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The Law Explained: Session 3 – Estates, Rolls and Registers


Hello, this is Frank O’Collins and welcome to Session 3 of the series on The Law Explained and the topic tonight being
“Estates, Rolls and Registers”, namely – what is an Estate? What are the different types and origins of Estates? How is
an Estate formed? How does one claim or assert a Right or Property within an Estate properly? What is a Roll? How are
records properly entered into a Roll? What are the rules for joining records between separate Rolls? What is a
Register? How is information entered into a Register? What does it mean to have information recorded in a Register?
What is Legal Title?  How do we start to get our affairs in order and prove that we are not a slave?

Similar to Session 2 last week on “Trusts and Rights”, there is a great deal of information to get through tonight during
Session 3 on “Estates, Rolls and Registers”. Because there is a lot to get through, you might want to re-read this
session as well as previous sessions a few times so you get a better comprehension of these absolutely essential and
fundamental concepts.

By this stage, there may be some of you desperately wanting me to start talking in terms of practical applications for
this kind of information, namely how to address a foreclosure matter, or an action to recover some kind of debt, or
how to resolve a criminal or civil matter? In truth, if you have been reading and listening carefully, I have actually been
providing common sense and valuable and practical information throughout this series. For example, you see, every
court case before a Western-Roman Court has one or more trust elements in its design, usually at least one Inferior
Private Trust as a Fraud Trust and at least one Inferior Personal Trust as a Bond Trust. Why do you think they call the
accusations against you charges? The problem in diving into cutting and pasting claimed letters or forms or notices
that people may be trying to “sell you” on the internet before you have any comprehension on trusts or rights or any
of the fundamentals is that not only can you get it horribly wrong, but without competence you cannot possibly
overcome, no matter what false promises that people want to sell you and you may be wanting to purchase.

Everything we are discussing now, such as trusts and rights and tonight on estates, rolls and registers will become
overwhelmingly critical when we start to speak “step by step” and one issue at a time on practical help on the matters
you may be facing. For example, I just mentioned to you that virtually every Western-Roman Court case involves at
least two trust elements. In coming weeks, I will be explaining exactly what that means; and why many of the legal
officers of the courts have no idea of this anymore because it has become automated and centralized. So for the time
being, I urge you to persist and to continue to get your mind around these fundamental concepts of The Law

As I have said every week now, if you have a sound foundation, and if you can grasp the essence of what was defined
last week in Session 2 on Trusts and Rights and then in Session 1 on the Fundamental Truths of Law, and the previous
week on the 144 Truths of Law, then it is entirely reasonable and achievable that you will be able to quickly grasp and
be empowered by the topics discussed tonight on Estates, Rolls and Registers; and the topics yet to come in relation
to wills and testaments, writs, affidavits, evidence, court cases, overcoming debts, foreclosures and many other key

Similar to each week so far, there is a set of slides with Session 3 that summarize the concepts and points we will be
discussing tonight. You can download the slide presentation through the link here. 

Before we start Session 3 tonight, I want to review some of the exciting comments I mentioned last week in the fact
that a new range of services are going to become available for Ucadia Members in the proper registration and
recording in the Ucadia Gazette of key forms for your properly formed trusts and estates in the coming weeks. I also
mentioned that availability of and fair use of these services will depend upon three essential criteria being (1) a
commitment to becoming competent, and to change your attitude, and accept responsibility, and to dedicate yourself
to a life of learning; and (2) that you have read the key instruments of Ucadia, have redeemed your member number
and have completed the soon to be available revised Ecclesiastical Deed Poll. This instrument is not yet available. I
have not yet posted it. However, the document will be posted in the coming short period as I have promised it will be
ready; and (3) that you read carefully the services and any administration fees associated with the checking and work
involved prior to uploading such instruments. Similar to the Ecclesiastical Deed Poll, I have not yet uploaded the list of
services and administration fees yet, as I am in the process of updating the websites to reflect this new information
and it is taking a little longer. I know many of you are probably keen to see this happen as soon as possible, yet
reading and reviewing these sessions is still vital, so I thank you for your patience.
I also want to mention the point I raised last week in honor of the “general amnesty” declared in respect of those who
have previously been stealing pieces of Ucadia or misusing such information or selling remedies and solutions that are
not quite accurate. Last week I mentioned that for those people willing to be truly competent in knowledge of law
and stop making false assertions and false claims, then a service will be available within the next few weeks called an
“Advocate of the Golden Rule” or Advocatus Aureus Iuris.  

As I mentioned, an Advocatus or Advocate of the Golden Rule of Law, also known as a Superior Advocate of Law is
someone who has passed the validation process with Ucadia, is duly registered with Ucadia and on the Ucadia Gazette
and so is then able to help others, knowing their competence is properly recognized, even if pirates still refuse to
recognize the Rule of Law. Furthermore, an Advocate will be able to facilitate the registration and recording in the
Ucadia Gazette of documents at a schedule of fees at a greatly reduced rate of one quarter the standard direct rates,
simply because such Advocates of Law will be able to guide those people directly. The competency requirements and
forms to be recognized as an Advocate of the Golden Rule of Law will also be available over the next few weeks
through this series. Again, to those of you who may qualify for such recognition, please be patient with me and allow
me to finish the updates reflecting these changes whilst you review the material associated with these sessions.

Finally, I want to extend the deepest expression of thanks and gratitude to those of you that cognize the enormous
value of the information being shared with everyone at no cost, in being considerate and honorable enough
to donate to Ucadia and support these efforts. Not only does your kind support and donations prove that there are
conscious and competent people across the planet as more and more “wake up”, but your willingness to help support
Ucadia in a tangible way is making a real difference. So while there remains thousands and indeed millions of people
unaware of Ucadia, or too distracted or unwilling to donate and contribute to Ucadia, I want to thank each and
everyone of you who do contribute and remind me each day that there are truly people who do care and do want to
see positive change on this planet.

Let us start then on the series tonight, beginning with a quick summary of what we have learned from Session 2 and
some further key concepts that underpin our ability to cognize Estates, Rolls and Registers as Part #1 being a “Quick
Review on Key Concepts”.

Part #1 – A Quick Review on Key Concepts

Page 3 – Review of Key Points from Session 2

In Session 2 and the outline of Trusts and Rights, I provided some significant detail as to the truth of your incredible
potential within the form of flesh within the universal Dream. I also demonstrated evidence that proves “in plain
sight” how the elite Pisan/Venetian as well as Dutch and English families view you compared to themselves. I also
discussed with you the nature of your Rights and the design and structure of Trusts and why the only viable solution
for your Rights and Trusts is through Ucadia. There were numerous other insights that can be gained from Session 2.
However, in remaining relevant to the topic today on Estates, Rolls and Registers, let me summarize then some of the
key insights you hopefully gained from Session 2, as listed on the slide listed as Page 3, namely:

There has been no proper society under Rule of Law for more than 400 years;

While there is no true Rule of Law, the Roman System depends on “illusion of Law” for its existence;

The Western-Roman Model is a Mind Prison designed to shut people down;

There is “no way out” of the Western-Roman Model except Ucadia;

The elite Pisan/Venetian and Dutch/English families view themselves as Gods and the rest of the people as slaves;

Public Law is Roman Trust Law. Private Law is the Law of Piracy, dressed up as Admiralty Law;

The highest Rights and Trusts are Ucadia. Roman Rights and Trusts are Inferior;

Ucadia will help you prove your Rights & Trusts in coming weeks via Ucadia Register & Gazette;

Before these services are made available, you need to read and comprehend these notes;

Remedy via Ucadia is only available to those people willing to change their attitude and accept responsibility;
Page 4 – The Accounting of “Sin”

As we are speaking about Estates, Rolls and Registers and the notion of property, it is vitally important to reacquaint
ourselves with the abhorrent and morally repugnant concept of Original Sin as introduced in the 17th Century but
claimed to being within scripture and a dogma of Christianity for centuries earlier.

The slide listed as Page 4 shows the general principles of Original Sin as first introduced, namely it is a purely
commercial term associated with forming a false legal argument to steal the rights of the people. It begins with the
notion that Heaven can be viewed like some giant Venetian banking ledger of credits versus debits and that these
columns of spiritual values must balance in heaven as well as on Earth.

Let me put it another way – any man or woman or preacher that accepts as valid the notion of Sin as taught by the
various commercial churches today, is basically saying that either the Divine Creator is a Venetian Accountant or the
God(s) in the Bible really are Venetian Banking Families as I showed you last week. In any event, if you really and
sincerely feel that Heaven is completely pre-occupied with medieval Pisan and Venetian and later Dutch and English
banking and piracy terms, then I am afraid you remain deeply affected by the Mundi Mind Virus keeping you enslaved
in their system. Another example is in the earliest surviving dictionaries of English such as Bailey’s Etymological
Dictionary that in 1675 stated the meaning of the word Belief is Credit as a commercial term and Credit is Belief. I
mean, when they were rolling this system out at the end of the 17th Century, they didn’t hide it from their own people
who had access to such texts. It was clear it was about a purely pirate commercial system to enslave the world.

So looking at the diagram, you have in Venetian heaven the idea that Sin is a Divine Debt offset by the Blood of the
Martyrs from the Treasury of Heaven. Then on Earth, the ritual of Confession and Penance is evidence of the debt or
guilt, with the Indulgence, or Dispensation being the Monetization of that debt or guilt to discharge it. If this still does
not make sense, do not worry as I will be returning to these concepts as we continue through the series and address
more accounting elements, particularly in the formation of assets and money.

Page 5- Elite Families Secretly Claim to be without Sin

For the moment, I want you to now look at the slide listed as Page 5 and the planning that happened in the 17th and
18th Centuries, predominantly centered around the Hanover Kings of Great Britain and then later the Pisan and
Venetian and Dutch and English elite families that sought to reinforce their claim and position. What happened once
the European wars had worked through and Great Britain had proven itself to be the greatest center of elite liars and
pirates and psychopaths the planet had ever seen, was that these pirate families wanted even more control in their
alliance with Rome as the Jus Patronatus or the “sole patron”.

The concept of “Original Sin” was the perfect mechanism as it was also connected to a much more subtle offset of
philosophy whereby Mary was championed as the Queen of Heaven and without sin. No public mention or debate
then was covered as to the other alleged siblings or family members of Jesus Christ and this is where the elite families
got busy creating fake genealogies to usurp more then 5,000 years of detailed history of the tens of thousands
of descendants of the Holly (Cuilliaéan) priest-kings around the planet. If you want to know the true genealogies of
history, then please read Lebor Clann Glas. 

So what these pirate families did was hire false scribes to go and create these nonsensical and absurd genealogies that
claimed the Hanover's and then later the merchant banking families were descended from Charlemagne and then
from Charlemagne back through to Jacob, the brother of Jesus. They even created fake Jewish kingdoms in Spain in
order to make sure all the elite members could claim to be descended from Mary and thus “born without sin”.

For the rest of the world, born in Original Sin, this horribly insane and criminal philosophy converted them into
“sheeple” as sinning people without rights. The only people then who were allowed to own land were those “without
sin” and therefore these elite families through the fake creation of allodial title.

By the way, if you have ever wanted to know what the most valuable treasures stored within the oldest banks of
Switzerland are, then now you know. It is not bars of gold or ancient paintings, it is old fake genealogies, claiming
certain people were descendants of the Holly or Cuilliaéan, when in fact they haven’t known anything about the
true descendants of Yahusia and the last of the Great Prophets of Yeb until now. This, by the way, is the origin of the
English Monarch claiming to be a God King or God Queen – as one born without sin in a world of sinners. The fact that
the Aristocracy still refuse to acknowledge the Holly, even though the Holy See is literally named after the Holly, is yet
another example that the lies and fakery of these people has been built upon complete and total ignorance.
Page 6- The Western-Roman Model has “No way out”

So what this means to you is really highlighted on slide 6 where I show the diagram of the multiple ringed prison of
the mind again, only the labels for the rings now are the words Delinquent, Insolvent, Ignorant and Recalcitrant. As we
move forward in these series, these words and the false imputations that led to them being asserted will be more and
more important.

Let me explain. Delinquency is the assumed sin when you appear at court, that you are the one, not the trustee or the
other party, that has been neglectful in your duties and obligations. Of course, if the administrators and surrogate
trustees within the system fail to provide crucial information to you, or fail to provide proper accounting to you,
leading to a default on your part, then who ultimately is the first cause? It is them – not you. Yet the presumption in
their system when you are charged is that it is your fault first.

Let us take the notion of insolvency as another wall of the prison that is particularly important for private commercial
law. If you are deemed insolvent, then it is assumed you have no real assets or security. Given that admiralty law is all
about insurance and security, being claimed insolvent means you are immediately placed at a disadvantage whenever
a controversy is raised, as you appearing at one of their courts without representation can easily be assumed as
abandoned cargo, without security and immediately bailed into one of their warehouses as a surety against a debt.
This notion of insolvency of course is yet another abomination that flies in the face of the Declaration of
Independence and even the Bible itself, that both express we each possess unalienable rights. If you possess such
priceless rights, then it is impossible to argue you could ever be an insolvent debtor. How do they get away with it? -
By convincing people to be complete and utter idiots and sheeple in believing in “Original Sin”.

Page 7 – Western-Roman Accounting (1600’s)

Now the next three slides provide a clearer explanation of the accounting methods underpinning this awful system,
starting with Page 7 showing the introduction of the monetization of sin model that still underpins the modern
financial currency system of the world today. I won’t spend too much time on each of these slides as we will run out of
time in getting to the meat of our discussion about Estates, Rolls and Registers.

Page 8 – European Annuity Accounting (1700’s)

So have a look at Page 8 and you see how the system continued to modify itself over the ages, now with the notion of
bills or money being the offset against rights.

Page 9 – Privacy Securities Accounting (1800’s)

Then on slide 9 you see the global banking model that we live under today where modern currencies are underwritten
by the pledge of the sweat labor of the population as slaves. However, as the diagram shows, in the last thirty years,
the private agencies and owners that purchased government services and assets now no longer want to balance the
accounting to provide the necessary “benefits” to the people as slaves. They want to make bigger profits and in many
ways let the people starve. Not only is this notion, morally repugnant, but also is absolutely suicidal thinking as it has
completely destroyed the fabric of Western-Roman Commerce, otherwise called Capitalism. Again, we will speak in
more detail about this in coming weeks.

Page 10 – There is no Remedy in Common Law

Being mindful of time, I want to address another subject before we get into more detail on Estates, Rolls and
Registers and prove to all that are listening that there is absolutely no remedy in Common law, and that if you hear
someone persisting with being an island and ignoring the general amnesty of Ucadia, to keep using such words as
“equity”, then slide 10 shows the danger of such words.

You see, slide 10 shows that the word Equity is actually a signpost leading back to the Inner Temple as the Court of
Chancery. Thus, anyone who claims there is any form of relief within Equity, even if they are a senior judge, really is
ignorant of what is hidden in plain sight in the symbol of Pegasus, the horse or “equis” in Latin as the root of the word
equity. I mean, they could not make it more blatantly obvious, could they?

Page 11- English law as burnt and re-written many times

This leads me to yet another slide to keep in mind with what we are dealing with as shown on slide 11 and the fact that
English Law has been burnt and re-written many times. This week was the claimed 800th anniversary of the Magna
Carta – a document claimed as the foundation stone of Common Law, but in truth an instrument where no single
clause has any current force or effect in Statute law in the United Kingdom, much less any other Western-Roman
realms whatsoever. 

As for English Statutes and Great Britain statutes forming the basis of claimed “Common Law”, the truth is that there
have been numerous documented fires throughout history that completely obliterated and turned to ash the historic
records of law in England. To argue that it was somehow recreated accurately by inference is one of the biggest lies in
the history of creating fake documents. You can see it for yourself in the parts of Scottish statutes that did survive and
in looking at the language of claimed statutes in England – proving without question that the legal scholars of the Four
Inns of Court pretty much made up whatever they felt was important, when re-writing English History in the 17th
Century, then again in the 18th Century and again in the 19th Century and the 20th Century.

I am one of the few people alive today to have actually read carefully the tens of thousands of claimed statutes of
Westminster from the time of the Magna Carta until the 20th Century and I can assure you that if you have the years
of time to study them, you would see that contrary to the notion that such statutes are a glorious Constitution, such
works are deliberately obscure, contradictory, infused with words and terms that didn’t exist when the alleged statute
was supposed to have been promulgated and obsessed in the commercial advantages for a very, very few people.

So, we have addressed, I feel, some pretty important fundamentals that contribute to a better comprehension of the
environment behind the formation of Estates, and what exactly are Rolls and Registers.  It is now time to look at the
nature, structure, function and importance of Estates.

Part #2 - Estates

Page 13- Rights are connected to Persons

One of the key messages from Session 2 last week on Rights and Trusts is that in law, your Rights are always in some
form of trust relation and are connected to one or more persons. Let us have a look at slide 13 as example.

Your access to Rights is through a particular person. It is the person that is connected to the rights, not the physical
you. As we have discussed before, the physical “you” cannot hold an intangible concept such as rights. However, a
person can. Instead, the physical “you” is connected to one or more persons by virtue of the attributes and likeness of
the person and ultimately by agreement and consent.

Page 14 –You are connected to multiple Persons

Take a look at slide 14 for another perspective on what we have been discussing, namely that if you live in any modern
Western-Roman society, then the physical “you” will be connected to multiple “persons” as normal.

In one system of registers and rolls, you will probably be listed as a State Citizen of the state where you were
registered at the time you were born. That is one form of unique person. Similarly, you may well be registered as a
Federal Citizen of the country sharing similar boundaries with the state of your birth, usually by choosing to vote, or
take up some kind of federal benefits or some other agreement.

Yet, the physical “you” is also likely to be associated with many other potential persons such as being a “government
benefits recipient” or a “registered taxpayer” or a “licensed driver” or even a “defendant” or “plaintiff” in a court

The point I am trying to make here is that each of these many instances is a completely unique person, claimed in one
sense to be the property of the government department or agency or corporation that formed it. They may have very
similar or even identical sounding and looking names, but please do not be tricked into thinking they are all one same
person. Anyone that says or claims “you are the person” in “believing” you only have one person for your entire set of
relations within society is either lying or is completely misguided.

Page 15 – Remember the three “Aspects” of Persons?

Now, it is not just the fact that our “physical selves” are almost certainly connected to multiple persons, but the fact
that each of these persons may also be of a different type, based on the three aspects of person we have discussed in
the previous sessions.

Take a look at slide 15 for example to see what I mean. By three aspects, I am referring to the application of the notion
of 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person in practice. This time, let us look at these three aspects in terms of the role of
the trustee as 1st person, also known as the principal, when the beneficiary is named. Then, let us view the 2nd person
as the named beneficiary and therefore the agent; and finally the 3rd person as the “res” or “thing” as a form of
property and beneficial right of use, for the one holding some kind of certificate.

To the right hand side, you see the labels used in instruments to formally identify what type of relation of a person
that a physical self may claim to be connected, whether it be propria persona as 1st person, or agentis juris as agent of
the principal as 2nd person, or someone, who in complete ignorance, claiming to be “pro se” as short for “pro se in
rem” or declaring in a court that “I am a thing”, as third person.

Page 16 – The 3 Aspects of Person in Trust

Slide 16 gives us a different context when we look at these three aspects and three types of persons in relation to a
classic Trust structure. So what we are saying then is that for all those different types of persons we listed on page 14
of the slides, there are 3 possible aspects being 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person; or trustee, beneficiary and
beneficial interest; or principal, agent and thing.

Think about this for a second, because, I hope you see this is a critically important notion to consider whenever you
have tried to make sense of where you stand in relation to the different types of persons as listed on page 14. For
example, in the case of being a holder of a birth certificate, our association may only be as a 3rd person, or as a thing.
Or in the case of a passport, we are definitely only holding the status of res and a thing as a 3rd person. Or in the case
of a driver’s license, we may hold two levels of status, the first being as a registered driver as a 2nd person and the
second level being the holder of a driver’s license as a 3rd person.

Page 17 – The formality of connection to Person

Slide 17 hopefully makes this even clearer. So in the case of a 1st person, such association is proven by a properly
executed and recorded Deed that is associated with the Trust, or a Certificate of Deed if the Trust is registered in a
foreign jurisdiction, such as a Superior Ucadian Trust being recognized by an Inferior Western-Roman Court.

In the case of a 2nd person, such association is proven by a properly executed, signed and recorded Letter such as a
Letter of Appointment or Letter of Commission such as a Letter of Attorney; or if such appointment is done in a
foreign jurisdiction such as Ucadia, then a Certificate of Appointment is needed for recording into an Inferior Western-
Roman Court.

In the case then of a 3rd person, such association is proven by possession of a properly sealed and numbered
certificate, corresponding to an entry in some register of such rights. For example a birth certificate or a passport or a
certificate of driver’s license or share certificate are all examples.

What does this mean then?  Well, it means that you cannot simply go into an Inferior Roman Court and claim yourself
propria persona, when (a) you did not create the trust and (b) the only association you can possibly hold in the
primary trust is as a thing, or “pro se in rem”. To claim otherwise is to proclaim yourself ignorant of the law, and
therefore an idiot, and automatically incapacitated. You have just kicked an “own goal” by such stupidity.

What is another revelation from this slide? Well, take the idea of where we might potentially hold two different forms
of relation, being as an agent or beneficiary; and secondly as the holder of a beneficial interest “in rem”. A driver’s
license is a classic example of this. Insurance is against the registered driver on their computer systems. You don’t
need to hold any form of driver’s license to prove you are a valid registered driver, just sufficient identification to
enable a police officer to establish your identity. 

So why do they insist on demanding to see you produce and hold a valid driver’s license? For two key reasons: Firstly,
because the Police Officer is a private contractor working for a private corporation of debt collectors and bounty
hunters masquerading as a proper court. They are claiming the position as agents in order to create a person.
Secondly, because they automatically need you to be charged “in rem” as a thing and as a “holder” of beneficial
interest and not in any agent or beneficiary capacity if they are going to make money off of you. This is because it
becomes a purely commercial pirate transaction, without the need to prove injured party. It is a contract agreement,
based on you – the holder, as the res or “thing” – not contesting the letter of demand, being the summons or ticket
produced by the police officer.

As I have said, we will speak in more detail on these specific insights as we move through the series on a case-by-case
basis. But before you think to jump off and start ignoring the production of your driver’s license when a police officer
pulls you over, please consider the fact that I have been reinforcing throughout this series and that is that a police
officer today, just like an attorney today, or a court clerk today or even judges today, know far less about the law than
at any other time in Western-Roman history – because ignorance of the law has become part of the defense of the
system as “plausible deniability”. There is absolutely no benefit in trying to argue with a police officer, as it most likely
will make matters manifestly worse. 

Like I showed in session 1, there is a massive cognitive dissonance across all aspects of the legal and judicial system in
most countries where what a police officer thinks he or she knows, compared to the “public view” is completely
wrong, when compared to the truth of the statutes and laws. The first people to whom they lie are their own and it
makes any attempt to teach the law on the fly, during a traffic stop a very dangerous and often stupid course of
action. So please be patient and let us get through this series in a step-by-step basis, and we will address all these
cases and issues many of you are facing or have faced.

Page 18 – An Estate is a valid record in a Roll with Rights

Slide 18 now reveals for the first time the clarity of exactly what is a valid Estate record being a Record in a Roll,
creating a person with associated Rights. There it is, hidden in plain sight! An Estate being created when a record is
duly entered or “enrolled” in a special type of Register called a “Roll”. The owner of the Roll then retains the right to
the legal title of the person and then the appointment of any surrogate or trustee as principal, called an executor or

The owner of the Roll then grants as privilege to one or more other persons the benefit and/or beneficial interest in
the 2nd person and 3rd person and any associated rights in trust. So if we take the classic example of a Remainder
Estate, also known as a Residential Estate, then we see once a Roman State registers the baby in a Roll, it creates
three persons, holding one for itself, while the other two persons may be used by someone else. In the case of
corporations operating and pretending to be proper estates since the 1930’s the role of the agent or 2nd person of
birth certificates has been hijacked by the banking cartels under the claim of perpetual bankruptcy, leaving only
beneficial interest or 3rd person, via holders of birth certificates.

Let me put that another way – what I just said is that the very fact your local state hands you a birth certificate, is
prima facie evidence that the only rights the state claims you have in your name, or your body, or your mind or your
soul is as a 3rd person, or a thing, being less than a slave. They can argue all they like in ignorance to the contrary. The
evidence of a Birth Certificate or piece of plastic is irrefutable evidence of this fact. The very point that a clerk or
registrar in births, deaths and marriages hasn’t got a clue about this is also proof of just how ignorant, delusional and
incapacitated their entire apparatus has become in relation to the administration of pseudo law and pseudo justice.

In contrast, your Live Borne Record as derived from your redeemed membership in Ucadia is proof of first in time and
first in line and that you, yes you are the principal of a True Estate as the Office of Man or Office of Woman and no
inferior and false system of pirate law can claim otherwise. The only way they can succeed is if they get enough paid
and insane government agents out there to try and convince people not to support Ucadia and not redeem their
member numbers, while they do it for themselves. Why? You see under the Western-Roman System, not even a judge
is free.

Page 19 – The authority to create a person is hierarchical

Slide 19 reveals another potential “failsafe” within the Western-Roman System and the notion that the creation of
persons and therefore estates via rolls is hierarchical. Thus, the Roman Death Cult has by tradition, acted as a kind of
licensor to permit others to claim the names and bodies and minds of others as property, then within estates, or
states. Legislative authority via statutes and validated by elections is also a source of such authority. Then finally,
corporate authority is claimed as a franchisee of such claimed rights of states via their bylaws, such as the US Codes
for example. However, corporations still need consent in order to validate such persons being created, and this is
ultimately the only reason they still need warm bodies to appear in courts. Thanks to technology, of course, this need
is diminishing as video footage at time of arrest or charge or claim is making the system more automated, especially
for lesser alleged crimes.
Page 20 – Hierarchy of Rolls

Yet as we show on slide 20, no matter what the Inferior Western-Roman Courts and Legislatures claim, the highest
Roll and Register is the Great Register of One Heaven as the only Divine Roll accessible through this temporal plain as
the Ucadia Register and the Ucadia Gazette also as the True Rolls. Then there are the Superior and Juridic Rolls and
Registers of Ucadia communities; and then finally at the very bottom are the Inferior Rolls and Registers of the
Western-Roman world.

So as much as a clerk or registrar or judge may like you to “believe” that you are less than a slave and nothing more
than a “thing” in their court room, to those of you who have finally awakened and redeemed your member number
and have your Live Borne Record as proof of first in time and first in line, then you know all the claims of inferior
Western-Roman Law are a lie.

By the way, just because I have mentioned Live Borne Record and court in the same breath, please do not make the
mistake of filing such valuable instruments directly into a court case. Not only is that explicitly forbidden in accord with
the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum, but it is a lazy and ignorant act that dishonors this knowledge and
proclaims you are delinquent in two systems – both Ucadia and the Western-Roman System. Instead, I will address
court issues as we progress through this series. For now, please be clear, you should never, ever file directly into a
Western-Roman Court your Live Borne Record, unless you want to declare to the entire Universe you are a complete

Part #3 – Registers and Rolls

Given we are speaking about filing and registering and recording, I want to finish Session 3 tonight by speaking briefly
about Registers and Rolls in more detail.

Page 22 – What is a Register?

Slide 22 summarizes some key points concerning Registers. If you want to know more about Registers and Rolls, then
go and read the Canons of Fiduciary Law on the site One-Heaven.Org in more detail. For now, let me read the key
points listed on this slide:

+ A register as a table contains at least six or more columns being a (a) unique record number; and (b) action and
subject; and (c) time of action; (d) place of action; and (e) witness who attests to the event; and (f) the name of the
registrar making the entry;  and

+ A register as a table can be a section of a book or a whole series of books; and

+ All registers by definition are ecclesiastical property; and

+ A particular action or event can only be recorded once in the same valid Register. Where two records exist for the
same property, it is called clouded title or contested title; and

+ The Trustee holding custody of a Register is called a Registrar, or Recorder or Clerk.

Page 23 – What is a Record?

Slide 23 then summarizes what is a Record. In the interest of time and the fact that I have already referred you to the
Canons of Fiduciary Law for more information, let me summarize the key points listed:

+ A Record is the memorial of the rituals of Recording an Event, as well as the summary facts themselves. The facts
alone, without the proper procedure, even if entered into a Register, does not make a valid Record; and

In other words, a Record is the memoralization of the rituals and events of recording an event, not simply the facts of
the event itself. This is a sometimes subtle, but a critically important distinction. The deed and affidavit and other
instruments are the actual memorialization of the event. The record is merely a summary of the core facts from these
documents, but also a validation that some basic protocols and quality checking has been followed.
+ A Record comprises five essential actions, entered into four separate books, being (1) Recording the Memorandum
or Deed being facts of the event; and (2) Entering an Affidavit of Witness to the Event as proof of the event; and (3)
Conveying the facts and proof into the main Register; and (4) Transferring the record number into a Register of
Certificates; and (5) Delivering the Certificate as Instrument of Record and Proof of Acknowledgment; and

+ All records by definition are ecclesiastical property.

Page 24 – What is Originality vs. Original Certificate?

Now in coming weeks, we will be discussing more and more the elements of instruments, as well as the detail behind
proper conveyance of titles and rights. However, in using slide 24 as an example, I want to really focus on the
difference between registering original instruments such as Deeds, Affidavits and Certificates in a system, versus
having actual evidence in the form of types of Certificates as proof that such instruments have been duly registered in
another jurisdiction.

This is extremely important as the very nature of Registration is by its definition, the recognition of a transfer or
receiving of certain rights to another, or from another. If you place original deeds, or affidavits into the existing
Western-Roman System, then you are automatically granting rights and use of such instruments – to empower them
to enclose such instruments and choose to provide or not provide any associated benefits.

However, when these sorts of documents have been properly registered within Ucadia on the Ucadia Register and
published on the Ucadia Gazette, then you need extracts of Certificates to this effect, rather than any originals of such
documents to be placed within a lesser Western-Roman System. Effectively, the Certificate “tells” the clerk that an
existing record has already been created – For example, the critical importance of a Certificate of Exemplification
when dealing with the recording of authentic transcripts and copies of instruments into a foreign jurisdiction as

Page 25 – The concept of Validation

This leads me to the second last slide for tonight, being slide 25 and the concept of validation and the fact that an
instrument must be accepted as authentic for it to be entered into a record. As listed, there are two types of validation
between foreign jurisdictions being Exemplification and Apostille; and two types of validation within an existing
jurisdiction being between Authentication and Certification.

I want to end on this slide, because it highlights once again so much of the miscommunication, misunderstanding and
just plain wrong information concerning how instruments may or may not be accepted into foreign jurisdictions as

Since the Apostille Treaty first came into effect in 1961, there has been a steady increase in the number of countries
using this form of validation to where approximately 108 nations are signatories as of 2015. So pervasive has this
method of validating documents between nations become, that many people both within and outside of the legal
fraternity have forgotten the original and still functional method of validation called Exemplification. 

Unlike Apostille or Authentication, the process of Exemplification requires that those attesting to the authenticity of
the instrument also provide their designated credentials and validate their authority, as part of the validation process
as having the delegated powers and authority to make, seal and/or sign the Certificate of Exemplification.

I will discuss Certificates of Exemplification in more detail when we discuss the services of Ucadia in coming weeks.

The Only Viable Solution for Estates, Rolls and Registers is Ucadia

So there it is– A detailed analysis and explanation in breaking down the confusion and uncertainties as to Estates; as
well as the function of Registers and Rolls. As with the previous sessions, I hope you find session 3 to be both useful
and interesting.

To all of you who have so far shown your appreciation, by making some kind of donation to Ucadia, I thank you again.
To everyone else who comes to read and copy this material that is yet to consider supporting Ucadia by showing some
decency and respect, I hope that one day soon, as you become more competent through reading this material, you
will also develop a stronger conscience. And that with your activated and functioning conscience, you now begin to
consider that you cannot ultimately be successful until you demonstrate respect for the many years and extensive
effort that has been invested into doing the research for all people, in order to share with you the level of clarity of
these sessions you see now.

To each and every one of you, thank you! And until we speak next week, please be safe, be well, thank you and good

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