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=================== RUN SPRITECRAFT ===================

For most users, you can run Spritecraft simply by double-clicking on Spritecraft.jar. You will need
Java for this to work, but since Minecraft runs on Java it is likely you already have it installed.

=================== TROUBLESHOOTING ===================

If double-clicking on the jar file fails, try one of the following:

- BEFORE YOU DO ANYTHING ELSE, verify that you have at least Java 7 installed (you can do this at
a command prompt by typing "java -version"). The vast majority of problems running Spritecraft
are because the user doesn't have Java 7. You can get it from

- If you are on windows, double-click either RunSpritecraft.bat (this must be in the same directory
as the .jar file)

- If you are not on windows, use the command prompt to change to the spritecraft directory, and
do the following:

java -jar -Xmx1024m Spritecraft.jar

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