02.dual Nature of Matter

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SYNOPSIS found that when zinc plate is illuminated with ultra
Electron Emission :- violet light it became positively charged. A positively
 Metals have free electrons and these normally charged zinc plate became more positively charged
cannot escape out of the metal surface. when it is further illuminated with ultra violet light .
 The free electron is held inside the metal surface  From these observations he concluded that
by the attractive forces of the ions. negatively charged particles were emitted by the
 A certain minimum amount of energy is requried to
zinc plate under the action of ultra violet light. After
be given to an electron to pull it out from the surface
the discovery of electron these particles were called
of the metal and this energy is known as “Work
as photo electrons.
 The emission of electrons from a metal plate when
Work function (. ) = 5.65 eV, highest (for platinum) illuminated by electromagnetic radiation of suitable
. =1.88 eV, lowest (for ceasium) wavelength is called Photoelectric effect.
Lenard’s Experimental Study of
Photoelectric effect :
Metal Work function Metal Work function
0 (eV) 0 (eV)
light of same wavelength

Cs 2.14 Al 4.28 e
C e A

K 2.30 Hg 4.49 Micro

V Anmmeter
Na 2.75 Cu 4.65
Ca 3.20 Ag 4.70 () - +

MO 4.17 Ni 5.15
 The apparatus used for experimental study of
Pb 4.25 Pt 5.56 photoelectric effect. A metal plate C called cathode
(emitter) and a metal cup A called anode (collector)
 This minimum energy required for the electron are sealed in a vacuum chamber.
emission can be supplied by any one of the  A beam of monochromatic light enters the window
following processes. of a vacuum chamber and falls on cathode C. The
a) Thermionic emission : “Sufficient thermal photoelectrons emitted are collected by the anode
energy can be imparted to free electrons” by A.
suitably heating  When key K is open and monochromatic light is
b) Field emission: “By applying a very strong made incident on the cathode, then current is
electric field (  108V / m )”. measured by the ammeter. i.e., even though applied
c) Photo electric emission: “By irradiating the voltage is zero current flows in the circuit.
metal surface with suitable E.M radiaton”. These photoelectrons emitted from the cathode C
Photo electric effect : moves towards anode A. But less energetic
 Photo electric effect was discovered by Hertz in electrons comes to rest before reaching the anode.
1887. In his experiments, Hertz observed that high  When anode is given positive potential w.r.t the
voltage spark passes across the metal electrodes cathode, electrons in the space charge are attracted
more easily when cathode is illuminated with ultra towards the anode so photocurrent increases. If
violet rays from an arc lamp.
potential of the anode is increased gradually the
 In 1888 Hallwachs under took the study further. effect of space charge becomes negligible at some
He connected zinc plate to an electroscope. He potential and then every electron that is emitted from
the cathode will be able to reach the anode. The Observations :
current then becomes constant even though voltage (i) It is observed that saturation photocurrent (i) is
is increased and this current is called saturation proportional to the intensity (I) of incident light at
photocurrent. a given frequency
 When anode is given negative potential w.r.t the  Variation of saturation photo current
cathode, the photo electrons will be repelled by with stopping potential at constant
the anode and some electrons will go back to intensity : Keeping the frequency of incident light
and nature of the cathode constant, for different
cathode so current decreases. At some negative
intensities of incident light photo current is measured.
potential anode current becomes zero.This
When a graph is plotted with photocurrent on y-
potential is called stopping potential.
axis and applied voltage on x-axis. It is as shown
 The minimum negative potential(V0) given to the in figure.
collector with respect to the emitter for which
‘photocurrent’ becomes zero is called ‘stopping
 Stopping potential is related to maximum kinetic
energy of photoelectrons, because at this potential
even the most energetic electron just fails to reach
the anode.
So work done by the stopping potential is equal to
the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons. Observations :
1 2 1 (i) The value of stopping potential is independent of
(e)(V0 )  mvmax 0 ;  e V 0  m v m2 a x
2 2 the intensity of incident light, if frequency is constant.
 A graph is plotted with current on y-axis and applied (ii) The magnitude of saturation current depends on
voltage on x-axis. It is as shown in below graph the intensity of light. Higher the intensity, larger the
y saturation current.

 Variation of frequency of incident light on

stopping potential :

Keeping the intensity of incident light and nature of

the cathode constant, for different frequencies of
-x x incident light, photo current is measured.
(-V0) o Anode
stopping potential (V) When a graph is plotted with photocurrent on y-
potential axis and applied voltage on x-axis. It is as shown
 Variation of Photo current with intensity in figure.
of incident light : Keeping the frequency of

incident light and nature of the cathode constant,


for different intensities of incident light saturation v3v2v1

photo current is measured. v3 v
2 v
1 current
When a graph is plotted with saturation
photocurrent on y-axis and intensity of incident light -V03 -V02 -V01 O V
on x-axis, it is as shown in figure. potential
i Observations :

(i) Larger the frequency of incident radiation, larger is


the stopping potential.


So The maximum kinetic energy of the emitted

I electrons depends on the frequency of incident light
O intensity
of light
and nature of the metal plate. Maximum kinetic
energy of photo electrons is independent of the
intensity of incident light. were latter called as photons.
(ii) The saturation photo current is independent of the A photon is a packet of energy, given by E  h
frequency of incident radiation. where h = 6.62x10-34 Js
 Variation of Stopping potential with (where Planck’s constant, h = 6.62x10-34 Js
frequency of incident light : = 4.14x10-15eVs)
When a graph is plotted with stopping potential  = frequency of the wave associated with photon
on y-axis and frequency of incident radiation on x- then C   
axis, keeping the metal constant, then it is as shown C= 3x108 ms-1 = velocity of light
in figure.  = wavelength of the wave associated with
potential (vo)

photon  E  h 
Cs K Na A1 Cu 

Conclusions :
vo v1 v2 v3 v4 (i) Energy of a photon is normally expressed in electron
O volt (eV)
frequency of incident (v)
Observations : (ii) Electron volt is the change in the energy of an
(i) Threshold frequency ( 0 )is a characteristic of the electron when it passes through a potential difference
metal plate and at this frequency, kinetic energy of of one volt. 1eV = 1.6x10-19 J
the photo electrons is zero. (iii) Charge of a photon is zero, so it can not be
(ii) Above threshold frequency, kinetic energy of deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
photo electrons range from zero to a maximum (iv) Rest mass of a photon is zero. It is not a material
value. particle, it is a bundle of energy.
(iii) Maximum kinetic energy and Stopping potential E h h
increases linearly with increasing frequency as (v) Effective mass of a photon is m 
 2 2
C 2
C 
shown in the above figure. (vi) A photon possesses momentum given by
h h E
 If the frequency of incident radiation is less than a p  
certain value called threshold frequency, electrons  C C
are not emitted from a given metal surface,
whatever be the intensity of the incident radiation.
 The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons  Intensity (I) of radiation at a given point is the energy
depends on the frequency of the incident radiation, transmitted through unit area perpendicular to that
but it is independent of the intensity of the radiation. area in unit time. Intensity(I) of radiation at a
The maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons is distance ‘r’ from a monochromatic source of power
a linear function of the frequency of the incident P
‘P’ is, I  . If ‘N’ photons are emitted in
radiation. 4 r 2
 The saturation photocurrent increases with intensity time ‘t’ by a monochromatic source of power
of incident radiation, but it is independent of the ‘P’then P  N h   N h C . So increase in
frequency of incident radiation. t t
 There is no time lag between the incidence of the intensity of monochromatic radiation means
incident radiation and the emission of photo increase in the number of photons incident on unit
electrons. area in unit time.
QUANTUM THEORY OF LIGHT: W.E-1: While working with light and X-rays, there
 Since wave theory of light can not explain observed is a useful relation between the energy of a
facts about photo electric effect, Einstein thought photon in electron volts (eV) and the
that light has got particle-like behaviour during its wavelength of the photon in angstom (A0).
interaction with matter. According to this theory,
Suppose the wavelength of aphoton is  A0 .
light consists of particles associated with definite
amount of energy and momentum. These particles Then energy of the photon is



hc energy.
Sol: E  hv   The minimum frequency of radiation required to

Here wavelength = eject an electron from a metal surface is called
threshold frequency( 0 ) for that metal.
 1010 m; h  6.62 1034 Js, c  3 108 ms 1
 W  h 0
 6.62 1034    3 108   Work function of a metal depends on nature of the
E  metal, it will not depend on frequency and intensity
 1010 of the radiation.

 6.62 10    3 10  eV  12400 eV
34 8
 When a photon of energy h is absorbed by an
electron, an amount of energy at least equal to work
  10   1.6 10 
 19
function W (provided h >W ) is used up in
12400 liberating the electron from the surface and the
E  eV difference ( h - W) is equal to the maximum

kinetic energy.of that electron.
Note : (  is taken in A0 and 12400 in A0 eV) 1 2
 mVmax  h W (1)
W.E-2: If wavelength of radiation is 2 1
4000 A0  400nm then the energy of the  h W  mVmax 2
 (2)
photon is 1
 h  h 0  mVmax 2
 (3)
hC 12400eVA0 1240eVnm 2
Sol: E     3.1eV The above relation is called the Einstein’s
 4000 A0 400nm Photoelectric equation. Here ‘m’ is the mass of
W.E-3: A monochromatic source of light operating the electron and Vmax is the maximum velocity of
at 200 W emits 4  1020 photons per second. the photoelectrons. Infact, most of the electrons
Find the wagelength of the light. possess kinetic energy less than the maximum
N value, as they lose a part of their kinetic energy
Sol: Power = P  h due to collisions before escaping from the metal.
Thus from the above discussion the laws of
P 200
E  20
 5  1019 photoelectric effect from Einstein’s
Energy of photon =  N  4 10 Photoelectric equations are deduced.
 
 t  i) From equation (1) maximum kinetic energy of
photoelectrons is KEmax  h  h0 .
 6.62 10    3 10  m  3.972 A
34 8
0 For photoelectric emission to take place kinetic
5 10 energy of electrons must be positive. It follows that
EINSTEIN’S PHOTO ELECTRIC h  h 0     0 .
EQUATION: It proves that for photoelectric emission to take
place, from a given metal the frequency of the
 For explaining photoelectric effect, Einstein
incident radiation must be greater than threshold
postulated that light consists of particles called
frequency for that metal.
photons. Energy of a photon of frequency  is If frequency of the incident radiation is less than
h . threshold frequency then no photoelectric emission
 According to this theory the emission of a will take place, whatever be the intensity of the
photoelectron was the result of the interaction of a incident radiation, or how long it falls on the metal
single photon with an electron, in which the photon surface.
is completely absorbed by the electron. ii) From equation (1) it follows that maximum kinetic
 The minimum amount of energy required to eject energy of photoelectrons depends linearly on the
frequency. It proves that the maximum kinetic
an electron from a metal surface is called work energy of photoelectrons increases as frequency
function (W) of that metal. It is also called threshold of incident radiation increases.


Since Einstein’s equation does not involve a factor W.E-4: The work function of a metal is 3.0eV. It
representing intensity, it proves that the maximum is illuminated by a light of wave length
kinetic energy of emitted electrons is
independent of the intensity of incident 3 x 107m. Calculate i) threshold frequency, ii)
radiation. the maximum energy of photoelectrons,
iii) According to Einstein, the photoelectric effect iii) the stopping potential. (h =6.63 x 10–34 Js
arises , when a single photon is absorbed by a and c = 3 x 108ms–1).
single electron. So number of photoelectrons
ejected will be large if intense radiation is incident. Sol. i) W = h  0 = 3.0eV = 3 x 1.6 x 10–19J
This is because intensity of radiation is proportional Threshold frequency
to number of photons per unit area per unit time.
Hence if intensity of incident radiation is larger, then W 31.6 1019
0    0.72 1015 Hz .
number photons incident is larger and number of h 6.631034
electrons ejected is larger.
It proves that number of photoelectrons ejected ii) Maximum kinetic energy (Kmax) = h (  – 0 )
from a metal surface depends on intensity of
incident radiation. Further, there is no effect of c 3108
  310 7
m, v    11015 Hz
frequency of incident radiation on number of  3107
photoelectrons emitted. It is because one photon
is capable of ejecting only one electron, provided , Kmax = h (  – 0 ) = 6.63 x 10–34 (1– 0.72) x 1015
  0 J = 1.86 x 10–19 J.
iv) According to Einstein, the basic process in iii) Kmax = e V0 where V0 is stopping potential in
photoelectric emission is absorption of a photon of volt and e is the charge of electron
light by an electron. So as the photon is absorbed, K max
emission of electron takes place instantaneously V0  . Here Kmax = 1.86 x 10–19 J and
irrespective of intensity.
Conclusions : 1.86 1019 J
(a) Alkali metals can cause photoelectric effect with e = 1.6 x 10 –19
C; V0   1.16V
visible light. 1.6 1019 C
(b) Work function of Alkali metals is around 2eV. W.E-5: The work function of a photosensitive
(Cs=2.14eV, K= 2.3eV, Na=2.75eV, Al=4.28eV,
Cu=4.65eV, Ag=4.7eV, Ni=5.15eV, Pt=5.65eV) element is 2eV. Calculate the velocity of a
Among all metals work function is least for Cesium( photoelectron when the element is exposed to
2.14eV) 0
hC a light of wavelength 4 103 A .
(c) Work function W  h 0  Sol. Einstein's photoelectric equation is
where 0 =threshold frequency,,
1 2 hc
mv   W0
2 
0 =threshold wavelength 1 2 6.62 3
(d) Einstein’s equation can be written as follows: mv  1026  21.61019
2 4 103 1010
KEmax  E W (or) KEmax  h  h0
1.765 2
hC hC v2  1012
(or) K E m ax    
1.765 2
1 1 v 106 = 6.228 x 105 ms–1
mV max  E  W (or) mVmax
 h  h 0 9.1
2 2
1 hC hC W.E-6: A metal of work function 4eV is exposed
(or) 2 mVmax    
to a radiation of wavelength 140 x 10–9m.
Find the stopping potential.
(f) eV0  E  W (or) eV0  h   h 0
hc 6.62 1034  3108
hC hC Sol. E E eV = 8.86eV
(or) eV0    140 109 1.6 1019
 0
work function W0 = 4eV
eV0 = E –W0 = 8.86 –4 = 4.86eV
 Stopping potential V 0  4 .8 6V

W.E-7: Radiations of wavelength 200nm it. There is an extra attractive force on the
propagating in the form of a parallel beam, photoelectrons. If the potential of the sphere is
fall normally on a plane metallic surface. The raised to V, the electron should have a minimum
intensity of the beam is 5mW and its cross energy W + eV to be able to come out. Thus,
sectional area 1.0mm 2. Find the pressure emission of photoelectrons will stop when
exerted by the radiation on the metallic
hc hc hc  1 1 
surface, if the radiation is completely  W  eV =   eV or, V  e    .
reflected.[Roorkee 2001]  0   0 

12400 12400 The charge on the sphere needed to take its potential
Sol.  E    6.2eV  1018 J
 200
to V is Q  40 aV
Number of photons passing a point per second is
The number of electrons emitted is, therefore,
P 5109
n   5109 . momentum of each
E 1018 Q 40 aV  40 ahc  1  1 
n  
photon p 
 3.31027 J / s . Change in e e e2  0 
momentum after each strike = 2p = 6.6 x 10–27 J/s W.E-10: A small metal plate (work function W) is
Total momentum change per second is kept at a distance d from a singly ionized, fixed
dp n  2 p
F   5109  6.6 1027 331018 N ion. A monochromatic light beam is incident
dt t on the metal plate and photoelectrons are
F 12 emitted. Find the maximum wavelength of the
 pressure A  3310 N / m

light beam so that some of the photoelectrons

W.E-8: In a photocell bi chromatic light of wave may go round the ion along a circle.
length 2480 A0 and 6000A0are incident on a Sol. Electron is moving around the ion in a Circle of
cathode whose workfunction is 4.8eV. If a
1 e2 mV 2 1 e2
uniform magnetic field of 3x10 -5 T exists radius ‘d’. 4 2  d ,  mV 2 
40 d
parallel to the plate, find the radius of the 0 d

circular path described by the photoelectron.

1 e2
(mass of electron is 9 x1031 kg )  K .E  ----------(1)
80 d
12400 12400 12400 12400
Sol. E1  1  2480  5 eV ; E 2   2  6000  2.06 eV hc
But K .Emax  W ----------(2)
As E2 < W0 and E1 > W0, photo electric emission 
is possible only with 1.
Maximum K.E of emitted photo electrons
K = E1 – W0 = 0.2 eV.
Photo electrons experience magnetic force and
move along a circular path of radius hc 80 d
 
e  80 dW
m 2mK
r 
Bq  r  5cm

W.E-9: A monochromatic light of wavelength  Photo electric cells :-

is incident on an isolated metalic sphere of  A device which converts light energy into electrical
radius a. The threshold wavelength is  0 energy is known as a photo electric cell or photo
which is larger than  . Find the number of cell.
 It is a technological application of the photo electric
photoelectrons emitted before the emission of
photo electrons stops.
 It is a device whose electrical properties are
Sol. As the metallic sphere is isolated, it becomes affected by light:
positively charged when electrons are ejected from  It consists of a semi-cylindrical photosensitive metal


plate (emitter) and a wire loop (collector). the response is slow. The current is not proportional
 when light of suitable wavelength falls on the emitter to the intensity of light. Photo electric cells are used
,photoelectrons are emitted and enters into the  in exposure meters
circuit giving a few amperes of current.  to compare intensities of illuminations of two light
 It converts a change in intensity of illumination into sources.
a change in photocurrent.  in recording and reproduction of sound in films
 These are the devices used to convert light energy  in video cameras
into electrical energy.  to study stellar spectra
 In the outer photoelectric effect photo electrons  in electronic relay circuits such as Burglar’s alarm,
liberated are emitted out of the metal surface.
counting devices, switching on and off street lights,
 In the inner photoelectric effect photoelectrons
liberated are in the metal surface.
 There are three types of photo cells. DUAL NATURE OF MATTER -
1) Photo emissive cells 2) Photo voltaic cells (de-BROGLIE HYPOTHESIS) :
3) Photo conductive cells.  Photoelectric effect and Compton effect proves that
 Photo emissive cells depend upon outer radiation behaves like particles (photons), where
photoelectric effect whereas photo voltaic and as Interference and Diffraction proves that radiation
photo conductive cells depend upon inner behaves like waves.
photoelectric effect. So ‘radiation has dual nature’ i.e., radiation behaves
 Photo emissive cells are of two types. like particles when interacting with matter and
1. Vacuum type and 2. Gas filled type radiation behaves like waves when propagating in
 In the Vacuum type of photo emissive cell, an a medium.
evacuated glass tube has its inner surface coated de Broglie Hypothesis
with an alkali metal. 1) The universe consists of matter and radiation only.
To study stellar spectra potassium hydride 2) Nature loves symmetry
photosensitive surface is used. 3) If radiation has dual nature then matter also should
In the vacuum type, current is directly proportional
have dual nature.
to the intensity of incident radiation.
 According to de Broglie particles like electron,
 In a gas filled emissive cell, an inert gas such as He,
Ar or Ne at a low pressure, some tenths of mm of proton and neutron, also have both wave and
Hg, is filled. Gas filled cells produce much more particle properties. The waves associated with
intense photoelectric current due to ionization by moving particle are called matter waves and the
collision in the gas. But there is no proportionality wavelength is called the de Broglie wavelength
between the current and intensity of incident of a particle.
radiation. For a photon Energy, E   mC 2
 Photovoltaic cell is a true cell as it generates e.m.f. 
without the application of any external potential. where m = effective mass then wavelength
When light is incident on a semi conductor coated h h
 
on a metallic plate covered by a semi transparent mC p
film electrons are emitted and travel in the direction where p = momentum of the photon
opposite to the light rays.
de Broglie extended the same for particles also.
The semi conductors used are cuprous oxide,
selenium. So if a particle of mass ‘m’ is moving with velocity
The metal plates used are copper plate, iron plate. ‘v’ then its momentum p = mv, hence de Broglie
The semi transparent films used are silver, gold, wave length of the matter wave associated with is
platinum. h h
For small load resistances the current is nearly given by   
p mv
proportional to the intensity of incident radiation.
 In a photo conductive cell, conductivity of a semi Davisson and Germer studied the scattering of
conductor is increased when light falls on it. But electrons by a nikel target. The wavelength  of


diffracted electrons was determined by Davisson h
and Germer. The experimental values of wavelength electron is an integral multiple of . According
 were found to agree with the theoretical
h to his hypothesis, an electron revolving round the
value   nucleus is associated with certain wavelength ‘  ’
m v
Hence it is concluded that electrons behaves like
waves and undergo diffraction. which depends on its momentum mv. It is given by
 For definite sized objects like a car the h h
 
corresponding wavelength is very small to detect mv p
the wave properties. But the de-Broglie wavelength
In an allowed orbit, an electron can have an integral
of the electron is large enough to be observed.
multiple of this wavelength.
Because of their small mass, electrons have a small
momentum and hence large wavelength   h / p . That is the nth orbit consists of n complete de-
Broglie wavelengths 2rn  n n , where n is
Conclusions :
h h the principle quantum number.
(i) deBroglie wavelength    where rn is the radius of nth orbit and  n is
p mv
Where momentum p = mv ; m=mass, v= velocity the wavelength of electron in nth orbit
(ii) deBroglie wavelength   2rn 2
2mK n  (or) n  (0.53  n 2 ) Å .
2 n n
where kinetic energy, K   p  2mK
2m n  2  0.53nA
(iii) If a particle having charge q starting from rest is
accelerated through a potential difference V then (a)
gain in kinetic energy, K=qV
so, deBroglie wavelength   2 m qV
12.27 o 150 o (b)
(iv) For electron   A A
0.286 o 0.082 o
(v) For proton   A A Figure (a) shows the waves on a string have a
V V wavelength related to the length of the string
0 .2 02
(vi) For dueteron   Å allowing them to interfere constructively as shown
E If we imagine the string bent into a closed circle we
(vii) For  particle   Å get an idea of how electrons in circular orbits can
interfere constructively as shown in figure(b). If
(viii) for neutron   Å the wavelength does not fit in to the circumference
where E = kinetic energy in electron volts the electron interferes destructively, electron can
not exist in such an orbit.
(ix) The de-Broglie wavelength of a particle is
independent of nature of the particle and these W.E-11: A particle of mass ‘m’ projected horizontally
waves are not electromagnetic. Diffraction effects with velocity u. If it makes an angle  , with the
have been obtained with streams of electrons, horizontal after some time, then at that instant,
protons, neutrons and alpha particles. its de Broglie wavelength is
Sol: For a projectile horizontal component of velocity
(x) de-Broglie explains Bohr’s criterion to select the is constant.
allowed orbits in which angular momentum of the


u photo electrons from them is  A : B =1:2, then

find the work function of Aand B
 vx  ux ; V cos   u Sol. Debroglie wavelength
gt v
h 1  T
   (k = k.E = T);   T
h h cos  2km k
 de Broglie wavelength,    A B
mv mu
W.E-12: Electrons are accelerated through a 2  TA  2eV
TA 1.5
potential difference of 150V. Calculate the de
Broglie wavelength.  WA  4.25  TA  2.25 eV
Sol. V = 150V; h=6.62 x 10–34Js, m=9.1 x 10–31kg,  TB  TA 1.5  2 1.5  0.5eV
e = 1.6 x 10–19C
 WB  4.7  TB  4.7  0.5  4.2 eV
h 6.62 1034 0
   1A
2Vem 2  9.11031 1.6 1019 150
W.E-13: Find the ratio of de Broglie wavelength
of molecules of hydrogen and helium which  The matter-wave picture elegantly incorporated the
are at temperatures 27°C and 127°C Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. According to
respectively the principle, it is not possible to measure both the
position and momentum of an electron (or any other
h h H  m He THe 8 particle) at the same time exactly. There is always
Sol. Since,   m  ;  
3mkT  He m H TH 3
some uncertainity  x  in the specification of
W.E-14: With what velocity must an electron travel
position and some uncertainity  p  in the
so that its momentum is equal to that of a
0 specification of momentum. The product of x
photon with a wavelength of 5000 A
( h  6.6 x1034 Js , me  9.1x1031 Kg ) and p is of the order of h (with   ) i.e.,
h 6.6 1034 x p  h .
Sol. mv   v   1450 m / s
 9.11031  5000 1010  Equation allows the possibility that x is zero, but
W.E-15: If 10,000V applied across an X-ray tube, then p must be infinite in order that the product
what will be the ratio of deBroglie wavelength is nonzero. Similarly, if p is zero, x must be
of the incident electrons to the shortest
infinite. Ordinarily, both x and p are nonzero
wavelength of X-ray produced (e/m of electron
such that their product is of the order of  h .
is 1.7 x1011 C / Kg )
 Now, if an electron has a definite momentum p ,
Sol. Debroglie wave length of incident electron is
(i.e., p =0), by the de Broglie relation, it has a
1  ........ 1 definite wavelength  . A wave of definite (single)
wavelength extends all over space. By Born’s
hc probability interpretation this mens that the electron
Shortest wavelength of x ray photon is 2  ..... 2
Ve is not localized in any finite region of space. That
1 1  V   is, its position uncertainity is infinite  x    ,
    e   0.1
2 c  
 2  m  which is consistent with the uncertainity principle.
W.E-16: Photons of energies 4.25eV and 4.7eV  In general, the matter wave associated with the
are incident on two metal surfaces A and B electron is not extended all over space. It is a wve
respectively. The maximum KE of emitted packet extending over some finite region of space.
electrons are respectively TA eV and TB =( TA - In that case x is not infinite but has some finite
1.5)eV. The ratio de-Broglie wavelengths of value depending on the extension of the wave
packet. Also, you must appreciate that a wave
packet of finite extension does not have a single
 1.034  1034
wavelength. It is built up wavelengths spread or v    1 ms 1
around some central wavelength. mx 1.67  1027  6  108
 By de Broglie’s relation, then, the momentum of W.E-18: The correctness of velocity of an electron
the electron will also have a spread - an uncertainity movign with velocity 50 ms-1 is 0.005%. The
p . This is as expected from the uncertainity accuracy with which its position can be
principle. It can be shown that the wave packet measured will be
description together with de Broglie relation and 0.005  50
Born’s probability interpretation reproduce the Sol: Here, v   0.0025ms 1
Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle exactly.
 The de Broglie relation will be seen to justify bohr’s  1.034 10 34
postulate on quantisation of angular momentum of x  
mv 9.11031  0.0025
electron in an atom.
 4634 105 m
Figure shows a schematic diagram of (a) a localised
wave packet, and (b) an extended wave with fixed DAVISSON AND GERMER’S ELECTRON
i) The first experimental evidence of matter wave was
given by two American physicists, Davisson and
Germer in 1927. They also succeeded in measuring
the de - Broglie wave length associated with slow
(a) ii) A beam of electron emitted by electron gun is made
to fall on nikel crystal cut along cubical axis at a
particular angle.
iii) Ni crystal behaves like a three dimensional diffraction
grating and it diffracts the electron beam obtained

from electron gun.
iv) The diffracted beam of electrons received by the
Figure (a) the wave packet description of an detector which can be positioned at any angle by
electron. The wave packet corresponds to a spread rotating about the point of incidence.
of wavelength around some central wavelength (and
hence by de Broglie relation, a spread in
momentum). Consequently, it is associated with
an uncertainity in position  x  and an uncertainity

in momentum  p  . (b) the matter wave

corresponiding to a definite momentum of an
electron extends all over space. In this case,
p  0 and x   . v) The energy of the incident beam of electron can
W.E-17: If the uncertainity in the position of also be varied by changing the applied voltage to
the electron gun.
proton is 6  108 m , then the minimum
vi) According to classical physics, the intensity of
uncertainity in its speed is scattered beam of electrons was not the same but
 different at different angles of scattering. It is
Sol: p  mv  maximum for diffracting angle 500 at 54 volt P.D.
vii) It is seen that a bump begins to appear in the curve
for 44 volt electrons. With increasing potential, the


bump moves upwards and becomes most 
prominent in the curve for 54 volt electrons at using sin   cos
  500 . At higher potential the bump gradually
  
disappears.   2 d sin   2 d  sin  cos  d sin 
 2 2

  d sin 
Incident beam

44V 48V
Roentgen discovered the X-rays.
i) Most commonly x-rays are produced by the
deceleration of high energy electrons bombarding
500 a hard metal target.
ii) The target should have
54V 60V
a) high atomic weight
viii) If the de Broglie waves are associated with electron, b) high melting point
then these should be diffracted like x - rays. using c) high thermal conductivity
the Bragg’s formula 2d sin   n , we can iii) They are electromagnetic waves of very short
determine the wavelength of these waves. wavelength. i.e., order of wavelength 0.1A° to
Where ‘d’ is the distance between the diffracting 100A° , order of frequency 1016Hz to 1019 Hz,
180    order of energy 124eV to 124keV
planes.    = glancing angle for incident
 2  iv) Most of the kinetic energy of electrons is converted
beam = Bragg’s angle. into heat and only a fraction is used in producing x-
ix) The distance between diffracting planes in Ni - rays (less than 1% x - rays and more than 99%
crystal for this experiment is d = 0.91A0 and for heat).
n = 1;   2  0.91 10 10 sin 65 = 1.65A0 v) Intensity of x-rays depends on the number of
Now debroglie wave length can also be determined electrons striking the target which inturn depends
on filament current.
12.27 12.27
using the formula ;     1.67 A0 vi) Quality of x - rays (hard /soft) depends on P.D
V 54 applied to x - rays tube.
=50 vii) high frequency x-rays are called hard x-rays
viii) low frequency x-rays are called soft x-rays
ix) Penetrating power of x-rays is a function of

potential difference between cathode and target.
x) Interatomic distance in crystals is of the order of
the wavelength of x-rays hence crystals diffract x-
planes rays.
Thus the deBroglie hypothesis is verified. xi) Production of x-rays is converse of photoelectric
x) The Bragg’s formula can be rewritten in the form effect.
containing inter atomic distance D and scattering X-RAY SPECTRUM
angle ‘  ’. i) Continuous X-ray spectrum:
  a) It is produced when high speed electrons are
  90  and d  D cos  D sin suddenly stopped by a metal target.
2 2
b) It contains all wave lengths above a minimum


wavelength  m . ( continuous spectrum ) For a
given accelerating potential,  m is called cut off wave 12
length. 10 K K

c) Properties of continuous x - rays spectra are 8
independent of nature of target metal and they 6
depend only on accelerating potential. 4
12 o -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
10 50KV 0
40KV Wave length in A

6 a) Produced due to transition of electrons from higher

4 30KV energy level to lower energy level in target atoms
2 20KV b) Wavelengths of these x-rays depend only on atomic
number of the target element and independent of
o -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
target potential.
Wave length in A c) Characteristic x-rays of an element consists of K,
L,M and N series.
hc 12400 0 d) K-series of lines are obtained when transition takes
d)  min   A
eV V place from higher levels to k shell

 min it is Duane and Hunt’s law K L
V K M
e) Maximum frequency of emitted x - ray photon is M

max  +
h K
f) In this spectrum intensity first increases, reaches a L
maximum value I and then decreases.
max N
g) Every spectrum starts with certian minimum wave O
length called limiting wave length or cut off wave
length min . e) This spectrum is useful in identifying the elements
h) With the increase in target potential, min and by which they are produced.
wavelength corresponding to maximum intensity f) Relation among the energies Ek  Ek  Ek ,
 0 shifts towards minimum wavelength side. Ek  EL
i) At a given potential the range of wave length of
g) Intensity of x - rays Ik  Ik  Ik
continous x - rays produced is min to  .
j) Efficiency of x - ray tube h) Relation among frequences k , k and L is

out put power 1 1 1

 100 k  k  L   
input power  K K L
input power P = VI. Where V is P.D applied to x -
ray tube I = anode current h) EK  EL  h K  
ii) Characterstic X-ray spectrum: K 

EK  EM  h K  
K 



he series but varies with the series.

EL  EM  h L 
K  b = 1 for k series ( k  , k  , k  )
b = 7.4 for L series
iii) Intensity and wavelength      graph
v) The wavelength of characteristic X-rays is given
1 1
 1 
 by =R(Z-b)  n12 n22 

vi) Ratio of wavelengths k  and k  lines from a given
 k 32
target is   27 .
min 0 k k k

 vii) Significance :
As target potential V is increased a) The elements must be arranged in the periodic table
a)  0   m in  decreases as per their atomic numbers but not on their atomic
b) Wavelength of k  remains constant.
b) Helped to discover new elements like masurium
c) diffrence between  and  increases (43) and illinium (61) etc.
k min
c) Decided the positions and atomic numbers of rare
d) diffrence between  k line and  line remains
k  earth metals.
e) Difference between  k   0 increases. QUESTIONS
1. The rest mass of a photon is
i) “The square root of frequency ( v ) of the spectral
line of the characteristic x-rays spectrum is directly 1) zero 2) 1.6  10 19 kg
proportional to the atomic number(z) of the target 3) 3.1  10 30 kg 4) 9.1  10 31 kg
2. The mass of a photon in motion is (given its
  Z or  =a(Z-b) frequency = x )
hx hx 3
 1) 2 2) hx 3 3) 2 4) zero
v c c
 3. Photoelectric effect supports the quantum
nature of light because
b=1 Z
1) There is minimum frequency of light above which
ii) The slope(a) of  -Z curve varies from series to no photo electrons are emitted
series and also from line to line of a given series. 2) The maximum kinetic energy of photo electrons
depends on both frequency and intensity of light
1  Z1 1 
  3) Even when a metal surface is faintly illuminated,
 2  Z 2 1
For K series
the photoelectrons do not leave the surface
2  Z1 1  4) The maximum K.E. of photo electrons depends
  
1  Z 2 1 only on the frequency of light and not on intensity

iii) ak  ak  ak

iv) The intercept on ‘Z’ axis gives the screening constant
‘b’ and it is constant for all spectral lines in given
4. Which of the following statement is wrong? 13. Intensity of light incident on a photo sensitive
1) Einstein explained photo electric effect with the surface is doubled. Then
help of quantum theory 1) the number of emitted electrons is tripuled
2) Millikan determined the value of planck’s 2) the number of emitted electrons is doubled
constant depending upon the property of photo 3) the K.E of emitted electrons is doubled
electric effect 4) the momentum of emitted electrons is doubled
3) The maximum K.E. of the photo electrons 14. A point source of light is used in a photoelectric
depends upon the intensity of incident radiation effect. If the source is moved farther from the
4) As the frequency of incident photon increases emitting metal, the stopping potential
the corresponding stopping potential also increases 1) will increase 2) will decrease
5. In photoelectric emission, the energy of the 3) will remain constant
emitted electron is 4) will either increase or decrease
1) larger than that of the incident photons 15. If the frequency of light in a photoelectric
2) smaller than that of the incident photons experiment is doubled, the stopping potenital
3) same at that of the incident photons will
4) proportional to the intensity of the incident light 1) be doubled 2) be halved
6. A laser beam of output power ‘P’ consists only 3) become more than double
of wavelength  . If Planck’s constant is h and 4) become less than double
the speed of light is c, then the number of 16. With the decrease in the wave length of the
photons emitted per second is incident radiation the velocity of the
1) P  /hc 2) P  /h 3) hc/P  4) hc/P photoelectrons emitted from a given metal
7. In photoelectric effect, which of the following 1) remains same 2) increases
property of incident light will not affect the 3) decreases
stopping potential 4) increases first and then decreases
1) Frequency 2) Wavelength 17. Sodium surface is illuminated with ultraviolet
3) Energy 4) Intensity light and visible radiation successively and the
8. The best suitable metal for photo electric effect stopping potentials are determined. Then the
is potential
1) Iron 2) Steel 3) Aluminium 4) Cesium 1) is equal in both the cases
9. Photo electric effect can be explained only by 2) greater for ultraviolet light
assuming that light 3) more for visible light 4) varies randomly
1) is a form of transverse waves 18. In photo electric effect, the slope of the
2) is a form of longitudinal waves straight line graph between stopping potential
3) can be polarized 4) consists of quanta and frequency of the incident light gives the
10. When green light is incident on a metal, photo ratio of Planck’s constant to
electrons are emitted by it but no photo 1) charge of electron 2) work function
electrons are obtained by yellow light. If red 3) photo electric current 4) K.E. of electron
light is incident on that metal then 19. From the graph shown, the value of Work
1) No electron will be emitted function if the stopping potential (V), and
2) Less electrons will be emitted frequency of the incident light, v , are on y and
3) More electrons will be emitted x- axes respectively is
4) we can not predict V
11. If the energy and momentum of a photon are 3
E and P respectively, then the velocity of 2
photon will be 1
1) E/P 2) (E/P)2 3) EP 4) 3x107 m/s -1
12. The photo electric effect proves that light -3
consists of 1) 1eV 2) 2eV 3) 4eV 4) 3eV
1) Photons 2) Electrons
3) Electromagnetic waves 4) Mechanical waves
20. A graph is drawn between frequency of the 27. The correct curve between the stopping
incident radiation (on X- axis) and stopping potential (Vo ) and intensity of incident light
potential (on Y-axis). Then the slope of the (I) is
straight line indicates
1) h.e 2) h/e 3) e/h 4) (e-h)
21. In an experiment of photo electric emission
for incident light of 4000 A0, the stopping
potential is 2V. If the wavelength of incident
light is made 3000 A0 , then the stopping
potential will be
1) Less than 2 volt 2) More than 2 volt
3) 2 volt 4) Zero
22. Light of wavelength  falls on a metal having 28. The photo electrons emitted from the surface
of sodium metal are
work function hc / o Photoelectric effect will 1) Of speeds from 0 to a certain maximum
take place only if 2) Of same de Broglie wavelength
1)    0 2)   2 0 3)    0 4 )    0 / 2 3) Of same kinetic energy
4) Of same frequency
23. Emission of electrons in photoelectric effect 29. The necessary condition for photo electric
is possible, if emission is
1) metal surface is highly polished 1) h   h 0 2) h   h0
2) the incident light is of sufficiently high intensity
3) Ek > h 0 4) Ek < h 0
3) the light is incident at right angles to the surface
30. At stopping potential, the photo electric
4) the incident light is of sufficiently low wavelength
current becomes
24. The work function of a metal 1) Minimum 2)Maximum
1) is different for different metals 3) Zero 4) Infinity
2) is the same for all the metals 31. Stopping potential depends on
3) depends on the frequency of the light 1) Frequency of incident light
2) Intensity of incident light
4) depends on the intensity of the incident light
3) Number of emitted electrons
25. The process of photo electric emission depends 4) Number of incident photons
on 32. Work function is the energy required
1) Temperature of incident light 1) to excite an atom
2) Nature of surface 2) to produce X-rays
3) Speed of emitted photo electrons 3) to eject an electron just out of the surface
4) to explode the atom
4) Speed of the incident light
33. Threshold wavelength depends on
26. The threshold wavelength of lithium is 8000 1) frequency of incident radiation
A0. When light of wavelength 9000 A0 is made 2) work function of the substance
to be incident on it, then the photo electrons 3) velocity of electrons
1) Will not be emitted 2) Will be emitted 4) energy of electrons
3) Will sometimes be emitted and sometimes not 34. If the work function of a metal is 0 , then its
4) Data insufficient threshold wavelength will be
c 0 h 0 hc
1) hc 0 2) 3) 4) 
h c 0


35. The work function of a metal is X eV When 43. The curve between current (I) and potential
light of energy 2X eV is made to be incident difference (v) for a photo cell will be
on it then the maximum kinetic energy of
emitted photo electron will be
1) 2 eV 2) 2X eV 1) I 2) I
3) X eV 4) 3X eV
36. If the distance of 100W lamp is increased from V V
a photocell, the saturation current i in the
photo cell varies with distance d as
3) I 4) I
1 1
1) i  d2 2) i  d 3) i  4) i  2
d d V V
37. A source of light is placed at a distance 4m
from a photocell and the stopping potential is 44. Which conservation law is obeyed in Einstein’s
then 7.7 volt. If the distance is halved, the photo electric equation?
stopping potential now will be 1) Charge 2) Energy 3) Momentum 4) Mass
1) 7.7 volt2) 15.4 volt 45. In photo electric effect, the photo electric
3) 3.85 volt 4) 1.925 volt current
38. A milliammeter in the circuit of a photocell 1) increases when the frequency of incident photon
measures increases
1) number of electrons released per second 2) decreases when the frequency of incident photon
2) energy of photon decreases
3) velocity of photoelectrons 3) does not depend upon the photon frequency
4) momentum of the photo electrons but depends on the intensity of incident beam
39. The Einstein’s photoelectric equation is based 4) depends both on the intensity and frequency of
upon the conservation of the incident beam.
1) Mass 2)momentum 46. The photoelectric current can be increased by
3) angular momentum 4) energy 1) increasing frequency
40. The stopping potential of the photocell is 2) increasing intensity
independent of 3) decreasing intensity
1) wavelength of incident light 4)decreasing wavelength
2) nature of the metal of photo cathode 47. The threshold wavelength for sodium is
3) time for which light is incident 5 x 10–7 m. Photoemission occurs for light of
4) frequency of incident light 1) Wavelength of 6 x 10-7 m and above
41. The maximum energy of emitted photo 2) Wavelength of 5 x 10–7 m and below
electrons is measured by 3) Any wavelength
1) the current they produce 4) All frequencies below 5 x 1014 Hz
2) the potential difference they produce 48. If Planck’s constant is denoted by h and
3) the largest potential difference they can electronic charge by e, then photoelectric
transverse effect allows determination of:
4) the speed with which they emerge 1) Only h 2) Only e
42. Three metals have work functions in the ratio 3) Both h and e 4) Only h/e
2:3:4. Graphs are drawn for all between the 49. The electron behaves as waves because they
stopping potential and the incident frequency. can
The graphs have slopes in the ratio 1) be diffracted by a crystal
1) 2: 3: 4 2) 4: 3: 2 2) ionise a gas
3)6: 4: 3 4)1: 1: 1 3) be deflected by magnetic fields
4) be deflected by electric fields


50. A nonmonochromic light is used in an 58. Maximum kinetic energy (E k) of a
experiment on photoelectric effect. The photoelectron varies with the frequency ( v )
stopping potential of the incident radiation as
1) is related to the mean wavelength
2) is related to the longest wavelength
3) is related to the shortest wavelength Ek Ek
a) b)
4) is not related to the wavelength
51. The incident photon involved in the V V
photoelectriceffect experiment
1) completely disappears
2) comes out with increased frequency c)
Ek Ek
3) comes out with a decreased frequency
4) comes out with out change in frequency V V
52. In a photoelectric experiment, the maximum
velocity of photoelectrons emitted 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d
1) depends on intensity of incident radiation 59. Which one of the following is true in
2) does not depend on cathode material photoelectric emission
3) depends on frequency of incident radiation 1) photoelectric current is directly proportional to
4) does not depend on wavelength of incident the amplitude of light of given frequency
radiation 2) photoelectric current is directly proportional
53. The number of electrons emitted by a surface to the intensity of light of given frequency at
exposed to light is directly proportional to moderate intensities
1) Frequency of light 2) Work function 3) above the threshold frequency the maximum
3) Thereshold wavelength 4) Intensity of light kinetic energy of photoelectrons is inversely
54. Emission of electrons in photo electric effect proportional to the frequency of incident light
is possible, if 4) the threshold frequency depends on the intensity
1) metal surface is highly polished of incident light
2) the incident light is of sufficiently high intensity
60. If the work function of the metal is W and the
3) the light is incident at right angles to the surface
frequency of the incident light is , then there
4) the incident light is of sufficiently low wavelength
55. When orange light falls on a photo sensitive is no emission of photoelectrons if
surface the photocurrent begins to flow. The 1) v < W/h 2) v > W/h
velocity of emitted electrons will be more when 3) v  W/h 4) v  W/h
surface is hit by 61. Kinetic energy with which the electrons are
1) red light 2) violet light emitted from a metal surface due to
3) thermal radiations 4) radio waves photoelectric effect is
56. When the amplitude of the light wave incident 1) Dependent of the intensity of illumination
on a photometal sheet is increased then 2) Dependent on the frequency of light
1) the photoelectric current increases 3) Inversely proportional to the intensity of
2) the photoelectric current remains unchanged illumination
3) the stopping potential increases 4) Directly proportional to the intensity of
4) the stopping potential decreases illumination
57. Which of the following is dependent on the 62. When ultraviolet radiation is incident on a
intensity of incident radiation in a photoelectric surface, no photoelectrons are emitted. If a
experiment second beam causes emission of
1) work function of the surface photoelectrons, it may consist of :
2) amount of photoelectric current 1) radio waves 2) infrared rays
3) stopping potential
3) visible light rays 4) X-rays
4) maximum kinetic energy


63. The maximum kinetic energy (Ek) of emitted 69. Though quantum theory of light can explain a
photoelectrons against frequency v of incident number of phenomena observed with light, it
radiation is plotted as shown in fig. The slope is necessary to retain the wave-nature of light
of the graph is equal to to explain the phenomena of:
1) photoelectric effect 2) diffraction
K 3) compton effect 4) black body radiation
Ek 70. In the following diagram if V2  V1 then

Photo electric

1) charge on electron
2) work function of emitter 1
3) Planck’s constant
4) ratio of Planck’s constant and chargeon electron V1 V2 potential difference
64. Einstein’s photoelectric equation states that
Ek = h v - W, In this equation Ek refers to : 1) 1  2 2) 1  2 3) 1  2 4) 1  2
1) kinetic energy of all ejected electrons 71. When an X-ray photon collides with an
2) mean kinetic energy of emitted electrons electron and bounces off, its new frequency
3) minimum kinetic energy of emitted electrons 1) is lower than its original frequency
4) maximum kinetic energy of emitted electrons 2) is same as its original frequency
65. The function of photoelecrtic cell is 3) is higher than its original frequency
1) to convert electrical energy into light energy. 4) depends upon the electron’s frequency
2) to convert light energy into electrical energy 72. A point source of light is used in a photoelectric
effect. If the source is removed farther from
3) to convert mechanical energy into electrical
the emitting metal, the stopping potential
energy 1) will increase 2) will decrease
4) to convert DC into AC. 3) will remain constant
66. Photoelectric effect can be explained only by 4) will either increase or decrease
assuming that light: 73. De-Broglie wavelength depends on
1) is a form of transverse waves 1) mass of the particle 2) size of the particle
2) is a form of longitudinal waves 3) material of the particle 4) shape of the particle
3) can be polarised 4) consists of quanta 74. The deBroglie wavelength associated with a
67. When light falls on a photosensitive surface, particle of mass m, moving with a velocity v
electrons are emitted from the surface .The and energy E is given by
kineticenergy of these electrons does not 1) h/mv2 2) mv/h2
depend on the: 3)h/ 2mE 4) 2mE / h
1) Wave length of light 75. Choose the correct statement
2) thickness of the surface layer 1) Any charged particle in rest is accompanied by
3) type of material used for the layer matter waves
4) intensity of light. 2) Any uncharged particle in rest is accompanied
68. Photoelectric effect is described as the ejection by matter waves
of electrons form the surface of a metal when: 3) The matter waves are waves of zero amplitude
1) it is heated to a high temparature 4) The matter waves are waves of probability
2) light of a suitable wave lenght is incident on it amplitude
3) electrons of a suitable velocity impinge on it
4) it is placed in a strong electric field


76. An electron of charge e and mass m is 83. If the value of Planck’s constant is more than
accelerated from rest by a potential difference its present value, then the de Broglie
V. The de Broglie wavelength is wavelength associated with a material particle
1) Directly proportional to the square root of will be
potential difference. 1) More 2) Less 3) Same
2) Inversely proportional to the square root of 4) More for lighter particles and less for heavy
potential difference particles
3) Directly proportional to the square root of 84. The wavelength of matter waves does not depend
electron mass on
4) Inversely proportional to the cube root of 1) Momentum 2) Velocity 3) Mass 4) Charge
electron mass 85. The wave nature of matter is not observed in
77. Which of the following particles - neutron, daily life because their wave length is
proton, electron and deuteron has the lowest
1) Less 2) More
energy if all have the same de Broglie
3) In infrared region 4) In ultraviolet region
86. The ratio of the wavelengths of a photon and
1) neutron 2) proton 3)electron 4) deuteron
78. The momentum of a proton is p. The that of an electron of same energy E will be
corresponding wavelength is [m is mass of electron]

1) h/p 2) h p 3) p/h 4) hp 2m E 2m EC
1) 2) 3) C 4)
79. A wave is associated with matter when it is E 2m E 2m
1) stationary 87. One of the following figures respesents the
2) in motion with a velocity variation of particle momentum with
3) in motion with speed of light associated de Broglie wavelength
4) in motion with speed greater than that of light
80. An electron of mass 9.1 x 10-31kg and charge
1.6 x 10-19 C is accelerated through a potential a) P b)P
difference of V volt. The de Broglie wavelength
(  ) associated with the electron is
 
12.27 12.27 0
1) A0 2) A c) P d)P
3) 12.27 V A0 4) A0  
12.27 V
81. The de Broglie wavelength of a molecule of 1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d
thermal energy KT (K is Boltzmann constant 88. A point source causes photoelectric effect
and T is absolute temperature) is given by from a small metal plate. Which of the following
h h curves may represent the saturation
1) 2) photocurrent as a function of the distance
2mKT 2mKT between the source and the metal?
3) h 2mKT 4) a
h 2mKT
82. The wavelengths of a proton and a photon are b
same. Then c
1) Their velocities are same
2) Their momenta are equal d
3) Their energies are same
4) Their speeds are same distance
1) a 2) b 3) c 4) d


89. Matter waves are: 97. The particles that can be accelerated by an
1) electromagnetic waves electric field is
2) mechanical waves 1) proton 2) electron
3) either mechanical or electromagnetic waves 3) alpha particle 4) all above
4) neither mechanical nor electromagnetic waves
90. The incorrect statement is 98. If a proton and an electron are confined to the
1) Material wave (de-Broglie wave) can travel in same region, then uncertainity in momentum
vacuum 1) for proton is more, as compared to the electron
2) Electromagnetic wave can travel through vacuum 2) for electron is more, as compared to the proton
3) The velocity of photon is the same as light passes 3) same for both the particles
through any medium 4) directly proportional to their masses
4) Wavelength of de-Broglie wave depends upon
99. Which phenomenon best supports the theory
that matter has a wave nature ?
91. The magnitude of the de-Broglie wavelength
(  ) of an electron (e),proton(p),neutron (n) 1) electron momentum2) electron diffraction
and  - particle (  ) all having the same 3) photon momentum 4) photon diffraction
energy of MeV, in the increasing order will 100. The wavelength of de-Broglie wave associated
follow the sequence: with a thermal neutron of mass m at absolute
1) e ,  p , n ,  2)  , n ,  p , e temperature T is given by (Here, k is the
Boltzmann constant)
3) e , n ,  p ,  4)  p , e ,  , n
92. Moving with the same velocity ,one of the h h h h
1) 2) 3) 4)
following has the longest deBroglie 2mkT mkT 3mkT 2 mkT
1)  -particle 2)  -particle - KEY
3) proton 4) neutron
1) 1 2) 1 3) 4 4) 3 5) 2 6) 1 7) 4
93. Debroglie wavelength of a particle at rest
8) 4 9) 4 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3
position is 15) 3 16) 2 17) 2 18) 1 19) 4 20) 2 21) 2
1) zero 2) finite 22) 3 23) 4 24) 1 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1
3) infinity 4) cannot be calculated 29) 2 30) 3 31) 1 32) 3 33) 2 34) 4 35) 3
94. Debroglie wavelength of protons accelerated 36) 4 37) 1 38) 1 39) 4 40) 3 41) 3 42) 4
by an electric field at a potential difference v 43) 4 44) 2 45) 3 46) 2 47) 2 48) 4 49) 1
is 50) 3 51) 1 52) 3 53) 4 54) 4 55) 2 56) 1
57) 2 58) 4 59) 2 60) 1 61) 2 62) 4 63) 3
0.108 0.202 0.286 0.101 64) 4 65) 2 66) 4 67) 4 68) 2 69) 2 70) 4
1) 2) 3) 4) 71) 1 72) 3 73) 1 74) 3 75) 4 76) 2 77) 4
78) 1 79) 2 80) 1 81) 1 82) 2 83) 1 84) 4
95. Debroglie wavelength of uncharged particles
85) 1 86) 3 87) 4 88) 4 89) 4 90) 3 91) 2
depends on 92) 1 93) 3 94) 3 95) 4 96) 4 97) 4 98) 3
1) mass of particle 99) 2 100) 3
2) kinetic energy of particle
3) nature of particle 4) All above
96. Debroglie wavelength of a moving gas
molecule is
1) proportional to temperature
2) inversely proportional to temperature
3) independent of temperature
4) inversely proportional to square root of


LEVEL – I A h = Planck’s constant, m = mass of electron
and c=speed of light
1/ 2
PHOTO ELECTRIC EFFECT  2(hc   )  2(hc   )
1)   2)
1. The frequency of a photon associated with an  m  m
energy of 3.31 eV is (given h = 6.62 x 10-34 Js) 1/ 2 1/ 2
1) 0.8 x 1015 Hz 2) 1.6 x 1015 Hz  2( hc   )   2(hc   ) 
3)   4)  
3) 3.2 x 10 Hz 4) 8.0 x 1015 Hz  m   m 
2. A radiation of wave length 2500 A0 is incident 9. The work function of nickle is 5eV. When light
on a metal plate whose work function is 3.5 of wavelength 2000A 0 falls on it, emits
eV. Then the potential required to stop the photoelectrons in the circuit. Then the
fastest photo electrons emitted by the surface potential difference necessary to stop the
is (h = 6.63×10-34Js & c= 3×108 m/s) fastest electrons emitted is (given h=6.67×10-
1) 1.86V 2) 3.00 V 3) 1.46V 4) 2.15 V Js)
3. The work function of a metal is 2.5 eV. The 1) 1.0V 2) 1.75V 3) 1.2V 4) 0.75V
maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons MATTER WAVES
emitted if a radiation of wavelength 3000 A0 10. If an electron and a proton have the same KE,
falls on it is the ratio of the de Broglie wavelengths of
(h = 6.63×10-34Js and c= 3 ×108 m/s) proton and electron would approximately be
1) 1.12 ×10-19J 2) 4.8 ×10-19J 1) 1 : 1837 2) 43 : 1 3) 1837 : 1 4) 1 : 43
3) 3.2 ×10 J-19
4) 2.61×10-19J 11. If electron is having a wavelength of 100 Ao,
4. The work function of a substance is 4.0 eV. then momentum is (gm cm s-1) units
The longest wavelength of light that can cause 1) 6.6 x 10-32 2) 6.6 x 10-29
photoelectric emission from this substance is 3) 6.6x 10 4) 6.6 x 10-21
approximately 12. The de-broglie wavelength of an electron and
1) 220 nm 2) 310 nm 3) 540 nm 4) 400 nm the wavelength of a photon are same. The ratio
between the energy of the photon and the
5. A laser used to weld detached retains emits momentum of the electron is [M 2006]
light with a wavelength 652 nm in pulses that 1) h 2) c 3) 1/h 4) 1/c
are of 20ms duration. The average power 13. A proton and an alpha particle are accelerated
during each pulse is 0.6W. The energy in each through the same potential difference. The
pulse and in a single photon are ratio of wavelengths associated with proton
1) 7.5 1015 eV , 2.7eV 2) 6.5 1016 eV , 2.9eV and alpha particle respectively is
3) 6.5 1016 eV , 2.7eV 4) 7.5  1016 eV ,1.9eV 1) 1: 2 2 2) 2:1 3) 2 2 :1 4) 4:1
6. Electrons ejected from the surface of a metal, 14. Ratio of debroglie wavelengths of uncharged
when light of certain frequency is incident on particle of mass m at 270 C to 1270 C is nearly
it, are stopped fully by a retarding potential of 1) 1.16 2) 0.16 3) 1.33 4)0.8
3 volts. Photo electric effect in this metallic 15. A particle is projeted horizontally with a
surface begins at a frequency 6 x 1014s-1. The velocity 10m/s. What will be the ratio of de-
frequency of the incident light in s-1 is [h=6 x Broglie wvelengths of the particle, when the
10-34J-sec;charge on the electron=1.6x10-19C] velocity vector makes an angle 300 and 600
1) 7.5 x 1013 2)13.5 x 1013 with the horizontal
3) 14 x 10 4) 7.5 x 1015
7. The threshold wavelength for emission of 1) 3 :1 2) 1: 3 2) 2 : 3 4) 3 : 2
photoelectrons from a metal surface is 16. A positron and a proton are accelerated by the
6×10-7m. The work function of the material of same accelerating potential. Then the ratio
the metal surface is . of the associated wavelengths of the positron
1) 3.3×10-19J 2) 6.67×10-19J and the proton will be [ M = mass of proton,
3) 1.23×10-19J 4) 2.37 ×10-19J m = mass of positron]
8. The maximum velocity of an electron emitted
by light of wavelength  incident on the M M m m
1) 2) 3) 4)
surface of a metal of workfunction  is where m m M M


LEVEL-I A- KEY 2. Two photons of energies twice and thrice the
work function of a metal are incident on the
1) 1 2) 3 3) 4 4) 2 5) 4 6) 3 7) 1
metal surface. Then the ratio of maximum
8) 3 9) 3 10) 4 11) 4 12) 2 13) 3 14) 1
velocities of the photoelectrons emitted in the
15) 1 16) 2
two cases respectively, is
LEVEL-I A - HINTS 1) 2 :1 2) 3 : 1 3) 3 : 2 4) 1 : 2
 12400  3. The photo electric work function for a metal
1. E = hv 2. V0e   0
 0  eV surface is 4.125 eV. The cut-off wavelength for
  in A  this surface
 12400  1) 4125 Ao 2) 2062.5 Ao
3. K .E.   0
 0  eV 3) 3006.06 Ao 4) 6000Ao
  in A  4. The energy of emitted photoelectrons from a
12400 metal is 0.9 eV. The work function of the metal
4.  in A0 = E in eV
is 2.2 eV. Then the energy of the incident
hc photon is
5. E  pt ; E  in each photon  
 1) 0.9 eV 2) 2. 2 eV 3) 4. 4 eV 4) 3.1 eV
6. K.E. = V0e and V0e = h[  0 ] 5. A photoelectron is moving with a maximum
velocity of 106 m/s. Given e=1.6x10-19 c, and
where V0 is the stopping potential and 0 is the m = 9.1x 10-31 kg, the stopping potential is
Threshold frequency 1) 2.5 V 2) 2.8 V 3) 2.0 V 4) 1.4 V
hc 1 E  0 6. A metal of work function 4eV is exposed to a
7. 0  8. E    mv 2 9. V0 
0 2 e radiation of wavelength 140×10-9m.Then the
h h stopping potential developed by it
10.   11. P  (h = 6.63×10-34Js and c= 3×108 m/s)
2mE 
1) 6.42 V 2) 2.94 V 3) 4.86V 4) 3.2 V
hc 7. Threshold wavelength for a metal having work
12. E ph E ph  ph function wo is  .Then the threshold
e   ph ;   C
meV  h  h wavelength for the metal having work function
  e
 e  2 w o is
p q m 1 1) 4  2) 2  3)  /2 4)  /4
13.   q  m 14.   8. The work function of metals A and B are in
 p p T
the ratio 1:2. If light of frequencies f and 2f
h are incident on metal surfaces A and B
15.   , P  m  v Take v component
P respectively, the ratio of the maximum kinetic
h h energies of the photo electrons emitted is
16.   ,   2Vmq (2000 M)
1) 1:1 2) 1:2 3) 1:3 4) 1:4
LEVEL - I B 9. The threshold wave length for photo electric
emission from a material is 5,200A0, photo
PHOTO ELECTRIC EFFECT electrons will be emitted when this material is
1. The threshold wavelength for a surface having illuminated with mnochromaic radiation from
a threshold frequency of a
0.6 x 1015 Hz is (given c = 3 x 108 m/s) 1) 50 watt infrared lamp 2) 1 watt infrared lamp
1) 4000 Ao 2) 6000 Ao 3) 1 watt ultraviolet lamp
3) 5000Ao 4) 3500Ao 4) 50 watt sodium vapour lamp


MATTER WAVES KE1 E1  W1 hv1  w1 hf  w 1
8.  =  
10. A particle having a de Broglie wavelength of KE2 E2  W2 hv2  w2 2hf  2 w 2
1.0 Ao is associated with a momentum of (given
NE hc h
h = 6.6 x 10-34 Js) 9. P ,E  10. P 
1) 6.6 x 10-26 kg m/s 2) 6.6 x 10-25 kg m/s t  
3) 6.6 x 10-24 kg m/s 4) 6.6 x 10-22 kg m/s h 150
11.   12.  
11. The de Broglie wavelength of an electron 2mE V
having 80 eV of energy is nearly 1
 h P2
13. V 14.   , V q
(1 eV  1.6 x10 19 J , Mass of electron = P 2m
91031 kg, Planck’s constant LEVEL-II A
 6.61034 Js) (nearly) (2001 E)
1. A photometal is illuminated by lights of
1) 140 Ao 2) 0.14 Ao 3) 14 Ao 4) 1.4 Ao
wavelengths 1 and 2 respectively. The
12. Electrons are accelerated through a p.d. of
150V. Given m = 9.1x10-31kg,e =1.6x10-19 c, maximum kinetic enegies of electrons emitted
h = 6.62x10-34 Js, the de Broglie wavelength in the two cases are E1 and E2 respectively.
associated with it is The work function of metal is.
1) 1.5 Ao 2) 1.0 Ao 3) 3.0 Ao 4) 0.5 Ao E2 1  E12 E11  E2 2
13. If accelerating potential of an alpha particle 1) 1 2) 1  2
is doubled than its new debrolgie wavelength
E11  E2 2 E2 2  E11
becomes 3) 4)
1  2 1  2
1) times of initial 2) 2 times of initial 2. Light of wavelength  strikes a photo sensitive
2 surface and electrons are ejected with kinetic
3) 1/2 times of initial 4) 2 times of initial energy E. If the kinetic energy is to be
14. The ratio of the deBroglie wavelenths of increased to 2E, the wavelength must be
proton, deuteron and alpha particle changed to  where
accelerated through the same potential
difference 100V is  
1)    2)    2 3)      4)    
2 2
1) 2 : 2 :1 2) 1: 2 : 2 2
3. Ultraviolet light of wavelength 300 nm and
3) 1: 2 : 2 2 4) 2 2 : 2 :1 intensity 1.0 W/m2 falls on the surface of a
photoelectric material. If one percent of the
LEVEL-I B - KEY incident photons produce photoelectrons, then
1) 3 2) 4 3) 3 4) 4 5) 2 6) 3 7) 3 the number of photoelectrons emitted from an
8) 2 9) 3 10) 3 11) 4 12) 2 13) 1 14) 4 area of 1.0 cm2 of the surface is nearly (in per
LEVEL-I B - HINTS 1) 9.61 x 1014 2) 4.12 x 1013
3) 1.51 x 10 4) 2.13 x 1011
c V1 E1  0
1.  2.  4. Light rays of wavelengths 6000 A and of
v V2 E2  0 photon intensity 39.6 watts/m2 is incident on a
12400 metal surface. If only one percent of photons
3.  in A0 = E
in eV incident on the surface emit photo electrons,
then the number of electrons emitted per
1 2 second per unit area from the surface will be
4. E  K .E   0 5. mv  eV0 [ Planck constant = 6.64 x 10-34 J - S; Velocity
of light = 3 x 108 ms-1]
 12400  1) 12 x 1018 2) 10 x 1018 3) 12 x 10174) 12 x 1015
  in A0  0  hc
6. V    7. w0  
0 0
5. Light of wavelength 4000 Ao is incident on a 10. The graph shown in figure show the variation
metal surface of work function 2.5 eV. Given of photoelectric current (i) and the applied
h=6.62 x 10-34 Js, c = 3 x 108 m/s, the maximum voltage (V) for two different materials and for
KE of photoelectrons emitted and the two different intensities of the incident
corresponding stopping potential are radiation.
respectively i
1) 0. 6 eV, 0.6 V 2) 2.5 eV, 2.5 V
3) 3.1 eV, 3.1 V 4) 0.6 eV, 0.3 V
1 3
6. The K.E of the electron is E when the incident
wavelength is  . To increase the K.E of the 4
electron to 2E, the incident wavelength must V
be Identify the pairs of curves that correspond
 hc  2hc  to (a) different material (b) same intensity of
1) 2  2) 3) 4) incident radiations.
2 E   hc E   hc
7. A photon of energy 15 eV collides with H-atom. 1) Curve 1 and 3, Curve 2 and 4
Due to this collision, H-atom gets ionized .The 2) Curve 1 and 2, Curve 3 and 4
maximum kinetic energy of emitted electron 3) Curve 1 and 4, Curve 2 and 3
is : 4) Curve 1 only, Curve 2 and 4
1)1.4 eV 2) 5 eV 3)15eV 4) 13.6eV MATTER WAVES
8. The anode voltage of a photocell is kept fixed. 11. A proton when accelerated through a p.d. of V
The wavelength  of the light falling on the volt has a wavelength  associated with it.
cathode in gradually changed. The plate An  - particle in order to have the same
current I of the photocell varies as follows : wavelength  must be accelerated through a
I p.d. of
1) V/8 volt 2) V/4 volt 3) V volt 4) 2V volt
1) 2) 12. An electron of mass m and charge e initially
at rest gets accelerated by a constant electric
O  field E . The rate of change of de-Broglie
O 
wavelength of this electron at time t ignoring
relativistic effects is
h eEt  mh h
1) 2 2) 3) 2 4)
3) 4) eEt E eEt e.E
13. If the velocity of a particle is increased three
O  O  times, then the percentage decrease in its de
9. According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, Broglie wavelength will be
the graph between the kinetic energy of 1) 33.3% 2) 66.6% 3) 99.9% 4) 22.2%
photoelectrons ejected and the frequency of 14. If the momentum of an electron is changed by
incident radiation is : pm , then the de Broglie wavelength associated
Kinetic energy Kinetic energy with it changes by 0.5%. The initial momentum
of electron will be
1) 2) 1) pm/200 2) pm/100 3) 200pm 4) 100pm
15. When the mass of an electron becomes equal
Frequency Frequency to thrice its rest mass, its speed is
2 2 2 1 1
Kinetic energy 1) c 2) c 3) c 4) c
Kinetic energy 3 3 3 4
3) 4)
16. Which of the following figures represents the
variation of particle momentum with the
associated de Broglie wave-length ?
Frequency Frequency



P P 1) A) Davission and Germer

I experiment
1) 2)
B) de Broglie hypothesis
  2) A) Photo electric effect
P P B) de Broglie hypothesis
3) 50 0 3) A) Thermionic emission
B) de Broglie hypothesis
   4) A) Photocell
17. The de Broglie wave present in fifth Bohr orbit
1) 4 2) 3 3) 3 4) 3 5) 1 6) 3 7) 1
1) 8) 3 9) 4 10) 1 11) 1 12) 1 13) 2 14) 3
15) 1 16) 4 17) 4 18) 2 19) 2 20) 2
hc hc
1.  W  E1;  W  E2
1 2
hc hc 2hc hc
2. use    and   
1 1
 n  hc 
3&4. P    
PRINCIPLE AND DAVISSON-  12400  1   E
5. K .E    in A0   0  6. 
18. The correctness of velocity of an electron 7. Energy of photon ionization energy + K .Emax =15ev
moving with velocity 50 ms-1 is 0.005%. The -13.6ev=1.4ev
accuracy with which its position can be 10. (a) Curves 1 and 3 (different materials due to
measured will be different stopping potentials)
1) 4634  103 m 2) 4634 10 5 m (b) Curves 2 and 4 (same intensity due to same
3) 4634  10 6 m 4) 4634  10 8 m
h h
19. If the uncertainity in the position of an electron 11.   p  2mvq (  = constant); v1q1m1  v2 q2 m2
is 10-10 m, then the value of uncertainity in its
momentum (in kg-ms-1) will be eE
12. Here u  0, a  ' v  ?.t  t
1) 3.33 x 10-24 2) 1.03 x 10-24 m
3) 6.6 x 10 4) 6.6 x 10-20 eE
20. a) Name the experiment for which the v  u  at  0, t ; de-Broglie wavelength,
adjacent graph, showing the variation of
intensity of scattered electrons with the angle h h h
  
mv m  eEt / m  eEt
of scattering   was obtained.
Rate of change of de-Broglie wavelength
b) Also name the important hypothesis that
was confirmed by this experiment. d h  1  h
   
dt eE  t 2  eEt 2
1  P m0
13.   14.  15. m 
V  P v2
0.005  50
18. Here, v   0.0025ms 1



h 1.034 1034 7. In a photoelectric experiment anode potential

x    4634  105 m is plotted against plate current
mv 9.1 1031  0.0025 I
h 1.034 1034
19. p    1.034  1024 kg  ms 1
x 1010
20. A) Davission and Germer experiment C
B) de Broglie hypothesis
1. When a metal surface is illuminated by a V
monochromatic light of wave - length  , then 1) A and B will have same intensities while B and
the potential difference required to stop the C will have different frequencies
ejection of electrons is 3V. When the same 2) B and C will have different intensities while A
surface is illuminated by the light of and B will have different frequencies.
wavelength 2  , then the potential difference 3) A and B will have different intensities while B
required to stop the ejection of electrons is V. and C will have equal frequencies.
Then for photoelectric effect, the threshold 4) B and C will have equal intensities while A and
wavelength for the metal surface will be B will have same frequencies.
1) 6  2) 4 / 3 3) 4  4) 8  MATTER WAVES
2. If U.V. Light of wavelengths 800 A and 700 Ao can
8. An electron moves with a speed of
c. Then
liberate electrons with kinetic energies of 1.8eV and 2
4 eV respectively from hydrogen atom in ground its mass becomes....times its rest mass.
state, then the value of planck’s constant is 1) 2 2) 3 3) 3/2 4) 4
1) 6.57 x 10-34 Js 2) 6.63 x 10-34 Js 9. Photons of energy 2.0 eV fall on a metal plate
3) 6.66 x 10-34 Js 4) 6.77 x10-34 Js and release photoelectrons with a maximum
3. In a photoelectric effect experiment, photons velocity V. By decreasing  by 25% the
of energy 5 eV are incident on a metal surface. maximum velocity of photoelectrons is
They liberate photoelectrons which are just doubled. The work function of the metal of the
material plate in eV is nearly
stopped by an electrode at a potential of -3.5
1) 2.22 2) 1.985 3) 2.35 4) 1.80
V with respect to the metal. The work function 10. A proton when accelerated through a p.d of V
of the metal is
volt has wavelength  associated with it .An
1) 1.5 eV 2) 3.5 eV 3) 5. 0 eV 4) 8.5 eV
4. The number of photons emitted per second by electron to have the same  must be
a 62W source of monochromatic light of accelerated through a p.d of
wavelength 4800 Ao is V
1) volt 2) 4V volt 3) 2V volt 4) 1838V volt
1) 1.5 x 1019 2) 1.5 x 1020 8
3) 2. 5x 10 4) 4 x 1020 11. The momentum aphoton of electromagnetic
5. Photons of frequencies 2.2 x 1015 Hz and radiation is 3.3x10–29 kgms–1. The frequency
4.6 x 1015 Hz are incident on a metal surface. of these waves is:
The corresponding stopping potentials were 1) 3.0x 103 Hz 2) 6.0 x 103 Hz
found to be 6.6 V and 16.5 V respectively. 3)7.5 x 1012 Hz 4)1.5  1013 Hz
Given e = 1.6 x 10-19 c, the value of universal 12. If the energy of a particle is reduced to one
planck’s constant is fourth, then the percentage increase in its de
1) 6.6 x 10-34 Js 2) 6.7 x 10-34 Js
-34 Broglie wavelength will be
3) 6.5 x 10 Js 4) 6.8 x 10-34 Js
1) 41% 2) 141% 3) 100% 4) 71%
6. If stopping potentials corresponding to
13. The de Broglie wavelength associated with an
wavelengths 4000A0 and 4500A0 are 1.3V and
electron of velocity 0.3 c and rest mass 9.1 x
0.9V respectively, then the work function of
10-31kg is
the metal is
1) 0.3eV 2) 1.3eV 3) 1.8eV 4) 5eV 1) 7.68 x 10-10 m 2) 7.68 x 10-12 m
3) 5.7 x 10 m 4) 9.1 x 10-12 m


14. The two lines A and B shown in figure are the m0 1 2 hc
graphs of the de Broglie wavelength  as a 8. m  9. mv max  h  w & h 
v2 2 
1 1
function of ( is the accelerating c2
V V 10. V1  q1  m1  V2  q2  m2
potential) for two particles having the same
charge. v2
pc 1 h 1
 11.   12.   13.   c2
B h E m0V
1 h h
14. Slope  15.  p  
A m x 
16. p  mv  or
h 1.034 1034
1/ V
v  
mx 1.67 1027  6 108
 1 ms 1
Which of the two represents the particle of h h
heavier mass ? 17.   p  2mqV
1) A 2) B
3) Both A and B 4) Data insufficient LEVEL-III
DAVISSON-GERMER EXPERIMENT 1. When a surface 1 cm thick is illuminated with
15. The uncertainity in the position of a particle is light of wave lenght  the stopping potential
equal to the de-Broglie wavelength. The is V0 ,but when the same surface is illuminated
uncertainity in its momentum will be
by light of wavelength 3  , the stopping
h 2h  3
1) 2) 3) 4) V0
 3 h 2h potential is . The threshold wavelength
16. If the uncertainity in the position of proton is 6
for metallic surface is:
6  108 m , then the minimum uncertainity in its 1) 4 2) 5 3) 3 4) 2
speed will be 2. A photon of energy 2.5 eV and wavelength 
1) 1 cms 1 2) 1 ms 1 3) 1 mms 1 4) 100 ms 1 falls on a metal surface and the ejected
17. From Davisson-Germer experiment an  electrons have velocity ‘v’. If the  of the
particle and a proton are accelerated through incident light is decreased by 20%, the
the same pd V . Find the ratio of the de maximum velocity of the emitted electrons is
Broglie wavelengths associated with them doubled. The work function of the metal is
1) 2.6 eV 2) 2.23 eV 3) 2.5 eV 4) 2.29 eV
1) 1: 2 2 2) 2 2 :1 3) 1: 2 4) 2 :1 3. When a metal surface is illuminated by light
LEVEL-II B - KEY of wavelengths 400 nm and 250 nm, the
maximum velocities of the photoelectrons
1) 3 2) 1 3) 1 4) 2 5) 1 6) 3 7) 4 ejected are V and 2V respectively. The work
8) 1 9) 4 10) 4 11) 4 12) 3 13) 2 14) 1 function of the metal is
15) 1 16) 2 17) 1 1) 2hc x 106 J 2) 1.5hc x 106 J
LEVEL-II B - HINTS 3) hc x 10 J 4) 0.5hc x 106 J
4. A source of light is placed above a sphere of
hc hc 1 1  radius 10cm. How many photoelectrons must
1.   eV0 or hc     eV0
 0   0  be emitted by the sphere before emission of
photoelectrons stops? The energy of incident
hc  n   hc  photon is 4.2 eV and the work function of the
2.  w  eV0 3. E  w  eV0 4. P     
  t    metal is 1.5 eV.
5. hv  w  eV0 6. h = w+K.E  h = w+ V0 e 1) 2.08 x 1018 2) 1.875 x 108
3) 2.88 x 10 4) 4 x 1019


5. Figure shows the variation of the stopping 9. The graph between the stopiing potential V0 
potential V0  with the frequency  v  of the
and 1/   is shown in figure, 1 , 2 and 3
incident radiations for two different
are work functions. Which of the following is
photosensitive material M 1 and M 2 .What are correct
the values of work functions for M 1 and M 2 V0
respectively Metal 1 Metal 2 Metal 3
vo 1 2 3
M1 M2
1) hv01 , hv02 2) hv02 , hv01 
0.001 0.002 0.004 1/  nm 1 

1) 1 : 2 : 3  1: 2 : 3 2) 1 : 2 : 3  4 : 2 :1
O v 3) hv01 , hv01 4) hv02 , hv02 3) tan  is directly proportional to hc / e , where
v01 v02
h is Planck’s constant and c is the speed of light
6. From the above figure the values of stopping 4) ultraviolet light can be used to emit
potentials for M 1 and M 2 for a frequency photoelectrons from metal 2 and metal 3 only.
10. For certain photosensitive material, a stopping
v3   v02  of the incident radiatioins are V1 and potential of 3.0 V is required for light of
V2 respectively. Then the slope of the line is wavelength 300 nm, 2.0 V for 400 nm and 1.0V
equal to for 600nm. The work function of the material
is (nearly)
V2  V1 V1  V2 V2 V1 1) 2.5 ev 2) 1.5 ev 3) 2.0 ev 4)1.0 ev
1) v  v 2) v  v 3) v  v 4) v  v 11. An electron (mass m ) with an initial velocity
02 01 02 01 02 01 02 01
7. Photoelectric effect experiments are v  v0iˆ  v0  0  is in an electric field E   E0iˆ
performed using three different metal plates
p, q and r having work functions  p  2.0eV , ( E0 = constant > 0). Its de Broglie wavelength
at time t is given by
q  2.5eV and r  3.0eV respectively. A
light beam containing wavelengths of 550 nm,  eE0t 
 
450 nm and 350 nm with equal intensities 1) 1  eE0t  2) 0 1  
illuminates each of the plates. The correct I- mv  mv0  3) 0 4) 0t
 0 
V graph for the experiment is : [Take 12. An electron (mass m ) with an initial velocity
hc  1240 eV nm]
v  v0iˆ is in an electric field E  E0 ˆj . If
q h
0 
2) p
q mv0 , its de Broglie wavelength at time t
V r V is given by
e 2 E02t 2
1) 0 2) 0 1  m 2 v02
q 0 0
3) 4) r 2 2 2
 2 2 2

p q
3) 1  e E t 0
2 2
4) 1  e E2 0 t2 
V V mv 0  mv 0 
8. An electron accelerated under a p.d. of V volt 13. The kinetic energy of  -particles at a distance
has a certain wavelength  . Mass of the
proton is 2000 times the mass of an electron. 5  1014 m from the uranium nucleurs will be
If the proton has to have the same wavelength (in joules). Which is moving in a field of 1mega
volt potential difference
 , then it will have to be accelerated under
p.d. of (volts) 1) 6.4  10 13 2) 4.3 1013 3) 2.11013 4) 3.4  1014
1) 100 2) 2000 3) V/2000 4) 2000


14. The stopping potential for the photoelectric
2m2 c 2  2
emitted from a metal surface of work function 3) 0  4) 0  
1.7 eV is 10.4 V. Find the wavelength of the h2
radiation used. Also identify the energy levels 20. A photocell is illumuniated by small bright
in hydrogen atom, which will emit this source placed 1m away. When the same
wavelength source of light is placed 1/2m away, the number
of electrons emitted by photocathode would
1) 1024 A0 , n  3 to n  1
1) increase by a factor of 2 2) decrease by a factor of 2
2) 1024 A0 , n  2 to n  1 3) increase by a factor of 4 4) decrease by a factor of 4

3) 2044 A0 , n  2 to n  1 LEVEL-III - KEY

4) 2044 A0 , n  3 to n  1 1) 2 2) 4 3) 1 4) 2 5) 1 6) 2 7) 1
15. A graph regarding photoeletric effect is shown 8) 3 9) 3 10) 4 11) 1 12) 3 13) 3 14) 1
between the maximum kinetic energy of 15) 2 16) 1 17) 1 18) 1 19) 1 20) 3
electrons and the frequency of the incident LEVEL-III - HINTS
light. On the basis of data as shown in the  1 1  eV0  1 1
graph, calculate the work fucntion 1. eV0  hc     hc   
  0  6  3 0 
Kmax (eV) hc
8 1) 2 eV 2) 4 eV v1
1 12400
6  E
4 2. v2
use  A0 
2 A D 2
-2 10 20 30 hc 1
-4 f 1014 Hz  3) 4.2 eV 4) 2.5 eV  w  mv 2
C 3.
 2
16. Light of wavelength 180 nm ejects 4. Stopping potential energy = eV0  E  
photoelectrons from a plate of metal whose
work fucntion is 2 eV. If a unifrom magnetic of E   9  109 ne
V0   ; n = no of electrons
5  10 5 T be applied parallel to the plate, what e r
would be the radius of the path followed by 5. W  hv
electrons ejected normally from the plate with 6. hv01  eV1  hv02  eV2
maximum energy
1) 0.148 m 2) 0.2 m 3) 0.25 m 4) 0.3 m h V1  V2 
e V1  V2   h V02  V01  ; e  V  V
17. Light described at a place by the equation  02 01 
E  100 V / M    sin  5  10 15 s 1  t  sin  8  10 15 s 1  t  7. Explain based on graph between V & I for different
metals and light of different wave lengths.
falls on a metal surface having work fucntion
2.0 eV. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy 8. V1  q1  m1  V2  q2  m2
of the photoelectrons 9. W  hv
1) 3.27 eV 2) 5 eV 3) 1.27 eV 4) 2.5 eV 12400
18. The electric field associated with a light wave 10. Vs e  hv  w   w ; w =1ev
 in A0
is given by E  E0  sin 1.57 107 m 1   x  ct   . eE0t h
Find the stopping potential when this light is 11. V  V0  ;
m mv
used in an experiment on photoelectric effect
with the similar having work function 1.9 eV 12. Vx  V0 ; Vy  V0  at = V0  t
1) 1.2 V 2) 1.1 V 3) 2 V 4) 2.1 V m
19. Electrons with de-Broglie wavelength  fall  V  Vx2  Vy2
on the target in an X-ray tube. The cut-off
2 e 2 E02t 2 h
wavelength 0 of the emitted X-rays is Resultant velocity is V  V0  m2 v 2  
0 mv
2mc 2 2h
1) 0  2) 0 
h mc

2Ze2 2. If the wavelength of light in an experiment on

13. K.E =qv- photoelectric effect is doubled :
4 0 r
1) the photoelectric emission will not take place
hc 2) the photoelectric emission may or may not take
14. E = K .Emax  w ; 
E place
15. From the graph 3) the stopping potential will increase
threshold frquency  f 0   10 1014 Hz 4) the stopping potential will decrease
8 1.61019 3. The frequency and intensity of light source are
h 14
 6.4 1034 J both doubled. Which of the following
20  10
work function = hf 0  4eV statement (statements) is (are) true ?
1) The saturation photocurrent gets doubled.
hc 2) the saturation photocurrent remains almost the
16. E   6.9eV ; K .Emax  4.9eV
 same
mv 2 P 2 KEm 3) the maximum KE of the photoelectrons is more
Bqv   Bq   Bq 
r r r than doubled.
B2q2r 2 4) the maximum KE of the photoelectrons get
 K .Emax  ; r  0.148m doubled.
17. E  100 sin 5  1015 t  100 sin 8  1015 t 4. In which of the following situations, the heavier
of the two particles has smaller de Broglie
8 1015 wavelength ? The two particles :
 max  ;K .Emax  h max  w;K .Emax  3.27eV
2 1) move with same speed
1.57  107  3  108 2) move with the same linear momentum
18.    0.75 1015 Hz 3) move with the same kinetic energy
4) have fallen through the same height
6.62  1034  0.75  1015
E eV  3.1eV 5. When a monochromatic point source of light
1.6  1019 is at a distance of 0.2m from a photoelectric
eV0  E  w ; V0  1.2V cell, the cut-off voltage and the saturation
h h h 2 current are respectively 0.6V and 18.0 mA. If
19.   p  2mE = Ek  the same source is placed 0.6m away from the
k 2m 2
photoelectric cell, then :
hc h2 2mc 2

also   Ek  2m 2 (or) 0  1) the stopping potential will be 0.2 V

0 h
2) the stopping potential will be 0.6 V
1 3) the saturation current will be 6.0 mA
20. I 2
r 4) the saturation current will be 2.0 mA
LEVEL-IV 6. In a photoelectric experiment the wavelength
MULTIPLE ANSWER TYPE of the incident light is decreased from 6000A0
1. Photoelectric effect supports quantum nture to 4000A0 while the intensity of radiation
of light because : remains the same. Choose the correct
1) there is a minimum frequency of light below which statement(s)
no photoelectrons are emitted 1) the cut-off potential will increase
2) the maximum kinetic energy of photoelectrons 2) the cut-off potential will decrease
depends only on the frequency of light and not on 3) the photoelectric current will increase
its intensity. 4) the kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons
3) even when the metal surface is faintly illuminated, will increase
the photoelectrons leave the surface immediately
4) electric charge of the photoelectrons is quantized.


COMPREHENSION TYPE quantum number ‘n’ taking values
Passage I: 1,2,3,..........(n=1, called the ground state)
Photoelectric threhold of silver is   3800 A .
o corrosponding to the number of loops in the
standing wave. Use the model described above
ultraviolet light of   2600 A is incident on to answer the following three questions for a
silver surface. (Mass of the electron particle moving along the line from x=0 to x=a.
9.11 10 31 kg ) 13. The allowed energy for the particle for a
7. Calculate the value of work function in eV. particular value of n is proportional to
1) 1.77 2) 3.27 3) 5.69 4) 2.32 1) a 2 2) a 3/ 2 3) a 1 4) a 2
8. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy
14. I f the mass of the par ticle is m  1.0  1030 kg
(in eV) of the emitted photoelectrons.
1) 1.51 2) 2.36 3) 3.85 4) 4.27 and a=6.6 nm, the energy of the particle in its
9. Calculate the maximum velocity of the ground state is closest to
photoelectrons. 1) 0.8 meV 2) 8 meV 3) 80 meV 4) 800 meV
1) 72.89  108 2) 57.89  108 15. The speed of the particle that can take discrete
values is proportional to
3) 42.93  108 4) 68.26  108
Passage II: 1) n 3/ 2 2) n 1 3) n1/ 2 4) n
A 100 W point source emits monochromatic 16. Statement-I: When ultraviolet light is incident
0 on a photo cell, its stopping potential is v0 and
light of wavelength 6000 A .
the maximum kinetic energy of the
10. Calculate the total number of photons emitted
by the source per second. photoelectrons is K max increase.
1) 5  1020 2) 8  1020 3) 6  1021 4) 3  1020 Statement-II: Photoelectrons are emitted with
11. Calculate the photon flux (in SI unit) at a speeds ranging from zero to a maximum value
distance of 5 m from the source. Given because of the range of frequencies present
8 1 in the incident light. [AIEEE-2010]
h  6.6 1034 Js and c  3  10 ms . 1) Statement I is true, Statement II is true; statement
1) 1015 2) 1018 3) 1020 4) 1022 II is a correct explanation of statement I.
12. 1.5 mW of 4000 A light is directed at a 2) Statement I is true, Statement II is true,
Statement II is NOT a correct explanation for
photoelectric cell. if 0.10 per cent of the statement I.
incident photons produce photoelectrons, find 3) Statement I is false, Statement II is true
current in the cell. [Given h  6.6  1034 ms 1 4) Statement I is true, Statemenet II is false
and e  1.6  1019 C ] 17. Wavelengths associated with different
particles are given in Column - I. Match these
1) 0.59  A 2) 1.16  A 3) 0.48  A 4) 0.79  A wavelengths with their values given in Column-
Passage III: II.
When a particle is restricted to move along x- Column-I
axis between x=0 and x=a, where a is of A) Wavelength associated with an electron
nanometer dimension, its energy can take only accelerated through a pd of 1V
certain specific values. The allowed energies B) Wavelength associated with an  -particle
of the particle moving in such a restricted accelerated through a pd of 1V
region, corrospond to the formation of standing C) Wavelength associated with a proton
waves with nodes at its ends x = 0 abd x = a. accelerated through a pd of 1V
The wavelength of this standing wave is D) Wavelength associated with a photon of energy
related to the linear momentum p of the 124.2 eV
particle according to the de Broglie relation. Column - II
The energy of the particle of mass m is related p) 10nm q) 0.10 A0 r) 0.286 A0 s) 12.27 A0
to its linear momentum as E  p 2 / 2m . Thus,
the energy of the particle can be denoted by a
18. In a permoting photoelectric experiment to
study photoelectric effect, intensity of
radiation  I  , frequency of radiation  v  ,
work function 0  of the photosensitive
emitter, distance  d  between emitter and
collector are changed or kept constant. Match
the changes given in Column - I to their effect
given in Column - II.
Column - I
A) 0 is decreased, keeping v and I constant
B) d is increased, keeping I , v, 0 constant
C) v is increased, keeping I , 0 , d constant
D) I is increased, keeping v , 0 , d constant
Column - II
p) Saturation photoelectric current increases
q) stopping potential V0  increases
r) Maximum KE  K max  of photoelectrons
s) Stopping potential remains the same
1) 1,2,3 2) 2,4 3) 1,3 4) 1,3,4 5) 2, 4
6) 1, 4 7) 2 8) 1 9) 1 10) 4 11) 2
12) 3 13) 1 14) 2 15) 4 16) 4
17) A-s, B-q, C-r, D-p 18) A-q,r, B-s, C-q,r, D-p,s

5. (b) Stopping potential remains the same as it
depends on the frequency of incident radiation.

(D) Saturation current  intensity of incident

radiation  2 . Since r becomes three times
 0.6m 
 , saturation current becomes
 0.2m 
 2.0mA .
 3
6. As K max  eV0   0 , when  decreases, V0

and K max increase.
7. E  hv ; 8. E  W .E.  K .E.

1 2
9. K mv


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