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Customer Satisfaction with E-wallet Services in

Young Adults in Imus, Cavite

Background of the Study
During the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in January 2020, there was a big increase

in worldwide mobile payment usage as fears were raised that currency may become a carrier for

the virus, increasing the pandemic's spread.

People want a fast, easy-to-use, secure, and seamless payment experience. This is where

mobile wallets come in. There are many electronic wallets available today, people avoid

spending cash in stores to secure social distance, and many instead use smartphones. Young

adults also use electronic wallets to meet their needs and firmly believe that mobile payments

are  the norm and  the preferred payment method for domestic and online merchants.

The primary goal of promoting mobile payment services is to empower individuals

through digital means, minimize intermediation, and make society cashless, paperless, and

faceless. Mobile payments services are extremely important in the twenty-first century, because

in this digital world, everyone has a phone, and with just a few clicks, anyone can easily transfer

money without regard for geographical distance between payer and payee, access to paper bills,

or time constraints (Grover et al. 2017). 

Statement of the Problem

This study determines the satisfaction of the e-wallet users in Imus City, Cavite. 
Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions.

1. What e-wallet service is mostly used by the respondents?

2. What is the level of satisfaction of respondents to e-wallet services

2. 1. performance, 

2.2. ease of use, 

2.3. security/privacy, 

2.4. credibility, and 

2.5 assurance

3. What satisfaction factor has the highest satisfaction rate?

4. What satisfaction factor has the lowest satisfaction rate?

Scope and Delimitation 

Our study includes the factors of satisfaction in performance, ease of use,

security/privacy, credibility, and assurance in e-wallets. E-wallets are the ability to send money

easily and conveniently, as well as execute quick and easy transactions, regardless of one's

location or possession of physical tokens such as cash or credit cards, resulting in satisfaction. E-

wallets enable transactions in the absence or failure of alternative payment solutions due to their

great accessibility and convenience. It interprets consumer satisfaction as a positive reaction.

Consumer happiness is one of the most essential factors that might influence the establishment of

experienced customer intentions to utilize services again in the future. Our study did not include

the concerns or issues that users have while using e-wallets.

Significance of the Study
This study will provide an insightful understanding of the Factors that Lead to Customer

Satisfaction with E-wallet Services in Young Adults in Imus, Cavite. The results of the study

will be useful in the following:

E-wallet Services / Companies. This study will help e-wallets services to further improve what

features will be added to what their customer wants and let them know how satisfied their

customers are with their services so that they can focus more on improving the features in e-


E-Wallet Users. This study can improve the users skills and learnings about e-wallets. In today's

era of high technology, more and more people are using things that make it easier for them to

make. Most prefer to use e-wallets to facilitate money transactions. Once they try the e-wallet,

they will not stop using it and they will even recommend it to those who want to speed up the

money transaction. This will help increase the number of e-wallet users. 

Future Researchers. This research will benefit the next generation's youth. They may be able to

teach future generations how to make money transactions go more smoothly. This will help our

researcher develop their skills, and they will have no problems with transactions.

Literature Review

People who claimed they were in a domestic partnership or civil union were the most

likely to have used a digital wallet in the previous year out of all the relationship statuses (78%).

People who were single but cohabiting with a significant other came in second for the greatest
digital wallet adoption rate (77%). Given the high percentage of millennials that fit into this

category, this should come as no surprise.

According to Phoung (2020), because there are so many electronic wallets, mobile

payments are becoming increasingly popular. Electronic wallets are a type of modern financial

trading model that allows you to keep your money intangible while trading effectively on your

smartphone without danger of losing vital data. The need for services, particularly in the

financial industry, has expanded dramatically as a result of the economy's quick and strong


As stated by Nag & Gilitwala (2019), mobile payments will become the most convenient

payment option, displacing traditional payment methods. Making daily purchases on your phone

is faster, easier, and more convenient. Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, security /

privacy, confidence, social influence, and reliability are the five characteristics chosen for the


According to Prasad (2019), the e-wallet solution has a good association with customer

satisfaction, while the e-wallet problem has a negative relationship.

As state by Kolandaisamy and Subaramaniam (2020), consumer needs for payments have

changed dramatically. E-wallet has great potential in the e-commerce market. More and more

users prefer E-wallet transactions instead of using cash. The results show that awareness is

important for users to reduce the negative effects of electronic wallets.

According to Sardar (2016), as mobile wallets become more widespread outside of major

cities, the electronic payment system will create massive amounts of data on people's purchasing

habits in these places. Most ecommerce businesses provide discounts on digital wallets.
In relation to our study, Nguyen et al. (2021) observe that people are afraid of new

coronavirus that can spread through physical currencies. It forces them to use e-wallets. The

current study reviews the literature by analyzing the impact of perceived risks, government

support, and benefits on the tendency of customers to use electronic wallets in the event of

COVID 19 due to lack of research on the subject. 


This study has gathered literature/studies that provide information about the Factors of E-

wallets in Customer Satisfaction of Young Adults. As stated, e-wallet users show how E-wallet

work in today's world in this study. To make a payment, an E-wallet must be linked to the user's

bank account, just like a credit or debit card. The key advantage of utilizing an E-wallet is that it

eliminates the need for paper money and makes transactions easier. Using a digital wallet, it can

provide a more convenient payment experience. People no longer have to go out of the house to

pay house bills, especially as the country is facing a pandemic, so the e-wallet is also becoming

more convenient for people.

Conceptual Framework


ease of use

E-Wallets security/privacy E-Wallet Users Customer Satisfaction


Figure 1. E-wallet factors leading to customer satisfaction

It shows the conceptual framework of this study. It explores the relationship of e-wallet

between the five factors such as performance, ease of use, security/privacy, credibility, and

assurance towards E-wallet users to customers satisfaction.

The five factors of the e-wallet are expected to have a positive significant relationship with

Customer Satisfaction with E-wallet Services in Young Adults. Furthermore, performance was

projected to relationship the association between effort expectancy and e-wallet transaction

behavioral intention.

Theoretical Framework


Research Design

To determine the factors that lead to consumer satisfaction with E-wallet services, this

research will use a descriptive study design under a quantitative research type. Quantitative

research is the process of gathering and evaluating numerical data. It may be used to find

patterns and averages, generate predictions, evaluate causal connections, and extrapolate results

to bigger populations. (Creswell, 2013). 

Descriptive research, on the other hand, refers to approaches that characterize the features

of the variables being studied.  It is a sophisticated research tool that lets a researcher collect data

and use statistical analysis to examine the demographics of that data. (Voxco, 2021).

This study will take a descriptive method because they seek to define and explain the

characteristics of the population and phenomenon being examined.

Respondents of the Study
Young Adults in Imus, Cavite who are satisfied with E-wallet services are the

respondents in this study. The respondent should be familiar with how E-wallet services are


The study's participants will be young adults who are both male and female. Because they are of

legal age to utilize an E-wallet, these folks are the best candidates to answer this topic.

Sampling Technique
Simple Random Sampling Technique will be used in this study to choose the participants.

Simple random sampling is defined as a sampling technique in which each element of the

population has an equal chance and probability of being selected in the sample and researchers

will randomly select participants for this study.

Research Instrument

Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Treatment of Data
Survey Questionnaire

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