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PSI Services LLC

3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121
Phone: (855) 340-3893





Examinations by PSI Services LLC ............................ 1 Taking the Examination by Computer ...................... 12
Illinois License Requirements and Qualifications .......... 1 Identification Screen ............................... 12
Examination Scheduling Procedures ......................... 3 Tutorial ............................................... 12
Fees .................................................... 3 Test Question Screen ............................... 12
Internet Registration ................................ 4 Examination Review ................................ 12
Telephone Registration ............................. 8 Taking the Examination Remotely .......................... 12
Canceling an Examination ......................... 8 Score Reporting ................................................ 14
Missed Appointment or Late Cancellation........ 8 Examination Study Materials ................................. 15
Re-taking a Failed Portion .......................... 8 Description of Examinations ................................. 15
Exam Accommodations .............................. 8 Experimental Questions............................ 15
Emergency Examination Center Closing .......... 8 Content Outlines .................................... 15
Following the Examination .................................... 9 Sample Questions .............................................. 19
Examination Site Location ................................... 10 Examination Request Form ................................... 21
Reporting to the Examination Site ......................... 11 Consent to Examine and Audit Special Accounts ......... 22
Required Identification ........................... 11 Exam Accommodations Request Form .......End of Bulletin
Security Procedures ............................... 11

Copyright © 2021 by PSI Services LLC 11/4/2021


This Candidate Information Booklet provides you with information about the examination and application process for obtaining a real
estate license in the State of Illinois. For specific information about licensing procedures, contact the Illinois Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation.

Illinois state laws stipulate that a person may not act as a real estate broker or managing broker without first obtaining a license issued
by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. To be licensed, you must pass an examination to confirm that you have
attained at least a minimum level of knowledge regarding the principles, practices, statutes, and regulations relating to real estate.

The Department of Financial and Professional Regulation has contracted with PSI Services LLC (PSI) to conduct the examination testing.
PSI works closely with the State to be certain that examinations meet local as well as national requirements in basic principles and
examination development standards.

The following Illinois Real Estate Licensing Examinations are administered by PSI under a contract with the Illinois Department of
Financial and Professional Regulation:
▪ Broker
▪ Managing Broker
▪ Leasing Agent
▪ Instructor (Individuals applying for the Instructor examination should contact PSI at 855-340-3893)



You must register with PSI as a student prior to your course completion, and your course completion information must be received
electronically from your school to complete the examination registration process. To register as a student with PSI so your school may
electronically submit your course completion(s), go to the following link and either register as a new student or login to your account.

To be eligible for the Illinois Real Estate Broker Examination, candidates must meet all of the requirements in one of the following

Category A – 75-Class-Hour Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Broker’s license under Category A, applicants must:
1. Be at least 18 years old;
2. Have graduated from high school or obtained the equivalent of a high school degree (GED); and
3. Have successfully completed the required curriculum of 75 class hours of Real Estate courses at a real estate school approved
by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in the following manner:

Broker Pre-License Topics (60 hours)

Broker Pre-License Applied Real Estate Principles-Interactive (15 hours)


Category C – Attorney Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Broker’s license under Category C, applicants must:
1. Be at least 18 years old; and
2. Be admitted to practice law by the Illinois Supreme Court.

Persons qualifying under Category C MUST register for the examination by submitting the registration form found in this handbook and a
photocopy of their current Illinois attorney registration pocket card certificate by mail to PSI at the address provided on the form for
approval prior to taking the examination.

NOTE: The requirements specified in items (3) and (5) of subsection (a) of this Section do not apply to applicants who are currently
admitted to practice law by the Supreme Court of Illinois and are currently in active standing.

Category D – Reciprocity Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Broker license under Category D, applicants must:
1. Be at least 18 years old; and
2. Hold an active broker’s license, or equivalent by examination in a state that has a reciprocal agreement with the Department
of Financial and Professional Regulation. The following link lists the states that are reciprocal

Reciprocity candidates do not need to upload documents prior to scheduling. Reciprocity candidates can go online to pay and schedule
for their examination. No prior eligibility is required.

Candidates applying for licensure on the basis of reciprocity must take the IL Broker Reciprocity exam.

Go to to access the DFPR reciprocity application. If you have questions please email

Managing Broker

You must register with PSI as a student prior to your course completion, and your course completion information must be received
electronically from your school to complete the examination registration process. To register as a student with PSI so your school may
electronically submit your course completion(s), go to the following link and either register as a new student or login to your account.

To be eligible for the Illinois Real Estate Managing Broker Examination, candidates must meet all of the requirements in one of the
following categories:

Category A-2 – Active Broker license and 45-Class-Hour Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Managing Broker’s license under Category A-2, applicants must:
1. Be at least 20 years old;
2. Hold an active valid Illinois real estate broker license;
3. Have had an active real estate license for 2 of the past 3 years; and
4. Have completed the required curriculum of 45 class hours of managing broker courses at a real estate school approved by the
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in the following manner:
o Managing Broker Pre-License Topics (30 hours)
o Managing Broker Pre-License Applied Management and Supervision-Interactive (15 hours)


Documentation Required: An original or copy of Uniform Real Estate Transcript, from an approved Illinois provider, bearing an embossed
seal documenting 45 course hours.

Category A-1 – 165-Class-Hour Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Managing Broker’s license under Category A-1, applicants must:
1. Be at least 20 years old;
2. Have graduated from high school or obtained the equivalent of a high school degree (GED);
3. Have had an active real estate license for 2 of the past 3 years; and
4. Have successfully completed the required curriculum of 165 class hours of Real Estate courses at a real estate school approved
by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation in the following manner:
o Broker Pre-License Topics (60 hours)
o Broker Pre-License Applied Real Estate Principles-Interactive (15 hours)
o Broker Post License Transactional Issues (15 hours)
o Broker Post License Risk Management/Discipline (15 hours)
o Broker Post License Applied Broker Principles (15 hours)
o Managing Broker Pre-License Topics (30 hours)
o Managing Broker Pre-License Applied Management and Supervision-Interactive (15 hours)

Note: An applicant for a managing broker license who is currently licensed as an Illinois real estate broker is presumed to have completed
the 120 broker class hours of Real Estate courses.


Documentation Required: An original or copy of Uniform Real Estate Transcript(s), from an approved Illinois provider.

Category C – Attorney Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Managing Broker’s license under Category C, applicants must:
1. Be at least 20 years old;
2. Have held an active real estate broker license for 2 of past 3 years; and
3. Be admitted to practice law by the Illinois Supreme Court.

Persons qualifying under Category C must register for the examination by submitting the registration form found in this handbook and a
photocopy of their current active Illinois attorney registration pocket card certificate by mail to PSI at the address provided on the form
for approval prior to taking the examination.

Category D – Reciprocity Qualification

To qualify for an Illinois Real Estate Managing Broker license under Category D, applicants must:
1. Be at least 20 years old;
2. Have graduated from high school or obtained the equivalent of a high school degree (GED);
3. Managing Brokers must be actively licensed as a managing broker in the reciprocal state for at least the last two years; and
4. Hold an active managing broker’s license, or its equivalent, by examination in a state that has a reciprocal agreement with the
Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. The following link lists the states that are reciprocal

Reciprocity candidates do not need to upload documents prior to scheduling. Reciprocity candidates can go online to pay and schedule
for their examination. No prior eligibility is required.

Candidates applying for licensure on the basis of reciprocity must take the IL Managing Broker Reciprocity exam.

Go to to access the DFPR reciprocity application. If you have questions please email

Leasing Agent

To be eligible for the Illinois Real Estate Leasing Agent Examination, candidates must meet all of the following requirements.
1. Be at least 18 years old;
2. Have graduated from high school or obtained the equivalent of a high school degree;
3. Have successfully completed the 15-class-hour Leasing Agent course at a real estate school approved by the Department of
Financial and Professional Regulation.




Broker Examination $58

Managing Broker Examination $58
Leasing Agent $37

NOTE: EXAMINATION FEES ARE NOT REFUNDABLE OR TRANSFERABLE. Your examination fee will be forfeited if you do not test within 1
year of the date your examination fee is received by PSI.

You must register with PSI as a student prior to your course completion, and your course completion information must be received
electronically from your school to complete the examination registration process. To register as a student with PSI so your school may
electronically submit your course completion(s), go to the following link and either register as a new student or login to your account.

You will receive an email confirmation when eligible to test.


For the fastest and most convenient examination scheduling process, register for your examinations online by accessing PSI’s
registration Website: Click Here (

1. Select “SIGN UP” to create an account.

2. On a mobile phone, you need to select the icon on the top left corner. Then select “SIGN UP” to create an account.

3. You will be prompted to create an account with PSI.


You must enter your First and Last name exactly

as it is displayed on your government issued ID.

4. After you submit the form, you will get a message that your account was created successfully. Click on “Login to Continue”.

Note: The username is the email address you entered when

creating the account.

5. Select the Examination.

6. You will enter your personal information

7. You will now enter payment.

8. You will now select if you want to test at a PSI test center or from a computer at a remote location.


Enter the “City or Postal Code” and select “Preferred Month” to take the Exam. Then select “Search Exam Center”.

Click on the preferred test site.

Then click on the date and time to make an appointment to take the Exam.

You are now scheduled and will receive an email confirmation.


Before you select the date and time you will be taking the exam, YOU MUST FIRST CHECK THE COMPATIBILTY OF YOUR COMPUTER to
include Audio/Video Check, Webcam Check and System Check. You must use Google Chrome Browser. Please note that if your computer
performs any system update (i.e. software, server, firewall, webcam, etc.) from the time you schedule your exam to when you
attempt to launch your exam, you may experience issues with your compatibility. It is best to conduct another compatibility check
on the machine that you will be taking your exam at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled exam. You may also check your
compatibility before or after registering for your exam by clicking here.

If you have any questions regarding your compatibility check, or if you experience issues launching your exam, you may contact our
remote proctoring technical support team at (844) 267-1017. You may also initiate a chat after you close the Secure Browser Software
by clicking here.


For telephone scheduling you will need a valid credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover). Call (855) 340-3893 and
speak to a PSI registrar Monday through Friday between 6:30 am and 9:00 pm, and Saturday-Sunday between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm,
Central Time.


You may cancel and reschedule an examination appointment without forfeiting your fee if your cancellation notice is received 2 days
before the scheduled examination date. For example, for a Monday appointment, the cancellation notice would need to be received
on the previous Saturday. You can reschedule at or call PSI at (855) 340-3893.

Note: A voice mail message is not an acceptable form of cancellation. Please use the PSI Website or call PSI and speak to a
Customer Service Representative.


Your registration will be invalid, you will not be able to take the examination as scheduled, and you will forfeit your examination fee,
if you:

▪ Do not cancel your appointment 2 days before the schedule examination date;
▪ Do not appear for your examination appointment;
▪ Arrive after examination start time;
▪ Do not present proper identification when you arrive for the examination.


If you fail any portion of the broker or managing broker examination, your score report will include diagnostic scoring information and
reapplication instructions. You will only be required to repeat the portion(s) that you failed.

If you passed one portion of the examination, you have one year from the date of passing that portion to retake and pass the remaining
portion, make application, and meet the requirements for licensure. Candidates are allowed up to four attempts to pass the examination.
After failing the fourth attempt, you are required to retake the following education and the entire examination:
▪ Leasing Agent – retake the 15-hour pre-license education; or
▪ Broker – retake the 75-hour broker pre-license education; or
▪ Managing broker with an active Illinois broker license – retake the 45-hour managing broker pre-license education; or
▪ Managing broker without an active Illinois broker license – retake the 165-hour managing broker pre-license education; or

Education exempt candidates do not have to complete the requirements listed above.


All examination centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, and exam
accommodations will be made in meeting a candidate’s needs. Applicants with disabilities or those who would otherwise have difficulty
taking the examination must follow the instructions on the form at the end of this Candidate Information Bulletin. This form also includes
out-of-state testing requests.


In the event that severe weather or another emergency forces the closure of an examination site on a scheduled examination date, your
examination will be rescheduled. PSI personnel will attempt to contact you in this situation. However, you may check the status of
your examination schedule by calling (855) 340-3893. Every effort will be made to reschedule your examination at a convenient time as
soon as possible. You may also check our website at


After you finish the examination, you will be required to answer the following candidate screening questions. You must answer these
questions and provide any required documentation when applying for a license.

You are not required to report: (1) ) law enforcement records, court records, and conviction records if you were 17 years old at the
time of the offense and before January 1, 2014, unless the nature of the offense required you to be tried as an adult; or (2) arrests not
followed by a charge or conviction; or (3) records of arrest where the charges were dismissed unless the charges were related to the
practice of the real estate profession; or (4) convictions or arrests that have been sealed or expunged; or (5) convictions that were
overturned by a higher court. You are also not required to report a juvenile adjudication occurring prior to your 18th birthday involving
a violation or attempt to violate any federal, State, county or municipal law or ordinance other than (i) first degree murder, (ii)
aggravated criminal sexual assault, or (iii) aggravated battery with a firearm.

1. Are you a high school graduate or have you received your GED?
2. Have you been convicted in ANY state or federal jurisdiction, including military courts, of a felony?
3. Have you been convicted in ANY state or federal jurisdiction, including military courts, of any crime of which an essential
element is dishonesty?
4. Have you ever held a real estate license in Illinois?
5. Have you ever held, or do you currently hold, a real estate license in any other state/jurisdiction?
6. *Have you been actively practicing as a managing broker or equivalent in your state of licensure for the last two years? *This
question only applies to Managing Brokers.
7. Have you been denied a professional license or permit or the privilege of taking an examination?
8. Have you ever had a professional license or permit disciplined by any licensing authority in Illinois or any other
9. Have you ever been discharged from the armed services, other than honorably, or from a city, county, state, or federal position?
10. Are you more than 30 days in arrears on any court ordered child support payments?
11. Are you in arrears on any state taxes due to the Illinois Department of Revenue?


If you pass the appropriate examination(s), you will receive a score report with instructions for applying for a license at the IDFPR
Online Services Portal at You must follow the license instructions and provide any required
documentation when you submit your application for licensure.

Broker and Leasing Agent Candidates: If you answered “yes” to candidate screening questions 2,3,5, or 7-11.

NOTE: On the broker and leasing agent examination, the corresponding questions are 2,3,5, or 6-10.

Managing Broker Candidates: If you answered “yes” to the candidate screening questions 2, 3, 5, or 7-11 or “no” to question 6.

Note: you must submit an application within one year of passing the appropriate examination(s). Any candidate who fails to submit
an application and meet all requirements for a license, within one year after receiving a passing score, will lose examination

The Real Estate Licensing examinations are administered at the examination centers listed below:
Addison -College of DuPage Elgin - Training Institute of Elgin Naperville - IT Expert System
301 S. Swift Road, Door 12 620 Wing Street, Suite 9 1560 Wall Street, Suite 111
Addison, IL 60101 US Elgin, IL 60123 US Naperville, IL 60563 US

Bloomington - Sales Consultants of Franklin Park - HRB Naperville, Illinois (HRB)

Bloomington, Inc 9507 Grand Ave 1213-1300 S. Naper Blvd
513 E. Locust St Franklin Park, IL 60131 US Suite 108
Bloomington, IL 61701 US Naperville, IL 60540 US

Buffalo Grove - HRB Galesburg - Carl Sandburg College Park Ridge - Royal Testing Center
56 W. Dundee Road 2400 Tom L Wilson Blvd 1550 N. Northwest Highway, 1st Fl., Ste
Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 US Galesburg, IL 61401 US 106
Park Ridge, IL 60068 US

Carbondale - HRB Glen Ellyn - College of DuPage Rockford - HRB

628 E. Walnut St Glen Ellyn Campus 3720 N Main Street
Carbondale, IL 62901 US 425 Fawell Blvd, BIC 2A08 Rockford, IL 61103 US
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 US

Carbondale - Southern Illinois University Glen Ellyn - HRB Schaumburg - IT Expert System
605 Agriculture Drive 800 Roosevelt Road 951 N Plum Grove Rd , Suite A
MC 4722 Room 781, 7th Floor Building A, Suite 106 Schaumburg, IL 60173 US
Carbondale, IL 62901 US Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 US

Carol Stream - College of DuPage Lake-In-The-Hills - Blue Skies Pilot Shop SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS
Carol Stream Campus 8411 Pyott Road, Suite 106 PSI Springfield
500 N Kuhn Rd. Lake-In-The-Hills Airport 3223 South Meadowbrook Road, Suite B
Carol Stream, IL 60188 US Lake-In-The-Hills, IL 60156 US Springfield, IL 62711 US

Champaign - Parkland College Matteson - HRB Urbana

2400 W Bradley Ave, U203 4163 W. 211 Street HRB
Champaign, IL 61821 US Matteson, IL 60443 US 114 North Vine Street, Suite D
Urbana, IL 61801 US
CHICAGO Midlothian - Royal Testing Center Urbana - Urbana Adult Education
PSI Chicago 4645 W 147th St. 211 N Race St
332 S. Michigan Avenue Midlothian, IL 60445 US Urbana, IL 61801 US
Chicago, IL 60604 US

Collinsville - TEKSOLV Mokena - CT Resources West Chicago - Illinois Aviation Academy

100 Lanter Ct 20006 S Wolf Road, Suite B 32 W 751 Tower Rd
Collinsville, IL 62234 US Mokena, IL 60448 US West Chicago, IL 60185 US

Des Plaines - IT Expert System Moline - Black Hawk College Westmont - College of DuPage
2400 E. Devon Ave, Suite 257 6600 34th Avenue Westmont Center
Des Plaines, IL 60018 US Moline, IL 61265 US 650 Pasquinelli Dr.
Westmont, IL 60559 US

Naperville - College of DuPage

1223 Rickert Drive
Naperville, IL 60540 US

Additionally, PSI has examination centers in many other regions across the United States. You may take the written examination at any of these
locations by following the instructions on the Exam Accommodations Request Form found at the end of this bulletin.

On the day of the examination, you should arrive 30 minutes before your appointment. This extra time is for sign-in, identification, and
familiarizing you with the examination process. If you arrive late, you may not be admitted to the examination site and you will forfeit
your examination registration fee.


You must provide 1 form of identification. The identification must match the name you scheduled with.

NOTE: ID must contain candidate’s signature, photo, be valid and unexpired.

▪ State issued driver’s license
▪ State issued identification card
▪ US Government Issued Passport
▪ US Government Issued Military Identification Card (not allowed for remote testing)
▪ US Government Issued Alien Registration Card
▪ Canadian Government Issued ID

Failure to bring the proper documentation invalidates your registration. You will not be able to take the examination as scheduled, and
you will forfeit your examination fee.


The following examination protocols apply during any examination. PSI may pause or terminate an examination at any time. Failure to
follow the examination protocol, may result in the disqualification of examination results, prohibition from taking future examinations,
and may lead to legal action.

You will be given a piece of scratch paper and a pencil. You will return the scratch paper and pencil during check-out.

Prohibited Items:
Reference materials of any kind.
Electronic devices of any type, including but not limited to; cellular phones, cameras, computers of any type (e.g., laptops,
tablets, iPads), earbuds, electronic games, electronic watches, handheld calculators, headsets, mobile devices, music players
(e.g., iPods), pagers, radios, recording devices (audio or video), smart watches, televisions, etc.).
Hats or headgear not worn for religious reasons or as religious apparel, including hats, baseball caps, or visors.
Bulky or loose clothing or coats including but not limited to; open sweaters, cardigans, shawls, scarves, vests, jackets and coats.
o In the event you are asked to remove bulky or loose outerwear, appropriate attire, such as a shirt or blouse should be
worn underneath.
Other personal items, including but not limited to; backpacks, briefcases, chewing gum, drinks, food, good luck items,
notebooks, paper or other materials on which to write, pens, pencils or other writing devices, purses, reading material, smoking
or chewing products, wallets, etc.

Prohibited Behavior:
Giving or receiving assistance on an examination.
Copying or communicating examination content.
Using outside references or resources during an exam, examples:
o Browsing other local resources.
o Browsing the internet.
o Attempting to use a computer or computer program not provided or approved by PSI.
o Attempting to use a telephone or mobile device.
o Using notepad on the computer.
o Using an application on the computer not provided by PSI.
Engaging in disruptive behavior during check-in or during an exam, examples:
o Acting in an inappropriate manner.
o Using abusive language.
o Speaking aloud.
o Causing noise unrelated to keyboard typing.
Engaging in prohibited behavior during check-in or during an exam, examples:
o Reading questions out loud.
o Leaving the room without proctor approval.
o Using instant messaging, or other electronic communication.
o Capturing a picture or video of exam items.
o Attempting to use telephone or mobile device.
o Obstructing the proctor’s view (camera or in person).
o Having inappropriate materials on desktop (explicit).

o Changing spaces during the exam without proctor approval.
o Not focusing eyes on the screen.

During the check in process, all candidates will be asked if they possess any prohibited items. Candidates may also be asked to empty
their pockets and turn them out for the proctor to ensure they are empty. The proctor may also ask candidates to lift up the ends of
their sleeves and the bottoms of their pant legs to ensure that notes or recording devices are not being hidden there.

Proctors will also carefully inspect eyeglass frames, tie tacks, or any other apparel that could be used to harbor a recording device.
Proctors will ask to inspect any such items in candidates’ pockets.

No prohibited items are allowed within the candidate's reach or line of sight. If prohibited items are found during check-in, candidates
shall put them in the provided secure storage or return these items to their vehicle for test center exams. PSI will not be responsible for
the security of any personal belongings or prohibited items.

 Any candidate seen giving or receiving assistance on an examination, found with prohibited items, or displaying prohibited behavior
or violating any security regulations will have his or her examination terminated, and be asked to surrender all examination
materials. All such instances will be reported to the examination sponsor.

Additional protocols for testing at a testing center, include but not limited to:

 Person(s) accompanying an examination candidate may not wait in the examination center, inside the building or on the building's
property. This applies to guests of any nature, including drivers, children, friends, family, colleagues, or instructors.
 Once candidates have been seated and the examination begins, they may leave the examination room only to use the restroom, and
only after obtaining permission from the proctor. Candidates will not receive extra time to complete the examination.

Additional protocols for remote online proctored exams, include but not limited to:
Temporarily moving out of the camera's line of sight.
Candidates are not allowed to have scratch paper.
Adequate lighting for the proctor to see candidate’s activity.
Internet service must be sufficient to administer the exam.
Web camera must be placed for ideal viewing by the proctor.
Candidate may not change computers during the exam.
Candidate may not change spaces during the exam.
Candidate must follow proctor instructions, which may include, but are not limited to:
o Keeping hands on the desktop.
o Keeping eyes on the computer screen.
o Not fidgeting during the exam.
o Keeping hands away from face.
Please do your best to avoid covering your mouth for the whole duration of exam. Be aware that
talking/whispering/mouthing is not allowed during exam.
Breaks are NOT allowed during remote online proctored examinations. If you believe you cannot complete your examination
without a break, please do not register for remote online proctored examinations.


The examination will be administered via computer. You will be using a mouse and computer keyboard.

You will be directed to a semiprivate testing station to take the examination. When you are seated at the testing station, you will be
prompted to confirm your name, identification number, and the examination for which you are registered.

Before you start your examination, an introductory tutorial is provided on the computer screen. The time you spend on this tutorial, up
to 15 minutes, DOES NOT count as part of your examination time. Sample questions are included following the tutorial so that you may
practice answering questions, and reviewing your answers.


The “function bar” at the top of the test question provides mouse-click access to
the features available while taking the examination.

One question appears on the screen at a time. During the examination, minutes
remaining will be displayed at the top of the screen and updated as you record your

IMPORTANT: After you have entered your responses, you will later be able to return
to any question(s) and change your response, provided the examination time has
not run out.


PSI, in cooperation with the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, will be consistently evaluating the examinations being
administered to ensure that the examinations accurately measure competency in the required knowledge areas. While taking the
examination, examinees will have the opportunity to provide comments on any questions. Comments may be entered by clicking the
Comments link on the function bar of the test question screen.

These comments will be analyzed by PSI examination development staff. PSI does not respond to individuals regarding these comments,
all substantive comments are reviewed. This is the only review of examination materials available to candidates.


Proctors for online testing will communicate with candidates on-screen during the test and pause the exam whenever unauthorized
persons or activity appear on video monitors or in audio recordings. The proctor will pause the exam whenever a candidate leaves the
testing station, or an interruption occurs. The proctor may end the test if an interruption is not corrected appropriately. Immediate on-
screen results will be displayed on your screen once you complete your exam AND the survey following the exam. Paper score reports
will not be available upon completion of the exam for this remotely proctored location.

Before your exam begins, please be aware of the following testing rules:

▪ Please be reminded that earbuds, earphones, hats, caps, hood, shades or anything that can be placed on the head or
face is NOT allowed.
▪ Food, Drinks, or Breaks are not allowed. All personal items must be removed from the work area.
▪ Candidates are not allowed to have a piece of scratch paper and a pencil.
▪ You are not allowed to leave the station during the exam.
▪ Please do your best to avoid covering your mouth for the whole duration of exam. Be aware that
talking/whispering/mouthing is not allowed during exam.
▪ You must keep both of your hands on or above the desktop during the exam.
▪ Also note that under no circumstances are you allowed to take a screenshot or photo of the exam or the exam results at
any time during or after the session.

Violating any of these rules will result in a warning and may result in exam termination and loss of exam fee.

BE SURE TO CHECK THE COMPATIBILTY OF YOUR COMPUTER to include Audio/Video Check, Webcam Check and System Check. Prior
to scheduling, click here. You must use Google Chrome Browser.

Please note that if your computer performs any system update (i.e. software, server, firewall, webcam, etc.) from the time you
schedule your exam to when you attempt to launch your exam, you may experience issues with your compatibility. It is best to
conduct another compatibility check on the machine that you will be taking your exam at least 24 hours prior to your scheduled
exam. You may also check your compatibility before or after registering for your exam by clicking here.


You can launch the examination up to 30 minutes before the scheduled start time.

If you have any questions regarding your compatibility check, or if you experience issues launching your exam, you may contact our
remote proctoring technical support at (844) 267-1017. You may also initiate a chat after you close the Secure Browser Software by
clicking here


Your score will be displayed on screen at the end of the examination and a score report will be emailed to you. If you fail, the emailed
score report will include the diagnostic report indicating your strengths and weaknesses by examination type.

The following is a list of possible study materials for the real estate examinations. The list is given to identify resources and does not
constitute an endorsement by PSI or by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Use the latest edition available.


 Real Estate Fundamentals, 9th Edition, 2015, Gaddy and Hart, Dearborn Real Estate Education, (800) 972-2220,
 Modern Real Estate Practice, 19th Edition, Galaty, Allaway, and Kyle, Dearborn Real Estate Education, (800) 972-2220,
 Real Estate Law, 9th Edition, 2016, Elliot Klayman, Dearborn Real Estate Education, (800) 972-2220,
 The Language of Real Estate, 7th Edition, 2013, John Reilly, Dearborn Real Estate Education, (800) 972-2220,
 Real Estate Principles & Practices, 9th Edition, 2014, Arlyne Geschwender, OnCourse Publishing, N19W24075 Riverwood Drive, Suite
200, Waukesha, WI 53188, 855- 733-7239, ISBN 0324784554
 Real Estate Principles, 12th Edition, Charles Jacobus, OnCourse Publishing, N19W24075 Riverwood Drive, Suite 200, Waukesha, WI
53188, 855-733-7239, ISBN 1285420985
 Real Estate Math, 7th Edition, 2014, Linda L. Crawford, Dearborn Real Estate Education, (800)972-2220,
 Property Management, 10th edition, 2016, Kyle, Robert C., Baird, Floyd M. and Kyle, C. Donald, Chicago: Dearborn Real Estate
 Principles of Real Estate Practice, 6th edition, 2019, Mettling, Stephen and Cusic, David, Performance Programs Company,

Now you can take the practice exam online at to prepare for your
Illinois Real Estate Examination.

Please note that practice exams are intended only to help testing candidates become familiar with the general types of questions that
will appear on a licensing examination. They ARE NOT a substitute for proper education and study. Furthermore, scoring well on the
practice exam does not guarantee a positive outcome on an actual licensing examination. Note: You may take the practice exams an
unlimited number of times. However, you will need to pay each time.

**National Managing Broker exam include questions that are scored up to


For the National Managing Broker exam, scenario-based test EXPERIMENTAL QUESTIONS
questions are included to contain more than four options and In addition to the number of examination items specified in the
ONLY ONE BEST option shall be selected to answer the question. "Examination Content Outlines", a small number (5 to 10) of
Some options are appropriate but not the BEST ANSWER. Please "experimental" questions may be administered to candidates
select the option that best answers the question in the exam. A during the examinations. These questions will not be scored.
BEST ANSWER reflects the optimal solution or most complete However, these questions will count against examination time.
resolution to the scenario presented in the question. These items The administration of such unscored, experimental questions is
are associated with scenarios presented in the form of text, an essential step in developing future licensing examinations.
graphs, or tables representing a situation in which candidates
must identify the best course of action by selecting only one
option. Each option is weighted as zero-point, one-point, or two- CONTENT OUTLINES
points based on the completeness and accuracy of the
solution. Sample questions are provided. The examination content outlines have been prepared and are
periodically updated by committees of professionals who are
EXAMINATION SUMMARY TABLE subject matter experts in real estate practice, real estate
instruction, and regulatory issues. The examination content
outlines these professionals have prepared identify areas of
Passing Time
Examination Portion # of Items importance to licensees in order for them to perform their duties
Score Allowed
100 150
to the public in a competent and legally responsible manner.
Broker* National 70%
(100 points) minutes
40 90 Use the outline as a guide for pre-examination review course
State 75% material. The outlines list the topics that are on the
(40 points) minutes
Leasing Agent
120 examination and the number of questions for each topic. Do not
(50 points) minutes schedule your examination until you are familiar with the topics
Managing 90 150 in the outline.
National 75%
Broker** (100 points) minutes
40 90
State 75%
(40 points) minutes
*The passing score of 70% for National Broker Exam is equivalent to a
scaled score of 75 as previously reported and required to pass. The
passing standard has remained identical when the reported scores
change from previous scaled scores to raw scores.

4. Income analysis approach
(REAL ESTATE PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES) C. Competitive/Comparative Market Analysis
1. Selecting comparables
2. Adjusting comparables
I. Property ownership (Broker 8%; Managing
Broker 10%)
IV. Financing (Broker 10%; Managing Broker 8%)
A. Real versus personal property; conveyances
A. Basic concepts and terminology
B. Land characteristics and legal descriptions
1. Points
1. Types of legal descriptions; Metes and
2. LTV
bounds, Lot and block, government
3. PMI
4. Interest
2. Measuring structures
3. Livable, rentable, and usable area
6. Financing instruments (mortgage,
4. Land Measurement
promissory note, etc.)
5. Mineral, air, and water rights
B. Types of loans
C. Encumbrances and effects on property
1. Conventional loans
2. FHA Insured loans
1. Liens
3. VA guaranteed loans
2. Easements and licenses
4. USDA/rural loan programs
3. Encroachments
5. Amortized loans
4. Other potential encumbrances of title
6. Adjustable-rate mortgage loans
D. Types of ownership
7. Bridge loans
1. Tenants in common
8. Owner financing (installment and land
2. Joint tenancy
contract/contract for deed)
3. Common- interest ownership
C. Financing and lending
a) Timeshares
1. Lending process application through
b) Condominiums
c) Co-ops
2. Financing and credit laws and rules
4. Ownership in severalty/sole ownership
a) Truth in lending
5. Life Estate ownership
6. Property ownership held in trust
c) Equal Credit Opportunity
d) CFPB/TRID rules on financing and
risky loan features
II. Land use controls and regulations (Broker 5%;
3. Underwriting
Managing Broker 5%)
a) Debt ratios
A. Government rights in land
b) Credit scoring
1. Property taxes and special assessments
c) Credit history
2. Eminent domain, condemnation, escheat
B. Government controls
V. General principles of agency (Broker 13%;
1. Zoning and master plans
Managing Broker 11%)
2. Building codes
A. Agency and non-agency relationships
3. Regulation of special land types
1. Types of agents and agencies
a) Flood zones
2. Other brokerage relationships (non-
b) Wet lands
4. Regulation of environmental hazards
a) Transactional
a) Types of hazards
b) Facilitators
b) Abatement and mitigation
B. Agent’s duties to clients
c) Restrictions on contaminated
1. Fiduciary responsibilities
2. Traditional agency duties (COALD)
C. Private controls
3. Powers of attorney and other delegation
1. Deed conditions or restrictions
of authority
2. Covenants, conditions, and restrictions
C. Creation of agency and non-agency
agreements; disclosure of conflict of interest
3. Homeowners association regulations
1. Agency and agency agreements
a) Key elements of different types of
III. Valuation and market analysis (Broker 7%;
listing contracts
Managing Broker 7%)
b) Key elements of buyer
A. Appraisals
brokerage/tenant representation
1. Purpose and use of appraisals for
2. Disclosure when acting as principal or
2. General steps in appraisal process
other conflict of interest
3. Situations requiring appraisal by certified
D. Responsibilities of agent to customers and
third parties, including disclosure, honesty,
B. Estimating Value
integrity, accounting for money
1. Effect of economic principles and
E. Termination of agency
property characteristics
1. Expiration
2. Sales or market comparison approach

2. Completion/performance 1. What is insured against
3. Termination by force of law 2. Title searches, title abstracts, chain of
4. Destruction of property/death of title
principal 3. Marketable vs insurable title
5. Mutual agreement 4. Potential title problems and resolution
5. Cloud on title, suit to quiet title
VI. Property disclosures (Broker 6%; Managing (MANAGING BROKER ONLY)
Broker 7%) B. Deeds
A. Property condition 1. Purpose of deed, when title passes
1. Property condition that may warrant 2. Types of deeds and when used
inspections and surveys 3. Essential elements of deeds
2. Proposed uses or changes in uses that 4. Importance of recording
should trigger inquiry about public or C. Escrow or closing; tax aspects of transferring
private land use controls title to real property
B. Environmental issues requiring disclosure 1. Responsibilities of escrow agent
C. Government disclosure requirements (LEAD) 2. Prorated items
D. Material facts and defect disclosure 3. Closing statements/TRID disclosures
4. Estimating closing costs
VII. Contracts (Broker 17%; Managing Broker 18%) 5. Property and income taxes
A. General knowledge of contract law D. Special processes
1. Requirements for validity 1. Foreclosure
2. Factors affecting enforceability of 2. Short sale
contracts E. Warranties
3. Void, voidable, unenforceable contracts 1. Purpose of home or construction
4. Rights and obligations of parties to a warranty programs
contract 2. Scope of home or construction warranty
5. Executory and executed contracts programs
6. Notice, delivery and acceptance of
contracts X. Practice of real estate (Broker 13%; Managing
7. Breach of contract and remedies for Broker 14%)
breach A. Trust/escrow accounts
8. Termination, rescission and cancellation 1. Purpose and definition of trust accounts,
of contracts including monies held in trust accounts
9. Electronic signature and paperless 2. Responsibility for trust monies, including
transactions commingling/conversion
10. Bilateral vs. unilateral contracts (option B. Federal fair housing laws and the ADA
agreements) 1. Protected classes
B. Contract Clauses, including amendments and 2. Prohibited conduct (red-lining,
addenda blockbusting, steering)
C. Offers/purchase agreements 3. Americans with Disabilities (ADA)
1. General requirements 4. Exemptions
2. When offer becomes binding C. Advertising and technology
3. Contingencies 1. Advertising practices
4. Time is of the essence a) Truth in advertising
D. Counteroffers/multiple offers b) Fair housing issues in advertising
1. Counteroffers 2. Use of technology
2. Multiple offers a) Requirements for confidential
VIII. Leasing and Property Management (Broker 3%; b) Do-Not-Call List
Managing Broker 5%) D. Licensee and responsibilities
A. Basic concepts/duties of property 1. Employee
management 2. Independent Contractor
B. Lease Agreements 3. Due diligence for real estate transactions
1. Types of leases, e.g., percentage, gross, 4. Supervisory responsibilities (MANAGING
net, ground BROKER ONLY)
2. Key elements and provisions of lease a) Licensees
agreements b) Unlicensed personnel
C. Landlord and tenant rights and obligations E. Antitrust laws
D. Property manager’s fiduciary responsibilities 1. Antitrust laws and purpose
E. ADA and Fair Housing compliance in property 2. Antitrust violations in real estate
F. Setting rents and lease rates (MANAGING XI. Real estate calculations (Broker 10%; Managing
BROKER ONLY) Broker 8%)
A. Basic math concepts
IX. Transfer of Title (Broker 8%; Managing Broker 1. Loan-to-value ratios
7%) 2. Discount points
A. Title Insurance 3. Equity

4. Down payment/amount to be financed III. Disclosures (Broker 10 items; Managing Broker 8
B. Calculations for transactions items)
1. Property tax calculations A. Agency
2. Prorations 1. Designated agencies
3. Commission and commission splits a. Seller
4. Seller’s proceeds of sale b. Buyer
5. Buyer funds needed at closing c. Dual
6. Transfer fee/conveyance tax/revenue B. Advertising
stamps C. Property disclosures
7. PITI (Principal, Interest, Taxes and 1. Residential Real Property Disclosure Act
Insurance) payments 2. AIDS (HIV)
C. Calculations for valuation, rate of return 3. Stigmatized property
(MANAGING BROKER ONLY) 4. Material defects
1. Net operating income
2. Depreciation IV. Managing Broker (ONLY) Topics (6 items)
3. Capitalization rate A. Managing Broker responsibilities
4. Gross Rent and gross income multipliers B. Special accounts
C. Examination of records
D. Corporation/partnership/limited liability
E. Commercial Broker Lien Act

I. Licensing Requirements (Broker 10 items;

A. License exemptions
B. Activities requiring a license I. Definitions and Laws Governing Contracts and
C. Types of licenses Leases
1. Broker A. General Definitions
2. Managing Broker 1. Real vs. Personal Property
3. Leasing Agent 2. Leases and Rental Agreements
D. Personal assistants 3. Terms Related to Leasing and Contracts
E. Eligibility for licensing, including sponsor card B. Contract Law
F. Examination C. Lease Agreements
G. License renewal 1. Essential Elements
H. Continuing education 2. Statute of Frauds
I. Change in licensee information 3. Common Provisions
J. Reciprocity 4. Applications, Credit Reports, and
K. Real Estate Recovery Fund Background Checks
D. Handling of Monies and Documents
II. Laws and Rules Regulating Real Estate Practice 1. Fiduciary Obligations
(Broker 20 items; Managing Broker 18 items) 2. Deposits and Accounts
A. Purpose of license law 3. Recordkeeping Requirements
B. Advertising (other than disclosure)
C. Broker/broker relationship II. Laws Governing Fair Housing, Leasing, and
D. Commissions Owner/Tenant Relationships
1. Finder’s fee/referral fee A. Civil Right Acts
2. Rental finding services B. Federal, State, and Local Fair Housing Acts
E. Ownership issues C. Discrimination Laws
1. Land trust D. Anti-Drug Laws
2. Homestead E. Government Assisted Housing Programs
F. Handling of monies F. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
1. Special accounts G. Owner/Tenant Relationships
2. Security deposits 1. Occupancy Standards and Regulations
G. Handling of documents 2. Risk Management: Liabilities and
H. Performing activities exceeding scope of real Insurance
estate licensing 3. Owner’s Obligations and Remedies
1. Law 4. Tenant’s Obligations and Remedies
2. Securities 5. Renewals and Terminations
I. Transfer tax stamps/affordable housing
J. Intestacy III. Real Estate License Act of 2000
K. Legal description/Plat Act A. Purpose, Authority, and Administration of the
L. Real estate taxes and exemptions Act
M. Illinois Human Rights Act B. Leasing Activities
N. Interference with contracts or listings C. Licensing, Education, and Examination
D. Issuance, Renewal, and Termination of

1. License Maintenance E. Which of the following single-family residences would get
2. Continuing Education the MOST accurate appraisal by applying the reproduction
3. Change in License Information cost approach to value?
E. License Conduct
1. Agency Definitions and Requirements 1. A rental property.
2. Advertising Requirements 2. A vacant property.
3. Misrepresentation 3. A new property.
F. Disciplinary Provisions 4. An historic property.
1. Violations
Answers to Sample Broker Questions:
2. License Refusal, Suspension, Revocation
3. Fines, and Other Sanctions A: 1; B: 2; C: 4; D: 1; E: 4
G. Leasing Agent/Broker Relationships, including

PSI Managing Broker National Real Estate Examination

The following questions are offered as examples of the types of IMPORTANT
questions you will be asked during the course of the National
Real Estate Broker and Managing Broker examinations. They are Test questions appear on the screen ONE AT A TIME. A question
intended primarily to familiarize you with the style and format may have an associated graphic displayed on the screen, or it
of questions you can expect to find in the examinations. The may direct the candidate to reference material, such as a chart
examples do NOT represent the full range of content or difficulty or diagram.
levels found in the actual examinations.
Each question may contain up to EIGHT options and ONLY ONE
SAMPLE QUESTIONS BEST option shall be selected to answer the question. Some
options are appropriate but NOT the BEST ANSWER. Please
A. Which of the following interests in property is held by a select the option that best answers the question in the exam.
person who is granted a lifetime use of a property that will A BEST ANSWER reflects the optimal solution or most complete
be transferred to a third party upon the death of the resolution to the scenario presented in the question.
lifetime user?
1. A life estate. Scenario:
2. A remainder estate.
3. An estate for years. You are hosting an open house. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin
4. A reversionary estate. come into the house. You greet them and show them the
house. The Martins tell you the house is exactly what they are
B. Which of the following statements BEST identifies the looking for and they are very interested in purchasing it. You
meaning of the term, “rescission of a contract”? then give them information showing the various types of
financing available with down payment options and projected
1. A ratification of a contract by all parties. payments.
2. A return of all parties to their condition before the
contract was executed. Mr. Martin tells you they have been working with Mary
3. A transfer or assignment of a particular responsibility Hempstead of XX Realty, a competing real estate company.
from one of the parties to another. Before leaving, you thank them for coming and give them your
4. A review of the contract by the legal counsel of either business card.
party that may result in a cancellation without penalty
or further obligation. A. The first thing on Monday morning, Mrs. Martin calls and
indicates they have tried to reach Mary and cannot. They
C. Which of the following clauses in a mortgage allows the indicate they have a written buyer’s agent agreement with
lender to demand loan repayment if a borrower sells the Mary’s broker. They are afraid someone else is going to
property? buy the house. Which of the following should you do?
Select the best answer.
1. Defeasance
2. Prepayment 1. Seek advice from your supervising broker.
3. Acceleration 2. Tell them to come to your office.
4. Alienation 3. Ask them to bring the buyer’s agency agreement to you
for your interpretation.
D. How much cash MUST a buyer furnish in addition to a $2,500 4. Tell them to be patient and continue trying to reach
deposit if the lending institution grants a 90% loan on an Mary.
$80,000 property? 5. Tell them to call Mary’s supervising broker or branch
1. $5,500. manager.
2. $6,975. 6. Tell them you are really sorry, but there is nothing you
3. $7,450. can do.
4. None of the above.

B. The Martins come to your office and explain that neither
Mary nor her supervising broker are available. They insist
you immediately write an offer for the house. How should
you proceed? Select the best answer.
1. Write the offer after entering into a buyer’s broker
agreement with them.
2. Write the offer after explaining they may owe Mary’s
broker a commission.
3. Write the offer after trying to contact Mary’s broker
4. Refuse to write an offer and explain that doing so would
be unethical.
5. Refuse to write and offer since it would be illegal.
6. Refuse to write the offer and tell the Martins to contact
another Broker in Mary’s office.

Answers (Points) to Sample Principal Broker Questions:

A. 1 (2 points), 2 (1 point), 3 (0 point)

4 (0 point), 5 (1 point) , 6 (0 point)

B. 1 (1 point), 2 (2 points), 3 (1 point)

4 (0 point), 5 (0 point) , 6 (0 point))


❑ Attorney Qualification

Persons qualifying under Attorney Qualification must include a photocopy of their current Illinois attorney registration
pocket card certificate, along with this form and the following Audit Form (next page) emailed to

1. Name ___________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Cell Phone _________________________________ Social Security Number___________________________________

4. Birth Date _________________________________

5. Real Estate Education Program Completed

School Name:_______________________________________________ Code:___________ Graduation Date:___________________

6. Prelicense Education and Documentation

I have read the license requirements and qualifications on pages 1-3 of this bulletin and have completed the requirements
indicated and enclosed any documentation. Yes No

7. Examination (select one):

❑ Broker Both Portions $58 ❑ Managing Broker Both Portions $58

❑ Broker State Portion only $58 ❑ Managing Broker State Portion only $58

❑ Broker National Portion only $58 ❑ Managing Broker National Portion only $58

Check one: ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express ❑ Discover

Card No: ______________________________________________________ Exp. Date: ________________________________

The card verification number may be located on the back of the card (the last
Card Verification No: __________________ three digits on the signature strip) or on the front of the card (the four digits
to the right and above the card account number).

Billing Street Address: _________________________________________________________ Billing Zip Code: __________________

Cardholder Name (Print):_______________________________________ Signature:__________________________________

RELEASE: I give PSI my permission to release my name and address to real estate schools, Managing Brokers or other interested
parties who request them. Yes No



All examination centers are equipped to provide access in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.

Applicants with disabilities or those who would otherwise have difficulty taking the examination should request for alternative
arrangements by Clicking Here.

Requirements for exam accommodation requests:

You are required to submit documentation from the medical authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis. Verification
must be uploaded to PSI on the letterhead stationery of the authority or specialist and include the following:
❑ Description of the disability and limitations related to testing
❑ Recommended accommodation/modification
❑ Name, title and telephone number of the medical authority or specialist
❑ Original signature of the medical authority or specialist



PSI Services LLC
3210 E Tropicana
Las Vegas, NV 89121

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