWS KABAMBA will appear to be harsh on his

Kitwe part.
Last season, he helped the
ABWE team to continental football
Warriors’ after they finished fourth
plunge in on the log before he was
form and relegated to assistant when
failure to the club appointed Manfred

Coach’s position at Warriors under scrutiny

qualify for
the ABSA Cup may just have After their preliminary
cost Ian Bakala his job, with round elimination in the
the Super League club now Confederation Cup, Chabinga
considering cutting ties with left his post, with Bakala
their former midfielder. Mail yesterday that the six- said. “Most people are not rescheduled match. a chance to win the game but everything went wrong. elevated back to head coach of
The former Chipolopolo time league champions are pleased on how we missed out Moses Phiri and Roderick were wasteful on goal. “We are having a lot of the team.
player has had two spells as contemplating parting ways on the ABSA Cup.” Kabwe scored a goal apiece “I think my players were problems when it comes to Despite the team sitting 10th
Warriors coach in the last one with Bakala owing to the Warriors needed to beat for Zanaco while Warriors got under pressure from the need scoring. You see, when you miss on the log, Warriors have won
and half seasons, with his current form. Zanaco in their last match to their consolation from a Jimmy to play the ABSA Cup and that a lot of chances, you will have seven matches, one game less
first stint being last season “The coach’s job is on the make it to the ABSA Cup, Ndhlovu first-half header. has cost us,” he said. “They lost to pay the price.” than leaders Green Buffaloes,
when he guided them to a line, the executive should be but they ended up losing 2–1 At full-time, Bakala attributed concentration, we wanted to Overall, though, Warriors and sit seven points behind the
continental spot. meeting to discuss his position to the Bankers at Railways the loss to his players’ failure score early but they (Zanaco) have not been bad under Bakala top. They have managed to
A club source told Sports any day this week,” the source Ground in Kabwe in what was a to hold their nerves having had scored [against] us early and and the decision, if it is passed, draw two while losing eight.

Blame failures on admins

– Mwenya
ROBINSON KUNDA The Copperbelt Provincial by bringing everyone on board,
Lusaka side Mine Police president said including those whose ego
there is need for administrators may have clashed with ours
WITH the Zambia national to work together in the new year because Zambian football can
soccer team again experiencing and help bring back Zambian only develop if we continue to
nightmare performances in football to life. embrace each other,” he said.
the just ended year, football Mwenya said he has always “In the coming year (2022),
administrator Gideon Mwenya been ready to contribute to the let us all embrace each other.
has pointed the blame squarely growth of the game despite We [should] put aside our egos
on the administrators. losing an election. and bring our ideas on the
Mwenya, who stood for the “We lost the vice-presidential table.”
FAZ vice-presidency but lost election to our brother Justin Mwenya said it is
to Justin Mumba in the last Mumba, but that has not disheartening to see Zambia
elections held in Livingstone discouraged our drive to missing at the Africa Cup of
last year, said Zambian serve our football,” he said. Nations despite having talented
football is in disarray because “We remain in constant touch players.
administrators have become with our competitor and He said administrators should
intolerant of each other. brother Justin Mumba for the put the interest of the players
“We have reached the apex of betterment of our football first and come together for the
2021 to which we had not been and we believe that it’s only good of the game.
the best year when it comes to engagements such as this that Mwenya pledged to continue
the fortunes of our football,” he our football will develop.” contributing to the development
said. “Admittedly, our football Mwenya said an all- of Zambian football despite
has been in disarray and it inclusive approach in football losing elections.
has no one to blame but we administration is needed if Mwenya said only Zambians
administrators because we have football is to rise again. can find a solution to the
A SHIRTLESS Rodri celebrates after scoring Manchester City’s winning goal in the third minute of been intolerant of each other the “We need to embrace an problems that have engulfed
stoppage time to hand 10-man Arsenal a 2-1 defeat at The Emirates on Saturday. PICTURE: GETTY IMAGES last few years.” all-inclusive approach in 2022 football in recent years.

Muzaza looks back at his Forest stay Curry breaks own record
MULWANDA LUPIYA “I had a wonderful and successful AS Bouenguidi after losing 2-0 in as assistant to Phiri in 2016. LONDON - Stephen Curry for the second successive
Ndola stay at Forest, but I think we should Libreville following a goalless draw Muzaza cemented his place in broke his own NBA record night – making him the
have won the league title which was in Ndola. the team under Mutapa’s successors for consecutive three- first player in NBA history
MOZAMBIQUE-BOUND midfielder cut short due to coronavirus in 2020,” Mozambican giants UD Songo, who Tenant Chilumba and incumbent pointers as he led the to do so – as his Chicago
Webster Muzaza says he will forever he said. “That is the only regret I have are drilled by Serbian Srdjan Zivojnov, Tenant Chembo. Golden State Warriors to a Bulls edged out the
cherish the time he spent at Forest and maybe we should have also gone a former Buildcon coach, are the ones The Mazabuka native was a regular 123-116 win over the Utah Washington Wizards 120-
Rangers and insists missing out on at least beyond preliminary round of that have lured Muzaza from Forest. feature in the middle of the park for Jazz. 119.
the Super League title by a whisker is the CAF Champions League.” Muzaza joined Forest in 2017 from Forest alongside skipper Laurent Curry scored a three- After receiving the ball
Forest missed out on winning their Lusaka Dynamos and since then he Muma and Shadreck Malambo. pointer for the 158th with 3.3 seconds left on
among his biggest regrets.
successive game, breaking the clock, DeRozan landed
The creative midfielder’s four-year maiden Super League title on goal has established himself as an integral His performances in recent years
his previous record of 157 his three-point effort to cap
stint at Forest ended on Friday after his difference to Nkana in 2020 after member of the Ndola side. have seen him earn a call-up to the which had stood since his 28 points – one of four
contract expired. the Football Association of Zambia Former Forest coach Perry Mutapa national team and was part of the November 2016. Bulls to reach 20 points
Muzaza confirmed in an interview (FAZ) decided to end the league at lured Muzaza to Dola Hill Ground Aggrey Chiyangi-drilled Chipolopolo He made 28 points as his with Zach LaVine leading
yesterday that he has left the Zambia Week 27 following escalating cases of after he was given the mantle that won the regional Council of side overcame an eight- on 35.
Forestry and Forest Industries coronavirus. following the departure of veteran Southern Africa Football Associations point deficit to win, having Giannis Antetokounmpo
Corporation (ZAFFICO)-sponsored Muzaza was also part of the Patrick Phiri to Nakambala Leopards (COSAFA) Senior Championship in earlier thrown away a made his second triple-
side following the expiry of his Forest side that was eliminated in in 2017. 2019. 16-point lead. double of the season as
contract and will be heading to the preliminary round of the CAF Mutapa coached Muzaza at Zambia beat Botswana 1-0 courtesy Rudy Gobert top-scored the Milwaukee Bucks
Mozambique. Champions League by Gabonese side Dynamos before he trekked to Forest of a Tapson Kaseba strike. for the Jazz with 20 points extended their winning
and 19 rebounds. streak to six games with
Elsewhere, DeMar a 136-113 win over the

Janza hopes for honours at Namungo

DeRozan scored a game- New Orleans Pelicans.
winning buzzer-beater BBC

Raducanu out of tourney

MATHEWS KABAMBA eighth on the log with 13 points having Janza has also previously served as FAZ MELBOURNE - US “The timing to compete
Kitwe won three matches, lost four and drawn technical director, Chipolopolo assistant Open champion Emma in the first Melbourne
four this season. The team is 16 points off coach and later head coach. Raducanu on Saturday event is too soon for me,
FORMER Chipolopolo coach Honour leaders Young Africans. He is the last coach to have guided pulled out of an having just returned from
Janza has said he is ready for the The Tanzanian league is dominated by Zambia to the Africa Cup of Nations Australian Open warm-up isolation,” she said in a brief
challenge that comes with being coach in Simba and their rivals Young Africans, when the Chipolopolo qualified for the tournament this week as statement. “Look forward
the Tanzanian league, which is dominated with the two clubs having won the title 19 2015 edition in Equatorial Guinea, where she continues to recover to seeing you to compete
by Simba SC and Young Africans. times between them in the last 20 years. they suffered a first-round elimination, from coronavirus. later this month.”
The 19-year-old Briton Raducanu became the
Janza was last Friday appointed as Janza is not bothered by the huge task three years after being crowned
was due to line up first British woman to
coach for Tanzanian top-flight side he is likely to face in trying to displace continental kings. alongside defending win a Grand Slam since
Namungo FC, having spent some time on the two teams. His is more acclaimed for his works Australian Open champion Virginia Wade in 1977
the sidelines following his departure from “Football is about competition, there off the pitch as an elite coach instructor Naomi Osaka and former when she triumphed at
now National Division One side NAPSA is no easy league,” he told Sports Mail. under the Confederation of African world No 1 Simona Halep Flushing Meadows, but has
Stars. “Whatever environment you go in, you Football (CAF) where several coaches, at the Melbourne Summer struggled to find the same
The Tanzanian club announced on their should be willing to compete.” among them Pitso Mosimane of South Set WTA event from form since then.
Twitter handle that Janza is their new This will be Janza’s second spell Africa, have benefited from his expertise. tomorrow. French Open finalist
trainer, and the coach confirmed in an outside the country, having previously Despite being among the most qualified But after practising Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova
interview that he is once again back in the managed Mbabane Swallows of eSwatini. coaches on the continent as a UEFA B at Melbourne Park on will also miss the
business. After leaving Swallows, Janza joined and CAF elite instructor licence holder, Saturday, she opted out, Melbourne event after
“It is a delight for me. Football is my NAPSA as technical director but only Janza, who has also coached Super having tested positive testing positive for
life and wherever there is an opportunity served a year of his two-year contract at League side Red Arrows, has generally for COVID-19 before an COVID-19, casting doubt
to express my skill and talent, I grab it,” the National Pension Scheme Authority- struggled to win trophies at club level and Abu Dhabi exhibition last on whether she will be fit
he said. sponsored side before leaving. his switch to Namungo provides another month and then spent time for the Australian Open.
Janza takes over Namungo, who are A holder of a UEFA B coaching badge, test. JANZA in isolation. AFP

Printed and published by the Zambia Daily Mail Limited

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